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Karst aquifers contribute substantially to freshwater supplies in many regions of the world, but are vulnerable to contamination and difficult to manage because of their unique hydrogeological characteristics. Many karst systems are hydraulically connected over wide areas and require transboundary exploration, protection and management. In order to obtain a better global overview of karst aquifers, to create a basis for sustainable international water-resources management, and to increase the awareness in the public and among decision makers, the World Karst Aquifer Mapping (WOKAM) project was established. The goal is to create a world map and database of karst aquifers, as a further development of earlier maps. This paper presents the basic concepts and the detailed mapping procedure, using France as an example to illustrate the step-by-step workflow, which includes generalization, differentiation of continuous and discontinuous carbonate and evaporite rock areas, and the identification of non-exposed karst aquifers. The map also shows selected caves and karst springs, which are collected in an associated global database. The draft karst aquifer map of Europe shows that 21.6% of the European land surface is characterized by the presence of (continuous or discontinuous) carbonate rocks; about 13.8% of the land surface is carbonate rock outcrop.


大兴迭隆起隐伏岩溶水资源评价及开采方案预测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
大兴迭隆起地区隐伏岩溶地下水是北京市的重要水源,为保障水源地能持续为大兴、通州地区提供优质的城镇生活用水,需对研究区岩溶地下水进行水资源评价和开采规划预测分析。利用数值模拟法,应用GMS模拟软件对研究区岩溶水系统进行地下水流数值模拟及水位变化预测。建立的岩溶水系统模型分为5层,模拟验证期为12年9个月。由模型评价的岩溶水系统补给资源量为14 425.74×10^4m3/a,可开采资源量为14 310.52×10^4m3/a,其中岩溶含水层可开采量为2 309.36×10^4m3/a。在模型识别验证后,分4种开采方案对水源地进行开采预测,通过对典型观测孔水位过程线拟合和研究区水均衡分析可知,按2020年之前维持现状开采,2020年后停采念坛水源地,2025年后全区按可开采量进行开采的开采方案最为合理,可分批逐次实现水源地的采补平衡。  相似文献   

40 多年来,我国西北地区大规模的地下水开发利用造成了部分地区地下水水位持续下降甚至泉水干涸,部分地区地下水仍能维持动态稳定,判断这类地区水资源开发利用是否具有可持续性是必须解决的重大科学问题。以黑河流域中游盆地作为研究对象,采用MK检验和连续小波分析等方法,分析长时间序列地下水水位数据的变化特点,研究区域地下水动态特征;结合区域水文地质条件,综合划分黑河流域中游盆地地下水补排平衡区与非平衡区;利用克里金插值法估算1990—2020 年盆地含水层对水资源的调节水量,并评价不同动态平衡区的调蓄能力。结果显示,黑河流域中游盆地地下水水位动态类型有:水文型、水文-开采型、开采型和蒸发-开采型4种长周期动态稳定型,过量开采型或上游过度引用地表水型2 种长周期持续下降型。黑河-梨园河倾斜平原、酒泉盆地和黑河中游下段侵蚀堆积平原的大厚度含水层是黑河流域中游盆地的地下水补排平衡区,其在1990—2001 年共输出地下水12.06×108 m3,2001—2020年共储存地下水9.06×108 m3。大厚度含水层为地下水的长周期调蓄提供了充足的空间,在合理控制开采量的前提下,该类含水层的天然调蓄能力可满足生产生活和下游生态用水需要。盆地地下水补排非平衡区,如黑河以东诸河倾斜平原、盐池盆地和榆木山山前诸小河流域等地区,目前的地下水开发利用方式和强度是不可持续的,应适当减少地下水开采量,调节盆地上游的引水量和开采量,抑制地下水资源枯竭。本研究成果可为西北干旱内陆地区水资源管理和持续开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

以济南泉域为例,基于2004-2019年济南岩溶泉域大气降水资料、地下水水位动态监测资料和岩芯的压汞实验结果,采用分形理论中孔隙分形维数法和数理统计的方法,探究含水岩层孔隙结构对泉水位动态的影响。结果表明:(1)炒米店组和三山子组2号样的孔隙发育均匀,孔喉分布集中,岩层储水性能好、储水空间较大;马家沟组北庵庄段的孔隙发育均匀,孔喉分布集中,岩层储水性能差,储水空间小;三山子组1号样和马家沟组东黄山段的孔隙发育不均匀,孔喉分布分散,岩石内部储水空间大;(2)岩层渗透率主要受孔喉分布的影响,济南泉域碳酸盐岩含水层的孔隙储水空间大、储水性能好,济南泉域独特的孔隙结构在维持趵突泉水位动态稳定中起到重要作用。   相似文献   

About 3 % of India’s total land surface is occupied by carbonate rocks which are mostly karstified and constitute a significant source of groundwater. The groundwater drawn from these aquifers matches the water demand of ~35 million people living in 106 districts of the country and also the water needs of livestock, irrigation and industry. The studies on karst in India carried out so far have mostly addressed geology, hydrology and groundwater contamination. A literature survey suggests that there is a need for detailed research, applying new approaches and techniques for proper carbonate aquifer identification, characterization and management. Such specific approaches will improve modeling, exploitation and protection of karst groundwater. An overview of the research carried out on groundwater resources of karst formations in India is presented, which also throws light on the protection of karst aquifers from existing anthropogenic activities such as mining and groundwater over-exploitation.  相似文献   

以贵州省安龙县1∶50 000水文地质图幅为例,采用含水层探采井的水质、水量监测数据,分析不同含水层水资源赋存特征及其与水化学的相关性。研究结果表明:(1)研究区含水层可分为纯碳酸盐岩管道含水层、非纯碳酸盐岩裂隙含水层、碎屑岩裂隙含水层、松散岩类孔隙含水层4种类型,各含水层中地下水水化学类型均以HCO-Ca?Mg型为主;(2)除非纯碳酸盐岩含水层探采井的降深与水体中Mg2+、HCO-3浓度呈现出显著的负相关性(R2=-0.77/-0.74)外,其余离子浓度与钻井单位涌水量、降深的相关性均不显著,相关系数(R2)均小于0.3;(3)非纯碳酸盐岩含水层和松散岩类含水层的总矿化度(TDS)、总硬度(TH)含量均比纯碳酸盐岩含水层低5 mg?L-1以上,TDS、TH的高值区均集中于纯碳酸盐岩含水层中,而低值区则分布于松散岩类含水层。   相似文献   

Contamination of the Paleozoic carbonate aquifer at Walkerton (Ontario, Canada) by pathogenic bacteria following heavy rain in May 2000 resulted in 2,300 illnesses and seven deaths. Subsequent tracer testing showed that there was rapid groundwater flow in the aquifer, and also rapid exchange between the aquifer and the ground surface. Electrical conductivity (EC) profiling during a 3-day pumping test showed that most flow was through bedding-plane fractures spaced about 10 m apart, that there were substantial contrasts in EC in the major fracture flows, and that there were rapid changes over time. Total coliform sampling revealed transient groundwater contamination, particularly after heavy rain and lasting up to a few days. These characteristics can be understood in terms of the dual-porosity nature of the aquifer. Most of the storage is in the matrix, but this can be considered to be static in the short term. Almost all transport is through the fracture network, which has rapid groundwater flow (~100 m/day) and rapid transmission of pressure pulses due to the high hydraulic diffusivity. Rapid recharge can occur through thin and/or fractured overburden and at spring sites where flow is reversed by pumping during episodes of surface flooding. These characteristics facilitated the ingress of surface-derived bacteria into the aquifer, and their rapid transport within the aquifer to pumping wells. Bacterial presence is common in carbonate aquifers, and this can be explained by the well-connected, large-aperture fracture networks in these dual-porosity aquifers, even though many, such as at Walkerton, lack karst landforms.  相似文献   

Quantifying groundwater recharge in carbonate aquifers located in semi-arid regions and subjected to intensive groundwater use is no easy task. One reason is that there are very few available methods suitable for application under such climatic conditions, and moreover, some of the methods that might be applied were originally designed with reference to non-carbonate aquifers. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that, in any given aquifer, groundwater recharge is modified by the groundwater exploitation. Here we focus on four methods selected to assess their suitability for estimating groundwater recharge in carbonate aquifers affected by intensive exploitation. The methods were applied to the Estepa Range aquifers of Seville, southern Spain, which are subjected to different degrees of exploitation. Two conventional methods were used: chloride mass balance and daily soil–water balance. These results were compared with the results obtained by means of two non-conventional methods, designed for application to the carbonate aquifers of southern Spain: the APLIS and ERAS methods. The results of the different methods are analogous, comparable to those obtained in nearby non-exploited carbonate aquifers, confirming their suitability for use with carbonate aquifers in either natural or exploited regimes in a semi-arid climate.  相似文献   

通过对页岩气勘查开发区碳酸盐岩分布特征、岩溶发育规律及岩溶水的赋存与动力循环过程展开研究,采用系统分析法,归纳出平缓单斜型单层、背斜褶曲型多层、向斜褶曲型单层和断裂型四种岩溶水文地质结构,其中平缓单斜型单层和背斜褶曲型多层水文地质结构区岩溶介质类型主要为管道-裂隙型,地下水径流畅通,易导致岩溶水污染。  相似文献   

蒲俊兵 《中国岩溶》2022,41(3):429-440
作为现代地球科学学科体系重要组成部分的岩溶学一直以来都被认为是地质学、地理学、环境科学、生态学之间的交叉、边缘学科,并未建立起自己独立的学科体系。面对全球岩溶地貌分布广泛、生态环境脆弱及问题复杂多样且同经济社会发展密切相关等情况,文章在简要回顾国内外岩溶学发展历程的基础上,通过对近三十年国内外岩溶研究相关学科发展情况的分析,以地球系统科学、岩溶动力学理论为指导,讨论构建现代岩溶学学科体系这一重要问题。文章围绕岩溶动力系统的四大功能和岩溶区资源环境生态问题的实际,从地质学、地理学、地球化学、生态学、环境学、水文学等与现代岩溶学研究相关的学科出发,尝试构建现代岩溶学学科体系,其主要的学科分支包括岩溶地质学、岩溶地貌学、岩溶水文地质学、岩溶环境学、岩溶工程地质学、岩溶生态学、岩溶资源学、全球变化岩溶学、洞穴学等九个分支学科,并简要阐述了各分支学科的科学内涵和定位。分支学科的构建,体现了国际岩溶科学研究中相关研究方向和学科发展独立性和交叉性的统一,体现了国际岩溶学发展的现状和趋势,对于国际岩溶科学的发展具有较为重要的意义。   相似文献   

Groundwater systems in coastal aquifers may be affected by sea level change as increased seawater intrusion occurs with sea level rise. Artificial pumping taking place at the same time will increase this impact. In order to estimate the vulnerability of groundwater systems with sea level rise within coastal aquifers in South Korea, long-term groundwater data were analyzed using basic statistics, trend analysis, and correlation analysis. Conductivity depth profiling was also periodically conducted. Groundwater levels increased in wells with relatively low groundwater elevations but decreased in wells with higher groundwater elevations. At the same time, conductivity variations were greater in wells located in reclaimed land areas, which vertical conductivity profiles indicated were more affected by sea level variations, but decreased on the mainland. Results of auto-correlation analysis showed a decreasing trend with cyclic variations and significant periodic patterns during dry seasons, indicating that groundwater levels were not affected by artificial factors and that those in reclaimed land areas were less affected by rainfall than on the mainland. These results coincided with those from cross-correlation analysis showing that groundwater level was affected by sea level variation during the dry season. Sea level changes, which may be related to climate change, as well as rainfall in South Korea can influence groundwater levels, and the groundwater system in reclaimed land areas may be more affected than on the mainland, especially under dry conditions.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(6):389-400
It is difficult to explain the position and behaviour of the main karst springs of southern France without calling on a drop in the water table below those encountered at the lowest levels of Pleistocene glacio-eustatic fluctuations. The principal karst features around the Mediterranean are probably inherited from the Messinian period (“Salinity crisis”) when sea level dropped dramatically due to the closing of the Straight of Gibraltar and desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea. Important deep karst systems were formed because the regional ground water dropped and the main valleys were entrenched as canyons. Sea level rise during the Pliocene caused sedimentation in the Messinian canyons and water, under a low hydraulic head, entered the upper cave levels.

The powerful submarine spring of Port-Miou is located south of Marseille in a drowned canyon of the Calanques massif. The main water flow comes from a vertical shaft that extends to a depth of more than 147 m bsl. The close shelf margin comprises a submarine karst plateau cut by a deep canyon whose bottom reaches 1,000 m bsl. The canyon ends upstream in a pocket valley without relation to any important continental valley. This canyon was probably excavated by the underground paleoriver of Port-Miou during the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Currently, seawater mixes with karst water at depth. The crisis also affected inland karst aquifers. The famous spring of Fontaine de Vaucluse was explored by a ROV (remote observation vehicle) to a depth of 308 m, 224 m below current sea level. Flutes observed on the wall of the shaft indicate the spring was formerly an air-filled shaft connected to a deep underground river flowing towards a deep valley. Outcroppings and seismic data confirm the presence of deep paleo-valleys filled with Pliocene sediments in the current Rhône and Durance valleys. In the Ardèche, several vauclusian springs may also be related to the Messinian Rhône canyon, located at about 200 m below present sea level. A Pliocene base level rise resulted in horizontal dry cave levels. In the hinterland of Gulf of Lion, the Cévennes karst margin was drained toward the hydrologic window opened by the Messinian erosional surface on the continental shelf.  相似文献   

A methodological procedure is proposed for determining the renewal period (RP), which expresses the ratio of total storage to recharge of carbonate aquifers, and it was applied to the overexploited moderate-size Becerrero carbonate aquifer (southern Spain). To this end, geological and subsurface data—time domain electromagnetic (TEM) soundings and borehole logs—were integrated to construct a three-dimensional (3D) geological model of the aquifer. The interconnected porosity was estimated by analyzing 73 rock samples. The resulting 3D geometrical model makes it possible to quantify the fractions of the aquifer having a confined or unconfined behaviour. Based on the total storage capacity (179?·?106–514?·?106 m3) and available aquifer recharge estimation (4.8?·?106–6.4?·?106 m3/year), an RP between 37 and 106 years is obtained. In view of the RP, an exploitation rate slightly lower than the average recharge of the system is recommended, so that the piezometric level will be stable but below the discharge head that is produced through the springs in natural conditions. The proposed methodology to obtain an aquifer RP and the management strategies designed accordingly are of broad interest, especially for carbonate aquifers, which are abundant in arid and semiarid regions.  相似文献   

It is generally considered that karst aquifers have distinctly different properties from other bedrock aquifers. A search of the literature found five definitions that have been proposed to differentiate karst aquifers from non-karstic aquifers. The five definitions are based upon the presence of solution channel networks, hydraulic conductivities >10?6 m/s, karst landscapes, channels with turbulent flow, and caves. The percentage of unconfined carbonate aquifers that would classify as ‘karst’ ranges from <1 to >50%.  相似文献   

在地下水资源评价理论方面, 陈崇希教授分析了"平均布井法"不符合质量守衡原理的实质, 纠正了以"地下水补给量计算可持续开采量"的错误, 提出了基于"质量守衡"的地下水资源评价原则, 强调分析"补给的增加量与排泄的减少量"在评价地下水可持续开采量时的重要意义.在地下水动力学领域, 陈崇希教授纠正了稳定井流"影响半径"模型的错误, 恢复了Dupuit"圆岛模型"的原貌, 拓展了Theis公式和Hantush公式的应用条件, 改进了地下水非稳定井流理论, 完善了其中的某些基本概念.在水文地质模拟仿真技术方面, 陈崇希教授提出确定滨海承压含水层海底边界的理论和方法; 提出地下水混合井流的模型和模拟方法, 解决了混合抽水试验确定分层水文地质参数的难题; 提出岩溶管道-裂隙-孔隙三重介质的地下水线性-非线性流动的模型; 建立了考虑井管水流雷诺数对滤管入流量分布的水平井-含水层系统的地下水流模型; 完成了"渗流-管流耦合模型"的砂槽物理模拟, 并用数值方法仿真了地下水流的规律; 最近向观测孔水位形成的传统观念———常规观测孔中的水头降深反映该孔滤水管中各点的平均降深———提出质疑.陈崇希教授建立的"渗流-管流耦合模型"使传统的基于线汇/线源的井孔-含水系统模型提高到新的水平.陈崇希教授积极倡导"防止模拟失真, 提高仿真性", 强调精细地分析水文地质条件、合理地概化模型和采用正确的仿真技术的重要性.   相似文献   

Physical and hydraulic properties of sediment from two karst aquifers were measured to determine (1) the similarity of sediment between karst aquifer systems and (2) the importance of sediment in modeling flow through karst aquifers. The sediment from the two systems was similar in size and composition. Within both aquifers, the silt-sized sediment was composed primarily of quartz, with minor amounts of plagioclase and clays. Hydraulic conductivity of the sediment measured directly (falling-head test) ranged from 1.61×10−7 to 1.33×10−6 m s–1 and estimated using the Campbell equation ranged from 8.30×10−8 to 8.98×10−7 m s–1. These values of hydraulic conductivity fall within the span of hydraulic conductivities for carbonate rocks, indicating that the sediment and carbonate matrix could be represented as one mathematical unit in modeling flow through karst aquifers. Statistical agreement in the hydraulic conductivity values generated by the two methods indicates that the estimation technique could be used to calculate hydraulic conductivities; thus allowing karst scientist to collect bulk sediment samples instead of having to collect cores from within karst aquifers. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

IGCP448:岩溶生态系统全球对比研究进展   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
章程  袁道先 《中国岩溶》2005,24(1):83-88
综述了IGCP 448项目"全球岩溶地质及有关生态系统对比"(2000-2004)执行四年来所取得的学术成果.其中比较重要的新认识有:(1)岩溶地区的植被,常常是涵养水分,增加含水层的贮水能力,改善水文生态环境的重要因素,但在澳大利亚南部岩溶区广泛分布的桉树,则以其强烈的蒸发作用,而被用于降低地下水位,防治土壤盐碱化;(2)在北方(Boreal) 或温带湿润气候生态区,地下岩溶系统则被用于排除沼泽地区过多积水,偏碱性的碳酸盐岩也有利于中和酸性环境,凡是岩溶发育的地方,都成了主要农业基地;(3)通过洞穴探险发现一类完全不同于靠光合作用产生有机质的生物群--化学自养微生物(甲烷菌);(4)中国西南典型岩溶区的研究表明,表层土壤微生物可以加速碳酸盐岩的溶解作用,并揭示了植物根系与土壤微生物是产生碳酸酐酶(CA)的两个重要供给源.  相似文献   

 Hydraulic networks of carbonate rocks usually consist of three types of spaces: pores, fissures, and caverns; sometimes filled forms also are present. At sufficiently large scales, the spaces are assumed to be homogeneous with arbitrary boundaries and to be characterized by mean values of parameters. A conceptual model and its schematic presentation demonstrate the importance of particular parameters for flow and solute transport, and they explain the responses of pumping rates and water levels to changes in boundary conditions. Three examples characterize some typical networks: (1) chalk in eastern Poland, representing fissured aquifers with a high storage volume for solutes in stagnant matrix water; (2) Middle Triassic limestones in southern Poland, representing fissured-cavernous aquifers; however, a large storage volume for solute transport is in mostly stagnant matrix water; and (3) Triassic dolomites in the same area, representing porous-fissured-cavernous aquifers with a considerable storage volume in the matrix, which can partly be released (20%), considerably contributing to the total specific yield. For the last two types of aquifers, the hydraulic conductivity near pumping wells and mine galleries usually quickly increases in time due to suffosion of filled forms, which leads to a temporal large increase of the inflows. Received, April 1997 Revised, January 1998, August 1998 Accepted, May 1998  相似文献   

雄安新区地下水资源概况、特征及可开采潜力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地下水资源在中国社会经济发展中发挥重要作用,特别是在地表水资源相对匮乏的北方地区。掌握一个地区地下水资源状况、动态变化特征及可开采潜力,对该地区的供水安全保障至关重要。本文选择雄安新区,在近年来开展的区域水文地质调查、监测及综合研究等成果基础上,结合前人研究,对雄安新区区域水文地质条件、地下水动态变化特征等进行分析总结;以恢复地下水降落漏斗为地下水可持续开采利用方案的目标,从白洋淀流域平原区尺度,设置现状开采条件、河流补水、工农业节水及地下水禁(限)采等不同情景方案,采用地下水数值模拟技术,综合分析不同情景30年后的预测结果,提出白洋淀流域平原区地下水可持续开采利用方案;在流域地下水可持续开采利用方案基础上,分析雄安新区地下水可开采的最大资源量,进而评价雄安新区地下水可开采潜力。结果显示,雄安新区区域水文地质条件相对简单,浅层富水性中等,深层富水性较强;地下水位为多年下降状态,近年来,浅、深层地下水整体呈企稳或回升状态,局部地区仍有所下降;地下水质量总体良好,且较为稳定。根据评价结果,雄安新区地下水可开采潜力约为1.80×10~8m~3/a,其中,浅层地下水可开采潜力约为1.50×10~8m~3/a,深层地下水可开采潜力约为0.30×10~8m~3/a。  相似文献   

东刘家金矿矿区位于海阳市郭城镇,主要发育3组NE向断裂裂隙,含水岩组主要为第四系冲洪积、坡积孔隙含水岩组,碎屑岩类孔隙裂隙含水岩组,碳酸盐岩类岩溶裂隙含水岩组及基岩风化带裂隙含水岩组。文中在查清水文地质条件的情况下,详细分析了矿区含水层的富水性,地下水补给、径流、排泄及动态特征,矿区地下水开发利用现状。在此基础上,进行了地下水均衡计算,地下水补给来源主要为大气降水入渗和农灌入渗补给,补给方式为地表直接下渗补给、断裂带导水补给以及上覆松散层下渗补给,主要排泄方式为人工开采、矿坑涌水和蒸发,总体上矿区处于地下水均衡状态。研究成果为矿区在今后的开采过程中控制地下水,合理防治与排水,维持区域地下水自然动态等提供了科学的依据。。  相似文献   

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