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冲绳海槽现代张裂的地球物理特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
位于东海陆架与琉球岛弧之间的冲绳海槽为板块俯冲作用形成的弧后断陷盆地,具有独特的构造地貌特征。自中新世末以来历经了4个强烈拉张的演化时期,目前已达到张裂的高级阶段。地球物理资料显示,海槽中的现代拉张作用仍在进行,表现在海槽轴部快速沉降形成地堑槽,对称分布的张性断裂,晚更新世—全新世以来的岩浆活动,从老至新排列的磁异常务带以及高地热流、频繁的地震活动等,充分体现了冲绳海槽的现代扩张特点。  相似文献   

冲绳海槽地壳结构的研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
根据1990年以来对冲绳海槽地质地球物理调查的最新实测资料,包括多道和单道反射地震、海底地震仪折射地震、重磁测量、水深测量、海底岩石拖网,结合国内外学者对冲绳海槽的调查研究成果,对冲绳海槽地壳结构进行了探讨,得出如下初步结论:(1)冲绳海槽是一个典型的发育在大陆地壳边缘、由陆壳张裂而成、处于裂谷作用最高演化阶段、洋壳即将产生、海底扩张即将出现的弧后活动裂谷。(2)根据火成岩发育、沉积层分布和地壳结构分析,冲绳海槽尚缺少已经开始“扩张”的证据,还不能确定海槽中央已经发育了大洋地壳。冲绳海槽目前仍属于拉薄的大陆地壳。(3)冲绳海槽作为一个浅海槽状地貌单元,形成于距今6Ma。作为一个弧后裂谷,自距今2Ma以来开始强烈的张裂活动。海槽中央张裂地堑(槽中槽)距今2Ma以来开始形成并逐渐发展。中央张裂地堑内的火成岩年龄不大于1Ma。因此,冲绳海槽是一个年青的、正在活动的弧后裂谷盆地。  相似文献   

冲绳海槽中段线性磁条带异常及其构造发育   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
通过对磁场分析发现,冲绳海槽中段存在线性磁异常,说明海槽轴部地壳已经发生破裂,新鲜洋壳已经生成,目前已进入扩张阶段.通过对磁条带和地震地层的研究得出如下结论:冲绳海槽的张裂具有Ⅲ幕模式,即中到晚中新世的开裂幕(Ⅰ幕)、上新世—早更新世的拉张幕(Ⅱ幕)以及近代的扩张幕(Ⅲ幕).冲绳海槽中段的地磁场特征和已发生扩张的红海中段的磁场非常相似,说明冲绳海槽可能正向着“红海阶段”过渡发展.  相似文献   

论冲绳海槽的张裂运动   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
林长松  王英 《海洋学报》1999,21(5):95-100
琉球岛弧系向海沟方向的旋张掀斜运动和岛弧-弧后地区地幔流的波动运动是冲绳海槽张裂运动的动力源.在张应力场作用下,自早第三纪以来,冲绳海槽长期为一负向构造.现代海槽是老海槽的继承性、阶段性发展的产物,晚中新世以来冲绳海槽的张裂运动增强与菲律宾海板块的俯冲作用增强密切相关,但它不可能形成大规模的扩张.  相似文献   

西北太平洋各个边缘海盆虽同处于环太平洋构造活动带,但构造特征、形成机制和构造演化各不相同。例如南中国海发育在东亚大陆边缘,经过多次扩张形成了中央海盆,发育了大洋地壳,但洋陆壳边缘无火山弧发育,亦无明显的构造活动特征,地磁场平静,因此属于大西洋型边缘海盆。另一类边缘海盆如马里亚纳海槽,发育在两个海洋板块的汇聚带上,发育了活动的火山弧(马里亚纳弧)和残留弧(西马里亚纳弧),两列弧在北端合并为小笠原弧。四国海盆和帕里斯维拉(Parece Vela)海盆也属此类。 冲绳海槽与以上两类海盆不同,它发育在东亚大陆边缘地壳上,由陆壳张裂而成。在冲绳海槽和琉球海沟之间既发育了活动的火山弧(吐喀喇火山弧),也发育了大陆地壳性质的非火山弧(琉球弧主体)。东南亚地区的日本海、苏禄海槽(Sulu Trough)、班达海(Banda Sea)、安达曼海(Andaman Sea)属于这种类型的边缘海盆。但是如果把具有复杂的斜向张裂的安达曼海除外,冲绳海槽是世界上唯一一个典型的发育在大陆边缘,由陆壳张裂而成,处于裂谷作用最高阶段,海底扩张即将出现的弧后活动盆地。因此,冲绳海槽的现代构造演化将是这类边缘海盆演化的典型例证,对冲绳海槽构造活动性的深入分析研究将具有全球意义。 世界各国学者对冲绳海槽进行了许多调査研究,但主要集中在海槽的南部和中部,对海槽北部调查研极少,研究程度也最差。本文根据中国科学院海洋研究所自1988年以来在冲绳海槽北部完成的大量实测地质、地球物理资料,结合国内外其它单位的洋洋地球物理调查资料(包括海洋反射地震测量、海洋重力测量、海洋地磁场测量和水深测量),对冲绳海槽北部进行了较为详细的地质构造学研究。结果表明,冲绳海槽北部表现出强烈的构造活动特征,而不同于国内外本研究领域内流传的“冲绳海槽构造活动性南强、北弱”的观点。  相似文献   

冲绳海槽地壳结构与性质研究进展和新认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冲绳海槽是张裂于东亚大陆边缘的弧后盆地,对其地壳结构性质的研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文在总结冲绳海槽重力场、广角反射/折射地震探测、海底磁异常条带以及火山岩和岩浆作用这4个方面研究成果的基础上,对海槽的地壳结构、地壳性质和所处的构造演化阶段进行了探讨。认为冲绳海槽绝大部分地区地壳厚度大于正常洋壳,应属减薄的陆壳,由裂陷作用形成;但海槽中段和南段中央地堑地壳速度结构与洋壳类似,发育条带状磁异常,且已有大量幔源物质参与了地壳的组成,具备初始扩张作用的特征。对于海槽内是否存在洋壳,仍需进一步调查和研究。  相似文献   

东海陆架边缘的构造特征记录了有关冲绳海槽张裂过程的关键信息,对于进一步理解海槽的形成演化以及弧后张裂与弧-陆碰撞之间的相互作用至关重要。本文基于多道地震和重磁资料,分析了东海陆架边缘的地形和构造特征,并对冲绳海槽早期张裂过程、北西向断裂带的分隔控制作用、钓鱼岛隆起带南北构造差异和冲绳海槽的向西前展等问题进行了探讨。结果表明,冲绳海槽西侧陆坡存在的分段性,各分段在地形地貌、地层展布和构造特征等方面的不同,体现了其构造演化和现今构造活动性的差异。冲绳海槽中—北段的张裂始于陆架前缘坳陷,在晚中新世向东扩展至整个海槽,晚中新世至今以分散式张裂为主。北西向断裂带对东海陆架边缘不同分段的构造特征和构造活动起到了分隔控制和转换协调作用,控制了不同类型陆坡的形成和发育。受冲绳海槽在全宽度上向西前展的影响,钓鱼岛隆起带南段的基底隆起及其支撑的陆架边缘发生了破坏和沉降,形成基底起伏较大、地形崎岖不平的陆坡。  相似文献   

广角反射/折射地震探测是研究冲绳海槽地壳结构与性质的有效方法。通过收集整理冲绳海槽及邻区广角反射/折射地震研究成果,对冲绳海槽地壳结构性质进行了探讨。结果表明,冲绳海槽地壳厚度较薄,绝大部分地区属于减薄的陆壳,但局部已出现洋壳;海槽北、中、南三段处于不同的构造演化阶段,地壳厚度、结构、减薄方式等存在较大差异;琉球俯冲带不同分段活动特征及构造应力场的不同是造成冲绳海槽地壳结构性质和构造演化南北差异的主要原因;冲绳海槽内洋壳局限于海槽中、南段轴部,在轴部地堑沿走向方向布设OBS测线将有助于进一步确定洋壳的存在。  相似文献   

冲绳海槽中段地球物理场及对其新生洋壳的认识   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
通过对冲绳海槽中的磁场进行分析,在海槽轴部追踪到了线性磁条带异常。另外,在扩张轴附近也拖到了新鲜拉斑玄武岩。重力自由空气异常值较低。根据这是由于深部地幔大幅上升所致。地震剖面及磁力资料显示在海槽轴部有强磁性浅层侵入体及海底山,这些侵入体很可能来自于深部地幔。高温地幔物质上涌在海槽轴部形成高热流、强磁异常、多火山以及热液活动。上述现象说明冲绳海槽中段张裂轴部大陆岩石圈已经破裂,并可能已有新生洋壳形成。  相似文献   

冲绳海槽沉降和热演化模式初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了冲绳海槽分地的沉降,给出了一个拉张系数的计算公式,并用它估算了冲绳海槽的拉张系数。在此基础上,利用多层,多次和有限拉张模式及有限元计算技术,定量模拟了冲绳海槽盆地的沉降过程和热演化历史。  相似文献   

Back-arc rifting in the Okinawa Trough   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geological and geophysical data reveal that the Okinawa Trough shows incipient continental rifting, and crustal separation started from about 2 Ma. The early extensional movements in the trough are probably of Miocene age. In addition to the Miocene phase, two main periods of extension are recognized: a Pleistocene phase between 1.9 and 0.5 Ma and the present day phase. During the stage short central rifts (Central Grabens) were formed. The opening however, may have occurred only in the southern part of the trough basin having an average half spreading rate of 2 cm yr?1 since Early Pleistocene time, producing its present width of several tens of kilometres. These activities were well represented by igneous intrusions, sedimentary facies and sedimentary structures in and around the Okinawa Trough. The width of the zone affected by back-arc extension (defined as Greater Okinawa Trough) is larger than the present Okinawa Trough, whose width is 200–250 km. The present form of the Greater Okinawa Trough started to form at the same time as that of the Okinawa Trough.  相似文献   

冲绳海槽断裂、岩浆构造活动和洋壳化进程   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
讨论了冲绳海槽断裂、岩浆构造活动特征和它们之间的关系,认为雁行排列的地堑斜交于陆架外缘隆起带,海槽北段断块隆脊、龙王构造带和海槽南段"棉花构造带"可能保留了海槽各幕断陷前的火山岩浆活动特征,而现在活动的吐噶喇火山岛弧可沿海槽南段岛坡追踪到台湾。吕宋岛向台湾的碰撞挤压引起的旋张活动加强了海槽南段的地壳拉张,诱发了地堑内火山岩浆活动,在洋壳化进程中起关键作用,其中最典型的八重山地堑已经形成洋壳。断裂和岩浆活动主要是单向地向岛弧侧迁移,由洋中脊扩张产生的对称条带状磁异常模式难以解释冲绳海槽的洋壳化进程。  相似文献   

Benthic foraminiferal analysis of 29 samples in surface sediments from the southern Okinawa Trough is carried out. The results indicate that benthic foraminiferal abundance decreases rapidly with increasing water depth. Percentage frequencies of agglutinated foraminifera further confirm the modern shallow carbonate lysocline in the southern Okinawa Trough. From continental shelf edge to the bottom of Okinawa Trough, benthic foraminiferal fauna in the surface sediments can be divided into 5 assemblages: (1) Continental shelf break assemblage, dominated by Cibicides pseudoungerianus, corresponds to subsurface water mass of the Kuroshio Current; (2) upper continental slope assemblage, dominated by Cassidulina carinata , Globocassidulina subglobosa, corresponds to intermediate water mass of the Kuroshio Current; (3) intermediate continental slope assemblage, dominated by Uvigerina hispi-da, corresponds to the Okinawa Trough deep water mass above the carbonate lysocline; (4) lower continental slope- trough b  相似文献   

The Okinawa marginal basin was opened by crustal extension into the Asian continent, north of the Taiwan collision zone. It is located behind the Ryukyu Trench subduction zone and the Ryukyu active volcanic arc. If we except the Andaman Sea, the Okinawa Trough is the only example of marginal backarc basin type, opened into a continent at an early stage of evolution. Active rifting and spreading can be observed. Synthesis of siesmic reflection, seismic refraction, drilling, dredging and geological field data has resulted in interpretative geological cross sections and a structural map of the Ryukyu-Okinawa area. The main conclusions of the reconstruction of this backarc basin/volcanic arc evolution are. (1) Backarc rifting was initiated in the volcanic arc and propagated along it during the Neogene. It is still active at both ends of the basin. Remnants of volcanic arc are found on the continental side of the basin. (2) There was synchronism between opening and subsidence of the Okinawa Trough and tilting and subsidence of the forearc terrace. The late Miocene erosional surface is now 4000 m below sea-level in the forearc terrace, above the trench slope. Retreat and subsidence of the Ryukyu trench line relative to the Asian continental plate, could be one of the causes of tilting of the forearc and extension in the backarc area. (3) A major phase of crustal spreading occurred in Pliocene times 1.9 My ago in the south and central Okinawa Trough. (4) En échelon rifting and spreading structures of the central axes of the Okinawa Trough are oblique to the general trend of the arc and trench. The Ryukyu arc sub-plate cannot be considered as a rigid plate. Rotation of 45° to 50° of the southern Ryukyu arc, since the late Miocene, is inferred. The timing and kinematic evolution of the Taiwan collision and the south Okinawa Trough opening suggest a connection between these two events. The indentation process due to the collision of the north Luzon Arc with the China margin could have provoked: lateral extrusion; clockwise rotation (45° to 50° according to palaeomagnetic data) and buckling of the south Ryukyu non-volcanic arc; tension in the weak crustal zone constituted by the south Ryukyu volcanic arc and opening of the south Okinawa Trough. Similar lateral extrusions, rotations, buckling and tensional gaps have been observed in indentation experiments. Additional phenomena such as: thermal convection, retreating trench model or anchored slab model could maintain extension in the backarc basin. Such a hypothetical collision-lateral backarc opening model could explain the initiation of opening of backarc basins such as the Mariana Trough, Bonin Trough, Parece Vela — Shikoku Basin and Sea of Japan. A new late Cenozoic palaeogeographic evolution model of the Philippine Sea plate and surrounding areas is proposed.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminiferal analysis of 29 samples in surface sediments from the southern Okinawa Trough is carried out.The results indicate that benthic foraminiferal abundance decreases rapidly with increasing water depth.Percentage frequencies of agglutinated foraminifera further confirm the modern shallow carbonate lysocline in the southern Okinawa Trough.From continental shelf edge to the bottom of Okinawa Trough,benthic foraminiferal fauna in the surface sediments can be divided into 5 assemblages:(1) Continental shelf break assemblage,dominated by Cibicides pseudoungerianus,corresponds to subsurface water mass of the Kuroshio Current;(2) upper continental slope assemblage,dominated by Cassidulina carinata,Globocassidulina subglobosa,corresponds to intermediate water mass of the Kuroshio Current;(3) intermediate continental slope assemblage,dominated by Uvigerina hispida,corresponds to the Okinawa Trough deep water mass above the carbonate lysocline.  相似文献   

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