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潮间带作为海陆交界处,易受到来自海洋的石油污染,且各类石油烃进入沉积物后的降解过程尚不清楚。前人在各类生境中对好氧微生物烃降解方面已有较多研究,但对近海潮间带环境中的厌氧烃降解鲜有报道。本研究对青岛女岛湾潮间带沉积物深层样品以混合烃(中长链烷烃、多环芳烃)为碳源,硫酸盐作为电子受体进行厌氧富集培养。富集菌群的细菌多样性表明在混合烃作为碳源的作用下,优势菌群转变为脱硫叠球菌科(Desulfosarcinaceae)、脱硫杆菌科(Desulfobacteraceae)等具有石油烃降解潜力的硫酸盐还原菌。经分离纯化得到一株厌氧烃降解菌ND17,与地下脱硫弧菌属模式种Desulfovibrio subterraneus HN2T 16S rRNA基因序列的相似度为99.93%。进一步实验表明,菌株ND17在厌氧条件下对二十四烷和菲的降解率可分别达到53.9%和35.7%。这也是首次对脱硫弧菌属单菌在厌氧条件下进行石油烃降解的研究。脱硫弧菌作为一种广泛分布在厌氧环境的细菌,本研究为进一步认识其在海洋石油污染环境中的修复潜力提供了支撑。  相似文献   

Three medium-scale field experiments on the effects of oil, a dispersant and an oil/dispersant mixture were carried out in an intertidal mud flat ecosystem of the Wadden Sea (German Bight). For six successive tides each contaminant was added to the water enclosed in a mesocosm during submersion of the flat. The fate of the oil in the sediment and effects on phytobenthos, bacteria and macrozoobenthos were studied. Penetration of the oil into the sediment was mainly observed at the surface layer. were present when oil was chemically dispersed. Sublethal effects were found in some macrofauna species (reduced feeding activity) and in phytobenthic organisms (increased activity); oil degrading bacteria increased. No major effects were observed when the dispersant alone was added.  相似文献   

大连新港"7.16"输油管道爆炸溢油事故发生后,为探究石油污染与细菌群落结构变化之间的关系及在石油生物降解过程中起重要作用的细菌菌群,本研究对大连湾表层沉积物中石油烃含量和细菌宏基因组16SrDNA V3区进行分析。结果表明:溢油初期2010年8月DLW01站位表层沉积物石油烃含量高达1 492mg/kg,符合第三类沉积物质量标准,随着时间推移,2011年4月、2011年7月、2011年12月航次各站位沉积物中石油烃含量基本呈下降趋势,且均符合第一类沉积物质量标准;16S rDNA PCR-DGGE方法分析表明,石油烃含量高的区域优势细菌种类少,反之则较丰富;海洋环境中同一地点的细菌群落能保持一定稳定性;大连湾石油污染沉积物中变形菌门γ-变形菌纲和拟杆菌门一直保持较高的优势度,是在石油生物降解过程中起重要作用的细菌菌群,而厚壁菌门只在石油烃含量低的区域出现;此外,出现的对污染物敏感的嗜冷杆菌可作为石油污染指示生物进行深入研究。  相似文献   

海洋石油污染及其生物修复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章根据海洋油污染的现状,介绍了海洋石油污染的来源、危害、转归以及对污染的生物修复等内容。指出了限制微生物降解的因素以及如何提高降解效率的措施。生物修复对环境和人类影响小,修复速度快且费用较低,在海洋油污染治理中该方法具有广阔应用前景。  相似文献   

室内试验研究小头虫的生物扰动作用对沉积物油污降解的影响。实验在混加定量20~#柴油的小生境中进行6个月。期间对氧化还原电位不连续展(RPD)深度,Eh,烃类氧化菌菌量以及油浓度等参数做了连续测定。结果表明,小头虫的生物扰动作用通过改善沉积物次表层氧含量水平而促进了烃类氧化菌的生长,并因此使得沉积物中油污的生物降解提高了15%。  相似文献   

不同碳源富集的石油烃降解菌群结构的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以原油和正十六烷为唯一碳源,从长期受石油污染的环境中富集和分离具有不同功能的石油烃降解菌,并利用平板法和PCR-DGGE法时不同碳源富集到的菌群结构进行分析.结果表明,利用2216E平板从以原油和正十六烷为碳源的富集液中各得到两株菌,分另11为TJ-1、TJ-2和TJL-1和TJL-2,分子生物学方法鉴定结果表明,这4株菌分别为短小芽孢杆菌(Bacillus pumilus)、威尼斯不动杆菌(Acinetobacter venetianus)、Oceanobacillus picturaeP和短小芽孢杆菌(Bacillus pumilus).PCR-DGGE分析结果表明,以原油和正十六烷为碳源的富集液中优势菌分别有5种和2种,且2种富集液中的优势菌明显不同.对比PCR-DGGE和平板法分析结果,可以看出PCR-DGGE法能够提供更全面的菌群结构信息.  相似文献   

It is known that the fauna of the exposed sandy beaches are primarily controlled by physical variables; but how these variables operate along and across the beach still remains fairly under discussion. In our study, we sampled a range of exposed sandy beaches along the Northwest coast of Spain to determine the relationship between the principal physical variables of the beaches (including beach morphodynamic state), and the macrofaunal community. The fauna of these beaches comprise truly marine species along the intertidal zone as well as semi-terrestrial species in the upper and supratidal environments. These two groups respond in a different manner to the physical environment. The first group is directly controlled by the morphodynamic state of the beach, and variations in the physical environment; the second group is not clearly affected by these physical conditions. In this case, other variables such as food availability and the human uses of the upper limits of the beach seem to be more relevant in explaining the patterns observed in the macrofaunal community.  相似文献   

The structure of macrofaunal communities at two similar exposed sandy beaches on the western coast of Portugal was monitored for approximately 18 months by sampling all the beach area, from the shoreline to the base of the dunes. The beaches’ physical environment, as well as community density and composition, seasonal variations and the potential relationships between biological data and environmental parameters were studied. The two beaches had similar exposure to wave action, but differed in terms of sediment grain size, extent of the intertidal area, sediment moisture content and, especially, in the potential food availability in the form of allochthonous debris. Differences were observed with regard to the communities’ structure, namely regarding composition and relative contribution of the dominant species. Seasonality, especially temperature variations, and the interaction between seasons and the beach zones (supralittoral vs. intertidal) also had a strong influence on communities: controlling dominant species’ density and the horizontal distribution of the dominant species, and promoting a differential utilization of the beach by several resident macrofaunal animals. The present study allows the identification of key species in exposed sandy beaches of western Portugal and demonstrates that a steady community structure does not persist in the similarly exposed conditions observed, which may be mainly a response to distinct detritus subsidies, combined with differences in sediment grain size, sediment moisture content and extent of the intertidal area.  相似文献   

A sensitivity analysis of the waterline method of constructing a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of an intertidal zone using remote sensing and hydrodynamic modelling is described. Variation in vertical height accuracy as a function of beach slope is investigated using a set of nine ERS Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images of the Humber/Wash area on the English east coast acquired between 1992 and 1994. Waterlines from these images are heighted using a hydrodynamic tide-surge model and interpolated using block kriging. On 1:500 slope beaches, an average block height estimation standard deviation of 18–22 cm is achieved. This rises to 27 cm on 1:100 slope beaches, and 32 cm on 1:30 slope beaches. The average heighting error at different slopes is decomposed into components due to waterline heighting error, inadequate sensor resolution and interpolation inaccuracy. It is shown that, at 1:500 slope, waterline heighting error and interpolation inaccuracy are the main error sources, whilst at 1:30 slope, errors due to inadequate sensor resolution become dominant. The ability of the technique to generate intertidal DEMs for almost the entire coastal zone in a complete ERS SAR scene covering 100×100 km is demonstrated.  相似文献   

The effects of stranded oil from a tanker collision off the South African coast on the meiofauna ratio and density have been monitored over a period of 1 year on two sandy beaches. The perturbation of two beaches was judged against reference beach meiofauna density behaviour. In the undisturbed beach, oil deposited in sediment depressed harpacticoid copepod numbers, while numbers of nematodes stayed similar to those of the reference levels. Removal of surface sand in the mechanically disturbed beach had a greater influence on the density of animals than oil. Both beaches showed recovery after six months, but evidence of pollution by oil of unknown origin was found.  相似文献   

A kerosene type hydrocarbon fraction (equivalent to 7 L m(-2)) was added to enclosures in the surface layer of high-arctic intertidal beach sediment. The experimental spill was repeated in two consecutive years in the period July-September. The rate and extent of hydrocarbon removal and the accompanying bacterial response were monitored for 79 days (2002) and 78 days (2003). The bulk of added kerosene, i.e. 94-98%, was lost from the upper 5 cm layer by putatively abiotic processes within 2 days and a residual fraction in the range 0.6-1.2mg per g dry sediment was stably retained. Concomitant addition of oleophilic fertilizer led to higher initial retention, as 24% of the kerosene remained after 2 days in the presence of a modified, cold-climate adapted version of the well-known Inipol EAP 22 bioremediation agent. In these enclosures, which showed an increase in hydrocarbon-degrader counts from 6.5 x 10(3) to 4.1 x 10(7) per g dry sediment within 8 days, a 17% contribution by biodegradation to subsequent hydrocarbon removal was estimated. Stimulation in hydrocarbon-degrader counts in fertilizer-alone control enclosures was indistinguishable from the stimulation observed with both kerosene and fertilizer present, suggesting that the dynamics in numbers of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria was primarily impacted by the bioremediation agent.  相似文献   

互花米草作为入侵物种对潮间带滩涂和盐沼具有严重的生态危害,化学方法治理互花米草具有简便、快速、彻底和成本低等特点。但化学药剂存在一定毒性,可能会对周边环境带来一系列不利影响。然而,有关化学治理措施所带来环境影响的研究较少。本文基于2017年8-11月的调查数据,研究了天津市永定河河口附近滩涂互花米草化学治理对附近海域海水水质和潮间带沉积物产生的影响,对调查海域海水水质和沉积物质量进行了评价。调查与评价结果表明,无机氮、活性磷酸盐和化学需氧量(COD)为调查海域主要污染因子,硫化物为潮间带沉积物主要污染因子。施药后特征污染物草甘膦检测值高于本底值,所有站位均未检出磺酰脲类除草剂。综合来看,化学治理对附近海域海洋环境影响较小。  相似文献   

视黄酸受体和核受体超家族中的大部分成员对细胞整个分化、增殖过程都具有调控功能。视黄酸受体结合配体后激活,通过结合靶基因启动子区特定的核苷酸序列调控靶基因表达。视黄酸受体结合序列是由核心序列[A/G]G[T/G]TCA间隔不同碱基构成的重复序列,称为视黄酸反应元件。为了实现对长牡蛎基因组中含有的视黄酸反应元件的快速筛选预测,本研究利用Perl工具编写了一个可以批量筛选视黄酸反应元件的脚本,并对长牡蛎基因组中启动子区域序列进行筛选预测,共筛选到412个启动子区含有视黄酸反应元件的基因。随后,将这些基因在各种数据库中比对分析,预测其参与的生物学过程及可能的生物学功能。结果显示,大部分基因与蛋白质结合、核苷酸结合、水解酶活性、蛋白激酶活性等功能有关。  相似文献   

互花米草作为入侵物种对潮间带滩涂和盐沼具有严重的生态危害,化学方法治理互花米草具有简便、快速、彻底和成本低等特点。但化学药剂存在一定毒性,可能会对周边环境带来一系列不利影响。然而,有关化学治理措施所带来环境影响的研究较少。本文基于2017年8-11月的调查数据,研究了天津市永定河河口附近滩涂互花米草化学治理对附近海域海水水质和潮间带沉积物产生的影响,对调查海域海水水质和沉积物质量进行了评价。调查与评价结果表明,无机氮、活性磷酸盐和化学需氧量(COD)为调查海域主要污染因子,硫化物为潮间带沉积物主要污染因子。施药后特征污染物草甘膦检测值高于本底值,所有站位均未检出磺酰脲类除草剂。综合来看,化学治理对附近海域海洋环境影响较小。  相似文献   

The benthic faunal spectrum including bacteria, protozoans, meiofauna, wrack epifauna and macrofauna, was quantitatively surveyed on two modally reflective, moderate energy, Western Australian beaches. The more exposed beach had coarser sand, no intertidal macrofauna and a poor interstitial fauna. The less exposed beach had a large deposit of wrack totalling 161 kg m?1 dry mass concentrated on the lower shore. The amphipod Allorchestes compressa was abundant in the fresh wrack comprising most of the macrofauna. There were also fairly abundant small epifauna on the wrack. Dry biomass of macrofauna, epifauna, meiofauna, protozoans and bacteria was 0, 0, 15, 4 and 180 g m?1 on the more exposed beach and 160, 3, 112, 9 and 901 g m?1 on the less exposed beach with wrack. On the latter beach there was an inverse correlation between meiofaunal densities and the densities of protozoans and bacteria, suggesting grazing by the former on the latter. On both beaches meiofauna was concentrated in the mid- to upper beach, protozoans near the surface and bacteria in the mid- to lower beach. It is estimated that bacteria are responsible for most of the secondary production on both beaches.  相似文献   

The activities of methane-producing and sulphate-reducing bacteria in intertidal sediments along the Brittany coast of France were examined in order to determine the effect of the Amoco Cadiz oil spill on sediment microbial processes. Porewater chemistry, methane production, sulphate rate and [2?14C]-acetate metabolism did not vary significantly between beach, estuary, and marsh sites, oiled or unoiled, after the Amoco Cadiz spill. Oiled sediments contained highly weathered oil of Amoco Cadiz origin, but unoiled comparison sites also contained hydrocarbons from anthropogenic sources. The additions of weathered Amoco Cadiz mousse, fresh and slightly weathered light Arabian crude oil, benzene or toluene to sediments from the oiled and unoiled marsh site did not significantly affect rates of sulphate reduction or methane production. The oxidation of [2?14C]-acetate to 14CO2, however, was significantly decreased when mousse, crude oil, benzene or toluene was added to sediments from the unoiled site. Inhibition seemed to be proportional to the extent of weathering. Sediments recently exposed to Amoco Cadiz crude oil were less affected by a second oiling, suggesting that the indigenous populations may have been replaced by organisms more resistant to oil toxicity. These results suggested that the Amoco Cadiz oil spill did not have major long-term effects on sulphate reduction or methane production.  相似文献   

During the last decades, marine pollution with anthropogenic litter has become a worldwide major environmental concern. Standardized monitoring of litter since 2001 on 78 beaches selected within the framework of the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR) has been used to identify temporal trends of marine litter. Based on statistical analyses of this dataset a two-part multi-criteria evaluation system for beach litter pollution of the North-East Atlantic and the North Sea is proposed. Canonical correlation analyses, linear regression analyses, and non-parametric analyses of variance were used to identify different temporal trends. A classification of beaches was derived from cluster analyses and served to define different states of beach quality according to abundances of 17 input variables. The evaluation system is easily applicable and relies on the above-mentioned classification and on significant temporal trends implied by significant rank correlations.  相似文献   

Pollution history has often been proposed to explain site-dependent bioremediation efficiencies, but this hypothesis has been poorly explored. Here, bacteria and their heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) predators originating from pristine and chronically oil-polluted coastal sites were subjected to crude oil ± nutrients or emulsifier amendments. The addition of crude oil had a more visible effect on bacteria originating from the pristine site with a higher increase in the activity of given OTU and inactivation of other petroleum-sensitive bacteria, as revealed by DNA and RNA-based comparison. Such changes resulted in a delay in microbial growth and in a lower bacterial degradation of the more complex hydrocarbons. Biostimulation provoked a selection of different bacterial community assemblages and stirred metabolically active bacteria. This resulted in a clear increase of the peak of bacteria and their HNF predators and higher oil degradation, irrespective of the pollution history of the site.  相似文献   

The filtration process of Sabella spallanzanii Gmelin on bacterial community was studied in a coastal area of the Northern Ionian Sea (Mediterranean Sea) at three sites, S. Vito, Lido Gandoli and Lido Silvana, where some specimens of S. spallanzanii were transplanted. Analyses were performed both on water and worm samples. A total of six microbial groups were examined: culturable heterotrophic bacteria, total culturable bacteria at 37 degrees C, culturable vibrios, total and fecal coliforms and fecal streptococci. The bacterial densities were usually orders of magnitude higher in the worm homogenates than in the corresponding seawater and the highest values were observed in August. The ability of S. spallanzanii to accumulate the microbial pollution indicators suggests this species can be employed as a bioindicator for monitoring water quality. Moreover, the accumulation capability of S. spallanzanii for specific micro-organisms provides a potential role in sewage bioremediation.  相似文献   

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