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Harvest control rules (HCRs) have been implemented for many fisheries worldwide. However, in most instances, those HCRs are not based on the explicit feedbacks between stock properties and economic considerations. This paper develops a bio-economic model that evaluates the HCR adopted in 2004 by the Joint Norwegian–Russian Fishery Commission to manage the world's largest cod stock, Northeast Arctic cod (NEA). The model considered here is biologically and economically detailed, and is the first to compare the performance of the stock's current HCR with that of alternative HCRs derived with optimality criteria. In particular, HCRs are optimized for economic objectives including fleet profits, economic welfare, and total yield and the emerging properties are analyzed. The performance of these optimal HCRs was compared with the currently used HCR. This paper show that the current HCR does in fact comes very close to maximizing profits. Furthermore, the results reveal that the HCR that maximizes profits is the most precautionary one among the considered HCRs. Finally, the HCR that maximizes yield leads to un-precautionary low levels of biomass. In these ways, the implementation of the HCR for NEA cod can be viewed as a success story that may provide valuable lessons for other fisheries.  相似文献   

我国海洋渔业地理信息系统发展现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细总结了我国海洋渔业地理信息系统的研究与应用现状,远洋渔业地理信息系统主要应用于金枪鱼、鱿钓业和秋刀鱼的资源分布、渔获量与渔场环境关系、渔情预报、渔场图绘制等方面,近海主要用于分析东海渔业资源分布和漂移特征、渔场环境分布、部分种类渔获量分布与环境关系及渔情预报等方面。除渔业资源与渔场领域外,渔业地理信息系统还被应用到渔船跟踪、捕捞违法行为判别、渔业信息发布和水产品查询,以及渔港建设等领域,国内学者在进行渔业地理信息系统技术应用的同时,还注重了其技术的研究及改进。  相似文献   

The overall performance of ships depends on the seakeeping performance in specified sea areas where the vessel is designed to operate. The seakeeping performance procedure is based upon the probability of exceeding specified ship motions in a sea environment particular to the vessel's mission. Given the operational area of the vessel, the percentage of time the vessel operates in a particular sea state can be determined from an oceanographic database through application of the response amplitude operators. The predicted motions are compared to the motion limiting criteria to obtain the operability indices. However, the operability indices are strongly affected by the chosen limiting criteria. This is particularly the case for passenger vessels where many conflicting criteria are used to assess the effect of motions and accelerations on comfort and well-being of passengers. This paper investigates the effect of seakeeping criteria on seakeeping performance assessment for passenger vessels. Conventional seakeeping performance measures are evaluated for various levels of vertical accelerations defined by the ISO 2631 standard. It is shown that the estimated seakeeping performance of a passenger vessel greatly depends on the level of limiting value selected as the seakeeping criteria.  相似文献   

Fishery policies have largely developed in response to revealed problems with existing policy instruments. The last major innovation is the introduction of individual transferable quotas, ITQs. Experience thus far is promising. However, if history repeats itself, it is pertinent to start exploring further improvements. Among other things, concerns may be raised about the efficiency of ITQs, financial risks to owners of quotas and fishing vessels, and problems with fairness and collection of resource rent. These issues are studied with a laboratory experiment. Different from previous experiments it allows for trade of both quotas and vessels. In addition, the experiment tests an alternative institutional arrangement, namely auctioned seasonal quotas, ASQs. Neither of the two systems turns out to be as perfect as economic theory predicts. While the two systems are similar in some respects, the ASQ system allows for taxation of resource rent, and surprisingly, it may be the system with the lowest financial risk for fishing firms.  相似文献   

Community Supported Fishery (CSF) Programs are arrangements between fishermen and consumers where consumers provide upfront payments to fishermen in exchange for scheduled seafood deliveries. They are modeled after the popular Community Supported Agriculture Programs, a form of direct-to-consumer-marketing in which a group of individuals support a farm. There are multiple market and non-market benefits from these programs. Fishermen receive higher prices for fish, are guaranteed a stable income, and can activate political and regulatory support through direct interaction with consumers. Consumers are provided with access to high-quality novel types of fish and benefit from interactions with the producers of their food. CSFs have frequently collaborated with non-governmental organizations to address the challenges associated with these programs. Under the catch share system in the Northeast US groundfish fishery, sectors may be well-positioned to implement a CSF. Direct marketing through a CSF is not likely to completely replace traditional markets for fishermen, but can be a valuable supplement to their operations.  相似文献   

Vessel buyback programs intended to address overcapacity and excess capitalization in fisheries can lead to dramatically different levels of decapitalization depending on program structure and availability of vessel-specific information. This paper develops a simple theoretical model of self-financing vessel buybacks to examine equilibrium outcomes using sequential versus take-it-or-leave-it auctions, and financing schemes which allocate costs either homogeneously or according to rents captured through the buyback. This model demonstrates that programs which spread costs evenly among remaining vessels limit the possible extent of buybacks, as do programs which buy vessels one at a time in sequence rather than all at once. In addition to the theoretical modeling, a stylized case study inspired by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Fishery is also provided. This analysis suggests that a wide range of auction structures could roughly half the size of the existing fleet, and starkly demonstrates how information poor settings can entirely derail a buyback.  相似文献   

对2022年第12号台风“梅花”的主要特点、路径预报难点问题和路径预报误差特征进行分析,研究主要结论显示:(1)“梅花”登陆次数多、登陆强度强,是首个4次登陆不同省(市)的台风,也是2022年最强登陆台风,造成华东与东北地区长时间、大范围的风雨影响。(2)台风生成初期的中长期时效路径预报是路径预报难点之一,模式对台风主要影响系统的长时效预报存在明显偏差,针对模式的及时检验和订正对预报调整非常重要。(3)双台风或多涡旋情景下,集合预报发散度大,“梅花”陆上路径预报偏西偏慢,其东侧“南玛都”的强度和位置差异对其路径有明显影响。(4)台风变性过程中的移速误差是路径预报极大误差的来源,关注台风是否处于变性过程可作为调整台风移速预报的参考。未来开展多模式交叉实时检验,基于集合预报研发针对转向变性台风路径预报订正技术可为主观预报提供支撑。  相似文献   

海洋作业渔船管理系统的设计与运行试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对渔政管理指挥系统建设项日中的业务软件部分渔船管理系统的设计方案进行了介绍。根据我国渔洋作业渔船的实际管理模式,提出了渔船管理系统设计方案。系统通过网络化的业务处理和管理流程,规范渔船建造、审批、登记以及捕捞许可证发放等管理业务,实现渔船控制指标的统一分配,以控制捕捞业发展规模和保护我国的渔业资源。系统以Microsoft VB6.0,Delphi6.0开发,在Window98/2000/XP环境下运行。通过运行试验,对系统运行环境进行了评估,为渔政管理信息化的建设、系统升级提供了经验和技术依据。  相似文献   

The Kenai River Fishery is a unique social–ecological system (SES) with nearly 50 federal, state, local, and nonprofit groups influencing its political, ecological, and social structure. While ecological data exists for this fishery, the complexity of its stakeholder relationships has not been investigated. Stakeholder interactions can directly influence how science is integrated into management decisions and therefore affect the adaptive capacity of SES, such as the Kenai River Fishery. Drawing from the existing stakeholder literature, this methods identifies and ranks the key SES stakeholders and describes their roles. This study approached the question of which stakeholders should be included in a future SES adaptive capacity study by (1) identifying the key stakeholders within the Kenai River Fishery, (2) ranking each stakeholder’s investment within the fishery using eleven categories of interaction, and (3) using these eleven categories to characterize each stakeholder's role within the SES. The largest number of stakeholders fall into the secondary investment category, showing that a relatively small number of resource managers are interacting with a large number of diverse nonprofit organizations. The top ranking stakeholders in this study will be invited to attend participatory scenarios workshops that will build the foundation for a deeper scenarios-based analysis of SES adaptive capacity.  相似文献   

The incidental mortality of seabirds in tuna longline fisheries is estimated for the continental South African Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Fishery observers accompanied 13 fishing trips and observed 108 sets (143 260 hooks) during the period 1998–2000. Despite most lines being set at night, seabird bycatch rates were high, with a mean of 1.6 birds killed per 1 000 hooks. Japanese vessels (1% effort observed) had a higher bycatch rate (2.6 birds per 1 000 hooks, range per trip 0.1–5.4) than South African vessels (0.8, range 0.0–4.3; 17% effort observed), possibly as a result of gear differences. Bird bycatch differed regionally in relation to the numbers of birds attending vessels. In international waters off the Northern Cape and southern Namibia, where there are few birds, only one bird was caught on 93 600 hooks (0.01 birds per 1 000 hooks). Shy Thalassarche cauta, black-browed T. melanophris and yellow-nosed T. chlororhynchos albatrosses, and white-chinned petrels Procellaria aequinoctialis were killed most frequently. Based on 1998–1999 fishing effort, simple extrapolation suggests that 19 000–30 000 seabirds are killed annually in South Africa's EEZ, of which 70% are albatrosses. Confidence in these estimates is low, given the small proportion of effort observed, but it is clear that urgent steps are needed to reduce seabird bycatch within South African waters.  相似文献   

We investigated nematode assemblages inhabiting the 26-year-old track created by experimental deep-sea mining of polymetallic nodules, and two adjacent, undisturbed sites, one with nodules and one without nodules. The aim was to compare density, assemblage structure, and diversity indices in order to assess the process of recovery of the nematode assemblage inhabiting the disturbed site. This experimental dredging was conducted in 1978 by the Ocean Minerals Company (USA) in the area of a French mining claim in the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (Tropical Eastern Pacific) at a depth of about 5000 m. The nematode assemblage had not returned its initial state 26 years after the experimental dredging: the total nematode density and biomass within the dredging track were significantly lower than outside the track; the biodiversity indices showed significantly lower nematode diversity within the track; and the structure of the nematode assemblage within the track differed significantly from those in the two undisturbed sites outside the track. However, there were no significant differences in the mean body volumes of adult nematodes and adult-juvenile ratios between the track and reference sites. Parameters such as the rate of sediment restoration (which depends on local hydrological conditions) and the degree and character of the disturbance appeared to be of considerable importance for the recovery rate of the deep-sea nematode assemblages and their ability to recolonize disturbed areas. The rates of recolonization and recovery may vary widely in different deep-sea regions.  相似文献   

After 16 years under a limited access program with effort controls, the New England groundfish fishery transitioned to a catch share management system in 2010. For much of its earlier management history, issues related to fishing capacity were paramount as effort controls were increasingly restrictive to meet biological objectives. As the size of the active fleet declined from over 1000 vessels from 1994 to 2001 to less than 400 vessels in 2012, the management concern shifted to fleet diversity. Fleet diversity has been cast in terms of vessels based on characteristics such as size, gear, and region rather than their share in landings or economic value. Measuring fleet diversity with indices commonly used in the biodiversity literature such as richness, effective diversity based on the Shannon index, and evenness appears appropriate for this context. In this paper these indices were applied to measure changes in diversity of the active New England groundfish fleet from 1996 to 2012. Fleet diversity as measured by the Shannon Index has declined by approximately 35% from 1996 to 2012, but has remained relatively stable since 2007. Forty vessel types were present in all 17 years, which accounted for about 85% of active groundfish vessels and over 90% of total groundfish landings in all years. Even though the fleet size and overall diversity have declined the “core” groundfish fleet remains stable.  相似文献   

The seasonal and inter-annual variations of Arctic cyclone are investigated. An automatic cyclone tracking algorithm developed by University of Reading was applied on the basis of European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF) ERA-interim mean sea level pressure field with 6 h interval for 34 a period. The maximum number of the Arctic cyclones is counted in winter, and the minimum is in spring not in summer.About 50% of Arctic cyclones in summer generated from south of 70°N, moving into the Arctic. The number of Arctic cyclones has large inter-annual and seasonal variabilities, but no significant linear trend is detected for the period 1979–2012. The spatial distribution and linear trends of the Arctic cyclones track density show that the cyclone activity extent is the widest in summer with significant increasing trend in CRU(central Russia)subregion, and the largest track density is in winter with decreasing trend in the same subregion. The linear regressions between the cyclone track density and large-scale indices for the same period and pre-period sea ice area indices show that Arctic cyclone activities are closely linked to large-scale atmospheric circulations, such as Arctic Oscillation(AO), North Atlantic Oscillation(NAO) and Pacific-North American Pattern(PNA). Moreover,the pre-period sea ice area is significantly associated with the cyclone activities in some regions.  相似文献   

To date, none of the fisheries in the U.S. Pacific Islands Region is managed under a catch share program. In light of the NOAA policy to encourage the use of catch shares as a fishery management tool, the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council (WPFMC) listed six commercial fisheries, including the Hawaii pelagic longline fishery, the largest in the region, as potential candidates for catch share programs. This study examines the baseline economic characteristics and the main challenges facing the Hawaii pelagic longline fishery and evaluates the impact of these on the desirability and feasibility of a catch share program for this particular fishery.  相似文献   

Work on multispecies assessment and management has been conducted within ICES (the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) throughout the 1980s and is still ongoing. The focus has been principally the biological interactions, although there has been an increasing tendency to consider technical interactions too. Most of the work on biological interactions has been carried out by two working groups — the ad hoc Working Group on Multispecies Assessment Methods and the ad hoc Multispecies Assessment Working Group. In this paper, a brief overview of the work of those groups is given, but with emphasis on the latter over the most recent years. The difficulties and problems of the assessment methods are highlighted as well as the progress and successes. The contrast between single-species and multispecies assessments and steady-state forecasts is made and the consequences for management decisions are discussed. It is concluded that, whereas multispecies management approaches might not yet be the all-powerful tools that many people imagine or hope for, they will, with suitable caution and communication, become routine vehicles for investigating fisheries management options.  相似文献   

This paper investigates to what extent limited entry licence local-link obligations hamper economic performance of Norwegian wet fish trawlers. For 1999 average landing prices, gross revenue, net profit and some other economic indicators are compared for three groups of trawlers: (A) vessels that had local-link licence obligations and complied with them; (B) vessels that had such obligations but did not comply; and (C) vessels without local-link obligations. Average operating profit was highest for Group C. Group B vessels’ operating profit was just above that of Group A, despite significantly higher revenues. For all fish species, except redfish, Group C trawlers received higher prices than the other vessels.  相似文献   

台湾海峡海洋捕捞业管理策略和投资方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴天元 《台湾海峡》1997,16(2):239-244
本文收集了1985 ̄1994年福建省在台湾海峡生产的具有代表性的50对拖网渔船、120艘单拖渔船、48组灯光围网渔船、38对大围缯渔船、31艘定置网渔船的技术参数及生产资料,计算并分析了其适正捕捞力量、经济指标,得出了一些有益的结论:(1)根据台湾海峡渔业资源,把握正确的投资方向,已成为进一步发展海洋捕捞业的关键。(2)由于台湾海峡的渔业资源正遭受越来越大的压力,为了保护渔业资源,应当限制捕捞力量  相似文献   

In previous work, we show that accumulated anomalies of physical indices are proportional to California sardine landings and that the accumulated anomaly curves change the sign of their slope, showing maxima (minima) when climate is favorable (unfavorable) to successful completion of the sardine life cycle change. Here, we find unique time series characteristics of the periods when the climate changed for sardines in the 1930–2004 period. Only one 50–70 year cycle is examined but the consistency of the dominant signals in measurements taken independently within the sardine's environment at locations separated by thousands of kilometers, supports the argument that the events affecting the ocean-climate of the California Current region and consequently sardine life-cycle are large-scale and persist over multi-decadal periods. Year-to-year monitoring of the climate regime-state in the physical environment and its accumulating effects on sardine populations is also described. The ability to analyze climate shifts and monitor their effects on the sardine populations can reduce uncertainty in making resource management, social and business decisions. Possible effects of management decisions affecting transboundary fisheries issues within United States (US) and between the US and its Pacific neighbors are clarified. The methods presented will add an analysis of low-frequency events to the current management oriented analyses of interannual events, which are part of the existing Pacific Fishery Management Council sardine management plan.  相似文献   

Growing levels of energy consumption and concern over the environmental consequences of energy production are leading to an increased investment in renewable energy generation. Despite an important relationship between energy production, consumption and well-being, little attempt has been made to provide a holistic assessment of how renewable energy sectors can contribute to different aspects of human well-being. This paper develops an impact evaluation framework that can be used to capture societal-level impacts of change on primarily objective well-being and applies it to the case of the UK offshore wind industry. As such, the framework goes beyond the traditional view of economic, social and environmental impact assessment and evaluation capturing wider aspects of societal costs and benefits as well as sustainable development. The framework proves a useful tool for organising the available evidence and suggests a broadly positive impact of the UK offshore wind industry. While further testing and refinement of the framework is needed, it could be easily transferred for well-being assessment of other industries and interventions.  相似文献   

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