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A special metamorphic core complex underlain by a low-angle strike-slip ductile shear zone is present near Chifeng in eastern Inner Mongolia, northern China. The geology of the study area is similar to that of several Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes, but contrasts in significant ways as well. A major ESE-dipping normal fault, the Louzidian Range frontal fault, formed during Late Cretaceous extension. This fault separates a crystalline footwall locally containing mylonitic basement gneisses and granitic rocks (0 to >3 km thick) from a non-metamorphic hanging wall that is distended by normal faults. However, the shear sense of the underlying mylonitic shear zone, a low-angle strike-slip zone, is not compatible with the Louzidian fault. It may be related to a pre-Cretaceous regional sinistral strike-slip event rather than the Late Cretaceous regional crustal extension common throughout eastern China. Pre-existing mylonitic fabric anisotropy appears to have controlled the development of the Louzidian normal fault. Chloritic breccias locally developed along the fault indicate that it cut deeply into the crust of northern China.  相似文献   

The Liaonan metamorphic core complex (mcc) has a three-layer structure and is constituted by five parts, i.e. a detachment fault zone, an allochthonous upper plate and an supradetachment basin above the fault zone, and highly metamorphosed rocks and intrusive rocks in the lower plate. The allochthonous upper plate is mainly of Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic rocks weakly deformed and metamorphosed in pre-Indosinan stage. Above these rocks is a small-scale supradetachment basin of Cretaceous sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The lower plate is dominated by Archean TTG gneisses with minor amount of supracrustal rocks. The Archean rocks are intruded by late Mesozoic synkinematic monzogranitic and granitic plutons. Different types of fault rocks, providing clues to the evolution of the detachment fault zone, are well-preserved in the fault zone, e.g. mylonitic gneiss, mylonites, brecciated mylonites, microbreccias and pseudotachylites. Lineations in lower plate granitic intrusions have consistent orientation that indicate uniform top-to-NW shearing along the main detachment fault zone. This also provides evidence for the synkinematic characteristics of the granitic plutons in the lower plate. Structural analysis of the different parts in the mcc and isotopic dating of plutonic rocks from the lower plate and mylonitic rocks from detachment fault zone suggest that exhumation of the mcc started with regional crustal extension due to crustal block rotation and tangential shearing. The extension triggered magma formation, upwelling and emplacement. This event ended with appearance of pseudotachylite and fault gauges formed at the uppermost crustal level. U-Pb dating of single zircon grains from granitic rocks in the lower plate gives an age of 130±5 Ma, and biotite grains from the mam detachment fault zone have 40Ar-39Ar ages of 108-119 Ma. Several aspects may provide constraints for the exhumation of the Liaonan mcc. These include regional extensional setting, cover/basement contact, temporal and spatial coupling of extension and magmatism, basin development and evolution of fault tectonites along detachment fault zone. We propose that the exhumation of the Liaonan mcc resulted from regional extension and thinning of crust or lithosphere in eastern North China, and accompanied with synkinematic intrusion of granitic plutons, formation of detachment fault zone, uplifting and exhumation of lower-plate rocks, and appearance of supradetachment basin.  相似文献   

楼子店变质核杂岩韧性变形作用的40Ar/39Ar年代学约束   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
王新社  郑亚东 《地质论评》2005,51(5):574-582
楼子店变质核杂岩以拆离系中韧性剪切与脆性拆离运动学不一致,有别于北美科迪勒拉变质核杂岩。构造分析表明,核杂岩两侧拆离系中韧性剪切具有统一的上盘向北东的剪切特征。采自核杂岩两侧韧性剪切带中的3个黑云母单矿物^40Ar/^39Ar年龄介于126~128Ma之间,西侧韧性剪切带中1个角闪石单矿物^40Ar/^39Ar年龄为134Ma,4个样品的坪年龄与对应的等时线年龄一致。角闪石和黑云母坪年龄记录的韧性剪切作用的时限为126~134Ma,并且显示出韧性伸展的特点。研究表明楼子店变质核杂岩两侧的韧性剪切带形成时间一致并具有相同的运动学,韧性剪切作用是核杂岩形成演化的一个重要阶段,这为核杂岩形成的韧性伸展阶段的约束提供了年代学证据。  相似文献   

张八岭隆起广泛分布的平缓韧性剪切带与郯庐断裂带平移作用形成的陡立韧性剪切带明显不同。通过对平缓韧性剪切带的几何学、运动学分析,结合早白垩世盆地特征、中国东部变质核杂岩伸展拆离断层和同构造岩浆岩同位素定年结果,厘定出张八岭隆起早白垩世变质核杂岩。该变质核杂岩上盘由南华纪-奥陶纪沉积地层和早白垩世盆地组成,下盘为新元古代浅变质碎屑沉积岩、变海相火山岩(基底)以及早白垩世侵入岩,上下盘之间被一条主伸展拆离断层所分隔。变质核杂岩长轴为NE-SW向,指示构造反映上盘向SE剪切滑动,与中国东部变质核杂岩的伸展方向完全一致。通过本次变质核杂岩的厘定,结合野外地质事实,笔者认为管店-马厂断裂是郯庐断裂带的次级断裂,是对郯庐断裂带早白垩世末第三次左行平移的响应。在综合研究的基础上,建立了区域构造-岩浆-成矿关系模型,揭示了张八岭隆起早白垩世经历了早期伸展(变质核杂岩阶段)-挤压走滑(管店-马厂断裂形成阶段)-晚期伸展(闪长质脉岩侵位阶段)3个构造阶段,多期构造、岩浆的叠加作用下,形成了本区的金多金属矿产。  相似文献   

郭磊  李建波  童英  王涛  莫南  曾涛  焦永艳 《地质通报》2015,34(12):2195-2202
内蒙古宝德尔穹隆是发育在苏尼特左旗中蒙边境地区的不对称同构造伸展穹隆。该穹隆由内向外由核部早白垩世花岗岩、边缘韧性剪切带和脆性拆离断层组成,上盘为未变形的早二叠世花岗闪长岩、泥盆系片岩和早白垩世盆地,韧性剪切带和拆离断层仅发育在穹隆西南部。区域构造解析和显微构造分析表明,岩体侵位和韧性剪切带形成于同一构造应力场,指示上盘统一向NW方向剪切,变形程度由未变形的岩体核部向外侧逐渐增强,面理的形成与岩体的侵位和隆升过程密切相关。因此,该穹隆和东北亚其他岩浆穹隆相似,是不对称的花岗岩穹隆,反映了区域伸展拆离环境下侵位的同构造花岗岩穹隆的特点。  相似文献   

辽西医巫闾山地区瓦子峪变质核杂岩的厘定   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以前未被发现的辽西医巫闾山地区瓦子峪变质核杂岩主要由一条向西倾的低角度正断层———瓦子峪拆离断层组成 ,它将由早白垩世沉积岩和火山岩组成的上盘与糜棱岩化和未变形的下盘分开。瓦子峪拆离断层 (以前称之为孙家湾—稍户营子断裂 )位于变质核杂岩的西侧 ,倾角 10~ 4 0°,构造标志指示向北西方向 (约 2 90°)剪切。与早白垩世地壳伸展相伴生的下盘糜棱岩剪切方向也是北西向 ,这与瓦子峪拆离断层运动相关。已经发表的和未发表的锆石U Pb年龄、40 Ar/3 9Ar热年代学和上盘阜新盆地中生物地层的时代研究表明 ,地壳伸展和变质核杂岩形成时代为早白垩世 (约 12 7~ 116Ma)。我们未发现以前文献报道的医巫闾山是一对称的变质核杂岩的任何证据。瓦子峪变质核杂岩以及WNW侧的拆离断层的厘定会加深我们对华北克拉通早白垩世伸展作用的理解和认识 ,下一步的研究重点包括野外构造研究以确定拆离断层和下盘糜棱岩的空间展布 ,进一步采集样品以研究变质核杂岩的地质 /热年代学和变质核杂岩范围内的岩体成因。我们认为瓦子峪变质核杂岩的形成是太平洋板块边界重组、早白垩世岩浆作用致使地壳升温 ,从而导致经造山作用而加厚的地壳垮塌的结果。  相似文献   

辽宁南部万福变质核杂岩的发现及其区域构造意义   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
根据宏观与微观构造测量,结合白垩纪沉积盆地组成与结构、区域岩浆活动性及其测年资料等的综合分析,揭示出在辽宁南部辽南变质核杂岩东侧存在另一个变质核杂岩构造,即万福变质核杂岩。该核杂岩具有典型的三层结构:拆离断层带由不同层次构造岩构成,上盘为元古宇岩石,下盘是太古宇岩石和就位于其中的同构造花岗质侵入体。万福变质核杂岩形成于早白垩世,与辽南变质核杂岩构成一个变质核杂岩对,两者在很多方面具有相似性。该变质核杂岩对的厘定可能为阐明华北晚中生代岩石圈的力学和流变学属性以及岩石圈减薄过程提供了依据。  相似文献   

At the junction of the Atlantic and Arctic margins, the crustal‐scale Keisarhjelmen detachment of north‐west Svalbard records previously unrecognised magnitudes of extension. The detachment separates a corrugated metamorphic core complex in the footwall from a mantling Devonian supradetachment basin in the hangingwall. The detachment has a top‐N displacement of more than 50 km, which is aligned with the map‐scale corrugations, and an upwards ductile to brittle transition with shear related footwall retrogression. This configuration has striking similarities to extensional collapse detachments in the paired Scandinavian–Greenland Caledonides, but orientation and position link the detachment with the Ellesmerian orogen.  相似文献   

西南三江构造体系突出表现为以昌都-兰坪-思茅地块为中轴的不对称走滑对冲构造,次为与走滑断裂相伴的伸展滑脱、走滑拉分盆地构造体系,再次为块体内部的近北东、北西向走滑断裂系。西南三江造山带构造体系演化分为挤压收缩变形、走滑深熔热隆、走滑剪切伸展、走滑剥蚀隆升等4个阶段。自晚白垩世开始,印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞,西南三江造山带对冲体构造体系初始形成。自渐新世开始,印度板块持续向北楔入欧亚大陆,印度板块与扬子克拉通构成力偶,两者相向、相对运动,挤压与剪切特提斯大洋缝合带及两大陆边缘弧盆系等地质体,西南三江造山带对冲体构造体系进一步发展,近南北向剪切走滑构造体系形成,构造方向也由近东西转为近南北向。而与近南北向主走滑断裂带之相伴的伸展滑脱构造、拉分盆地,块体内部近北东、北西“X”型剪切走滑断裂同时相伴形成。这样,就形成了西南三江造山带大规模的对冲、走滑、旋转及其伴生的伸展、拉分盆地构造的构造体系。  相似文献   

在晚侏罗世华北克拉通东部破坏之初出现了区域性隆起,全区缺失上侏罗统沉积。在早白垩世早期,出现了区域性的伸展活动,断陷盆地形成,克拉通南、北缘伸展活动最强,北部燕山构造带以出现变质核杂岩为特征,南部出现宽裂谷型盆地。早白垩世中期华北克拉通东部普遍出现了火山活动与岩浆侵入。早白垩世晚期克拉通上以出现窄裂谷型盆地为特征,沿北北东走向的郯庐断裂带断陷活动最强。这些断陷盆地的演化过程揭示,经历地表抬升后,克拉通破坏之初的岩石圈热而弱,从而形成变质核杂岩或宽裂谷型盆地。这期间的破坏强度在空间上具有不均匀分布的特征,受控于早期岩石圈地幔的结构。经过早白垩世中期的大量岩浆活动之后,早白垩世晚期克拉通岩石圈温度降低、强度变大,从而利用早期大型断裂构造形成窄裂谷型盆地。这现象支持华北克拉通东部晚中生代的岩石圈减薄是以逐渐拆沉机制为主。  相似文献   

The major tectonic zone that passes through the border regions of the Anhui, Zhejiang, and Jiangxi Provinces in southeast China has been commonly referred to as the Wan-Zhe-Gan fault zone. Geologically, this zone consists of several regional fault belts of various ages and orientations. We have categorized the faults into four age groups based on field investigations. The Neoproterozoic faults are northeast striking. They start from the northeast Jiangxi Province and extend northeastward to Fuchuan in Anhui Province, the same location of the northeast Jiangxi-Fuchuan ophiolite belt. The faults probably acted? during the Neoproterozoic as a boundary fault zone of a plate or a block suture with mélange along the faults. The nearly east-west- or east-northeast-striking faults are of Silurian ages (40Ar/39Ar age 429 Ma). This group includes the Qimen-Shexian fault and the Jiangwang-Jiekou ductile shear belt. They represent a major tectonic boundary in the basement because the two sides of the fault have clear dissimilarities. The third group of faults is north-northeast striking, having formed since the early-middle Triassic with 40Ar/39Ar ages of 230–254 Ma. They form a fault belt starting from Yiyang in northern Jiangxi and connect with the Wucheng as well as the Ningguo-Jixi faults. This fault belt is a key fault-magmatic belt controlling the formation of Jurassic-Cretaceous red basins, ore distribution, magmatic activity, and mineralization. When it reactivated during the late Cretaceous, the belt behaved as a series of reverse faults from southeast to northwest and composed the fourth fault group. Therefore, classifying the Wan-Zhe-Gan fault zone into four fault groups will help in the analysis of the tectonic evolution of the eastern segment of the Jiangnan orogen since the Neoproterozoic era.  相似文献   

http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987110000022   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
<正>The Early Cretaceous Hohhot metamorphic core complex(mcc) of the Daqing Shan(Mtns.) of central Inner Mongolia is among the best exposed and most spectacular of the spatially isolated mcc's that developed within the northern edge of the North China "craton".All of these mcc's were formed within the basement of a Late Paleozoic Andean-style arc and across older Mesozoic fold-and-thrust belts of variable age and tectonic vergence.The master Hohhot detachment fault roots southwards within the southern margin of the Daqing Shan for an along-strike distance of at least 120 km.Its geometry in the range to the north is complicated by interference patterns between(1) primary,large-scale NW-SE-trend-ing convex and concave fault corrugations and(2) secondary ENE-WSW-trending antiforms and synforms that folded the detachment in its late kinematic history.As in the Whipple Mtns.of California, the Hohhot master detachment is not of the Wernicke(1981) simple rooted type:instead,it was spawned from a mid-crustal shear zone,the top of which is preserved as a mylonitic front within Carboniferous metasedimentary rocks in its exhumed lower plate.~(40)Ar—~(39)Ar dating of siliceous volcanic rocks in basal sections of now isolated supradetachment basins suggest that crustal extension began at ca.127 Ma, although lower-plate mylonitic rocks were not exposed to erosion until after ca.119 Ma.Essentially synchronous cooling of hornblende,biotite.and muscovite in footwall mylonitic gneisses indicates very rapid exhumation and at ca.122—120 Ma.Contrary to several recent reports,the master detachment clearly cuts across and dismembers older,north-directed thrust sheets of the Daqing Shan foreland fold-and-thrust belt.Folded and thrust-faulted basalts within its foredeep strata are as young as 132.6±2.4 Ma,thus defining within 5—6 Ma the regional tectonic transition between crustal contraction and profound crustal extension.  相似文献   

松辽盆地长岭断陷构造演化及其动力学背景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过大量高精度二维地震剖面的构造解析与平衡地质剖面构造演化史定量恢复,探讨了松辽盆地长岭断陷的构造演化及其地球动力学背景。长岭断陷发育NNE、NNW、SN等多个方向的低角度铲式正断层,它们可能是在晚侏罗世一早白垩世郯庐断裂系左行走滑派生的次级破裂的基础上受断陷期强烈地壳伸展拆离作用形成的。断陷期可分为早晚两个脉冲式伸展事件,每个伸展脉冲均由一个快速伸展期和其后的缓慢伸展期组成,前者与火山活动高峰期相对应,后者则是构造转换期。早期伸展是以热穹窿式多向拉伸为标志,可能是侏罗纪岩石圈加厚后根部发生拆沉作用导致地壳弹性回调和岩浆底侵的结果。而晚期伸展则以NWW-SEE向区域伸展为标志,是对中国东部广泛的地壳伸展拆离和岩石圈减薄事件的响应,可能是伊则纳崎板块俯冲产生的弧后扩张效应。  相似文献   

赣杭构造带红层盆地原型及其沉积作用   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
盆地原型是指盆地沉积时的构造属性类型,盆地原型分析就是按阶段的盆地结构分析法。文章暂不讨论赣杭带晚侏罗世-早白垩世早期的火山杂色断陷盆地,而以实地观察资料和前期研究成果,对早白垩世晚期以后形成的一系列NEE方向分布的红色断陷盆地及其沉积作用进行综合分析。盆地红层下部夹有玄武岩层,已有的K-Ar年龄值为 105~98Ma,由此判断赣杭带红色断陷盆地演化从早白垩世晚期开始。早期属典型的断陷盆地,呈现半地堑式形态,北界为向南倾斜的正断层,南界为超覆不整合。晚白垩世中后期演变为拗陷盆地,沉积盆地扩大,南北两侧均见到超覆不整合,北侧部分地段保留早期断裂边界。河流沉积作用为最主要沉积作用方式,盆地中心部位可见少量内生沉积的白云岩、泥灰岩及炭质泥岩。沉积组合大致为湖泊相、冲积扇相、三角洲相及河流相,代表了拉张型盆地的基本沉积类型,也反映了断陷湖盆由初始拉张断陷、中后期扩张为拗陷、到最后萎缩的完整过程。  相似文献   

Based on field analysis of fault-slip data from different rock units of the Cretaceous basins along the middle part of the Tan-Lu fault zone (Shandong Province, eastern China), we document polyphase tectonic stress fields and address the changes in sense of motion of the Tan-Lu fault zone during the Cretaceous. The Cretaceous deformation history of the Tan-Lu fault zone can be divided into four main stages. The first stage, during the earliest Cretaceous, was dominated by N-S extension responsible for the formation of the Jiaolai basin. We interpret this extension to be related to dextral strike-slip pull-apart opening guided by the Tan-Lu fault zone. The second stage, during the middle Early Cretaceous, was overwhelmingly rift-dominated and characterized by widespread silicic to intermediate volcanism, normal faulting and basin subsidence. It was at this stage that the Tan-Lu-parallel Yi-Shu Rift was initiated by E-W to WNW-ESE extension. The tectonic regime then changed during the late Early Cretaceous to NW-SE-oriented transpression, causing inversion of the Early Cretaceous rift basin and sinistral slip along the Tan-Lu fault zone. During the Late Cretaceous, dextral activation of the Tan-Lu fault zone resulted in pull-apart opening of the Zhucheng basin, which was subsequently deformed by NE-SW compression. This deformation chronology of the Tan-Lu fault zone and the associated Cretaceous basins allow us to constrain the regional kinematic models as related to subduction along the eastern margin of Asia, or related to collision in the Tibet region.  相似文献   

根据广州瘦狗岭断裂带变形历史的野外地质证据以及40Ar/39Ar法和热释光法构造年龄数据,将其划分出晚三叠世-早侏罗世韧性拉伸剥离变形期,中侏罗世韧性挤压逆冲变形期,晚侏罗世末-早白垩世初脆性断裂、硅化作用期,晚白垩世-老第三纪同沉积正断层活动、硅化作用期,老第三纪晚期左行平移兼正断层活动期和第四纪正断层活动期。对该断裂带的变形期次与区域构造演化的联系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

There are two extensional systems in the Xiaoqinling metamorphic core complex (XMCC). One is the detachment fault system developed along the peripheries of the XMCC, which extended in an ESE-WNW direction and whose upper plate moved towards the WNW. The other extensional system includes the retrograde shear zones and normal faults developed within the XMCC, which represent the collapse of the XMCC. Ar-Ar and K-Ar dating shows that the extension of the detachment fault system continued from 135 to 123 Ma, i.e. in the late stage of its evolution at about 127 Ma. The collapse represented by the extensional system within the XMCC was operative during 120(106 Ma, and its main activity occurred about 116 Ma ago. These suggest that the XMCC experienced two extensional stages in its evolution, i.e., the syn-orogenic regional extension and post-orogenic collapse extension.  相似文献   

珠江口盆地新生代发育跨越浅水区至深水区、多类型的拆离断陷,其中浅水陆架区拆离断陷是探究拆离构造变形与沉积充填响应的重要窗口.基于地震资料和钻井资料详细解析,对恩平凹陷低角度拆离断层特征进行了研究,探讨了拆离构造变形的控制因素、变形过程和沉积充填响应机制.研究表明,恩平凹陷低角度边界正断层为壳间拆离断层,长度约50 km,倾角平均17.5°,断面最深达中下地壳,裂陷期经历了中低角度到低角度的转变.拆离断层形成于中生代先存逆冲断层基础之上,与中下地壳韧性剪切穹隆和边界调节性走滑断裂相伴生,联合控制形成均衡深拆离、前展式宽拆离和迁移型复式拆离3种凹陷结构类型.垂向上可划分出三期裂陷幕,因差异构造变形而具有不同的沉积充填响应:(1)早文昌期均一裂陷幕,快速的裂陷沉降发育于先存逆冲断层弱面,形成具厚层中深湖的均一窄深箕状半地堑;(2)晚文昌期拆离伸展幕,凹陷受差异构造变形而发育成东、西沉积充填差异化的宽浅断陷,西部韧性剪切穹隆弱隆升与边界走滑断层强走滑控制了恩平17洼自迁移型中深湖和大型辫状河三角洲-重力流沉积,而东部韧性剪切穹隆强隆升控制了恩平12-18洼沉积中心跳跃式异迁移的沉积充填,过渡带发育大型走向斜坡扇三角洲;(3)恩平期拆离-断拗联控幕,构造变形由简单剪切向纯剪切转变,沉积向外流水系主导的浅水辫状河三角洲-浅湖相充填转变.低角度拆离断陷具有与高角度脆性断陷不同的构造变形和沉积充填响应,烃源岩与砂岩储层的时空分布非均质性强.研究成果对恩平凹陷的烃源岩和深部储层预测,以及南海北部陆缘同类拆离断陷的构造-沉积充填研究具有良好的指导意义.   相似文献   

晚中生代(白垩纪)以来,中国东部及西太平洋大陆边缘发育一系列NNE、NE乃至NEE向(与纬向构造联合)的巨型右行张扭性断陷(地堑、半地堑)在平面上组成平行雁列的多字型构造,其深部发育同走向的上地幔隆起和基底拆离,地表常出现变质核杂岩和大型低缓倾角的伸展剥离断层,它主要是东亚及西太平洋大陆边缘陆缘扩张的产物,其地球动力学过程为晚燕山期以来的后造山期的大陆隆升和水平侧向伸展以及晚白垩世末一早第三纪、45Ma以来的印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞所产生的碰撞效应。   相似文献   

The northern Menderes metamorphic core complex has complex exhumation history and is one of the key localities to investigate the spatial and temporal relationships of extensional and compressional structures. Detachment faults and syn-extensional plutons are linked to a series of antiforms and synforms and the denudation of the northern Menderes Massif occurred in three stages. The first stage is related to the development of detachment faults under the consistent NE–SW-directed extension. The second stage is represented by a series of elongated magmatic domes that were oriented parallel, oblique and perpendicular to the regional extension direction. Emplacement of these asymmetrical magmatic domes appears to have been controlled by heterogeneous extension and post-dates the extensional Simav detachment fault. On the third stage, progressive heterogeneous extension that led to updoming of plutons has been finally accommodated by a localised and short-lived transfer zone, which was described as the Gerni shear zone for the first time in this study. The transfer zone is formed by a NE-striking, dextral ductile/brittle shear zone that accommodated the propagation of folds, conjugated strike-slip faults and normal- and oblique-slip faults. Mylonites associated with the transfer zone are related to the localisation of strain along the thermally weakened strike-slip fault systems by short-lived intrusions rather than to the development of regional-scale detachment faults. These structures are consistent with a transtensional simple shear model, which properly explains the evolution of extensional and compressional structures exposed in the northern Menderes core complex. Structural setting of the E?rigöz region is somewhat similar to that of the NE-trending gneiss domes in the northern Menderes Massif and updoming of magma during late stages of detachment faulting appears to have played an important role in the exhumation of lower and upper plate rocks.  相似文献   

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