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河控型河口盐度混合和层化是控制悬沙输移扩散的重要动力机制。以珠江磨刀门河口为研究对象,基于2017年洪季三船同步大、小潮水文泥沙观测数据,分析河控型河口水体盐度层化结构的时空变化对悬沙分布的影响机制。结果表明:受径潮动力耦合时空变化影响,河口盐度垂向分布表现出时空差异,即受径流主导的M1站(挂锭角),河口盐度在涨落潮周期内垂向混合均匀,受径潮控制的M2站(口门)在整个潮周期内盐度层化结构明显,口门外侧的M3站,潮动力作用较强,盐度垂向分布随涨落潮变化而变化;悬沙空间分布与盐度分布关系密切,盐度混合均匀利于悬沙垂向均匀分布,而盐度层化则使悬沙倾向于滞留在底层水体中,且在盐度层结界面之下出现高悬沙浓度,悬沙浓度垂向分布曲线呈L字型或抛线型,纵向上表现为高浓度悬沙团抑制在盐水楔前端,盐度层化对悬沙的捕集效应明显。通过对比水体标准化分层系数与水流垂向扩散强度系数发现,两者呈现负相关关系,即标准化分层系数愈大,垂向扩散强度愈小,表明水体层化抑制悬沙垂向扩散强度,而且水体层化程度越高,悬沙垂向扩散抑制程度越大,进而促进了河口水体盐度层化对悬沙捕集作用。本研究有助于揭示河口细颗粒泥沙运动机制及河口拦门沙演变机制,并为磨刀门河口拦门沙治理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Time-dependence of salinity in monsoonal estuaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The theories and classification schemes commonly used for understanding estuarine dynamics often refer to a steady state of the estuary in which the salinity field is time-independent. In this state salinity-ingress into the estuary due to different processes (diffusion, gravity current formation, impact of tidal asymmetries, etc.) is balanced by salinity-egress induced by runoff. Here we point out that the salinity field of the estuaries that are located on the coasts of the Indian subcontinent and come under the influence of the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) is never in a steady state. We refer to such estuaries as “monsoonal estuaries”, an example of which is the Mandovi estuary located on the west coast of India. We describe the annual cycle of the salinity field in this estuary and conclude that the essential unsteadiness of the salinity field arises from two features of the runoff into it. First, most of the runoff occurs as a series of episodes of highs and lulls spread over about 4 months of the wet summer monsoon. Second, the total runoff is large, well over an order of magnitude larger than the estuarine volume. We define two parameters to represent these two features, and show that they can be used to distinguish the monsoonal estuaries from others.  相似文献   

2020年黄河丰水期入海径流量是往年平均值的2倍以上,必然会引起河口水动力和盐度分布的动态变化。本作者基于有限体积海岸海洋模型(Finite Volume Community Ocean Model,FVCOM),模拟2020年黄河冲淡水在丰水期和枯水期的扩散情况,研究黄河口以及莱州湾海域的盐度分布状况变化,以及径流量变化和口门变迁对黄河冲淡水扩散的影响,模型结果与观测结果吻合较好。模拟结果表明,黄河口西北侧潮流沿岸线方向,随着涨落潮呈西北-东南向往复;黄河口以南包括莱州湾的潮流均随着涨落潮呈东北-西南方向往复。高流速区域主要集中在黄河口和莱州湾北部,在0.5 m/s以上。在余流作用下,大量的黄河冲淡水会涌入莱州湾,丰水期时27psu等盐线包络面积占到整个莱州湾的1/4左右。径流量和风的变化主要影响羽流的扩散面积,而口门的变迁会改变其扩散方向。黄河冲淡水经北向口门入海主要影响莱州湾区域,经东向口门入海更多地会向北扩散。通过对2020年黄河口及莱州湾海域盐度分布的分析,为黄河入海径流管理及莱州湾渔业资源保护提供科学参考。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONInearly 1 96 0’s,thetideandtidalcurrentintheBeibuGulfwereobservedandanalysedbyChinaincooperationwithVietnam1) .ThesystematicstudiesoftideandtidalcurrentintheBeibuGulfwerefirstcarriedoutbyFang (1 986 ) .Thehistoryofnumericalstudyoftideandtidalcurrent…  相似文献   

An examination is made of the circulation in narrow estuaries subject to a predominant tidal forcing. Velocity structures are derived separately for residual flow components associated with (a) river flow, (b) wind stress, (c) a well-mixed longitudinal density gradient and (d) a fully stratified saline wedge. Dimensionless parameters are introduced to indicate the magnitude of each component and these parameters are evaluated for 9 major estuaries, thereby revealing their sensitivity to each component.For a channel of constant breadth and depth, formulae are deduced for the length of saline intrusion, L. Comparisons with observed data show that such formulae may be used with confidence to predict changes in L arising from variations in river flow, tidal range or channel depths.The level of stratification is shown to be related to a product of two parameters, one associated with velocity structure and a second involving the square of the ‘flow ratio’ uu? (i.e. residual velocity/amplitude of the tidal velocity). This relationship provides a simple classification system for estuarine stratification which can be used to indicate the sensitivity of any particular estuary to changing conditions.  相似文献   

李炎 《海洋科学》1990,14(4):1-6
本文提出悬沙输运时均通量可在频域上用共谱密度函数表达。据此分析了长周期和12h,6h等潮周期波动分量对河口、潮汐通道及浅滩区悬沙净输运的重要贡献。文章还讨论了它们的形成机制和从频域上分解扩散系数的可能。  相似文献   

The fresh water discharge is an important parameter for modelling salt intrusion in an estuary. In alluvial converging estuaries during periods of low flow, when salinity is highest, the river discharge is generally small compared to the tidal flow. This makes the determination of the fresh water discharge a challenging task. Even if discharge observations are available during a full tidal cycle, the fresh water discharge is seldom much larger than the measurement error in the tidal discharge. Observations further upstream, outside the tidal region, do not always reflect the actual flow in the saline area due to withdrawals or additional drainage. Discharge computation is even more difficult in a complex system such as the Mekong Delta, which is a multi-channel estuary consisting of many branches, over which the freshwater discharge distribution cannot be measured directly. This paper presents a new approach to determine the freshwater discharge distribution over the branches of the Mekong Delta by means of an analytical salt intrusion model, based on measurements made during the dry season of 2005 and 2006. It appears that the analytical model agrees well with observations and with a hydraulic model. This paper demonstrates that with relatively simple and appropriate salinity measurements and making use of the analytical salt intrusion model, it is possible to obtain an accurate discharge distribution over the branches of a complex estuary system. This makes the analytical model a powerful tool to analyze the water resources in tidal regions.  相似文献   

A 3D,time-dependent,baroclinic,hydrodynamic and salinity model was implemented and applied to the Oujiang River estuarine system in the East China Sea.The model was driven by the forcing of tidal elevations along the open boundaries and freshwater inflows from the Oujiang River.The bottom friction coefficient and vertical eddy viscosity were adjusted to complete model calibration and verification in simulations.It is demonstrated that the model is capable of reproducing observed temporal variability in the water surface elevation and longitudinal velocity,presenting skill coefficient higher than 0.82.This model was then used to investigate the influence of freshwater discharge on residual current and salinity intrusion under different freshwater inflow conditions in the Oujiang River estuary.The model results reveal that the river channel presents a two-layer structure with flood currents near the bottom and ebb currents at the top layer in the region of seawater influenced on north shore under high river flow condition.The river discharge is a major factor affecting the salinity stratification in the estuarine system.The water exchange is mainly driven by the tidal forcing at the estuary mouth,except under high river flow conditions when the freshwater extends its influence from the river’s head to its mouth.  相似文献   

通过分析2016年枯季在珠江三角洲8个口门测站的现场同步观测盐度资料,总结了枯季八大口门同步盐度垂向分布和盐淡水混合特征。结果表明:由于八大口门的水动力条件、河口走向等不同,各口门的盐水入侵强度、盐淡水混合程度存在时空差异。其中,在盐度分布上表现为以横门为中心,向东西两侧口门,盐度逐渐递增;在层化参数分布上,总体上由横门向东分布的洪奇沥、蕉门、虎门的层化参数依次递减,横门向西分布的磨刀门、鸡啼门、虎跳门、崖门的层化参数依次递减;在一个潮周期内,盐水入侵程度、盐淡水混合强度随着潮涨潮落表现出周期性特点。盐度垂向上从上往下逐渐增大,并存在盐度拐点。一般潮汐动力越强,盐度拐点的位置越高。八大口门中,一般虎门、崖门的垂向盐度拐点位置最高;蕉门、洪奇沥、横门的垂向盐度拐点位置最低。  相似文献   

基于2009—2019年实测资料分析研究我国三大河口咸潮入侵的特征及变化规律。研究结果表明:2009年以来,珠江口每年都会受到咸潮入侵的威胁,2019年咸潮入侵程度为近8年来最为严重的一年,全禄水厂超标时间超过210 h;钱塘江口除2014年外均发生较强咸潮入侵,其中2019年咸潮入侵程度为近9年最为严重的一年,南星水厂超标时间超过550 h;长江口咸潮入侵程度整体呈下降趋势,2015年后咸潮入侵次数明显减少,平均每年3次,主要原因为长江口北支倒灌影响,2019年咸潮入侵程度为近5年最为严重的一年,青草沙水库超标时间超过470 h。对河口咸潮入侵影响最大的因素为径流,其次是潮汐和海平面变化;受潮周期影响,咸潮入侵具有日变化和半月变化周期;受径流影响,咸潮入侵具有明显的季节变化和年际变化规律,我国三大河口咸潮入侵机制共性和差异性并存。海平面上升和风暴潮增水会加剧磨刀门咸潮入侵灾害,在高海平面期及风暴潮多发期需格外注意咸潮入侵灾害,做好预警应对。  相似文献   


In this paper, two analytical models used worldwide to assess salinity variation in alluvial estuaries are applied to the Ashtamudi estuary, a Ramsar site, southwest coast of India; and Bouregreg estuary, in northwest part of Morocco. The estuaries’ bathymetry is described by an exponential function. Both models are quite similar and use a predictive equation for the dispersion in the estuary mouth (D0). The major difference between the two models is the use of the constant value of K?=?0.5 for the Van der Burgh coefficient (K) and the introduction of the correction factor ζ, which is a function of damping (δ) and shape (γ). The performance of these two models was evaluated by comparing their results with field measurements; this revealed that both analytical models apply well to both the estimation of salinity distribution and the prediction of salt intrusion in the Ashtamudi and Bouregreg estuaries (Ashtamudi: RMSE = 0.60–1.22 ppt; Bouregreg: RMSE = 0.92–2.71 ppt). One model agrees more with the field measurements of salinity distribution along the estuaries axis; the second underestimate and overestimate some values of salinity distribution along the estuaries. Possibly, the constant value of K?=?0.5 for the Van der Burgh coefficient (K) has applicability limits for the estuaries under tidal conditions. The specifying of the parameterization may be a field of research.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲网河区径流潮流相互作用分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
欧素英  杨清书 《海洋学报》2004,26(1):125-131
在大量实测资料基础上采用小波分析方法对珠江三角洲网河区径流与潮汐的相互作用进行分析,得出如下结果:网河区潮差和潮位的周期变化既有典型潮汐的半日周期和全日周期以及半月周期,也有径流量的周期变化如64.8 d的周期变化,即同时具有径潮的周期变化.不同河段潮差及各分潮波振幅与径流量的大小具有明显的反相关关系,径流量越大,潮差越小,三水站潮差随流量以-0.0002的速度减小,网河区下游河段则减小得较慢.上游径流量越大,因克服径流的阻碍作用而消耗的能量越大,潮汐作用强度迅速减弱,各分潮潮波振幅和潮差沿程减小越快.随着径流量的增大,三水站潮簇D1,D2和D4的振幅明显减小,D2的振幅衰减得最快.  相似文献   

Simulations of the time and depth-dependent salinity and current fields of the Columbia River Estuary have been performed using a multi-channel, laterally averaged estuary model. The study simulated two periods. The first, in October 1980, with low riverflow of about 4,000m3s−1, which showed marked changes in the salinity intrusion processes between neap and spring tides; and second, in spring 1981, with high riverflow varying between 7,000 and 15,000m3s−1, which showed the rapid response of the salinity intrusion to changes in riverflow and that vertical mixing did not change character with increasing tidal energy because of the maintenance of stratification by freshwater flow. An extreme low flow simulation (riverflow of 2,000m3s−1) showed a more partially mixed character of the estuary channels with tidal dispersion of salt across the Taylor Sands from the North Channel to the upper reaches of the Navigation Channel. Asymmetries in the non-linear tidal mean flows, in the flood and ebb circulations, and salinity intrusion characteristics between the two major channels were observed at all riverflows. The model confirms Jay and Smith's (1990) analysis of the circulation processes in that tidal advection of salt by the vertically sheared tidal currents is the dominant mechanism by which the salinity intrusion is maintained against large freshwater flows. An accurate finite-difference method, which minimized numerical dispersion, was used for the advection terms and was an important component in reasonably simulating the October neap-spring differences in the salinity intrusion. The simulations compare favorably with elevation, current and salinity time series observations taken during October 1980 and spring 1981.  相似文献   

辽东湾属于半封闭性海湾, 水动力过程具有一定的代表性。本文基于无结构化三角形网格的有限体积海岸海洋模型FVCOM(Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model), 构建了辽东湾及其邻近海域的三维水动力数值模型, 并利用实测数据对6 个潮位验潮站、4 个潮流验潮站的大小潮时刻的潮位、流速、流向进行了对比验证, 该模型能够准确地模拟辽东湾的潮汐、潮流等水动力场情况, 可进一步为研究辽东湾温盐、泥沙、水质、污染物扩散等提供研究基础。  相似文献   

Salinity is an important parameter influencing the water quality of estuaries, and can constitute a serious problem to society due to the need for freshwater for industry and agriculture. Therefore, the determination of salt intrusion length in estuaries is a challenge for managers as well as scientists in this field. The managers tend to use simple and reliable tools for salinity variation. Although 2-D and 3-D numerical models are common tools for the prediction of salinity intrusion now, analytical models of salinity variation are much more efficient, and also require minimal sets of river data. In this paper, two analytical solutions, Brockway and Savenije used worldwide to assess longitudinal salinity variation in alluvial estuaries, are applied to the Moroccan Atlantic semi-closed estuaries, i.e., Sebou and Loukkos. The solutions are derived from salt convection-dispersion equations, with different assumptions for the dispersion coefficient. The estuaries' bathymetry is described by an exponential function. The performance of these two solutions was evaluated by comparing their results with field-measured salinity data. The Brockway model's salinity predictions performs well to observations especially in downstream reaches of the two estuaries (Sebou: R2 = 0.95, root mean square error [RMSE] = 1.50‰, normalized root mean square error [NRMSE] = 3.45‰; Loukkos: R2 = 0.95, RMSE = 1.13‰, NRMSE = 3.01‰), while the Savenije model outperformed the Brockway's model and is better to predict salt intrusion length and salinity variation along the two estuaries (Sebou: R2 = 0.97, RMSE = 1.15‰, NRMSE = 2.85‰; Loukkos: R2 = 0.98, RMSE = 0.95‰, NRMSE = 1.94‰). This revealed that both analytical solutions apply well to the estimation of salinity variation and the prediction of salt intrusion in these two estuaries.  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionThe development and application of hydrodynamic models to predict circulation in estuarine ,coastal ,and shelf waters has been extremely active over the past three decades (Spauldinget al .,1992 ,1994) . However , most of these models are b…  相似文献   

泥沙运动作为水流和底床相互作用的纽带,是河流、河口及海岸工程研究的重要内容。在潮波作用明显的河口、海岸地区,周期性的动力作用下的泥沙运动具有往复和可逆的特征,因此研究这类水域的泥沙的净输运更具有实际的意义。基于泥沙输运和流速呈指数关系假设,建立潮流环境下的泥沙全沙净输运的解析解公式,并对该公式的计算结果和数值计算以及数学模型的结果进行了检验和验证,结果表明本研究提出的公式能较好地反应潮流环境下的泥沙净输运。由此,基于本公式采用潮流分潮调和常数可计算得到全沙净输运,并可以分析各分潮流及其相互作用与泥沙净输运的关系。研究结果显示,在受径流影响较大的半日潮河口,S2、MS4、M2三潮相互作用对全沙净输运的贡献显著高于通常的潮流不对称作用,即M2、M4的相互作用。此外,河口区域径流导致的余流对泥沙净输运的贡献不可忽略,特别是在洪季,大径流量条件下往往导致余流较大,其对泥沙净输运的贡献所占比例较大。  相似文献   

Generally one dimensional(1-D) empirical salinity intrusion model is limited to natural alluvial estuary. However,this study attempts to investigate its ability to model a sheltered alluvial estuary of the Terengganu River in Malaysia. The constructed breakwater at the mouth of the river shelters the estuary from direct influence of the open sea. The salinity density along the estuary was collected during the wet and dry seasons for scenarios before and after the constructed breakwater. Moreover, the freshwater discharges, tidal elevations and bathymetry data were also measured as model inputs. A good fit was demonstrated between simulated and observed variables,namely salinity distribution and intrusion length for both scenarios. Thus, the results show that 1-D empirical salinity model can be utilized for sheltered estuarine condition at the Terengganu Estuary, but with an appropriate determination of an initial point. Furthermore, it was observed that the salinity intrusion in the study area is largely dependent on the freshwater discharge rather than tidal elevation fluctuations. The scale of the salinity intrusion length in the study area is proportional to the river discharge of the –1/2 power. It was appeared that the two lines of the 1-D empirical salinity model and discharge power based equation fitted well to each other, with the average predicted minimum freshwater discharge of 150 m3/s is going to be required to maintain acceptable salinity levels during high water slack(HWS) near the water intake station, which is located at 10.63 km from river mouth.  相似文献   

为研究黄河入海径流变化条件下河口附近海域盐度扩散特征,以更好地保护河口海域生物资源多样性,本文以黄河下游利津水文站的长序列实测径流数据资料为基础,利用近海水动力模型FVCOM,分析径流变化对黄河口海域盐度的影响规律。结果表明:黄河口与莱州湾之间存在顺时针的环流系统,在余流作用以及涨落潮方向的影响下,黄河冲淡水长期向莱州湾扩散;丰水期黄河冲淡水几乎影响了整个莱州湾,27盐度锋可以到达莱州湾中部,27等盐线的表层包络面积为2 665.61 km2,占莱州湾的1/4左右,枯水期低盐度水只有向南扩散的趋势,27以下的低盐度水集中分布在黄河口门附近,27等盐线的表层包络面积只有199.65 km2;5月份,随着入海径流量增加,27等盐线扩散的范围、距离、方向都会发生明显变化。在对近海生物资源有迫切保护需求的情景下,适当减少其他用水户供水量以增加入海生态径流量,可以有效改善黄河口海域附近的盐度情况,为生物资源的生长繁殖创造良好条件。  相似文献   

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