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铁锰结壳(又称富钴结壳、多金属结壳)富含Co、Cu、Mn、Ni、Ti、V、REE、Y和Zn等人类日常生活和高新技术产业亟需的关键金属,是一种重要的战略性矿产资源。本文对九州-帕劳海脊南段水深1 900~2 600 m处获得的9个站位铁锰结壳样品进行了矿物学和地球化学研究,分析了铁锰结壳的矿物组成、主微量元素和稀土元素含量,并进一步探讨了铁锰结壳的成因类型。结果表明,研究区铁锰结壳的矿物组成以水羟锰矿为主,同时含有大量非晶态铁氧/氢氧化物;Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu平均含量分别为16.15%、15.38%、0.32%、0.33%、0.10%;CaO/P2O5均值为5.93,表明九州-帕劳海脊南段铁锰结壳样品均未发生磷酸盐化作用;铁锰结壳明显富集稀土元素(含Y,REYs),平均含量为1 194μg/g,轻稀土显著富集,稀土元素经后太古代澳大利亚页岩(PAAS)标准化后配分模式整体相对平坦,呈现Ce正异常而Eu无异常,与海水呈现镜像关系,说明铁锰结壳稀土元素主要来源于海水。铁锰结壳的矿物组成和元素判别图均表明九州-帕劳海脊南段铁锰结壳属于水成型,...  相似文献   

铁锰结壳的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铁锰结壳的主要组成矿物为δ-MnO2,含量占90%左右,与深海铁锰结核相比,铁锰结壳特别富含Co和Pt,十年来在铁锰结壳物质组成、分布规律和形成过程方面取得了大量资料。  相似文献   

西太平洋麦哲伦海山区是全球重要的铁锰结壳资源分布区,具有丰富的稀土元素资源潜力。本文对采自麦哲伦海山区Kocebu海山的11个铁锰结壳表层样(<1 mm)进行稀土元素地球化学研究,探讨其含量特征、成因和影响稀土元素富集的环境因素。结果表明:Kocebu海山铁锰结壳表层样品ΣREY(Rare earth elements and yttrium)平均含量为1366 mg/kg,低于前人在麦哲伦海山区其他海山以及邻近的马尔库斯–威克海山区的分析结果;样品轻稀土富集和Ce正异常(平均值为1.45)特征以及稀土元素成因图解、配分曲线和分配系数曲线等均表明该海山结壳属于水成成因;海水中稀土元素含量和溶解氧含量是控制结壳生长的关键环境参数,二者在Kocebu海山所在海区的浅水环境中含量较低;结壳ΣREY含量偏低与采样点水深较浅导致的海水稀土元素含量和溶解氧含量较低密切相关,受碎屑矿物的稀释作用影响较小。在开展铁锰结壳地球化学特征研究和资源勘探评价时应充分考虑采样水深的分布范围,局部水深样品的分析结果可能导致研究结果出现较大偏差。  相似文献   

2017年8月中国科学院海洋研究所在西太平洋低纬度海区的卡罗琳洋脊CM4海山开展了多学科综合调查,发现该海山山体表面分布着大量的铁锰结壳。本文对该海山的5个铁锰结壳样品进行了矿物学和地球化学研究,利用X射线衍射(XRD)、电感耦合等离子光谱及质谱(ICP-OES、ICP-MS)等测试技术分析了铁锰结壳的矿物组成、主微量元素和稀土元素含量,并进一步探讨了铁锰结壳的成因类型。结果表明,该海山铁锰结壳的矿物组成以水羟锰矿为主,含有少量钡镁锰矿、水钠锰矿、针铁矿、纤铁矿、石英和方解石。该海山铁锰结壳的Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu元素平均含量分别为24.24%、15.14%、0.16%、0.34%、0.01%。与全球各大洋海山区铁锰结壳相比,该海山样品的Cu含量很低。该海山铁锰结壳的稀土元素(REY)含量相对偏低,总体为轻稀土(LREE)富集;稀土(REY)配分模式显示相对平坦的特征,呈明显的Ce正异常,轻微的Y负异常和Ho正异常。样品的矿物组成、元素比值、元素组合等都表明该海山铁锰结壳属于水成成因,未受明显的成岩作用影响。  相似文献   

大洋铁锰结壳测年的几种常用的同位素方法:成果与问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
同位素法测年是大洋铁锰结壳测年的主要方法。根据20多年来铁锰结壳同位素测年的实践,特别是近几年最新的一些实验、研究结果,对^10Be、U系以及^87Sr同位素等测年方法的应用情况以及存在的问题进行了总结分析。一般说来,^10Be和^230Th两种方法尽管也存在一定问题,但用于结壳测年还是比较成功;而^234U以及^87Sr两种方法不能用于结壳测年,原因是铁锰结壳中的这两种元素与海水中的元素存在交换,是一种开放系统。  相似文献   

铁锰结壳系从大洋水体中直接沉淀而成,水体物理化学条件的变化在结壳内部特征上必然有所反映.因此,在深入理解生长机制与控制因素的基础上,铁锰结壳内部特征可以为恢复古海洋环境演化提供有益信息.结壳中还富集了多种金属元素,是钴、铂等的重要潜在资源.  相似文献   

太平洋铁锰结壳在中新世以前大多经历了磷酸盐化,一般认为其形成代表了高生产力时期富磷组分对先期已形成结壳的交代作用,即磷酸盐化事件的产物.然而,前人对铁锰结壳磷酸盐化的机制研究多基于点-线分析元素或同位素,对铁锰结壳生长结构及二维元素分布特征研究较少.本研究以西太平洋水成铁锰结壳MDD53为研究对象,利用电子探针(EPM...  相似文献   

约翰斯顿岛附近海域铁锰结壳矿物学和地球化学研究   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
铁锰结壳存在两种不同的产状,一种是铁锰氧化和的围绕“核心”生长形成的球状结壳,另一种是铁锰氧化物在基底岩石上生长形成的被状结壳。本文对R/V,Kaimikai-O-Kanaloa船1993年11月在约翰期顿岛附近海域取得铁锰结壳进行了矿物学和地球化学分析。该区铁锰结壳主要组成矿物为δ-MnO2,Mn/Fe比值为2.02,富Co(0.881%),盆Cu(0.1%),稀土总量(∑REE)1918.27  相似文献   

作为深海铁锰结壳的重要组成部分,碎屑物质类型多样,不仅影响关键金属富集成矿,而且还可以指示结壳形成过程中的古海洋环境和重大地质历史事件。本文对九州-帕劳海脊13°20′N海山铁锰结壳样品进行了扫描电镜和激光剥蚀微区分析,并结合前期研究工作,发现大颗粒的碎屑物质主要由亚洲大陆风尘来源的石英、长石或两者的聚集体,以及主要分布在结壳外层的有孔虫壳体所组成,而细颗粒的碎屑物质包括陆源风尘沉降和周边岛弧物质风化搬运共同带入的黏土矿物,以及各种形态的生物体及其残片。结壳形成的早期其碎屑物质的供给量处于高峰阶段,晚期则降低到谷底,该趋势与Si、Al在结壳各层位中的含量分布特征一致,且可能有相当数量的细颗粒生物硅进入了铁锰氧化物纹层。结壳内早期被动增生的钙质生物体在中后期会遭受破碎和溶解,但其中的Ca并没有完全从结壳内迁移出去,而是大量被铁锰氧化物所吸附。结壳中的Ca主要赋存在细颗粒碎屑物质中,使得Ca在各层位全样样品和铁锰氧化物微区纹层中的含量极为相近,这与Si、Al的特征完全不同。研究区结壳样品属于典型开阔大洋海山型结壳,但因为受亚洲大陆风尘物质和硅藻供给的影响,其内部关键金属的富集在一定程度上受...  相似文献   

富钴结壳是一种富含Mn、Co、Ni和稀土元素(镧系元素加钇,简称REY)等元素的海底矿产资源。本文研究的富钴结壳样品是“科学”号在2018年HOBAB5航次于西北太平洋采薇海山的山顶边缘上通过电视抓斗获得的。利用扫描电镜、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP-OES)和电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)分析了富钴结壳的显微构造、矿物学特征和地球化学特征,并探讨了其成因类型和形成机制。富钴结壳的结构从内到外可分为土黄色的疏松层(C8-5)、黑色铁锰致密层(C8-2、C8-3和C8-4)和发育葡萄状球体的粗糙表面(C8-1)。土黄色疏松层孔隙度较高,主要组成矿物为水羟锰矿、石英、钙长石、钠长石、钙十字沸石和钡镁锰矿,Mn的含量较低,Al的含量较高。黑色的铁锰致密层孔隙度较低,呈柱状构造,主要组成矿物为水羟锰矿、石英、钙长石和钠长石,Al含量有所下降,Mn含量升高,说明陆源物质的供应逐渐变少。在富钴结壳的生长后期,其主要显微构造由柱状构造向斑杂构造转变,二者的过渡区域为铁锰氧化物与富Si碎屑物质组成的层状构造。富钴结壳各层位的Mn/Fe比值为1.16~1.85,且各...  相似文献   

Transferofmanganeseandferroionsbymanganesebacteria¥ShiJunxianandChenZhongyuan(TheSecondinstituteofOceanography,StateOceanicAd...  相似文献   

麦哲伦海山区MD、ME、MF海山富钴结壳特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
麦哲化海山区MD、ME、MF海山具有三层构造的结壳特征,研究表明,结壳可分为上部较致密层、中部疏松层、下部致密层。致密层构造单一,含很少脉石矿物;疏松层构造杂乱,含有大量脉石矿物;较致密层介于两者之间,壳层矿物有锰相矿物(主要为水羟锰矿)、铁相矿物和次要矿物(粘土矿物、钙十字沸石、石英、方解石、磷灰石等)。不同壳层地球化学特征具有明显差异性,Ce异常表明在结壳从下层到上层的生长过程中,环境的氧化性逐渐减弱,结壳^10Be测年结果表明,疏松层的生长速率最大,其次为致密层,较致密层的生长速率最小。推测区的最老的结壳的生长年代为中新世晚期,在4Ma以前,区内水动力条件很弱,氧化性较强;4-3.1MaBP水动力条件较强,氧化性较弱;2.6MaBP以来,水动力条件为强-弱波动期,氧化性较弱。  相似文献   

过渡金属元素Cu、Co、Ni在铁锰结核(壳)中富集的控制因素   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在不同生成环境下生成的铁锰结核(壳)吸收不同的过渡金属元素。在成岩作用形成的铁锰结核中,Cu、Ni主要以锰相形式存在,而Co则以铁相的形式存在;在水成作用形成的铁锰结核(壳)中Cu、Co、Ni均以锰相的形式存在。这些过渡金属元素在成岩作用形成的结核中的存在与铁锰结核(壳)中锰矿物和铁的氧化物、氢氧化物的晶体化学特征密切相关,而在水成作用形成的铁锰结核(壳)中的富集与锰矿物和铁的氧化物、氢氧化物的晶体化。学特征关系不大。同时铁锰结核(壳)中锰矿物和铁的氧化物、氢氧化物又严格地受结核(壳)的生成环境的制约,因此,过渡金属元素Cu、Co、Ni在铁锰结核(壳)中的富集在一定程度上受结核(壳)生成环境的控制。  相似文献   

Deep penetrating multichannel seismic reflection and gravity data have been used to study the lithospheric structure of the Canary Swell. The seismic reflection data show the transition from undisturbed Jurassic oceanic crust, away from the Canary Islands, to an area of ocean crust strongly modified by the Canary volcanism (ACV). Outside the ACV the seismic records image a well layered sedimentary cover, underlined by a bright reflection from the top of the igneous basement and also relatively continuous reflections from the base of the crust. In the ACV the definition of the boundary between sedimentary cover and igneous basement and the crust-mantle boundary remains very loose. Two-dimensional gravity modelling in the area outside the influence of the Canary volcanism, where the reflection data constrain the structure of the ocean crust, suggests a thinning of the lithosphere. The base of the lithosphere rises from 100 km, about 400 km west of the ACV, to 80 km at the outer limit of the ACV. In addition, depth conversion of the seismic reflection data and unloading of the sediments indicate the presence of a regional depth anomaly of an extension similar to the lithospheric thinning inferred from gravity modelling. The depth anomaly associated with the swell, after correction for sediment weight, is about 500 m. We interpret the lithospheric thinning as an indication of reheating of old Mesozoic lithosphere beneath the Canary Basin and along with the depth anomaly as indicating a thermal rejuvenation of the lithosphere. We suggest that the most likely origin for the Canary Islands is a hot spot.  相似文献   

In order to estimate the deposition rate of extraterrestrial material onto a manganese crust in a search for supernova debris, we analyzed the contents of 10Be, 230Th, 231Pa, and 239,240Pu in a sample of manganese crust collected from the North Pacific Ocean. On the basis of the depth profile of 10Be, the growth rate of the manganese crust was determined to be 2.3 mm Myr−1. The uptake rates of 10Be, 230Th, and 231Pa onto the manganese crust were estimated to be 0.22–0.44%, 0.11–0.73%, and 1.4–4.5%, respectively, as compared to the deposition rates onto the deep-sea sediments near the sampling station, while that for 239,240Pu was 0.14% as compared to the total inventory of seawater and sediment column. Assuming that sinking particles represent 0.11–4.5% of the uptake rates, the deposition rate of extraterrestrial material onto the manganese crust was estimated to be 2–800 μg cm−2Myr−1 according to the uptake of 10Be onto the manganese crust. Further, our estimate is similar to the value of 9–90 μg cm− 2Myr−1 obtained using the integrated global production rate of 10Be and the deposition rate of 10Be onto the manganese crust.  相似文献   

详细介绍矿产资源评价的协同区域化理论和协同克立格方法,同时结合大洋CC西区锰结核资源评价工作,探讨其在大洋矿产资源评价中的应用.在CC西区的锰结核矿石中铜、钴、镍是三种相关而经济价值又不同的金属,同时矿石的分布水深也是制约开采成本的重要因素.利用协同克立格方法建立资源评价模型,估计上述区域化变量在空间中的有利组合分布样式来圈定更加有潜力的矿区位置以及估计资源量,达到资源定位预测和定量评价的目的.这种方法对锰结壳资源评价同样有效.  相似文献   

The manganese crust covered by pelagic sediment was recovered from the 3 km depth from the Peterbourgskoye ore field located on the eastern flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The crust comprises a platy brittle aggregate 1–5 cm thick made of black heterogeneous and partly porous material. The inner structure consists of aggregated parallel microplaits several micrometers to 0.2 mm thick consisting of well-crystallized bisnessite with a minor admixture of colloform vernadite. The chemical composition of the crust is dominated by manganese (more than 60% MnO) with minor iron (1.7% Fe2O3) and somewhat notable sodium and sulfur. The trace element composition is characterized by very high molybdenum, moderate gallium and uranium, and very low values of 40 other trace elements. Compared to previous publications, the composition of this crust is fairly different from the average values previously defined for hydrothermal crusts. On the other hand, it is rather close to some crusts recovered from subsea volcanoes in the Sea of Japan.  相似文献   

Marine hydrogenetically precipitated ferromanganese crusts are widespread in the Pacific Ocean. They occur as pavements coating volcanic or sedimentary hard-rock substrates, mainly on the slopes of seamounts, plateaus and hills in ocean basins and continental margins. We studied three ferromanganese crusts from one dredge haul from the Rivera Plate (western margin of Mexico), which are up to 15 mm thick and grow directly on a substrate of pillow basalt fragments. They consist of laminated, botryoidal, porous aggregates mostly of Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides and up to 10% silicates. XRD analysis showed the predominance of poorly crystallized mineral phases in the crusts that include Mn-feroxyhyte and vernadite, and an authigenic smectite-like clay. Detrital minerals probably derive from granodiorites of the eastern wall of the neighboring Middle America Trench. Scattered barite grains occur on the crust surface and suggest plume fall-out derived from hydrothermal vents, although a possible pelagic source cannot be dismissed. Ratios between major (Fe, Mn, Si) and trace (Co, Ni, Cu) elements reveal that such crusts are predominantly hydrogenetic in origin, although they show a hydrothermal influence that increases in the outer layers. Iron contents range from 16.2 to 25.2 wt.%, and manganese from 3.4 to 14.5 wt.%. The Fe/Mn ratio ranges from 1.6 to 7.0. The SiO2/Al2O3 ratio ranges from 4.3 to 6.6, indicating the presence of biogenic silica (radiolarians). The concentrations of copper (up to 383 ppm) and cobalt (up to 534 ppm) are significantly below those of the typical hydrogenetic crusts, whereas Ni (up to 1320 ppm) is about the same or slightly lower. REE normalized profiles and ΣREE values (486 to 732 ppm) match those reported for hydrogenetic crusts, but suggest a hydrothermal contribution for the later crust layers. The inferred crust growth rates using the Co-chronometer (44 and 229 mm/Myr) are higher than those reported for pure hydrogenetic crusts (mostly 1 to 6 mm/Myr), thus indicating an increasing hydrothermal influence. The highest growth rate (229 mm/Myr, corresponding to the outer crust layers) suggests a regional hydrothermal input of iron and manganese to seawater. The intensification of regional submarine hydrothermal activity began about 13,000 yr ago, and may be related to the tectonic activity in the complex junction of the Rivera, Cocos, Pacific and North America plates.  相似文献   

The morphological features associated with Co-rich manganese deposits, the size variations of nodules, and the occurrence of different substrates have been analyzed, to evaluate the influence of various seabed slope angles on the distribution of these features. The coverage and size of the crusts depend on their surface morphology and seabed topography, resulting in cobble-type, lineated, or step-like outcrops. Small nodules (1 - 4 cm in diameter) dominate all seabed slopes, with a few locations having nodules ranging from 1 to 8 or 1 to 10 cm. Sediments invariably occur as substrates for nodules and as cover for crusts, their coverage being inversely proportional to that of the nodules and crust outcrops. Steeper seafloor areas have large crust outcrops exposed with no or few nodules and sediments associated with them. The intermediate slopes have a combination of nodules, sediments, and crusts in various proportions, depending on topography and gradient. Large-scale nodule occurrences, followed by sediment fields and crust outcrops on seabed slopes of greater than 3 degrees, 3 - 7 degreees, and less than 15 degrees, respectively, represent typical morphological distribution zones of the Co-rich manganese deposits on a seamount in the central Pacific Ocean. A transition zone between nodule-dominated fields and large crust outcrops occurs for slopes from 7 degrees to 15 degrees. This detailed study on distribution of Co-rich deposits gives a better understanding for purposes of their exploitation.  相似文献   

The past 20 years have been characterised by limited interest in the economic viability of deep seabed mining with the exception of those mineral ores rich in precious metals such as polymetallic sulphides. This paper goes against the tide. After reviewing the most significant literature, it compares the economic feasibility of mining polymetallic manganese nodules and cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts in a scenario of mutual exclusivity. It uses a new indicator, the cobalt-nickel price ratio, whose aim is to verify at what metal prices the net present value of the two mining projects equalises. Previous research has shown that the turning margin between manganese nodules and cobalt crusts is a cobalt price of $50/kg. The present paper revises this by showing that the choice between mining crust and nodules depends on fluctuations in the price of nickel. A Monte Carlo simulation proves that cobalt crust mining could be reasonably preferred to manganese nodules at cobalt prices of $40-60/kg if the price of nickel fell below $11/kg. Within this condition, investors would receive the minimum acceptable internal rate of return of 15%, which is at a level of risk closer to the land-based mining. However, when the price of nickel passes the $11/kg threshold, the equilibrium between the two ventures can be reached only at a cobalt price greater than $100/kg, causing cobalt crust to become uncompetitive. Finally, the paper, recognising that prices are not unique drivers, introduces legal, political, technological and environmental concerns to show that the final choice between the two mining ventures cannot be merely driven by economic issues.  相似文献   

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