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含矿岩体和成矿母岩问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张旗 《甘肃地质》2013,22(1):1-17
学术界通常认为,岩体有含矿与不含矿之分。含矿岩体与矿床在时间上、空间上和成因上密切相关,是成矿的母岩。认为含矿的热液和成矿金属元素来自岩浆,是岩浆演化分离的晚期从岩浆中分异出来的,属于岩浆期后矿床。笔者的研究表明,花岗质成分的含矿岩体与成矿在时间上和空间上可能有关,但是,不可能成因上有关,含矿岩体也不是成矿的母岩。含矿岩体本质上是一个二元概念,是岩体+蚀变的产物。叠加了蚀变和矿化的岩体就是含矿岩体,没有叠加蚀变和矿化的岩体就是不含矿岩体。花岗质岩浆与热液是两个体系,不是一个体系。成矿所需要的大量的水和金属元素不是来自含矿岩体,而是来自下地壳深部;含矿岩体本身的水和矿化元素也不是来自岩浆,也是来自深部。含矿岩体大体上相当于成矿围岩,不过这个围岩不是沉积岩和变质岩而是花岗岩。实践表明,区分含矿岩体和不含矿岩体从理论上说是不科学的,从方法上说是非常困难的,从找矿实践上说是无益的。笔者指出,虽然含矿岩体存在上述诟病,但是,含矿岩体毕竟是事实,含矿岩体的术语仍然是可以用的,不过,应当重新认识含矿岩体问题,并赋予含矿岩体以新意。  相似文献   

就矿找矿已被实践证明是一种行之有效的找矿方法.在科学技术迅速发展的今天,利用新的成矿理论和找矿技术去研究已知矿田的成矿规律,寻找新的矿体和矿床,仍不失其重要意义. 以华南钨矿为例.主要生产矿山自50年代陆续建成投产以来,历经20余年,确因资源枯竭而闭坑停产者极少.许多大、中型矿山在此期间增长的储量弥补甚至超过了开采量,使矿山保有储量接近投产前的水平.据统计,赣南钨矿生产矿山中有56%平均新  相似文献   

青海省祁漫塔格矿带虎头崖矿田构造控矿特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
虎头崖矿田位于东昆仑西段祁漫塔格成矿亚带和整装勘查区内。笔者在矿田构造调研和室内多元信息研究分析的基础上,结合前人研究成果,从矿田构造角度探讨了该区矽卡岩成矿地质条件。通过对矿田内主要的构造特征进行总结,认为区内构造活动演化具有多期性,从华力西期—燕山期至少有5次构造运动。对矿田内近东西向、北东东向、北西西向和近南北向构造对成岩成矿的影响及控制作用作了详细分析,并初步分析了区内各级构造对成矿的控制和影响。认为:①近东西向断裂、褶皱和北东东向及北西西向断裂,为主要的控矿(布矿)构造,属成矿期构造,控制了各个矿床的空间分布;②近东西向、北东东向和北西西向次级断裂以及接触带构造,属成矿期的容矿(储矿)构造,控制了矿体的分布;③在矿田内近南北向断裂对岩石和矿体产生了改造作用,认为是成矿后构造;④自印支期以来,主要有两阶段的成矿作用,主要为矽卡岩矿床;⑤找矿构造标志:矿体受侵入岩接触带和近东西向及北东东向构造控制明显,在断裂构造复合部位、不同岩性接触部位,均是成矿有利部位。这些认识将进一步指导深部及外围找矿工作部署工作。  相似文献   

清水塘矿田断裂构造与矿液致裂成矿浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湘中清水塘矿四定位于断裂带中。从矿脉形态、矿化类型和形式、矿液组分、矿化多阶段性等方面,论述了断裂控矿作用与矿液致裂成矿特点。地洼期构造岩浆活动,伴随矿液的充填压裂,形成矿田内主要矿脉、矿脉中心部位出现条带致密块状矿石,矿脉两端为网脉、细脉、分枝脉、脉的旁侧发育着羽列脉,在矿脉中常见有中石构造,可拼接角砾状矿石和断裂桥构造。显示出控矿断裂经历了从韧性到脆性递进变形作用过程。  相似文献   

从地体构造观点出发,应用构造解晰方法,对遵化地体仙杨峪隆起区西部边缘弧形内的龙湾铁矿进行报构造控矿规律研究。认为在隆起区边缘带是一种静态+动态的构造环境,矿体受褶皱与韧脆怀剪切带复合控制,矿体呈剪切断片、褶皱片群形式存在。  相似文献   

段玉然  李维华 《岩矿测试》1998,17(3):181-184
首次测定了中国矿物学家发现的矿物———香花石、包头矿、黄河矿及蓟县矿的拉曼光谱图。经对仪器准确性和精密度的测定表明,测定拉曼峰位的最大偏差为±1cm-1。  相似文献   

杨宏城 《云南地质》2007,26(4):416-420
水泄铜钴矿区地质条件较为复杂,控矿因素较多,通过分析认为主要受断层及岩性控制,地层初始富集,构造及区域变质作用提供通道及热源。水的循环、溶解作用形成热卤水成矿。  相似文献   

蓝晶石矿是具有多晶形态的Al2SiO5,同族矿物有红柱石、夕线石,是原生黏土质成分的沉积物,受到强力的挤压剪切应力的作用在高温高压条件下变质产生的,是无水铝硅酸盐矿物.属高铝矿物原料。由蓝晶石煅烧而成的莫来石,具高热稳定性、低膨胀性,良好耐火性和高温下的高负荷能力。由于它的膨胀效应又可以抵消某些材壮的收缩,使制品具有高温体积变化小,热稳定性好,  相似文献   

文章首先介绍了滇黔桂金三角地区金矿成矿构造环境,研究及总结出该区微粒浸染型金矿的四种(断裂,褶皱、环形构造,不整合面)控矿构造类型,并对构造控矿规律进行了探讨,提出构造分级控矿,控矿构造与容矿岩石组合控矿,褶皱构造与断裂联合控矿等规律,及“不整合面构造带是一种具有重大意义的成矿及控矿构造体系”的新观点新认识。  相似文献   

三河尖矿冲击矿压机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翟明华  安里千 《岩土力学》1997,18(A08):97-100
采用试验测定,数值计算,力学机理分析等方法,较为系统地研究了三河尖矿发生冲击矿压的机理。  相似文献   

Wall-rock metasomatites of the Kara gold deposit, a high-temperature medium-depth pneumatolytic-hydrothermal formation, have been studied. Gold mineralization is associated with the intrusion of granitoids of the Kara-Chacha massif (J3) and dikes of alkaline rocks (J3-K1), which include hybrid porphyries, “grorudites”, etc. They are characterized by telescoping of ores, expressed best of all on joints of ore-bearing sites.The origin of the Kara-Chacha massif (Amudzhikan-Sretensk complex) is connected with pre-ore areal propylitization. The propylites demonstrate a zonal pattern relative to the massif and ore veins. A composite metasomatic column of propylitized rocks has been compiled.The thickness of intensely altered wall rocks does not exceed 1.5–2.0 m and the structure of these zones is very heterogeneous. Syn-ore metasomatites are found in propylitized rocks. The major factor of syn-ore alteration of host rocks is the active behavior of alkaline elements. Albitization, silicification (in separate sites), tourmaline and pyrite alteration occur at the early quartz-pyrite-tourmaline stage of mineralization. Sodium is supplied at this stage. During the next quartz-actinolite-magnetite stage sodium and potassium are active. The host rocks demonstrate albitization, feldspar alteration, silicification, actinolitization, biotite alteration, and magnetite impregnation. Aegirine in veins is accompanied by occurrence of aegirine, alkaline amphibole, green biotite and, locally, quartz in host rocks. Potassium becomes more significant later, reaching the maximum activity at the quartz-sulfide stage. The development of quartz-arsenopyrite assemblage was accompanied by K-feldspatization, sericitization of host rocks, formation of green and tan biotites, and arsenopyrite impregnation. The formation of K-feldspar, sericitization, silicification, and sulfide impregnation are associated with quartz-sulfide ore. The final quartz-carbonate-polymetallic stage is accompanied by silicification and carbonate alteration of host rocks. Potassium becomes increasingly more active from outer zones of metasomatic columns to inner ones. The gold contents tend to increase with the potassium contribution in zones of hydrothermal alterations.The propylite alteration and syn-ore changes become more intense veinward. It can indicate that hydrothermal solutions with dissolved minerals penetrated through the most reworked zones. However, hydrothermal solutions during propylite alteration and later syn-ore changes of host rocks not always penetrated through the same zones of weakness, such as tectonic dislocations, contacts of various rocks, etc. The rocks, comprising inner zones of the metasomatic column of propylites are quite often observed at a certain distance from veins and accompanied inner zones of metasomatic columns of later syn-ore metasomatites. They sometimes are not associated with ore veins. However, they are demonstrate later superimposed threads and separate impregnations of syn-ore minerals.Abundant telescoping of mineralization and inheritance of mineralization stages complicate the structure of zones with syn-ore metasomatites. In the sites with telescoped mineralization the metasomatites contain minerals intrinsic to all stages of mineralization found at the deposit.  相似文献   

木吉村铜(钼)矿床地质特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
河北省涞源县木吉村铜(钼)矿床目前已探明为一大型斑岩型铜(钼)_矽卡岩型铁铜-热液脉型铅锌银“三位一体”多金属矿床。作者结合最新勘查成果,对该矿床的成矿地质背景、矿床地质特征进行了总结,探讨了该矿床的成因和成矿模式。研究表明,木吉村铜(钼)矿床位于山西断窿与燕山台褶带的过渡地带,乌龙沟_上黄旗深断裂带中。该矿床的主要控矿构造为F4断裂,成矿母岩闪长玢岩与古火山构造关系密切。该矿床具有典型的面型蚀变分带及矿化分带。其矿床成因主要为斑岩-矽卡岩型高(中)温热液矿床,以“多位一体”和多阶段成矿为特点。  相似文献   

张云辉 《地质与勘探》2014,50(4):700-711
东秦岭钼矿带内的南泥湖钼(钨)矿床和秋树湾铜(钼)矿床同为斑岩型矿床,地理位置相近,却在成矿类型和规模上差异显著。通过对两个矿床的矿床地质特征、成矿斑岩体的地球化学特征、成矿时代及其成矿物质来源(S同位素、流体包裹体和Re含量)进行对比分析,确定南泥湖钼(钨)矿床和秋树湾铜(钼)矿床类型均为壳幔混源型,后者成岩成矿过程有更多的幔源物质参与,并且两个矿床同时形成于秦岭造山带中生代燕山期伸展减薄的机制下,但所处构造单元(华北陆块南缘和北秦岭)不同,以上这些都导致了成矿的差异性,并为日后在东秦岭钼矿带中钼铜两类矿床的找矿工作提供参考。  相似文献   

The typomorphic features of pyrite of the Sukhoi Log deposit were studied by a set of volumetric and surface methods: electron probe microanalysis, scanning electron and probe microscopy, powder X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron and Auger electron spectroscopy, atomic-absorption spectrometry in the SSADSC (method of statistical sample of analytical data for single crystals) version, and atomic-emission spectrometry. Pyrite from the Sukhoi Log deposit has the following distinctive features: permanent presence of sulfite ion, which often dominates over other surface sulfur anions; weakly determined size dependence of the content of uniformly distributed Au owing to the presence of an internal concentrator of gold—dispersed carbonaceous material—in pyrite from ore zones; cell sculptures of the crystal faces, which appeared owing to the nanofragmentation of the growth surface; micro- and nanoinclusions of carbonaceous phases within crystals, associated with defects in their structure; and thin films enriched in O and C on the surface of and within the crystals. It has been shown that gold-sulfide mineralization at the Sukhoi Log deposit formed in a single ore-generating hydrothermal system, in which gold, sulfur, and carbon belonged to a microparagenesis. Some features (composition of surface, characteristics of submicroscopic structure, and elemental composition) evidence that the conditions of crystallization of pyrite in inter-ore space were different from the conditions of its genesis in the ore zones, which suggests the presence of at least two genetic types of pyrite. Carbonaceous micro- and nanoparticles and O- and C-containing films can favor an increase in the adsorption of gold from cyanide solutions on pyrite. To reduce this effect during gold recovery, a technique for surface modification should be elaborated. The ways for solving the most complicated problems dealt with the source of noble metals (NM) and the ore specialization of the deposit have been outlined. For this purpose, a detailed analysis of the main ore minerals for trace-element speciation is required. In the case of the magmatic source of NM, correlation between the contents of Au and PGE structural forms should exist. On the other hand, there is no correlation between the structural forms of Au or Pt and elements whose contents in fluid are determined by the host rock rather than the magmatic source.  相似文献   

Native gold, platinum, nickel, and other ore minerals have been discovered in graphite-bearing rocks of the Liumao deposit (Heilongjiang province, China). The results obtained are similar to the previously published materials on the mineralogy of carbon-rich formations of the Tamga and Turgenevo deposits (Primorye, Russian Far East) located in the same region of graphitization in the Khankai terrane as the Chinese object. The defined similarities are most likely explained by participation of deep reduced fluids in the process of ore genesis.  相似文献   

新疆磁海铁(钴)矿床次火山热液成矿学   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
磁海铁(钴)矿床颇具特色,以“石榴石-透辉石-磁铁矿”为基本矿石建造;成矿作用发生在早二叠世北山裂陷作用和火成活动晚期,以基性次火山岩浆期后富铁流体的(交代)充填为成矿方式,矿体产于辉绿岩体原生裂隙系统;成矿流体的化学演化具有典型(火山)岩浆期后热深演化特点,形成了一系列热液蚀变其中石榴石透辉石岩有别于传统理解的“夕卡岩”;成矿物质源于碱性玄武岩浆,基性次火山岩浆多次脉动式入侵是矿床形成的必要条件  相似文献   

This paper deals with the geological structure of the Amur zinc deposit. The host shaly-carbonaceous flysch sediments are evaluated from the point of view of their precious metal, tungsten, and molybdenum potential. It is shown that the rare-metal mineralization is superimposed on a primarily sedimentary precious-metal mineralization and stratiform zinc ores. The discussed data permit us to look at these carbonaceous sediments as highly prospective for rare metal and precious metal mineralization.  相似文献   

德兴铜矿床(山)地质环境模型再建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵元艺  张光弟  初娜 《矿床地质》2006,25(Z3):531-535
文章建立了德兴铜矿床(山)包括影响环境因素在内的,开采前、开采过程及矿山部分功能区关闭之后的环境特征四方面的地质环境模型。  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of morphology and geochemistry was made for gold from the primary ores and weathering crust of the Suzdal' gold deposit, Eastern Kazakhstan. The deposit is localized in Carboniferous carbonaceous-terrigenous strata and is of gold-sulfide type. Study of gold from primary ores showed that it occurs mainly in two species: free and so-called invisible. Free gold is crystallomorphic segregations and irregular-shaped grains up to tens of microns in size; it occurs in intergrowths with sulfides, quartz, carbonate, and mica-chlorite aggregate. Most of gold particles have a fineness of 930–980‰, with some grains showing wide variations in composition. Invisible gold (probably chemically combined) is present in fine-acicular arsenopyrite and, less frequently, pyrite.Being transported to the weathering crust, all this gold served as a source for “neogenic” gold of diverse morphologic forms. We recognized crystalline (isometric, prismatic, acicular, and tabular) particles and drusoid gold aggregates in the form of exotic intergrowths of crystallomorphic and sinter-shelly grains. The grains tend to coarsen from bottom to top of the weathering crust. Several generations of gold of different granulometric classes are observed. We have revealed seed and layer growth and dissolution structures in crystals of early generations overgrown with fine grains. All these gold varieties are associated with hypergene minerals. Most of this gold is of high fineness (on the average, 995‰). The hypergene gold particles are chemically homogeneous high-grade, without rims.The results of studies suggest that the high-grade hypergene gold formed in the weathering crust as a result of the dissolution of invisible gold of sulfides and its local redistribution and deposition in oxidizing media. This is also evidenced from the tendency of gold to coarsen from bottom to top of the weathering crust. A distinctive feature of secondary gold is well-expressed crystals and their great diversity.  相似文献   

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