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以构造变形为核心的内动力过程和以沉积"源–汇"过程为核心的外动力过程,如何动态塑造盆地精细地貌景观,是油气精准勘探必须突破的关键技术。本研究以南海北部陆缘珠江口盆地的阳江凹陷为例,试图探索NW向阳江–一统暗沙深大断裂带对周缘新生代沉降中心分布的控制作用。为此,本文采用Badlands沉积数值模拟方法,定量分析阳江–一统暗沙断裂带的运动学特征,模拟阳江凹陷新生代地层构造-沉积耦合过程。模拟结果显示,阳江–一统暗沙断裂带在始新世末期是一条左行走滑断裂带,其走滑过程主要可分为两个阶段。其中,在早期慢走滑阶段,走滑位移量约800 m,沿断裂带走滑方向,恩平19洼的沉降中心发生迁移;在后期快走滑阶段,走滑位移量约1 200 m,模拟剖面可识别出明显的花状构造,恩平19洼的沉降中心加速向北迁移,并发生逆时针旋转。  相似文献   

南沙海区万安盆地构造演化与成因机制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文基于地震、钻井和区域地质资料,运用回剥法和平衡剖面技术定量研究了万安盆地的构造沉降和伸展程度,重建盆地的构造演化史并探讨其成因机制。模拟结果表明,万安盆地构造沉降曲线为多段式,其南北部构造沉降差异明显,且沉降中心逐渐向南发展的趋势。晚始新世-渐新世(37.8~23.03 Ma BP)盆地中、北部快速沉降,存在两个沉降中心;早中新世(23.03~16.0 Ma BP)盆地南部也发生快速沉降,整个盆地存在3个沉降中心;中中新世(约16.0~11.63 Ma BP)沉降作用减弱,盆地进入裂后热沉降期。万安盆地的伸展和形成演化呈现北早南晚的特征,与南海海底扩张密切相关,同时受控于万安断裂带交替地右旋-左旋走滑作用,是伸展和走滑双重作用的结果。盆地的构造演化过程可细分为4个阶段:初始裂谷期、主要裂谷期、走滑改造期和裂后加速沉降期。  相似文献   

万安盆地位于南海西南部印支块体东南端即万安断裂以西地区。前人关于万安断裂活动特征及其对万安盆地形成演化的控制作用存在较多争议。通过对万安盆地区域地质背景、地质特征以及万安断裂走滑活动规律的综合分析认为,万安断裂是一条早期形成(中生代晚期)、多期活动的走滑断裂。万安断裂活动切割了盆地新生代地层,形成较多负花状构造,但该断裂仅引起盆地局部区域新生代地层产状变化,远离该走滑断裂的地层未受影响。万安盆地走滑伸展特征不甚明显,而具有明显的裂谷盆地特点,初步分析认为,万安盆地应为具有走滑性质的大陆边缘裂陷盆地。  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带及其周缘中新生代盆地发育特征   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
郯庐断裂带作为中国东部滨太平洋地区一条巨型走滑构造带,对其周缘中、新生代盆地的发育、演化起着重要的控制作用。随着太平洋板块俯冲方向从NNW向NW到NWW的变化,郯庐断裂带的活动方式逐步从中生代左行走滑-左行斜向滑动过渡到早第三纪以左行斜向-倾向滑动,晚第三纪-第四纪转为倾滑-右行斜向滑动-右行走滑。走滑活动经历了一个循序渐进的周期演变过程。随着郯庐断裂活动方式的演变,其周缘中、新生代盆地的发育逐渐向北迁移,其中南段周缘盆地主要为中生代盆地,中段周缘盆地主要为中、新生代叠加盆地,中北段周缘盆地主要为早第三纪盆地。每个盆地都经历了拉分(伸展)裂陷到挤压反转的演化过程。此外,在同一时期、同一区域剪切应力场作用下,不同区段因其走向变化导致局部应力场变化,在增压弯曲部位发生会聚、挤压、隆升;而释压拉张部位发生离散、伸展、沉降,从而盆地发育。  相似文献   

南海西缘断裂带是一条典型的右旋走滑断裂系统,是南海扩张的西部边界,两端形成具有明显走滑特征的“Y”型和“人”型构造。其前锋端形成走滑-伸展叠瓦扇,尾端形成走滑一收缩叠瓦扇,中部形成走滑一拉分双重构造的右旋走滑系统。其动力主要来源于白垩纪以来的印一藏碰撞、新生代印支挤出和南海扩张作用。经历了两期构造运动而形成的该断裂系统对其周边盆地的形成起到了主要控制作用。  相似文献   

珠江口盆地珠三坳陷为南海北部陆缘拉张型含油气盆地。受区域构造应力场变化控制,盆地在构造演化过程中主要经历了三期断裂活动,发育了3种类型断裂,古新世-早渐新世发育NE向伸展断裂,晚渐新世-早中新世发育近EW向走滑伸展断裂,中中新世至今发育NW向走滑伸展断裂。主干断裂和次级断裂的平面组合样式主要有平行式、羽状、雁列式、帚状,剖面组合样式主要有Y字形、阶梯状、负花状。断裂活动对珠三坳陷的油气生成、运移、聚集具有重要的控制作用。控凹的主干断裂活动控制了生烃凹陷的分布和烃源岩的热演化,断裂活动控制形成了多种类型圈闭,长期继承性活动断裂是浅层油气藏形成的主要运移通道。主干断裂带是珠三坳陷油气复式富集成藏的有利区带,文昌凹陷北坡断阶带和琼海凸起、阳江低凸起披覆背斜带也是珠三坳陷油气有利成藏区带。  相似文献   

以珠江口盆地为研究对象,自西向东选取了能控制区域构造格局的5条区域性大剖面,运用2D Move软件分别对其进行平衡剖面恢复,并计算出各剖面不同时期的伸展量、伸展率和伸展速率,以此为基础对珠江口盆地的构造演化过程及其区域性差异进行了定量研究。研究结果显示:(1)珠江口盆地新生代以来一直处于一个持续伸展的过程,并于32-30 Ma期间出现一个伸展高峰期,但总体呈现伸展率和伸展速率逐渐降低的趋势;(2)珠江口盆地新生代主要伸展变形时期其伸展的过程具有明显的区域性差异,即自西向东伸展率和伸展速率明显逐步变大。  相似文献   

营口-潍坊断裂带新生代运动学特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
营口-潍坊断裂带在新生代时期对渤海湾盆地东部构造、沉积及油气成藏规律等方面具有重要影响和控制作用.依据大量实际地震资料,从剖面上识别出了花状构造、丝带效应、反转构造等营口-潍坊断裂带新生代时期走滑活动的标志,在平面上识别出了4种组合构造样式,在此基础上,应用拉分盆地走滑量计算的理论模型,对营口-潍坊断裂带新生代时期的走滑位移量进行了初步估算,认为营口-潍坊断裂带在新生代时期具右旋走滑活动特征,其主要走滑活动表现为3期,分别为始新世早期、渐新世早-中期和上新世晚期-第四纪,新生代累计右旋走滑位移量约为10~20 km.  相似文献   

南海北部莺歌海盆地为新生代沉积盆地,地处欧亚板块、太平洋板块和印度-澳大利亚板块交汇处,构造位置独特,复杂的地质构造现象使其形成演化的动力学机制成为国内外研究的热点。同一类型盆地具有相似的构造、沉降、沉积演化历史与成因机制。莺歌海盆地与渭河盆地均位于多板块交汇处,存在长期相对快速沉积、沉降及构造演化迁移等典型走滑型盆地特征。在明确渭河盆地成因机制的基础上,对比两盆地构造、沉降及沉积演化历史,结合莺歌海盆地特殊的构造位置及南海扩张的构造背景,分析得出:莺歌海盆地形成演化和印度-澳大利亚板块与青藏板块碰撞、印支板块逃逸及自身旋转、华南板块向东挤出及太平洋板块俯冲关系密切,受多板块构造活动影响较大,新生代以来先后依次经历左旋走滑、伸展—热沉降—右旋走滑、伸展三大成盆演化期。另外,与渭河盆地相比,莺歌海盆地发育有高温、高压及泥底辟等特殊地质现象,主要受控于热沉降阶段,与渐新世以来(33~15Ma)南海扩张事件具有重要关系。  相似文献   

万纳断裂带为一典型的右旋走滑系统,由其南段前锋的拉奈—沙捞越走滑-收缩叠瓦扇、北段尾端的南海西南次海盆西南端走滑-伸展叠瓦扇和中段的万安盆地走滑-拉分双重构造所组成,其动力主要源自中生代末以来华南—印支陆缘岩石圈的拆沉作用和南海海底扩张,它的走滑拉分作用直接导致了万安盆地的产生,对该海域油气等资源的形成与聚集起了重要的控制作用。  相似文献   

Recent volcanic activity along the northern flank of the Fiji Platform, revealed for the first time from new GLORIA imagery, suggests that the loci of interplate motion in this region have migrated rapidly since the switch from Vitiaz to New Hebridean subduction at 5–8 Ma. At present the plate boundaries along the northern flank of the Fiji Platform consist of two major strike-slip faults of opposing sense: the sinistral Fiji Transform Fault along the northwest flank of the platform, and at least one (or possibly two) zones of dextral strike slip (including Peggy Ridge) along the northeast flank. The tectonic relation-ships of these two fault systems lies north of Fiji and is not determined.  相似文献   

台湾海峡沉积盆地的演化与油气远景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
台湾海峡沉积盆地新生代以来构造演化经历了早第三纪陆缘裂谷、晚第三纪挤压收缩和第四纪隆起封闭等发育阶段,属残留陆缘裂谷,具有良好的油气远景,其中,海峡中部油气远景最佳。  相似文献   

Marine geological and geophysical data together with drilling information indicate that the North African passive continental margin has been subjected to extension and wrenching after it collided with the northern part of Sicily. The area of the Tripolitania Basin, Jarrafa Trough, Melita and Medina Bank and the Ragusa-Malta Plateau has formed part of a sinking passive margin since the dispersal of Gondwanaland at about 180 My ago as observed from geohistory diagrams. A record of rifting in a NW-SE direction accompanied by dextral shear along the southern troughs is observed in seismic reflection data. The rifting started during the Neocomian and lasted until the Eocene when activity became minor. A pre-Middle Miocene period of northward subduction of oceanic crust is inferred from the geology in NE Sicily. Uplift of the northern part of the African margin after collision in the Middle Miocene is seen in wells in southern Sicily. After the Messinian a rift and dextral shear zone established itself across the African Margin from the Strait of Sicily to the Medina Ridge in the lonian Basin. The zone is marked by up to 1.7 km deep grabens, narrow active wrench faulted channels, volcanic fissures and local uplifted ‘Keilhorsts’ such as Malta. This zone, which varies in width from 100 to 35 km, forms the southern boundary of a microplate which includes Sicily. We speculate that the present motion of this microplate is partly due to the eastward movement of the Calabrian Arc with the Sicilian block over the last remaining oceanic lithosphere in the Eastern Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of formation of Proto-Taiwan, the subducting Philippine (PH) Sea plate has moved continuously through time in the N307° direction with respect to Eurasia (EU), tearing the EU plate. The subducting EU plate includes a continental part in the north and an oceanic part in the south. The boundary B between these two domains corresponds to the eastern prolongation of the northeastern South China Sea ocean-continent transition zone. In the Huatung Basin (east of Taiwan), the Taitung Canyon is N065° oriented and is close and parallel to B. Seismic profiles show that the southern flank of the canyon corresponds to a fault with a normal component of a few tens of meters in the sediments and possible dextral shearing. Several crustal earthquakes of magnitude >%6 are located beneath the trend of the Taitung Canyon and focal mechanisms suggest that the motion is right-lateral. Thus, faulting within the sedimentary sequence beneath the Taitung Canyon is a consequence of underlying dextral strike-slip crustal motions. As the continental part of the EU slab located north of B has been recently detached, some subsequent dextral strike-slip motion might be expected within the EU slab, along the ocean-continent transition zone, which is a potential zone of weakness. We suggest that the dextral strike-slip motion along the ocean-continent boundary of the EU slab might trigger the observed dextral strike-slip motion within the overlying PH Sea crust and the associated faulting within the sediments of the Huatung Basin, beneath the Taitung Canyon. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

1IntroductionThe South China Sea(SCS)is one of the lar-gest marginal seas of the West Pacific.A complexstrike-slip faultsystemdeveloped in the westof SCS,which is trending NW to nearly SN.This fault sys-tem is the strike-slip boundary of Indo-China blockm…  相似文献   

华北板块东部新生代断裂构造特征与盆地成因   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
华北板块东部新生代的构造特征及动力学演化主要受左行郯庐断裂带和右行兰考-聊城-台安-大洼-法哈牛断裂带的控制。这两条断裂都是新生代岩石圈断裂。在兰考-聊城-台安-大洼-法哈牛断裂带以西,新生代伸展盆地为NNE走向的铲形正断层控制的箕状断陷;两断裂之间为北断南超的NWW走向的断陷盆地;郯庐断裂以东的北黄海盆地为南断北超的Nww走向的断陷盆地。这些构造特征继承了该区中生代的构造格局,但其构造性质发生了根本变化,在这两条走滑方向相反的断裂带控制下,这两条断裂带内古近纪以张扭作用下的裂陷为主,随后以伸展断陷为主,第四纪沿两断裂带局部发生挤压,而鲁西地块和渤海湾盆地区仍然为伸展正断。渤海湾盆地及邻区这些新生代复杂的断块或断裂构造格局受控于应力-应变-基底格局3个基本要素。  相似文献   

Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao are islands aligned along the crest of a 200-km-long segment of the east-west-trending Leeward Antilles ridge within the broad Caribbean-South America plate boundary zone presently characterized by east-west, right-lateral strike-slip motion. The crust of the Leeward Antilles ridge represents the western segment of the Cretaceous-early Cenozoic Great Arc of the Caribbean, which obliquely collided, with the continental margin of northern South America in early Cenozoic time. Following the collision, the ridge was affected by folding and was segmented by oblique, northwest-striking normal faults that have produced steep-sided, northwest-trending, elongate islands and narrow shelves separated by deepwater, sediment-filled and fault-controlled basins. In this paper, we present the first fault slip observations on the Neogene carbonate rocks that cover large areas of all three islands. Our main objective is to quantify the timing and nature of Neogene to Quaternary phases of faulting and folding that have affected the structure and topography of this area including offshore sedimentary basins that are being explored for their petroleum potential. These data constrain three fault phases that have affected Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao and likely the adjacent offshore areas: 1) NW-SE-directed late Paleogene compression; 2) middle Miocene syndepositional NNW-SSE to NNE-SSW extension that produced deep rift basins transverse to the east-west-trending Leeward Antilles ridge; and 3) Pliocene-Quaternary NNE-trending compression that produced NW-SE-trending anticlines present on Aruba, Curaçao and Bonaire islands. Our new observations - that include detailed relationships between striated fault planes, paleostress tensors, and bedding planes - show that prominent bedding dips of Neogene limestone on Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao were produced by regional tectonic shortening across the entire Leeward Antilles ridge rather than by localized, syndepositional effects as proposed by previous workers. We interpret Pliocene-Quaternary NNE-directed shortening effects on the Leeward Antilles ridge as the result of northeastward extrusion or “tectonic escape” of continental areas of western Venezuela combined with southeastward shallow subduction of the Caribbean plate beneath the ridge.  相似文献   

红河断裂带的新生代变形机制及莺歌海盆地的实验证据   总被引:30,自引:4,他引:30  
红河断裂带是印藏碰撞过程中,印支地块被顺时针旋转挤出的走滑变形带。莺歌海盆地发育于红河断裂带海上延伸带上。根据莺歌海盆地和相邻的NE向琼东南盆地在晚中新世前(5.5Ma B.P.)独立的构造发育和差异的沉降特点,认为红河断裂不可能穿越莺琼盆地界限向北东延伸,而越东断裂和中建南断裂很可能是红河断裂的延续。莺歌海盆地成盆机制的物理模拟结合红河断裂带陆上的变形特征、年代学证据与青藏高原隆升过程的研究,参考莺歌海盆地模拟过程中不同应力场下沉降中心的长轴方向,我们推断红河断裂带新生代的演化大致分4个阶段:(1)50-38Ma B.P.期间的缓慢平移运动;(2)38—25MaB.P.期间的快速左行走滑运动;(3)25—5Ma B.P.期间的左行走滑逐渐停止阶段;(4)5Ma B.P.后的右行走滑阶段。  相似文献   

Magnetic total intensity values and bathymetric data collected on the continental margin off Saurashtra were, used to prepare magnetic anomalies and bathymetric contour maps. The magnetic anomalies are considered to have been caused by the Deccan Trap flood basalts which underlie the Tertiary sediments. Interpretation of the magnetic data using two-dimensional modelling method suggests that the magnetic basement is block faulted and deepens in steps from less than 1.0 km in the north to about 8.0 km towards the southern portion of the study area. The WNW-ESE trending faults identified in the present study extend across the Saurashtra continental margin between Porbandar and Veraval and appear to represent a major linear tectonic feature. The relationship of these fault lineaments with the regional tectonic framework have been discussed to indicate that they conform better as the northern boundary faults of the Narmada rift graben on the continental margin off Saurashtra.  相似文献   

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