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The distribution patterns of mangrove Bruguiera gvmnorrhiza populations in southern China are analyzed using the box-counting method of fractal theory.The patterns of B.gymnorrhiza populations could be thought of as fractals as they exhibit self-similarity within the range of seale considered.Their fractal dimensions are not integer but fractional.ranging from 1.04 to 1.51.The unoccupied dimensions change from 0.49 to 0.96.The combined conditions of population density.pattern type and aggregation intensity together influence the values of fractal dimensions of patterns.The box counting is a useful and efficient method to investigate the complexity of patterns.Fractal dimension may be a most desirable and appropriate index for quantifying the horizontal spatial microstructure and fractal behaviors of patterns over a certain range of scales.  相似文献   

The probability of fractal determination of coastal types based on GIS is preliminarily discussed with China as an example. Finally, some significant conclusions are drawn: (1) The fractal dimension of coastline of the bedrock coast is larger than that of the plain coast on the same scale map; (2) As far as the bedrock coast is concerned, the larger fractal dimension of coastline of the bedrock coast on the same scale map indicates that the bedrock coast is probably not typical; (3) As far as the plain coast is concerned, the smaller fractal dimension of coastline of the plain coast on the same scale map indicates that it is probably the silt plain coast; (4) The different substantial compositions affect the fractal dimensions of coastlines of different coastal types. In general, the coast which lies in the north of the Hangzhou Bay consists of sand mainly, its surface is flat, and it is connected with the coastal plain, its landform is broad shoal, its total change is comparatively homogenous in the tidal dynamic process, and thus, the relatively smaller fractal dimension of coastline results from this. For the bedrock coast, there is more bedrock, the coastline is comparatively smooth and straight, being affected by the faults and ocean dynamic process, which result in the larger fractal dimension.  相似文献   

基于 TOGA- TAO锚定于热带太平洋海区的 53个浮标站 1994年冬季海表温度 ( SST)资料 ,采用多种分析非线性动力系统的方法。如谱分析 ,相空间重构法等 ,以及计算描述混沌行为的重要指标 ,如分维数、L yapunov指数等 ,对热带太平洋是否存在混沌现象进行判别分析。发现在热带太平洋 130°W至 12 0°W之间存在强混沌区 ,在西边界附近也存在混沌区。但通过吸引子的相型可以看出热带东太平洋与西太平洋是不同性质的非线性动力系统 ,导致系统出现混沌现象的原因可能是不同的。  相似文献   

高华根 《台湾海峡》1994,13(2):198-203
本文用模糊时间分维方法探讨了台湾地区地震活动的时间分布规律。结果发现,“大地震”活动的时间序列与分维持征间有良好对应关系。台湾东,西地震带自本纪纪以来划分的4个“大地震”活动高潮时段前,都有一段时显维过程。可以认为,分维特征较好地反映了台湾地区的中长期地震活动趋势。  相似文献   

According to the fractal theory,the spatial fractal character of coastline is preliminarily dis-cussed on the basis of GIS in this paper.Two aspects are considered:one is the length demarcation ofcoastline with different scales,and the other is the confirmation of existence of the fractal character on dif-ferent boundaries of tidal flats.Finally,some significant conclusions are drawn:(1)The coastline ofJiangsu Province has the fractal character and its dimension is 1.0696.(2)It conforms to the exponentialcorrelation between different lengths(L)of coastline and scales(k).It conforms to the formula lgL(k)=-1.029lgk+2.9544 in the continental coastline of Jiangsu province.(3)Different boundaries of a tidal flathave fractal characters,and different fractal dimensions indicate different comparative intensities of ero-sion and deposition on the tidal flat.(4)The reciprocity between land and sea may affect the value offractal dimension of a coastline,just as the lithology,substantial constituent and geological s  相似文献   

《Journal of Sea Research》1999,41(1-2):87-95
In situ instruments, particularly the instrument INSSEV (in situ settling velocity) have given new information on the sizes, settling velocities and effective densities of individual flocs within the spectrum of distribution. The low-density macroflocs (diameter >∼150 μm) contain a mixture of organic and inorganic constituents that become separated when the flocs are disrupted to form microflocs. Representation of the floc characteristics in terms of fractals reveals a range of fractal dimensions representing the distributions varying between 1 and 3, instead of the ideal value of 2. Measurements in estuarine turbidity maxima and on intertidal mudflats show that the fractal dimension is less than 2 in situations where turbulent shearing causes disruption of the flocs. At the same time increasing suspended sediment concentration tends to increase the fractal dimension. Measurements of size using an in situ Malvern sizer show that the floc size distribution is also affected by both turbulent energy dissipation and by concentration. Complementary laboratory studies suggest that, at a constant concentration, flocculation is enhanced by low shear, but that disruption occurs at higher shear. These experiments confirm the relationship between fractal dimension, shear stress and concentration.  相似文献   

The application of the fractal geometry in the study of sea-floor volcano   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Theapplicationofthefractalgeometryinthestudyofsea-floorvolcanoTaoChunhui,JinXianglong,LuWenzhengandHuaZugen(ReceivedOctober4,...  相似文献   

李爽  詹文欢  姚衍桃 《海洋通报》2019,38(2):210-216
分维数是反映海岸线复杂程度的客观依据。结合国内外海岸线分形研究进展,本文以漠阳江入海口附近海域为研究区,基于Landsat 8 OLI遥感影像对研究区域提取瞬时水边线,并利用潮汐数据进行校正得到海岸线;利用Fractal Fox2.0计算获得该海岸线的分维数为1.071;通过对研究区的分形机制分析,认为漠阳江附近的断裂构造对海岸起宏观控制作用,从而对海岸线的分维值也起了决定作用。根据断裂体系模型计算得到西侧海岸线的理论分维值为1.089,而对数螺线模型计算得到东侧海岸线的分维值为1.171;实际分维值相对理论值偏小,说明海岸带的沉积与侵蚀影响了分维值。此外,根据本区海岸侵蚀原因的分析,对分维机制进行了探究,初步论证的分维值大小可为海岸的冲淤变化研究提供参考。  相似文献   

对南海69柱样粒度数据分析表明,晚更新世以来,粒度在0,2~11um的标度范围内具有分形特征,粒度分维值为1.72~2.02,平均1.84。与同期亚北极B2-9柱地层对比,69柱粒度分维值明显比B2—9柱的高,B2—9柱的粒度在0,2~16um标度范围内具有分形特征,粒度分维值为1.74~1.79,平均1.77。同一柱样不同时期粒度分维值明显不同,南海69柱氧同位素1期(冰后期)为1.88,氧同位素2期(冰期)为1.81,温暖的冰后期粒度分维值高且变化幅度大,寒冷的冰期粒度分维值低且变化幅度小,表明粒度分维值对沉积物的形成环境演化具有良好的指示意义。  相似文献   

An assessment of the multibeam sonar data of the central Western Continental Margins of India has been carried out to evaluate the seafloor geomorphology and processes by examining the geomorphological attributes e.g., slope, sediments, structures, etc. associated with geomorphic features. The variation in relief and the features located in the region have been mapped and interpreted collectively by utilizing several geospatial mapping tools. The backscatter strength across the area, apparently congruent with the local relief, has helped to examine the sediment movement on the seafloor. The prominent features found in the region include faults, pockmarks, mounds, submarine terraces, and submerged fossil reefs. Several areas with varying topography engender comparable fractal dimension at short scale breaks, and the probability density functions (PDFs) utilizing backscatter data depicting overlapping classes. The present study highlights how fractals and scale break parameters can be utilized to determine the seafloor processes and associated sedimentological dynamics in a complex geographical environment with strong bottom currents, seasonal upwelling, and faulted structure. The role and impact of the various geomorphic processes on the reworking of sediment movement and the overall progression of the seafloor morphology has been revealed for the first time in this part of the ocean bottom.  相似文献   

胶州湾海岸线历史变迁的分形分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
使用网格法以1987-2006年间5景经过精确校正的Landsat-TM遥感图像为基本资料,计算出了胶州湾海岸线的分形维数,其值为1.090 1(1987年),1.090 3(1992年),1.082 9(1997年),1.076 2(2003年)和1.080 1(2006年).结果表明,1987-2006年胶州湾海岸线分形维数先后经历了缓慢增大、减小、再增大的三个变化阶段.胶州湾较大规模的海岸工程是其岸线分形维数减小的主要原因,而较小规模的海岸工程和自然过程则是其分形维数增大的原因.  相似文献   

海面水温与台风关系的分形分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用分形方法分析了西北太平洋53个坐标点1949-1975年多年逐月平均海面水温资料,结果表明西北太平洋逐月平均海面水温呈分形分布,而且其分维数D与台风总数有关,即D值高的月份台风总数也多。  相似文献   

借助GIS ArcView软件分析提取黑潮锋区域,将一定间隔的经纬度点的温度值生成等值线以此为研究对象,应用网格法计算了20°~30°N,120°~130°E范围内黑潮锋区50m和100m深处水温的分维值,100m深处的分维值波动较50m深处小,但整体上分维值较50m深处大。计算结果符合黑潮锋区强度的实际分布情况,初步认为分形维数能够表征黑潮锋强度,分维值随黑潮锋强度的增大而增大。  相似文献   

海岸线是分形领域最传统的研究课题 ,但是在目前的海岸线研究中却忽略了一个重要且根本性的问题 ,那就是海岸线分维数不同计算方法之间是否存在着一定的差异 ,根据不同计算方法计算所得的分维数之间是否具有可比性。在概述海岸线分维数计算方法的基础上 ,分析了它们之间的异同 ,并进行了实证研究。指出 :使用量规法、网格法计算所得海岸线分维数结果之间存在着客观的差异 ,文中利用量规法计算所得的海岸线分维数结果大于使用网格法计算所得的海岸线分维数结果。  相似文献   

差异水动力导致黄河口粉质土微结构分形特征变化实例研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在黄河三角洲北部潮坪上选择典型研究区。区内通向油井的道路的修建使北侧水动力条件明显强于南侧。对两侧原状土样进行粒度成分测试和微观结构观测,并利用分形理论进行分析。结果发现,在水动力作用强区中,粒度分维值随深度的变化曲线大致呈反“S”型,颗粒分布分维值随深度单调递增(表层除外),颗粒定向性分维值随深度的变化曲线呈“S”型;在水动力作用弱区,粒度分维值和颗粒分布分维值随深度单调增大,颗粒定向性分维值随深度的变化曲线呈平缓的反“S”型。这些参数的变化较好地反映了不同深度处沉积物的层化现象。  相似文献   

分形理论在空间网络分布特征研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许志海  翟京生 《海洋测绘》2005,25(6):26-28,33
探讨了以图论为基础的空间网络的测度方法,以及以分形理论为基础的表达空间网络分布特征的几种分维数,并阐述了各种分维数的地理意义,最后对于分维数的测算进行了评述.  相似文献   

基于分形维数的环渤海地区海岸线变迁及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用遥感和GIS技术提取了环渤海地区1980年、1990年、2000年和2010年4期海岸线信息,采用网格法计算每期海岸线的分形维数;分析了海岸线及其分形维数的时空变化特征、并探讨了其与海岸开发活动之间的关系。研究表明:在1980—2010年间,研究区海岸线长度持续增加,变化强度逐渐增大,海岸线共增加了1 074.35 km;从时间过程看,2000年以后海岸线长度进入快速增长时期;从区域范围看,以天津市和河北省所在的渤海湾地区海岸线的变迁最显著。研究期间,环渤海地区海岸线整体向海推进,海岸线分形维数逐渐增大,岸线形状趋于复杂。人为的海岸开发活动是海岸线变迁的主导因素,2000年之前海岸开发以围垦养殖、盐田为主;之后,港口码头建设和城镇建设型的海岸工程逐渐增多。海岸线的分形维数与海岸带的物质组成与演变过程有直接关系,大量规模不等的海岸工程的建设是海岸线分形维数变化的主导因素。  相似文献   

Diverse aspects of stochastic processes, time-series analysis, fractal geometry, and manufacturing technology are brought together to provide a unified theoretical framework for the mathematical characterization and physical fabrication of scale-model representations of the rough ocean bottom. These scale models can be used to validate the predictions of interface-scattering theories, particularly those relating to the dependence of scattering strength on roughness parameters. In acoustical oceanography, rough surfaces are conventionally described in terms of power-spectral density (PSD) or fractal dimension. Here, recently developed concepts describing modified power-law PSD and approximately self-affine stochastic fractals are used to account for issues of finite sample size and finite manufacturing resolution. The large- and small- bandwidth restrictions that these issues inherently impose are related to their effects on the properties of surfaces as characterized both mathematically and by visual observation. This development provides the groundwork for numerical generation of surfaces, using spectral methods, and their physical manufacture, using computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) techniques. Effects of the spectral method of numerical generation on the statistics of generated topography are detailed. A manufacturing technique using a computer numerically controlled (CNC) milling machine is discussed and topography-specific guidelines for accurate manufacture of rough surfaces are prescribed.  相似文献   

李荣峰 《台湾海峡》1999,18(2):147-153
本文根据广义分维方法,分析计算了1972年以来福及其周边地区ML≥5.0级地震,台湾地区Ms≥7.0级地震前后小震活动广义时间分维和广义空间分维的变化特征。结果表明,闽台两地中强震前普遍存在着Dt,Ds的低值异常,福建地区中强震前2a左右完成降维过程,而台湾地区则有强震前1a左右结束异常。  相似文献   

利用遥感影像和GIS技术相结合获取福建省1995、2001、2010、2017年共4期海岸线的时空分布情况,并结合网格法计算各时期海岸线的分形维数,结合获取数据分析海岸线的时空变化特征、海岸线长度变化与分形维数变化之间的关系以及影响海岸线变化的原因。结果表明:1995—2017年福建省海岸线长度呈持续增加趋势,共增加388.99 km。从时间方面来看,2010年之后海岸线长度进入快速增长时期,其中2010—2017年是海岸线长度变化最显著的时期;从区域上来看,以宁德和莆田岸线变化最强烈,其他地市相对较稳定。1995—2017年研究区海岸线分形维数总体呈现先增加后减小趋势,其中宁德、福州、泉州分形维数变化比其他地市要复杂。研究区历史海岸线长度变化与分形维数变化之间存在着一定的相关关系,对各地市海岸线长度变化与分形维数变化统计分析表明,总体来看局部海岸线长度的增加或减小会导致整体海岸线分形维数增大或减小,且呈正比例变化。对1995—2017年研究区各时段海岸线变化对应的面积汇总情况来看,人类活动是影响研究区海岸线变化的主要原因,与人类活动相比,自然变化如河口淤积与侵蚀等对海岸线影响较小。  相似文献   

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