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射流作为流体运动的一种特殊形式,在工程中具有非常广泛的应用。其中,卷吸和掺混效应是射流的两大重要特征,其影响贯穿射流发展的整个过程。长期以来研究人员从理论分析、实验测量和数值模拟等几个方面对射流的卷吸、掺混性能进行了大量的研究工作,并探索出多种提高射流卷吸、掺混性能的方法。文中从喷嘴形状,喷嘴数目,喷嘴间距,喷嘴矩形截面宽高比和射流流速比等几个方面,对增强射流卷吸、掺混性能的研究方法、研究现状和研究结果进行了整理、分析,讨论了该领域存在的问题,并对该领域的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

自净度场——量度海域物理自净能力的新概念   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄河宁 《海洋学报》1990,12(5):603-609
本文提出了一种量度海域物自净能力的新概念--自净度及自净度场.所研究水域中任一点的自净度随时间和空间的分布(自净度场)取决于水域的自然地理因素(如海湾面积、水深和地形)、水文物理因素(如潮流场和扩散系数)和排污点的位置.对于特定的水域,自净度场仅取决于排污点的位置.因此,自净度场可以方便地评价海域的物理自净能力,比以往采用的平衡影响浓度场,而不需要对每一污染指标物,每一排放量进行平衡影响浓度场的计算.  相似文献   

滨海火、核电厂温排水引起的环境问题广受关注,数学模型是评价温排水影响的重要手段,而国内现有温排水数值计算模型的近区模拟失真问题尚未很好解决。我们引入近区射流模型(Corjet)与远区数学模型(Delft3D)耦合模拟技术,采用分散汇流(DESA)方法实现对射流掺混卷吸效应的模拟,通过模型交叉调用实现近远区动态耦合。将耦合方法应用于工程案例,并与以往常用的远区模型直接点源方法进行了对比,结果表明近远区分散汇流耦合方法能够更合理地反映深水排放的浮力效应,模拟的垂向温度分布及温升影响范围与物理模型趋势更为接近,能有效提高高温升区模拟精度,该模拟方法具有较好的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

具有中等扩张速率的胡安·德富卡海岭因代沃段是为数不多的具有喷口场沿走向空间分布详细资料的海底环境之一 ( Haymon等 ,1 991 ;Delaney等 ,1 992 ;Von Damm等 ,1 998)。这些资料为我们提供了新的海底对流系统的几何形状。海底绘图和水柱调查表明 ,大约 90 km长的海岭的 1 / 3至少拥有 5个活动热液场。此外 ,在沿轴长 1 5km的距离上分布有数个不活动的硫化物矿床场所。在本文中 ,我们第 1次对在因代沃段上新发现的 Mothra热液场做了详细的描述。它位于已知热液场的最南端 ,对于因代沃系统的喷口矿床的分布和硫化物建造的形态起到独特的…  相似文献   

张坤  穆穆  王强 《海洋科学》2015,39(5):120-128
使用球坐标下1.5 层约化重力浅水模式模拟海洋风生双环流, 结果显示双环流射流存在拉伸模态和收缩模态间的年际变化。以双环流从拉伸模态向收缩模态的转变过程为背景场, 利用条件非线性最优扰动(CNOP)方法, 考察初始误差对双环流变异可预报性的影响, 得到两类初始误差: 全局CNOP型和局部CNOP(LCNOP)型, 两类初始误差对双环流变异的影响几乎相反。通过考察误差发展, 发现在射流从拉伸模态向收缩模态转变过程中, CNOP 型初始误差使射流弯曲程度变大, 并在预报时刻导致涡脱落; 而LCNOP 型初始误差则使射流弯曲程度变小。相比LCNOP, CNOP 型初始误差引起更大预报误差, 导致双环流变异的预报技巧下降更多。两类误差得到较大发展的区域可能存在正压不稳定, 使误差能够不断从背景场吸收能量进而得到快速发展。给出了两类使双环流变异预报技巧下降最大的初始误差, 在实际的数值预报中减少这两种类型的误差, 将有助于提高双环流变异的预报技巧。  相似文献   

南黄海辐射沙脊群西洋水道污水输移扩散研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用沿深平均二维数值模型对南黄海辐射沙脊群西洋海域的潮流场和物质扩散场进行了模拟,计算和分析了大潮情况下海域5 m、7 m和10 m 3种水深(理论基准面下)排放位置处达标污水输移扩散的范围及分布规律。结果表明,污水排入海后,会很快被稀释,各排放位置200和500稀释度等值线包络面积均较小,且包络面积随水深增加有明显变小的规律。拟合了不同污水排放量对应的200和500稀释倍数包络面积,发现两者呈良好的幂级数关系。  相似文献   

潮汐水域中污水侧向排放的数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
基于N-S方程,采用深度平均的应力-通量代数全场模型,模拟流场及热水或污染物侧向排入大水体的各向异性的输移扩散规律。模型中采用深度平均的连续、动量、浓度方程进行潮汐流动的数值模拟计算,潮流采用非对称潮流,模拟结果给出了一个周期内流场、污染物浓度场随时间的变化特征。所得的数值结果与他人的模型实验结果非常一致,而较其他结果更合理,说明本模型的合理性和可靠性。  相似文献   

热带气旋路径预报采用预报概率圆可以有效减少不可避免的预报错误,在2004~2007年中央气象台主观路径预报资料的基础上,使用统计方法并根据预报误差与热带气旋预报移动速度和移动方向的相关关系分类,分别计算了相应的24、48、72 h路径预报的70%概率圆半径,修改了原来业务中使用的概率圆半径,以期替代原来在业务中使用的概率圆半径。同时应用修改后的概率圆半径对近5年的路径主观预报进行了分析,给出了2004~2007年预报误差分布特点以及较大预报误差热带气旋个例的误差产生原因,并讨论了该方法改进的可能性。  相似文献   

本文针对2006年登陆我国的超强台风“桑美”,分别采用美国国家环境预报中心的全球预报系统(Global Forecasting System, GFS)再分析资料和日本气象厅(Japan Meteorological Agency, JMA)区域客观再分析资料作为背景场,利用中尺度数值模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting Model)及其三维变分同化系统进行多普勒雷达资料同化和数值模拟试验,考察不同的背景场条件下雷达资料同化对台风初始场、内部结构及其随后确定性预报的影响。结果表明:GFS试验和JMA试验在同化了雷达资料之后分析出的台风700 hPa风场和500 hPa高度场相比其初始场均有所增强,JMA试验在3 h同化窗内的均方根误差和最小海平面气压的改进效果均比GFS试验显著,同时对台风动力和热力结构的改进效果也优于GFS试验;JMA试验对台风降水、路径、强度的预报均优于GFS试验,且能预报出台风前沿的降水,更加接近观测实况。  相似文献   

椭圆度-凹坑双缺陷海底管道局部屈曲特性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
海底管道在制造、埋设以及使用过程中极易产生椭圆度-凹坑双缺陷,双缺陷影响管道局部屈曲,对含椭圆度-凹坑双缺陷海底管道的局部屈曲特性研究十分必要。现行规范中采用等效椭圆度对含椭圆度-凹坑海底管道进行评估,该方法无法准确评估不同缺陷形式的屈曲特性。采用形状系数对含椭圆度-凹坑双缺陷的海底管道进行评估,运用有限元软件ABAQUS进行数值模拟,并进行试验验证。在此基础上对含有不同凹坑深度、不同椭圆度的海底管道进行局部屈曲的数值模拟,计算不同形状椭圆度、含有不同凹坑深度海底管道的形状系数,对其进行敏感性分析。计算结果表明:形状系数对海底管道椭圆度、凹坑深度、径厚比敏感性较强;对凹坑宽度敏感性较弱。  相似文献   

Both wind turning with height and ageostrophic flow in a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer are analyzed using a three-parameter turbulence model. For a quasi-steady state of the boundary layer, the cross-isobaric flow is determined only by turbulent stress at the surface in the direction of geostrophic wind. The “operative” prediction models, in which the first-order turbulence closure schemes are used, tend to overestimate the boundary-layer depth and underestimate the angle between the surface and geostrophic winds when compared to “research” models (schemes of high-level turbulence closure). The true value of the angle between the surface and geostrophic winds is significant for the presentation of a large-scale flow. A nocturnal low-level jet is a mesoscale phenomenon reflected in data obtained from measurements in a stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer. It is found that such jets are of great importance in transporting humidity, momentum, and air pollution. In this study, the difference between jet flows over a homogeneous underlying surface and over a spatially localized large-scale aerodynamic roughness is shown.  相似文献   

Some new results related to the theory of rising convective jets over heat and momentum sources are presented. The consideration is not restricted to free convective or forced jets—mixed situations are also possible. A known model is generalized to the case of a noticeable contribution of the effects of water-vapor buoyancy. It is established that a universal conservation law that is valid for any entrainment hypotheses exists. A simple approximate criterion of the possibility that jets “break” through barrier layers is derived. An analytic solution that describes a moist-adiabatic rise of a jet above the condensation level is found. The influence of jets on the transport of passive admixtures is assessed. A model is proposed for the horizontal spreading of the warm air transported by a jet below an intense barrier layer.  相似文献   

The basic properties of the dynamic model of a turbulent jet formed by a deep-water sewage discharge into the stratified environment of coastal regions are considered. The model developed was used to estimate the parameters of a floating-up jet of deep wastewater discharge from Sand Island into the basin of Mamala Bay (Hawaii) depending on the season and discharge operation mode. The estimates of the float-up depths of the jet and the initial dilution of the jet were estimated on the basis of model calculations using experimental data on the vertical profiles of the water temperature and salinity under the actual conditions of stratification in the study region. It is shown that the further propagation of the wastewater jet depends on tidal events and internal waves generated by tides. The appearance of turbulent jets at the sea surface was recorded. The model estimates of the parameters of the wastewater discharge were compared with the results of experimental measurements. Good agreement was found, which indicates that the physical mechanisms of the propagation of turbulent jets in a stratified medium are adequately described by the model.  相似文献   

A comprehensive numerical study on the three-dimensional structure of a turbulent jet in crossflow is performed. Thejet-to-crossflow velocity ratio (R) varies in the range of 2 ~ 16; both vertical jets and inclined jets without excess streamwisemomentum are considered. The numerical results of the standard two-equation k-~ model show that the turbulent structurecan be broadly categorised according to the jet-to-crossflow velocity ratio. For strong to moderate jet discharges, i.e. R >4, the jet is characterized by a longitudinal transition through a bent-over phase during which the jet becomes almost parallelwith the main freestream, to a sectional vortex-pair flow with double concentration maxima; the computed flow details andscalar mixing characteristics can be described by self-similar relations beyond a dimensionless distance of around 20 ~ 60.The similarity coefficients are only weakly dependent on R. The cross-section scalar field is kidney-shaped and bifurcated,with distinct double concentration maxima; the aspect ratio is found to be around 1.2. A loss in vertical momentum is ob-served and the added mass coefficient of the jet motion is found to be approximately 1. On the other hand, for weak jets instrong crossflow, i.e. R≤ 2, the lee of the jet is characterized by a negative pressure region. Although the double vortexflow can still be noted, the scalar field becomes more symmetrical and no longer bifurcated. The similarity coeffcients are al-so noticeably different. The predicted jet flow characteristics and mixing rates are well supported by experimental and field data  相似文献   

V. I. Bukreev 《Oceanology》2013,53(1):110-118
A technique and some results of laboratory experiments, in which the densification during mixing of the salt water masses with the same initial densities occurs, are presented. A graphical interpretation of the densification during mixing and an empirical formula describing the dependence of the water density on temperature and concentration of the dissolved salt NaCl at atmospheric pressure are given. Examples of spreading of the initially horizontal, inclined and vertical round jets as well as a vertical plane jet are considered. In all examples, the jet submerged up to the bottom of the experimental setup. It was found that the submergence velocity was on the order of 0.5 ± 0.1 cm/s. The influence of the double diffusion on the jet submergence velocity in the salt water is discussed.  相似文献   

A new theoretical solution is presented here for the dynamic characteristics of a buoyant jet due to opposing small amplitude waves.The conservation equations of mass,tangential momentum and vertical momentum are solved by the integral method which encompasses the Gaussian profiles of velocity and density.The action of waves is incorporated into the equations of motion as an external force and a new exact solution is obtained to predict the trajectory,velocity distribution and boundary thickness of the buoyant jet over an arbitrary lateral cross section.It is found that the velocity along the centerline is inversely proportional to the ratio of the momentum of the wave to the buoyant jet.The averaged boundary width varies with the fluctuation of the boundary width,the distance from the orifice and the velocity correction function.Owing to the motion d waves,the fluctuation of the boundary width is proportional to the wave steepness.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the analysis of an underwater horizontal oil jet experimental measurement and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) using the Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) equations. Two oil subsurface releases were conducted: one with crude oil and another with crude oil premixed with dispersant at the dispersant to oil ratio (DOR) of 1:20. The jet profile was captured by a camera at moderate resolution, and the instantaneous velocity was measured by a Vectrino Profiler. The velocity components, turbulence kinetic energy, and turbulence dissipation rate from the experiment agreed well with those from the CFD simulation using the k-epsilon turbulence model. The spread angle of the jet was found to be around 21° and 24° from the experiment measurement, for oil without dispersant and oil with dispersant, respectively. The latter is close to the angle of miscible jets at 23°. The jet profile of oil with dispersant had a smaller buoyancy than that without dispersant, which is probably due to the large water entrainment for the oil with dispersant jet. The cross sections of the jet for both cases gradually became flattened with distance, as the plume turned upward.  相似文献   

In the water jet propulsion system with a positive displacement (PD) pump, the nozzle, which converts pressure energy into kinetic energy, is one of the key parts exerting great influence on the reactive thrust and the efficiency of the system due to its high working pressure and easily occurring cavitation characteristics. Based on the previous studies of the energy loss and the pressure distribution of different nozzles, a model of water jet reactive thrust, which fully takes the energy loss and the nozzle parameters into consideration, is developed to optimize the nozzle design. Experiments and simulations are carried out to investigate the reactive thrust and the conversion efficiency of cylindrical nozzles, conical nozzles and optimized nozzles. The results show that the optimized nozzles have the largest reactive thrust and the highest energy conversion efficiency under the same inlet conditions. The related methods and conclusions are extended to the study of other applications of the water jet, such as water jet cutting, water mist fire suppression, water injection molding.  相似文献   

In the water jet propulsion system with a positive displacement (PD) pump, the nozzle, which converts pressure energy into kinetic energy, is one of the key parts exerting great influence on the reactive thrust and the efficiency of the system due to its high working pressure and easily occurring cavitation characteristics. Based on the previous studies of the energy loss and the pressure distribution of different nozzles, a model of water jet reactive thrust, which fully takes the energy loss and the nozzle parameters into consideration, is developed to optimize the nozzle design. Experiments and simulations are carried out to investigate the reactive thrust and the conversion efficiency of cylindrical nozzles, conical nozzles and optimized nozzles. The results show that the optimized nozzles have the largest reactive thrust and the highest energy conversion efficiency under the same inlet conditions. The related methods and conclusions are extended to the study of other applications of the water jet, such as water jet cutting, water mist fire suppression, water injection molding.  相似文献   

Application of the standard Eulerian model to simulations of sand scour results in unrealistic phenomena. Therefore, the present work develops a modified Eulerian model based on sand incipient motion theory. The modified model is applied for simulating a two-dimensional single vertical jet and a moving planar jet. The simulation results generally demonstrate fairly good agreement with published results of scour profiles and the velocity contours of the water and sand phases. In addition, equations to describe self-similar scour profiles for the moving planar jet cases are given. The results demonstrate that the modified model efficiently and accurately simulates the two-dimensional sand scour produced by jets, particularly for the moving jet cases.  相似文献   

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