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Oil and gas transmission pipelines require monitoring for maintenance and safety, to prevent equipment failure and accidents. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) technology is emerging as an opportunity to supplement current monitoring systems. Small UAV technological solutions are flexible and adaptable and with a demonstrated capacity to obtain valuable data at small to medium spatial scales. Systematic surveys of extensive areas are better completed with fixed-wing platforms and automatic flight design, whilst multirotor platforms provide flexibility in shorter and localized inspection missions. The type of sensor carried by an aerial platform determines the sort of data acquired and the obtainable information; sensors also determine the need for specific mechanical designs and the provision of energy on-board required from the system. UAV systems prototyped to monitor pipelines are reviewed in this paper, and a number of monitoring scenarios are proposed and illustrated. Notwithstanding difficulties encountered in the generalization of use for civilian applications, small UAVs have demonstrated, through research and operational cases, the capacity to support the inspection and monitoring of oil and gas pipelines.  相似文献   

In the past ten years, time-lapse (4D) seismic has evolved as a standard way of monitoring reservoir performance. The method is now being used as good reservoir management practice to provide evidence of saturation changes within the reservoir at field scale. 4D provides a new piece of data describing the dynamic behavior of the reservoir fluids between the wells, often limited to small scale monitoring at the borehole scale. Thus, it provides sophisticated techniques for reservoir monitoring and management relying on the integration of geological models, static and dynamic properties of the reservoir rock, and detailed production and pressure field data.While 4D seismic data has been very successful in monitoring hydrocarbon production from clastic reservoirs, this work has focused on implementing 4D time lapse to monitor saturation changes in carbonate reservoirs and it’s capability to be used as enhanced oil recovery (EOR) tool that can help in enhancing the recovery factor for the filed and help to locate new drilling to sweep more oil out of the reservoir and locate the by-pass oil.The principal goal of this research was to detect the maximum change in seismic attributes (amplitude, acoustic impedance, travel time) that could occur as a result of oil production, water and gas injection in carbonate reservoirs by using time-lapse 4D seismic.  相似文献   

本文从泄漏石油及其产品在不同岩性非饱和带和地下水中的迁移特征和国内外油污染事故谈起,就目前城市地下油库(罐)的安全建设问题,介绍国外防止油库(罐)泄漏的技术措施和目前我国北京地区所采用的经济有效的防泄漏安全措施,以供推广应用  相似文献   

陆相储层稠油热采时移地震监测数据开展的互均衡处理结果表明,此项处理有利于有效时移地震异常的识别与热前缘位置的准确确定。当原始采集资料的一致性极差时,互均衡处理虽然可以改善资料的一致性,因此,提高野外采集震源子波和采集资料的一致性,是陆相薄互层油藏时移地震监测顺利实施的关键。振幅属性是陆相薄储层油藏时移地震监测的主要标志之一,笔者在振幅处理方面做了一些探索,取得一定效果。  相似文献   

霍尔果斯背斜受山前构造的影响,存在地质情况复杂、倾角大、多套压力体系并存以及泥岩含量高等问题,在钻进过程中复杂事故频发,严重制约了该地区油气勘探开发的进程。通过对完钻井的测井资料、地破实验数据、钻井复杂等资料的分析,确定必封点位置,形成适合霍尔果斯背斜深探井的四开井身结构,并针对安集海河组复杂事故率高的情况,采用高密度油基钻井液抑制泥岩水化,从而实现安全钻进。优化后的井身结构在霍尔果斯背斜深探井H11井进行了应用,首次实现了在安集海河组、紫泥泉子组两套压力系统下进行套打,历时5.5 d钻穿“死亡之海”安集海河组,未出现井漏现象,取得了良好的应用效果。优化后的井身结构在H11井的成功应用,不仅为该地区深探井的井身结构设计提供依据,也为该地区后续常规井的四开转三开井身结构提供了指导。  相似文献   

浅层地温能开发利用对地质环境影响程度的探索性研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
结合已施工的浅层地温能资源开发利用工程,在收集分析地质、水文地质和地源热泵项目资料基础上,建立了地源热泵监测系统,即地下水地源热泵系统监测站、地埋管地源热泵系统监测站和20个地源热泵系统监测点。通过布设温度传感器以及数据采集装置,对地源热泵系统进行动态监测,采用GPRS无线传输系统实现监测数据的远程传输。对所监测的数据进行分析,进而评估浅层地温能资源的开发利用对地质环境的影响程度,认为土壤温度场变化与深度存在一定的相关性,且地温的变化与系统的换热功率相关。  相似文献   

地理信息系统(GIS)是处理空间数据的软件系统,其基本模块包括空间数据的组织、查询、可视化及空间关系分析与决策支持,主要功能为空间数据的获取、管理、分析及可视化表达。作为地理信息科学的重要组成部分,地理信息系统在社会生活的各领域已得到了越来越广泛的应用,它的广泛应用为油气勘探开发研究中的古构造重建、储层研究、油气运移路径分析及资源评价等提供了新的信息处理辅助手段和工具。本文分析了地理信息系统在油气勘探开发中的地位和作用,详细介绍了它在油气勘探开发中的应用的历史和现状,并结合当前地理信息系统领域的研究热点和油气勘探开发研究的实际,探讨了其在油气勘探开发领域应用的前景及发展方向。  相似文献   

阳霞凹陷超压成因及与油气成藏关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
地层超压的形成和分布不仅与油气的运聚成藏有关, 而且还直接影响油气钻井工程.因此, 超压的研究和预测成为当今含油气盆地研究中的重要内容.阳霞凹陷属于库车坳陷的一个次级构造单元, 钻井揭示凹陷内有超压发育.笔者应用测井资料、测试资料和地震资料分析了阳霞凹陷内超压的成因以及超压与油气成藏的关系, 得出以下认识: (1) 在阳霞凹陷内, 上第三系吉迪克组膏泥岩中的超压是以欠压实成因为主控因素, 下第三系和白垩系中的超压是以构造成因为主控因素, 形成了上下两套成因机制并不完全相同的超压系统. (2) 从构造演化时间上来看, 巴西盖组与巴什基奇克组的超压形成时间最晚在上新世的库车组时期, 早于油气大规模运移时期(库车晚期—第四纪西域期).由于缺少断层的疏导, 积聚的超压无法通过断层释放, 阻挡了后期油气在巴西盖组与巴什基奇克组中聚集成藏, 使得库1井所钻遇的圈闭成藏规模不足.   相似文献   

因工程施工导致地面下沉引发的工程事故日益增多。政府加大了安全生产监督力度,对建筑工程实施沉降监测显得尤为重要。本文简要介绍了三种常用的城市建(构)筑物沉降观测精度设计方法及三种精度设计方案的适用范围。  相似文献   

An instrument has been constructed for monitoring the partition coefficients of phenol and cresols between crude oil and water under sub-surface conditions. The device has the capacity for introducing methane gas into crude oil, thereby allowing measurements under live oil (solution gas-containing) conditions. The partition coefficients of phenol and cresols have been measured in crude oil: water substrates under “live” oil and “dead” oil (without solution gas) conditions over a temperature range 25–150 °C. Over the range investigated it is seen that the introduction of gas (crude oil saturated at 100 bar with methane) into the system resulted in an approximate doubling of partition coefficients compared to the equivalent dead oil: brine systems. The partition coefficient data obtained using the device may be employed in a number of petroleum exploration and production activities such as the determination of residual oil saturation of a water-flooded petroleum reservoir. Partition coefficient measurements may help in predicting toxic organic solute loadings in oilfield discharge waters.  相似文献   

朱岳年 《沉积学报》2000,18(4):567-572
油田水体系的地球化学场中蕴含着丰富的石油地质学含意,其研究对指导油气勘探和开发有重要的意义。辽河盆地西部凹陷欢-双地区下第三系油田水可划分为六个体系,即:(1)沙四段油田水体系,(2)沙三段下部油田水体系,(3)沙三段中-上部油田水体系,(4)沙二段油田水体系,(5)沙一段油田水体系和(6)东营组油田水体系。虽然这六个体系的油田水均为低矿化度的重碳酸钠型水,但其矿化度和还原系数场不尽相同;这些不同不仅表现在油田水体系之间的地球化学场异常区面积有差异,而且地球化学场异常区位置也有变化。一般认为油田水体系中矿化度场的正异常区和还原系数场的负异常区为有利的油气聚集区和保存区。  相似文献   

The paper presents quantitative data on radiocesium wash-off (dissolved and particulate) from catchment areas after the accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant. The evaluations are conducted based on published data on radiocesium monitoring in streams in the accident zone and monitoring at standard USLE plots. The characteristics of radiocesium wash-off and its distribution coefficient in riverine waters and surface runoff are analyzed by comparing data obtained on the territories of the Fukushima and Chernobyl accidents within a few years after the accidents. The normalized radiocesium wash-off coefficients in solution for the Fukushima river catchment area are one to two orders of magnitude lower than the analogous values for the Chernobyl catchment area. The normalized wash-off coefficients of radiocesium on particulate matter in the Fukushima and Chernobyl catchment areas are comparable. However, at least twice higher mean annual precipitation and steeper slopes in the Fukushima catchment area result in a higher annual wash-off coefficient than that of the Chernobyl area. It is demonstrated that characteristics of radiocesium wash-off obtained at USLE plots can be utilized to evaluate the scales of natural catchment areas.  相似文献   

Assessing the health of and maintaining civil infrastructure has been an increased concern in the wake of natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and the summer 2007 flood events in the UK. The variability of properties within geotechnical systems makes predictions of soil behavior extremely difficult, especially when soil models are not calibrated with field-measured performance. Unfortunately the current state of the art in geotechnical system health assessment is either based on very expensive monitoring systems for real-time information or on periodic measurement of ground surface displacements. Accordingly, a need has arisen for a system capable of in situ, real-time monitoring of levees, embankments, and other earthen structures. The work presented herein highlights the development of novel, affordable sensing technologies for use in a framework to monitor, manage and ensure the safety of geotechnical infrastructure. MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems)-based in-place inclinometer system, Measurand’s ShapeAccelArray (SAA), is now established as a sensing tool for simultaneous measurement of 3D soil acceleration and 3D ground deformation up to a depth of one hundred meters, with an accuracy of ±1.5 mm per 30 m. Each sensor array is connected to a wireless sensor node to enable real-time monitoring as well as remote sensor configuration. This system is now being further developed to include digitally integrated pore pressure measurement in the form of vibrating wire piezometers equipped with microprocessors (called SAAPs). The SAAPs are able to convert vibrating wire data to digital data downhole, and they integrate easily into the SAA system. In situ testing was conducted in a levee in England subjected to significant tidal loading (up to 6 m of fluctuation during spring tides) through collaboration with the European Union’s UrbanFlood project. In addition to the SAAs and SAAPs installed in three sections of the levee, the site was also instrumented with other sensors from Alert Solutions and TenCate, providing values for comparison. The likelihood of this levee to experience deformation and the density of instrumentation installed in the bank made this the ideal location to test the new SAAP system. The additional insight into subsurface behavior provided by the SAAPs is integral in the development of a comprehensive system for monitoring and management of civil infrastructure. The preliminary testing indicates the suitability of this new multi-parameter system for inclusion in a multi-scale monitoring and health assessment framework, which will be implemented in New Orleans, LA in 2012.  相似文献   

隆威  梁专明 《探矿工程》2009,36(6):44-46
利用有限差分程序FLAC3D对充水预压法加固油罐地基进行了数值模拟,详细分析了大型油罐地基的变形特性及形状,得出了一些有用结论,并将结果和监测数据进行了对比分析,显示了很好的一致性。  相似文献   

孙莉  杨桂林  孙义春 《探矿工程》2014,41(8):33-35,39
AD205H井是伊拉克艾哈代布油田的首口简化三开水平井,上部水敏泥岩易分散造浆、缩径,中部存在高压盐水层、燧石结核地层,储层灰岩含量高,从而增加了施工周期,制约了该区水平井发展步伐。针对上述钻井难点,开展了钻井液抑制性、抗温性、抗盐性、抗污染评价试验,研制了混油聚磺钻井液体系。现场应用表明,聚磺钻井液体系抗污染能力强,施工过程中性能稳定。对于上部水敏性泥浆有很强的抑制作用,对于下部易渗漏的灰岩地层有很好的封堵作用,减少了井下复杂事故的出现。此井为该地区简化井身结构第一口井,低密度优质钻井液保证了该井的顺利施工,创造了该油田钻井施工的多项纪录。  相似文献   

G. Rasula  M. Rasula   《Engineering Geology》2001,60(1-4):351-360
Protection of groundwater already is and will also be in the future, a particularly important environmental, socio-economic, social welfare and political task. The fact that the costs of preventive measures are 10–20 times lower than the funds needed to clean up and revitalize polluted aquifers, as well as the fact that the area to be occupied with transport communications and other infrastructure facilities will aggravate protection, both call for an urgent introduction of modern methods of monitoring and preserving all the existing and potential groundwater resources. The basic principle of groundwater protection against pollution means constant control and preventive measures of protection, namely prevention of incidental and other kinds of pollution. The very construction of communications and all accompanying facilities changes and degrades the existent natural geological environment, and when in use they may become structures in whose immediate surrounds surface and ground waters may be polluted by the toxic and waste substances transported. The experience gained through the following activities: the ‘pilot model’ for groundwater monitoring in the zone of Makis, the investigations and monitoring of critical sites polluted with xylene (CIP, Belgrade, 1994/95), and information on the latest achievements in this field in the world (obtained while working on the study of methodology of hydrogeological investigations needed for groundwater quality monitoring system — Jaroslav Cerni Institute for the Development of Water Resources, Belgrade, 1998), stresses a necessity to obligatory design and construct operational systems for groundwater quality monitoring, particularly in the zones of infrastructure facilities (roads, railway, gas pipelines, oil pipelines), which can be considered as potential linear polluters. In that light, this paper is a contribution to developing hydrogeological investigation methodology for designing and operating a monitoring system in the zones of roads, and its legal and practical incorporation in the technical documents of each project. Besides, an emphasis is put on multidisciplinary approach to system implementation, its full automation, rational management, and effective and optimal measures for groundwater protection.  相似文献   

The oil and gas industry has successfully used the concept of specific energy (SE) to maximise drill rate and identify inefficient conditions in drilling operations. This paper proposes the idea of implementing the concept of SE in horizontal directional drilling (HDD), a pipeline installation technique which was adopted from horizontal oil well drilling technology. The similarity of the HDD technique with oil well drilling makes SE surveillance a very useful tool in HDD operations. SE monitoring during the drilling stage of HDD can address drilling dysfunctions and maximise the rate of penetration. SE can be calculated in real-time and displayed to the rig personnel during the operation. This paper discusses the concept of SE and how it can be used in HDD projects, and it also illustrates an example application of SE in a case study.  相似文献   

基于自然伽马测井信号的维纳滤波法求取泥质含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥质含量是定性、定量评价储层属性的一个重要参数.研究经济、适用、高精度的储层泥质含量求取方法, 对储层的评价、预测含油气远景和计算储层油气储量意义明确.提出了测井自然伽马求取泥质含量的新原理, 认为测井自然伽马信号是地层自然伽马真值通过一个系统的卷积滤波输出.利用测井自然伽马信号和提取的自然伽马真值子波, 采用维纳滤波法求取测井系统逆因子函数, 根据逆因子函数, 用自然伽马测井信号做卷积直接计算泥质含量.本研究在中国西北某油气勘探区有岩心分析资料的K13井进行了试验, 求取的泥质含量精度比测井常规解释方法大幅提高, 在同一勘探区K11、S44、S4等井试验性应用, 效果良好.   相似文献   


This article presents data on the REE contained in 50 oil samples taken from six oil and gas regions that are based on oil fraction composition analysis using ICP MS. It is shown that regardless of the geological and tectonic structure of regions, oil composition, depth of deposit occurrence, and lithology of enclosing rocks, chondritenormalized curves of REE distribution in oil are different and have a europium maximum. The europium anomaly and the regularly increasing (Eu/Sm) N and Eu/Eu* ratios under transition from asphaltene components to tars and then to oils are geochemically substantiated. Unlike oil, Devonian domanicites and Jurassic bazhenites, as well as their bituminous substance are characterized by a prominent negative europium anomaly (in the (Eu/Sm) N ratio), which is typical of sedimentary rocks, modern seawater, and the upper crust of the earth as a whole. Based on the data obtained, the conclusion on the participation of deep fluid systems in the formation of the geochemical appearance of naphtydes is made.


详细阐述了微地震注水前缘监测的原理。应用微地震注水前缘监测系统,通过微地震信息的现场监测和解释,结合生产动态及其他监测资料综合分析,并以秦家屯地区的QK 3-5井为例,描述了秦家屯地区注水开发状态下水井水驱前缘位置,研究了地下油水运动规律,证明了方法的可靠性和实用性。结果表明,对于油田注水分析与研究微地震监测技术可以取得很好的效果。  相似文献   

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