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深水钻井隔水管避台撤离动力与长度优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
钻井平台作业过程中遭遇强台风时,可能由于种种原因导致隔水管未被完全回收,平台只能下挂隔水管实施撤离。撤离过程中隔水管受到强烈的海流载荷作用,使平台的撤离航向与航速受到严重限制。提出隔水管避台撤离分析方法,建立软硬两种悬挂模式下撤离隔水管有限元模型,进行不同航向与航速下的隔水管悬挂撤离分析,研究隔水管悬挂撤离作业窗口,并对隔水管悬挂长度进行优化。分析表明,隔水管软悬挂撤离作业窗口较大,推荐平台采用软悬挂模式进行撤离,如不具备软悬挂实施条件,提前回收部分隔水管并将其余部分硬悬挂在平台上进行撤离也是一种可行的方案。  相似文献   

南海海域台风频发,对于深水浮式钻井平台,常规避台模式要求回收所有隔水管,但是在深水、超深水海域,这种应对台风的方案有其局限性。据测算,水深超过1 500 m时,台风准备时间(回收所有隔水管、处理井口的作业时间)超过4天,而目前天气预报的水平只能提前4~5天,因此常规避台难度极大,经常会遭遇到还没有起完隔水管,台风已经逼近平台位置的情况,悬挂隔水管成为一种不得不面对的防台避台方案。硬悬挂和软悬挂是目前悬挂隔水管两种常见的模式,由于软悬挂能够补偿和缓解钻井船升沉施加在悬挂隔水管上的动态载荷,因此业内普遍认为软悬挂模式在提高悬挂隔水管对海洋环境的适应能力方面具有一定的优势,但是常规的软悬挂模式作业程序复杂,而且实施过程中存在伸缩节、张力器液缸等相关设备冲程超标的风险。通过对隔水管悬挂状态下横向和轴向的动力响应进行分析,确定了限制隔水管悬挂安全的主要因素,针对隔水管应力超标和转角过大、干涉等风险,设计了一种具有加装扶正器的锥形悬挂短节;针对悬挂隔水管的轴向压缩风险,研制了一种具有补偿功能的隔水管悬挂装置,降低了悬挂隔水管动态载荷产生轴向压缩和动态应力超标的风险。定量评估表明使用新型隔水管悬挂系统,可以将常规的悬挂窗口由不足10年一遇波流环境条件提高到满足100年一遇的波流环境条件,大大提高了悬挂隔水管的安全性。  相似文献   

建立了软悬挂状态下隔水管动力分析模型,采用有限单元法对模型进行离散,结合Newmark-β法对动态方程求解,并对模型进行验证,最后选取南海某口深水井实际参数,对软悬挂状态下隔水管动力特性进行分析。研究结果表明:软悬挂状态下隔水管底端横向位移最大,顶部铰接处弯矩最大。软悬挂状态下,隔水管横向位移与弯矩随着海底隔水管总成(LMRP)重量增加而减小,随着平台运动速度、平台航向与海流方向夹角增大而增大;回收隔水管减小悬挂长度有利于减小最大横向位移,但会造成弯矩轻微增加;采用旋转刚度适当较大的挠性接头则有利于减小隔水管挠性接头以下整体位移与弯矩。研究成果为钻井平台避台撤离时隔水管的安全提供理论指导。  相似文献   

超深水钻井作业隔水管顶张力确定方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于深水和超深水钻井作业,确定钻井隔水管系统顶张力是钻前设计非常重要的工作。研究三种隔水管系统顶张力确定方法,分别是理论方法、基于隔水管系统底部残余张力方法和基于下放隔水管系统的最大钩载方法。算例计算与超深水钻井实践对比表明,在相同的隔水管系统配置下,三种方法计算结果都接近于实际钻井作业时的顶张力设定值。但研究认为,基于下放最大钩载的顶张力计算方法简单实用,推荐作为优选方法。  相似文献   

深水钻井隔水管紧急脱离后的反冲响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深水钻井中,在恶劣海况或浮式平台定位失效等情况下,需紧急断开隔水管与水下防喷器的连接。隔水管突然脱离后会加速向上反冲,如果反冲作用控制不当,可能威胁钻井平台、隔水管体和水下井口的安全。介绍了国外隔水管紧急脱离与反冲响应的研究情况,分析了隔水管紧急脱离的原因与程序、脱离后的反冲过程、反冲控制方式和成功脱离标准、反冲响应的分析方法。建议:由于南海深水海况复杂,作业者需制定紧急脱离的预案和作业规程,并进行紧急脱离操作培训;由于隔水管紧急脱离后的反冲响应涉及多个非线性瞬态过程,研究者应该开展隔水管紧急脱离测试和反冲响应模拟计算,开发隔水管反冲响应分析软件。  相似文献   

平台运动下深水钻井隔水管非线性动力响应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立深水钻井隔水管在波、流和平台运动的联合作用下的运动方程,模拟1 000 m深水钻井隔水管的非线性动力响应.分析在波、流作用下钻井液密度和顶部张力比等因素对隔水管振动频率的影响,研究平台的静偏移和动态运动对隔水管最大弯矩分布的影响.结果表明,平台运动对深水钻井隔水管的动力响应有较大影响,使隔水管上部最大弯矩峰值增加了1倍多.  相似文献   

针对海洋柔性立管在服役期间,整体性能和运动响应受潮流影响较大的问题,本文在海上试验的基础上,采用OrcaFlex对长细比为448的非金属柔性立管模型进行了数值模拟。研究了潮流作用下,流速和流向的改变对于非金属柔性立管受力情况、涡激振动(VIV)响应特性和控制模态的影响。研究结果表明:潮流流向对立管顶张力、曲率和立管整体VIV响应有着显著影响,随着流速增加呈现不同变化规律。柔性立管悬垂段在高流速下更容易激发高阶模态,并呈现出明显的行波特性;立管的悬挂点和触底点为危险区域,随着流向改变易发生疲劳破坏。研究结果对海洋柔性立管总体布置设计具有参考意义。  相似文献   

浮力块分布和外径等参数直接影响柔性立管在环境载荷作用下的动力响应,对某深水柔性立管进行陡波型布置,开展时域内的整体动态有限元分析,得到浮力块分布和外径对柔性立管动力响应的影响规律,表明浮力块参数是陡波型柔性立管整体设计的一个重要因素。立管动力响应是弯曲加强器的设计载荷,根据上述规律,构造具有不同浮力块参数的柔性立管模型,进行多工况动态分析,通过对比弯曲加强器设计载荷对(T,θ)的散点图,得到弯曲加强器设计载荷优化方法及最优设计载荷。  相似文献   

本文应用传递矩阵法研究了浮动钻井隔水管随机振动的谱分析。在分析中,隔水管被简化为在轴向和横向随机载荷作用下的梁。文中以三次 Hermite 插值多项式表示分布惯性力,推导出梁随机响应的计算公式。将传递矩阵法和振型迭加法比较,前者便于考虑浮船运动对动力响应的影响和水动力阻尼。按照本文的公式编制了 Fortran 程序,可求出挠度、转角、弯矩和应力的随机解。又用此程序对 T.C.Tucker 一文中的例题进行了计算,其结果十分接近原文中的计算结果。计算结果表明:(1)有可能出现顶部张力的较佳值,使得动力响应值较小;(2)浮船运动对动力响应有较大的影响,在动力分析中应该给予考虑;(3)海浪谱对动力响应的影响很大。要对结构进行准确的动力分析,应采用长期积累的可靠的海浪信息.  相似文献   

针对在南海海域频发的台风自然灾害,考虑海况随机性、结构随机性以及作业参数的随机性,采用梯度投影确定取样点的响应面法,分别建立P2D、D2P和P2P(P指生产立管,D指钻井立管)三种作业模式下TLP串行立管系统的结构极限状态方程。并在建立立管可靠性分析模型的基础上,确定一种立管可靠度计算方法。算例结合南海某TLP平台给出了上述方法的具体应用。研究表明,10年一遇台风情况下,P2D、D2P和P2P三种工况中生产立管系统的失效概率均小于0.001%,钻井立管系统的可靠度分别为0.016%和0.113%。在大于200年一遇的强台风情况下,P2P工况时的上下游生产立管系统失效概率均大于0.32%和0.018%。因此建议10年一遇台风情况下,停止钻井立管作业;在大于200年一遇的强台风情况下,停止生产立管作业。研究结果可为南海TLP立管系统可靠度评估及安全作业技术支持。  相似文献   

Excited by ocean currents, random wave and vessel motion, deepwater drilling risers exhibit significant dynamic response. In time domain, a method is proposed to calculate the nonlinear dynamic response of deepwater drilling risers subjected to random wave and dynamic large displacement vessel motion boundary condition. Structural and functional loads, external and internal pressure, free surface effect of irregular wave, hydrodynamic forces induced by current and wave, as well as wave and low frequency (drift) motion of the drilling vessel are all accounted for. An example is presented which illustrates the application of the proposed method. The study shows that long term drift motion of the vessel has profound effect on the envelopes of bending stress and lateral displacement, as well as the range of lower flex joint angle of the deepwater riser. It can also be concluded that vessel motion is the principal dynamic loading of nonlinear dynamic response for the deepwater risers rather than wave force.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation on the variation in the tension and the distribution of drag force coefficients along flexible risers under vortex-induced vibration (VIV) in a uniform flow for Reynolds numbers (Re) up to 2.2×105. The results show that the mean tension is proportional to the square of the incoming current speed, and the tension coefficient of a flexible riser undergoing VIV can be up to 12. The mean drag force is uniformly and symmetrically distributed along the axes of the risers undergoing VIV. The corresponding drag coefficient can vary between 1.6 and 2.4 but is not a constant value of 1.2, as it is for a fixed cylinder in the absence of VIV. These experimental results are used to develop a new empirical prediction model to estimate the drag force coefficient for flexible risers undergoing VIV for Reynolds number on the order of 105, which accounts for the effects of the incoming current speed, the VIV dominant modal number and the frequency.  相似文献   

The effects of different helical strake coverage on the vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of a model flexible riser were studied experimentally, with the aim of further improving the understanding of VIV responses. Uniform and linearly sheared currents were simulated to study response parameters such as non-dimensional displacement, fatigue damage, suppression efficiency, and the comprehensive evaluation is further studied. Test results of the bare model for a uniform current showed that the behavior of both the standing wave and traveling wave dominated VIV displacement. However, for a linearly sheared current, traveling wave behavior dominated VIV displacement in the high-velocity range. The results of the straked model tests indicated that the response was strongly dependent upon the amount of coverage of helical strakes. The flexible riser with 75% strake coverage gave the best comprehensive evaluation in a uniform current, and 50% strake coverage gave the best comprehensive evaluation in a linearly sheared current.  相似文献   

采矿立管是深海采矿系统的重要组成部分,立管的弯矩分析是确保立管正常使用的重要指标。立管所处海洋环境复杂,且立管底部的自由边界条件使得立管弯矩特性难以分析。本文基于波浪理论,使用Abaqus 有限元软件建立海洋采矿立管的模型,运用Abaqus中的AQUA海洋工程模块,考虑立管在轴向力、自重、浮力、波浪载荷、海流载荷及模拟海上平台水平和升沉运动共同作用下,对采矿立管进行弯矩分析,计算了提升泵不同安装位置、不同中继仓重量变化对弯矩的影响,结果表明:提升泵会增大安装位置的弯矩幅度,且安装在不同位置对立管弯矩会产生叠加影响;中继仓重量的增加提高了立管整体稳定性,但会使提升泵处弯矩波动产生向中部延伸的不利影响。  相似文献   

According to the characteristics of deepwater top tensioned risers, a simplified model is presented to predict the multi-modal response of vortex-induced vibration (VIV) in non-uniform flow based on energy equilibrium theory and the exporimental data from VIV self-excited and forced oscillations of rigid cylinders. The response amplitude of each mode is determined by a balance between the energy fed into the riser over the lock-in regions and the energy dissipated by the fluid damping over the remainders. Compared with the previous prediction models, this method can take fully account of the intrinsic nature of VIV for low mass ratio structures on lock-in regions, added mass and nonlinear fluid damping effect, etc. Moreover, it is the first time to propose the accurate calculating procedure for VIV amplitude correction factor by solving energy equilibrium equation and a closed form solution is presented for the case of a riser of uniform mass and cross-section oscillating in a uniform flow. The predicted values show a reasonable agreement with VIV experiments of riser models in stepped and sheared currents.  相似文献   

Marine risers are susceptible to sustained vortex-induced vibration (VIV) because of their slenderness and light damping. Commonly used tools for analyzing VIV and the associated fatigue damage are based on the finite element method and rely on simplifying assumptions on the riser's physical model, the flow conditions, and characteristics of the response. In order to assess the influence of VIV and to ensure the integrity of the riser, field monitoring campaigns are often undertaken wherein data loggers such as strain sensors and/or accelerometers are installed on such risers. Given the recorded riser's dynamic response, empirical techniques can be used in VIV-related fatigue estimation. These empirical techniques make direct use of the measurements and are intrinsically dependent on the actual current profiles. Damage estimation can be undertaken for the different current profiles encountered and can account explicitly even for complex riser response characteristics. With a significant amount of data, “short-term” fatigue damage probability distributions, conditional on current, can be established. If the relative frequency of different current types is known from a separate metocean study, the short-term fatigue damage distributions can be combined with the current distributions to yield an integrated “long-term” fatigue damage model, which then can be used to predict the long-term cumulative fatigue damage for the instrumented riser. Non-parametric statistical techniques (that do not assume a specific function for the underlying distribution as parametric techniques do) are employed to describe the short-term fatigue damage data. In this study, data from the Norwegian Deepwater Programme (NDP) model riser experiments are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of empirical procedures and non-parametric statistics applied to field measurements to predict long-term fatigue damage, life, and probability of fatigue failure.  相似文献   

The Maenggol Channel and Uldolmok Strait, located on the south-west coast of Korea, have notably strong and complex currents due to tidal effects and to local geological factors. In these areas, electric power has been generated using strong tidal currents, the speed of which is more than 3 m/s during spring tides. The region also provides a shortcut for navigation. These tidal conditions are therefore sometimes useful, but may also cause terrible accidents or severe economic damage, in the absence of accurate information regarding ocean conditions. In April 2014, the passenger ferry MV Sewol capsized in the Maenggol Channel, with 295 passengers killed and 9 still missing. While this was unquestionably a man-made disaster, strong currents were one of the contributing causes. It was also difficult to conduct scuba diving rescue operations given strong current speeds, and accurate prediction of the time when the tide would turn was thus critically needed. In this research, we used the high-resolution coastal circulation forecasting system of KOOS (Korea Operational Oceanographic System) for analysis and simulation of strong tidal currents in such areas with many small islands, using measurements and modeling from this research area. For accurate prediction of tidal currents, small grid size-modeling was needed, and in this study, we identified a suitable grid size that offers efficiency as well as accuracy.  相似文献   

Many studies have tackled the problem of vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) of a vertical riser with a constant tension and placed in uniform currents. In this study, attention is focused on the cross-flow VIV modelling, time-domain analysis and prediction of variable-tension vertical risers in linearly sheared currents. The partial-differential equation governing the riser transverse motion is based on a flexural tensioned-beam model with typical pinned-pinned supports. The hydrodynamic excitation model describing the modulation of lift force is based on a distributed van der Pol wake oscillator whose nonlinear equation is also partial-differential due to the implementation of a diffusion term. The variation of empirical wake coefficients with system parameters and the water depth-dependent Reynolds number is introduced. Based on the assumed Fourier mode shape functions obtained by accounting for the effect of non-uniform tension, the Galerkin technique is utilized to construct a low-dimensional multi-mode model governing the coupled fluid-riser interaction system due to VIV. Numerical simulations in the case of varying sheared flow profiles are carried out to systematically evaluate riser nonlinear dynamics and highlight the influence of fluid-structure parameters along with associated VIV aspects. In particular, the effects of shear and tensioned-beam (tension versus bending) parameters are underlined. Some comparisons with published experimental results and observations are qualitatively and quantitatively discussed. Overall parametric analysis and prediction results may be worthwhile for being a new benchmark against future experimental testing and/or numerical results predicted by an alternative model and methodology.  相似文献   

潘泽华  赵耀  严俊 《海洋工程》2015,33(6):119-128
FPSO系统在深海海洋油气资源开发中扮演着重要的角色,而深水FPSO系统水下立管管路较长,立管整体重量较大,立管在水流作用下产生的涡激振动也较强,这些将给FPSO主船体带来严重的稳性、强度及疲劳问题。鉴于此,深海FPSO系统在油气资源开发过程中,须在水下一定深度设置若干水下软管支撑浮体,用以支撑来自深海海底的管线,减轻深水立管对FPSO的负载作用。随着深海资源开发的深入发展,传统水下软管支撑浮体作为FPSO系统的关键装备已经无法满足深海开采的需求,寻求大型化、深海化、生命周期长久化的新型水下立管支撑平台迫在眉睫,设计简便快捷、低风险的安装方法成为其开发过程中的重点和难点。详细描述了水下软管支撑浮体的产生及其发展历程,针对深海开发的需求提出了新型立管支撑平台的新概念,着重对新概念下下水安装更便捷的耐压立管支撑平台设计原理及其下水安装方式展开了分析,最后对水下软管支撑浮体和新型立管支撑平台的关键技术进行了总结,并提出了需进一步解决的问题。  相似文献   

Using a combination of Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT), Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E), and Lagrangian drifter measurements, we demonstrate that wind data alone are not sufficient to derive ocean surface stress (momentum flux) over mid-latitude ocean fronts, specifically the Kuroshio Extension. There was no continuous and large-scale stress measurement over ocean until the launch of the scatterometers. Stress had been derived from winds through a drag coefficient, and our concept of stress distribution may be largely influenced by our knowledge of wind distribution. QuikSCAT reveals that the variability of stress could be very different from wind. The spatial coherence between the magnitude of stress and sea surface temperature (SST), between the divergence of surface stress and the downwind SST gradient, and between the vorticity of stress and crosswind SST gradient, are the inherent characteristics of stress (turbulence production by buoyancy) that would exist even under a uniform wind field. The coherence between stress vorticity and SST gradient is masked by the rotation of ocean currents over the Kuroshio meanders. Surface stress rotates in the opposite direction to surface currents because stress is the vector difference between wind and current. The results are in agreement with a previous study of the Agulhas Extension and confirm the unique stress measuring capability of the scatterometer.  相似文献   

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