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根据南海北部陆坡海域潜标观测数据,对该海域第二模态内孤立波统计特征进行分析。观测期间共发现72个第二模态内孤立波,包含101 个第二模态内孤立波孤立子。该海域第二模态内孤立波以凸型为主,且最大振幅多为下凹振幅,占79.2%。KdV 方程波速计算结果表明,波速可用三角函数描述,整体表现为夏季大、冬季小,且第二模态内孤立波流速呈明显的三层结构。最大流速深度及人工判别得到的上下层转向深度的统计结果表明:上层内波流流速转向平均深度约为97.7m,中层内波流最大流速深度约为134.6m,下层内波流转向平均深度约为204.2m,内波流最大流速多发生在中层,流向主要为西北向,流速主要分布于0.2~0.8 m·s-1 区间范围内,占82.2%;上层流向主要为东南向,流速主要分布于0~0.6m·s-1区间范围内,占98.0%;中层流向主要为西北向,流 速主要分布于0.2~0.8m·s-1区间范围内,占93.1%;下层流向主要为东南向,流速主要分布于0~0.4m·s-1区间范围内,占94.1%。本文系统性地给出了南海北部陆坡海域第二模态内孤立波统计特征,可为相关研究、水下航行及工程应用提供重要的资料和参考。  相似文献   

吕海滨  何宜军  申辉 《海洋通报》2013,32(3):251-255
由于大振幅非线性内波对东沙群岛附近的海上石油平台具有很大的破坏性,已有多名学者对该海域的非线性内波的 传播波速进行了研究。主要根据2009 年6 月24 日15 时40 分至25 日16 时40 分“科学一号”考察船在东沙岛东北部陆架 上K106 站进行的长达25 h的X波段雷达、温度链、ADCP 同步观测数据,在该海域利用Radon 变换技术获取了本次观测到 的内孤立波的传播速度。利用孤立波到达前30 min的ADCP流速值,计算得到内波传播方向上的背景流大小为0.04 m/s。最终 得出6月24 日22时30 分时的内孤立波传播速度为3.04 m/s,传播方向约为297毅;6 月25 日8 时30 分的内孤立波传播速度 为2.73 m/s,传播方向约为289毅;6 月25 日12 时内孤立波的传播速度为2.59 m/s,传播方向约为283毅。第一个孤立波与后 两个孤立波,在振幅和速度大小上存在明显不同,其生成机制也可能不同。  相似文献   

基于X 波段雷达获取东沙群岛附近内波的传播速度   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吕海滨  何宜军  申辉 《海洋科学》2012,36(11):98-102
根据2009年6月24日15时40分至25日16时40分“科学一号”考察船在东沙岛东北部陆架上K106站进行的长达25 h的X波段雷达、温度链、声学多普勒流速剖面仪(ADCP)同步观测数据,在该海域利用 Radon 变换技术获取了本次观测到的内孤立波的传播速度.利用该孤立波到达前30 min 的ADCP 流速值,计算得到内波传播方向上的背景流流速为0.04 m/s.最终得出该孤立波的传播速度为3.04 m/s,传播方向约为297°.基于同样的处理方法,求解了本航次中获取的南海东北部陆架处其他站点部分内波的波速信息.南海东北部陆架处内波,主要向西或西北方向传播.本研究对增进东沙群岛附近内孤立波传播特征的认识,具有重要意义.  相似文献   

主要利用Lamb 模式进行了四个数值敏感实验, 研究了背景流、混合层深度对南海东北部内波表面信号强度的影响, 并用MASCG 指标(表层流梯度绝对值的最大值)进行了量化。研究结果表明: 同向背景流能增强内波表面流梯度, 逆向背景流则反之。混合层深度对内波表面信号影响很大, 深的混合层能弱化内波表面信号强度。内波表面信号的量化依赖于海洋环境条件和内波动力参数, 本实验结论将加深对内波遥感观测的理解。  相似文献   

内波为发生在层结海洋内部的亚中尺度波动,是物理海洋学研究,特别是海洋混合及能量级串研究,不可或的缺环节。孤立内波的突发性巨大冲击能量可对水下航行和工程设施构成灾难性威胁,实现实时监测与预报海洋内波具有重大现实意义。南海是全球海洋中超强内波多发海区之一。长期现场观测表明,吕宋海峡以西海域内孤立波振幅高达150~200 m,且终年发生。因此,南海是目前海洋内孤立波观测与研究热点海域。本文以2015年至2021年间发表的论文为依据,评述南海内波研究新进展,认为7 a来研究成果取得质的提升。第一,实现了由卫星为主要手段2D观测到以卫星与潜标同步3D观测为主要手段的提升。由此催生出振幅240 m超强内孤立波、中尺度涡对内波的调制作用、重现周期23 h 内孤立波、浅海内孤立波裂变现象、深海盆内波及动能级串等创新成果。第二,研究区开始呈现向中部深海盆扩展趋势。迄今为止,南海内波观测与研究集中在吕宋海峡以西和北部陆架,现已出现向中部深海盆扩展趋势。第三,海洋探测高新技术应用于南海内波观测与研究,取得了突破性成果。由卫星高度计沿轨海面高度场二维平面波分解技术得出的南海M2内潮辐射图,解决了多年争论不休的南海北部内波生成机制和生成源地问题。人工智能技术成功应用于建立南海邻近的边缘海内波传播预报模式。模式预报的一个潮周期之后内波波峰线位置与后续卫星图像上显示的位置之间的平均相关系数达95%,平均距离均方根差为3 km。快速深潜剖面浮标技术应用于南海北部深海盆,得出0~3 500 m 全水深内波波段(周期为0.1~1.8 d)波动引起的水温起伏幅度垂直分布。高分辨水下声成像技术,包括人工地震技术和回声探测仪,成功应用于南海北部陆架内波观测与研究。其中回声探测仪图像空间分辨率达10 cm,清楚显示出内孤立波波包精细结构,可精确测得水平尺度仅为2 m的孤立波特征半宽度。可以预期,大量科学研究成果的积累,特别是采用人工智能技术建立内波传播预报模式的成功实例,必将为开发南海内波精准预报模式奠定基础。  相似文献   

合成孔径雷达是海洋内波研究中最重要的工具之一。雷达图像中的斑点噪声会严重降低图像的质量,这一问题在处理和分析信号较弱的二模态内波信号和上升型内波信号时极为明显。合成孔径雷达图像中的海洋内孤立波的信号具有明显的尺度性和方向性。同时,curvelet变换作为一种同时具备尺度分辨率和方向分辨率的数学变换,能够对一幅雷达图像在不同尺度、不同方向和不同位置上进行分析。本文给出了一个基于curvelet变换的合成孔径雷达海洋内孤立波图像的斑点噪声抑制方法。该方法可简述为:(1)对一幅合成孔径雷达海洋内孤立波图像进行curvelet变换,获得curvelet系数;(2)分别仅仅保留一个尺度的系数,将其它尺度的系数置为零,利用处理之后的系数分别重建图像,得到仅仅用一个尺度的系数重建的图像;(3)分别计算上一步中得到的图像的均方差,根据波浪理论,图像的方差代表能量,方差越大则能量越大,以此可以确定内波信息集中的尺度;(4)在每个尺度下,分别计算每个方向的curvelet系数矩阵的平均值,以此确定内孤立波信号集中的方向;(5)在上两步工作的基础上,仅仅保留内波信号集中的尺度和方向的系数,而将其它尺度和方向的系数置为0,得到一幅提取主波信息的图像;(6)将上一步得到的提取主波信息的图像加回到原始图像中,从而达到增强波浪信息并抑制斑点噪声的目的。大量的实验验证表明,该方法不仅能有效地压制斑点噪声,而且能有效地增强波浪信号。  相似文献   

内波是层结海洋中普遍存在的一种海洋动力学现象,包含内潮、内孤立波、近惯性内波等多种形式,由于其携带能量巨大,分布范围广,发生频率高,对海洋结构物造成严重威胁。对国内外关于内波生成、传播演化、海遥感观测及其与海洋结构物相互作用方面的研究进展进行综述。总结了关于内波的生成机制、浅水和深水区域内波传播演化特征、实际海洋内波特征的遥感观测以及内波与海洋平台及水下潜器相互作用的研究成果,讨论了数值模拟、模型试验、遥感观测等研究手段在海洋内波研究中的应用以及取得的相应研究成果。最后,在探讨海洋内波研究趋势的基础上对未来关于内波生成机制及其海洋学特征观测相关研究需考虑和解决的问题进行了展望。  相似文献   

中国南海是内波频发海域,卫星遥感在内波参数特征的统计分析中得到了广泛应用,但是卫星轨道的重复访问时间长,不能连续观测内波参数的变化特征。X波段海洋雷达具有高时间和空间分辨率,可以长期连续观测内波的变化,本文提出了利用X波段海洋雷达图像提取内波参数的方法,并利用连续观测的数据研究了各参数的分布特征。首先,对雷达图像进行预处理,包括平均处理及斜坡校正两步;利用二维快速傅里叶变换确定内波的传播方向,进而根据该方向上的径向廓线确定内波的相速度大小、波长及周期。最后,利用在南海石油平台上观测的X波段雷达图像对内波各参数进行提取和统计分析,结果表明,研究区域内波的传播方向多为西北向及西向传播,相速度多为0.6~0.8 m/s,波长一般为400~600 m,周期大部分不超过1000 s。  相似文献   

海洋内孤立波是一种特殊的内波,它能够长距离的传播而保持波形的基本不变。世界上很多海域都观测到了内孤立波的存在,我国南海也是内孤立波频发的典型海区。本文介绍了内孤立波的生成机制、南海内孤立波的研究现状并探讨了南海内波的源、最后介绍研究内孤立波所用的传播模型,认为建立水平二维的内孤立波传播模型具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

使用三维非静压环流模式MITgcm探究生成于吕宋海峡并向东沙岛传播的内孤立波。模式结果再现了东沙岛附近内孤立波的垂向振幅变化和到达时间。在不同纬向断面中,经向不对称的等密线起伏表现出内孤立波在南海的三维性特征。东沙岛附近的海表高度梯度变化表明,内孤立波在绕过东沙岛后,分离为2个短波峰线内波,此后两者相互作用。内孤立波在大陆坡浅化过程中相速逐渐减小,并与具有半日周期的理论线性相速度吻合一致。内孤立波与东沙岛碰撞后,在岛东北部会出现反射信号。本文利用斜压潮能通量,分析了反射能与入射之比在大潮期与小潮期的差异,发现小潮期的比值大于大潮期。选取东沙岛附近的3个站点,其垂向振幅表明A波与B波在大小潮转变时有不同的变化特征。在东沙岛西部和西北部的两个站位(WB和WN),A、B波均能被显著观测到;但在东沙岛南部站位(WS)只能观测到振幅具有正弦变化趋势的B波信号。  相似文献   

On the basis of the time series observations from a temperature chain and an acoustic Doppler current profiler on the continental shelf of the northern South China Sea, a sequence of internal solitary waves (ISWs) and background waves (BWs, including internal tides and near-inertial waves) on the continental shelf were captured simultaneously after the transit of Typhoon Neast in October 2011. These measurementsprovided a unique opportunity to explore the influence of BWs on the ISWs. The BWs appeared a conversion on the current strength and vertical mode structure during the observational period. The BWs were dominated by weak and mode-one waves before October 2 and then turned to strong and high-mode waves after that time. Meanwhile, the ISWs displayed different wave structures before and after October 2, which was closely related to BWs' changes. According to the current profiles of BWs, the high-mode wave structure with strong current could significantly strengthen the vertical shear of ISWs in the near-surface layer and promote the breaking of ISWs, and thus it may play an important role in affecting the background current condition.  相似文献   

A European Space Agency' s ENVISAT advanced synthetic aperture radar (ASAR) image covering Zhejiang coastal water in the East China Sea (ECS) was acquired on 1 August 2007. This image shows that there are about 20 coherent internal solitary wave (ISW) packets propagating southwestward toward Zhejiang coast. These ISW packets are separated by about 10 kin, suggesting that these ISWs are tide-generated waves. Each ISW packet contains 5-15 wave crests. The wavelengths of the wave crests within the ISW packets are about 300 m. The lengths of the leading wave crests are about 50 km. The ISW amplitude is estimated from solving KdV equation in an ideal two-layer ocean model. It is found that the ISW amplitudes is about 8 m. Further analysis of the ASAR image and ocean stratification profiles show that the observed ISWs are depression waves. Analyzing the tidal current finds that these waves are locally generated. The wavelength and amplitude of the ECS ISW are much smaller than their counter- parts in the South China Sea (SCS). The propagation speed of the ECS ISW is also an order of magnitude smaller than that of the SCS ISW. The observed ISWs in the ECS happened during a spring tide period.  相似文献   

陆可潇  王晶  魏鑫 《海洋科学》2021,45(5):31-38
内孤立波是发生在密度稳定层化海水中的一种特殊的海洋内波。预测内孤立波传播难度较大。本文提出了一种方法,利用美国麻省理工学院大气环流模型(MITgcm)的内孤立波模型计算了大量模拟数据,建立数据库。采用机器学习的方法,建立一个基于支持向量机(support vector machine,SVM)的安达曼海南部内孤立波传播预测模型。最后运用安达曼海南部的Sentinel-1A合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像对内孤立波传播预测模型结果进行检验。结果表明:基于SVM的内孤立波传播时间预测模型预测的时间平均绝对百分比误差为8.43%,平均绝对误差为1.00 h。基于SVM的内孤立波到达位置预测模型预测的位置平均绝对百分比误差为0.071%,平均绝对误差为0.069°。基于SVM的内孤立波振幅预测模型预测的振幅范围为23.80~84.98 m。  相似文献   

Zhang  Jing-jing  Chen  Ke  You  Yun-xiang  Han  Pan-pan 《中国海洋工程》2022,36(3):464-473

An investigation into the prediction method for internal solitary waves (ISWs) loads on the columns and caissons of the semi-submersible platform found on three kinds of internal solitary wave theories and the modified Morison Equation is described. The characteristics of loads exerted on the semi-submersible platform model caused by the ISWs have been observed experimentally, and the inertial and drag coefficients in Morison Equation are determined by analyzing the forces of experiments. From the results, it is of interest to find that Reynolds number, KC number and layer thickness ratio have a considerable influence on the coefficients. The direction of incoming waves, however, is almost devoid of effects on the coefficients. The drag coefficient of columns varies as an exponential function of Reynolds number, and inertia coefficient of columns is a power function related to KC number. Meanwhile, the drag coefficient of caissons is approximately constant in terms of regression analysis of experimental data. The results from different experimental conditions reveal that the inertia coefficient of caissons appears to be exponential correlated with upper layer depths.


We use flume experiments and numerical modeling to examine the penetration depth of internal solitary waves (ISWs) on partially saturated porous sandy silt and clayey silt seabed. The results of the experiment and model showed that the instantaneous excess pore water pressure in both the sandy silt and clayey silt seabed followed the same trend of decreasing with the seabed depth. In general, the excess pore water pressure generated by the sandy silt was bigger than that by clayey silt at the same depth. The ISW-induced excess pore water pressure greatly influenced the surface seabed and showed a linear relationship. The penetration depth was approximately one order of magnitude smaller than the half-wavelength of the ISWs, which might be larger than the penetration depth induced by surface waves. Our study results are helpful for understanding the damage that ISWs inflict upon the seabed and for informing future field experiments designed to directly measure the interaction between ISWs and seabed sediments.  相似文献   

For settlement of the well-known problem of contemporary radar imaging models, i. e. , the problem of a general underestimation of radar signatures of hydrodynamic features over oceanic internal waves and underwater bottom topography in tidal waters at high radar frequency bands ( X-band and C-band), the impact of the ocean surface mixed layer turbulence and the significance of strat- ified oceanic model on SAR remote sensing of internal solitary waves are proposed. In the north of the South China Sea by utilizing some observed data of background field the nonlinearity coefficient, the dispersion coefficient, the horizontal variability coefficient and the phase speed in the generalized K-dV equation are determined approximately. Through simulations of internal tide transfor- mation the temporal evolution and spatial distribution of the vertical displacement and horizontal velocity of internal wave field are obtained. The simulation results indicate that the maximum amplitudes of internal solitary waves occur at depth 35 m, but the maximum current speeds take place at depth 20 m in this area of the sea (about 20°30'N, 114°E) in August. It was noticed that considering the effects of flood current and ebb current respectively is appropriate to investigate influence of the background shear flow on coefficients of the K-dV equation. The obtained results provide the possibility for the simulation of SAR signatures of internal solitary waves under considering the impact of ocean surface mixed layer turbulence in the companion paper.  相似文献   

For settlement of the well-known problem of contemporary radar imaging models,i.e.,the pmblem of a general underestimation of radar signatures of hydrodynamic features over oceanic internal waves and underwater bottom topography in tidal watels at at high radar frequency bands(X-band and C-band),the impact of the ocean surface mixed layer turbulence and the significance of strat-ified oceanic model on SAR remote sensing of internal solitary waves are proposed.In the north of the South China Sea by utilizing seme observed data of background field the nonlinearity coefficient,the dispersion coefficient,the horizontal variability coefficient and the phase speed in the generalized K-dV equation are determined approximately.Through simulations of internal tide transfor-mation the temporal evolution and spatial distribution of the vertical displacement and horizontal velocity of intereal wave field are obtained.The simulation results indicate that the maximum amplitudes of internal solitary waves occur at depth 35 m,but the maximum current speeds take place at depth 20 m in this area of the sea(about 20°30'N,114°E)in August.It was noticed that considering the effects of flood current and ebb current respectively is appropriate to investigate influence of the background shear flow on coefficients of the K-dV equation.The obtained results provide the possibility for the simulation of SAR signatures of inter-nal solitary waves under considering the impact of ocean surface mixed layer turbulence in the companion paper.  相似文献   

南海北部陆架区内孤立波向岸传播过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南海北部是全球海洋中内孤立波最强和最为活跃的海域。然而,内孤立波在传入陆架区后,其形态发生显著变化,其传播演变过程表现出高度的复杂性。本研究综合卫星图像和数值模式手段研究了内孤立波在向岸传播过程中的空间变化特征。可见光卫星图像研究结果显示,南海北部陆架区存在三种形态的内孤立波,分别为第一模态下凹型内孤立波、第一模态上凸型内孤立波和第二模态内孤立波。受水深和层结变化的控制,它们的分布区域显著不同。基于MITgcm的数值模拟研究表明,上凸型内孤立波由第一模态下凹内孤立波经过极性转换过程发展而来,而第二模态内孤立波由第一模态下凹内孤立波与急剧变浅地形相互作用而产生。  相似文献   

Based on in-situ time series data from the acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and thermistor chain in Wenchang area, a sequence of internal solitary wave (ISW) packets was observed in September 2005, propagating northwest on the continental shelf of the northwestern South China Sea (SCS). Corresponding to different stratification of the water column and tidal condition, both elevation and depression ISWs were observed at the same mooring location with amplitude of 35 m and 25 m respectively in different days. Regular arrival of the remarkable ISW packets at approximately the diurnal tidal period and the dominance of diurnal internal waves in the study area, strongly suggest that the main energy source of the waves is the diurnal tide. Notice that the wave packets were all riding on the troughs and shoulders of the internal tides, they were probably generated locally from the shelf break by the evolution of the internal tides due to nonlinear and dispersive effects.  相似文献   

基于光学遥感图像的内孤立波参数反演是一项重要的工作。本文在实验室条件下提出一种新方法用于模拟光滑表面情况下内孤立波的光学遥感成像。基于二维内波水槽、LED平板面光源和CCD相机搭建仿真光学遥感系统探测内孤立波。水平表面的光学遥感图像和垂向内孤立波传播图像被同时探测,旨在探讨在光滑表面下,光学遥感与内孤立波的响应。结果表明,内孤立波传播经过时,CCD1相机获得暗纹,暗纹的特性随光源入射角的变化而变化。光学遥感特征参数和垂向波要素相对应。实验还显示光学遥感图像的暗纹宽度与内孤立波的半波宽度在不同内孤立波振幅下呈现正相关关系。该系统有着现象清晰,重复性高的优点,为定量研究光学遥感成像机理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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