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通过气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)和气相色谱-同位素质谱仪(GC-IRMS),分别分析了冲绳海槽南部唐印和第四与那国热液区热液硫化物与热液沉积物中烷烃含量和正烷烃单体碳同位素组成特征。热液产物样品中正烷烃显示出明显的双峰分布,高分子正烷烃显示出明显的奇数碳优势,其丰度最大值位于C31处;低分子正烷烃显示出偶数碳优势,其丰度最大值位于C18处。正烷烃的分布特征以及正烷烃碳同位素组成表明,样品中正烷烃主要来源于热液微生物代谢活动和陆源高等植物的输入,其中,低分子的正烷烃主要来源于热液微生物代谢活动,而高分子的正烷烃主要来源于陆源高等植物。热液硫化物样品中低分子正烷烃含量和比重都高于热液沉积物,表明热液硫化物中热液微生物活动可能更加繁盛。热液硫化物中正烷烃单体的δ13C表现出随碳原子个数增加,同位素值减小的趋势,暗示该区非生物合成有机质的贡献可能不能忽略。  相似文献   

气候变化和人类活动制约下的红树林演变是一种长时间尺度效应,而沉积物则是记录这种响应的最佳档案。采用古生态学研究思路,选择有效的示踪参数是解读这一档案的有效途径。本文通过广西钦州湾红树林区1根柱状沉积物中有机碳同位素(δ13C)、C/N分析和孢粉鉴定,以沉积物中的红树林源有机碳贡献和红树植物孢粉组合为示踪参数,在210Pb年龄框架构建的基础上,通过对比研究红树林源有机碳贡献和红树孢粉组合特征,揭示百年来钦州湾红树林兴衰和群落演替规律;进而重塑其红树林演变历史:兴盛期(1864-1918年)、衰退期(1918-1968年)和低谷期(1968-2007年),这与土地替代、遥感分析和现场勘测数据较为吻合。结合气候变化和人类活动资料,发现钦州湾红树林的近期衰退主要源于人类活动的影响,尤其是虾塘围垦;而与气候变化关系不大。  相似文献   

环渤海地区河流河口及海洋表层沉积物有机质特征和来源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2013年8月采集了环渤海地区35条主要河流河口表层沉积物样品,12月采集了渤海与北黄海24个表层沉积物样品,分析了其生物地球化学指标:总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、有机碳同位素(δ13C)和氮同位素(δ15N),探讨该区域表层沉积物有机质特征及组成。研究表明:河流河口表层沉积物有机碳同位素(δ13C)值在–26.4‰—–21.8‰,平均值为–24.5‰;渤海表层沉积物有机碳同位素(δ13C)值在–23.8‰—–21.7‰,平均值为–22.3‰。河口表层沉积物TOC含量在0.06%—3.87%,平均值为1.31%;渤海表层沉积物TOC含量在0.52%—2.09%,平均值为1.08%。河流δ13C富集较轻,偏向陆源;海洋δ13C富集较重,偏向水生有机质来源。河流河口表层沉积物的δ13C值差异较明显,最大值与最小值相差4.6‰,但是流域地理位置距离近的河流δ13C值差异不大。河流河口表层沉积物δ15N在1.5‰—10.2‰,平均值为5.5‰;渤海表层沉积物δ15N在4.4‰—5.6‰,平均值为5.0‰。河流表层沉积物δ15N范围比渤海表层沉积物δ15N范围广,原因是河流受陆源有机物影响,且陆源有机物来源差异大。海洋表层沉积物δ15N相对均一,说明海洋表层沉积物δ15N受物源影响较小,体现了水体中有机质的转化和微生物活动对氮同位素的影响。本研究中表层沉积物的δ13C与δ15N没有明显的相关性,也体现了陆源有机质输入的影响。根据经典的二元模式计算,35条河流陆源有机质的贡献比例范围为10%—90%,平均值为60%;渤海陆源贡献比例范围为10%—50%,平均值为20%。河流有机质的来源以陆源有机质为主,水生有机质为辅。渤海有机质的来源以水生有机质为主,环渤海河流的陆源输入也有重要贡献。需要指出的是,有机碳同位素(δ13C)、氮同位素(δ15N)和Corg/Ntotal对有机质来源判别有一定局限性,虽然稳定同位素有示踪性,然而其成分仍然不可避免地受到生物地球化学等过程的改造,在使用稳定同位素技术示踪物源时,须小心谨慎。  相似文献   

水体沉积物中有机碳和有机分子碳稳定同位素研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
薛博  严重玲  傅强 《海洋科学》2007,31(6):87-91
有机碳是指存在于沉积物总有机质(TOC)中的碳。由于同位素之间的物理、化学性质的不同,生物在生存活动过程利用环境中碳的同时改变了其同位素的比值,即产生同位素效应(isotopic effect)。通过检测来自于生物有机质中的碳同位素比值,就有可能对沉积物所在地的环境变化信息进行重  相似文献   

南海东沙群岛东北部海洋IV号地区GC16站重力柱状沉积物中的有机碳、总氮,以及自生碳酸盐岩矿物的无机碳同位素组成分析结果表明,甲烷流体活动区硫酸盐甲烷转换带(SMTZ—sulfate methane transition zone)是重要的生物地球化学界面,该带内沉积物中有机碳、氮与无机碳同位素组成变化明显。GC16站SMTZ上界面以下的沉积物中有机碳、氮同位素组成分别比其上的沉积物负偏1.4‰PDB和0.93‰,反映该带内甲烷缺氧氧化作用(AOM—anaerobic oxidation of methane)与氨氧化作用发育。无机碳同位素组成表明SMTZ界面之下沉积物中的自生碳酸盐岩矿物为以微生物为媒介的甲烷驱动成因,地质历史时期(至柱状沉积物底部沉积时期)曾发生过2次较强烈的CH4流体活动;目前该区甲烷流体活动较弱,甲烷流体影响深度与SMTZ上界面一致,未能到达海底。  相似文献   

正构烷烃及单体碳同位素的古植被与古气候意义   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
与古植被、古气候变化密切相关的正构烷烃分子化石及其单体碳同位素的研究是近年来最为引人注目和关切的环境科学问题之一,这一研究在国际上已取得了一定的成果。在详细综述国际上正构烷烃及其单体碳同位素在古植被与古气候方面研究进展的同时,着重叙述了他们在生物输入源的识别,古植被、古温度的重建以及古大气飘尘源区气候变化的响应等方面的研究动态,分析并讨论了目前存在的问题及其发展趋势。指出随着测试分析技术的发展,正构烷烃分子化石及其单体碳同位素将成为重现古环境变迁和现代环境信息变化的一个强有力的工具。  相似文献   

南海东沙群岛东北部海洋Ⅳ号地区GC16站重力柱状沉积物中的有机碳、总氮,以及自生碳酸盐岩矿物的无机碳同位素组成分析结果表明,甲烷流体活动区硫酸盐-甲烷转换带(SMTZ—sulfate methane transition zone)是重要的生物地球化学界面,该带内沉积物中有机碳、氮与无机碳同位素组成变化明显。GC16站SMTZ上界面以下的沉积物中有机碳、氮同位素组成分别比其上的沉积物负偏1.4‰PDB和0.93‰,反映该带内甲烷缺氧氧化作用(AOM—anaerobic oxidation of methane)与氨氧化作用发育。无机碳同位素组成表明SMTZ界面之下沉积物中的自生碳酸盐岩矿物为以微生物为媒介的甲烷驱动成因,地质历史时期(至柱状沉积物底部沉积时期)曾发生过2次较强烈的CH4流体活动;目前该区甲烷流体活动较弱,甲烷流体影响深度与SMTZ上界面一致,未能到达海底。  相似文献   

青海湖沉积物有机碳及其同位素的气候环境信息   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
通过对青海湖沉积物有机碳及其同位素的分析,结合碳酸盐含量的变化特征,探讨了青海湖沉积物有机碳及其同位素组成的环境意义,并且据此分析了青海湖地区近700a来的气候环境演变。青海湖沉积物的有机碳含量及其同位素较好地记录了温度的变化,在有机碳含量高,有机碳同位素低时,气温较高,反之则相反,小冰期的3次冷期以及20世纪以来的升温在该岩心中得以清晰地反映。  相似文献   

杨海丽  郑玉龙 《海洋学报》2008,30(4):95-103
2005年8月在海南洋浦湾内湾取得1根柱状样,在铅-210定年的基础上分析沉积物粒度、总有机碳含量及其同位素值(δ13C)、总氮含量及其同位素值(δ15N)、生物硅含量、重金属(镍、镉、铬、铜、锌、铅)含量及有机氯农药(六六六、滴滴涕)含量等参数发现,111cm至表层,沉积物中有机碳、总氮、生物硅含量升高,特别是从45cm至表层,它们的含量明显增加,说明该湾内有富营养化趋势。由有机碳与总氮的原子比和有机碳同位素指示的物源信息可知,该湾内有机质来源为藻类和陆源脉管植物的混合,且以陆源输入为主。陆源有机碳含量与总有机碳含量的相关系数为0.917。自23cm至表层有机碳同位素明显偏轻,氮同位素偏重。从111cm至表层,重金属和有机氯农药含量升高。综合分析各环境指标可知,洋浦湾近百年来环境演变可分为三个时期,即20世纪70年代以前、70年代至90年代、90年代至21世纪初,洋浦湾经历了未污染期、轻度污染期、显著污染期。  相似文献   

近年来,海底热液环境中的微生物及其环境适应机制已经成为海洋科学研究的热点。目前,相关的研究主要集中在表层沉积物及微生物的水平分布多样性方面,而对柱状沉积物中微生物垂直分布多样性研究却很少。本文基于西太平洋冲绳海槽南部热液区附近S2站位的柱状沉积物样品,通过对其不同层位的样品进行分离培养和16S rRNA基因高通量测序,揭示了样品中可培养微生物和总体微生物的垂直群落分布特征,同时结合对样品主量元素、微量元素、碳氮含量等指标的评估和冗余分析等统计学方法,讨论了微生物群落结构及其对环境因子的响应。研究发现该位点的柱状沉积物有机质含量较为贫乏,存在两个富含Cu-Zn-Pb的层;各个层位的沉积物中微生物类群均以变形菌为主要类群,同时表层沉积物表现出更高的微生物多样性。此外研究还表明柱状沉积物中有机碳含量与其微生物的群落组成有着更为密切的关系。总之,本研究的结果和获得的菌种资源为进一步深入研究海底热液环境中微生物参与元素地球化学循环的过程提供了一定的基础。  相似文献   

Preservation of organic matter in estuarine and coastal areas is an important process in the global carbon cycle. This paper presents bulk δ13C and C/N of organic matter from source to sink in the Pearl River catchment, delta and estuary, and discusses the applicability of δ13C and C/N as indicators for sources of organic matter in deltaic and estuarine sediments. In addition to the 91 surface sediment samples, other materials collected in this study cover the main sources of organic material to estuarine sediment. These are: terrestrial organic matter (TOM), including plants and soil samples from the catchment; estuarine and marine suspended particulate organic carbon (POC) from both summer and winter. Results show that the average δ13C of estuarine surface sediment increases from −25.0 ± 1.3‰ in the freshwater environment to −21.0 ± 0.2‰ in the marine environment, with C/N decreasing from 15.2 ± 3.3 to 6.8 ± 0.2. In the source areas, C3 plants have lower δ13C than C4 plants (−29.0 ± 1.8‰ and −13.1 ± 0.5‰ respectively). δ13C increases from −28.3 ± 0.8‰ in the forest soil to around −24.1‰ in both riverbank soil and mangrove soil due to increasing proportion of C4 grasses. The δ13CPOC increases from −27.6 ± 0.8‰ in the freshwater areas to −22.4 ± 0.5‰ in the marine-brackish-water areas in winter, and ranges between −24.0‰ in freshwater areas and −25.4‰ in brackish-water areas in summer. Comparison of the δ13C and C/N between the sources and sink indicates a weakening TOM and freshwater POC input in the surface sedimentary organic matter seawards, and a strengthening contribution from the marine organic matter. Thus we suggest that bulk organic δ13C and C/N analysis can be used to indicate sources of sedimentary organic matter in estuarine environments. Organic carbon in surface sediments derived from anthropogenic sources such as human waste and organic pollutants from industrial and agricultural activities accounts for less than 10% of the total organic carbon (TOC). Although results also indicate elevated δ13C of sedimentary organic matter due to some agricultural products such as sugarcane, C3 plants are still the dominant vegetation type in this area, and the bulk organic δ13C and C/N is still an effective indicator for sources of organic matter in estuarine sediments.  相似文献   

Fossil methane from the large and dynamic marine gas hydrate reservoir has the potential to influence oceanic and atmospheric carbon pools. However, natural radiocarbon (14C) measurements of gas hydrate methane have been extremely limited, and their use as a source and process indicator has not yet been systematically established. In this study, gas hydrate-bound and dissolved methane recovered from six geologically and geographically distinct high-gas-flux cold seeps was found to be 98 to 100% fossil based on its 14C content. Given this prevalence of fossil methane and the small contribution of gas hydrate (≤ 1%) to the present-day atmospheric methane flux, non-fossil contributions of gas hydrate methane to the atmosphere are not likely to be quantitatively significant. This conclusion is consistent with contemporary atmospheric methane budget calculations.In combination with δ13C- and δD-methane measurements, we also determine the extent to which the low, but detectable, amounts of 14C (~ 1–2% modern carbon, pMC) in methane from two cold seeps might reflect in situ production from near-seafloor sediment organic carbon (SOC). A 14C mass balance approach using fossil methane and 14C-enriched SOC suggests that as much as 8 to 29% of hydrate-associated methane carbon may originate from SOC contained within the upper 6 m of sediment. These findings validate the assumption of a predominantly fossil carbon source for marine gas hydrate, but also indicate that structural gas hydrate from at least certain cold seeps contains a component of methane produced during decomposition of non-fossil organic matter in near-surface sediment.  相似文献   

The Northwest Atlantic margin is characterized by high biological productivity in shelf and slope surface waters. In addition to carbon supply to underlying sediments, the persistent, intermediate depth nepheloid layers emanating from the continental shelves, and bottom nepheloid layers maintained by strong bottom currents associated with the southward flowing Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC), provide conduits for export of organic carbon over the margin and/or to the interior ocean. As a part of a project to understand dynamics of particulate organic carbon (POC) cycling in this region, we examined the bulk and molecular properties of time-series sediment trap samples obtained at 968 m, 1976 m, and 2938 m depths from a bottom-tethered mooring on the New England slope (water depth, 2988 m). Frequent occurrences of higher fluxes in deep relative to shallower sediment traps and low Δ14C values of sinking POC together provide strong evidence for significant lateral transport of aged organic matter over the margin. Comparison of biogeochemical properties such as aluminum concentration and flux, and iron concentration between samples intercepted at different depths shows that particles collected by the deepest trap had more complex sources than the shallower ones. These data also suggest that at least two modes of lateral transport exist over the New England margin. Based on radiocarbon mass balance, about 30% (±10%) of sinking POC in all sediment traps is estimated to be derived from lateral transport of resuspended sediment. A strong correlation between Δ14C values and aluminum concentrations suggests that the aged organic matter is associated with lithogenic particles. Our results suggest that lateral transport of organic matter, particularly that resulting from sediment resuspension, should be considered in addition to vertical supply of organic matter derived from primary production, in order to understand carbon cycling and export over continental margins.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2005,93(1):53-73
The provenance of organic matter in sediments from the Mackenzie River and Beaufort Shelf was investigated using the stable carbon and radiocarbon isotopic compositions of bulk organic matter and the stable carbon isotopic compositions of individual organic compounds, including lignin-derived phenols and lipid-derived fatty acids. Most river suspended sediments and shelf surface sediments contained organic carbon characterized by highly depleted Δ14C values that were consistent with average radiocarbon ages exceeding 7000 years. The stable carbon isotopic signatures of lignin phenols were uniformly depleted (−25≥δ13C≥−32‰), indicating the predominant contributions of C3 vascular plant sources. The isotopic compositions of C14 and C16 fatty acids exhibited important contrasts between the river (−36‰ to −40‰) and shelf (−25‰ to −29‰) sediments that were consistent with contributions from freshwater algae and/or vascular plants in the former and marine phytoplankton in the latter. Using 14C isotopic mass balance, the abundances of modern and ancient organic matter were quantitatively constrained. The fate of organic matter in the Beaufort Shelf was explored by normalizing these abundances to the specific surface area of sediments. Ancient organic carbon, which may include old pre-aged soil material as well as fossil bitumen or kerogen, accounted for the majority (∼70%) of the particulate organic matter exported by the Mackenzie River and deposited in surface sediments of the Beaufort Shelf. Modern organic carbon accounted for ∼30% in both river and shelf sediments, with significant contributions from vascular plant-derived materials in both river and shelf samples and from marine algae in the shelf sediments. Respiration (and/or leaching) of particle-bound marine organic matter dominates the carbon metabolism in the Mackenzie Delta/Beaufort Shelf region. However, land-derived pools, including modern carbon derived from vascular plants as well as ancient carbon also appeared to undergo a degree of post-depositional degradation prior to burial in the shelf. These novel source apportionments are reflected in an updated carbon budget for the study area.  相似文献   

Microfossil analysis (e.g. diatoms, foraminifera and pollen) represents the cornerstone of Holocene relative sea-level (RSL) reconstruction because their distribution in the contemporary inter-tidal zone is principally controlled by ground elevation within the tidal frame. A combination of poor microfossil preservation and a limited range in the sediment record may severely restrict the accuracy of resulting RSL reconstructions. Organic δ13C and C/N analysis of inter-tidal sediments have shown some potential as coastal palaeoenvironmental proxies. Here we assess their viability for reconstructing RSL change by examining patterns of organic δ13C and C/N values in a modern estuarine environment. δ13C and C/N analysis of bulk organic inter-tidal sediments and vegetation, as well as suspended and bedload organic sediments of the Mersey Estuary, U.K., demonstrate that the two main sources of organic carbon to surface saltmarsh sediments (terrestrial vegetation and tidal-derived particulate organic matter) have distinctive δ13C and C/N signatures. The resulting relationship between ground elevation within the tidal frame and surface sediment δ13C and C/N is unaffected by decompositional changes. The potential of this technique for RSL reconstruction is demonstrated by the analysis of part of an early Holocene sediment core from the Mersey Estuary. Organic δ13C and C/N analysis is less time consuming than microfossil analysis and is likely to provide continuous records of RSL change.  相似文献   

We have conducted elemental, isotopic, and Rock-Eval analyses of Cenomanian–Santonian sediment samples from ODP Site 1138 in the southern Indian Ocean to assess the origin and thermal maturity of organic matter in mid-Cretaceous black shales found at this high-latitude location. Total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations range between 1 and 20 wt% in black to medium-gray sediments deposited around the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary. Results of Rock-Eval pyrolysis indicate that the organic matter is algal Type II material that has experienced modest alteration. Important contributions of nitrogen-fixing bacteria to the amplified production of organic matter implied by the high TOC concentrations is recorded in δ15N values between −5 and 1‰, and the existence of a near-surface intensified oxygen minimum zone that favored organic carbon preservation is implied by TOC/TN ratios between 20 and 40. In contrast to the marine nature of the organic matter in the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary section, deeper sediments at Site 1138 contain evidence of contributions land-derived organic matter that implies the former presence of forests on the Kerguelen Plateau until the earliest Cenomanian.  相似文献   

The sedimentation rates in the Okinawa Trough during the Late Quaternary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
On the basis of accelerator mass spectrometer radiocarbon (AMS ^14C) dating, sedimentation rates of 11 cores collected from the northern to southern Okinawa Trough are discussed. The sedimentation rates in the Okinawa Trough roughly range from 11 to 39cm/ka, and the average is 23.0cm/ka. China's continental matter is the main sediment source of the middle Okinawa Trough and has important contribution to the northern and southern Okinawa Trough. The sedimentation rates during the marine oxygen isotope (MIS) 2 are uniformly higher than those during MIS 1 in the northern and middle Okinawa Trough while they are on the contrary in the southern Okinawa Trough. Sedimentation rates in the Okinawa Trough can be one of the proxies of sediment source and an indicator of cooling events.  相似文献   

Uncertainties in the determinations of particulate organic carbon flux from measurements of the disequilibrium between 234Th and its mother isotope uranium depend largely on the determination of the organic carbon to 234thorium (OC : 234Th) ratio. The variability of the OC : 234Th ratio in different size fractions of suspended matter, ranging from the truly dissolved (< 3 or 10 kDa) fraction to several millimeter sized marine snow, as well as from sediment trap material was assessed during an eight-day cruise off the coast of California in Spring 1997. The affinity of polysaccharide particles called TEP (transparent exopolymer particles) and inorganic clays to 234Th was investigated through correlations. The observed decrease in the OC : 234Th ratio with size, within the truly dissolved to small particle size range, is consistent with concepts of irreversible colloidal aggregation of non-porous nano-aggregates. No consistent trend in the OC : 234Th ratio was observed for particles between 1 or 10 to 6000 μm. Origin and fate of marine particles belonging to this size range are diverse and interactions with 234Th too complex to expect a consistent relationship between OC : 234Th ratio and size, if all categories of particles are included. The relationship between OC and 234Th was significant when data from the truly dissolved fraction were excluded. However, variability was very large, implying that OC flux calculations using different collection methods (e.g. sediment trap, Niskin bottles or pumps) would differ significantly. Therefore a large uncertainty in OC flux calculations based on the 234Th method exist due to individual decisions as to which types or size classes of particles best represent sinking material in a specific area. Preferential binding of 234Th to specific substance classes could explain the high variability in the relationship between OC and 234Th. At 15 m, in the absence of lithogenic material, the OC : 234Th ratio was a function of the fraction of TEP or TEP-precursors in OC, confirming that acidic polysaccharides have a high affinity for 234Th and that TEP carry a ligand for 234Th. Preferential binding to TEP might change distribution patterns of 234Th considerably, as TEP may sink when included in large aggregates, or remain suspended or even ascend when existing as individual particles or microaggregates. In the presence of lithogenic matter, at depths below 30 m, the ratio between 234Th and OC was linearly related to the ratio between alumino silicates and C. The affinity of inorganic substances to 234Th is known to be relatively low, suggesting that a coating of acidic polysaccharides was responsible for the apparently high affinity between 234Th and lithogenic material. Overall, OC : 234Th ratios of all material collected during this investigation can best be explained by differential binding of 234Th to both TEP and TEP-precursors, as well as to lithogenic minerals, which were very abundant in an intermediate nepheloid layer between 50 and 90 m.  相似文献   

A cross-system analysis of bulk sediment composition, total organic carbon (TOC), atomic C/N ratio, and carbon isotope composition (δ13C) in 82 surface sediment samples from natural and planted mangrove forests, bank and bottom of tidal creeks, tidal flat, and the subtidal habitat was conducted to examine the roles of mangroves in sedimentation and organic carbon (OC) accumulation processes, and to characterize sources of sedimentary OC of the mangrove ecosystem of Xuan Thuy National Park, Vietnam. Sediment grain sizes varied widely from 5.4 to 170.2 μm (mean 71.5 μm), with the fine sediment grain size fraction (< 63 μm) ranging from 11 to 99.3% (mean 72.5%). Bulk sediment composition suggested that mangroves play an important role in trapping fine sediments from river outflows and tidal water by the mechanisms of tidal current attenuation by vegetation and the ability of fine roots to bind sediments. The TOC content ranged from 0.08 to 2.18% (mean 0.78%), and was higher within mangrove forests compared to those of banks and bottoms of tidal creeks, tidal flat, and subtidal sediments. The sedimentary δ13C ranged from − 27.7 to − 20.4‰ (mean − 24.1‰), and mirrored the trend observed in TOC variation. The TOC and δ13C relationship showed that the factors of microbial remineralization and OC sources controlled the TOC pool of mangrove sediments. The comparison of δ13C and C/N ratio of sedimentary OC with those of mangrove and marine phytoplankton sources indicated that the sedimentary OC within mangrove forests and the subtidal habitat was mainly composed of mangrove and marine phytoplankton sources, respectively. The application of a simple mixing model showed that the mangrove contribution to sedimentary OC decreased as follows: natural mangrove forest > planted mangrove forest > tidal flat > creek bank > creek bottom > subtidal habitat.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) were measured in sediment cores from 13 locations in South-Western Barents Sea as part of a detailed study of the Norwegian seabed under the MAREANO program. The generally low PAH levels found, an average around 200 ng g−1 dry weight for sum PAH, indicate low inputs of petroleum hydrocarbons to the marine environment in the area. Differences in PAH composition and various PAH ratios indicate a natural, mostly petrogenic origin of PAH in sediments from the open sea locations, while the fjord locations show higher pyrogenic PAH contents with an increase towards upper sediment layers, indicating low inputs from human activities. Petrogenic PAH levels increase in deeper sediments at open sea locations, also when normalised to total organic carbon (TOC) contents, suggesting natural leakages of oil-related hydrocarbons in the area.  相似文献   

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