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高平4井组水平井主要用于开发安塞长10组油藏。针对该井组上部直罗组和富县组易坍塌、下部地层钻速相对较慢、地层易造浆的特点,研究应用了环保型聚硅酸盐-黄胞胶钻井液体系。该体系具有抑制性强、润滑和剪切稀释性好的特点,有利于安全快速钻井,对环境污染极小。通过小型配浆实验确定钻井液施工方案,中测后稀释钻井液,降低钻井液滤失量和密度,加强固相控制,使用保护油层的酸溶性暂堵剂和降滤失剂,可最大限度地保护油层。  相似文献   

稠油油藏由于储层胶结疏松,原油胶质、沥青质含量高,加上稠油中重质组分与细粉砂、泥质成分混在一起,往往在防砂管柱筛孔处形成堵塞,造成近井地带堵塞,影响了油井产能。常规的有机解堵或酸化增产措施很难解除这种复合堵塞,即使解堵后,效果也不理想。针对上述问题,提出了泡沫流体吞吐解堵技术,进行了室内实验和数值模拟计算。优选的高效清洗剂Po-Ca,在5%浓度时降黏率达到99.28%、对油砂的清洗效率达到94.6%,并通过在渤海油田一口稠油井首次成功应用后该井由停产井变为产量为28-30 m^3/d的高产井,取得了满意的效果。该技术为海洋稠油油藏低产低效井综合治理提供了一种新的技术手段,对渤海油田低产低效井的增产具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

如何有效地实现控水增油是目前海上油田进行高效高速开发所面临的问题。泡沫堵水技术作为一项控水增油的增产工艺措施在陆上油田得到了成功的应用,且近年来泡沫设备的改进使得该技术在海上油田的应用成为可能。此文通过泡沫静态实验、动态实验优选出了适合目标油藏条件的高效起泡剂,并对泡沫的油敏性,封堵能力,提高采收率性能进行了研究。实验结果表明,筛选出的起泡剂就有较好的起泡性能,泡沫具有较好的堵水效果,堵水率最高达到97.8%,且对高渗模型提高采收率幅度达到15.9%。通过在海上油田的应用,该技术实现了控水增油的作用,取得了较好的增产效果。  相似文献   

裂缝暂堵转向重复压裂技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对中原油田以往的压裂工艺中单纯采用延伸原有裂缝的常规重复压裂,裂缝所控制的泄油区内的原油采出程度高,但泄油区外的大量剩余油动用程度较低的特点,研制了应用化学暂堵控制剂使流体在地层中发生转向,压裂液进入高应力区或新裂缝层,促使新缝的产生和支撑剂的铺置变化。通过11井次现场应用,累计增油7 162 t。转向压裂技术作为低渗油藏一项重点的配套工艺,更进一步改善了油田的整体开发效果。  相似文献   

苏北盆地阜宁组三段油藏属低中渗储层。在储层敏感性与损害机理研究基础上,通过对油田开发全过程的储层损害因素分析,认为钻井液和注入水是损害储层的两个主要因素。着重研究了保护阜三段油藏储层的钻井液技术,开发了保护储层的改性正电胶钻井液体系和屏蔽暂堵剂。现场应用表明:该钻井液体系能明显降低表皮系数,试验井油井的平均产量比非试验邻井增产三成以上,储层保护效果明显。  相似文献   

近年来,潮流能能量转换技术发展迅速,但大型潮流发电机组基础结构方面的研究和应用还并不多见。针对潮流能电站基础结构在抗弯抗剪强度、桩径尺寸方面的特殊要求,结合我国潮流能富集区海底多为浅覆盖层或裸露基岩、且地形复杂的情况,提出了一种新型模块式嵌岩灌注桩基础结构。该基础结构的嵌岩灌注桩通过在桩内布置环形钢板箍和钢筋束来增强抗剪抗弯能力,使其在常规桩径即可满足潮流能电站的支撑要求,减少了对发电水流断面的阻挡;各主体灌注桩可通过横撑、纵撑和斜撑连接构成模块式基础,以适应不同地形条件、不同机组数量和安装方式的要求。新型模块式嵌岩灌注桩基础结构在LHD联合动能公司3.4 MV潮流发电项目中进行了首次应用,获得了良好的使用反馈。  相似文献   

针对钻井、固井或压井、修井等作业过程中固相微粒和液相侵入损害以及各种作业液之间、各种作业液与储层流体、矿物之间的不配伍性造成的储层损害,研制出了改善储层的进攻型隐形酸完井液。该完井液具有降低pH值,消除无机、有机沉淀和屏蔽暂堵,溶蚀岩心、改善储层等优点。在渤海QK17-2油田现场试验结果表明,以YXA为主剂的隐形酸完井液,可改善储层渗透性,提高油田产能。  相似文献   

华港104-P2水平井在钻井及完井过程中受到的污染严重,采取一系列增产措施后,效果不理想。针对上述问题,对该井堵塞原因及前期增产措施进行了总结分析。为了达到向油层不同部位渗透的酸液量基本相等的目的,在分析了泡沫酸解堵机理及室内实验的基础上,提出了酸液拌空气注入的施工方案。通过现场应用,取得了较好的效果,为水平井解堵提供了有效方法。  相似文献   

针对渤海油田在大修井过程中出现的地层漏失严重、井下工具打捞困难、套铣进尺缓慢等问题,根据泡沫钻井的理论知识及其应用特点,研究开发了一种新型的环保型的套铣冲砂液,与传统的暂堵液相比,其黏度低、切力小、携砂能力好,润滑系数低、循环摩阻小,易于溶解,不会结块憋泵,后期不需要破胶等等.其主要配比为:0.5%BH-VIS+3%FPJ-12+3%XJW-1 +2%YS-A.它主要以微泡作为分散相,低黏胶液作为连续相,依靠泡沫承托能力强以及泡沫和生物聚合物的双层封堵的特点,达到一种良好的冲砂、降漏失效果.该技术在渤海油田得到了成功的应用,保证了大修作业的顺利进行.  相似文献   

基于埕岛油田的油藏特征及海上条件限制,依据PI决策理论,选用酚醛树脂交联体系冻胶,高黏的聚合物乳液为过顶替液,通过分轮次注入对4口井进行了深部堵水调剖。堵水调剖后,油藏水驱效果明显改善。通过对堵水调剖效果的分析研究,对深度调剖技术实施过程中堵剂的用量、冻胶凝固时间及施工轮次进行了总结和探索,对其他海上油田开展堵水调剖具有指导意义。  相似文献   

孤岛油田属稠油疏松砂岩油藏,生产过程中油井出砂严重,现有的涂敷砂人工井壁防砂注蒸汽后强度较低,造成防砂成功率低,注汽后高强度采液生产周期较短。为此,通过室内试验,优选出耐高温树脂、高强度骨架颗粒、偶联剂、固化剂,进行室内配方优化试验,评价固结体耐高温性能,测定其渗透率,研制出一种适用于疏松砂岩油藏注蒸汽热采井的HD-1注汽井新型防砂材料。在孤岛油田稠油注蒸汽热采区共试验72口井,成功率为91.0%,截止目前,累计产油为121 572 t,单井平均有效期为233 d。现场应用表明:HD-1注汽井新型防砂材料耐高温、强度高,防砂成功率高,有效期长,能够有效改善注蒸汽热采井的防砂效果。  相似文献   

南堡油田保持中深层泥页岩井壁稳定钻井液研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在南堡油田中深层钻井过程中,东二、东三、沙一段泥页岩的剥落掉块经常造成井壁坍塌掉块、钻具阻卡、电测遇阻等井下复杂情况。分析了中深层泥页岩的理化特性,研究探讨了泥页岩的坍塌机理。在此基础上,提出了选用强封堵抑制型钻井液是有效抑制中深层泥页岩剥落掉块的根本措施。这一研究成果对于在南堡油田中深层开发工程中提高钻速、减少井下复杂情况发生具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In situ measurements have been shown to be the most relevant means to characterise the chemical properties of the highly dynamic medium surrounding hydrothermal vent organisms. However, few instrumental devices can perform such measurements at great depth, and there is great need to extend the range of chemical parameters that can be determined in situ. To investigate the spatial and temporal variations of pH within the habitats of vent organisms, a deep-sea probe was developed and successfully tested during the HOPE’99 diving cruise (13°N, East Pacific Rise). In situ measurements allowed us to quantify the pH range over different biological communities, highlighting differences between the habitats, as well as micro-scale variations. As pH is expected to play a significant role in major biogeochemical processes occurring in the seawater/fluid-mixing zone, this probe should be of great utility for the study of interactions between vent communities and their environment.  相似文献   

The chemical forms of transition metals in marine sediments are discussed on the basis of differential chemical leaching.A large part of hydrogenous transition metals in the near-shore sediments is leached with dilute acetic acid, whereas hydrogenous transition metals in the deep-sea sediments are slightly leached with the acid solution and mostly leached with the reducing agent solution. This difference is attributed to the different forms of hydrogenous iron and manganese between the near-shore and deep-sea sediments.The chemical behavior of hydrogenous transition metals in the deep-sea sediments for the acid and reducing agent leaching solutions is similar to that in ferromanganese nodules. This similarity indicates that the major parts of hydrogenous transition metals in deep-sea sediments are associated with iron-manganese oxide minerals dispersed in or coated on the sediments.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional semi-implicit finite volume numerical model has been developed and applied to study tidal circulation and salinity stratification in the region of Oujiang River Estuary, China. The model employs horizontally unstructured grids and boundary-fitted coordinate system in the vertical direction. Governing equations consisting of continuity, momentum, and transport equations are all solved in the integral form of the equations, which provides a better representation of the conservative laws for mass, momentum, and transport in the coastal region with complex geometry and bottom bathymetry. The model performance was firstly quantified with skill assessment statistics on the choice of different parameters and validated with observed tidal elevation, current velocity, direction and salinity data over a spring–neap tidal cycle collected in 2006. Numerical results show that the model with wetting–drying capability successfully simulated the tidal currents and salinity fields with a reasonable accuracy and indicate that the Oujiang River Estuary is a macrotidal estuary with strong tidal mixing. In addition, the model results also show that the Oujiang River Estuary is a well-mixed estuary during spring tide. Then, the numerical simulations were performed to compare the hydrodynamic process and salinity distribution before and after a river training, which was conducted by blocking the south branch of the Oujiang River mouth. The results reveal that with the only north access to the sea, the influence of the blocking project on the flood discharge capacity is limited and the incremental velocity is beneficial to the navigation channel maintenance, although it will cause some scour to the embankment. Furthermore, the redistribution of tidal prism passing in or out the north branch makes a little severe salinity intrusion during high tide or low tide. However, the salinity intrusion is still within acceptable range, although it can cause some adverse effect on water intaking of production and life. The variations of salinity levels in Yueqing Bay situated at the north of the river mouth are not obvious, so the blocking project will not bring damage to local aquiculture. However, significant changes of salinity happen inside or outside of the south branch, so enough attention need to be paid to the changes of environment caused by the salinity variation after the blocking project. Overall, by weighing advantages and disadvantages of the blocking project, it is feasible and the model can be considered as a tool for managing and studying estuarine circulation.  相似文献   

杀鲑气单胞菌(Aeromonas salmonicida)是引起疖疮病的典型致病细菌,几乎可以侵染所有的鲑科(Aeromonas)鱼类,为水产养殖业带来巨大的经济损失。本研究通过电击转化法将原核表达载体p GFPuv成功导入杀鲑气单胞菌C4菌株(AS-C4)中,获得了绿色荧光蛋白标记的杀鲑气单胞菌菌株AS-C4~(GFP)。AS-C4~(GFP)菌株在氨苄青霉素抗性平板上生长良好,并在紫外光下激发出较强的绿色荧光。通过荧光显微镜观察菌体和PCR检测gfp和杀鲑气单胞菌vap A基因,表明gfp基因已经成功导入AS-C4中。用AS-C4~(GFP)人工感染大西洋鲑(Salmo salar),从死亡鱼的脾脏、肝脏、肾脏中均能分离出AS-C4~(GFP),AS-C4~(GFP)在脾脏中最多。AS-C4~(GFP)具有特异性和可视性,为研究杀鲑气单胞菌对大西洋鲑的侵染途径提供了一种良好的生物材料。  相似文献   

It was shown that abrupt changes in the large-scale structure of atmospheric flows may lead to the rapid decay of blocking. Analysis of phase diagrams made it possible to identify when sharp changes occurred in the dynamics of the system. The connection of these changes to the decay of blocking was estimated for three blocking events in the Southern Hemisphere. In addition to phase diagrams, enstrophy was used as a diagnostic tool for the analysis of blocking events. From the results of this analysis, four scenarios for the decay mechanisms were determined: (i) decay with a lack of synoptic-scale support, (ii) decay with an active role for synoptic processes, and (iii–iv) either of these mechanisms in the interaction with an abrupt change in the character of the planetary-scale flow.  相似文献   

Chalk compaction is often assumed to be controlled by a combination of mechanical and effective stress-related chemical processes, the latter commonly referred to as pressure solution. Such effective stress-driven compaction would result in elevated porosities in overpressured chalks compared with otherwise identical, but normally pressured chalks. The high porosities that are frequently observed in overpressured North Sea chalks have previously been reported to reflect such effective stress-dependent compaction.However, several wells with deeply buried chalk sequences also exhibit low porosities at high pore pressures. To investigate the possible origins of these overpressures, basin modeling was performed in a selected well (NOR 1/3-5) offshore Norway. This modeling was based on both effective stress-driven mechanical porosity reduction, which enables modeling of disequilibrium compaction, and on stress-insensitive chemical compaction where the porosity reduction is caused by thermally activated diagenesis.The modeling has demonstrated that the present day porosities and pore pressures of the chalks could be successfully replicated with mechanical porosity loss as the only process leading to chalk porosity reduction. However, the modeled porosity and fluid pressure history of the sediments deviated significantly from the porosity and pore pressure versus depth relationships observed in non-reservoir North Sea chalks today. To the contrary, modeling which was based on thermally activated porosity loss due to diagenesis (as a supplement to mechanical compaction), resulted in modeled chalk histories that are consistent with present day observations.It was therefore inferred that disequilibrium compaction could not account for all of the pore pressure development in overpressured chalks in the study area. The observation that modeling including temperature-controlled diagenetic porosity reduction gave plausible results, suggests that such porosity reduction may in fact be operating in chalks as well as in clastic rocks. If this is correct, then improved methods for pore pressure identification and fluid flow analysis in basins containing chalks should be developed.  相似文献   

抗坏血酸还原海水中硅酸盐化学工艺优化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了满足硅酸盐水下自动测量的要求,采用抗坏血酸作还原剂对硅酸盐进行检测,并对该工艺进行了优化.实验研究了溶液浓度、显色时间与吸光度的关系,确定了盐度对测量结果的影响,给出了硅酸盐现场自动分析工艺优化流程图.将此方法应用到水下现场分析仪上,能连续测量43 d,数据重现性较好.  相似文献   

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