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通过正向与斜向波浪对半圆型防波堤(不开孔出水堤)的实验研究,给出了其水力特性及单位堤长所受的无因次水平波浪力、竖向波浪力和波浪浮托力随各主要影响因素的变化规律,特别指出了斜向波浪力可大于正向波浪力及水平波浪力中波谷作用大于波峰作用发生的条件。  相似文献   

直立式防波堤堤头在斜向波浪作用下波浪力的计算在现行的技术规范中尚属空白。通过物理模型试验给出了堤头结构设计所需的波压分布图,指出了波浪入射方向和地形对堤头所受波浪力的贡献有时可以超过波高和波周期,根据现行规范按波浪正向入射计算堤头所受的波浪力偏于安全。  相似文献   

不规则波作用于垂直桩柱上的正向力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
俞幸修  张宁川 《海洋学报》1988,10(5):609-617
通过试验,研究了规则波,特别是不规则波作用于孤立桩柱上的正向力,通过测定桩上的总波浪力并利用时域最小二乘法和互谱分析法,研究了Morison公式中的系数CD、CM与KC数和雷诺数的关系及其随频率的变化,给出了规则波和不规则波作用下的CD、CM与KC数的关系曲线,此外,从波、力之间的相干数角度,对传递函数法计算不规则波浪力的适用范围也作了分析。  相似文献   

在水槽中进行了几种不同坡度的斜坡平台上规则波作用下直墙波浪力试验,系统分析了直墙上相对最大压强和相对最大总力,给出了它们之间的比较关系。还进行了不同坡度的不规则波模型试验,并讨论了波浪力之间的特性。结果表明采用1:10、1:15的斜坡与平台相结合的试验室模拟,可得到与平底地形相近的直墙波浪力。  相似文献   

由若干独立摇板组成的多单元造波机是实验室研究波浪及其与海洋工程结构物相互作用的重要设备。由于单元摇板宽度和波浪周期对斜向波浪模拟方向角的限制、斜向波浪模拟引起的杂波和三维短峰波浪模拟的有效实验区范围等,是影响多单元造波机波浪模拟质量的关键问题。通过对海洋深水池双边多单元造波机性能的分析,获得了波向角与规则波浪周期的关系,避免杂波产生的波浪周期范围和三维短峰波浪有效实验区的范围。分析结果对于海洋深水池高质量模拟波浪并为海洋工程结构物模型试验提供良好的波浪环境条件具有重要意义。  相似文献   

李俊  陈刚  杨建民  彭涛 《海洋工程》2011,29(3):37-42
由若干独立摇板组成的多单元造波机已经成为实验室研究波浪及其与海洋工程结构物相互作用的重要设备.介绍海洋深水池双边多单元造波机及其模拟波浪的方法,通过物理试验对所模拟的长峰规则波、不规则波和三维短峰波进行初步的试验研究.模拟波浪的时域和频域分析结果表明利用双边多单元造波机能够生成良好的长峰波浪和三维短峰波浪,所模拟的波浪能够满足海洋工程试验的要求.  相似文献   

斜向和多向不规则波在斜坡堤上的平均越浪量的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过三维物理模型试验研究了在斜坡堤上斜向和多向不规则波在非破碎条件下的平均越浪量与波浪参数及堤参数的关系.着重考察了波浪以小角度(0°~30°)斜向入射时平均越浪量的变化情况,肯定了多向波的越浪量在这一范围内有所谓“小角度斜向增加”的现象,但否定了单向波也具有这一现象.在考察波浪的方向分布影响时发现波浪斜向入射时多向波的越浪量往往要比单向波的大.比较了已有的相关研究成果,给出了适用于混凝土护面和扭工字块体护面斜坡堤上斜向和多向不规则波的平均越浪量的估算公式.  相似文献   

作用于小尺度圆柱上的波浪、水流力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于Morison方程和线性波及线性波浪谱理论,经过系统的大量的实验研究,探讨了单柱与串、并列双柱在规则波和不规则波与水流共同作用下,圆柱上所受正向力、升力及其合力的特征。从而给出了单柱上速度力系数C_d、惯性力系数C_m及升力系数C_l与KC数的相关关系以及串、并列双柱所受正向力、升力及合力的群桩影响系数与相对桩距和KC数之间的相关关系。  相似文献   

用60个波高仪组成2m×2m的方阵,同步测量波面过程,用Doppler声学流速仪获得了二维正向和斜向规则波、二维正向和斜向随机波以及三维随机波浪场中不同水深处的同步Euler水质点速度各方向分量的高精度的时间过程资料.以此为出发点,讨论了分段式造波机生成波浪的周期分布特征,发现三维随机波浪周期分布的μ值与二维随机波浪比较有明显增大的趋势.分别从速度合矢量方向与波向的吻合程度(对二维波浪)、"多点波面"组合与"波面-水质点速度"组合两种方式得到方向谱的吻合程度(对三维随机波浪)等不同角度,论证了分段式造波机产生的波浪的内外部结构的一致性.  相似文献   

利用水槽二维物理模型对规则波及不规则波作用下明基床上开孔沉箱所受到的波浪力进行了较为系统的试验研究。分析了开孔沉箱总垂直力峰值时刻对应的总水平力与相对基床高度、消浪室相对宽度、波陡、相对水深以及开孔率等影响因素之间的关系,给出了明基床上开孔沉箱总水平力比值(总垂直力峰值时刻对应的总水平力/总水平力峰值)与各影响因素之间的计算关系式。研究成果可供实际工程参考应用。  相似文献   

The characteristics of wave forces are studied based on physical model tests with regular waves. The ratio of obliquely incident wave forces to normally incident wave forces on unit length of a vertical wall is related with various factors. A linear reduction of the mean force of obliquely incident waves is confirmed with an increase in the relative caisson length. Also the characteristics of reflection coefficient of diagonal waves are discussed.  相似文献   

Regular and irregular wave forces acting on vertical walls are studied by a previously developed numerical model. The computed wave forces are compared with the available experimental data to verify the numerical model, and satisfactory agreements are obtained. The variation of wave forces with incident angles and the shape of simultaneous pressure distribution are investigated, and the comparisons between numerical results and Goda' s predictions are also carried out. It is concluded that the maximum wave forces acting on the unit length of vertical wall is often induced by the obliquely incident waves instead of normally incident waves, while Goda' s formula may be inapplicable for oblique wave incidence. The shape of simultaneous pressure distribution is not significantly influenced by incident angles, and it can be favorably predicted by Goda' s formula. When regular wave heights are taken as the same as irregular wave height H1%, the irregular wave forces Ph. 1% are slightly larger than regular wave forces in most cases.  相似文献   

Interaction Between Waves and A Comb-Type Breakwater   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
DONG  Guo-hai 《中国海洋工程》2003,17(4):517-526
The characteristics of wave transmission, reflection and energy dissipation of comb-type caisson breakwaters are studied through laboratory physical model tests. Regular and irregular waves, with a wide range of wave heights and periods and a constant water depth, are considered. Different dimensions of each portion of the comb-type caisson breakwater are tested. Empirical formulae for calculating the reduction coefficient k, which is the ratio of horizontal wave force on unit length of the comb-type breakwater to that on unit length of the vertical wall breakwater, and for calculating the reflection coefficient of waves k, are obtained from the measurements. The comb-type caisson breakwater has been found to be very efficient in dissipating incident wave energy and in reducing wave reflection, and has already been used for the construction of an island breakwater in the Dayao Bay of Dalian Port, Liaoning Province, China. Compared with the cost of a common caisson breakwater, about 24. 5% of the investm  相似文献   

顾倩  张宁川 《海洋学报》2017,39(5):123-137
基于物理模型试验,考虑畸形波参数、相对板宽、相对波高等影响因素,就畸形波对平顶双层水平板防波堤作用进行研究。首先对畸形波作用下双层水平板的波浪力分布特征进行了讨论,然后就最大波动压强、结构最大总垂向力与不规则波作用进行了对比分析。结果表明,畸形波作用下,双层水平板最大波动压力出现在前端迎浪区域附近,向尾端逐渐递减。双层水平板4个受力面的压力分布不同且有相位差,4个受力面的最大波动压力时间差约在0.1Tp~0.4Tp范围内变化。与不规则波作用比较,畸形波作用没有显著改变波压包络分布特征,但增大了波压包络强度值。试验范围内,就最大总力而言,两者最大总浮托力比值在1.06~2.45间变化;向下的最大总垂向力比值在1.22~2.07之间变化;就波动压力而言,其增大的幅度与畸形波参数α1相关性最强,随α1的增大而增大,在α1=2.04~3.1试验范围内,畸形波作用时的最大压强比不规则波作用时可约增大20%~80%。就最大波吸力而言,两者的比值与畸形波参数α4相关性最强,随α4的增大而减小。在α4=0.62~0.75试验范围内,最大波吸力强度的比值在1.61~0.87范围内变化。当α4≤0.72时,畸形波作用时的最大波吸力大于不规则波作用时的最大波吸力;当α4 > 0.72时则刚好相反。  相似文献   

不规则波远破波对直墙的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于物模试验、理论推理、因次分析和工程实例验证等综合分析方法,就不规则波远破波对直墙作用力的计算方法进行了研究,用推荐的方法得到的结果与工程实例符合较好.  相似文献   

TheirregularbrokenwaveforcesonverticalwallLiYucheng,LiuDazhong,QiGuiping,SuXiaojun(ReceivedApril21,1997,acceptedJuly2,1997)Ab...  相似文献   

Oblique and Multi-Directional Random Wave Loads on Vertical Breakwaters   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
1 .IntroductionTraditionally ,thedesignofcoastalstructuresisbasedontheformulaedevelopedforhead onuni directionalwaves .However,wavesusuallyattackabreakwaterobliquely ,formingshort crestedwavesinfrontofthebreakwater.Ontheotherhand ,asthehumanactivityareaisspreading ,thewaterdepthattheconstructionsiteforbreakwatershasatendencytobecomelarge ,andsomebreakwatershavebeenconstructedinwaterareasdeeperthan 6 0minJapan (Tanimotoetal.,1 988) .Theseawaveismulti directionalandrandom ,especiallyindeepwater…  相似文献   

1 IntroductionRecently breakwaters with perforated front wallshave been widely used. The use of perforated break-waters mainly has two advantages. Firstly, wave forcesacting on the whole structure can be divided into twoparts on two different walls with a phase difference.To select the distance between the two plates suitably,the total wave force on the whole structure can bemaintained at a low level. Secondly, waves will dissi-pate when they transmit over a porous medium. Thus,the reflection…  相似文献   

Based on the 2nd order cnoidal wave theory, the characters of shallow water standing waves and their action on vertical walls are studied in this paper. The theoretical expressions of the wave surface elevation in front of and the wave pressure on the vertical wall are obtained. In order to verify the theoretical results, model tests were made in the State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering at DUT. For the wave surface elevation in front of the wall and the wave forces on the wall at the moment when the wave surface at the wall surface goes down to the bottom of the wave trough, the calculated results coincide quite well with the experimental results. For the wave forces on the wall at the moment when the wave surface at the wall surface goes up to the top of the wave crest, the theoretical expressions are modified by the experimental results. For the convenience of practical use, calculations are made for the wave conditions which usually occur in enginering practice by use of the inves  相似文献   

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