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介绍了一种拥有自主知识产权的海工固结锚技术,描述了该新型锚的内部结构和工作原理;并在室内对不同设计参数和使用工况的锚开展了垂向上拔试验,初探了其抗拔能力。初步试验表明:该新型锚具有超高的抓重比;其次生固结体显著增加了锚体的剪切面积,从而大大提升了锚体的抗拔力;锚体结构上宜具有多个喷管且喷管管径较粗,安装过程中对固化剂的推进速度应较缓。该新型锚应具有良好的应用前景,但需对此进一步深入研究,以满足其设计和工程应用的要求。  相似文献   

法向承力锚是一种新型的适用于深海工程的系泊基础,其极限抗拔力是锚在工程应用中的关键指标。尝试用两种不同的方法评估法向承力锚的极限抗拔力,其一是基于塑性上限分析理论;其二是运用非线性有限元数值方法。与已有的经验公式相比,所建立的计算模型不仅可考虑海床土性质,还能反映锚板定位(嵌入深度及角度)以及系缆力角度对锚极限抗拔力的影响。在与已有评估方法进行比较的基础上,还特别对锚板的嵌入深度、角度以及系缆力角度变化对极限抗拔力的影响规律进行了分析,对三种方法的适用性进行了评述。  相似文献   

土层抗浮锚杆承载力关键影响因素现场试验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
工程实践及理论研究均表明,锚土界面特性和锚杆的几何形状是影响抗浮锚杆承载力的2个关键因素。采用不同的施工工艺进行现场试验施工,得到了具有不同锚土界面特性和锚杆几何形状的抗浮锚杆。通过现场锚杆抗拔试验得到锚杆的应力应变关系及极限抗拔承载力。研究结果表明,改善锚土界面特性和采用变截面的锚固体可显著提高锚杆的抗拔承载力。同时,提出了1种经济高效的抗浮锚杆施工工法。  相似文献   

韩聪聪  刘君 《海洋工程》2016,34(5):92-100
板翼动力锚是依靠自重完成安装并靠自重和海床土的抗力来锚固的新型动力锚。板翼动力锚高速(15~25 m/s)贯入地基过程中涉及到高应变率、流固耦合、土体软化和大变形等难题,模型试验可避免上述计算困难,能直接得出不同的贯入速度所对应的沉贯深度。本文首先推导了模型相似关系,然后在常规重力条件下,进行了两组26个工况的板翼动力锚在均质黏土中动力安装过程的模型试验,根据试验结果确定了率效应参数的取值范围,并研究了每一项受力对沉贯深度的影响。最后提出了在均质黏土中预测板翼动力锚沉贯深度的经验公式。  相似文献   

刘君  张雪琪 《海洋工程》2017,35(3):29-36
板翼动力锚是依靠自重完成安装并靠自重和海床土的抗力来锚固的新型动力锚。板翼动力锚在水中自由下落的阻力决定了锚到达海床表面时的速度,进而直接决定了锚贯入海床中的深度以及它能提供的承载力。板翼动力锚的形状比较复杂,采用计算流体动力学的方法研究板翼动力锚的下落速度、水平位移和转角与下落位移的关系。计算结果表明:板翼动力锚的拖曳阻力系数约为0.93~1.12之间;在沉贯过程中应使加载臂与翼板共面以减少阻力;板翼动力锚的终端速度约为28 m/s。  相似文献   

黏土中鱼雷锚抗拔承载力数值分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
瑜璐  张金利  杨庆  杨钢 《海洋工程》2019,37(6):122-129
基于Abaqus软件,针对预埋在一定深度鱼雷锚的抗拔承载力进行3D数值分析,探讨了锚型、土体类型、拉拔荷载倾角、拉拔荷载水平分量与锚翼夹角等多种因素对拉拔承载力的影响。计算结果表明:在均质土、正常固结土和两层土体中,带4个锚翼鱼雷锚增加56.22 m2的锚翼侧面积,其拉拔承载力比无锚翼的提高1.9倍以上;当锚翼侧面积相同时,增加锚翼的宽度可以有效提高锚的承载力;拉拔荷载倾角α在30°~45°范围内,可获得较大拉拔承载力;锚翼宽度越大,拉拔荷载水平分量与锚翼间的夹角β对鱼雷锚水平承载力影响越明显;经归一化的V-H包络线公式对工程应用中预测鱼雷锚的承载力有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

王腾  王晓彤  胡新辉 《海洋工程》2018,36(5):128-133
针对深水半潜式平台在极端工况下张拉锚泊系统失效情况,基于板锚失效上拔过程中位移与承载力的关系曲线,提出在AQWA软件中用非线性锚缆模拟板锚走锚过程的方法,对深水半潜式平台张拉锚泊系统在百年一遇工况下断锚、走锚情况的平台响应、锚缆拉锚力及最大缆张力进行分析。研究表明:断锚时各锚链拉力瞬变,平台迅速发生大距离偏移;走锚时随着板锚的拔出各锚链上的拉力逐渐增大,平台位置逐渐偏移,最后达到平衡状态。单缆断锚时,迎浪向5号锚缆拉力最大;单缆断锚且单锚走锚时,3、6号锚缆拉锚力最大。失效缆超过一根时,平台偏移和单缆最大缆张力均超出规范要求,同时其它锚缆最大拉锚力极有可能出现超过板锚极限承载力的情况,最终造成整个锚泊系统破坏。  相似文献   

复合加载条件下吸力式沉箱基础承载特性数值分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王志云  王栋  栾茂田  范庆来  武科 《海洋工程》2007,25(2):52-56,71
吸力式沉箱基础的承载特性是海洋工程结构设施建造与设计中的一个关键问题。这种新型的深水海洋基础型式,通常承受竖向上拔荷载与水平荷载的共同作用,其工作性能与设计理论远远不能满足工程实践的需要。本文采用有限元分析方法对吸力式沉箱基础的极限承载特性进行数值计算。以大型通用有限元分析软件ABAQUS为平台,通过二次开发,数值实现了Swipe试验加载方法和固定位移比分析方法,针对不同的沉箱长径比、土的强度折减系数,探讨了沉箱基础在垂直上拔荷载和水平荷载单调联合作用下的极限承载力,通过对不同荷载组合的数值计算构造了复合加载条件下沉箱基础破坏包络面。  相似文献   

目前没有规范给出串锚的水平承载力计算公式,为了利用有限元法研究串锚水平承载力特性,采用相关理论计算以及室内试验的方法来验证有限元法模拟计算的可靠性。实践证明,有限元法具有较高的计算精度。利用有限元分析软件ABAQUS建立了串锚-土体模型,模拟串锚在水平荷载作用下破坏过程,研究了串锚在水平荷载作用下破坏机理,从而得到了串锚水平承载力特性。在相同的工况条件下,串锚的水平承载力与其锚链长度有关,在一定范围内,增加锚链的长度可以提高串锚的水平承载力;串锚的水平承载力不是相应的单个锚的水平承载力相加,其水平承载力小于相应的单个锚水平承载力之和,在进行串锚水平承载力设计计算时应给与相应的考虑。  相似文献   

桶形基础越来越广泛应用于海洋油气平台、海上风机、输电塔、防波堤等构筑物,研究其循环承载特性对以上构筑物服役安全性具有重要意义。通过在软黏土中开展单桶循环上拔以及小间距群桶循环上拔和循环下压超重力离心模型试验,发现循环上拔地基破坏模式为整体破坏,裂隙均呈现圆弧形,循环下压呈现渐进式整体破坏模式,下压过程的挤压作用可明显减小桶周泥面高度,导致其承载力降低。模拟双向受荷工况的循环上拔试验在5次加载后荷载弱化系数开始趋于稳定,远早于单向受荷工况;单向和双向受荷工况循环上拔荷载弱化系数残余稳定值分别为0.31和0.32,循环下压荷载弱化系数最小值为0.35,表明不同加载方式竖向循环荷载作用下,此三者大小均可用软黏土地基灵敏度倒数预估。  相似文献   

This article presents a procedure to calculate the bearing capacity of suction anchors subjected to inclined average and cyclic loads at the optimal load attachment point using the undrained cyclic shear strength of soft clays based on the failure model of anchors proposed by Andersen et al. The constant average shear stress of each failure zone around an anchor is assumed and determined based on the static equilibrium condition for the procedure. The cyclic shear strength of each failure zone is determined based on the average shear stress. The cyclic bearing capacity is finally determined by limiting equilibrium analyses. Thirty-six model tests of suction anchors subjected to inclined average and cyclic loads were conducted, which include vertical and lateral failure modes. Model test results were predicted using the procedure to verify its feasibility. The average relative error between predicted and test results is 1.7%, which shows that the procedure can be used to calculate the cyclic bearing capacity of anchors with optimal loading. Test results also showed that the anchor was still in vertical failure mode under combined average and cyclic loads if an anchor was in vertical failure mode under static loads. The anchor failure would depend on the vertical resistance degradation under cyclic loads if an anchor was in lateral failure mode under static loads. Cyclic bearing capacities associated with the number of load cycles to failure of 1000 were about 75% and 80% of the static bearing capacity for vertical failure anchors and lateral failure anchors, respectively.  相似文献   

Considering the current disadvantages of present offshore wind turbine foundations, a novel anchor foundation with skirt and branches is proposed, called offshore umbrella suction anchor foundation (USAF). A series of experiments and numerical simulations were performed to explore the bearing capacity of the USAF under various kinds of loading modes. The bearing characteristics and the anchor–soil interactions are described in detail for horizontal static loading, horizontal cyclic loading, and an antidrawing (pullout) test in silty soil. In the static loading test, the load–deflection of the anchor under step loading was analyzed and the normalized curve of the load–deflection was obtained to determine the ultimate horizontal bearing capacity of the anchor under normal working conditions. Under horizontal cyclic loading, the relationship between the plastic cumulative deformation and cyclic number was determined. In addition, the responses of USAF were investigated for a low wave frequency and storm surges. In the drawing test, it was found that a “segmentation phenomenon” occurred during the test. Moreover, a method to identify the maximum antidrawing load of USAF was provided based on dynamic mechanics. The numerical results show that the use of anchor branches and skirt can enhance the bearing performance of USAF to a certain degree. However, the anchor branch has a slight positive influence on the bearing performance improvement. The USAF is not only similar to a stiff short pile, but a rotation occurs. The failure envelope under composite loading (V-M) was obtained and the changes associated with changes in the aspect ratio of the internal compartment were clarified.  相似文献   

Laboratory model test results for the uplift of a shallow circular plate anchor embedded in a soft saturated clay are presented. For all tests the bottom of the anchor plate was vented to eliminate the mud suction force. The tests were divided into two categories: (1) short‐term tests to determine the variation of the net ultimate uplift capacity and hence the breakout factor with embedment ratio, and (2) creep tests with sustained uplift loads at varying embedment ratios. Based on the model test results, the variation with time, has been determined for the rate of strain of the soil located above the plate anchor. Empirical relationships for obtaining the rate of anchor uplift have been proposed.  相似文献   

Dai  Guo-liang  Zhu  Wen-bo  Zhai  Qian  Gong  Wei-ming  Zhao  Xue-liang 《中国海洋工程》2020,34(2):267-278
Suction caisson foundations are often subjected to vertical uplift loads, but there are still no wide and spread engineering specifications on design and calculation method for uplift bearing capacity of suction caisson foundation.So it is important to establish an uplift failure criterion. In order to study the uplift bearing mechanism and failure mode of suction caisson foundation, a series of model tests were carried out considering the effects of aspect ratio,soil permeability and loading mode. Test results indicate that the residual negative pressure at the top of caisson is beneficial to enhance uplift bearing capacity. The smaller the permeability coefficient is, the higher the residual negative pressure will be. And the residual negative pressure is approximately equal to the water head that causes seepage in the caisson. When the load reaches the ultimate bearing capacity, both the top and bottom negative pressures are smaller than Su and both the top and bottom reverse bearing capacity factors are smaller than 1.0 in soft clay. Combined the uplift bearing characteristics of caisson in sandy soil and soft clay, the bearing capacity composition and the calculation method are proposed. It can provide a reference for the engineering design of suction caisson foundation under vertical load.  相似文献   

The results of a number of laboratory model tests for the short‐term ultimate uplift capacity of a circular plate anchor embedded in saturated soft kaolinite and montmorillonite are presented. The tests were conducted with and without venting the bottom of the plate anchor in order to determine the variation of the suction force with embedment ratio. The variation of the suction force is presented in terms of the undrained shear strength of the clay and also the net ultimate uplift capacity.  相似文献   

锚泊基础的承载性能直接影响着海洋浮式结构物的稳定性,因而研究新型有效的锚泊基础已成为海洋工程结构设计中的关键问题之一。文中提出了一种基于海洋软土液化特性的伞状锚,充分利用桩端土体增强抗拔承载能力。应用二维颗粒流分析程序,对该新型伞状锚的安装、抗拔承载能力进行了数值模拟,并与普通锚桩进行比较分析,验证其有效性。针对伞状锚与普通锚桩在拉拔过程中的土体破坏机制,从细观角度分析了其抗拔承载能力的提高机制。研究结果表明,对于相同抗拔锚泊设计竖向承载要求,伞状锚所需材料可大为减少,安装难度明显减低,是值得推广应用的新型锚泊基础形式。  相似文献   

Plate anchors are extensively used in civil engineering constructions as they provide an economical alternative to gravity and other embedded anchors. The rate of loading is one of the important factors that affects the magnitude of soil resistance as well as soil suction force. This article outlines the effect of pullout rate on uplift behavior of plate anchors (70 mm diameter) buried in soft saturated clay by varying the pullout rate from 1.4 mm/min to 21.0 mm/min. The variation of breakout force and suction force with embedment depth and rate of pull are presented. A correlation between the rate of increase of undrained strength of clay and anchor capacity with rate of strain has been established. Finally an empirical equation has been proposed that includes the rate of pull in the estimation of breakout capacity of anchors.  相似文献   

Plate anchors are extensively used in civil engineering constructions as they provide an economical alternative to gravity and other embedded anchors. The rate of loading is one of the important factors that affects the magnitude of soil resistance as well as soil suction force. This article outlines the effect of pullout rate on uplift behavior of plate anchors (70 mm diameter) buried in soft saturated clay by varying the pullout rate from 1.4 mm/min to 21.0 mm/min. The variation of breakout force and suction force with embedment depth and rate of pull are presented. A correlation between the rate of increase of undrained strength of clay and anchor capacity with rate of strain has been established. Finally an empirical equation has been proposed that includes the rate of pull in the estimation of breakout capacity of anchors.  相似文献   

从提高锚泊系统收放时效性入手,提出了一种半潜式钻井平台复合式锚泊系统组分配比优化设计方法,旨在尽可能降低复合式锚泊系统的钢链配比长度,提高收放效率。结合锚泊系统设计参数,制定优化设计准则,建立优化分析流程,采用ANSYS-AQWA建立锚泊定位半潜式平台水动力分析模型,获得平台运动参数和锚链动力参数,对平台漂移量、锚链最小安全系数、走锚临界张力、锚链最小卧底长度和起锚力进行无量纲指标分析,并综合考虑张力倾角与预张力对优化结果的影响,获得复合式锚泊系统钢链与钢缆的最优配比关系,确定最优钢链长度为395 m,较原钢链长度缩短225 m,钢链收放时间降低36%,进一步提高锚泊系统收放时效性,并降低平台可变荷载。  相似文献   

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