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太平洋海山富钴结壳中铂族元素赋存状态与富集机理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过选择性化学提取法,对太平洋采薇海山富钴结壳样品中铂族元素进行分级提取实验,利用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)测定了铂族元素含量。赋存状态结果显示,富钴结壳中铂族元素在各个化学相态中富集比例从大到小依次为:铁氧化物相、残渣态、锰氧化物相、碳酸盐相、吸附态,未磷酸盐化新壳层和磷酸盐化老壳层中铂族元素都主要赋存于铁氧化物相中,其富集比例为59.26%~82.19%,残渣态中磷酸盐对铂族元素具有一定的富集能力,其富集比例为17.23%~35.37%。不同类型地质体中铂族元素的赋存状态结果,也证实了富钴结壳和海山结核中铂族元素富集主要受到铁氧化物相和残渣态的影响。太平洋海山富钴结壳中铂族元素的富集机理推测为铁氧/氢氧化物胶体粒子的吸附作用,使海水中PtC l24-离子被吸附到铁氧化物相中,从而使富钴结壳中铂族元素富集。  相似文献   

利用X射线衍射法、等离子体发射光谱法和等离子体质谱法分析了西太平洋采薇海山和徐福海山富钴结壳矿物相组成以及常微量元素含量,探讨稀土元素地球化学特征和物质来源。研究表明,富钴结壳样品主要结晶矿物为水羟锰矿,次要矿物包括石英、斜长石、钾长石和碳氟磷灰石,同时含有大量非晶态铁氧/氢氧化物。富钴结壳的Mn和Fe含量最高,Mn含量为16.20%~26.62%,Fe含量为8.56%~18.19%,老壳层(IV和V)发生了磷酸盐化作用。富钴结壳的稀土元素明显富集,轻稀土元素明显高于重稀土元素,稀土总量为1 842~2 854μg/g,其中,Ce约占50%。老壳层中稀土元素含量明显高于新壳层,这可能与老壳层发生磷酸盐化作用有关。稀土元素配分模式呈现Ce正异常、Eu无异常,具有明显Ce富集特征。富钴结壳的稀土元素与Ce、Y、CaO、P2O5、Ba和Sr具有正相关性关系,与Fe、Al2O3、Na2O、K2O、MgO、TiO2、Pb和V具有负相关性关系,与...  相似文献   

为探究大洋富钴结壳的元素地球化学特征和赋存状态,以西太平洋麦哲伦海山群5个富钴结壳样品为研究对象,通过X射线衍射法、等离子体发射光谱法、等离子体质谱法及相态分析手段,分析了富钴结壳的矿物组成、主量元素和稀土元素含量。结果表明,富钴结壳样品主要结晶矿物为水羟锰矿,次要矿物包括石英、斜长石和钾长石,同时含有大量非晶态铁氧/氢氧化物。富钴结壳样品中Mn和Fe含量最高, Mn为16.87%~26.55%, Fe为14.34%~18.08%。富钴结壳明显富集稀土元素,其稀土总量为1 287~2 000μg/g,Ce含量为632~946μg/g,约占稀土总量的50%;轻稀土含量为1 037~1 604μg/g,重稀土含量为249~395μg/g,轻稀土元素明显高于重稀土元素。稀土元素配分模式呈现Ce正异常而Eu无异常,具有Ce富集特征。麦哲伦海山群富钴结壳是水成沉积成因,基本没有受到海底热液活动和成岩作用的影响。元素赋存状态与其矿物相密切相关, Na、K、Ca、Mg和Sr主要赋存于碳酸盐相, Mn、Ba、Co和Ni主要赋存于锰氧化物相, Fe、Al、P、Ti、Cu、Pb、V、Zn、Zr和REE主要...  相似文献   

为探讨富钴结壳中矿物组成对稀土元素分布的制约,对约翰斯顿岛富钴结壳中矿物组成及稀土元素特征进行了研究。依据主要矿物组成,富钴结壳可以分为3种类型,分别命名为A、B、C。由A到C,水羟锰矿含量逐渐降低,B类中磷灰石含量最高,C类中水钠锰矿和钙锰矿含量最高。A类结壳中富集REE3+、Ce,B类结壳中富集Ce和Y。A类富钴结壳中,REE3+、Y以专属吸附的方式富集在铁氧化物上,Ce3+氧化成Ce4+与其他REE分离,吸附在锰矿物上。B类结壳中,稀土元素主要以独立矿物的形式存在,另有部分Ce、LREE3+吸附于铁相中,部分Y存在于磷灰石中。C类结壳中,稀土元素主要赋存在锰矿物中,部分Y存在于磷灰石中。  相似文献   

中太平洋富钴结壳稀土元素的地球化学特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
利用"大洋一号"调查船在中太平洋不同海区调查时获取的18个富钴结壳样品,采用化学分析及ICP-AES分析法,对中太平洋海区富钴结壳稀土元素的含量、分布特征、配分模式以及来源进行了分析和研究,结果表明:(1)中太平洋海区富钴结壳中稀土元素含量异常高,总量为1703×10-6~2879×10-6,约为正常深海沉积物、有孔虫核壳和海水中稀土元素含量的10~100倍,与莱恩群岛和夏威夷群岛海区结壳中稀土元素的含量接近,且明显高于约翰斯顿岛、马绍尔群岛和南中国海等海区结壳中稀土元素的含量;(2)中太平洋海区富钴结壳中稀土元素的配分模式基本相同,轻稀土元素富集,尤其是Ce元素相当富集,呈较为明显的正异常,而重稀土元素则普遍亏损;(3)中太平洋海区富钴结壳中稀土元素与海水中稀土元素的配分模式为明显的镜像关系;(4)中太平洋海区富钴结壳中稀土元素总量与Mn呈显著正相关,与Mn/Fe相关不明显,反映出研究区结壳中的稀土元素主要来自于海水和上覆水的缓慢沉积以及火山喷发、洋底玄武岩风化淋漓和生物化学沉积。  相似文献   

中太平洋和中国南海富钴结壳稀土元素地球化学   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对中太平洋海山和中国南沙海盆富钴结壳中稀土元素的含量、分布特征、配分模式分析结果表明:富钴结壳中稀土元素含量非常高,总量为1 380×10-6~2 360×10-6,约为正常深海沉积物和海水中稀土元素含量的10~100倍,与大陆地壳丰度相比Ce最为富集;中太平洋海山区和中国南沙海盆富钴结壳中的稀土元素配分模式与其他海域基本相同,属轻稀土元素富集、重稀土元素亏损型;Ce元素含量和轻重稀土元素的比值沿生长方向逐渐降低,底层比顶层高出近一倍;不同海域富钴结壳中稀土元素的含量变化较大,夏威夷群岛富钴结壳中的稀土元素总量最高,中太平洋海山区中等,中国南沙海盆偏低。  相似文献   

利用电子探针对中太平洋莱恩海山链MP2海山典型富钴结壳样品的剖面分别进行壳层、碎屑矿物和自生矿物主元素原位分析.通过对壳层(主要的成矿金属元素、脉石元素)、碎屑矿物和自生矿物中的Si,Al,Ca和P等元素质量分数的研究,探讨磷酸盐化作用对MP2海山富钴结壳中Co元素富集的影响.发现结壳第Ⅱ层未磷酸盐化壳层存在贫钴壳层,...  相似文献   

东菲律宾海表层沉积物中元素的赋存状态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解东菲律宾海不同类型表层沉积物中元素的赋存状态,采用化学提取方法对有无新型铁锰结壳发育站位表层沉积物样品进行了分级提取及测试,不同类型表层沉积物中成矿和稀土元素的赋存状态总体一致,表明研究区表层沉积物形成于相似的地质和海洋环境中。成矿元素中Fe绝大部分赋存在残渣态中,Mn、Cu、Co和Ni则主要赋存在铁锰氧化物结合态中,稀土元素也主要赋存在这两个相态中,碳酸盐结合态、铁锰氧化物结合态和有机结合态对重稀土元素优先吸附或具络合作用,引起重稀土元素的相对富集和铈的负异常,残渣态优先吸附轻稀土元素,导致轻稀土元素的富集和铈的正异常,火山物质则使表层沉积物残渣态表现出铕的正异常特征。同时,不同表层沉积物样品间也存在一定的差异,这与其局部形成条件——铁锰结壳发育与否有关。  相似文献   

稀土(REY)是一组有效示踪物质源区和地质过程的元素,本研究利用X荧光光谱法(XRF)和电感耦合等离子光谱仪(ICP-MS)分析了马尔库斯-威克海山和中太平洋海山富钴结壳的主要元素和稀土元素,结合前人研究成果对比了磷酸盐化及未磷酸盐化富钴结壳的稀土特征。结果显示:磷(P)含量低的结壳具有相对低的稀土总量(∑REY),北美页岩标准化后显示铈(Ce)正异常和钇(Y)负异常;磷酸盐化后的结壳具有相对高的∑REY,并表现出Ce正异常和显著Y正异常。磷酸盐化结壳中应存在"富稀土磷酸盐"组分,特别是对Y具有重要贡献。将磷酸盐化结壳视为磷酸盐组分和结壳组分的混合,模拟结果显示富稀土磷酸盐组分具有海山磷块岩的稀土配分模式,但是其∑REY达到普通磷块岩的10倍或以上。考虑到海洋中富钙沉积物丰富,大量PO_4~(3-)不同程度地交代碳酸盐等钙质物质,容易形成贫稀土磷酸盐。而伴随结壳缓慢的成矿过程,部分磷酸盐的形成未受到碳酸盐的影响,容易形成富稀土磷酸盐。  相似文献   

基于沉积物AMS14 C定年,研究了近千年来台湾以东黑潮主流区沉积物的稀土元素组成变化特征及赋存形态,探讨了该区近千年来稀土来源。台湾东黑潮主流区近千年来沉积物中稀土元素总量平均为119.82μg/g,低于上陆壳和中国黄土的稀土元素平均含量,与冲绳海槽较为接近;轻重稀土元素比值平均为11.30,明显富集轻稀土,具有明显的陆源属性。研究区沉积物稀土元素对球粒陨石和上地壳标准化配分模式均表现为轻稀土富集重稀土相对亏损,且具有弱的Ce正异常。根据定年结果及稀土元素变化特征趋势将柱状沉积物分为3层:0~8.5、8.5~21.5和21.5~30cm,随深度增加稀土元素总量的平均值逐渐增大,轻重稀土元素比值逐渐减小,Ce正异常程度逐渐减弱。稀土元素赋存形态分析表明,La、Ce、Pr、Nd 4种轻稀土元素主要为天然陆源,其他稀土元素受氧化还原环境影响相对较大。稀土元素主要存在于残渣态中,其次为铁锰氧化物结合态,残渣态对台湾以东黑潮主流区沉积物中总稀土元素的配分模式起决定性作用,也是造成Ce正异常的关键赋存形态。近千年来沉积物中稀土元素变化与沉积物粒度关系不大,物质来源较为稳定,台湾东部河流输入是研究区沉积物中稀土元素的最重要来源,亚洲大陆风尘输送对稀土元素的贡献较小。  相似文献   

西北太平洋多金属结核铂族元素地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polymetallic nodules and cobalt (Co)-rich crusts are enriched in platinum-group elements (PGEs),especially platinum (Pt) and may be important sinks of PGEs.At present,little information is available on PGEs in polymetallic nodules,and their geochemical characteristics and the causes of PGEs enrichment are unclear.Here PGEs of polymetallic nodules from abyssal basin in the Marcus-Wake Seamount area of the Northwest Pacific Ocean are reported and compared with the published PGEs data of polymetallic nodules and Co-rich crusts in the Pacific.The total PGEs (ΣPGE) content of polymetallic nodules in study area is 258×10~(–9) in average,markedly higher than that of Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ) nodules (ΣPGE=127×10~(–9)) and lower than that of Co-rich crusts in the Marcus-Wake Seamount (ΣPGE=653×10~(–9)),similar to that of Co-rich crusts in the South China Sea(ΣPGE=252×10~(–9)).The CI chondrite-normalized PGEs patterns in different regions of polymetallic nodules and cobalt-rich crusts are highly consistent,with all being characterized by positive Pt and negative Pd anomalies These results,together with those of previous studies,indicate that PGEs in polymetallic nodules and Co-rich crusts are mainly derived directly from seawater.Pt contents of polymetallic nodules from the study area are negatively correlated with water depth,and Pt/ΣPGE ratios in nodules there are also lower than those of the Corich crusts in the adjacent area,indicating that sedimentary water depth and oxygen fugacity of ambient seawater are the possible important controlling factors for Pt accumulation in crusts and nodules.  相似文献   

北冰洋深海广泛分布的富锰棕色沉积层(棕色层)是海冰、洋流、物源供给等多种因素共同作用的结果,本文基于西北冰洋门捷列夫海岭ARC07-E25岩芯沉积物稀土元素与微量元素含量、颜色反射率参数、粗颗粒组分和无机碳含量的变化特征,对该类沉积层中稀土元素的组成特征、形成机制和物质来源进行了综合分析。结果显示,沉积物稀土元素总含量(∑REE)在122.37×10?6~231.94×10?6之间变化,北美页岩标准化配分模式显示出轻微的中稀土(MREE)富集以及由La、Ce、Nd主导的较强的轻稀土(LREE)优势。沉积物中∑REE随着粗组分颗粒(如冰筏碎屑)的增多而呈现降低趋势,表明门捷列夫海脊沉积物中的稀土元素主要富集在细粒沉积物中。根据∑REE在沉积物中的变化特征将E25岩芯沉积物划分为4种地层,反映出了冰期/间冰期的气候转变过程中温暖条件下形成的棕色层与寒冷条件下形成的浅灰绿色沉积层(灰色层)的岩性旋回中稀土元素组成的差异,由于两种沉积层在形成时受到不同的底层水氧化还原环境的控制,导致了铈(Ce)元素在氧化水体中会由Ce3+氧化为Ce4+并发生沉降,而在还原水体中则由Ce4+还原为Ce3+发生溶解,这一特性使LREE含量产生较大波动,进而影响到∑REE,使之趋于在代表氧化条件的棕色层中升高而在代表还原条件的灰色层中降低。R型因子分析和物质来源判别结果显示,E25岩芯沉积物中稀土元素与亲碎屑元素(Nb、U、Th)有较好的相关性,主要来源于东西伯利亚海和新西伯利亚群岛的近岸侵蚀物质以及勒拿河物质的输入。  相似文献   

Fifty analyses of rare earth elements as well as mineralogical studies have been carried out on a suite of manganese nodules and crusts from the Central Indian Basin and the Western Indian Ocean. The aim was to identify the processes controlling the REE patterns of the phases hosting the REE in the manganese nodules, with an emphasis on an understanding of the Ce anomaly. This has involved separating the encrusting layers and nuclei physically as well as Fe-Mn oxides from the aluminosilicate phase chemically (using a 2 M HCl leach) prior to analysis.

The presence of nodule nuclei seems to have little influence (mostly <5% to a maximum of 30%) on the overall magnitude of the Ce anomalies in these nodules. The ratios of concentrations of elements in the acid leachates and the corresponding bulk values yield flat REE patterns indicating that the aluminosilicate phase contributes very little to the Ce anomalies. Interelement relations indicate that the Ce anomalies are largely controlled by the amorphous mineral phase FeOOH.xH2O. The relationship of Fe, Ce anomaly and δ-MnO2 further suggests that Ce is chemisorbed onto iron oxyhydroxides which are epitaxially intergrown with δ-MnO2.

The regional distribution of the Ce anomaly values appears to depend on many of the factors responsible for the uptake of other minor metals in nodules and crusts.  相似文献   

Ferromanganese nodules and crusts contain relatively high concentration of rare earth elements(REE) and yttrium(REY),with a growing interest in exploitation as an alternative to land-based REY resources.On the basis of comprehensive geochemical approach,the abundance and distribution of REY in the ferromanganese nodules from the South China Sea are analyzed.The results indicate that the REY contents in ferromanganese deposits show a clear geographic regularity.Total REY contents range from 69.1×10~(–6) to 2 919.4×10~(–6),with an average value of 1 459.5×10~(–6).Especially,the enrichment rate of Ce content is high,accounting for almost 60% of the total REY.This REE enrichment is controlled mainly by the sorption of ferromanganese oxides and clay minerals in the nodules and crusts.Moreover,the total REY are higher in ferromanganese deposits of hydrogenous origin than of diagenetic origin.Finally,Light REE(LREE) and heavy REE(HREE) oxides of the ferromanganese deposits in the study area can be classified into four grades: non-enriched type,weakly enriched type,enriched type,and extremely enriched type.According to the classification criteria of rare earth resources,the Xisha and Zhongsha platform-central deep basin areas show a great potential for these rare earth metals.  相似文献   

Six manganese crusts, 13 manganese nodules, and 16 sediments were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Data were generated on selected major and minor elements but geochemical evaluations are based only on Fe, Sc, U, Th, and the rare earth elements (REE). Manganese crusts and manganese nodules have comparable trivalent REE contents and show a shale‐like distribution pattern. Both crusts and nodules are characterized by a positive Ce anomaly but the anomaly is higher in nodules. REE contents in manganese nodules show a linear dependence on the Fe content, and it is concluded that these elements are incorporated in the Fe‐rich (δ‐MnO2) phase. In the crusts, the REE correlate with Sc and are therefore assumed to be associated with the clay minerals. Uranium contents are significantly higher in the crusts than in nodules whereas Th is slightly higher in the nodules. There is a clear positive correlation between U and Th in nodules but there are too few data to make a similar conclusion for crusts. Compositional data suggest a division of the sediments into two groups. The carbonate sediments have much lower REE contents and a more pronounced negative Ce anomaly than the clays, while both show a lithogenous component as indicated by a slight negative Eu anomaly.  相似文献   

西太平洋麦哲伦海山区是全球重要的铁锰结壳资源分布区,具有丰富的稀土元素资源潜力。本文对采自麦哲伦海山区Kocebu海山的11个铁锰结壳表层样(<1 mm)进行稀土元素地球化学研究,探讨其含量特征、成因和影响稀土元素富集的环境因素。结果表明:Kocebu海山铁锰结壳表层样品ΣREY(Rare earth elements and yttrium)平均含量为1366 mg/kg,低于前人在麦哲伦海山区其他海山以及邻近的马尔库斯–威克海山区的分析结果;样品轻稀土富集和Ce正异常(平均值为1.45)特征以及稀土元素成因图解、配分曲线和分配系数曲线等均表明该海山结壳属于水成成因;海水中稀土元素含量和溶解氧含量是控制结壳生长的关键环境参数,二者在Kocebu海山所在海区的浅水环境中含量较低;结壳ΣREY含量偏低与采样点水深较浅导致的海水稀土元素含量和溶解氧含量较低密切相关,受碎屑矿物的稀释作用影响较小。在开展铁锰结壳地球化学特征研究和资源勘探评价时应充分考虑采样水深的分布范围,局部水深样品的分析结果可能导致研究结果出现较大偏差。  相似文献   

马里亚纳海槽扩张轴(中心)玄武岩铂族元素特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马里亚纳海槽扩张轴中心玄武岩铂族元素(PGE)总量变化范围为0.418×10-9~1.022×10-9,其原始地幔标准化配分模式呈正倾斜型,表现出PPGE(包括Pt,Pd,Rh)和金的相对富集.与其他幔源岩石相比,该区玄武岩PGE总量较低,(Pd/Ir)N,(Pd/Pt)N,(Pd/Ru)N变化较大,表现出铂、铱的相对亏损和明显的铂负异常(Pt/Pt*=0.01~0.15).PGE的分布特征一方面反映了该区地幔熔融度不高,另一方面,大离子亲石元素LILE(铷、锶、钾等)、铅和轻稀土LREE略富集,暗示扩张中心之下的软流圈地幔源受到了岛弧地幔的混染.上述特征反映了马里亚纳海槽玄武岩是MORB型与岛弧型地幔源不同程度混合后部分融熔的产物.  相似文献   


Hydrothermal iron‐rich crusts have been recovered from a number of hot spot volcanos including Crough Seamount, Pitcairn Volcanos 2 and 1, Cyana Seamount, Teahitia, Moua Pihaa, and Macdonald Seamount in the S. W. Pacific. Mineralogically, the crusts consists of ferrihydrite with traces of the weathering products of volcanic ash (feldspar, nontronite, pyroxene, and serpentinite). The iron oxyhydroxide phase has a mean particle size of 3–4 nm indicating rapid deposition. Electron microprobe studies have revealed the presence of filamentous iron‐silica deposits within the crusts reflecting the possible bacterial oxidation of iron from the hydrothermal fluids. The crusts display wide variability in composition both between individual sampling stations and between seamounts. Endmember analysis shows that the compositional data can be resolved into three endmembers: a Fe‐rich endmember, a light and heavy rare earth element endmember, and a Ba (barite)‐rich endmember. The Fe‐rich endmember appears to contain very low concentrations of most trace elements. For bulk samples, the composition of the iron‐rich crusts reflects dilution of the iron oxyhydroxide phase by volcanic ash and, to a lesser extent, a hydrogenous component. This is illustrated by the wide variability in SiO2 (11.1–71.3%) and Mn (0.01–1.21%) contents of the crusts. For iron‐rich crusts containing greater than 40% Fe, the Pitcairn crusts display lower contents of Pb, Ba, Mo, U, Th, As, and rare earth elements (REE) and lower cerium anomalies than those from Teahitia. REE profiles of crusts from each of the hot spot volcanoes are characterized by small negative cerium anomalies but pronounced positive europium anomalies. The low average La/Fe ratios of the crusts from the various seamounts (47–572 X 10‐6) and positive Eu anomalies of the crusts suggest rapid deposition of the iron oxyhydroxide near the hydrothermal vent. The high Fe/Mn ratio of vent fluids at hot spot volcanoes (8.5–5.6) may account for the formation of these iron‐rich crusts. The present data indicate that there may be differences in the nature of the iron‐rich crusts based on the depth of occurrence. This influences the temperature of the venting hydrothermal fluids and the possibility of occurrence of submarine phreatomagmatic eruptions.  相似文献   

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