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毛凌云 《福建地质》2009,28(1):52-57
以福建省长汀县为研究对象,利用1995年、2005年的遥感图像,运用RS和GIS技术分析了用动态变化过程以及土地利用各类型之间的相互转化情况。在此基础上,求得研究区土地利用的转移矩阵,据此分析了长汀县1995年-2005年间土地利用动态变化的空间过程。同时运用马尔可夫模型对2015和2025年的土地利用动态变化及演变趋势预测进行了分析,得出长汀县内土地利用变化情况。  相似文献   

文章以松嫩平原为例,开展土地利用格局空间变化研究。该区包括白城市、松原市等10个市县,土地面积46930km2。半个世纪以来,该区的土地利用格局发生了较大的变化,湿地萎缩、草地退化、土地沙化、土地盐碱化,荒漠化迅速发展,制约该区的可持续发展。本文以多元遥感数据为空间数据源,以3S技术为支持,以1km×1km的栅格单元为最小信息图谱单元,构建地学信息图谱-空间分析模型,进行土地利用变化研究; 土地利用格局及其影响因子的空间回归分析; 及土地利用格局空间变化趋势预测。研究结果表明,到2019年该区的土地利用结构与功能将发生巨大的变化,湿地、水域、草地的面积分别减少61.37%,52.45%和45.77%,盐碱地面积增加21.76%。盐碱荒漠化将进一步扩张。因此,必须及早制订相应的对策与方案。
文章将地学信息图谱方法与空间分析方法相融合,构成地学信息图谱-CA­Markov耦合模型,以栅格图谱数据-元胞图形数据进行模型运算,将复杂的、变化的生态景观特征以图谱的形式展现出来。从而使研究的全过程实现了栅格化、数字化、空间化、动态化和图谱化。  相似文献   

吉林西部平原土地利用动态变化的RS-GIS集成研究   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:7  
近20年来,吉林西部平原生态环境显著恶化,土地盐碱化、沙化、草地退化严重制约该区的可持续发展。以往人们很少从土地利用/覆盖(LUCC)变化的角度去分析研究生态环境问题。应用1989、2001年的TM卫星影像数据和RS-GIS集成技术进行土地利用/覆盖的动态监测,遥感影像解译,采用空间信息叠加的方法提取土地利用动态变化和土地利用类型相互转化的信息,揭示了土地利用类型两增(耕地、盐碱地)三减(草地、水体、湿地)的变化规律,讨论了驱使土地利用类型转化的原因,提出了保护利用土地资源的建议。  相似文献   

遥感能够快速获取土地利用变化信息。研究区1992年和2002年两时像TM卫星数据,采用遥感、地理信息系统相结合的技术方法,完成了研究区10年间土地利用动态变化情况监测,取得了较好效果。  相似文献   

研究大型矿业基地土地利用动态变化过程可间接评估矿产开发对区域生态环境的影响。采用2005年、2010年和2015年3期SPOT-5和GF-2卫星影像数据,通过人工目视解译与计算机自动提取相结合的手段,提取宁东煤炭基地土地利用信息,并收集2000年土地利用遥感解译信息,构建土地利用程度综合指数、动态度等,定量研究宁东煤炭开发引起的土地利用变化,结合经济社会发展指标,构建驱动土地利用变化的定量评价体系,分析了宁东煤炭基地土地利用格局变化的驱动因素。结果表明,2000—2015年宁东煤炭基地一直处于土地持续开发利用阶段,主要表现为草地、林地及耕地向工矿用地为主的建设用地转变,但土地利用程度综合指数的增幅有所下降,表明基地建设逐渐进入稳定期,土地利用压力趋于下降;主成分分析表明,人类活动驱动着宁东土地利用格局的变化,主要有封山禁牧政策、产业化和规模化、人口增长、城镇化等因素。该研究结果可为宁东煤炭基地未来生态环境保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

以永福县1996--2005年土地利用变更数据和经济统计年鉴为依据,研究其10年间土地利用类型的变化,分析土地利用动态变化和利用程度变化情况,探讨土地变化的驱动因素。认为社会发展和经济增长、人口和城镇化水平以及宏观政策是影响其土地利用变化的3个主要驱动力因素。  相似文献   

亓月 《山东地质》2012,(9):63-65
土地是城市发展的首要基础,城市的经济、社会、环境等各个系统的运行都以土地为载体。该文通过分析近5年来莱芜市区土地利用数据动态变化,对该区域土地利用结构和趋势进行了初步探讨,并对今后该区域土地利用方向提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

张颖 《山西地质》2012,(2):98-101,103
本文以太原市万柏林区为研究对象,对万柏林区的土地利用现状及土地利用动态变化进行全面分析,通过指标量化的分析方法从土地利用结构、土地利用程度、土地动态利用总体趋势及数量、结构的变化进行分析,指出万柏林区土地利用的特点及存在的主要问题,从而提出土地资源可持续利用的对策。  相似文献   

不同尺度喀斯特地区土地利用变化研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以贵州典型喀斯特地区贞丰县、北盘江镇、花江示范区作为研究样区,讨论了不同尺度喀斯特地区土地利用动态变化过程。结果发现: 研究样区土地利用的数量变化主要表现在农用地与未利用地之间的增减变化, 而且1997— 2000年的土地利用变化速度比2001- 2003年的快。在土地利用的结构变化上,北盘江镇园地所占比例增长、未利用地所占比例减少和贞丰县林地面积所占比例变化最大,花江示范区同北盘江镇的结构变化相似。在土地利用的程度变化上,三个研究区土地利用程度综合指数都有所提高,整体趋于平衡。县级尺度的土地利用程度综合指数大于镇级尺度,村级尺度的土地利用综合指数最小。三个研究区的景观偏离度呈有规律的缓慢增长趋势,表明人类活动对土地利用的影响逐渐加强。   相似文献   

以什邡市为研究区域,借助GIS技术,将空间多源数据集成,反演地震灾区土地灾毁情况,对什邡市2007年~2008年土地利用情况动态变化进行分析。经研究表明,研究区在未受外力影响时,土地利用景观格局相对稳定;在地震及次生灾害的外力作用下,有林地、疏林地、草地的形变较大,城镇用地,农村居民用地,以及耕地受地震影响也有损毁。利用遥感技术进行灾区土地利用动态变化分析的研究思路和方法,将为灾区生态环境影响的回顾评价提供重要的参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

罗明  张迁  罗尊骅 《安徽地质》2012,(4):308-309,317
数字城市项目中的大比例尺正射影像图具有反映地理信息特点,直观表现出地形、地貌、以及地物的特征,在数字城市、测绘地理信息、城市规划、国土资源调查等领域提供科学的技术依据,更是建设数字城市项目的基础数据。通过笔者参加的数字黄山及数字马鞍山大比例尺正射影像图的生产经验,总结了利用MapMatrix、Pixel—Grid—AEO、Erdas、PhotoshopCS,通过人工采集特征线生成DEM或者直接生成DEM后修测的方法制作DOM,摸索出了一些制作过程中遇到的实际问题的解决办法。  相似文献   

To accomplish integrated watershed management and land use planning, it is necessary to study the dynamic spatial pattern of land use and cover change related to socioeconomical and physical parameters. In this study, land use and cover change detection was applied to the Lajimrood Drainage Basin in northern parts of Iran, an area characterized by rich and diversified agricultural and forest mosaic. The main of changes in the study area were forest–arable land transformation, which was only considered in this study. In order to detect these changes, at first, based on 1:25,000 digital topographic maps dated 1967 and 1994 and ETM+ satellite image dated 2002, land use map in these three dates were prepared. The results showed that the area with forest land use decreased about 3.2% in transition 1967–2002. Also, arable land increased about 36.9%. We suggested a method to analyze the driving forces and the spatial distribution of land use change. The maps of elevation, slope, and aspect were derived and classified by using digital elevation model (DEM). Also, the maps of distance from road, drainage network, and building area were selected as socioeconomical factors. These maps were overlaid and crossed with land use change map and land use change area ratio was computed. The results showed that the elevation, slope, and aspect were physical effective factors in land use changing. Also, by increasing the distance from building area and roads, deforestation rate was reduced.  相似文献   

This work addresses the use of remote sensing imagery to quantify the built environment and its spatial and temporal changes. It identifies building footprint map, building location map and built-up area map as information products that can be used to quantify physical exposure, one of the variables required in disaster risk assessments. The paper also reviews urban land use maps and urban classes in land cover maps as potential source for deriving exposure information. The paper focuses on the latest generation of satellite-borne remote sensing imaging systems that deliver high-resolution optical imagery able to resolve buildings and other three-dimensional man-made constructions. This work also reviews the semantics, the spatial unit used to define physical exposure, image processing procedures and change techniques.  相似文献   

The current active development of the city of St. Petersburg in Russia has led to high growth rates in both industrial and housing areas, causing an increased load on geological media. Taking into account the rather unfavourable geological conditions of the city area, such a development can entail to an intensification of environmental risks. Sustainable and cost-effective land-use planning requires information on geological conditions. Stakeholders need general geological information on the area of St. Petersburg, hydrogeological information on groundwater and information on geological risks. Geological risk maps help to identify whether an area under consideration requires special measures for geological risk management. This paper describes a first attempt to analyze potential geological risks in the city of St. Petersburg, Russia. The approach is to introduce a methodology for multi-risk assessment to be used in land-use planning. The core of the methodology is a matrix that assigns a certain level of geological risk depending on the combination of land use stipulated by the master plan of St. Petersburg and geological characteristics. Based on the matrix, a map presenting potential integrated geological risk can be created. At the same time, the combination of the integrated geological risk map, single geological risk maps and the matrix allows the retracement of which geological characteristics and which land use types contribute to the resulting risk. Users of the methodology in St. Petersburg were trained and an end-user manual was prepared by the authors. The methodology was introduced to professionals who utilize geological information and assess potential risks related to geology.  相似文献   

Tsunamis are among the most destructive and lethal of coastal hazards. These are time-specific events, and despite directly affecting a narrow strip of coastline, a single occurrence can have devastating effects and cause massive loss of life, especially in urbanized coastal areas. In this work, in order to consider the time dependence of population exposure to tsunami threat, the variation of spatio-temporal population distribution in the daily cycle is mapped and analyzed in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. High-resolution daytime and nighttime population distribution maps are developed using ‘intelligent dasymetric mapping,’ that is, applying areal interpolation to combine best-available census data and statistics with land use and land cover data. Workplace information and mobility statistics are considered for mapping daytime distribution. In combination with a tsunami hazard map, information on infrastructure, land use and terrain slope, the modeled population distribution is used to assess people’s evacuation speed, applying a geospatial evacuation modeling approach to the city of Lisbon. The detailed dynamic population exposure assessment allows producing both daytime and nighttime evacuation time maps, which provide valuable input for evacuation planning and management. Results show that a significant amount of population is at risk, and its numbers increase dramatically from nighttime to daytime, especially in the zones of high tsunami flooding susceptibility. Also, full evacuation can be problematic in the daytime period, even if initiated immediately after a major tsunami-triggering earthquake. The presented approach greatly improves tsunami risk assessment and can benefit all phases of the disaster management process.  相似文献   

The demands and needs of our presently increasing population require that the social decisions for land use must be based on the best and most reliable information that the decision-makers can obtain. Growing mass of natural resource information should be presented in a concise and practical form which the planners and public administrators can readily use without a need to learn about natural resources in detail. One of the means to present this information is a resource evaluation system which consists of four levels of maps: basic resource maps, single-factor maps, limiting-factor maps and final land suitability maps. The basic process used in the system is developing a series of individual maps showing specific kinds of information and superimposing them to identify a degree of suitability for a specific land use. The authors provide an overview of the use of land suitability maps in land use planning in the United States; show what natural resource data planners can require and put to use; outline the way in which earth scientists can evaluate and present the data needed; and finally demonstrate the land suitability analysis by case studies. Also briefly discussed is the need for information other than earth-science data. Land use planning and decision-making process is an intricate mixture of scientific, engineering, ecological, sociological, economic, cultural and political factors and forces. Obvious as it may seem this fact is nevertheless often ignored in practice resulting in misunderstandings and mutual disbelief of parties involved.  相似文献   

An effective and efficient planning of an urban growth and land use changes and its impact on the environment requires information about growth trends and patterns amongst other important information. Over the years, many urban growth models have been developed and used in the developed countries for forecasting growth patterns. In the developing countries however, there exist a very few studies showing the application of these models and their performances. In this study two models such as cellular automata (CA) and the SLEUTH models are applied in a geographical information system (GIS) to simulate and predict the urban growth and land use change for the City of Sana’a (Yemen) for the period 2004–2020. GIS based maps were generated for the urban growth pattern of the city which was further analyzed using geo-statistical techniques. During the models calibration process, a total of 35 years of time series dataset such as historical topographical maps, aerial photographs and satellite imageries was used to identify the parameters that influenced the urban growth. The validation result showed an overall accuracy of 99.6 %; with the producer’s accuracy of 83.3 % and the user’s accuracy 83.6 %. The SLEUTH model used the best fit growth rule parameters during the calibration to forecasting future urban growth pattern and generated various probability maps in which the individual grid cells are urbanized assuming unique “urban growth signatures”. The models generated future urban growth pattern and land use changes from the period 2004–2020. Both models proved effective in forecasting growth pattern that will be useful in planning and decision making. In comparison, the CA model growth pattern showed high density development, in which growth edges were filled and clusters were merged together to form a compact built-up area wherein less agricultural lands were included. On the contrary, the SLEUTH model growth pattern showed more urban sprawl and low-density development that included substantial areas of agricultural lands.  相似文献   

基于多源数据融合方法的中国1 km土地覆盖分类制图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精确的全球及区域土地覆盖数据是陆地表层过程研究的重要基础。在集成研究兴起和多种数据并存的背景下,利用多源信息融合技术进行大尺度土地覆盖制图具有重要的现实意义。证据理论清楚地表达了由于不确定和不完全信息所带来的对命题认识的“无知”,能够确定相应的假设在目前的认知与知识状态下的确定、不确定和“无知”程度,是多源数据决策融合的重要方法。基于证据理论,将2000年中国1∶10万土地利用数据、中国植被图集(1∶100万)的植被型分类、中国1∶10万冰川图、中国1∶[KG-*2]100万沼泽湿地图和MODIS 2001年土地覆盖产品(MOD12Q1)进行了融合,最终基于最大信任度原则进行决策,产生了新的、IGBP分类系统的2000年中国土地覆盖数据。新的土地覆盖数据在保持了中国土地利用数据的总体精度的同时,补充了中国植被图中对植被类型及植被季相的信息,更新了中国湿地图,增加了中国冰川图最新信息,使分类系统更加通用。  相似文献   

刘长虹 《山东地质》2010,(10):68-70
市级基本农田上图是以县级调查区域为单位,依据该地区土地利用总体规划,按照基本农田划定及补划、调整的相关资料,将基本农田保护片(块)落实到标准分幅土地利用现状图上,计算统计县级基本农田面积,并逐级汇总出市级基本农田面积。该文针对菏泽市基本农田调查上图工作保证措施、出现的问题及解决办法、主要上图成果及分析略作探讨。  相似文献   

基于多源数据融合方法的中国1km土地覆盖分类制图   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
精确的全球及区域土地覆盖数据是陆地表层过程研究的重要基础.在集成研究兴起和多种数据并存的背景下,利用多源信息融合技术进行大尺度土地覆盖制图具有重要的现实意义.证据理论清楚地表达了由于不确定和不完全信息所带来的对命题认识的"无知",能够确定相应的假设在目前的认知与知识状态下的确定、不确定和"无知"程度,是多源数据决策融合的重要方法.基于证据理论,将2000年中国1:10万土地利用数据、中国植被图集(1:100万)的植被型分类、中国1:10万冰川图、中国1:100万沼泽湿地图和MODIS 2001年土地覆盖产品(MOD12Q1)进行了融合,最终基于最大信任度原则进行决策,产生了新的、IGBP分类系统的2000年中国土地覆盖数据.新的土地覆盖数据在保持了中国土地利用数据的总体精度的同时,补充了中国植被图中对植被类型及植被季相的信息,更新了中国湿地图,增加了中国冰川图最新信息,使分类系统更加通用.  相似文献   

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