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利用散射计测量海面后向散射系数, 并通过地球物理模型函数(geophysical model function, GMF)反演得到海面风场。目前散射计风场反演所采用的GMF一般只考虑雷达极化方式、雷达入射角、风速和相对风向对海面后向散射系数的影响, 而相关研究表明海表温度(sea surface temperature, SST)对Ku波段散射计风场反演具有不可忽略的影响。文章利用海洋二号A卫星散射计(Haiyang-2A Scatterometer, HY2A-SCAT)后向散射系数观测值、欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, ECMWF )再分析风矢量和SST数据, 采用人工神经网络方法, 建立起一种SST相关的GMF (TNGMF)。对TNGMF进行分析后发现, 海面后向散射系数随着SST的增加而增加, 并且其增加幅度与雷达极化方式、风速有关。为了对比, 文章使用相同数据集和相同方法建立了不包含SST的GMF (NGMF), 将美国国家航天航空局散射计-2 (National Aeronautics and Space Administration Scatterometer-2, NSCAT2) GMF、TNGMF和NGMF分别用于HY2A-SCAT风场反演实验。试验结果表明, 采用NSCAT2 GMF、NGMF反演得到的风速在低温时系统性偏小, 在高温时系统性偏大; 而TNGMF可较好地纠正SST对风速偏差均值的影响, 从而提高反演风场质量。  相似文献   

我国第一颗海洋动力环境(HY-2)卫星于2011年8月16日发射上天,HY-2卫星微波散射计数据处理软件是用于生产海面风场矢量的软件,其作用是输入HY-2卫星经过预处理的散射计数据和辅助数据,进行时间标识、波束定位、几何参数计算、后向散射系数(σo)与辐射测量精度(Kp)系数计算、面元匹配、大气校正、海面风场反演等处理,输出具有固定格式的各级数据产品和/或图像产品。主要介绍该软件的结构设计、数据处理流程、接口设计和设计说明,该设计已经用于业务系统研发,软件处理的产品精度经过与浮标的比较,达到了预期的风速误差小于2 m/s、风向精度小于20°的要求,证明了该设计的正确性。  相似文献   

为研究溢油对海面电磁散射的影响,作者根据海面复合微波散射模型理论和蒙特卡洛统计模型理论,通过引入单分子油膜的黏性阻尼,对粗糙的溢油海面进行建模,定量分析溢油对海浪谱和海面后向散射系数值两个方面的影响。为实现基于X波段雷达海面溢油检测提供理论支撑,有助于解决溢油检测中的虚警率高的问题。  相似文献   

为了解各向异性随机粗糙海面的微波双站散射机制及其特性,本文利用解析近似的积分方程模型以及一种改进的半经验海浪谱模型实现了对各向异性随机粗糙海面的全极化微波散射仿真模拟,并与卫星观测数据、经验的地球物理模式函数及已有的解析近似散射模型仿真结果进行了对比,验证了仿真结果的可行性和准确性。利用该模型分析了入射波频率、入射角、极化方式、海面风速及风向等参数对各向异性海面双站散射的影响。模拟结果表明,在不同的入射角、散射角及方位角等观测几何条件下,海面不同波段的双站散射表现出不同的空间散射特性,且对风速、风向等海面动力学参数表现出不同的敏感性,以L波段为例,海面向后半球双站散射在各个极化方式下都对风速较为敏感,而在同极化方式下,其对风向的响应在中低风速和高风速条件下相反,整体而言,低风速下海面双站散射对风向更为敏感。这表明对于海面动力参数的反演,双站散射可以提供比传统单站雷达后向散射更丰富的物理信息。本文探讨了各向异性海面微波双站散射特性,为基于主动式及分布式微波传感器的海洋动力参数遥感反演提供了理论分析基础。  相似文献   

卫星高度计海面风速的校准与验证   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
徐圆  杨劲松  郑罡  徐广珺 《海洋学报》2014,36(7):125-132
为了改善不同卫星高度计海面风速数据之间的一致性,以浮标数据为基准,对国内的HY-2A和国外的T/P、GFO、Jason-1、Envisat、Jason-2、CryoSat-2共7颗卫星高度计的海面风速数据进行了分析,给出了各个卫星高度计的海面风速校准公式,并对其校准效果进行了验证。验证结果表明:各个卫星高度计的海面风速在经过校准后,与浮标海面风速差异的均值和均方根都有所降低,其中HY-2A最为显著。经过校准后所有卫星高度计的海面风速与浮标海面风速差异的均值都在±0.2m/s以内。除了HY-2A、GFO和Jason-1,其余4颗卫星高度计校准后的海面风速与浮标海面风速差异的均方根都在1.6m/s以下。由此可以得出结论,利用本文的校准公式对各个卫星高度计(特别是HY-2A卫星高度计)的海面风速进行校准,可以有效减少其与浮标海面风速之间的差异。  相似文献   

国内外对海上阵风的研究并不多,且大多集中在阵风预报和应用研究方面,对于海洋阵风数据的获取技术未见文献系统论述。本文利用HY-2B卫星雷达高度计观测的后向散射系数,结合校正微波辐射计观测的亮度温度信息,提出联合反演阵风风速的方法。两个遥感载荷联合反演得到的阵风风速与2019–2021年美国国家浮标数据中心(NDBC)浮标数据进行真实性检验,结果显示:阵风风速均方根误差(RMSE)为0.98 m/s,相关系数为0.82;基于本方法利用国外同类卫星Jason-3得到的阵风风速与2016–2018年NDBC浮标数据的RMSE为0.96 m/s,相关系数为0.88。本文在HY-2B卫星雷达高度计海面风速观测的基础上,纳入同一卫星平台校正微波辐射计的同步观测信息联合实现了海面阵风的观测,数据的比对结果证明文中方法具有较高的观测精度。同时,该方法对于具有相同观测体制的国内外卫星也适用。  相似文献   

星载微波散射计是获取全球海面风场信息的主要手段, HY-2B卫星散射计的成功发射为全球海面风场数据获取的持续性提供了重要保障。本文利用欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, ECMWF)再分析风场数据、热带大气海洋观测计划(Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Array, TAO)和美国国家数据浮标中心(National Data Buoy Center, NDBC)浮标获取的海面风矢量实测数据, 对HY-2B散射计海面风场数据产品的质量进行统计分析。分析表明, HY-2B风场与ECMWF再分析风场对比, 在4~24m·s-1风速区间内, 风速和风向均方根误差(root mean square error, RMSE)分别为1.58m·s-1和15.34°; 与位于开阔海域的TAO浮标数据对比, 风速、风向RMSE分别为1.03m·s-1和14.98°, 可见HY-2B风场能较好地满足业务化应用的精度要求(风速优于2m·s-1, 风向优于20°)。与主要位于近海海域的NDBC浮标对比, HY-2B风场的风速、风向RMSE分别为1.60m·s-1和19.14°, 说明HY-2B散射计同时具备了对近海海域风场的良好观测能力。本文还发现HY-2B风场质量会随风速、地面交轨位置等变化, 为用户更好地使用HY-2B风场产品提供参考。  相似文献   

海面有效波高(H1/3)是表征海浪的重要参数,随着卫星遥感技术的发展,雷达高度计已成为获取海面有效波高的重要手段,但也只能对卫星星下点轨迹处进行有效观测,远无法满足大范围应用的需求.本研究结合2013年10月HY-2雷达高度计观测的海面有效波高和微波散射计观测的海面风场资料,分别对高、低风速下风浪数据进行拟合,建立了适用于0~40 m/s风速范围内的南海海域风浪关系模型,经模型比对和结果验证,结果表明,基于HY-2卫星数据分析建立的南海海域风浪关系模型是可信的,特别是低风速的风浪模型与实测数据建立的风浪模型具有很好的一致性;根据建立的风浪关系模型,从卫星散射计大面观测的海面风场出发,能推算出风浪条件下海面有效波高的大面信息,数据覆盖远高于卫星高度计的星下点观测,能为分析和预报海浪、风暴潮灾害提供大范围的海面有效波高信息.  相似文献   

海面风速微波散射测量与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了深入研究海面风的微波散射特性 ,利用海洋石油平台和飞机作为仪器的工作平台 ,对海面微波散射特性进行了测量 ,并应用统计分析方法 ,对测量数据作处理分析。结果表明 ,海面微波后向散射系数 (σ°)值与海面风速成线性关系 ,随风速增大而增大。同时 ,σ°值与夹角及散射计天线入射角、极化方式有关。结合对海面微波散射算法中 Phillips模式的分析比较 ,得到 Phillips模式的计算值与实测值变化趋势一致的结果  相似文献   

HY-2卫星雷达高度计时标偏差估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卫星雷达高度计是海洋遥感监测的重要传感器之一,测高系统和定轨系统是高度计重要的组成部分。若两系统使用不同的系统时钟,则获得的轨道高度和卫星测距值之间可能会存在一个时标偏差,该时标偏差会降低卫星雷达高度计的海面高度测量精度。针对HY-2卫星雷达高度计的时标偏差问题,本文分析了时标偏差对测高精度的影响,介绍了一种使用自交叉点数据估算时标偏差值的方法,并基于HY-2卫星雷达高度计第21个周期数据开展了时标偏差修正实验。时标偏差修正后HY-2自交叉点的海面高度差值(也称"不符值")分布收敛程度有了明显的提高,其RMS均方根值从24.7 cm减小到了7.0 cm,HY-2与Jason-2互交叉点的不符值的RMS也从16.6 cm减小到了7.3 cm。这表明本文介绍的时标偏差修正方法可有效地提高HY-2卫星雷达高度计的测高精度。  相似文献   

因为星载雷达高度计风速资料有沿轨分辨率高、精度高的特点,对其进行深入研究有重要意义.在中国海洋二号动力环境卫星刚刚升空之际,对星载雷达高度计反演海面风速围内外研究进展作一个综述.首先介绍星载雷达高度计风速反演的理论依据及存在困难;然后以风速反演进展历程为主线,分别针对后向散射系数、波浪状态、降雨、白沫等物理量引入地球物...  相似文献   

中国HY-2卫星雷达高度计有效波高真实性检验   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
Chinese Haiyang-2(HY-2) satellite is the first Chinese marine dynamic environment satellite. The dual-frequency(Ku and C band) radar altimeter onboard HY-2 has been working effective to provide operational significant wave height(SWH) for more than three years(October 1, 2011 to present).We validated along-track Ku-band SWH data of HY-2 satellite against National Data Buoy Center(NDBC) in-situ measurements over a time period of three years from October 1, 2011 to September 30, 2014, the root mean square error(RMSE) and mean bias of HY-2SWH is 0.38 m and(–0.13±0.35) m, respectively. We also did cross validation against Jason-2 altimeter SWH data,the RMSE and the mean bias is 0.36 m and(–0.22±0.28) m, respectively. In order to compare the statistical results between HY-2 and Jason-2 satellite SWH data, we validated the Jason-2 satellite radar altimeter along-track Ku-band SWH data against NDBC measurements using the same method. The results demonstrate the validation method in this study is scientific and the RMSE and mean bias of Jason-2 SWH data is 0.26 m and(0.00±0.26) m,respectively. We also validated both HY-2 and Jason-2 SWH data every month, the mean bias of Jason-2 SWH data almost equaled to zero all the time, while the mean bias of HY-2 SWH data was no less than –0.31 m before April2013 and dropped to zero after that time. These results indicate that the statistical results for HY-2 altimeter SWH are reliable and HY-2 altimeter along-track SWH data were steady and of high quality in the last three years. The results also indicate that HY-2 SWH data have greatly been improved and have the same accuracy with Jason-2SWH data after April, 2013. SWH data provided by HY-2 satellite radar altimeter are useful and acceptable for ocean operational applications.  相似文献   

通过地球物理模型建立后向散射系数与海面风矢量的关系,可将散射计从不同方位角测得的风矢量单元后向散射系数反演得到风矢量,因此地球物理模型在风速反演中起着至关重要的作用。使用神经网络方法,利用C波段经验模型CMOD4和Ku波段经验模型QSCAT—1仿真数据建立了形式统一的C波段和Ku波段地球物理模型。新模型将电磁波频率作为模型的参数之一,使新模型不再局限于特定的传感器,并使C波段与Ku波段具有统一的形式。分析表明,由新模型建立的后向散射系数与海面风矢量的关系同经验模型具有很好的可比性。利用新模型反演的风速与CMOD4和QSCAT—1模型反演的风速具有很好的一致性,说明新模型在具有统一简洁形式的同时也兼有与经验统计模型相同的有效性。  相似文献   

The geophysical model function (GMF) describes the relationship between backscattering and sea surface wind, so that wind vec- tors can be retrieved from backscattering measurement. The GMF plays an important role in ocean wind vector retrievals, its performance will directly influence the accuracy of the retrieved wind vector. Neural network (NN) approach is used to develop a unified GMF for C-band and Ku-band (NN-GMF). Empirical GMF CMOIM and QSCAT-1 are used to generate the simulated training data-set, and Gaussian noise at a signal noise ratio of 30 dB is added to the data-set to simulate the noise in the backscat- tering measurement. The NN-GMF employs radio frequency as an additional parameter, so it can be applied for both C-band and Ku-band. Analyses show that the %predicted by the NN-GMF is comparable with the σpredicted by CMOIM and QSCAT-1. Also the wind vectors retrieved from the NN-GMF and empirical GMF CMOIM and QSCAT-1 are comparable, indicating that the NN-GMF is as effective as the empirical GMF, and has the advantages of the universal form.  相似文献   

The sea surface height (SSH) derived from radar altimetry is determined by the distance from the satellite to the sea surface and the altitude of the satellite above a reference ellipsoid. The former is measured by the radar altimeter, while the latter is determined by the precision orbit determination (POD). The clock for the POD equipment is independent from that of the radar altimeter onboard the HY-2A satellite. The time tag bias, which is the bias between the time tags provided by the two independent clocks, can greatly affect the SSH measurement accuracy of HY-2A altimeter. This paper estimates the time tag bias of HY-2A radar altimeter using the crossover differences obtained from the sensor geophysical dataset records (SGDR) from February 2014. We obtained a ?0.61-ms Ku-band time tag bias and a ?5.61-ms C-band time tag bias. After we added the time tag bias corrections to the SSH measurements from Ku and C bands, respectively, the means and standard deviations of the global crossover differences can be significantly reduced. We then applied the SSH measurements with the time tag biases corrected to calculate the HY-2A dual-frequency ionosphere correction, significantly improving the accuracy of the HY-2A dual-frequency ionosphere correction.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to the results of the study on sea-surface wind field remote sensing using 8-12 GHz broad band radar scatterometer. Principles and techniques of remote sensing with broad band scatterometer are described. Variations of microwave scattering coefficients on sea surface with different frequencies and incident angles at different polarization and wind velocity are given and the correlationship between scattering coefficients and wind speeds. The result shows that the research is valuable.lt provides data and basis for remote sensing of the sea-surface wind fields with broad band radar scatterometer.  相似文献   

HY-2A卫星雷达高度计海面高度测量分析与评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HY-2A卫星是我国首颗自主海洋动力环境卫星,已连续运行6年多。卫星上搭载的主载荷雷达高度计能够实现全天候、全天时全球海面高度、有效波高和海面风速的观测,这些观测数据已经广泛用于海洋防灾减灾、资源开发和海上安全等领域。为了全面了解HY-2A卫星雷达高度计多年来的整体观测性能,本文选取了2012年10月26日至2017年8月27日间的全部观测数据IGDR产品进行综合评价。通过自交叉和与Jason-2互交叉两种手段对HY-2A卫星雷达高度计测高能力进行评估。计算HY-2A升降轨自交叉点的测高不符值,发现HY-2A卫星雷达高度计在近全球海域内、升降轨高度异常差小于30cm的限制条件下,平均绝对高度误差为5.81cm,高度异常标准差为7.76cm;限制观测区域为南北纬60°范围内、海面高度异常升降轨交叉点处的差小于10cm的情况下,平均绝对误差可达3.95cm,海面高度异常标准差达4.76cm。通过和Jason-2卫星的互交叉,发现在南北纬66°范围内,交叉点高度异常差小于30cm的情况下,HY-2A和Jason-2的海面高度异常平均绝对误差为5.86cm,标准差为7.52cm,如果在该海域内将海面高度异常差限制在10cm内,平均绝对误差和标准差分别达到4.19cm和4.98cm。HY-2A卫星雷达高度计已经达到国际同类卫星雷达高度计测高水平,可以满足海洋科学研究、海洋环流反演等的需求。  相似文献   

全极化合成孔径雷达近岸风场反演研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Coastal winds are strongly influenced by topology and discontinuity between land and sea surfaces. Wind assessment from remote sensing in such a complex area remains a challenge. Space-borne scatterometer does not provide any information about the coastal wind field, as the coarse spatial resolution hampers the radar backscattering. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) with a high spatial resolution and all-weather observation abilities has become one of the most important tools for ocean wind retrieval, especially in the coastal area. Conventional methods of wind field retrieval from SAR, however, require wind direction as initial information, such as the wind direction from numerical weather prediction models (NWP), which may not match the time of SAR image acquiring. Fortunately, the polarimetric observations of SAR enable independent wind retrieval from SAR images alone. In order to accurately measure coastal wind fields, this paper proposes a new method of using co-polarization backscattering coefficients from polarimetric SAR observations up to polarimetric correlation backscattering coefficients, which are acquired from the conjugate product of co-polarization backscatter and cross-polarization backscatter. Co-polarization backscattering coefficients and polarimetric correlation backscattering coefficients are obtained form Radarsat-2 single-look complex (SLC) data.The maximum likelihood estimation is used to gain the initial results followed by the coarse spatial filtering and fine spatial filtering. Wind direction accuracy of the final inversion results is 10.67 with a wind speed accuracy of 0.32 m/s. Unlike previous methods, the methods described in this article utilize the SAR data itself to obtain the wind vectors and do not need external wind directional information. High spatial resolution and high accuracy are the most important features of the method described herein since the use of full polarimetric observations contains more information about the space measured.This article is a useful addition to the work of independent SAR wind retrieval. The experimental results herein show that it is feasible to employ the co-polarimetric backscattering coefficients and the polarimetric correlation backscattering coefficients for coastal wind field retrieval.  相似文献   

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