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我国近岸海域富营养化评价新方法及应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
参考目前国际上被广泛应用的第2代富营养化评价方法体系,结合我国近岸海域生态环境特点和监测资料现状,建立了一种以压力-状态-响应模式为基本框架、以富营养化症状为主的第2代近岸海域富营养化评价体系。实际应用结果表明,应用本方法得出的长江口海域富营养化状况评价结论,与目前国外主流评价方法的评价结论一致,而且本方法具有评价指标代表性强、数据资料易得、评价标准有据、方法简便易行等优点。  相似文献   

参考目前国际上被广泛应用的第2代富营养化评价方法体系,结合我国近岸海域生态环境特点和监测资料现状,建立了一种以压力-状态-响应模式为基本框架、以富营养化症状为主的第2代近岸海域富营养化评价体系。实际应用结果表明,应用本方法得出的长江口海域富营养化状况评价结论,与目前国外主流评价方法的评价结论一致,而且本方法具有评价指标代表性强、数据资料易得、评价标准有据、方法简便易行等优点。  相似文献   

辽东湾东南海域富营养化评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
河口和近海富营养化是困扰世界沿海国家的一个环境问题.以辽东湾东南部的红沿河海域为例,运用国内目前常用的富营养化评价(NQI)方法与新一代综合评价(欧盟OS-PAR-COMPP)方法对研究海域富营养化程度进行了评价,并探讨了2种富营养化评价方法的利弊.  相似文献   

海洋环境管理从以往单纯的海洋污染管理已发展到当前的海洋生态环境综合管理。相应地,海洋环境质量评价也从以往单一的污染状况评价(包括水质、沉积物和生物体)发展到海洋生态环境质量综合评价。重点介绍了2种有代表性并被广泛应用的河口和沿岸海域生态环境质量综合评价方法———欧盟的“生态状况评价综合方法”和美国的“沿岸海域状况综合评价”。比较和评析了2种方法的异同和优缺点。建议尽快建立适合中国河口和沿岸海域特点的海洋生态环境质量综合评价方法以及相应的监测和管理体系。  相似文献   

厦门海域水体富营养化状况综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2003—2012年厦门海域监测数据为基础,参考美国第二代富营养化评价方法,针对厦门海域实际监测特点并结合我国水体富营养化研究现状与评价标准,进行部分改良,使其更适用于该海域水体的富营养化状况评价。应用此评价体系,本文研究了厦门海域水体富营养化压力程度;以叶绿素a为初级症状指标、以底层溶解氧及赤潮发生状况为次级症状指标分析了水体富营养化的状态水平;并通过结合厦门海域整治、人口增长趋势、经济发展趋势以及周边营养盐入海现状等因素预测了未来厦门海域水体富营养化压力变化趋势。结果表明,厦门海域水体综合评价等级为中等富营养化程度,其中压力等级为中高、状态和响应的评价等级均为中级。该评价结果较好地反映了厦门海域水体富营养化程度、压力和症状,便于海洋管理部门对厦门海域环境容量进行监控与管理。  相似文献   

为掌握辽东湾北部海域营养盐污染状况及富营养化水平,本文基于2014—2016年夏季现场调查资料,分析了该海域无机氮、活性磷酸盐、化学需氧量和叶绿素a的时空分布特征,并建立误差逆向传播算法(Back Propagation)的人工神经网络模型对该海域富营养化水平进行评价。结果表明:受2015年夏季辽宁省干旱和2016年夏季东北地区大规模降雨的影响,辽东湾北部海域营养盐、化学需氧量和叶绿素a浓度均呈现2014年较高,2015年降低,2016年又上升的趋势。调查海域营养盐结构在2014年和2015年主要表现为磷限制,2016年调查海域北部为磷限制,南部为氮限制。BP人工神经网络的评价结果表明,调查海域夏季富营养化水平呈现2014年较为严重,2015年降低,2016年又升高的"U"型特征。富营养化程度严重的区域主要出现在大辽河口、辽河口及其近岸海域。大辽河口富营养化程度在3年夏季均保持较高水平,其中2014年和2016年与辽河口富营养化水平相当,而2015年远高于辽东湾北部其他海域。BP人工神经网络在进行富营养化评价过程中,能够综合考虑各评价指标对海水富营养化的贡献率,避免对营养盐的过度依赖,同时减少评价过程中的主观误差,是一种更加客观合理的富营养化评价方法。  相似文献   

根据2000~2009年胶州湾海水监测资料,选用单项指标分析和富营养化指数法,对胶州湾海域以及主要河口区营养水平进行评价。结果表明,胶州湾水质较差,无机氮严重超标,N/P值为62.7,呈现高N低P状况,整个海域呈中度-重度富营养状态。主要河口海域无机氮(IN)严重超标,富营养化程度高,其中墨水河口为严重富营养,楼山河口为重度富营养。  相似文献   

通过回顾近几十年来多位学者针对辽东湾海域富营养化开展的研究工作,提出将层次分析法应用到辽东湾海域富营养化评价当中,建立一套指标评价体系.根据各评价因子的层次关系构造判断矩阵,应用Matlab 6.5计算软件编程,确定各指标的权重,建立以富营养化水化因素和生态因素两方面指标为基础的综合评价指数模型,对辽东湾海域富营养化进行综合评价.  相似文献   

文章以2013年4月底和11月中旬对盐城大丰港周边海域开展的海域水质现状调查结果为依据,分析讨论了该海域富营养化指数和营养状态质量指数的分布现状。结果显示:春秋两季富营养化指数范围分别为3.34~13.70、1.66~15.96,平均值为7.70和6.35;春秋两季营养状态质量指数范围分别为3.35~9.80、2.93~6.03,平均值为4.69和4.09;富营养化指数与营养状态质量指数分布总体呈现由西向东递减,王港河河口附近有高值区,说明大丰港海域营养盐主要还是受陆源污染影响;两种评价方法显示大丰海域的富营养化程度的趋势基本一致,即大丰港海域富营养化程度较高,水质状况较差;利用N∶P摩尔比值进行潜在性富营养化评价中发现,大丰港海域水体中无机氮水平较高,活性磷酸盐的含量相对不足,大丰港周边海域属磷限制潜在性富营养水平。  相似文献   

为进一步丰富符合中国国情的多参数水质富营养化综合评价方法体系,本文在确立富营养化评价指标体系的基础上,通过对不同富营养化模糊判别方法的比较,从富营养化症状和近海生态系统的响应角度出发,确定并建立了"致害因素-效应"框架下的基于熵最大化原理的二级模糊评判方法。不同评价方法对中国典型河口——长江口及邻近海域富营养化程度的评价结果显示,基于熵最大化原理的二级模糊评价模型所得结果最符合以逼近理想解排序所得的合理营养等级,并且在对各种方法所得评价结果进行理想解的接近度以及广义距离排序时,基于熵最大化的二级评价模型均排在较前的位置,可知该模型的评价结果最接近研究海域水环境系统各指标的实际情况,具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

Measurements of sub-surface light attenuation (Kd), Secchi depth and suspended particulate material (SPM) were made at 382 locations in transitional, coastal and offshore waters around the United Kingdom (hereafter UK) between August 2004 and December 2005. Data were analysed statistically in relation to a marine water typology characterised by differences in tidal range, mixing and salinity. There was a strong statistically significant linear relationship between SPM and Kd for the full data set. We show that slightly better results are obtained by fitting separate models to data from transitional waters and coastal and offshore waters combined. These linear models were used to predict Kd from SPM. Using a statistic (D) to quantify the error of prediction of Kd from SPM, we found an overall prediction error rate of 23.1%. Statistically significant linear relationships were also evident between the log of Secchi depth and the log of Kd in waters around the UK. Again, statistically significant improvements were obtained by fitting separate models to estuarine and combined coastal/offshore data – however, the prediction error was improved only marginally, from 31.6% to 29.7%. Prediction was poor in transitional waters (D = 39.5%) but relatively good in coastal/offshore waters (D = 26.9%).SPM data were extracted from long term monitoring data sites held by the UK Environment Agency. The appropriate linear models (estuarine or combined coastal/offshore) were applied to the SPM data to obtain representative Kd values from estuarine, coastal and offshore sites. Estuarine waters typically had higher concentrations of SPM (8.2–73.8 mg l−1) compared to coastal waters (3.0–24.1 mg l−1) and offshore waters (9.3 mg l−1). The higher SPM values in estuarine waters corresponded to higher values of Kd (0.8–5.6 m−1). Water types that were identified by large tidal ranges and exposure typically had the highest Kd ranges in both estuarine and coastal waters. In terms of susceptibility to eutrophication, large macrotidal, well mixed estuarine waters, such as the Thames embayment and the Humber estuary were identified at least risk from eutrophic conditions due to light-limiting conditions of the water type.  相似文献   

The Changjiang River in China was dammed in 2003. The possible changes in matters fluxes from the river downstream after the completion of Three Gorges Dam and their potential impacts on the ecosystem of the East China Sea are discussed . The estuarine and coastal waters in the East China Sea were heavily fertilized by the inflow of nutrient-rich freshwater from the Changjiang River, which has led to severe eutrophication and frequent harmful algal blooms ,thus worsening the ecosystem health in this area. Analy- sis showed that the nutrient loadings are very likely to be reduced in the lower Changjiang River due to the construction of Three Gorges Dam. Especially for the total phosphorus, the discharges to the East China Sea will be reduced by one-third, which would relieve the severe eutrophication in this area. However, the expected decrease in the riverine silicate discharge would lead the ratio of silicon to nitrogen to be much less than 1 in the estuarine and coastal waters and thus may cause an elevation of flagellate growth. The changes in the annual water discharges and their seasonal distributions below the dam will be minor. Reduction of suspended particulate matter loading, due to the sedimentation behind the dam, will reduce the nutrient loadings of the particulate form especially for phosphorus, and decrease the turbidity of estuarine and coastal waters. On the other hand, this may enhance the erosion of the delta and the coasts as well as modifythe benthic ecosystem.  相似文献   

过去几十年来全球近海有害藻华(又称赤潮)发生频率持续增加。人类活动造成的河口-近海富营养化程度的加剧,被认为是导致全球有害藻华增加的主要原因。但是,富营养化程度的加剧可能不是全球有害藻华增加的惟一原因。河流入海的非营养盐类的其他物质通量变异(如泥沙),也可能显著影响河口-近海的生物活动乃至赤潮的发生。过去40年来随着长江入海营养盐通量的增加,长江入海泥沙通量减少了70%。长期观测资料显示,由于泥沙减少使得长江口羽状流区光照条件显著改善,长江口浮游植物生物量最大值区已扩展至更低盐度的区域。此外,过去40年来长江口赤潮发生频率变化与长江入海泥沙通量变化呈现镜像关系,且二者呈显著的负相关关系。因此认为,长江入海泥沙的剧烈减少降低了羽状流区水体浊度,从而对长江口区赤潮频率的增加有一定贡献。  相似文献   

中国近岸海域潜在性富营养化程度的评价   总被引:111,自引:6,他引:105  
根据近岸海域的富营养化普遍受营养盐限制的特征,提出了潜在性经的概念,并在此 提出了一种新的富营养化分级标准及相应的评价模式,运用该模式分别评价了厦门海域及中国近海的富养化程度。结果表明,厦门东海域敞 于贫营养水平,而西海域则为磷限制潜在性营养水平;与厦门西海域相近,中国近海主要河口、海湾总体上处于磷限制或磷中等限制潜在性富营养水平。  相似文献   

Typhoons regularly hit the coasts along the northern South China Sea during summer monsoon. However, little is known on the effects of typhoon-related heavy precipitation on estuarine dynamics and coastal ecosystems. We analyzed physico-chemical characteristics, and concentrations and composition of dissolved and suspended matter in the Wenchang/Wenjiao Estuary (WWE) on the tropical island of Hainan, China, prior to and after typhoon Kammuri in August 2008. Before the typhoon, the estuary displayed vertical and horizontal gradients. High nutrient inputs from agriculture and widespread aquaculture were to a large extent converted into biomass inside the estuarine lagoon resulting in low export of nutrients to coastal waters and a mainly autochthonous origin of total suspended matter (TSM). Heavy typhoon-associated precipitation increased river runoff, which moved the location of the estuarine salinity gradient seaward. It resulted in an export of dissolved and particulate matter to coastal waters one day after the typhoon. Dissolved nutrients increased by up to an order of magnitude and TSM increased approximately twofold compared to pre-typhoon values. Lower δ13Corg and δ15N and elevated C/N ratios of TSM together with lower chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations indicated an increased contribution of terrestrial material originating from typhoon-induced soil erosion. Local uptake of excess nutrients inside the lagoon was inhibited because of reduced water transparency and the lack of phytoplankton, which had been washed out by the initial freshwater pulse. Two weeks after the typhoon, TSM concentration and composition had almost returned to pre-typhoon conditions. However, physico-chemical properties and nutrients were still different from pre-typhoon conditions indicating that the estuarine system had not fully recovered. Unusually high chl a concentrations in the coastal zone indicated a phytoplankton bloom resulting from the typhoon-induced nutrient export. The typhoon-induced flushing of the WWE resulted in hyposalinity, reduced water transparency, siltation, as well as temporary eutrophication of coastal waters. These are physiological stressors, which are known to impair the performance of adjacent seagrass meadows and coral reefs. The predicted increase in typhoon frequency and intensity will lead to a frequently recurring exposure of coastal ecosystems to these threats, particularly in the South China Sea region where aquaculture is widespread and tropical cyclone frequency is at a maximum.  相似文献   

徐兆礼 《海洋与湖沼》2009,40(6):793-798
根据1959年和2002年在长江口海域28°00'—32°00'N,122°00'—123°30'E海域4个季节8个航次海洋调查资料,分析长江口夜光藻丰度的平面分布和季节变化特征。并结合同步的温度资料进行曲线拟合,构造数学模型,计算最适温度。结合夜光藻分布特征、生态类群,比较不同年间夜光藻丰度变化趋势,分析长江口富营养化趋势对夜光藻丰度的影响。结果表明,夜光藻出现率和平均丰度均表现为春季丰度极高而其它季节较低。例如春季长江口夜光藻的最高丰度可以达到48576.00ind/m3,出现率为96.30%。该种在春季有明显的集群性,其它季节聚集强度指标值较低。盐度是影响夜光藻的平面分布的主要因素。长江口夜光藻适温范围较窄。仅仅在15—20℃之间有较高的数量。通过曲线拟合计算,其丰度和温度的函数关系符合YieldDensity模型。进一步通过极值计算得出,夜光藻最适温度为17.53℃。在长江口,夜光藻往往生活在在长江径流和外海水形成的河口锋水域。因而是暖温性近海种。近年来在春季,长江口夜光藻数量明显增多,夜光藻数量的年间变化特征可能与长江口富营养化相关。夜光藻赤潮的爆发就是长江口海域富营养化的结果之一。  相似文献   

A down-scaled operational oceanographic system is developed for the coastal waters of Korea using a regional ocean modeling system(ROMS).The operational oceanographic modeling system consists of atmospheric and hydrodynamic models.The hydrodynamic model,ROMS,is coupled with wave,sediment transport,and water quality modules.The system forecasts the predicted results twice a day on a 72 h basis,including sea surface elevation,currents,temperature,salinity,storm surge height,and wave information for the coastal waters of Korea.The predicted results are exported to the web-GIS-based coastal information system for real-time dissemination to the public and validation with real-time monitoring data using visualization technologies.The ROMS is two-way coupled with a simulating waves nearshore model,SWAN,for the hydrodynamics and waves,nested with the meteorological model,WRF,for the atmospheric surface forcing,and externally nested with the eutrophication model,CE-QUAL-ICM,for the water quality.The operational model,ROMS,was calibrated with the tidal surface observed with a tide-gage and verified with current data observed by bottom-mounted ADCP or AWAC near the coastal waters of Korea.To validate the predicted results,we used real-time monitoring data derived from remote buoy system,HF-radar,and geostationary ocean color imager(GOCI).This down-scaled operational coastal forecasting system will be used as a part of the Korea operational oceanographic system(KOOS) with other operational oceanographic systems.  相似文献   

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