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根据南海北部陆坡海域潜标观测数据,对该海域第二模态内孤立波统计特征进行分析。观测期间共发现72个第二模态内孤立波,包含101 个第二模态内孤立波孤立子。该海域第二模态内孤立波以凸型为主,且最大振幅多为下凹振幅,占79.2%。KdV 方程波速计算结果表明,波速可用三角函数描述,整体表现为夏季大、冬季小,且第二模态内孤立波流速呈明显的三层结构。最大流速深度及人工判别得到的上下层转向深度的统计结果表明:上层内波流流速转向平均深度约为97.7m,中层内波流最大流速深度约为134.6m,下层内波流转向平均深度约为204.2m,内波流最大流速多发生在中层,流向主要为西北向,流速主要分布于0.2~0.8 m·s-1 区间范围内,占82.2%;上层流向主要为东南向,流速主要分布于0~0.6m·s-1区间范围内,占98.0%;中层流向主要为西北向,流 速主要分布于0.2~0.8m·s-1区间范围内,占93.1%;下层流向主要为东南向,流速主要分布于0~0.4m·s-1区间范围内,占94.1%。本文系统性地给出了南海北部陆坡海域第二模态内孤立波统计特征,可为相关研究、水下航行及工程应用提供重要的资料和参考。  相似文献   

利用2015年6月南海北部现场观测的水文数据,结合卫星高度计资料,分析了2015年6月13日—28日南海北部陆坡在气旋涡-反气旋涡的双涡结构影响下的水文和环流特征。结果表明,2015年6月南海北部陆坡调查海区表层50 m以浅盐度存在NE—SW向低盐区,表层盐度最小值低于32,这表明南海北部陆坡存在跨陆架海水输送。在观测期间,南海北部陆坡调查海区受气旋涡和反气旋涡双涡结构影响,使得南海北部陆坡表层100 m以浅存在跨陆坡流,流速最大值出现在两涡交汇区域。此外,通过潜标连续海流资料,发现南海北部陆坡环流呈现了“深入浅出”(100 m以深层为向岸的入侵、以浅层为离岸的出流)的“两层结构”。  相似文献   

为研究内孤立波的地形和背景流共振机制,用地形和背景流共振机制计算了3个潜标观测的内孤立波(不同模态、不同波长)的流速和传播速度,并与观测到的内孤立波进行比较。潜标观测的第一模态内孤立波(波长分别为6.4和3.3km)都是下凹型内孤立波,2个内孤立波的传播速度约为1.4m/s、最大振幅约为48m,水平流向结构都是上层西北向、下层东南向,波长3.3km 的内孤立波波峰前后有更明显的下降流和上升流。用共振机制计算出的第一模态和第二模态纬向流速的垂向结构与观测相同,最大纬向流速出现的深度与观测一致,分别相差5和12m。用共振机制计算出的内孤立波传播速度与用 KdV 方程计算的传播速度相当,共振机制计算波速为0.66~1.21m/s,KdV 方程计算波速为0.79~1.40m/s。  相似文献   

一个典型南海北部第二模态内孤立波的观测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第二模态内孤立波在海洋中极少被观测到。本文基于潜标高时空分辨率观测数据,对南海北部陆架区的一个典型第二模态内孤立波进行了分析。结果表明,该第二模态内孤立波的流核出现在135 m深度处,其最大水平流速为0.66 m/s,传播方向为西偏北58°。沿传播方向的内孤立波流速分布在80~170 m的深度范围内,而与传播方向相反的逆流出现在海表和海底附近。垂向模态分析表明,该第二模态内孤立波水平流速的垂向结构与理论结果吻合良好。能量计算结果显示其动能密度的垂向积分可达14 kJ/m2,而波峰线方向单位长度上的动能估算值为5.98 MJ/m。尽管该第二模态内孤立波的动能比陆架区第一模态内孤立波小1个量级,但其高达0.045 s-1的流速垂向剪切约为典型第一模态内孤立波的2倍,表明其导致的混合可能更强。  相似文献   

南海陆坡区约束流核型内孤立波观测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于南海陆坡区内孤立波的观测,对内孤立波的基本特征进行了研究,经分析得到其振幅为45m,最大水平流速可达1.6m·s-1,最大垂向流速为0.39m·s-1,传播速度为1.46m·s-1。将内孤立波经过时的流速、温盐特征进行了对比分析,结果表明,该内孤立波引起水质点的最大水平流速大于其传播速度,即umaxc,形成了约束流核;在内孤立波核心处水体密度近乎一致,N2接近于0,理查德森数Ri0.25,发生了剪切不稳定。基于内孤立波的振幅并结合背景场温盐剖面,对内孤立波引起的温盐场起伏进行反演,并对其动能、势能进行了估算。  相似文献   

南海北部陆架区内孤立波向岸传播过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南海北部是全球海洋中内孤立波最强和最为活跃的海域。然而,内孤立波在传入陆架区后,其形态发生显著变化,其传播演变过程表现出高度的复杂性。本研究综合卫星图像和数值模式手段研究了内孤立波在向岸传播过程中的空间变化特征。可见光卫星图像研究结果显示,南海北部陆架区存在三种形态的内孤立波,分别为第一模态下凹型内孤立波、第一模态上凸型内孤立波和第二模态内孤立波。受水深和层结变化的控制,它们的分布区域显著不同。基于MITgcm的数值模拟研究表明,上凸型内孤立波由第一模态下凹内孤立波经过极性转换过程发展而来,而第二模态内孤立波由第一模态下凹内孤立波与急剧变浅地形相互作用而产生。  相似文献   

海洋内波具有振幅大、流速强和周期短等特点,可对海上施工和水下作业安全造成严重威胁。南海北部陆坡海域是内孤立波和中尺度涡频发的海域之一,研究中尺度涡对内孤立波传播的影响对深入了解南海北部内孤立波在反气旋涡过境时的传播特征、提高该海域内波预报准确性具有重要意义。基于此,本文利用布放于南海北部东沙群岛西侧陆坡海域的潜标观测数据,针对2017年3月一个反气旋中尺度涡经过潜标站位的过程,探讨了中尺度涡对内孤立波传播的影响。结果表明:①受反气旋涡影响,内孤立波的平均振幅减小28.6%,其主要原因是中尺度涡导致等温线下压,进而对内孤立波的振幅产生抑制作用,其影响过程可用趋浅温跃层理论描述。②反气旋涡影响期间,内孤立波的平均波速由1.26 m/s增大到1.47 m/s,增幅约16.7%,反映了反气旋涡对内孤立波波速的强化作用,这种强化作用主要是由中尺度涡边缘流场引起背景流场变化所致,而中尺度涡引起的温盐场变化对内孤立波波速的影响相对较小。  相似文献   

高分一号是中国自主发射的光学遥感卫星,空间分辨率达到2、8和16 m,因此可以为尺度较小的第二模态内孤立波研究提供强有力的数据支撑。本文基于2014—2020年共7年高分一号光学遥感图像研究了南海东沙岛北部第二模态内孤立波特性,研究结果表明:在海水层结不变,海域第二模态内孤立波的光学遥感图像条纹亮暗次序与第一模态内孤立波的相反;第二模态内孤立波的波峰线远短于第一模态内孤立波的波峰线;南海东沙岛北部第二模态内孤立波在夏季被光学遥感观测到的概率最大;绝大部分第二模态内孤立波尾随在第一模态内孤立波之后,可能是第一模态内孤立波与地形凸起相互作用而产生了第二模态内孤立波。这一研究结果对于进一步研究全球海域第二模态内孤立波的特性奠定了良好基础。  相似文献   

南海北部海流观测结果及其谱分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了掌握南海北部海区的海流及潮流情况,利用2000年8-11月在南海北部海区75天的ADCP定点流速观测资料,对海流的观测结果、海流前进矢量图、海流的日平均流速、海流随时间和深度的变化情况、正压流速的矢量旋转谱和斜压流速的二维矢量频率波数谱以及正压潮流进行了分析研究。结果表明,此处海流主要为逆时针方向旋转,并且K1和M2为主要分量。这说明南海北部海区的海流及潮流变化比较复杂,需要大范围的长期观测才能更好她掌握其特征与变化规律。  相似文献   

利用25年(1993—2017)的卫星高度计资料, 采用复经验正交函数(complex empirical orthogonal function, CEOF)方法, 分析南海北部海区海面高度季节内变异的时空分布及传播特征。标准差分析表明, 南海北部海面高度的季节内变异(intra-seasonal variability of sea level anomalies, SLA-ISV)在沿陆坡外侧区较强, 且SLA-ISV表现出明显的季节性变化, 冬半年强于夏半年。CEOF前两个主要模态能较好地揭示研究海区SLA-ISV的时空分布及其传播特征, 并表明SLA-ISV的强度受到季节性变化和年际变化的调制。全年CEOF的第一模态揭示SLA-ISV从台湾岛西南至西沙群岛以东区域的冬半年西南向传播特征; 而全年CEOF的第二模态则表现了SLA-ISV分别在台湾岛西南和东沙群岛西南的西南向传播特征。南海北部中尺度涡季节变化统计分析表明, CEOF的分解结果与南海北部的涡旋活动一致。  相似文献   

Effects of mesoscale eddies on the internal solitary wave propagation   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The mesoscale eddy and internal wave both are phenomena commonly observed in oceans. It is aimed to investigate how the presence of a mesoscale eddy in the ocean affects wave form deformation of the internal solitary wave propagation. An ocean eddy is produced by a quasi-geostrophic model in f-plane, and the one-dimensional nonlinear variable-coefficient extended Korteweg-de Vries (eKdV) equation is used to simulate an internal solitary wave passing through the mesoscale eddy field. The results suggest that the mode structures of the linear internal wave are modified due to the presence of the mesoscale eddy field. A cyclonic eddy and an anticyclonic eddy have different influences on the background environment of the internal solitary wave propagation. The existence of a mesoscale eddy field has almost no prominent impact on the propagation of a smallamplitude internal solitary wave only based on the first mode vertical structure, but the mesoscale eddy background field exerts a considerable influence on the solitary wave propagation if considering high-mode vertical structures. Furthermore, whether an internal solitary wave first passes through anticyclonic eddy or cyclonic eddy, the deformation of wave profiles is different. Many observations of solitary internal waves in the real oceans suggest the formation of the waves. Apart from topography effect, it is shown that the mesoscale eddy background field is also a considerable factor which influences the internal solitary wave propagation and deformation.  相似文献   

A series of experimental studies about the force of internal solitary wave and internal periodic wave on vertical cylinders have been carried out in a two-dimensional layered internal wave flume. The internal solitary waves are produced by means of gravitational collapse at the layer thickness ratio of 0.2, and the internal periodic waves are produced with rocker-flap wave maker at the layer thickness ratio of 0.93. The wave parameters are obtained through dyeing photography. The vertical cylinders of the same size are arranged in different depths. The horizontal force on each cylinder is measured and the vertical distribution rules are researched. The internal wave heights are changed to study the impact of wave heights on the force. The results show that the horizontal force of concave type internal solitary wave on vertical cylinder in the upper-layer fluid has the same direction as the wave propagating, while it has an opposite direction in the lower-layer. The horizontal force is not evenly distributed in the lower fluid. And the force at different depths increases along with wave height. Internal solitary wave can produce an impact load on the entire pile. The horizontal force of internal periodic waves on the vertical cylinders is periodically changed at the frequency of waves. The direction of the force is opposite in the upper and lower layers, and the value is close. In the upper layer except the depth close to the interface, the force is evenly distributed; but it tends to decrease with the deeper depth in the lower layer. A periodic shear load can be produced on the entire pile by internal periodic waves, and it may cause fatigue damage to structures.  相似文献   

内孤立波波致流场数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于KdV、mKdV理论,利用Fluent计算软件,采用"平板拍击"造波方法,进行内孤立波数值模拟,并与物理实验结果进行对比验证。利用数值模拟结果,分析内孤立波波致流场变化,结果表明:上下层流体中波致水平流速方向相反,均呈现先增加后减小的变化趋势,且波谷经过时刻流速最大;在波谷经过断面处,波致水平流速在上层流体中沿垂向分布无明显变化,在波面以下的下层流体中有衰减趋势,但衰减很小;两层流体界面与波谷之间存在过渡水深范围,水平流速在该水深范围内沿垂向衰减明显,且随内孤立波振幅的增大,过渡水深范围有所增大。  相似文献   

吕海滨  申辉  何宜军 《海洋科学》2013,37(11):54-58
通过对东沙群岛附近2009年夏季测到的三个孤立波事件的分析, 结合现场的X 波段雷达、ADCP和CTD 观测, 发现内孤立波经过时, 伴有突发性强流, 最大水平东西分量U大于0.5 m/s, 周期大约15 min, 各深度层海流均为西向。第三个孤立波事件中, 雷达后向散射影像中包含至少4个亮条带, 其中最后的条带雷达表面信号最强。而内波表面信号强弱不仅与内波的振幅有关, 还可能与潮流、混合层深度等环境条件有关, 该研究可加深对内波遥感观测的理解。  相似文献   

For settlement of the well-known problem of contemporary radar imaging models,i.e.,the pmblem of a general underestimation of radar signatures of hydrodynamic features over oceanic internal waves and underwater bottom topography in tidal watels at at high radar frequency bands(X-band and C-band),the impact of the ocean surface mixed layer turbulence and the significance of strat-ified oceanic model on SAR remote sensing of internal solitary waves are proposed.In the north of the South China Sea by utilizing seme observed data of background field the nonlinearity coefficient,the dispersion coefficient,the horizontal variability coefficient and the phase speed in the generalized K-dV equation are determined approximately.Through simulations of internal tide transfor-mation the temporal evolution and spatial distribution of the vertical displacement and horizontal velocity of intereal wave field are obtained.The simulation results indicate that the maximum amplitudes of internal solitary waves occur at depth 35 m,but the maximum current speeds take place at depth 20 m in this area of the sea(about 20°30'N,114°E)in August.It was noticed that considering the effects of flood current and ebb current respectively is appropriate to investigate influence of the background shear flow on coefficients of the K-dV equation.The obtained results provide the possibility for the simulation of SAR signatures of inter-nal solitary waves under considering the impact of ocean surface mixed layer turbulence in the companion paper.  相似文献   

For settlement of the well-known problem of contemporary radar imaging models, i. e. , the problem of a general underestimation of radar signatures of hydrodynamic features over oceanic internal waves and underwater bottom topography in tidal waters at high radar frequency bands ( X-band and C-band), the impact of the ocean surface mixed layer turbulence and the significance of strat- ified oceanic model on SAR remote sensing of internal solitary waves are proposed. In the north of the South China Sea by utilizing some observed data of background field the nonlinearity coefficient, the dispersion coefficient, the horizontal variability coefficient and the phase speed in the generalized K-dV equation are determined approximately. Through simulations of internal tide transfor- mation the temporal evolution and spatial distribution of the vertical displacement and horizontal velocity of internal wave field are obtained. The simulation results indicate that the maximum amplitudes of internal solitary waves occur at depth 35 m, but the maximum current speeds take place at depth 20 m in this area of the sea (about 20°30'N, 114°E) in August. It was noticed that considering the effects of flood current and ebb current respectively is appropriate to investigate influence of the background shear flow on coefficients of the K-dV equation. The obtained results provide the possibility for the simulation of SAR signatures of internal solitary waves under considering the impact of ocean surface mixed layer turbulence in the companion paper.  相似文献   

Oceanic pycnocline depth is usually inferred from in situ measurements. It is attempted to estimate the depth remotely. As solitary internal waves occur on oceanic pycnocline and propagate along it, it is possible to retrieve the depth indirectly in virtue of the solitary internal waves. A numerical model is presented for retrieving the pycnocline depth from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images where the solitary internal waves are visible and when ocean waters are fully stratified. This numerical model is constructed by combining the solitary internal wave model and a two-layer ocean model. It is also assumed that the observed groups of solitary internal wave packets on the SAR imagery are generated by local semidiurnal tides. A case study in the East China Sea shows a good agreement with in situ CTD (conductivity-temperature-depth) data.  相似文献   

浮式生产储油系统内孤立波载荷特性实验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
将置于大尺度密度分层水槽上下层流体中的两块垂直板反方向平推,以基于MCC理论解的内孤立波诱导上下层流体中的层平均水平速度作为其运动速度,发展了一种振幅可控的双推板内孤立波实验室造波方法,并对内孤立波作用下浮式生产储油系统(FPSO)的载荷特性开展了系列实验。结果表明,无因次内孤立波水平力和力矩幅值均与先导内孤立子无因次振幅之间呈线性关系,其斜率与上下层流体深度比有关;在各种上下层流体深度比下,无因次内孤立波垂向力幅值与先导内孤立子振幅之间近似呈幂函数关系。  相似文献   

基于布放在南海东北部陆坡海域的5套潜标观测到的内孤立波波列数据和孤立波扰动KdV(PKdV)理论,研究内孤立波在趋浅陆架上的传播特征。得出如下结果:1)观测到的内孤立波属于C型内孤立波,即平均重现周期为(23.41±0.31)h。2)内孤立波在西传爬坡过程中,其振幅表现为先增大后减小再增大,与该海域温跃层深度的变化趋势一致;由观测数据和理论计算得到的孤立波振幅增长率(SAGR)数值接近,表明该海域的内孤立波的振幅变化可以采用由孤立波PKdV方程导出的趋浅温跃层理论来描述。3)随着水深变浅,内孤立波传播方向向北偏移,传播速度减小,即在A,B和D站位,传播方向分别为279°,296°和301°,偏转角度达22°;传播速度分别为2.36,2.23和1.47 m/s,减小38%。  相似文献   

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