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本文提出了一种基于散射计风场数据的台风定强方法。该方法定义了台风所在海区的一个圆形区域上的风速平均值来对台风进行定强,并使用海洋二号卫星散射计历史数据对该方法进行了验证。验证结果表明,该台风定强方法可以克服散射计反演台风风速过低的问题。与台风强度监测的历史记录比较的结果显示,在台风强度低于"强台风"这一强度等级时,该方法能够有效估算台风强度。  相似文献   

基于2020年8月至11月在南海北部获取的声学多普勒流速剖面仪观测数据,利用后向散射强度数据估算得到相对体积散射强度并用其表征浮游动物生物量的相对大小,对相对体积散射强度的半月变化与具有半月周期的潮流动能进行相关性分析,进而分析天文大潮对声学估算的浮游动物生物量的影响。结果表明:半月周期的相对体积散射强度与潮流动能之间呈负相关关系,即天文大潮时,潮流动能较强,水体相对体积散射强度较低,浮游动物生物量则较小,天文小潮时则情况相反。初步推测其原因为:天文大潮时,强潮流一方面导致浮游动物生存环境恶化,使其生物量下降,另一方面也改变了浮游动物垂直迁移特性,浮游动物迁移到近海底处使其难以被观测。  相似文献   

采用椭球体近似模型对大黄鱼(Pseudosciaena crocea)、小黄鱼(P.polyactis)和银鲳(Pampus argenteus)的声散射特征进行了理论计算和研究。其中鱼鳔为充满气体的椭球体模型,鱼体为充满液体的椭球体模型。利用研制的散射角度可调的目标强度测量装置,对几种鱼种进行了目标强度随倾角变化关系研究。通过理论分析和实验对比,采用数据拟合的方法建立了3种鱼类目标强度随倾角变化的经验公式。研究表明,角度分布是影响目标强度的重要参数,目标强度最大值和最小值相差大于15d B,其最大值出现在–10°和10°之间,最小值出现在–40°以后。修正后的椭球体模型可以较好地反映目标强度的指向性,可以作为现场测定的重要补充。  相似文献   

对于SAR风浪图像而言,速度聚束调制常导致图像中散射面元沿方位向产生位置交叠,从而引起强烈非线性特征,难于仿真;另外,SAR图像强度是由雷达飞行过程中多次观测所得的散射回波相干叠加获得,然而,传统SAR海浪图像仿真方法中并未考虑该相干叠加过程。为了解决第一个问题,文中首先应用线性滤波法对海浪运动引起的速度聚束效应进行仿真,统计方位向各像素位置处发生交叠的散射面元数目,并将各散射面元回波进行非相干叠加。针对第二个问题,本文则根据海面微波散射场时间序列的相位差近似满足高斯分布这一事实,将雷达沿方位向飞行过程中不同时刻所得的散射场引入满足高斯分布的随机相位,进而再将方位向不同时刻散射场进行相干叠加。最后通过将仿真所得SAR图像的强度分布与经验分布函数进行比较,初步检验了本文仿真方法的可行性,同时还分别分析了风速、风向、速度聚束调制等因素对仿真SAR图像的影响。  相似文献   

杨彬  何林帮 《海洋学报》2018,40(7):143-149
多波束反向散射强度数据应用广泛,但由于受到角度响应的影响,导致生成的多波束声呐图像质量偏低,且现有角度响应改正方法在复杂海底底质环境下适应性较差。为此本文对散射强度进行分析,给出了两种多波束反向散射强度数据归一化方法,分别为基于高斯拟合以及角度响应的散射强度改正方法,前者主要是基于散射强度的变化规律进行改正,而后者则是基于声波的散射机理进行改正。实验结果表明两种方法较传统改正方法精度均有约30%的提升,并且角度响应方法较高斯拟合方法改正精度更高,但计算效率有所下降。以上实验验证了两种方法的有效性,实现了散射强度数据的归一化,提升了多波束声呐图像的质量。  相似文献   

太湖秋季水体体散射和散射相函数特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用Fournier and Forand(FF)体散射函数近似计算方法模拟太湖水体的体散射函数以及散射相函数,进而分析太湖水体体散射函数和散射相函数的特性,以及与波段、深度之间的变化关系,空间分布差异。研究表明,太湖水体体散射函数表现为具有极强前向散射特性的大颗粒物散射特征,体散射函数随波段变化的差异性主要体现在后向方向上,散射相函数的变化规律与体散射函数较为相似;而随着深度的变化体散射函数几乎没有变化,但散射相函数表现出了较为明显的层状特征;体散射函数和散射相函数在空间上表现出了较大的差异性,这种差异性随着散射角的增大而不断地加强。  相似文献   

依据2012年ROSE航次船载ADCP和LADCP的观测数据,对南海秋季声散射层的垂向分布特征和日变化进行了分析;根据估算出的散射层中散射体的垂向迁移速度,对散射体类型进行了分析。观测结果表明,南海存在着2个声散射层,一个声散射层位于0~200m,散射强度具有显著的日变化特征,即白天弱,夜晚强;另一声散射层则处于300~500m的深度,其散射强度的日变化与另一个相反,白天较强,夜晚变弱。通过计算可得,散射体的垂向迁移,在傍晚时分运动方向向上,速度约为1.74cm/s;而凌晨左右运动方向向下,速度约为1.39cm/s。观测结果还表明,ADCP和LADCP的观测结果能够互相补充,更有利于对声散射层的细致研究。  相似文献   

大气对微波散射计回波信号衰减的修正方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙瀛  郑淑卿 《台湾海峡》1995,14(3):199-215
为了使微波散射计测得的海面后向散射具有足够的精度,必须考虑大气对微波衰减的影响。大气对微波的衰减可以用微波射计来测定。本文将估算晴空、云和降雨天气下的衰减系,讨论计算海面发射率及用微波辐射计剩余亮温估算散射计工作频率下大气衰减的方法。  相似文献   

多波束反向散射强度数据处理研究   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
在探讨多波束测深系统反向散射强度与海底底质类型的关系基础上,研究影响反向散射强度的各种因素,主要分析了海底地形起伏、中央波束区反射信号对反向散射强度的影响,并给出了消除这些影响的方法;将处理后的“纯”反向散射强度数据镶嵌生成海底声像图,为海底底质类型划分以及地貌解译提供了基础数据和辅助判读依据.  相似文献   

为了研究西太平洋声散射层的垂向分布特征和日变化规律,分析了多波束测深系统的水体影像数据。观测结果表明,西太平洋存在着两个声散射层,一个声散射层位于0~200 m,另一个声散射层位于500~700 m,两个声散射层散射强度具有明显的日变化特征,上层散射层的散射强度呈现白天弱,夜晚强的特征,而下层散射层的散射强度日变化规律与上层相反,并且发现深散射层的厚度也存在日变化特征;分析了此种方法的优缺点,对以后声散射层的观测分析提供了新的思路。此外,利用同时下放的声速仪(SVP)的温度和深度数据对下放式声学多普勒流速剖面仪(LADCP)的观测结果进行了修正,得到了更为精确的声散射层垂向位置分布。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method, based on the Biot model, for estimating the physical and acoustic properties of surficial ocean sediments from normal incidence reflection data acquired by a chirp sonar. The inversion method estimates sediment porosity from reflection coefficient measurements and, using the estimated porosity and the measured change in fast wave attenuation with frequency, estimates the permeability of the top sediment layer. The spectral ratio of echoes from the interface at the base of the upper sediment layer and from the sediment-water interface provides a measure of the change in attenuation with frequency. Given the porosity and permeability estimates, the Kozeny-Carman equation provides the mean grain size and the inversion method yields the acoustic properties of top sediment layer. The inversion technique is tested using chirp sonar data collected at the 1999 Sediment Acoustics Experiment (SAX-99) site. Remote estimates of porosity, grain size, and permeability agree with direct measurements of those properties.  相似文献   

A method has been presented for estimating the elastic properties of sea-floor sediment by inverting the amplitude-range information of precritical reflection data. The method was tested using synthetic data for reflection from a half-space sediment model and the estimates values for the P- and S-wave speeds and the density were in good agreement with the geoacoustic model parameters. The synthetic data were also used to determine the sensitivity of the method to interference from reflections from subbottom layers. In most practical cases the interference is not likely to be a problem for precritical reflection data. The method was then applied to measurements of seafloor reflection obtained in an experiment carried out off the west coast of Canada. The estimated values of the elastic properties of the topmost sediment layer were consistent with values available from the literature, and with estimates from other experiments carried out in the same region  相似文献   

Surface water waves in coastal waters are commonly modeled using the mild slope equation. One of the parameters in the coastal boundary condition for this equation is the direction at which waves approach a coast. Three published methods of estimating this direction are examined, and it is demonstrated that the wave fields obtained using these estimates deviate significantly from the corresponding analytic solution. A new method of estimating the direction of approaching waves is presented and it is shown that this method correctly reproduces the analytic solution. The ability of these methods to simulate waves in a rectangular harbor is examined.  相似文献   

A new method of estimating the phase speed and vertical velocity of internal solitary waves (ISW) based on dynamic governing equations using Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data was developed. This method was applied to a representative ISW case, which was captured in the South China Sea in the 2007 summer experiment. The result shows that this ISW had a phase speed of approximately 2.6?m?s?1. This method provides an excellent alternative in estimating the phase speed of ISWs, especially useful in the absence of vertical stratification needed in solving the Korteweg–de Vries (KdV)-type equation, e.g., long-term mooring observation. Analyses show that the new method is fairly self-consistent, and it can be applied when only a part of the ISW observations is available. The computed vertical velocity of the ISW using the new method has a good agreement with the ADCP observations both in magnitude and pattern.  相似文献   

The study investigates perspectives of the parameter estimation problem with the adjoint method in eddy-resolving models. Sensitivity to initial conditions resulting from the chaotic nature of this type of model limits the direct application of the adjoint method by predictability. Prolonging the period of assimilation is accompanied by the appearance of an increasing number of secondary minima of the cost function that prevents the convergence of this method. In the framework of the Lorenz model it is shown that averaged quantities are suitable for describing invariant properties, and that secondary minima are for this type of data transformed into stochastic deviations. An adjoint method suitable for the assimilation of statistical characteristics of data and applicable on time scales beyond the predictability limit is presented. The approach assumes a greater predictability for averaged quantities. The adjoint to a prognostic model for statistical moments is employed for calculating cost function gradients that ignore the fine structure resulting from secondary minima. Coarse resolution versions of eddy-resolving models are used for this purpose. Identical twin experiments are performed with a quasigeostrophic model to evaluate the performance and limitations of this approach in improving models by estimating parameters. The wind stress curl is estimated from a simulated mean stream function. A very simple parameterization scheme for the assimilation of second-order moments is shown to permit the estimation of gradients that perform efficiently in minimizing cost functions.  相似文献   

Research on heat and mass flux yielded by modern seafloor hydrothermal activity is very important, because it is involved not only in the base of ocean environment research, but also in the historical evolution of seawater properties. Currently, estimating heat flux is based on the observation data of hydrothermal smokers, low-temperature diffusive flow and mid-ocean ridge mainly. But there are some faults, for example, there is lack of a concurrent conductive item in estimating the heat flux by smokers and the error between the half-space cooling model and the observation data is too large. So, three kinds of methods are applied to re-estimating the heat flux of hydrothermal activity resepectively, corresponding estimation is 97. 359 GW by hydrothermal smoker and diffusive flow, 84.895 GW by hydrothermal plume, and 4. 11 TW by exponential attenuation method put forward by this paper. Research on mass flux estimation is relatively rare, the main reason for this is insufficient field observation data. Mass fluxes of different elements are calculated using hydrothermal vent fluid data from the TAG hydrothermal area on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge for the first time. Difference of estimations by different methods reflects the researching extent of hydrothermal activity, and systematically in - situ observation will help to estimate the contribution of hydrothermal activity to ocean chemical environment, ocean circulation and global climate precisely.  相似文献   

Heat and mass flux estimation of modern seafloor hydrothermal activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1Introduction Heat flux yielded by modern seafloor hydrother-mal activity could be next only to heat radiation fromthe sun to the earth, and be similar to energy pro-duced by volcanism. And mass flux of hydrothermalactivity could be close to that of river…  相似文献   

赵栋梁  黄娟 《海洋学报》2000,22(5):31-40
较详细介绍了贝叶斯统计方法在海浪方向谱估计中的应用,指出先验分布的不同对估计结果没有影响,由于均匀分布与最大熵原则相对应,使其具有某种特殊性.数值模拟表明贝叶斯方法对双峰方向分布估计的有效性,将其应用于黑海实测资料,证明双峰方向分布的出现依赖于估计方法分辨力的大小,而用最大似然法得到的双峰方向分布值得怀疑.最后给出出现双峰方向分布的一种可能物理解释.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for estimating the accuracy of measuring the wave parameters by wave buoys. The results of comparative field tests of the developed Storm and Waverider wave buoys and a string wave probe are given. It is shown that the standard deviation of the error of the Storm buoy does not exceed 0.1 m for a sea state of 5. The research has made it possible to improve the methods for obtaining the spectral and statistical characteristics of sea waves of different intensity.  相似文献   

The problem of fatigue damage estimation of ageing jack-up platforms is considered, using theories of random processes. The sea-wave excitations are modelled as stationary, Gaussian random processes, with specified power spectral density function. The loads acting on the structure due to the sea waves is calculated using Morison’s equation and are therefore non-Gaussian whose probabilistic properties are not available in explicit form. Assuming linear structure behaviour, the probabilistic properties of the structure response are determined using theories of random vibrations. The simple peak counting method is adopted for estimating the mean fatigue damage. This requires knowledge of the joint probability density function of the structure response and its first and second time derivatives, at the same time instant. A methodology has been presented for developing analytical expressions for this joint pdf. This requires evaluation of multidimensional integrals. A recently developed computational algorithm is presented to deal with integrals for which derivation of closed form analytical expressions may not be feasible. The methodology proposed in this paper provides an alternative and computationally cheaper technique for estimating the fatigue damage in comparison to the Monte Carlo simulation procedure. Numerical results have been presented for illustration of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

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