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Claffy在1994年对1 h的主干数据分析的基础上,提出了基于时间驱动技术比基于报文驱动技术得出的抽样结果要差一些,但是二者之间的差别很小。为验证这个结论是否依然适用,以CERNET某2.5 G省网边界链路3个不同阶段连续1 h报文数据构成的Trace为对象,采用Claffy相似的方法,对报文长度分布测度进行了分析,获得了1组有关的结论,可以用于与网络测量和网络行为学有关的研究。  相似文献   

海洋遥感数据快速分发与服务技术系统是针对我国海洋系列卫星数据实时获取和应用中存在的瓶颈问题设计的一套数据共享与服务系统,整个系统覆盖了从多源数据管理、专题产品处理、数据快速分发到数据综合分析应用全业务链条。通过地面专网和宽带卫星通信与北斗短报文的数据发布系统,向用户提供及时的海洋遥感数据服务与技术支撑,解决海洋遥感数据分发的"最后一公里"问题,提高海洋遥感数据的分发和共享服务能力。  相似文献   

主动攻击水雷是一种战斗部主动航行接近目标,并对其实施攻击的水雷,其打击误差主要受目标探测攻击点估计误差和弹道控制误差影响。因此,评判主动攻击水雷目标探测攻击指令输出正确的条件是, 目标探测攻击点估计误差也满足指标要求。对目标探测攻击指令输出正确性指标的试验数据处理及评判方法进行研究,提出了一种基于向量表达式的评判方法,软件实现简单、便捷。  相似文献   

基于"北斗"卫星导航系统的长报文通信协议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"北斗"卫星导航系统已经广泛应用在海洋、气象、水利和农业等领域中,利用短报文方式传输各类观测数据。文中介绍了一个基于"北斗"卫星导航系统的长报文通信协议,很好地解决了利用"北斗"卫星导航系统长报文传输时存在的数据丢包问题。  相似文献   

波浪谱分析是研究随机波浪、构建波浪模型、计算海浪要素的主要方法,也是海洋工程设计、波浪能应用研究等的重要依据。目前对于现场波浪数据的获取仅局限于波浪特征参数和部分频段数据,为了获取准确有效的波浪谱信息,提出微机电系统(Micro-Electro-Mechanical System,MEMS)和全球定位系统(Global Positioning System,GPS)测波传感器相结合的波浪谱数据获取方法以及利用北斗短报文数据传输的通信方式。综合考虑波浪谱数据特点和北斗短报文通信能力,波浪谱数据选用半精度数据类型编码并设计了相应的数据传输格式。现场海试结果表明该方法对于全波谱数据计算和传输较为准确,有效波高、峰值周期、平均波向和方向扩展的准确率相比于单独GPS传感器计算结果分别提升了12.5%(0.1m)、5%(0.2s)、8%(13°)和13%(8°),为海浪观测资料获取提供了新方法和新思路,可以进一步满足海洋多要素研究和对完整频谱分析的实际应用需求。  相似文献   

北斗一代和北斗二代短报文每次通信数据长度只有78个字节,每次通信后间隔60秒或者300秒才能进行下一次通信,远远满足不了海洋观测实时通信的需求。设计了一套基于北斗短报文的海洋观测实时通信系统,北斗多卡机作为数据发送端,采用哈夫曼压缩算法将观测数据压缩后分成多个数据包,通过多个北斗卡分别发送,岸站接收系统接收到分包的数据后,将接收的数据包解压缩并整合成完整的观测数据。哈夫曼压缩算法将观测数据压缩50%左右,将1组观测数据压缩后发送3次,通过岸上3个月和海上1个月的测试,观测数据接收成功率达到了96%以上,验证了基于北斗短报文的海洋观测实时通信系统的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

常用于水边线提取的遥感手段主要有卫星光学遥感、微波遥感和激光雷达技术。从这三种常用的水边线提取遥感技术角度出发,分析比较了基于各类型数据提取水边线的主要方法原理、特点及适用情况。介绍了潮位校正和基于DEM数据的两种获取真实海岸线的研究方法及三维激光扫描数据的应用。最后就目前该领域的不足之处提出了今后研究的可行性建议。  相似文献   

我国近海藻类养殖的碳汇强度估算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
从海藻养殖群落的碳汇强度和近岸碳循环过程的角度出发,对当前海藻养殖碳循环的研究现状进行总结陈述,并根据最新公布的FAO数据,在综合考虑藻类产量和进入水体和沉积物中POC和DOC的基础上,对2009年全球和中国主要养殖藻类的固碳能力进行了初步估算.研究结果显示,2009年中国的海水藻类养殖固碳总量为78.38×104 t...  相似文献   

为保障海洋倾废数据传输的实时性和安全性,有效遏制违法倾废行为,文章设计海洋倾废记录仪数据实时安全传输系统并模拟应用。研究结果表明:该系统基于北斗短报文卫星通信网络,采用AES与RSA相结合的加密算法,集成DTU模块、北斗短报文卫星通信模块和Hellobeidou云平台等,可在移动通信网络盲区实时传输海洋倾废记录仪采集的数据,数据加解密兼具快速性和安全性,与经由中国联通通信网络传输数据相比更加持续和稳定,可用于监控倾废船舶,便于执法人员及时获取违法倾废信息并现场查证,保护海洋生态环境。  相似文献   

真鲷Pagrosomus major Temminck et Schlegel早期发育阶段游泳行为的发育可以分为:(1)旋转式运动;(2)阶梯型运动;(3)间断式水平运动和滑翔;(4)巡游以及(5)疾游五种类型。前期仔鱼的摄食方式主要是伴有甩头动作的前冲摄食;后期仔鱼的摄食主要有两种类型:一种是身体弯成S形的“S攻击型”;另一种为不作摄食姿势的“咬食攻击型”。摄食方式随着发育水平和饵料种类的不同而异。文中对发育过程中出现的攻击行为、护食行为、互食行为、猝死现象亦进行了描述。并对游泳、摄食以及各种行为的生态意义和实际意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Source rock screening reveals five laterally extending potential sources (PS) in the Paleogene. The PSs are SR5 and SR6 in dominantly marine early Eocene to late Paleocene Cambay Shale formation, and SR7, SR8/9, and SR11/12 in dominantly freshwater early Paleocene Olpad formation. Only 3 PSs, SR11/12, SR8/9, and SR7 have attained vitrinite reflectance of 0.75% at 45, 7, and 2 mybp, respectively. Chromatographic and isotope data of oils and PS samples suggest that mainly the Olpad source rocks: SR7 and SR8/9 contributed to the discovered oils. The Cambay Shale source rocks, SR5 and SR6, contrary to the prevalent view, possibly have no significant contribution towards the accumulated oils.  相似文献   

The problem of tracking the directions-of-arrival (DOAs) of multiple moving sonar targets with an array of passive sensors is complicated by sensor movement. An algorithm for the joint tracking of source DOAs and sensor positions is presented to address this problem. Initial maximum-likelihood estimates of source DOAs and sensor positions are refined by Kalman filtering. Spatio-temporally correlated array movement is considered. Source angle dynamics are used to achieve correct data association. The new technique is capable of performing well for the difficult cases of sources that cross in angle as well as for fully coherent sources. Computer simulations show that the approach is robust in the presence of array motion modeling uncertainty and effectively reduces dependence on expensive and possibly unreliable hardware  相似文献   

There has been a long-standing debate concerning how dangerous seismic surveys are with respect to marine life. Marine seismic work today is dominated by airgun technology, where high energy is generated by a release of compressed air into the water. The objective of the “Time coded impulse seismic technique” project is to examine whether a new low energy acoustic source can be used for seismic purposes. If the method turns out to be successful, the low output energy and continuous operation will make the source suitable in environmental sensitive areas. The Low level Acoustic Combustion Source (LACS) is a petrol driven pulsed underwater acoustic source. It operates at a few meters depth, and each shot can be digitally controlled from the surface by a computer located in the mother vessel. A presentation of the recorded LACS signal characteristics, the modulation, the Pseudo Noise coding/decoding principles and field test results, is given. The importance of using an optimized code with fine resolution and of using the near field recording as a correlator sequence is demonstrated. Clear correlation peaks could then be seen from the bottom and sub bottom reflectors.  相似文献   

利用GC-MS测定日照近岸海域表层沉积物中多环芳烃(PAHs)浓度,采用低环与中高环PAHs的相对丰度以及同分异构体的比值方法,初步解析出表层沉积物中PAHs主要来自于燃煤(工业燃煤、民用燃煤)、燃油(柴油燃烧、汽油燃烧)、焦化、柴油泄漏、木材燃烧等污染源.通过查阅文献获取上述污染源相关源成分谱,应用降解因子修正后的化学质量平衡模型(EPA CMB8.2)对表层沉积物中PAHs的来源进行定量解析.结果表明研究区域内表层沉积物中PAHs的主要来源为燃煤源(工业燃煤、民用燃煤)、柴油燃烧和柴油泄漏,其相对贡献率分别为75.70%,15.05%和9.25%.  相似文献   

IP地址绑定和IP用户管理是校园网管理员的主要工作,作者介绍哈尔滨工业大学校园网IP地址绑定和IP用户管理系统的设计思路及实现技术,该系统是采用J2EE技术和Struts+Hibernate框架实现的B/S结构WEB应用系统,用于校园网用户的IP地址分配I、P地址绑定及IP用户管理等方面。该系统的实现与应用大大提高了网络管理员的工作效率、避免了操作失误、改善了对用户的服务质量。  相似文献   

Taiwan Island's outcropping strata can provide important insights into the sedimentary environment and source development of the southeast China margin. This research is based on the Eocene–Miocene strata of the Tsukeng area in the central Western Foothills, northeast shoreline of Taiwan Island and two sites of the East China Sea Shelf Basin(ECSSB), using petrology and detrital zircon U-Pb age for the analysis. Results show that central and northeast Taiwan Island experienced a transformation from continental to marine facies during the Eocene–Miocene, and the sandstone maturity changed with time. Source analysis shows that sediments from the Eocene–early Oligocene strata mainly originated from near-source Mesozoic rocks, whose zircon age is consistent with the igneous rock in the surrounding area and coastal Cathaysia, showing 120 Ma and 230 Ma peaks in the age spectrum diagram. Since the late Oligocene, peaks of 900 Ma and 1 800 Ma are seen, indicating that deposition of matter from the old block began. The sediments could be a mixture of the surrounding Mesozoic volcanic and fewer pre-Cambrian rocks sourced from the coastal river and sporadic old basement in the ECSSB instead of longdistance transportation.  相似文献   

Source rock formation influenced by river-delta system, especially in continental margin basins, is still poorly understood. This article aimed to reveal the effect of river-delta system on the formation of the source rock by taking the Baiyun Sag of the Pearl River Mouth Basin for example. Paleo-Pearl River began to develop since the Enping Formation, providing abundant organic matter beneficial for the formation of the source rocks in the Baiyun Sag. The main controlling factor of source rock formation in the Baiyun Sag is terrestrial organic matter supply rather than the paleoproductivity or redox conditions. Low Al/Ti and P/Ti ratios suggest low marine productivity, which may be associated with a large number of terrigenous detritus input, occupying about 43.04%–94.91%. There is a positive correlation between the oleanane/C30hopane ratio and the TOC value, showing that terrigenous organic matter controls the source rock formation. The size of the delta below Pearl River estuary determines the extent of terrestrial organic matter supply. Source rocks with high organic matter abundance mainly formed in delta environment, and those in neritic environment in Enping and Zhuhai Formations also have high TOC values as a result of adequate terrestrial organic matter supply.  相似文献   

Chirp sub-bottom profiler source signature design and field testing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gutowski  Martin  Bull  Jon  Henstock  Tim  Dix  Justin  Hogarth  Peter  Leighton  Tim  White  Paul 《Marine Geophysical Researches》2002,23(5-6):481-492
Chirp sub-bottom profilers are marine sonar systems which use a highly repeatable source signature to facilitate the acquisition of correlated data with decimetre vertical resolution in the top 20–30 m of sediments. Source signatures can be readily developed and implemented, but an applicable methodology for assessing resolution and attenuation characteristics of these wide-band systems did not exist. Methodologies are developed and applied to seven contrasting source signatures which occupy the same frequency band, but differ in their Envelope and Instantaneous Frequency functions. For the Chirp source signatures tested, a Sine-Squared envelope function is shown to produce seismic data with the optimum resolution and penetration characteristics.  相似文献   

Source rock studies are one of the key issues of petroleum exploration activities. In the supercontinent of Gondwana, ice ages related to the Upper Ordovician (Hirnantian) and rising sea levels caused by glacial melting at the end of the Ordovician and Early Silurian (Llandoverian) created excellent source rocks along the margin of Gondwana. Investigations conducted in the Arabian Peninsula have been indicated indicating that the lower Qalibah Formation (the so-called Qusaiba Member or Hot Shale) is a good source rock for the Paleozoic petroleum system in this area. Likewise, the Sarchahan Formation was recently introduced as a source rock in the Zagros Basin of Iran, which is probably equivalent to the Qalibah Formation in the Arabian Peninsula. In this study, samples were prepared from surface and subsurface Paleozoic rock units in Iran's Zagros Basin. The emphasis of the paper was on the Sarchahan Formation in Kuh-e Faraghan, ranging in age from the Late Ordovician (Hirnantian) to Lower Silurian (Llandoverian) to determine whether the high richness of organic matter in the Sarchahan Formation is related to the Late Ordovician or Lower Silurian. The basal part of the Sarchahan Formation belongs to the Late Ordovician (Hirnantian) because of the presence of the persculptus graptolite biozone, while the remainder belongs to the Lower Silurian. The Ordovician and early Llandoverian parts of the Sarchahan Formation contain type II and III kerogen with TOC ranging from 2.94 to 7.19, but the rest of the Sarchahan Formation (late Llandoverian) has TOC ranging from 0.1 to 0.58. Therefore, the Hot Shale in Iran falls within the Hirnantian and early Llandoverian (Rhuddanian), and not the latest Llandoverian (Aeronian and Telychian). Utilizing organic petrography, kerogen type was found II/III. The carbon stable isotope studies revealed that the source rock of hydrocarbons in Dalan and Kangan reservoirs has been the Sarchahan Formation. Based on analytical data, the kerogenous shales in the lower part of the Sarchahan Formation are at end of gas window, and the gamma ray amount is approximately 180 API. This research indicates the differences between the source rocks in the southern and northern Persian Gulf and suggesting, the Hot Shale should be considered in different views and used in modeling studies of sedimentary basins for future exploration targets.  相似文献   

为了解决校园网络升级改造过程中引入DMZ与VPN技术后,导致的内网资源安全性降低与虚拟IP地址碰撞的难题,在传统VPN解决方案基础上,提出虚拟IP地址生成算法与IP地址连接池的思想。异地用户通过VPN访问内网资源时,必需使用IP地址连接池来获取虚拟IP地址,实现虚拟IP地址分配的动态管束,有效控制虚拟IP地址的随意分配,避免因争夺虚拟IP地址资源而产生的碰撞问题。这种方法对于提高VPN网络的安全性和访问效率,遏制黑客通过匹配IP地址的方式入侵内网、保护内网资源安全与解决地址冲突问题非常有效。  相似文献   

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