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Numerical investigations of patterns of shear zones in granular bodies obtained during quasi-static plane strain compression tests were performed. The effect of a spatially correlated stochastic distribution of the initial void ratio and roughness of horizontal plates was analyzed. To describe a mechanical behavior of a cohesionless granular material during a monotonic deformation path in a plane strain compression test, a micro-polar hypoplastic constitutive model was used. FE calculations were carried out with both initially dense and initially loose cohesionless sand. A Latin hypercube method was applied to generate Gaussian truncated random fields of initial void ratio in a granular specimen. A weak correlation of the initial void ratio in both directions and its large standard deviation were assumed for all specimens. The horizontal boundaries were either ideally smooth or very rough. The FE results show similar patterns of shear zones as compared to experiments.  相似文献   

An elasto‐viscoplastic constitutive model for asphaltic materials is presented within the context of bounding surface plasticity theory, taking into account the effects of the stress state, void binder degree of saturation, temperature and strain rate on the material behaviour. A stress state dependent non‐linear elasticity model is introduced to represent time‐independent recoverable portion of the deformation. The consistent visco‐plasticity framework is utilised to capture the rate‐dependent, non‐recoverable strain components. The material parameters introduced in the model are identified, and their determination from conventional laboratory tests is discussed. The capability of the model to reproduce experimentally observed response of asphaltic materials is demonstrated through numerical simulations of several laboratory test data from the literature. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Precise determination of engineering properties of soil is essential for proper design and successful construction of any structure. The conventional methods for determination of engineering properties are invasive, costly and time-consuming. Electrical resistivity survey is an attractive tool for delineate subsurface properties without soil disturbance. Reliable correlations between electrical resistivity and other soil properties will enable us to characterize the subsurface soil without borehole sampling. This paper presents the correlations of electrical resistivity with various properties of soil. Soil investigations, field electrical resistivity survey and laboratory electrical resistivity measurements were conducted. The results from electrical resistivity tests (field and laboratory) and laboratory tests were analyzed together to understand the interrelation between electrical resistivity and various soil properties. The test results were evaluated using simple and multiple regression analysis. From the data analysis, significant quantitative and qualitative correlations have been obtained between resistivity and moisture content, friction angle and plasticity index. Weaker correlations have been observed for cohesion, unit weight of soil and effective size (D 10).  相似文献   

This paper presents the numerical simulation of a creeping slope in Upper Austria, using a visco-hypoplastic material law which describes the mechanical behavior of cohesive soils allowing for viscous effects, i.e. creep and relaxation. The method consists of: (1) determination of the parameters of the material law, based on laboratory tests on soil samples taken from the slope; (2) simulation of the laboratory tests with an element test program in which the used material law was implemented, in order to test whether the model holds for the soils studied; and (3) simulation of slope movements at different sections along the slope, assuming an infinite slope. The simulation results fit well with the field measurements. This demonstrates that despite strongly simplified boundary conditions and limited availability of subsurface data (e.g. density) the visco-hypoplastic law is a promising tool for predicting creep movements.  相似文献   

徐坤  王志杰  孟祥磊  孙长升 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z2):464-470
围岩松动圈支护理论已被工程界广泛认同和接受,如何准确快速地探测松动圈深度更好的为工程服务,成为大家所关注的问题。以新建兰新铁路大梁隧道现场试验为依托,对测试断面围岩松动圈深度采用单孔声波测试法、地质雷达法进行探测,结合现场地应力及岩体物理力学参数实测结果进行数值模拟分析可知,以单孔声波测试法结果为基准,地质雷达测试结果与声波法测试结果基本一致,在围岩含水区域测试结果存在一定偏差,地质雷达发出的电磁波对含水区域比较敏感,发射和接收干扰较大,但地质雷达作为一种快速、无损的检测方法应该得到大力推广应用。由于数值计算时没有考虑爆破对围岩松动圈的影响,其计算结果与声波法探测结果相比偏小,但是两者的变化趋势基本上是一致的。数值计算应以现场地应力及岩体物理力学参数测试结果为依据,使计算结果更加真实,更好地为工程决策服务。  相似文献   

大庆南部地区分布着一种颜色发黑、结构松散、成分复杂、对水极度敏感的工程性质极差的地质材料 ,它兼有湿陷性土、有机质土、碱土和分散土等诸多特殊土的劣质特性。通过野外调查、原位测试和室内各种试验研究 ,对这种黑土的野外特性、成分结构、物理力学性质、承载力和湿陷特性、地层年代等进行了较系统的阐述和分析 ,并通过综合比较 ,将其定名为湿陷性黑土.  相似文献   

郭莹  王琦 《岩土力学》2009,30(9):2569-2574
针对部分细粒土进行了室内落锥法确定液限和塑限的试验研究,试验结果表明:对于一些细粒土在双对数坐标上圆锥下沉深度与含水率之间的关系并非线性关系,无法依据线性关系确定液、塑限;采用规程建议的3个含水率范围有时根本无法获得有效试验数据,采用规程建议的3个含水率范围确定得到粉土的液、塑限试验结果的可靠性有待商榷;采用直线段试验数据确定的液、塑限进行分类可能出现相互矛盾甚至错误的结果。进一步试验结果表明:对于黏粒含量高于13 %的粉土,由于其抗剪强度以凝聚分量为主,落锥法适用,所测塑性指数能够反映其可塑性;对于部分黏粒含量低于13 %的粉土及外观接近粉土的粉砂,由于其抗剪强度以颗粒间摩擦分量为主,落锥法不再适用,所测塑性指数不能反映其可塑性。  相似文献   

High core rockfill dams exhibit complex deformation mechanisms because of complicated geological conditions, many material partitions and severe weather conditions. When realistic parameters cannot be obtained through laboratory tests or engineering analogies because of effects of size or time, back analysis is necessary to predict deformation characteristics. This paper proposes a method of deformation back analysis based on the response surface method and genetic optimization theory. The parameters of the creep and Duncan–Chang models for the Pubugou gravelly soil core rockfill dam are sequentially calculated. Back analysis performed using this method efficiently yields more precise results than those obtained from laboratory-determined parameters.  相似文献   

A five-step procedure involving mathematical formulation, identification and determination of parameters and verification is presented for development and selection of appropriate and reliable constitutive law(s) for geologic media. Comprehensive analyses are performed toward determination of an appropriate law for a (artificial) soil. The most suitable model is obtained by critical evaluation of four different plasticity models; here verification and comparisons of predictions with observations from laboratory tests, and with those from two boundary value problems are used as the basis of the selection. The model thus selected is found to be appropriate for applications to relevant practical problems.  相似文献   

三眼峪特大泥石流形成的物源条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对舟曲县"8.8"特大山洪泥石流三眼峪沟进行现场调查,从泥石流的岩土体类型及特征、地质构造、水文地质、新构造运动及地震等方面,对物源条件的地质环境背景进行了总结.调查结果表明:①三眼峪沟泥石流的松散固体物质主要包括崩塌堆积物、滑坡堆积物、残坡积物和冲洪积物.②三眼峪沟松散固体物质总量4079.42×104m3,流域...  相似文献   

渗透系数是黄土渗透变形破坏及黄土水理性质相关研究中的一项重要参数,而渗气系数与渗透系数具有良好的相关性且其测试过程不受黄土水敏性的影响,同时比渗透系数测定更为方便和快捷,因此具有良好的推广应用前景.本文介绍了黄土原位渗气测试方法的原理,在此基础上针对插入式和接触式两种原位渗气测试方法,在不同地区黄土地层开展了一系列原位...  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of the engineering geological investigations and geotechnical studies performed in the Nargesi dam site. The dam foundation located on the sedimentary rocks of Neogen period. To conduct this study, the steps including field and laboratory investigations, surface discontinuity surveying, drilled borehole data, and permeability were performed on dam foundation. Besides, the evaluation of the dam foundation was carried out by water pressure tests, which indicate the necessity of creating a grout curtain below the dam foundation. The permeability and groutability characteristics of the Nargesi dam foundation are significantly affected by geology of the site. The rock mass properties of the test section obtained from secondary permeability index (SPI) completed with the degree of jointing of the drill core acts as a useful reference for ground treatment design. Here, the performed laboratory tests were as: determination of density, moisture percent, porosity percent, water absorption, uniaxial compressive strength, Point-load strength index (Is50), p-wave velocity (Cp), s-wave velocity (Cs), deformability, and triaxial tests. The rock mass properties and classifications of the damsite is assessed using rock mass rating, the rock quality (Q), and the geological strength index classification systems. The strength and modulus elasticity of rock masses were determined through the equations proposed by different researchers. According to the findings of this work, except for some cases, there is a reasonable correlation between SPI and rock quality designation values. Based on these results, grout type and composition was suggested for the design of grout curtain.  相似文献   

地质条件对煤炭地下气化选址起着重要作用。运用二级模糊综合评判法,从勘探情况、煤层特征、煤质特征、水文条件4个影响因素入手,构建了天津静海含煤区无井式煤炭地下气化地质评价模型,并通过质量守恒物料衡算与室内模拟实验结果对比验证了模型的适用性。研究认为:影响无井式煤炭地下气化的地质条件所占权重依次为勘探情况 > 煤层特征 > 水文条件 > 煤质特征,综合得分高于70的区域为无井式煤炭地下气化适合区,60~70分为比较适合区,低于60分为不适合区。天津静海含煤区5号煤层综合评分为78.89分,为无井式煤炭地下气化适合区,扣分项主要来自于埋深、CO2反应活性(900℃)和黏结性。物料衡算所得煤气组分与室内模拟实验所得煤气组分相对误差均在允许误差15%范围内,有用组分(H2+CO+CH4)相对误差为2.63%,证明了所建模型的适用性,对后期生产规模设计和现场生产具有一定的指导意义。   相似文献   

滇西北红粘土的工程地质特性及其灾害效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在野外地质调查的基础上,结合室内土工试验,系统分析了滇西北红粘土的物质组成、物性特征和工程地质特性,并以此为基础探讨了其地质灾害效应。研究结果表明:滇西北红粘土粒度组成主要以粘粒为主,粘土矿物成分比较复杂,在丽江以南其矿物成分主要以高岭石(K)为主,在丽江以北则以伊利石/蒙脱石(I/S)混层矿物为主。此外,滇西北红粘土具有含水量高、重度低、塑性高、膨胀性弱等物性特征,在天然状态下比较稳定,但是随着含水量的增加其土体强度大大降低,易引发滑坡、水土流失等地质灾害。  相似文献   

针对淮北平原地区浅表层沉积土典型地质单元,选取代表性试验区域,开展了螺旋板载荷、平板载荷和静力触探等原位测试,分析了含钙质结核黏土、新近沉积粉土、粉砂3种地基的承载力特性,重点探讨了不同类型土体的螺旋板载荷试验p-s曲线特征、承载力特征值确定方法和值域范围,并与静探和平板载荷试验数据进行对比,分析其相关关系和变化规律。研究结果表明:一般性黏土、粉质黏土和粉土的承载力较低,钙质结核黏性土和粉砂的承载力相对较高,值域范围较宽,密实程度是决定粉土、粉砂承载力大小的主要因素。螺旋板载荷试验能较好的反映多元互层地基土体力学性质的变化特征,采用等应变控制法可达到快速、分层检测的目的,并通过等应力控制法对比试验验证了其可靠性。最后通过与平板载荷试验结果进行线性拟合,给出了螺旋板载荷试验确定淮北平原浅表层地基承载力的经验公式。  相似文献   

电子自旋共振(ESR)技术是一种确定物质成分和结构的顺磁性质的分析方法,也能够用于沉积物定年。该方法的测量技术和测年的物理机制等还处于发展阶段。冰川作用过程十分复杂,形成各种类型的冰川沉积物,其顺磁信号的归零机制有显著差异,ESR测年的实验方案也有所差异。因此,识别冰碛物类型,采集合适的样品对于ESR测年的准确性十分重要。冰下融出碛和滞碛经过了冰下磨蚀过程,结构致密,细颗粒基质含量高,石英砂中的一些杂质芯的ESR信号能够衰退。许多冰上融出碛,结构疏松,但细颗粒基质含量高,不但经过了搬运过程中的冰下磨蚀过程使ESR信号衰退,又经历了沉积时的冰上阳光直射过程使信号衰退,一些样品的ESR信号能够完全晒退。冰水湖泊和冰水河流沉积的细砂和粉砂来源于冰下研磨的产物,信号会衰退;在搬运沉积过程中又可能被阳光直射,信号进一步衰退。其它类型的冰碛物的ESR信号衰退机制不明,或粒径不适合用ESR方法测年。采集冰碛物ESR年代样品时,最好同时采集信号衰退机制相同的现代冰碛物样品,以便对照,并用于扣除可能的残留信号。  相似文献   

The International Society for Rock Mechanics has so far developed two standard methods for the determination of static fracture toughness of rock. They used three different core-based specimens and tests were to be performed on a typical laboratory compression or tension load frame. Another method to determine the mode I fracture toughness of rock using semi-circular bend specimen is herein presented. The specimen is semi-circular in shape and made from typical cores taken from the rock with any relative material directions noted. The specimens are tested in three-point bending using a laboratory compression test instrument. The failure load along with its dimensions is used to determine the fracture toughness. Most sedimentary rocks which are layered in structure may exhibit fracture properties that depend on the orientation and therefore measurements in more than one material direction may be necessary. The fracture toughness measurements are expected to yield a size-independent material property if certain minimum specimen size requirements are satisfied.  相似文献   

针对大岗山水电站坝区辉绿岩脉蚀变泥化问题,在系统调研和室内试验基础上探讨了蚀变泥化带的空间分布特征、结构构造、矿物学特征及物理力学性质,并结合区域地质环境分析了蚀变泥化岩形成的主要原因。研究表明,坝区SN向辉绿岩脉劈理化强烈,蚀变泥化带发育,且主要集中发育于岩脉与花岗岩接触面及内部强烈劈理化部位。蚀变泥化岩松散易碎,具有塑性高、含水量高、重度低及中等压缩性等物性特征。X衍射和扫描电镜显示蚀变生成了大量的黏土矿物,且具有多孔隙空洞的微观结构特征。富含辉石等暗色矿物和热液交代、多期次的构造挤压错动及浅表生风化作用构成岩脉蚀变泥化的主要原因。  相似文献   

通过对新型铈铁硼材料中铅含量的测定方法研究,开发了以电感耦合等离子体发射光谱(ICP-OES)法测定铈铁硼中铅含量的方法。实验研究了分析谱线的选择,以铈和铁为基体配制标准溶液,用6%体积浓度的稀硝酸低温加热消解铈铁硼,用基体匹配法测定了铈铁硼中铅的含量。最后通过方法检出限的计算、加标回收率实验、平行实验和重复性测试,验证了方法的可靠性。实验结果表明,该方法的检出限为0.007 mg/L,加标回收率为100.6%,样品中铅含量为0.006%,两次实验平行性好,重复性低于2.3%,数据准确可靠。该方法具备实验室可操作性,可以为新型铈铁硼生产中的铅含量杂质分析提供依据,也可为重金属污染检测提供参考。  相似文献   

The compression index (Cc) is a necessary parameter for the settlement calculation of clays. However, determination of the compression index from oedometer tests takes a relatively long time and leads to a very demanding experimental working program in the laboratory. Therefore, geotechnical engineering literature involves many studies based on indirect methods such as multiple regression analysis (MLR) and soft computing methods to determine the compression index. This study is aimed to predict the compression index by using extreme learning machine (ELM), Bayesian regularization neural network (BRNN), and support vector machine (SVM) methods. The selected variables for each method are the natural water content (wn), initial void ratio (e0), liquid limit (LL), and plasticity index (PI) of clay samples. Many trials were carried out in order to get the best prediction performance with each model. The application results obtained from the models were also compared based on the correlation coefficient (R), coefficient of efficiency (E), and mean squared error (MSE). The results indicate that the BRNN method has better success on estimation of the compression index compared to the ELM and SVM methods.  相似文献   

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