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利用多波束水深仪、浅地层剖面仪和多普勒流速仪对长江口苏通大桥南、北主墩区域现场测量,结果显示主墩周围最大冲刷深度为8.3m和19.6m.建墩前后河床形态变化显著,建墩后桥墩所在床面由平床改变为典型不对称沙波发育,平均波长为30.8m和23.1m,平均波高为4.2m和9.4m,陡坡朝向下游.基于实测水文条件和地形资料,以沙波起动流速和落急最大流速分别取代单向流作用下“平床”假定的桥墩局部冲刷计算公式中单颗粒泥沙的起动流速和墩前流速,获得河口涨落潮双向流作用下沙波底床桥墩局部冲刷计算公式.且该公式计算的苏通大桥南、北主墩局部冲刷深度为9.5m和22.1m,非常接近实测值.  相似文献   

强潮流作用下桥墩不对称“双肾型”冲刷地貌特征与机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在海图地形资料分析桥轴线附近的海床自然冲刷的基础上,利用多波束测深技术研究大桥主墩附近局部冲刷地形。结果表明,该大桥桥位附近地形冲刷较显著,且大桥主墩位置有持续冲刷的趋势;主墩上、下游群桩最大冲刷深度呈上游最深、中部淤积、下游渐深的不对称形态,最大局部冲刷深度为4 m;桥墩整体冲刷坑形态呈南北“双肾型”;潮流流向与桥墩迎流面存在偏南的入射角,使得各桥墩南侧的最大冲深和冲刷范围均大于北侧。  相似文献   

金塘大桥桥墩附近的海床冲刷   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东起舟山市金塘岛的沥港镇,跨越灰鳖洋,西至宁波市镇海区新泓口的金塘大桥,为舟山大陆连岛工程的主体.大桥全长为18.5 km,海面桥墩近350个,桥墩附近海床冲刷深度主要包括因风浪和潮流引起的自然冲刷、因建桥使过水断面缩窄而产生的一般冲刷和桥墩阻水形成的马蹄形漩流引起的局部冲刷.河流上桥墩局部冲刷已进行过大量研究,建立了可供设计使用的桥墩冲刷计算公式,而金塘大桥位于灰鳖洋海域,作用水流为极其复杂的往复流,使海床局部冲刷深度难以利用现有公式进行计算,因此采用海域实测地形资料分析了桥轴线附近的海床自然冲刷,利用水槽正态模型试验模拟研究了桥墩附近的一般冲刷和局部冲刷.实测资料表明,该海域潮流流速大小与潮差有较好的相关关系,潮差越大,潮流流速也越大,而桥墩的局部冲刷深度也随流速的增大而增大,因此,选取潮差频率为300年一遇和10年一遇的特大潮分别作为运行期和施工期的潮流边界.桥位所处的海床较为稳定,故以最新的实测地形各桥墩处高程作为冲刷试验起始高程.试验初期桥墩附近海床快速下切形成冲刷坑,随后冲刷值迅速减小,海床渐趋稳定.研究表明,该大桥所处海域总体上趋于动态平衡状态,桥轴线东段微冲、西段微淤.运行期金塘大桥附近的海床自然冲刷,一般均在1.1 m以内,仅在主槽附近较大,约5 m左右.试验表明,潮流作用下桥墩附近的一般冲刷和局部冲刷均明显大于自然冲刷幅度,主墩最大局部冲刷幅度为14.4 m,引桥桥墩最大局部冲刷幅度为7.8~10.3 m;据此可得到桥墩附近海床的总体冲刷幅度和设计高程,不仅为工程建设、运行的安全性及经济性提供了坚实的技术支撑,而且可供其它海域建桥后桥墩附近海床的冲刷研究提供参考.  相似文献   

桥墩基础冲刷是桥梁毁坏的重要因素,是桥梁基础设计的关键指标之一。目前国内外对于桥墩基础在复杂动力条件下冲刷深度的研究常采用物理模型试验方法,利用正态系列模型方法,在波流水槽中研究了水流、潮流和波流共同作用下青州航道桥索塔基础周围流态变化和局部冲刷特征。研究结果表明,桥墩最大冲刷深度和冲淤范围与水流流速、桥墩轴线与水流夹角和波浪等因素有关;在潮流最大流速和恒定流流速一致情况下,桥墩局部冲刷深度达到平衡后,将会达到与恒定流基本一致的最大冲深;波流共同作用下的最大冲刷深度比恒定流增加10%左右。设计桥墩形状在100年一遇水流和波浪共同作用下桥墩基础局部最大冲刷深度为13.7 m。  相似文献   

要研究波流共同作用下桩墩的基础冲刷问题,首先需要了解水流和波浪单独作用下桩墩冲刷的机理和特征。针对波、流及其共同作用下桩墩的局部冲刷问题,从流速、水深、桩径、波长、波高、相对底层流速、粒径和粒径级配等方面系统地简述了恒定流、波浪和波流作用下桩、墩局部冲刷的研究进展。根据实验资料比较了各家经典计算公式的计算结果发现我国规范65-1式计算值偏大,65-2式计算值偏小等结论。桩墩局部冲刷是一个复杂的过程,今后可以针对淤泥质海岸底床、粉沙质海岸底床、复杂桩群结构、物理模型比尺效应、非恒定水动力条件、复杂基础形式方面对波流作用下基础冲刷的最大冲刷深度、冲刷过程、冲刷范围进行研究,以弥补桩墩局部冲刷在这些方面的不足。  相似文献   

长江河口主槽地貌形态观测与分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
人类活动可以改变流域至河口的泥沙输运与沉积。尽管一些近期的研究已经调查了长江河口的形态演变,然而,流域和河口工程如何影响河口河床的形态演变仍然是不清楚的。该文利用2010年至2015年多波束测深系统和浅地层剖面仪等先进现场测量仪器的长江口主槽走航测量资料,并结合主槽表层沉积物资料,分析了近年来人为强干扰下的长江河口主槽底床微地貌形态,以理解近期人类活动对河口的影响。结果显示:近年来长江河口主槽底床上除了存在平床、沙波、冲沟和冲刷痕等常见微地貌形态外,还存在着疏浚痕和凹坑等人为微地貌形态。在流域和河口大型工程的共同影响下,近年来南北港中上段、横沙通道和南槽上段均受到不同程度的冲刷,其主槽底床上呈现出不同程度冲沟和冲刷痕等侵蚀性微地貌。而由于疏浚工程的影响,南港下段、圆圆沙航槽和北槽航道底床上出现了大范围的疏浚痕和凹坑。近年来包括南槽上段、北槽主槽中段和下段的局部区域和北港拦门沙河段局部区域在内的长江河口最大浑浊带的河床沉积物有粗化趋势。南北港中上段和横沙通道的大部分区域均发育了大量沙波微地貌;总体上,长江河口沙波的波高在0.12~3.12 m,波长在2.83~127.89 m,波高/波长在0.003~0.136,长江河口中上段的沙波尺度(波高的均值为0.91 m,波长的均值为20.08 m)大于密西西比河下游(波高的均值为0.87 m,波长的均值为17.62 m),且两区域沙波的几何形态差异性较小。  相似文献   

根据河道桥墩的冲刷机理,本文提出了一种护圈与人工草相结合的防冲刷措施。通过物理模型试验,研究了单向流作用时,桥墩安装护圈情况下,不同密度,不同间距的人工草对桥墩局部冲刷的影响。研究发现,将单一防护效果较弱的护圈和人工草相结合,在清水冲刷时可以实现无冲刷,动床冲刷时冲刷深度最少可降低40%以上。此外根据试验结果拟合了冲刷坑深度与流速和间距关系的经验公式。  相似文献   

采用双向稳定水流、清水定床、局部动床的试验方法,用正态模型研究长江口深水航道整治一期工程南导堤丁坝群坝头局部冲刷问题。结果表明,航道开挖和双本坝的存在使得下游流速有所增加,影响程度落潮大于涨潮。坝头局部冲刷主要受落潮流控制,在沿深度为单一砂粉底质情况下,坝头冲刷坑深度分别达到27m和29m;考虑到原状底质下部为极难起动的粘土,实际冲刷坑底界到达粘土层后就不再刷深,此时冲刷坑深度为7.4m和4.7m,冲刷坑的平面范围有所加大。工程设计提出的护坦尺度能较好地保护坝头前沿滩地,适当缩小护坦尺度也能起到保护作用,但冲刷范围明显增大。  相似文献   

海流作用下海底管道局部冲刷数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在任意拉格朗日-欧拉参考坐标系下,采用基于雷诺平均的Navier-Stokes方程组(RANS)、流线迎风有限元方法、泥沙输运模型以及底床变形方程,对海流引起的海底管道局部冲刷进行了数值模拟。着重讨论了均匀来流流速和海底管道直径对局部冲刷发展过程及平衡冲刷深度的影响作用。数值结果表明,在冲刷的初始阶段,冲刷深度随时间迅速增加,之后缓慢逼近极限平衡深度;在管径一定的情况下,管道附近的局部平衡冲刷深度与流速大致呈线性关系;当流速超过某一临界区域后,最大平衡冲刷深度出现的位置并不在管道正下方,而是随流速的增加向管道下游方向移动;另外,管道直径也会对平衡冲刷深度产生比较明显的影响,在相同流速下,平衡冲刷深度大致随管径呈线性增大。在本文的计算范围内,海底管道的相对局部平衡冲刷深度基本随雷诺数线性增加,但流速对冲刷深度的影响作用要比管径的影响作用更为明显。  相似文献   

推进波作用下海底管线周围局部冲刷试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
考虑行波作用下的海底管线的局部冲刷问题。采用波浪水槽模型试验的方法,研究波浪荷载引起的管线周围局部冲刷机理和冲刷形态,探讨行波作用下管线周围局部冲刷的演化规律,包括冲刷起动、水土界面沙波的形成以及平衡冲刷深度与KC数(keulegan-carpenter number)和相对埋置深度的关系。  相似文献   

新沂河海口控制工程闸下河道冲刷试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新沂河海口控制工程深泓闸闸下泓道长约1.3km,河床由淤积历时较长的淤泥质粘性土组成。试验中首先取原状土土样,通过水槽试验确定起动流速,据此选择模型沙和进行模型设计。试验表明,下游河道冲刷主要由过闸水流及河口跌水造成,其中,前者形成的冲刷坑为设计的控制条件。根据试验结果认为,对于新沂河海口控制工程这样流量大、河口潮位低的闸下泓道,冲刷是不可避免的,建议放弃海漫防冲的方法,改设板桩截墙。试验中采用的某些观点和方法,对于淤泥质粘土海岸地区河口段闸下冲刷研究具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation on three-dimensional scour below offshore pipelines subject to steady currents. The major emphasis of the investigation is on the scour propagation velocity along the pipeline after the scour initiation. Physical experiments were conducted to quantify the effects of various parameters on scour propagation velocity along the pipeline in a water flume of 4 m wide, 2.5 m deep and 50 m long. Local scour depths directly below the model pipeline were measured using specifically developed conductivity scour probes. Effects of various parameters such as pipeline embedment depth, incoming flow Shields parameter and flow incident angle (relative to the pipeline) on scour propagation velocity along the pipeline were investigated. It was found that scour propagation velocity generally increases with the increase of Shields parameter but decreases with the increase of the pipeline embedment depth. A general predictive formula for scour propagation velocity is proposed and validated against the experimental results.  相似文献   

针对水下桩墩的局部冲刷问题,提出一种适用范围广、防冲促淤效果显著的防护措施。该防护措施把一种相对密度略大于水、几何特征特殊的中性网格结构完全覆盖在冲刷坑或可能出现冲刷坑的床面上,以减弱冲刷坑内水动力,促进泥沙落淤,达到减轻局部冲刷的目的。通过数值模拟和水槽试验探讨了中性网格结构对圆桩周围冲刷坑内水动力及床面形态的影响,并研究了网孔尺寸对防冲促淤效果的影响规律。结果表明:该中性网格结构能显著减小局部冲刷坑内的流速,有效抑制局部冲刷,且对桩前来流来沙的影响微弱。孔径比7.7的网格防护结构可以使无黏性沙床上圆桩的局部冲刷深度减少92%,已存在的冲刷坑则可被修复73%。这些研究成果为桩墩局部冲刷防护提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   

Pile groups are frequently used to support bridge decks. Scour in the vicinity of piles is the main cause for the bridges failure. In this research, to address the effects of uniform and nonuniform pile spacing on the equilibrium scour depth, laboratory experiments were carried out under steady clear-water conditions. For this purpose, scour depth produced by pile group with various pile spacing and arrangement was investigated using a laboratory flume. Flume bed was covered by uniform sediments with a median size of 0.9?mm and 0.2?m thickness. Flow discharge and velocity as well as scour depth were recorded in each experiment and the data were analyzed. The results showed that the pile spacing influences the local scour depth and with increase in uniform and transverse (perpendicular to the flow) spacing, the maximum scour depth was reduced. The pile spacing variation in line with the flow has a minor effect on scour depth. In addition, the pile spacing perpendicular to the flow was with the most influences on scour depth. The results of this research can be used by engineers to optimize the design of bridges.  相似文献   

The reliable estimation of the local scour depth at a bridge pier is essential for proper design and maintenance of bridge piers. Most local scour formulae have been developed based on the results of laboratory experiments. The formulae based on laboratory data do not often produce reasonable predictions for field piers because laboratory investigations are apt to oversimplify or ignore many of the complexities of the flow fields around the bridge piers. Validation of the formulae is necessary in order to ascertain which of the formulae are able to provide reasonable estimates of the local scour depth. In this study, six commonly cited formulae based on laboratory data or field data were selected for validation using 180 laboratory data sets gathered from the literature and 446 field data sets collected from four countries. The six formulae validated in this paper are the Colorado State University (CSU), Neill, Froehlich, Breuser, Laursen, and simplified Chinese formulae. Comparisons between the predicted and measured depths were performed using scour from the laboratory and field data. An artificial neural network technique was also applied in order to compare the tendencies between the field and laboratory data sets.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of parameters for local scour depth around submarine pipes due to waves. Because it is impossible to consider all the factors that influence the scour, it is reasonable to investigate the correlations between parameters and scour. The experimental works about scour were performed for the conditions of 40, 60, 90 m pipe diameter, various wave periods, and wave height in the case of horizontal bed and 1/10 slope bed, respectively. Analyzing the results of experiments, the Reynolds number, Shields parameter, Keulegan-Carpenter number, Ursell number, and Modified Ursell number were estimated. The correlations between the relative scour depth, which is the maximum equilibrium local scour depth divided by the pipe diameter, and 5 parameters were analyzed. It was shown that there was hardly any correlation with the Reynolds number. In the case of a horizontal bed, the Keulegan-Carpent number had the highest correlation, but in the case of the slope bed the correlation was greatly reduced. The modified Ursell number showed a high correlation regardless of the type of bed.  相似文献   

为研究水流作用下斜桩周围局部冲刷特性及流场变化并掌握斜桩同垂直桩的差异,本研究在不同流速条件下开展了包含反斜桩、垂直桩、正斜桩等多种工况的水槽试验,测量分析了斜桩的冲刷历时曲线、床面形态、沿程流速分布、最大冲刷深度等数据.结果表明:清水条件下斜桩周围局部冲刷坑及桩后沙丘尺度明显减小;斜桩桩前最大冲刷深度随倾角的增加而逐...  相似文献   

Understanding the sediment transport and the resulting scour around coastal structures such as pile breakwaters under local extreme wave conditions is important for the foundation safety of various coastal structures. This study reports a wave-flume experiment investigating the scour induced by solitary waves at a pile breakwater, which consists of a row of closely spaced large piles. A wave blacking gate with a simple operation procedure in the experiment was designed to eliminate possible multiple reflections of the solitary wave inside the flume. An underwater laser scanner and a point probe were used in combination to provide high-resolution data of the bed profile around the pile breakwater. Effects of incident wave height and local water depth on the maximum scour depth, the maximum deposition height and the total scour and deposition volumes were examined. An existing empirical formula describing the evolution of the scour at a single pile in current or waves was extended to describe the scour at the pile breakwater under the action of multiple solitary waves, and new empirical coefficients were obtained by fitting the formula to the new experimental data to estimate the equilibrium scour depth. It appears that the maximum scour depth and the total scour volume are two reliable quantities for validation of numerical models developed for the scour around pile breakwaters under highly nonlinear wave conditions.  相似文献   

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