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郯庐断裂带中-南段走滑构造特征与变形规律   总被引:23,自引:13,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
朱光  徐佑德  刘国生  王勇生  谢成龙 《地质科学》2006,41(2):226-241,255
在大别造山带东端和苏鲁造山带西端,郯庐断裂带存在着同造山期和早白垩世两期左旋走滑韧性剪切带,在张八岭隆起南段迄今为止只发现了早白垩世的走滑剪切带。这些剪切带由若干条小型韧性剪切带组成,带内糜棱岩都具有陡倾的糜棱面理和平缓的矿物拉伸线理。野外构造、显微构造及石英C轴组构皆指示了左旋走滑剪切指向。新生矿物组合和矿物变形行为分析显示大别山东端郯庐早、晚两期剪切带主要形成于中绿片岩相的变质温度环境,张八岭隆起南段剪切带主要形成于高绿片岩相的变质温度环境,苏鲁造山带西端郯庐早、晚两期剪切带则形成于高角闪岩相的变质温度环境。糜棱岩内基质中新生白云母的电子探针分析指示大别山东端和张八岭隆起南段出露的郯庐韧性剪切带形成于低压环境下,而苏鲁造山带西端的郯庐韧性剪切带形成于高压榴辉岩相环境。这些详细的构造研究显示:在华北与华南板块的碰撞造山期郯庐断裂带以左旋走滑构造型式存在,而在早白垩世太平洋构造域中它又再次发生了强烈的左行平移。  相似文献   

为探讨郯庐断裂带的起源方式,对其印支期变形构造进行了详细的构造研究与综合分析。张八岭隆起带上张八岭群及肥东杂岩表现为上盘向南南西运动的平缓韧性滑脱变形带;庐江地区张八岭群表现为郯庐陡立的左行走滑剪切带;大别造山带东缘郯庐剪切带经历了两期变形事件,早期变形表现为北东走向左行走滑韧性剪切带,而晚期变形为叠加的北东-南西向紧闭褶皱;大别造山带内宿松杂岩及造山带南缘张八岭群表现为折返构造特征。结合前人白云母~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar定年结果及郯庐断裂带周缘前陆变形带特征,提出了郯庐断裂带起源的板片撕裂断层模式。  相似文献   

庐山变质核杂岩东侧的星子牛屎墩地区广泛岀露伸展拆离、韧性流变的构造现象,拆离方位为南东方向。该区还岀露一期NNE向左行走滑韧性剪切构造,推测是与郯庐断裂同期变形的构造产物,为郯庐断裂系的一部分。这两期构造运动反映了中生代太平洋构造体制下挤压应力向伸展应力的转换,对伸展滑脱层内同构造的伟晶岩脉及长英质脉的锆石U-Pb年代学测试,结合野外构造现象,以探究该区两期构造性质的转换时限和构造背景。新生变质流体结晶的锆石得到135~140Ma的庐山变质核杂岩拆离带的伸展年龄,内部受热液溶蚀作用的残余锆石得到150.5Ma和153.9Ma的左行剪切变形的年龄。受太平洋构造体制控制,晚侏罗世,该区受板块俯冲作用而处于挤压应力的构造背景,表现为左行剪切构造;早白垩世,在区域性的伸展、减薄作用下,挤压应力向伸展应力转换,庐山变质核杂岩得以形成,其伸展拆离构造是在早期左行剪切构造上的改造与叠加。  相似文献   

大别山早白垩世变质核杂岩的结构与演化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
大别山中部混合岩-片麻岩穹隆的构造属性认识方面一直众说纷纭.通过对中大别杂岩及其边界剪切带或断裂带的构造解析,并结合对前人相关研究的总结,我们将中大别杂岩厘定为早白垩世的变质核杂岩,其中商麻断裂与晓天-磨子潭断裂和水吼-五河剪切带构成了一个完整的拆离断层带,并将变质核杂岩的形成时间限定在145~120 Ma.中大别杂岩...  相似文献   

在晚侏罗世华北克拉通东部破坏之初出现了区域性隆起,全区缺失上侏罗统沉积。在早白垩世早期,出现了区域性的伸展活动,断陷盆地形成,克拉通南、北缘伸展活动最强,北部燕山构造带以出现变质核杂岩为特征,南部出现宽裂谷型盆地。早白垩世中期华北克拉通东部普遍出现了火山活动与岩浆侵入。早白垩世晚期克拉通上以出现窄裂谷型盆地为特征,沿北北东走向的郯庐断裂带断陷活动最强。这些断陷盆地的演化过程揭示,经历地表抬升后,克拉通破坏之初的岩石圈热而弱,从而形成变质核杂岩或宽裂谷型盆地。这期间的破坏强度在空间上具有不均匀分布的特征,受控于早期岩石圈地幔的结构。经过早白垩世中期的大量岩浆活动之后,早白垩世晚期克拉通岩石圈温度降低、强度变大,从而利用早期大型断裂构造形成窄裂谷型盆地。这现象支持华北克拉通东部晚中生代的岩石圈减薄是以逐渐拆沉机制为主。  相似文献   

根据野外详细调查,本文系统分析了医巫闾山地区的伸展构造,认为区内瓦子峪伸展韧性剪切带发育之前就出现了变质核杂岩.该核杂岩具有典型的三层结构,其拆离韧性剪切带出现在变质基底内,但西侧被晚期早白垩世瓦子峪韧性剪切带切割,呈不完整的长环形带状展布.露头构造、显微构造及石英C组构皆指示核杂岩的下盘、拆离韧性剪切带及上盘底部具有...  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带热年代学信息及其与大别造山带折返的关系   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
大别山东缘早期郯庐韧性剪切带内的 T28- 12和 T28- 13白云母的 (181.4± 0.5) Ma和 (181.6± 0.8) Ma的 40Ar/39Ar坪年龄指示了郯庐早期左旋剪切的冷却时间为 181 Ma,这些年代学数据指示了郯庐同造山期左旋走滑热事件的存在.起源于华北、华南板块陆-陆碰撞过程中的这期断裂平移活动,发生在高压-超高压带主体部分折返至中地壳后的早侏罗世,推测其活动形式表现为造山带折返过程中高压-超高压带向 SE的斜向折返中形成的转换断层.郯庐晚期韧性剪切带内糜棱岩中白云母、黑云母的 40Ar/39Ar年龄,指示了 139 Ma前(早白垩世)发生的又一次左旋走滑冷却事件.在这期断裂带左行平移的同时,大别造山带东段出现了大规模的岩浆侵入及穹状隆升.剪切带糜棱岩中斜长石 40Ar/39Ar年龄指示剪切带在晚白垩世存在一期快速冷却事件,此次快速冷却事件的时间为 97~ 92 Ma.磷灰石裂变径迹研究成果揭示了 45~ 58 Ma前郯庐断裂带的一次快速冷却事件.这两次快速冷却事件分别对应于断裂带晚白垩世、古近纪两次伸展活动,并控制发育了断裂带东侧的潜山断陷盆地.而钾长石和磷灰石所在地记录的冷却时间显示,造山带内部的抬升都相应早于东缘的郯庐断裂带,反映造山带晚白垩世-古近纪的隆升并不受该断裂带伸展控制,而应是岩石圈拆沉的结果.  相似文献   

韩雨  牛漫兰 《岩石学报》2016,32(4):1049-1066
郯庐断裂带肥东段位于大别造山带与苏鲁造山带之间。在肥东段西韦采石场内发育了大规模的北北东向左行走滑韧性剪切带和一条低角度的韧性滑脱正断层。走滑韧性剪切带为郯庐断裂带走滑活动的产物,低角度滑脱正断层则代表了伸展背景下的构造活动。低角度滑脱正断层上、下盘发育未变形和变形的岩脉,走滑韧性剪切带内外也发育有受剪切带活动而变形的岩脉。对采石场内岩脉的构造和同位素年代学研究表明,低角度韧性滑脱正断层在129~126Ma之间发生过剪切活动,走滑韧性剪切带的活动时间在125Ma之后。综合研究认为,郯庐断裂带的伸展活动可能开始于早白垩世早期(130Ma),但在早白垩世并非一直处于伸展活动之中,125Ma之后的左行走滑活动很可能发生在早白垩世的晚期。  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带肥东韧性剪切带的几何学形态为一正花状左行平移断裂带,目前出露的为该韧性剪切带的根部,具有典型的深层次左行走滑变形特征,肥东韧性剪切带中糜棱岩,超糜棱岩测得的^40Ar/^39Ar全岩年龄分别为120.48Ma和118.75Ma,说明郯庐断裂带的大规模左行平移时代为早白垩世,对该带构造变形和构造叠加的研究表明,肥东浮槎山一带是被郯庐断裂带截切,牵引,叠加,改造的印支期大别一胶南造山带的残块,郯庐断裂带与大别-胶南造山带是不同时期,不同构造系统的产物,前者属于滨太平洋构造系统,后者属于特提斯构造系统。  相似文献   

在晚侏罗世华北克拉通东部破坏之初出现了区域性隆起,全区缺失上侏罗统沉积.在早白垩世早期.出现了区域性的伸展活动,断陷盆地形成,克拉通南、北缘伸展活动最强,北部燕山构造带以出现变质核杂岩为特征,南部出现宽裂谷型盆地.早白垩世中期华北克拉通东部普遍出现了火山活动与岩浆侵入.早白垩世晚期克拉通上以出现窄裂谷型盆地为特征.沿北北东走向的郯庐断裂带断陷活动最强.这些断陷盆地的演化过程揭示,经历地表抬升后,克拉通破坏之初的岩石圈热而弱,从而形成变质核杂岩或宽裂谷型盆地.这期间的破坏强度在空间上具有不均匀分布的特征.受控于早期岩石圈地幔的结构.经过早白垩世中期的大量岩浆活动之后,早白垩世晚期克拉通岩石圈温度降低、强度变大.从而利用早期大型断裂构造形成窄裂谷型盆地.这些现象支持华北克拉通东部晚中生代的岩石圈减薄是以逐渐拆沉机制为主.  相似文献   

松辽盆地变质核杂岩和伸展断陷的构造特征及成因   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
文中讨论了松辽盆地北部中央基底隆起变质核杂岩和徐家围子伸展断陷的构造特征、成因和演化 ,重点讨论了下列问题 :( 1)中央基底隆起变质核杂岩具有科迪勒拉变质核杂岩的许多特征 ;( 2 )识别出组成中央基底隆起变质核杂岩的多层次、低角度韧性拆离体系 ,它们是使中地壳的中深变质岩层抽拉至上地壳的主要原因 ;( 3)穹窿状火山岩台地于晚侏罗世 ( 145.7±6.2 )Ma形成 ,受顶部拆离断层控制的伸展断陷于早白垩世 ( 133~ 12 0Ma)形成 ,而邻近顶部拆离断层的糜棱岩年龄为 ( 12 6.7± 1.54)Ma。这表明变质核杂岩的形成始于晚侏罗世。早白垩世递进的伸展构造与变质核杂岩较深部的部分上拱至地表相伴生 ,推测该变质核杂岩的上拱和剥露、火山岩台地和伸展断陷盆地的形成可能是由伊泽奈奇和亚洲板块陆陆碰撞后的地幔拆沉作用、地幔的岩浆底侵作用以及伸展垮塌作用联合造成的。  相似文献   

In metamorphic core complexes it is commonly unclear whether lower plate mylonites formed as the down-dip continuation of a detachment fault, or whether they represent a subhorizontal shear zone that was captured by a more steeply dipping detachment fault. Detailed microstructural, fabric, and strain data from mylonites in the Buckskin-Rawhide metamorphic core complex, west-central Arizona, constrain the structural development of the lower plate shear zone. Widespread exposures of ∼22–21 Ma granitoids of the Swansea Plutonic Suite enable us to separate Miocene strain coeval with core complex extension from older deformation. Mylonites across the lower plate consistently record top-to-the-NE-directed shear. Miocene quartz and feldspar deformation/recrystallization mechanisms indicate ∼450–500 °C mylonitization temperatures that were relatively uniform across a distance of ∼35 km in the extension direction. Quartz dynamically recrystallized grain sizes do not systematically vary in the extension direction. Strain recorded in the Swansea Plutonic Suite is also relatively uniform in the extension direction, which is incompatible with models in which lower plate mylonites form as the ductile root of a major detachment fault. Altogether these data suggest the mylonitic shear zone initiated with a ≤4° dip and was unroofed by a more steeply dipping detachment fault system. Lower plate mylonites in the Buckskin-Rawhide metamorphic core complex thus represent a captured subhorizontal shear zone rather than the down-dip continuation of a detachment fault.  相似文献   

郭磊  李建波  童英  王涛  莫南  曾涛  焦永艳 《地质通报》2015,34(12):2195-2202
内蒙古宝德尔穹隆是发育在苏尼特左旗中蒙边境地区的不对称同构造伸展穹隆。该穹隆由内向外由核部早白垩世花岗岩、边缘韧性剪切带和脆性拆离断层组成,上盘为未变形的早二叠世花岗闪长岩、泥盆系片岩和早白垩世盆地,韧性剪切带和拆离断层仅发育在穹隆西南部。区域构造解析和显微构造分析表明,岩体侵位和韧性剪切带形成于同一构造应力场,指示上盘统一向NW方向剪切,变形程度由未变形的岩体核部向外侧逐渐增强,面理的形成与岩体的侵位和隆升过程密切相关。因此,该穹隆和东北亚其他岩浆穹隆相似,是不对称的花岗岩穹隆,反映了区域伸展拆离环境下侵位的同构造花岗岩穹隆的特点。  相似文献   

辽南中生代造山期缩短滑脱与晚造山伸展拆离构造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
该区的构造格局主要由早期近东西向紧闭的褶皱带和晚期北北东向构造组成。早期的南北向缩短构造以龙王庙平卧褶皱和大小长山岛的直立紧闭褶皱为代表,分别具有扇状间隔性压溶劈理和透入性轴面片理,褶面倒向以北为主。北北东向构造切割近东西向构造,表层表现为北西西向薄皮逆冲推覆构造,浅层构造具有扇状压溶劈理的紧闭褶皱,深层表现为基底与盖层间的拆离断层及其下的韧性剪切带。早期的研究者将该断层作为辽南推覆构造底部的滑脱面,现今则压倒性地采用变质核杂岩的构造理念。根据相关剪切带早期面内褶皱发育,晚期伸展褶劈理发育,通过运动学涡度和应力状态分析,论证早期滑脱-推覆到晚期伸展拆离的演化过程。野外观测证明,辽南基底变质岩西侧的金州断层为一伸展拆离断层,它切割东侧的董家沟断层,前者平行于下伏糜棱岩中的同向伸展褶劈理,后者平行下伏糜棱岩的糜棱面理。金州拆离断层的形成及其东侧的隆起标志着辽南构造体制从缩短到伸展的转折。根据相关的年代学研究,这一构造体制转化发生在早白垩世(约120~107 Ma)。该区最新的构造事件是北东-南西向的缩短,相关的北北东向的右行走滑断层与晚白垩世以来的郯庐断层活动方式一致。  相似文献   

On the basis of the previous regional geological survey, based on the macroscopic and microscopic structural survey, combined with the comprehensive analysis of the regional magmatic activity and dating data, the authors in this paper revealed that there is another metamorphic core complex structure in Lizifang area of Southern Liaoning, namely Lizifang metamorphic core complex. A typical three-layer structure and five parts exist in the core complex, which are the footwall composed of Neo-archean metamorphic plutonic rocks and mesozoic granite intrusive rocks, the detachment fault zone composed of different levels of tectonic rocks, and the upper plate composed of Precambrian sedimentary cap and Cretaceous extensional basin. Lizifang metamorphic core complex formed in the Early Cretaceous Epoch, and the upper plate moved from NWW to SEE relaive to the footwall, which was similar with Jinzhou metamorphic core complex and Wanfu metamorphic core complex in geometry, kinematics polarity and formation time, indicating the same dynamic background. The determination of the metamorphic core complex may provide a basis for the late Mesozoic lithospheric thinning process and the mechanical and rheological properties of the lithosphere in the east of North China Craton. At the same time, the metamorphic core complex is closely related to the mineralization of gold deposits. So the detachment fault zone of Lizifang metamorphic core complex can serve as the key work area for further gold exploration, which may possess large mineralization potential.  相似文献   

在区域地质调查资料基础上,根据宏观与微观构造测量,通过分析区域岩浆活动性及其测年资料等,揭示了在辽南庄河栗子房地区存在另一个变质核杂岩构造,即栗子房变质核杂岩。该核杂岩具有3层结构和5个部分,即由新太古代变质深成岩及中生代花岗岩侵入体构成的下盘、由不同层次的构造岩组成的中部拆离断层带以及由前寒武纪沉积盖层和白垩纪伸展盆地构成的上盘。栗子房变质核杂岩形成于早白垩世,运动方向为上盘相对下盘由NWW向SEE方向运动,与辽南金州变质核杂岩和万福变质核杂岩在几何学、运动学极性和形成时间等方面具有很多相似性,形成于同一动力学背景。该变质核杂岩的厘定可为阐明华北克拉通东部晚中生代岩石圈减薄过程及岩石圈的力学和流变学属性提供依据。同时,变质核杂岩与金矿床成矿关系密切,栗子房变质核杂岩的拆离断层带附近可作为下一步金矿勘查的重点工作区,成矿潜力较大。  相似文献   

The Louzidian metamorphic core complex (LMCC) in southern Chifeng is located on the northern margin of the North China craton. Structural analyses of the LMCC and its extensional detachment system indicate that the LMCC experienced two-stage extension. The ductile regime experienced top-to-northeast shearing extension and the brittle detachment fault underwent top-down-outwards slipping. Between these two stages, a semi-ductile regime recorded the transition from ductile to brittle. The hanging wall of the detachment fault is similar to those classic supradetachment basins in western North America. Analyses of provenance and paleocurrent directions in the basins show that there were two filling stages. In the early stage, materials came from the southwest margin of the basin and the hanging wall of the detachment system and were transported from southwest to northeast; while in the late stage, deposits were derived from the footwall of the detachment fault and transported outwards to the two sides of the  相似文献   

The northern Menderes metamorphic core complex has complex exhumation history and is one of the key localities to investigate the spatial and temporal relationships of extensional and compressional structures. Detachment faults and syn-extensional plutons are linked to a series of antiforms and synforms and the denudation of the northern Menderes Massif occurred in three stages. The first stage is related to the development of detachment faults under the consistent NE–SW-directed extension. The second stage is represented by a series of elongated magmatic domes that were oriented parallel, oblique and perpendicular to the regional extension direction. Emplacement of these asymmetrical magmatic domes appears to have been controlled by heterogeneous extension and post-dates the extensional Simav detachment fault. On the third stage, progressive heterogeneous extension that led to updoming of plutons has been finally accommodated by a localised and short-lived transfer zone, which was described as the Gerni shear zone for the first time in this study. The transfer zone is formed by a NE-striking, dextral ductile/brittle shear zone that accommodated the propagation of folds, conjugated strike-slip faults and normal- and oblique-slip faults. Mylonites associated with the transfer zone are related to the localisation of strain along the thermally weakened strike-slip fault systems by short-lived intrusions rather than to the development of regional-scale detachment faults. These structures are consistent with a transtensional simple shear model, which properly explains the evolution of extensional and compressional structures exposed in the northern Menderes core complex. Structural setting of the E?rigöz region is somewhat similar to that of the NE-trending gneiss domes in the northern Menderes Massif and updoming of magma during late stages of detachment faulting appears to have played an important role in the exhumation of lower and upper plate rocks.  相似文献   

The Simav metamorphic core complex of the northern Menderes massif, western Turkey, consists of a plutonic (Tertiary) and metamorphic (Precambrian) core (footwall) separated from an allochthonous cover sequence (hanging wall) by a low-angle, ductile-to-brittle, extensional fault zone (i.e. detachment fault). The core rocks below the detachment fault are converted into mylonites with a thickness of a few hundred metres. Two main deformation events have affected the core rocks. The first deformational event (D1) was developed within the Precambrian metamorphic rocks. The second event (D2), associated with the Tertiary crustal extension, includes two distinct stages. Stage one is the formation of a variably developed ductile (mylonitic) deformation (D2d) in metamorphic and granitic core rocks under greenschist facies conditions. The majority of the mylonites in the study area have foliations that strike NNW to NNE and dip SW to SE. Stretched quartz and feldspar grains define the mineral lineation trending SW-NE direction and plunging gently to SW. The kinematic indicators indicate a top-to-NE sense of shear. Stage two formation of brittle deformation (D2b) that affected all core and cover rocks. D2b involves the development of cataclasites and high-angle normal faults. An overall top towards the north sense of shear for the ductile (mylonitic) fabrics in the core rocks is consistent with the N-S regional extension in western Turkey.  相似文献   

刘江  张进江  郭磊  戚国伟 《岩石学报》2014,30(7):1899-1908
晚中生代,内蒙古大青山依次经历晚侏罗世盘羊山逆冲推覆、早白垩世呼和浩特变质核杂岩伸展、早白垩世大青山逆冲推覆断层及早白垩世以来高角度正断层复杂构造演化。其中,呼和浩特变质核杂岩韧性剪切带的冷却时间和抬升机制的制约尚不明确。本文在野外考察和显微构造分析基础上,采用逐步加热40Ar-39Ar定年法对韧性剪切带内不同单矿物的冷却年龄进行了测定。角闪石、白云母、黑云母和钾长石单矿物40Ar-39Ar冷却年龄处于120~116Ma之间。结合已有年龄数据及单矿物封闭温度,构建了韧性剪切带的冷却曲线。结果表明,韧性剪切带在122~115Ma期间存在一个明显的快速冷却过程。这一阶段快速冷却是与变质核杂岩拆离断层相关核部杂岩拆离折返作为大青山逆冲推覆断层上盘抬升的结果。  相似文献   

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