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于2009年和2010年在青岛汇泉湾用根茎棉线绑石法进行大叶藻(Zostera marina L.)移植, 并于2012年4月20日至11月19日对移植大叶藻的生长情况进行观察(包括形态学变化、密度、茎枝高度、地上生物量、底质粒径几个方面)。观察期间水温为7.8~26.1℃。结果显示, 移植底质可定性为粉砂质;移植大叶藻的有性繁殖期为2012年4~8月; 无性繁殖在秋季达到高峰; 密度在6月和9月分别高达411茎枝/m2和481茎枝/m2; 高度与地上生物量的最大值出现在6~7 份。与2009年青岛湾天然大叶藻进行比较后可以发现, 移植大叶藻的高度、地上生物量及其季节变化与天然大叶藻基本保持一致,说明移植大叶藻的生长状况良好, 同时说明根茎棉线绑石法是一种高效且实用的海草床生态恢复方法。  相似文献   

桑沟湾楮岛近岸海域大叶藻生态学特征的基础研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2010年8月至2011年9月期间,对桑沟湾楮岛沿海的大叶藻(Zostera marina L.)进行了一周年调查.结果显示,大叶藻周年平均株高变化范围为(16.97±5.99)~(87.60±20.68)cm,大叶藻平均密度为(613±201)株/m2,单株生物量为0.97~5.31g/株,单位面积平均生物量为594.61~3255.03 g/m2,大叶藻高度和湿重的周年生长变化与水温的变化趋于一致,呈正相关性;大叶藻生长环境水温为5.3~25.6℃,平均温度16.3℃;盐度为28.9~31.3,平均盐度30.6;底质类型为砾砂.大叶藻根茎、叶鞘和叶中碳含量的平均值分别为32.68%±1.27%、33.78%±3.06%、37.01%±1.86%,氮含量平均值分别为1.62%±0.63%、2.79%±0.81%、3.10%±0.81%,磷含量的平均值分别为0.28%±0.04%、0.51%±0.10%、0.48%±0.07%.  相似文献   

黄道建  黄小平 《台湾海峡》2009,28(2):199-204
以海南新村澙湖海草床优势种之一的海菖蒲(Enhalus acoroides)为研究对象,于2005年4月至2006年1月间,分4个季节对海菖蒲的茎枝生物量、叶长、叶宽、叶单位面积附着藻类生物量、茎枝密度及生物量等进行了研究,初步探讨了网箱养殖对海菖蒲生物学和生态学特征的影响.其结果表明:(1)在春、夏、秋3个季节里,海菖蒲叶长、叶宽和茎枝生物量等均显示了与其所在样区海水和沉积物间隙水D IN含量呈负相关关系.(2)随着水体N负荷的增加,海菖蒲叶单位面积附着藻类生物量剧增.(3)网箱养殖区海菖蒲较小的地上生物量、茎枝密度及地上生物量与地下生物量比,均表明网箱养殖区海菖蒲受人为干扰的影响明显大于其他2个样区.  相似文献   

于2007年11月~2008年10月对青岛太平角岩石潮间带鼠尾藻附植动物进行了连续12个月的逐月采样调查,并根据蜈蚣藻、角叉菜、扇形叉枝藻、海蒿子和叉节藻等海藻生长期的不同而在不同月份对其分别进行了采样,研究了附植动物的类群组成、丰度、生物量及其季节动态。所有海藻样品共鉴定出附植动物16个类群。鼠尾藻附植动物的年平均丰度为606ind/gdwtalgae,优势类群为线虫和桡足类,其次是腹足类和多毛类。鼠尾藻附植动物的平均丰度最高值出现在4月,最低值出现在7月。鼠尾藻附植动物的年平均生物量为282×103μg/g dwt algae,最高值出现在6月,最低值为2月。其他海藻附植动物的类群数、丰度、生物量均低于鼠尾藻。海藻附植动物的优势类群及其丰度和生物量在不同月份和不同海藻之间均显著不同。相对于海水理化因子季节变化的影响,不同海藻生长型形态的复杂性及同一种海藻随生长周期而发生的形态变化对附植动物的区系组成和季节动态的影响可能占居更主要地位。  相似文献   

于 2007年11 月~20008年10月对青岛太平角岩石潮间带鼠尾藻附植动物进行了连续12个月的逐月采样调查,并根据蜈蚣藻、角叉菜、扇形叉枝藻、海蒿子和叉节藻等海藻生长期的不同而在不同月份对其分别进行了采样,研究了附植动物的类群组成、丰度、生物量及其季节动态.所有海藻样品共鉴定出附植动物16个类群.鼠尾藻附植动物的年平均丰度为606 ind/g dwt algae,优势类群为线虫和桡足类,其次是腹足类和多毛类.鼠尾藻附植动物的平均丰度最高值出现在4月,最低值出现在7 月 .鼠尾藻附植动物的年平均生物量为282× 103 μg/g dwt algae,最高值出现在6月,最低值为2月.其他海藻附植动物的类群数、丰度、生物量均低于鼠尾藻.海藻附植动物的优势类群及其丰度和生物量在不同月份和不同海藻之间均显著不同.相对于海水理化因 子季节变化的影响,不同海藻生长型形态的复杂性及同一种海藻随生长周期而发生的形态变化对附植动物的区系组成和季节动态的影响能占居更主要地位.  相似文献   

天鹅湖大叶藻种苗补充情况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究以山东荣成典型潟湖——天鹅湖内的大叶藻(Zostera marina L.)海草床为研究对象,从2015年3月到6月对大叶藻种子萌发形成的幼苗进行进了月度调查,包括春季大叶藻种苗的密度、株高、叶鞘高、叶数、叶宽以及分枝情况。结果表明,天鹅湖大叶藻种子在3月即开始萌发,但萌发量较少,种苗密度较低;4月种子大量萌发,种苗密度不断升高,并达到峰值,为(481.77?303.42)株/m2;5月份种子萌发结束,种苗密度下降,同时开始克隆生长;6月份种苗不断生长,分枝数增多,种苗开始出现有性生殖枝。至此,春季种苗的萌发过程结束,进入有性生殖过程。  相似文献   

长江口张网鱼类群落结构特征及月相变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解长江口鱼类群落结构的现状及变化特征,用张网作业对长江口2010年5月至2011年4月12个月鱼类群落进行了调查。结果1周年共记录56种鱼类,以鲈形目(27种)和鲱形目(10种)种类数目最多。鱼类区系为典型的亚热带动物区系,只出现暖水种(25种)及暖温种(31种)2种适温类型。鱼类种类数目以底栖鱼类(26种)和中上层鱼类占多数(21种),底层鱼类数目较少(9种)。丰度或生物量均由少数几种鱼类占优势。根据鱼类生态类群,海洋洄游性鱼类及河口性鱼类占据种类数目的主要地位,而生物量或丰度均由海洋洄游性鱼类占据主导。每网平均种类数目的最大值和最小值分别出现在7月(18.3种)和1月(7.2种),每网丰度最大值和最小值出现在11月(2 272尾/网)和1月(71尾/网),生物量的最大值出现在9月(11 892g/网),最小值出现在1月(351g/网),而主要种类丰度的时间分布差异也较大;基于丰度计算的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数及Simpson优势度集中指数在时间上也有较大差异,NMDS非度量多维尺度分析显示根据相似性鱼类群落在时间上可分为4组,相邻月一般相似性较近,但2010年12月和2011年1月相似性较小。此外,多元回归分析表明,在径流量、盐度及水温3个环境因素中,引起张网鱼类群落丰度时间变化的主要影响因素是水温。鉴于当前长江口张网捕捞努力量有增加趋势,为保护长江口鱼类群落,需要控制过高的捕捞努力量。  相似文献   

为探明黄海海域不同生境下大叶藻(Zostera marina L.)种群特征,自2011年2月至2012年6月,对黄海山东半岛两处不同大叶藻生境[烟台四十里湾海区(开放水域生境SSL:37°02.531′N,122°32.693′E)和荣成爱莲湾海区围堰池(半封闭水域生境AL:37°14.925′N,122°35.716′E)]种群季节动态规律和繁殖状况进行了跟踪观测。结果显示:处于半封闭水域生境的爱莲湾大叶藻种群平均峰值植株高度、地上/地下干重生物量、种群植株密度、繁殖枝密度(107.42cm,754.84g/113.21g·m-2,364株·m-2,109.21株·m-2)显著大于开放水域生境四十里湾大叶藻种群(66.98cm,487.63g/127.63g·m-2,273.21株·m-2,69.21株·m-2)(P0.05)。两生境下大叶藻种子大小存在显著差异,开放水域生境四十里湾大叶藻种群种子大小(平均长4.17mm,宽2.02mm,重11.13mg)显著大于半封闭水域生境爱莲湾种子(平均长3.43mm,宽1.75mm,重6.97mg)(P0.05)。处于半封闭水域生境的种群具有更高生物量和种群密度,产生更多繁殖枝,但是种子远小于开放水域生境大叶藻种群产生的种子,表明浪冲击生境下大叶藻种群具有更强的有性繁殖拓殖能力。  相似文献   

青岛大沽河河口湿地芦苇的生长及生物量动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2009年4~10月在大沽河河口湿地进行的芦苇(Phragmites australis)调查,研究该区域芦苇主要生长季节期间生长及生物量动态变化。结果表明:在生长季节,芦苇株高逐渐增加,10月最高达(2305.35±65.48)(平均值±标准误差,下同)mm;植株密度呈下降趋势,5月最高为(362.33±24.52)株.m-2,9月最低为(255.0±36.17)株.m-2;株高与植株密度二者无显著相关性。地上部生物量月间变化较大,总体呈上升趋势,最大值出现在10月,干质量变化范围为(37.59±13.94)~(7033.02±967.37)g.m-2。叶片、茎与叶鞘等构件生物量总体呈上升趋势,干质量最大值出现在10月,分别为(1264.32±202.19)、(3667.58±475.22)、(1123.78±178.37)g.m-2。5~10月,芦苇地上部同化器官与非同化器官生物量之比F/C值呈降低趋势,地上部非同化器官生物量对地上部总生物量的变化有较大贡献。初步分析表明降水量对芦苇地上部生物量增长有较大影响。芦苇地下各层生物量变化基本相同,月间差异不显著。芦苇根冠比5~10月处于0.29~1.93范围内。芦苇根冠比的变化受外界环境因素的影响,其变化与地上、地下生物量密切相关。根系生长变化与芦苇植株自身对营养等生存条件获取的自我调控有关。  相似文献   

荣成俚岛近岸海域大叶藻的生态学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年6月,对山东荣成俚岛南起马他角,北至俚岛湾东端"外遮岛"之间2 m以浅近岸海域大叶藻的分布、生物量、形态特征、花及栖息环境进行了调查。结果显示,该海域大叶藻呈片状分布,每片面积在1.5~2.0 m2之间,平均分布密度1 650株/m2;大叶藻平均生物量为3.754 g/株;平均根质量0.432 4 g/株,根长范围2~14 cm,平均根长4.829 5cm,根的平均直径为0.1 mm;平均茎质量0.460 9 g/株,平均茎长4.407 cm/株,茎的平均直径为2.159 mm;平均节数为9.27节/株,平均节长5.144 mm;平均叶质量2.294 g/株,叶长范围17~70 cm,平均叶宽5.28 mm,平均叶长45.23 cm,平均叶鞘长6.824 cm;单性花,雌雄同株,2个雌花之间有2个雄花,每个花序轴上有雄花13~19个,雌花7~11个;底质环境为砾砂。调查结果丰富了大叶藻生态学的研究内容,也为大叶藻受损生物群落的生态修复技术奠定了先期工作基础。  相似文献   

The growth dynamics of two co‐occurring seagrass species, Zostera marina and Halophila nipponica, were examined on the southern coast of the Korean peninsula. Zostera marina is a native dominant seagrass species in Korean coastal waters, whereas H. nipponica is a non‐native tropical and subtropical species that has extended its distributional range to the temperate coastal areas of Korea. To examine the differences in the growth dynamics of H. nipponica and Z marina, their morphology, density, productivity and biomass, as well as local environmental conditions, were monitored monthly from January 2008 to July 2009. Underwater irradiance at the study site was the highest in April 2009 and the lowest in January 2008. Water temperature ranged from 10.4°C in January 2009 to 24.8°C in September 2008. Significant differences in growth dynamics were observed between the species, due to the effect of water temperature at the study site. Density and areal productivity were the highest in April 2008 and June 2008, respectively, for Z marina but the highest in July 2008 for H. nipponica. Leaf size, shoot height and shoot weight were the highest in July 2008 for Z marina but the highest in August 2008 or September 2008 for H. nipponica. The productivity of both species was strongly correlated with water temperature at the study site. However, the productivity of these species was not strongly correlated with underwater irradiance or the nutrient availability of either the water column or sediment pore water. Zostera marina exhibited the ecological characteristics of a temperate seagrass, whereas H. nipponica retained the features of a subtropical/tropical seagrass, even after adapting to the temperate coastal waters of Korea.  相似文献   

Above- and below-ground productivities and tissue N content were measured monthly to quantify N incorporation to sustain eelgrass growth in Koje Bay on the south coast of Korea from January to December 2002. N acquisition was also estimated through measurements of N uptake kinetics, tissue biomass, and in situ inorganic N concentrations in water column and sediments. Above- and below-ground productivities were highest in summer and lowest in late fall and winter. Leaf tissue N content was highest in December and lowest in July, while rhizome tissue N content was highest in October and lowest in April. Estimated monthly N incorporation by leaf tissues based on the leaf productivity and N content ranged from 0.4 g N m?2 month?1 in November to 2.0 g N m?2 month?1 in May. N incorporation by below-ground tissues ranged from 0.1 g N m?2 month?1 in February to 0.2 g N m?2 month?1 in October. Annual whole plant N incorporation was 14.5 g N m?2 y?1, and N incorporation by leaf tissues accounted for about 87 % of total N incorporation. Maximum uptake rate (V max ) and half saturation constant (K m ) of leaf NH4 + uptake were significantly lower than those of root NH4 + uptake. Above- and below-ground biomass ranged from 20.8 g DW m?2 and 8.6 g DW m?2 in winter to 350.0 g DW m?2 and 81.3 g DW m?2 in spring, respectively. NH4 + concentrations varied from 0.2 to 4.3 mM in water column and from 93.0 to 551.7 mM in sediment pore water. Based on these measurements, annual N acquisition by root tissues contributed slightly higher than that by leaf tissues to total plant N acquisition. During winter, monthly leaf N acquisition was lower than monthly leaf N incorporation. This implies that Z. marina has internal nitrogen retention system to offset the shortage and excess of nitrogen.  相似文献   

To examine the growth dynamics of eelgrass, Zostera marina, in the intertidal zone of Seomjin Estuary, Korea, we surveyed environmental factors such as water temperature, underwater irradiance, tidal exposure, and nutrient concentrations in the water column and sediment pore water in relation to the shoot density, biomass, morphological characteristics, and growth of Z. marina inhabiting the upper and lower intertidal zones. The survey was conducted monthly from January 2003 to December 2004. The water temperature of the two areas displayed seasonal fluctuations. Underwater irradiance was significantly higher in the upper intertidal zone than in the lower intertidal zone. Tidal exposure was also markedly longer in the upper intertidal zone than in the lower intertidal zone, whereas tidal exposure was highest in the spring and lowest in the summer in both areas. Water column NH4 + and sediment pore water NO3 ?+NO2 ? concentrations were significantly higher in the upper intertidal zone than the lower intertidal zone. The eelgrass shoot density, biomass, morphology, and leaf productivity were significantly higher in the lower intertidal zone than in the upper intertidal zone. Both areas displayed a clear seasonal variation depending on changes in water temperature. However, leaf turnover time was significantly shorter in the upper intertidal zone than in the lower intertidal zone, with a higher turnover rate in the upper intertidal zone. Compared to the seagrasses in the lower intertidal zone, those in the upper intertidal zone showed more effective adaptations to the stress of long tidal exposure through downsizing and increased turnover time. These results suggest that tidal exposure, coupled with desiccation stress, can be a limiting factor for seagrass growth in the intertidal zone, along with underwater irradiance, water temperature, and nutrient availability.  相似文献   

Understanding the temporal dynamics of seagrasses and the major influences on seagrass growth is critical for seagrass habitat conservation and administration. However, little work has been done regarding these issues in southern China. To examine inter-annual and seasonal variations of the intertidal Halophila ovalis community in southern China, we conducted quarterly sampling using the SeagrassNet methodology and assessed environmental conditions as well as direct anthropogenic impacts on the seagrass meadow from July 2008 to October 2014. Our study demonstrated strong inter-annual and seasonal dynamics of the intertidal seagrass meadow in the study area. Generally, the community performed best (highest seagrass cover, leaf area, shoot density, total biomass) in summer and worst in spring among the 4 seasons. The temporal variations in the seagrass community attributes (e.g. above-ground biomass) were significantly affected by precipitation, atmospheric visibility, and salinity, while leaf width was significantly negatively correlated with temperature, atmospheric visibility and salinity. Temperature was a major factor influencing the seagrass community (both macroalgae and seagrass), with temperature data showing an inverse relationship between seagrass and macroalgae. The above-ground: below-ground biomass ratio and leaf width of H. ovalis were the most sensitive plant parameters monitored when assessing environmental interactions. Human physical disturbances did not have a significant effect on seagrass dynamics in the study area. We concluded that long-term monitoring (like SeagrassNet) is valuable in understanding the relationship between environmental variables and seagrasses.  相似文献   

Among the seagrasses that occur along the coast of Korea, Zostera asiatica inhabits the deepest depth; however, to date, there is limited information on its ecology. This study presents the first quantitative data on the seasonal growth dynamics of Z. asiatica in Korea. We measured seasonal growth and morphological characteristics, as well as environmental factors, including underwater irradiance, water temperature, salinity and nutrient concentrations of the water column and sediment pore water, bimonthly from July 2012 to May 2015. Underwater irradiance showed clear seasonal trends, increasing in the spring and summer and decreasing in the fall and winter, ranging from 2.4 ± 0.2 mol photons m-2 d-1 in November 2012 to 12.8 ± 1.3 mol photons m-2 d-1 in July 2014. Water temperature also followed a strong seasonal trend similar to underwater irradiance, ranging from 9.8 ± 0.1°C in January 2013 to 20.5 ± 0.2°C in September 2013. Nutrient availability fluctuated substantially, but there was no evidence of distinct seasonal variations. Shoot density, biomass, leaf productivity, and morphological characteristics of Z. asiatica exhibited significant seasonal variations: maximum values of these variables occurred in summer, and the minima were recorded in winter. Total shoot density was highest (218.8 ± 18.8 shoots m-2) in July 2012 and lowest (106.3 ± 6.3 shoots m-2) in January 2013. Total biomass ranged from 182.6 ± 16.9 g dry weight (DW) m-2 in January 2015 to 310.9 ± 6.4 g DW m-2 in July 2014.Areal leaf production was highest (4.9 ± 0.0 g DW m-2 d-1) in July 2012 and lowest (1.4 ± 0.2 g DW m-2 d-1) in January 2013. The optimum water temperature for the growth of Z. asiatica was between 16-19°C. Growth of Z. asiatica was more strongly correlated with underwater irradiance than water temperature, suggesting that light is the most important factor determining seasonality of Z. asiatica at the study site.  相似文献   

Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) shoot density, seed-bearing shoot abundance, shoot length, and standing stock biomass were monitored during summer months from 1985 to 2000 at three locations in eastern Long Island Sound (LIS) near Millstone Power Station (MPS), Waterford, Connecticut, USA. Short-term declines in eelgrass abundance were directly associated with fouling and overgrowth of eelgrass on two occasions; once by blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and once by a bloom of green algae (Cladophora spp.). Analysis of long-term trends indicated some degree of decline in most of the parameters examined at all three areas monitored. The spatial relationship of the long-term eelgrass declines suggests primary causal factors other than the power plant discharge or regional climate change. Two populations to the east of MPS and near the fringes of the thermal plume (<1.5 km from the MPS discharge to LIS) exhibited only slight declines over the 16-y study period and thermal input from MPS to these sites was minimal (<1 °C above ambient conditions). By comparison, heavy eelgrass losses were documented in the Niantic River, located >2 km from the power plant thermal plume. Die-offs of entire individual eelgrass study beds in the Niantic River were observed on five separate occasions during the study with no sign of recovery. While the causes were not determined, anthropogenic influences such as nutrient loading from surface run-off and groundwater sources may have contributed to observed declines. The Niantic River has a more restricted tidal inlet and is closer to sources of nutrient enrichment than Jordan Cove. Historically, eelgrass has ranged to far western reaches of LIS, but over the last century has become restricted to the easternmost third of the Connecticut coastline due to nutrient loading and eutrophication of the western portions. This study suggests that the west-to-east declining trend in eelgrass distribution in LIS may be further progressing.  相似文献   

基于2006年6月—2021年10月期间CALIPSO星载激光雷达观测数据,对吕宋海峡低云和深对流等影响飞行的云时空分布特征进行统计学分析。结果表明,在南海季风、太阳辐射和季风槽的共同影响下:(1)低云覆盖率在8月左右最小,为2.9% ,在1月左右最大,为67.4%;低云平均云底高在7月左右最低,为756.1 m,在1月左右最高,为1 259.4 m;低云平均厚度在7月最小,为714.1 m,在12月最大,为1 039.4 m。(2)深对流发生概率在10月左右最小,为1.9%,12月最大,为18.7%;深对流顶高在10月最大,平均顶高为16 056.2 m,在4月最小,平均顶高为14 164.0 m。  相似文献   

根据2005年1,4,7和10月4个季度代表月份在海南岛三亚湾进行的现场综合调查资料,分析了海区浮游植物和浮游细菌生物量的空间分布及季节变异特征,探讨了它们与温度,DIN,PO43-,DO,BOD5等生态环境因子的关系.结果表明,三亚湾海区2005年平均叶绿素a浓度为:(2.48±2.97)mg/m3,浮游植物生物量(C)为:(124.2±148.3)mg/m3,浮游植物生物量秋季最高,其他季节差异不大,除夏季外,浮游植物生物量(C)均表现为:表层大于底层;年平均浮游细菌丰度为(6.90±2.95)×108个/dm3,细菌生物量(C)为(13.79±5.90)mg/m3,细菌生物量夏季最高,往下依次为冬季、春季和秋季,且4个季节均为表层大于底层.4个季节表、底层浮游植物和细菌生物量的空间分布特征明显,均表现为从近岸的三亚河口往外海逐渐降低的趋势,三亚河的陆源输送和入海扩散是造成此分布特征的主要原因.无机营养盐中,DIN是调控浮游植物和细菌生物量的主导因子.位于热带的三亚湾,温度不成为影响二者季节差异的主要因子.浮游细菌生物量和浮游植物生物量的比值BB/PB为:0.06~0.15(平均为0.12),三亚湾浮游植物生物量和浮游细菌生物量间的相关性非常显著(P<0.01),初级生产是影响水域浮游细菌分布的重要因素.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics of Zostera noltii was studied during 1984 in Arcachon Bay, France. In this Bay, Z. noltii colonizes 70 km2, i.e. approximately 50% of the total area, while Z. marina occupies only 4 km2. Densities and length of vegetative and generative shoots and above-ground and below-ground biomasses were monitored in four meadows which differed according to their location in the Bay, tidal level and sediment composition. Three of these meadows were homogeneous, well-established beds whilst the fourth was under colonization and patchy. Shoot densities and maximal below-ground biomass were lower in the inner silty seagrass bed than in the sandy meadows located in the centre of the Bay. Maximal above-ground biomasses were similar in the two population types. In the well-established beds, vegetative shoot densities, above-ground and below-ground biomasses showed a unimodal pattern with minima in winter (4000 to 9000 shoots·m−2, 40 to 80 g DW·m−2, and 40 to 60 g DW·m−2, respectively) and maxima in summer (11000 to 22000 shoots·m−2, 110 to 150 g DW·m−2, and 140 to 200 g DW·m−2, respectively). Reproductive shoots were observed from the beginning of June until the end of September, except in the colonizing bed where they persisted until December. Furthermore, in the latter, maximal reproductive shoot density was higher (2600 shoots·m−2) than in the established beds (650 to 960 shoots·m−2). The total production of Z. noltii in Arcachon Bay was estimated to approximately 35.6·106 kg DW·y−1 (19.4·106 kg DW·y−1 for above-ground parts and 16.2·106 kg DW·y−1 for below-ground parts).  相似文献   

Between September 1966 and August 1968 Canterbury coastal waters showed an annual range in surface temperature of 7–9°c. Temperatures were highest from January to March and lowest in July and August.  相似文献   

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