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厚层黄土中包气带水的运动方式一直存在争议。一种认为是活塞流,另一种认为是优势流,也有人认为两者并存。本文通过现场观测和两个模型试验,揭示活塞流是包气带中水分的特有的运移方式;基于非饱和土的土水特征,进一步证明优势流仅存在于饱和土中。自然界的黄土多处于非饱和状态,因此活塞流是黄土包气带中水的主要运移方式,而优势流是暂态和局部的,仅出现在降雨时期的浅层饱和区,或者低洼的汇水区。黄土中的垂直节理、卸荷裂隙、动物洞穴和植物根孔等优势通道是地表汇流的排水通道,而不是地下水的补给通道。  相似文献   

金犇  谭红兵  张玉东  柳子豪 《水文》2017,37(2):89-96
为了揭示黄土高原山地-沟壑区黄土地下水水化学特征及成因,对六盘山东西两侧山区及其西部典型黄土高原山地-沟壑区进行了多次实地考察,合理选择采样点,采集了浅层地下水监测水样。对采集的样品水化学数据进行了分析,结果表明:六盘山地区浅层地下水以低TDS重碳酸盐型为主,径流途径较短,循环条件较好,保持了较好的天然淡水资源状态;而在山地-沟壑区水化学类型则复杂多样,TDS平均值达1 870mg/L,淡水资源相对匮乏。结合各类水化学图可以看出,浅层地下水和地表水的离子来源优势机制以岩石风化为主,并且在山地-沟壑区受到不同程度蒸发作用控制。通过分析地下水中的离子浓度比以及锶元素,发现六盘山区主要为补给区和径流区,山地-沟壑区则是补给区、径流区和径流滞缓区,黄土地下水可能有来自六盘山岩溶水的补给。氟离子浓度和硬度超标是影响区域内水质的最主要因素,在受蒸发作用影响较大的地区尤为突出。黄土高原地下水资源的分布状况和质量参差不齐,保护好区域内较好的淡水资源并且按照地下水分布规律进行合理的开发与宏观调控,是缓解黄土高原水资源问题的关键。  相似文献   

岩土体是组成斜坡地质结构的基本单元,斜坡地质结构类型与地质灾害的发育类型密切相关。店子街幅图幅调查范围内主要发育软弱-较坚硬层状泥岩、砂岩岩组,风积黄土单层土体,粉土、砂砾卵石双层土体,粉土、碎石和基岩碎屑多层土体等4类岩土体,这些不同的岩土体组成了6种不同的斜坡地质结构,进而演变形成了不同类型、不同规模的斜坡地质灾害。黄土斜坡结构和黄土—冲洪积层斜坡结构多演变发生小型滑坡灾害、黄土—泥岩斜坡结构多演变发生中—大型黄土泥岩滑坡灾害、泥岩与泥质砂岩互层斜坡结构多演变发生崩塌灾害、泥岩风化堆积层斜坡结构和滑坡堆积层斜坡结构多演变发生小-中型滑坡灾害。研究不同斜坡地质结构与地质灾害发育类型的发育关系,有助于进一步开展区域崩塌、滑坡形成机理研究,研究成果有助于洮河下游地质灾害防治工作的展开,并为地方政府科学制定地质灾害防灾减灾规划提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(3):487-497
This study aims to investigate the mechanisms and health risks of fluoride enrichment in groundwater in the Loess Plateau, China. By taking Dali County, Shaanxi Province, China as an example, this study obtains the following results through field investigation and the analyses of water, soil, and crop samples. (1) The groundwater can be divided into two major types, namely the Quaternary pore-fissure water and Karst water. The Karst area and sandy area have high-quality groundwater and serve as the target areas for optional water supply. The groundwater in the study area is slightly alkaline and highly saline. Meanwhile, high-fluoride groundwater is mainly distributed in the loess and river alluvial plains in the depression area of the Guanzhong Basin and the discharge areas of the groundwater, with the highest fluoride concentration exceeding seven times the national standard. (2) Fluoride in groundwater mainly originates from a natural source and human activities. The natural source refers to the fluoride-bearing minerals in rocks and soil, and the fluoride from this source is mainly controlled by natural factors such as climate, geologic setting, pH, specific hydrochemical environment, ion exchange, and mineral saturation. Human activities in modern life can be further divided into industrial and agricultural sources primarily. (3) The health risks of fluoride contamination are very high in the Loess Plateau, especially for children compared to adults. Meanwhile, the risks of fluoride exposure through food intake are higher than those through drinking water intake. The authors suggest selecting target areas to improve water supply and ensure the safety of drinking water in the study area. Besides, it is necessary to plant crops with low fluoride content or cash crops and to conduct groundwater treatment to reduce the fluoride concentration in drinking water. These results will provide a theoretical basis for safe water supply in the faulted basin areas in the Loess Plateau.© 2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

黄河冲积平原面积广大,农田灌溉频繁,灌水量大,在地下水资源评价时对灌溉入渗系数取值困难。本文在现场灌溉入渗试验的基础上,分析包气带岩性及结构、水位埋深、灌溉水量对灌溉入渗系数的影响,总结提出了多种条件下灌溉入渗系数的取值范围。在单位灌水量40~60m3/亩和水位埋深小于4m、4~8m、大于8m的井灌区中,当包气带岩性为粉土、粉砂时,灌溉入渗系数可分别取值0.21~O.10、0.10—0.05、0.05~0;当包气带岩性夹有粉质粘土层时,灌溉入渗系数可分别取值0.15~0.09、0.09—0.05、0.05~0。在单位灌水量较大的渠灌区,灌溉入渗系数可按单位灌水量的增大倍数而增加,由此为黄河冲积平原区地下水补给量计算中灌溉入渗系数的确定提供了依据。  相似文献   

黄土中水分迁移规律现场试验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄土地区降雨诱发滑坡是不争的事实,但黄土地区地下水位很深,降雨入渗地面后如何运移,与地下水有无直接联系,目前还不是很清楚。为此设计了人工滴水试验模拟天然降雨条件,通过在一深度为10 m的探井井壁上埋设土壤水分计,观测人工滴水入渗过程中不同深度土体含水率随时间的变化情况,以确定其入渗影响深度。监测结果显示:降雨量为3.82 mm/d (小雨)时,0.5 m内土体含水率变化明显,0.5 m以下土层含水率几乎没有变化;降雨量为10.31 mm/d(中雨)时,1 m内土体含水率有所增加;降雨量达25.21 mm/d(大雨)时,1 m内土体含水率增长明显,1.0~1.6 m范围内有微弱增长;随着深度增加,土体含水率变化逐渐滞后,增幅逐渐减小。这说明在干旱的黄土地区,若无明显入水通道,短期内降雨的入渗深度有限,很难到达地下水位;但深部古土壤层的观测结果表明,即使在其上部黄土中含水率变化极其微弱的情况下,古土壤中的含水率上升明显,表明黄土中非饱和渗流或水汽迁移是存在的。通过试验还表明,陇东黄土高原地区土壤中水分循环主要发生在浅层0.7 m以内的蒸发带。降雨入渗到蒸发带以内,若无后续降雨补给,则向上蒸发排泄;若入渗至蒸发带以下,则不受蒸发影响,得以继续向下迁移;当遇到不透水面时,会在层面附近富集,有限元模拟也较好地反映了这一规律。  相似文献   

水致黄土深层滑坡灾变机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在黄土地区,雨后观测和人工降雨试验均表明地表水在黄土中的入渗深度有限,并不影响黄土深部的含水率。因此水分入渗是否直接造成斜坡深层滑移颇受争议。本文通过黄土地区自然降雨条件下的现场观测,发现地表水在黄土中的入渗沿垂直剖面可以划分为3个带:即活动带,稳定带和饱和带。活动带受大气降雨和蒸发的影响,为瞬态流,向下则转化为稳定流;稳定带含水率不变,但仍有稳定的水分运移至地下水位。地下水以下降泉的形式排泄。在入渗和排泄条件长期不变的情况下,地下水位可维持动态平衡。若地表入渗量加大,如灌溉或管道漏水等,稳定带含水率升高,并伴随地下水位抬升,以达到新的平衡,此水文动态转化过程会诱发滑坡。以延炼滑坡为例,分析了长期地表水间歇性滴渗条件下,边坡的水力动态变化过程,及其对边坡稳定性的影响。观测及分析结果表明,黄土深层滑坡主要与地表水入渗导致的地下水位抬升有关,由于其过程缓慢,容易被忽视而致灾。  相似文献   

Due to its physical and chemical properties, areas with a loess mantle of proper thickness favour arable farming. Loess as a parent material promotes the formation of soils of good structure, nutrient supply and water budget. The ongoing land evaluation project places particular emphasis on the consideration of parent material in its scoring system as soil and climatic parameters are assessed in conjunction with the grain size composition of subsurface material and soil texture.A test area most suitable for the presentation of the method seems to be a sandy alluvial fan with loess mantle and this circumstance allows the contrasting of the agroecological potentials of soils developed on the two parent materials of different nature.The favourable water storage properties of loess make this deposit particularly valuable under the conditions of climatic aridification. The geographical information system applied here is capable of simulating the agroecological potential changes caused by reduced precipitation, increased evaporation and dropping groundwater levels.The research for this paper was carried out as part of the MEDALUS II (Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use) collaborative research project. MEDALUS II was funded by the EC under its Environment Progamme, contract no. EV5V 0128/0166. A grant was also provided by the OTKA (Hungarian National Science Foundation), project no 1278. The support is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

魏兴  周金龙  梁杏  乃尉华  曾妍妍  范薇  李斌 《地球科学》2020,45(5):1807-1817
新疆喀什三角洲地下水“水质型”缺水问题较为突出,开展地下水流系统研究具有实际意义.采用水化学和环境同位素年龄测试法,在对喀什三角洲地下水含水系统划分基础上,对地下水化学和循环更新特征进行了分析研究.结果表明:三角洲含水系统由山前倾斜冲洪积平原潜水、河流冲积平原潜水和河流冲积平原承压水构成.沿地下水流向,水化学类型演化为HCO3·SO4-Ca→SO4-Ca→SO4·Cl-Mg·Na→SO4·Cl-Na,TDS增高,水质趋向盐化.山前倾斜冲洪积平原为溶滤-径流区,河流冲积平原为径流-累盐区.研究区地下水更新速率为0.03%~16.35%·a-1,具有山前倾斜冲洪积平原潜水>河流冲积平原潜水>河流冲积平原承压水的特征.利用3H估算得出,山前倾斜冲洪积平原潜水年龄为8~49 a,平均值为29 a;河流冲积平原潜水年龄为14~>50 a,其中上部潜水平均年龄为24 a,下部潜水平均年龄大于50 a.利用14C估算得出,河流冲积平原潜水为476~33 623 a,平均值为8 106 a;河流冲积平原承压水为5 186~34 578 a,平均值为30 043 a,与潜水比为“更古老”的水.综合以上特征得出,喀什三角洲地下水含水系统可以划分为2个更新速率较快的局部水流系统(Ⅰ1和Ⅰ2)和一个循环滞缓的区域水流系统(Ⅱ).   相似文献   

泥流型黄土滑坡发生的条件除一般滑坡具有的条件之外,还应包括特殊的状态因素、触发因素及相应的驱动剪应力条件。通过对甘肃岷县永光村滑坡的现场勘察和实地调查,分析其成因,结果表明:永光村滑坡平面形态虽与泥流类似,但其具有滑坡形成区以及滑坡发生所需要的特殊的地形地貌、岩土体性质以及水文地质条件。永光村滑坡发育于沟道上游的黄土塬地带,临空面较大,滑坡剪出口位置高,具有较高的势能,滑坡体的主要岩土体是马兰黄土,黄土具有大孔隙结构,垂直节理发育,有利于地表水的下渗。下部为新近系泥岩,渗透系数低,为一相对隔水层。长期灌溉导致地下水位较高,黄土层存在软弱夹层,地下水位上升,导致其软化饱和,强度迅速降低,形成潜在滑动面。永光村滑坡亦具有圆弧形的滑坡后壁,滑坡后缘顶部分布有多条拉张裂缝,在前期发生降雨的外部条件下,在岷县“7·22”地震诱发下,发生了低角度、快速和远程的泥流型黄土滑坡,滑体在冲出沟口后形成了扇形堆积区。永光村滑坡是一种特殊的地震引发的泥流型黄土滑坡。目前,泥流型黄土滑坡的研究还处在探索阶段,是作为黄土滑坡分类的一种补充,建议进一步加强对此类灾害发生机理及其稳定性计算方法的深入研究。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(3):509-526
The fresh groundwater in the Loess Plateau serves as a major source of water required for the production and livelihood of local residents and is greatly significant for regional economic and social development and ecological protection. This paper analyzes the hydrogeological conditions and groundwater characteristics in the Loess Plateau, expatiates on the types and distribution characteristics of the fresh groundwater in the plateau, and analyzes the influencing factors and mechanisms in the formation of the fresh groundwater in the plateau as a priority. Based on this, it summarizes the impacts of human activities and climatic change on the regional fresh groundwater. The groundwater in Loess Plateau features uneven temporal-spatial distribution, with the distribution space of the fresh groundwater closely relating to precipitation. The groundwater shows a distinct zoning pattern of hydrochemical types. It is fresh water in shallow parts and is salt water in deep parts overall, while the fresh water of exploration value is distributed only in a small range. The storage space and migration pathways of fresh groundwater in the loess area feature dual voids, vertical multilayers, variable structure, poor renewability, complex recharge processes, and distinct spatial differences. In general, the total dissolved solids (TDS) of the same type of groundwater tends to gradually increase from recharge areas to discharge areas. Conditions favorable for the formation of fresh groundwater in loess tablelands include the low content of soluble salts in strata, weak evaporation, and special hydrodynamic conditions. Owing to climate change and human activities, the resource quantity of regional fresh water tends to decrease overall, and the groundwater dynamic field and the recharge-discharge relationships between groundwater and surface water have changed in local areas. Human activities have a small impact on the water quality but slightly affect the water quantity of the groundwater in loess.© 2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

隧道建设引起地下水流场改变,对区域水分运移过程造成严重影响.以重庆市中梁山岩溶槽谷为例,于2017年4月~2019年4月收集降水、土壤水、地下水和隧道排水,利用氢氧稳定同位素分析隧道影响区和非隧道影响区的土壤水和地下水运移过程,探索隧道建设对其产生的影响.结果表明:隧道影响区土壤水δ2H和δ18O变化幅度较非隧道影响区...  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(17-18):2265-2280
Well-preserved loess deposits are found on the foothills of mountains along the middle reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River in southern Tibet. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is used to determine loess ages by applying the single-aliquot regeneration technique. Geochemical, mineralogical, and granulometric measurements were carried out to allow a comparison between loess from Tibet and the Chinese Loess Plateau. Our results demonstrate that (i) the loess deposits have a basal age of 13–11 ka, suggesting they accumulated after the last deglaciation, (ii) loess in southern Tibet has a “glacial” origin, resulting from eolian sorting of glaciofluvial outwash deposits from braided river channels or alluvial fans by local near-surface winds, and (iii) the present loess in the interior of Tibet has accumulated since the last deglaciation when increased monsoonal circulation provided an increased vegetation cover that was sufficient for trapping eolian silt. The lack of full-glacial loess is either due to minimal vegetation cover or possibly due to the erosion of loess as glaciofluvial outwash during the beginning of each interglacial. Such processes would have been repeated during each glacial–interglacial cycle of the Quaternary.  相似文献   

对郧县—白河段汉江Ⅰ级河流阶地上风成黄土的沉积学、理化性质、地球化学和年代学进行了系统研究。结果表明,汉江Ⅰ河流阶的形成不晚于25 ka BP;黄土具有马兰黄土(L1)→过渡黄土(Lt)→古土壤(S0)→全新世黄土(L0)→表土(TS)的地层序列,与渭河谷地的黄土地层序列完全可比;25~11.5 ka BP,冬季风强盛,气候冷干,从11.5 ka BP开始,冬季风逐渐减弱,气候开始向暖湿方向逐步转化,从8.5 ka BP开始,夏季风达到了末次冰期结束后的鼎盛时期,3.1 ka BP前后,东亚季风格局发生变化,夏季风减弱,重新进入一个相对干冷的时期,而人类活动对地表的影响形成了表土;汉江上游谷地黄土记录的末次冰期后季风逐渐加强、中全新世季风强盛、随后季风衰退和气候变干的夏季风演变模式与渭河谷地黄土的记录高度一致,与邻区石笋和泥炭记录的季风变化趋势也有良好的可比性,但与石笋/泥炭记录的夏季风强盛期的起始时间(9.3~4.2 ka BP)并不完全一致。  相似文献   

Frequent occurrence of landslides in the Chinese Loess Plateau has been influenced by the changes of water conditions. This paper, based on in-situ water scouring experiments under various slope gradients, cross-sectional discharge shapes and flow quantities, analyzed the rill flow information characteristics on a loess slope and its driving factors for anti-scourability of the loess stratum. The results show that the critical erosion slope gradient for the loess stratum (Q3) is about 24° and the mean erosion rate under half-round cross-sectional discharge is smaller than that under rectangular discharge. The relationship between flow quantity and mean erosion rate is linear and is positively correlated. Mechanical subsurface erosion was the primary condition responsible for water scouring on loess slopes because of stronger runoff channels such as vertical joints and large amounts of macro void caused by plants and animals. Loess anti-scourability is a significant issue to advance the research for soil and water conservation in the Loess Plateau of China.  相似文献   

Environmental tracers (such as major ions, stable and radiogenic isotopes, and heat) monitored in natural waters provide valuable information for understanding the processes of river–groundwater interactions in arid areas. An integrated framework is presented for interpreting multi-tracer data (major ions, stable isotopes (2H, 18O), the radioactive isotope 222Rn, and heat) for delineating the river–groundwater interactions in Nalenggele River basin, northwest China. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were undertaken to estimate the bidirectional water exchange associated with small-scale interactions between groundwater and surface water. Along the river stretch, groundwater and river water exchange readily. From the high mountain zone to the alluvial fan, groundwater discharge to the river is detected by tracer methods and end-member mixing models, but the river has also been identified as a losing river using discharge measurements, i.e. discharge is bidirectional. On the delta-front of the alluvial fan and in the alluvial plain, in the downstream area, the characteristics of total dissolved solids values, 222Rn concentrations and δ18O values in the surface water, and patterns derived from a heat-tracing method, indicate that groundwater discharges into the river. With the environmental tracers, the processes of river–groundwater interaction have been identified in detail for better understanding of overall hydrogeological processes and of the impacts on water allocation policies.  相似文献   

层状土层之间孔隙结构和水力学性质的不连续性对土体水盐运移有显著影响。基于现场调查,设计了两种不同粒径土层二元结构组合(黄土-砂质粉土和黄土-粉质黏土)的室内土柱试验,通过模型试验讨论了不同地下水补给条件下土层结构对毛细水分布和盐分累积的影响。试验结果表明:在毛细水补给条件下,黄土-砂质粉土构成的上细下粗型土层结构有利于毛细水盐运移,经过60 d蒸发后,其表层SO_4~(2-)含量是上粗下细型土柱的两倍。在无毛细水补给条件下,砂质粉土层中水盐向上迁移总量和迁移速率大于粉质黏土层,最终上细下粗型土柱中上覆土层各层位离子含量均大于上粗下细型土柱。研究结果为层状土区盐渍土病害的防治提供了试验参考。  相似文献   

黄土高原丘陵沟壑区包气带土壤水运移过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
包气带土壤水运移过程是黄土高原生态修复中亟需回答的关键科学问题。环境同位素方法可获取其他方法难以获取的水文过程信息。通过对黄土高原丘陵沟壑区羊圈沟小流域降水、包气带0~150 cm土壤水和绣线菊(Spiraea salicifolia)木质部水等样品的同位素δD和δ18O进行测定。结果表明:羊圈沟小流域降水同位素组成受蒸发作用影响较大,呈现明显分馏效应。包气带土壤水、降水与木质部水同位素组成存在明显月份变化特征。降水是土壤水的主要补给来源,灌丛的水分利用来源主要为降水和土壤水,符合降水-土壤水-植被水的运移特征。灌丛木质部水和20~40 cm土壤水δD和δ18O最为接近,20~40 cm土壤水是灌丛水分利用的主要来源。研究揭示了包气带土壤水运移过程及植物水分利用来源,为土壤水运移过程、模型结构与参数识别等提供科学依据。  相似文献   

钱塘江冲海积粉土以砂质粉土为主,呈“高粉性、低黏性”的地区特点,在地下水动水压力作用下极易产生渗透破坏。粉土是介于砂性土和黏性土之间的一种过渡类型土,工程性质既与砂性土不同又与黏性土有较大区别。采用自行研制的粉土抗渗强度测定设备,对钱塘江冲海积粉土5种典型样本和微层理原状样本进行了渗透稳定试验。结果表明,钱塘江冲海积粉土渗透稳定性差,抗渗强度低;砂质粉土临界水力比降icr为1.01~1.25,破坏形式为局部流土,从临界水力比降icr发展到破坏比降iF的过程是瞬间的,基坑开挖遇到该类土层极易产生渗透破坏;黏质粉土临界水力比降icr随黏粒含量增加而增加,从临界水力比降icr发展到破坏比降iF有个短暂的过程,是整体流土破坏;钱塘江冲海积粉土渗透稳定各向异性;渗流垂直微层理方向的临界水力比降icr最大,是渗流沿微层理方向icr的2.5倍左右。研究结果为粉土地基渗透破坏防治提供参考。  相似文献   

邕江防洪水堤是南宁市唯一抵御洪水侵害的防线,其堤基为河床和河漫滩相冲洪积物。下部中、粗砂层和圆砾层属管涌层;中部粉砂层、粉土层属流土层;上部粘性土层;底部为第三系泥岩层。本文通过对场地管涌县、流土层判别、水文地质条件概化、地下水回水位预测、盖层变形破坏预测和地下水水力坡降计算,来预测场地发生管涌地质灾害的可能性。  相似文献   

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