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秦皇岛地区侵蚀性海滩的演化及保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦皇岛地区的旅游海滩大部分处于侵蚀状态,沿海河流入海沙量的减少是引起海滩侵蚀的主要原因。对比不同时期的海岸剖面资料,论述了侵蚀性海滩滩面变窄、滩砂粗化和滩面变陡等问题。在讨论海岸侵蚀与海滩侵蚀两个概念的区别和内在联系基础上,依据海滩的岸坡物质对秦皇岛地区侵蚀性滩海进行了分类,侵蚀性海滩的保护及恢复的关键问题是海滩发育空间及物源,最后,针对不同类型的侵蚀海滩,提出了具体防护措施。  相似文献   

秦皇岛金梦湾海滩侵蚀和海滩养护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金梦湾海滩是秦皇岛海港区西部较大的浴场,地理位置优越,但在养滩工程前曾遭受着严重的侵蚀,侵蚀速率在1.26~1.98m/a之间,最大可达3.86m/a,海滩宽度为40~90m,沉积物粗化严重,海滩质量较差,严重影响了海滩的旅游功能。海滩修复工程主要采用近岸补沙和建设生态离岸潜堤的方式,其中近岸补沙方量为172.5×104 m3,离岸潜堤3条。工程后经过1年多的观测,海滩仅在工程后初期侵蚀量较大,之后海滩侵蚀趋势明显减弱,海滩逐渐向平衡状态发展。养滩15个月后,海滩上仍保留了83.4%的沙体,养滩效果良好。  相似文献   

海滩是宝贵的旅游资源,健康的海滩系统在旅游、沿岸防护安全等多方面能提供很多有价值的服务,但当前旅游海滩在生态环境质量、旅游体验等方面尚存在诸多问题。旅游海滩质量评价是对旅游海滩自然属性和开发利用水平的综合评价,能较为客观地反映出旅游海滩环境质量水平,是较为有效的海滩管理工具之一。本研究在现场环境调查和游客问卷调查的基础上,建立旅游海滩质量评价指标体系,开展了广东青澳湾海滩质量评价,并对其影响因素进行分析。结果显示:当前青澳湾海滩开发程度、海滩环境质量尚未达到良好水平。根据评价结果,对青澳湾海滩的可持续发展提出了完善海滩旅游配套设施和配套服务,对海滩进行系统的规划,建立科学的旅游海滩质量评价体系和环境监测、调控体系等建议。  相似文献   

借鉴美国长期以来东部海岸的海滩养护工程投入大量资金物力所取得的显著成效,提出了中国砂质海滩资源开发面临的问题,如海岸侵蚀造成砂质海滩资源丧失、砂质海滩旅游资源面临严重的污染、砂质海滩旅游资源的利用程度差异悬殊、砂质海滩旅游资源的人为破坏严重等,预见到中国实施海滩养护工程将是大势所趋,该工程将会被纳入国家或地方海岸综合规划管理与相关法律中。  相似文献   

人类工程活动对秦皇岛海滩侵蚀及淤积的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冯金良 《海岸工程》1997,16(3):41-46
秦皇岛地区旅游性海滩的侵蚀主要是人类所实施的以水库为主的河流水利工程而产生的海岸效应。在区域性海滩普遍遭受侵蚀状态下,沿海港口工程又通过三种不同形式第滩发育施以影响,其一是对沿岸泥沙流的拦阻,其二为在局部岸段形成完全或不完全波影区,其三为人工岬湾的形成,港工引成的海滩淤积体特征是海滩变宽、变缓及海滩砂细化。文中最后讨论了侵蚀性海滩向演化的发育空间问题。  相似文献   

朱士兵  李志强 《海洋通报》2019,38(5):519-526
我国海滩旅游资源开发程度不高,还存在大量的优质乡村海滩资源未被利用,具有巨大的潜在经济价值和社会效益,是未来海滨旅游开发的重点。对旅游海滩质量进行科学评价是海滩开发的重要基础工作之一。国内外成熟的海滩质量评价体系侧重于滨海旅游的舒适性和服务完善性,比较适合于开发完善的城市旅游海滩,目前没有针对乡村旅游海滩资源的质量评价体系。本文结合了国内外海滩资源质量评价的研究方法,根据乡村海滩旅游海滩的独特性,从资源开发潜力、资源自然条件、海滩沉积动力特征及安全性3类评价因素19个评价因子,建立了乡村海滩旅游资源质量评价指标体系和乡村海滩旅游资源质量分类体系。结合现场调查数据,利用该评价体系对雷州半岛沿岸18个乡村海滩进行了质量评价和分类。结果表明该海滩质量评价体系可为乡村海滩资源的综合利用、保护和开发提供理论和技术支持。最后,分析指出在海滩质量评价体系中引入地形动力理论,对海滩裂流安全性因子进行评价的重要性。  相似文献   

秦皇岛海滩养护工程的实践与方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对海岸侵蚀、沙滩退化问题,近年来在秦皇岛开展了一系列海滩养护方面的工作,积累了一套较为实用的经验和方法。介绍了秦皇岛西海滩、金梦海湾、老虎石和东海滩4个典型案例,其中西海滩采用了"沙丘—海滩—沙坝—潜堤"海滩养护模式,金梦海湾以滩肩补沙为主,老虎石侧重保护,东海滩则是需要多次维护。同时,总结了海滩养护的方案论证、规划设计、工程监测等方面的经验和教训,并就养滩寿命、沙坝的适用性以及工程风险等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

秦皇岛金梦海湾海滩生态修复设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金梦海湾位于秦皇岛海港区西浴场,其海岸侵蚀速率约为-1.26~-2.98m/a。生态修复工程利用秦皇岛港防波提并建设生态离岸潜堤,构建静态平衡岬湾,工程近岸补沙方量为172.5×104 m3,工程后取得了较好的效果。从设计理念、设计要素和养滩监测等方面,对秦皇岛金梦海湾海滩养护工程进行了总结和探讨。  相似文献   

海滩是我国沿海地区重要的海洋自然资源之一,在具备滨海旅游功能的同时还能够防岸护堤、维护人民生命财产安全,是我国海洋环境保护和海洋资源开发利用的重要组成部分。然而受海浪、风暴潮、海平面上升等自然因素以及直接或间接开发利用活动等人为因素的影响,我国海滩资源遭到严重破坏,部分海滩退化甚至消失,海滩侵蚀、海滩污染等日益加剧,同时海滩管理也凸显许多漏洞。因此,加强海滩环境保护、优化海滩管理体制成为滨海旅游区产业发展中的关键。文章在概述国内外海滩管理研究情况的基础上,分析我国海滩资源存在问题的成因,尤其是管理弊端,并就优化海滩管理提出相关对策建议。  相似文献   

基于ArcGIS Online一体化云平台,将旅游海滩管理与web GIS相结合,并以海南省旅游海滩为例进行实现。本文设计了五大管理内容,包括浴场安全管理、海滩卫生管理、海滩空间管理、海滩生态管理和海滩动态管理,并阐述了旅游海滩管理云平台的设计和建设。该云平台借助信息化手段为海滩管理部门提供辅助决策,以提高管理工作的效率,并提供一种海滩信息存储与服务云端化的新思路,推动旅游海滩管理的数字化进程。  相似文献   

海滩的稳定性及其演变是砂质海滩研究的重要内容。在全球砂质海滩普遍遭受侵蚀的背景下,分析部分稳定海滩的特征和原因可以为海滩维护和科学管理提供重要参考。本文基于近 11 年 (2010—2020 年) 青岛第一、第三和石老人海水浴场共 8 条典型剖面的实地监测高程数据,对海滩滩肩宽度和单宽体积进行计算对比,研究表明,除石老人海水浴场一个剖面变化较大外,其他剖面的滩肩宽度只变化了 0~14 m,是 11 年前的 0%~23.3%;单宽体积变化了 8.5~46.5 m3,是 11 年前的1.0%~9.4%;海滩剖面垂向扰动范围一般在 30~60 cm 范围内。海滩存在局部小尺度淤积或侵蚀,剖面形态总体较为稳定。海平面变化、台风和风暴潮等自然因素是海岸轻微侵蚀或调整的重要影响因素,但对海滩的优化管理 (包括定期监测海滩、适度展开养护、制定完善的管理政策和加强执行力度等人为因素) 可以应对这些海滩变化,并且已成为近年来该研究海滩保持稳定的关键因素。  相似文献   

Morphodynamic classification of beaches has achieved widespread acceptance in both geological and geomorphological literature. In this sense, the present work classifies twelve Mediterranean low energetic beaches according to the dimensionless fall parameter (Ω) parameter in the Island of Mallorca. Propagation of 44 yr of wave data as well as a detailed sediment study allows to provide probabilities for morphodynamical beach state on an annual and seasonal basis. Consequently, beaches in Mallorca fall between three major categories which are (a) truly reflective, (b) reflective skewed to intermediate and (c) intermediate beaches. The Mallorcan beach position in the morphodynamical scheme is close related to the physiographical and geological framework. Comparison of observed values with those obtained in the analysis leads that for gross beach classification there is agreement between predicted and real state. However on a seasonal classification, mainly during summer, there is no agreement between the predicted state and the real one. As the model does not incorporate the role of summer sea breezes, beach reflective states are highlighted. Real beach configurations correspond to more energetic wave dynamic conditions and to intermediate state scenarios.  相似文献   

Sandy beaches, prime recreational assets that attract more people than other types of shorelines, are the main assets underpinning many coastal economies and developments. However, the intense stressors to the ecology of sandy beaches caused by recreational activities are generally underestimated or ignored. This study was the first to emphasize the ecological characteristics of recreational beaches in China and assess the response of macrobenthos at Liandao Beach, a typical sandy beach in the central part of China. Using the Before/During/After/Control/Impact (BDACI) method, differences in multiple variables (species richness, mean density, diversity) between a heavily recreationally impacted transect (TrH/Impact) and a less-impacted transect (TrL/Control) in different impact periods (Before, During & After) were applied to assess the response of sandy-beach macrobenthos to recreation and tourism. Meanwhile, a comparison between the macrobenthos conditions of the studied beach and reference conditions calculating from historical data of similar beaches with little recreation and tourism disturbances was carried out. Furthermore, the quality control chart approach was used to detect in detail the macrobenthos stable state and yearly response to recreational activities. The results showed that recreation and tourism posed a serious threat to the beach ecosystem; macrobenthos on the studied beach were seriously disturbed by recreational activities, and their variations were highly negatively related to the human recreational level. After monthly recreational impacts, the macrobenthos decreased sharply and recovered with difficulty during 1 year. Over the long-term, the macrobenthos had a sharp decreasing trend, which indicated that the ecological environment of the beach was highly disturbed. Conservation measures for recreational beaches are very challenging because of the economic value and popularity of sandy beaches as recreational sites. However, practicable conservation measures could be implemented that prevent or slow ecological degradation. A number of management and conservation suggestions are put forward, such as the establishment of the ecological carrying capacity of Liandao Beach in terms of direct recreational use, creation of themed exhibitions related to the beach macrobenthos and beach ecosystem and dissemination of this knowledge to visitors, implementation of spatial zoning of beach use, visitor management and environmental education.  相似文献   

Storms are one of the most important controls on the cycle of erosion and accretion on beaches. Current meters placed in shoreface locations of Saco Bay and Wells Embayment, ME, recorded bottom currents during the winter months of 2000 and 2001, while teams of volunteers profiled the topography of nearby beaches. Coupling offshore meteorological and beach profile data made it possible to determine the response of nine beaches in southern Maine to various oceanographic and meteorological conditions. The beaches selected for profiling ranged from pristine to completely developed and permitted further examination of the role of seawalls on the response of beaches to storms.

Current meters documented three unique types of storms: frontal passages, southwest storms, and northeast storms. In general, the current meter results indicate that frontal passages and southwest storms were responsible for bringing sediment towards the shore, while northeast storms resulted in a net movement of sediment away from the beach. During the 1999–2000 winter, there were a greater percentage of frontal passages and southwest storms, while during the 2000–2001 winter, there were more northeast storms. The sediment that was transported landward during the 1999–2000 winter was reworked into the berm along moderately and highly developed beaches during the next summer.

A northeast storm on March 5–6, 2001, resulted in currents in excess of 1 m s−1 and wave heights that reached six meters. The storm persisted over 10 high tides and caused coastal flooding and property damage. Topographic profiles made before and after the storm demonstrate that developed beaches experienced a loss of sediment volume during the storm, while sediment was redistributed along the profile on moderately developed and undeveloped beaches. Two months after the storm, the profiles along the developed beaches had not reached their pre-storm elevation. In comparison, the moderately developed and undeveloped beaches reached and exceeded their pre-storm elevation and began to show berm buildup characteristic of the summer months.  相似文献   

山东半岛若干平直砂岸近期强烈蚀退及其后果   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
近几十年来,大洋海面的可能上升,引起了世界性的砂岸蚀退。山东半岛的砂岸,不仅受这世界性因素的影响,而且因河流入海泥沙被水库拦截,工农业超采地下水,径流濒于枯竭,以及人工过量采砂,造成海滩砂亏损约2000万吨/年。半岛平直砂岸的蚀退率达2米/年左右,远高于世界上同类砂岸的蚀退率。因此,冲毁了某些海滩防风林,威胁着良田和建筑物的安全,咸化了地下水。未来将日益严重,必需引起有关方面的严重关注,迅速采取措施,合理开发海滩,筑堤防岸,建立建全海岸保护法。  相似文献   

人工海滩研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
海滩是激浪作用下泥沙在激浪带的堆积,是海岸带最活跃的地貌单元。近年来,由于世纪性的海平面上升,侵蚀型海滩范围扩大,侵蚀加重,海滩宽度变窄、坡度变陡和滩面物质粗化等问题日益严重,引起了广泛关注,亦成为海岸工程研究的热点课题之一。几十年的工程实践表明,海滩喂养与人工海滩是当前防护海滩侵蚀最有效的措施,并已为欧、美、日等国广泛应用。利用海岸地貌学原理方法,借鉴模拟环境条件类似的周边自然海滩的形成和演变规律,合理的设计海滩物质的颗粒大小和组成,海滩的坡度、高度、宽度以及填砂范围等关键参数,能够有效地使人工海滩更快的达到平衡状态并维持其稳定。在海滩的娱乐休闲功能在国际范围内日益受到重视的今天,这一方法在海岸工程应用上具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

山东省滨海沙滩现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示山东滨海沙滩现状,为合理开发、利用和保护沙滩资源提供科学依据,项目组与2019年6月—8月,通过现场观测沙滩现状,收集沙滩的生态环境和其开发状态的资料,利用RTK-GPS高程仪获取沙丘-海滩剖面数据,并结合卫星遥感资料调查分析可知:滨海沙滩总个数为148个,沙滩岸线总长度约335 km,主要分布在烟台、威海、青岛和日照。74%的沙滩受人工干预,干预的方式主要以旅游型开发和渔业性开发为主,其中旅游型开发占比61.5%,渔业性开发占比35.6%。26%的沙滩保持自然状态,主要分布在乡村。在现场调查中发现,沙滩侵蚀较严重的大多为自然形态的沙滩渔业性开发的沙滩。多数沙滩的沙丘以及植被带上已经被建起养殖厂房、度假场所、娱乐设施及抛石护岸等,建筑垃圾、生活垃圾、养殖垃圾、微塑料垃圾等在滩面上屡见不鲜。结合数据及现场调查结果来看,山东省多数滨海沙滩已经处于开发状态,但是由于缺乏科学合理的规划,滨海沙滩的平衡系统已经受到严重威胁,沙滩面临消失的危险,严重影响了滨海沙滩的持续利用与发展。  相似文献   

台风"艾利"对福建沙质海滩影响过程研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蔡锋  雷刚  苏贤泽  彭俊 《海洋工程》2006,24(1):98-109
通过对福建沙质海滩地形地貌现场调查,对比分析0418号台风“艾利”登陆福建前后各沙滩剖面的蚀淤变化,探讨了福建沙滩对台风“艾利”响应规律。研究结果表明,2004年8月底台风“艾利”过境期间,福建沿海砂质海岸显出了较强烈的地貌响应。沙滩剖面地形变化,冲淤相间,以冲蚀为主;后滨沙丘蚀退、滩肩蚀低、岸线向陆迁移是地貌响应的主要特征;沙滩沉积物的总收支趋于亏损。不同海岸类型的沙滩剖面对台风“艾利”的响应特征不同。岬湾型沙滩剖面地貌响应以前滨滩面侵蚀为主要特征。夷直型的长乐江田下沙剖面,对“艾利”台风的主要地貌响应特征为后滨沙丘、高潮带侵蚀,岸线后退超过16m,出现高度近1 m的直立侵蚀陡坎。沙坝-泻湖型沙滩剖面冲淤变化的主要特征是中潮带形成次一级沙坝。各沙滩的地貌风暴效应有自北往南依次减弱的趋势。  相似文献   

Bathing beaches are usually the first to suffer disasters when tsunamis occur, owing to their proximity to the sea. Several large seismic fault zones are located off the coast of China. The impact of each tsunami scenario on Chinese bathing beaches is different. In this study, numerical models of the worst tsunami scenarios associated with seismic fault zones were considered to assess the tsunami hazard of bathing beaches in China. Numerical results show that tsunami waves from the Pacific Ocean could affect the East China Sea coast through gaps between the Ryukyu Islands. The Zhejiang and Shanghai coasts would be threatened by a tsunami from Ryukyu Trench, and the coasts of Hainan and Guangdong provinces would be threatened by a tsunami from the Manila Trench. The tsunami hazard associated with the Philippine Trench scenario needs particular attention. Owing to China’s offshore topography, the sequential order of tsunami arrival times to coastal provinces in several tsunami scenarios is almost the same. According to the tsunami hazard analysis results, Yalongwan Beach and eight other bathing beaches are at the highest hazard level. A high-resolution numerical calculation model was established to analyze the tsunami physical characteristics for the high-risk bathing beaches. To explore mitigating effects of a tsunami disaster, this study simulated tsunami propagation with the addition of seawalls. The experimental results show that the tsunami prevention seawalls constructed in an appropriate shallow water location have some effect on reducing tsunami hazard. Seawalls separated by a certain distance work even better. The analysis results can provide a scientific reference for subsequent preventive measures such as facility construction and evacuation.  相似文献   

Sea-level rise is likely to cause significant changes in the morphodynamic state of beaches in the higher latitudes, resulting in steeper beaches with larger particle sizes. These physical changes have implications for beach invertebrate communities, which are determined largely by sediment particle size, and hence for ecosystem function. Previous studies have explored the relationships between invertebrate communities and environmental variables such as particle size, beach slope and exposure to wave action, and often these physical variables can be integrated in various indices of morphodynamic state. Most of these studies incorporated a full range of beach types that included wave-dominated surf beaches, where the wave action is harsh enough to enable reliable estimates of breaker height, a parameter included in several of the indices, and concluded that more dissipative beaches with gentler slopes and finer particle sizes often support a higher number of species and greater abundance than more reflective beaches. Whether these predictions remain valid for less wave-dominated beaches, where breaker height is more difficult to determine, is uncertain. In the present study, the abundance of meio- and macrofauna was quantified across a range of beaches in the UK, which are generally towards the lower energy end of the morphodynamic gradient, and their relationships with beach physical properties explored. No significant relationships were found between abundance and the standard morphodynamic indices, but significant relationships were found for both macro- and meiofaunal abundance when these indices were combined with an exposure index (derived from velocity, direction, duration and the effective fetch). All the relationships identified between abundance and combined morphodynamic indices indicated a higher abundance of both macro- and meiofauna on the more dissipative beaches. The reverse was however found for species richness. If predictions that accelerated sea-level rise will move beaches towards a more reflective morphodynamic state are correct, this could lead to declines in the abundance of meio- and macrofauna, with potential adverse consequences for ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

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