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多波束水柱数据携带了波束从换能器到海底的完整声学信息,可用于探测海面至海底的声照射目标。通过对多波束原始水柱数据文件(*.all,*.wcd)解析,分析提取水柱数据绘制其航向剖面图、垂直剖面图和波束阵列图。利用水柱影像分析工具可清晰判断水体中目标物的形状、大小和位置,获得传统多波束深度测量无法探测到的细小特征。实例分析表明,研发的水柱影像分析工具在水柱成像及水体目标探测识别中有着重要应用价值。  相似文献   

以国产天绘一号01星多光谱4波段影像为数据源,针对大范围水体提取难度大的问题,提出基于归一化水体指数(NDWI)和单波段阈值法的匹配生长算法。采用NDWI水体指数法提取完整的海洋水体和内陆部分水体,将内陆部分水体与单波段阈值对应位置完整的水体做匹配,再通过连通区提取、掩膜运算获得完整的水体分割二值图。采用两景遥感影像(大连和芝罘)进行实验,并与经典水体提取算法进行对比分析。实验结果表明:该法总体精度在90%左右,Kappa系数在0.8左右,对经典提取算法有了显著改善。在大范围提取水体信息时效果较好,提取水体的同时能有效减少陆地阴影造成的干扰,在海陆边界处,陆地轮廓清晰,较好的将陆地和海洋分割开来。  相似文献   

MODIS图像湖泊水体信息的快速识别与制图   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在可见光和近红外波段内,水体、植被、城市和土壤等地物的光谱反射率差异是利用遥感手段提取水体的基本原理。利用归一化植被指数(NDVI)提取MOD IS遥感影像上的水体,再将提取出的水体和MOD IS的空间分辨率为250m的2个波段进行假彩色合成,实现湖泊水体遥感影像的自动制图。结果表明,利用本文方法制成的水体分布图,既能保留MOD IS的较高分辨率,又能清晰地识别水体。  相似文献   

多波束水体数据是多波束系统获取的最原始数据,记录了波束从发射到接收整个过程全部的反向散射强度信息,可以为目标识别、水下栖息环境探测等提供重要的数据支撑。目前,针对多波束水体强度时间序列所表现的波形信息的处理及研究仍处于起步阶段,另外水体波形数据易受噪声影响,且存在明显的入射角效应问题,对此,本文提出了一种基于分区异构的多波束水体波形拟合算法。首先,根据不同波束入射角范围的水体波形特性,将水体数据划分为3个区域;然后利用不同函数(中央波束区域—双指数函数、漫反射区域—广义高斯与线性函数叠加、边缘波束区域—高斯与多项式叠加)分别对不同分区的反向散射强度波形进行拟合。采用台湾海峡的多波束水体数据进行验证,结果表明:不同分区拟合相关系数及拟合优度均达到0.95以上,相比简单函数拟合,均方根误差由3.39 dB降到1.5 dB以下,达到了较好的拟合效果,可为多波束水体目标识别和海底分类提供参考。  相似文献   

由于合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像中固有斑点噪声的强烈影响,某些对于光学图像有很好效果的目标提取区域分割方法,但是对于SAR图像来说,效果不很好,针对水体目标的亮度及形状分布特征,不作阈值分割处理,而采用序列非线性滤波处理方法,可以快速有效地实现SAR影像水体目标的自动提取识别。  相似文献   

冰面水体是冰盖物质平衡的重要组成部分,在全球气候及环境变化研究中发挥着重要的作用。本文以格陵兰岛北部为研究区,选取该研究区消融期内不同时相的WorldView-2影像,对区域内典型地物统计分析其光谱特性,构建了针对冰面水体的归一化水体增强指数NEWI(Normalized Enhanced Water Index。依据影像上地物分布规律和直方图图形特征,对冰雪混合物和冰面水体边缘地带灰度值相似的模糊区域定位,增强区域间地物对比度,提取出冰面水体的精细范围。实验结果表明,本研究所提出的指数有效凸显了冰面水体与非水体的反射率差异,与常用的水体指数NDWI等相比,在冰川环境下,提高区分度方面优势明显。通过精度评价可知,本文方法所提取出的冰面水体精细化程度高,提取结果完整,错误率低。本研究对冰面水体信息增强及精细化提取具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

针对侧扫声呐图像斑点噪声强、背景海底散射干扰严重,海底目标轮廓自动提取困难的问题,提出了一种基于K-means聚类与数学形态学相结合的海底目标轮廓自动提取算法。为克服噪声干扰,该算法首先利用中值滤波去除侧扫声呐图像中的强斑点噪声;然后采用K-means聚类算法对侧扫声呐灰度图像进行分割,并二值化,除去大部分海底背景噪声,初步提取出目标;接着利用数学形态学运算去除提取结果中的孤立噪点,并填充目标内部孔洞,得到连续化、圆滑的目标边缘;最后对处理后的侧扫声呐图像进行边缘检测,提取出目标轮廓。实验结果表明:该算法思想简单易行,具有很强的克服背景噪声的能力,自动提取的目标轮廓连续性较好,结果准确可靠。目前,在侧扫声呐图像目标轮廓提取过程中,主要采用人工方式,自动性较差,效率较低。本文算法可以实现目标轮廓的自动提取,提高效率,具有较强的实用价值。  相似文献   

漫衰减系数是一个重要的海洋光学参数,能够为水体环境变化、水质分析以及水产养殖等方面提供基础性数据。针对目前船载实地测量效率与分辨率低、卫星遥感反演精度与分辨率较低的局限性,本文提出一种基于机载LiDAR测深水体波形的漫衰减系数提取方法。该方法首先通过分层异构模型的机载LiDAR波形分解算法得到水体散射回波,利用激光在水体中的衰减特性,构建漫衰减系数提取模型,最终获取大面积水域漫衰减系数的空间分布。采用西沙甘泉岛与江苏连云港两个航次的实测数据对所提算法进行了验证,本算法无需每个测深点的水底底部回波强度和深度即可反演得到漫衰减系数,并且在浑浊水域也可取得较好的效果,表明在中国近海利用机载LiDAR测深系统能够有效获取高精度的漫衰减系数。  相似文献   

为了能够利用遥感图像快速准确地提取围海养殖矢量信息,本文选取养殖水体、堤坝及育苗室等交错分布的海参围海养殖区域作为研究区域,根据研究区域Sentinel-2遥感影像的光谱特征,选用归一化差异水体指数(Normalized Difference Water Index,NDWI)、改进归一化差异水体指数(Modified Normalized Difference Water Index,MNDWI)和增强水体指数(Enhanced Water Index,EWI)三类水体指数,分别进行提取实验,利用同时期高空间分辨率的高分二号卫星(GF-2)影像作为参考,验证不同方法的提取精度,精度评价结果表明:相较MNDWI和EWI两类水体指数,NDWI的分类精度更高,且利用NDWI提取研究区域的围海养殖信息的效果更好,所以该方法可在养殖区域的动态监测和规划管理中发挥数据支撑作用。  相似文献   

文章提出一种基于发展多期影像和归一化水体指数(NDWI)的砂质岸线自动提取方法,以山东半岛海阳沙滩为实验区,应用2005年多个月份的7景Landsat 5TM遥感影像为数据源,提取实验区砂质岸线。利用908专项修测岸线对提取的海岸线进行精度检验。结果表明,岸线偏差距离为20.9m、均方根误差(RMSE)为33.6m。该方法可为砂质岸线的提取与变迁分析研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

孤立波是浅海水域中经常出现的一种波动现象,常用来描述海啸和风暴等引起的巨浪以及波长较长的表面波的某些特性。采用"水体瞬间坍塌"的方法产生孤立波,在二维波浪水槽内进行系列实验。实验结果表明,产生的孤立波波高与水深之比可达1.29;箱体宽度及箱内水体高度对波高影响较大;得到孤立波波高计算公式,可较好地反映孤立波波高与箱体宽度、水深和箱内水体高度之间的变化关系,并给出了公式的适用范围。  相似文献   

在冷泉调查研究中,多波束系统因其快速高效、成本较低的特点被广泛应用.本文靶定南海北部陆坡琼东南盆地冷泉发育区,介绍了SeaBeam 3030多波束系统在冷泉发育区中的调查应用实例.通过分析多波束水深数据和水体数据,确定了调查区海底地形地貌以及水体羽状流特征,同时对该冷泉区开展综合调查的必要性进行了初步分析.研究表明,调...  相似文献   

刘斌  刘胜旋 《海洋学报》2017,39(9):83-89
利用2016年在南海西北部陆坡琼东南海域采集的多波束水体数据,发现了海底气体渗漏至海水中形成的羽状流。在多波束数据上, 羽状流成火焰状,直径大约为30~50 m,从1 380多米的海底延伸至大约650 m的深度,高度超过700 m。在经过羽状流的浅剖剖面上,存在显示浅层气存在的声学空白区域,并识别出断裂和裂隙区域,但在水体中并无明显的异常。这可能是由于浅剖数据的分辨率不够未能捕捉到水体异常,或者气体渗漏具有间歇性。该海域存在明显的似海底反射显示,气体渗漏可能与水合物系统之间存在复杂的相互作用。由于缺乏经过羽状流的多道地震数据,难以对羽状流的形成机制进行进一步的推测。南海北部陆坡羽状流的发现对于理解被动大陆边缘的甲烷渗漏机制、水合物的形成与分解具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Depth dependence of ambient noise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Omnidirectional measurements of ambient noise versus depth in the Caribbean, Mediterranean, Arctic, Pacific, and Atlantic areas are presented. The shapes of the vertical ambient noise profiles spanning the water column at frequencies from 25 to 500 Hz are shown to be heavily influenced by passing ships. The qualitative features of average noise profiles measured by mid-water hydrophones can be explained with the aid of a straightforward model, and it is concluded that low-frequency omnidirectional ambient noise depth dependence is predictable. The sensitivity of the vertical noise profile to passing ships, coupled with noise predictability suggests that surveillance could be effected by a vertical string of hydrophones without coherent processing in areas of relatively light shipping.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates the use of ambient noise for estimating the ocean depth in shallow waters of the Indian continental shelf. Ocean depth is estimated using a technique known as passive fathometer processing, which involves the correlation of surface-generated ambient noise with its reflection from the seabed. Ambient noise data collected using a vertical array from four locations (off Cochin, off Cuddalore, off Kakinada, and off Goa) along the Indian continental shelf were used for the study. The noise data recorded during windy conditions within the frequency band of 200–5000 Hz were used for analysis. Both conventional and adaptive beamforming techniques were applied for the passive estimation of the ocean depth. The estimated water column depth using the ambient noise measurement shows good agreement with the known depth from all the four locations. The advantages and limitations of the adaptive processing technique have also been discussed. The study clearly demonstrates the application of the surface-generated ambient noise in seabed image processing.  相似文献   

The oscillating water column (OWC) device is in a leading position for wave power extraction but has not achieved fully commercial at the current stage. In addition to enhancing the OWC performance, installing OWCs on floating breakwaters, which owns the merits of both cost-sharing and offshore power supply, is a practicality with high economic viability. In this study, a series of wave-flume experiments were conducted in regular waves to examine the wave power extraction of a floating box-type breakwater with dual pneumatic chambers. The flow characteristics of the orifices used to simulate the PTOs was pre-calibrated through another series of experiments, so the power extraction in this study can be obtained with only the pressure measurement. The effects of wave period, chamber draft, water depth and arrangement of chambers on the power extraction were examined. Our experimental results showed that the power extraction was mainly due to the water column oscillation inside the chamber, and differentiation in the designed natural periods of dual chambers could widen the efficiency bandwidth of power extraction. The front chamber always played the main role in power extraction and its natural period should be designed against the dominating period of the wave spectrum; in contrast, the power extraction of the rear chamber was only a supplement and its natural period should be designed against longer waves which were more easily transmitted, thus a PTO of small power capacity maybe more realistic. It was also worth noting that the water column oscillation was more dependent on the wave period rather than controlled by the wave scattering under different water depths.  相似文献   

针对采用传统海洋测量手段难以获取危险及争议海区的水深和水下碍航物信息,提出了基于卫星遥感进行水深反演和水下碍航物探测的新思路。探讨了多光谱遥感水深反演的数据预处理方法、遥感水深反演模型的构建及水下碍航物遥感探测方法,并开展了相应的实验验证。实验表明,采用卫星遥感手段可以快速地获取测量船只不易到达海区的水深和水下碍航物信息,研究成果对海洋测绘技术的发展具有一定的指导意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

The activities of extracellular enzymes that initiate the microbial remineralization of high molecular weight organic matter were investigated in the water column and sandy surface sediments at two sites in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Six fluorescently labeled polysaccharides were hydrolyzed rapidly in the water column as well as in permeable sediments. This result contrasts with previous studies carried out in environments dominated by fine-grained muds, in which the spectrum of enzymes active in the water column is quite limited compared to that of the underlying sediments. Extracts of Spirulina, Isochrysis, and Thalassiosira were also used to measure hydrolysis rates in water from one of the sites. Rates of hydrolysis of the three plankton extracts were comparable to those of the purified polysaccharides. The broad spectrum and rapid rates of hydrolysis observed in the water column at both sites in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico may be due to the permeable nature of the sediments. Fluid flux through the sediments is sufficiently high that the entire 1.5 m deep water column could filter though the sediments on timescales of a few days to two weeks. Movement of water through sediments may also transport dissolved enzymes from the sediment into the water column, enhancing the spectrum as well as the rate of water column enzymatic activities. Such interaction between the sediments and water column would permit water column microbial communities to access high molecular weight substrates that might otherwise remain unavailable as substrates.  相似文献   

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