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地基土强度是影响桩土水平作用的主要因素之一。文章设计并进行物理模型试验,通过改变石膏含量控制地基土强度,模拟碎石土地基上的单桩水平载荷试验,研究地基土强度对桩顶位移、单桩承载力、桩身内力、桩前土抗力、地基抗力系数的比例系数m值的影响。试验研究表明:1石膏能显著提高土体黏聚力,但对土体内摩擦角影响不大;2地基土强度增大将显著提高单桩水平承载力与m值;3土体黏聚力与桩基设计参数m值成线性关系。  相似文献   

桩板式抗滑挡墙地震响应的振动台试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曲宏略  张建经 《岩土力学》2013,34(3):743-750
汶川地震路基震害调查表明,在顺层或堆积体边坡中的桩板式抗滑挡墙具有良好的抗震性能。为了更好地了解该结构的抗震性能和优化抗震设计方法,以大型振动台模型试验为手段对其进行研究。为明确地震作用下桩板式抗滑挡墙的地震响应特性,试验采用缩尺的卧龙台站实测地震波对模型激励。试验结果揭示了土压力沿桩身分布规律、桩体位移和边坡岩土体加速度的地震响应特征。研究表明,地震土压力沿桩身呈非线性分布,竖向地震荷载对水平加速度有放大效果。所以,双向加载时的地震土压力比水平单向加载时大,但二者差距在地震基本烈度VII、VIII度区域不显著。滑坡推力、滑床对桩的土体抗力和桩身位移均与输入地震动峰值加速度成正比,即随着地震动峰值加速度的增加,加速度放大比增大;滑动面材料剪切强度折减,滑坡推力、土体抗力和抗身位移均增大,且增大速率加快。此外,结合试验成果,建议了桩板式抗滑挡墙设计时地震综合影响系数Cz的合理取值,对应地震基本烈度VII、VIII、IX度区分别为0.2、0.35、0.4。试验结果有助于揭示该结构抗震机制,也为其抗震设计提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   

为探明不同类型地震波作用下软弱土层差异厚度对单桩动力响应特性的影响,采用振动台试验,开展了不同软弱土层厚度变化下桩基础的加速度、水平位移、弯矩动力响应变化特性及桩基损伤分析。试验结果表明:地震波作用下,桩周土体的约束作用受软弱土层厚度的影响显著。桩身加速度在软弱土层中的放大效果最为显著,桩顶加速度放大系数与软弱土层厚度呈正相关;桩顶水平位移在软弱土层厚度最大时达到最大;桩身弯矩最大值出现在软弱土层中,随其厚度增大而增大。不同土层厚度下,桩身弯矩最大值均小于抗弯能力设计值,桩基完整性较好。桩基础抗震设计计算时,应重点加强桩基础在软弱土层中的抗震能力,并选择多种地震波进行抗震验算。  相似文献   

沈婷  李国英  章为民 《岩土力学》2004,25(7):1045-1049
采用有效应力动力分析方法,通过三维有限元数值分析手段,对某长江大桥索塔超深钢围堰加钻孔灌注桩基础进行了地震反应性状分析,对超深桩基础的震陷、地震反应加速度及振动孔隙水压力等动力特性进行了研究。计算结果表明:在地震作用下,桩基发生了较大永久变形,水平位移表现为桩侧土体向桩挤压,桩下部土体向外运动;桩侧附近的地震振动孔隙水压力较小,液化度也较小,相对于天然地基,桩基有较好的抗震性能;桩基础在桩顶部位动力反应相对较大,且边桩的动力反应比中桩的动力反应要大。  相似文献   

胡建荣  王金昌  朱向荣 《岩土力学》2011,32(11):3414-3419,3426
基于Poulos理论和Winkler地基反力法,通过考虑关联性的土弹簧来模拟桩土相互作用,提出了滑动土体与邻近桩基相互作用的弹塑性解。将桩体在滑动面处分成被动和主动两部分,桩和周围土体相互作用通过p-δ和p-y曲线(p为桩身产生的压力,δ为桩-土相对位移,y为桩身位移)来模拟,采用侧向位移影响系数矩阵和巴氏模型分别考虑被动部分和主动部分土弹簧间的关联性,p-δ、p-y本构关系均采用理想弹塑性模型。工程算例分析表明,提出的方法与实测结果吻合较好,该方法应用于土体滑动条件下被动桩基的受力分析是可行的。  相似文献   

以苏通长江大桥主墩特大型群桩基础为研究背景,考虑地震动的不确定性,将地震激励作为平稳随机过程,采用随机地震反应分析方法,对深厚场地上群桩基础受上部桥墩荷载下的地震反应进行研究。土体动力非线性性能采用等效线性化方法考虑。由于桥墩惯性作用以及软土土层对桩身位移的约束作用,地震激励下桩身位移呈三角形分布。土体位移与土体和基础间距离有关,桥墩-桩-土相互作用对基础两侧1.5倍基础宽度的土体位移有较大影响。桩体内力反应结果表明,桩顶及桩身上部剪力及弯矩均较大,边桩剪力显著大于中间桩剪力。此外,基于强度破坏准则,对以桩身屈服剪力作为控制指标的群桩基础动力可靠性进行了分析。  相似文献   

王雨  陈文化  王锦华 《岩土力学》2016,37(3):819-826
隧道开挖会降低邻近桩基承载力,如何更为合理评价桩基水平附加响应是需要解决的问题。基于Pasternak双参数地基模型和三折线弹塑性荷载传递模型,采用两阶段分析法,并考虑侧向土体作用及地基土层的非均质特性,提出了更符合实际的单桩水平反应简化分析方法。通过与Winkler地基梁法及边界元法的对比分析,验证了方法的合理性。结合对单桩水平反应的多种影响因素进行参数分析,通过各因素相应的修正系数来对基准工况中单桩最大水平反应进行修正,得到计算工况中单桩的最大水平位移和最大弯矩。分析结果表明,桩基水平位移计算时可忽略侧向土体作用,而弯矩计算时应予以考虑;桩基计算工况的最大水平位移 最大弯矩 与平均地层损失比 呈现线性关系,而与隧道半径R、隧道轴线深度H、桩距隧道中心线距离x及桩身柔度系数 均呈现非线性关系。  相似文献   

刚性桩复合地基抗震性能的振动台试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究刚性桩复合地基的抗震性能,设计并完成了刚性桩复合地基1:10比尺的振动台试验。试验采用柔性容器这一较新的技术较好地模拟了地基在地震作用下的振动变形。此外,为解决模型与原型难以较好相似的问题,模型中尝试采用了在基础底板施加竖向力、在结构上附加阻尼器等措施。通过大量激振试验,对刚性桩复合地基的地震反应性态、柔性容器的效果等问题进行了研究。结果表明,柔性容器能够较好地解决模型试验的边界问题,刚性桩复合地基具有良好的抗震性能,桩身应变在地震作用下均未达到极限值,上部结构特性对桩身变形有一定影响,振动使土体对基础的约束减弱,但对桩的约束增强。  相似文献   

考虑桩土侧移的被动桩中土拱效应数值分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈福全  侯永峰  刘毓氚 《岩土力学》2007,28(7):1333-1337
被动桩对侧向位移的土层起到遮拦作用的机制主要是土拱效应。采用土工有限元软件Plaxis Tunnel 3D 1.2,对堆载荷载作用下邻近桩基中的土拱效应产生机制和性状进行三维数值分析,指出目前被动桩中土拱效应二维有限元分析存在的问题。考虑桩土侧移与相对位移,再利用土工有限元软件Plaxis2D 8.2详细地研究了侧向土体位移大小、桩身水平位移大小、土体性质以及桩土接触面性质等影响因素对土拱效应性态和桩土荷载分担比的影响。  相似文献   

刚性桩复合地基地震反应机理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
武思宇  宋二祥 《岩土力学》2009,30(3):785-792
为研究刚性桩复合地基的抗震性能,用刚性桩复合地基振动台试验验证了所采用的等效线性方法及其参数取值,在此基础上针对实际问题进行了三维有限元分析,对地基分层、土体模量、桩径、桩长、垫层厚度和垫层模量等因素对复合地基地震反应的影响进行了分析讨论,对刚性桩复合地基在地震荷载作用下的工作机理进行了较详细的分析。结果表明,等效线性方法能较好地模拟结构-复合地基相互作用的特性;上部结构惯性力和自由场变形对复合地基桩身内力影响都较大;地基明显软硬分层的存在,会使桩身内力显著增大。  相似文献   

Yu  Jian-lin  Zhou  Jia-jin  Gong  Xiao-nan  Xu  Ri-qing  Li  Jun-yuan  Xu  Shan-dai 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(6):1909-1921

The rigid pile composite foundation is widely used in highway projects in soft soil area as it can effectively increase the bearing capacity and stability of the foundation. While the research on the behavior and failure mode of rigid pile composite foundation under embankment is not enough, instability failure of rigid pile composite foundation often occurs in practical projects. This paper presents a centrifuge model test to investigate the load transfer mechanism, settlement characteristic and failure mode of rigid pile composite foundation under embankment. The test results show that: the soil displacement of different region in rigid pile composite foundation was different, obvious vertical displacement occurred in the soil under the center of embankment and the horizontal displacement was very small in this region; both vertical and horizontal displacement occurred in the soil under the shoulder of embankment; and obvious horizontal displacement occurred in the soil under the slope toe of embankment; moreover, ground heave also occurred near the slope toe of embankment. The soil displacement in rigid pile composite foundation had a large influence on the stress characteristic and failure mode of rigid piles, the compressive failure and bending failure would probably occur for the piles under the center and shoulder of the embankment, respectively, and the tension-bending failure would probably occur for the piles under the slope toe of embankment. The different failure modes of piles at different regions should be considered in the design of rigid pile composite foundation under embankment. The test results can be used to improve the design method for rigid pile composite foundation under embankment in practical projects.


旋喷群桩复合地基承载特性的数值分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旋喷桩加固软土地基在各种地基处理工程中得到了广泛应用。对旋喷桩的研究多数集中在其施工工艺的改进上,或者针对单桩的承载特性进行研究,而对旋喷群桩的承载特性则研究不多。根据工程实际情况,采用基于MIDAS-GTS的三维有限元分析技术,通过改变旋喷群桩的布置方式、桩弹性模量、桩长、桩径、桩距等设计参数及桩-土接触面等参数对旋喷群桩复合地基承载特性的影响进行了研究。研究表明:旋喷桩加固软土地基主要减小了地表至桩底深度范围内土体的竖向沉降,对桩底下方的土体沉降基本无影响;提高旋喷桩桩径及材料强度会提高复合地基承载能力;不同旋喷桩布置方式、桩-土之间是否设置Goodman接触面单元对地基承载能力基本无影响。  相似文献   

提出一种多向荷载作用下层状地基中刚性桩筏基础的计算方法。基于剪切位移法,采用传递矩阵形式分析了竖向荷载下桩顶面-桩顶面相互作用;引入修正桩侧地基模量,采用有限差分法分析了水平荷载下桩顶面-桩顶面相互作用;基于层状弹性半空间理论,分析了多向荷载下桩顶面-土表面、土表面-桩顶面、土表面-土表面的相互作用关系。建立了桩土体系柔度矩阵,得到了多向荷载下层状地基中刚性桩筏基础的受力和变形的关系以及桩的内力和变形沿桩身分布规律。通过与有限元对比,验证了该方法的合理性和修正地基模量的优越性,并对多向荷载作用下的桩筏基础进行了计算分析,计算结果表明,水平力将会引起桩筏基础的倾斜。  相似文献   

In this paper, a method is developed for nonlinear analysis of laterally loaded rigid piles in cohesionless soil. The method assumes that both the ultimate soil resistance and the modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction increase linearly with depth. By considering the force and moment equilibrium, the system equations are derived for a rigid pile under a lateral eccentric load. An iteration scheme containing three main steps is then proposed to solve the system equations to obtain the response of the pile. To determine the ultimate soil resistance and the modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction required in the analysis, related expressions are selected by reviewing and assessing the existing methods. The degradation of the modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction with pile displacement at ground surface is also considered. The developed method is validated by comparing its results with those of centrifugal tests and three-dimensional finite element analysis. Applications of the developed method to laboratory model and field test piles also show good agreement between the predictions and the experimental results.  相似文献   

This article presents a method for the nonlinear analysis of laterally loaded rigid piles in cohesive soil. The method considers the force and the moment equilibrium to derive the system equations for a rigid pile under a lateral eccentric load. The system equations are then solved using an iteration scheme to obtain the response of the pile. The method considers the nonlinear variation of the ultimate lateral soil resistance with depth and uses a new closed‐form expression proposed in this article to determine the lateral bearing factor. The method also considers the horizontal shear resistance at the pile base, and a bilinear relationship between the shear resistance and the displacement is used. For simplicity, the modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction is assumed to be constant with depth, which is applicable to piles in overconsolidated clay. The nonlinearity of the modulus of horizontal subgrade reaction with pile displacement at ground surface is also considered. The validity of the developed method is demonstrated by comparing its results with those of 3D finite element analysis. The applications of the developed method to analyze five field test piles also show good agreement between the predictions and the experimental results. The developed method offers an alternative approach for simple and effective analysis of laterally loaded rigid piles in cohesive soil. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

高速铁路CFG桩复合地基柔性载荷试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高速铁路建设的迅速发展及高速铁路对路基沉降的严格要求,CFG桩在高速铁路路基的处理上得到大量运用。但铁路工程对路基的作用原理与工民建工程对地基的作用原理有本质的区别,工民建房屋建筑荷载通过基础对地基施加刚性荷载,而铁路路基直接承受上部路堤的自重和列车运行产生的柔性荷载。高速铁路CFG桩复合地基的设计都是根据工民建行业的设计理论进行,其试验结果必然与实际情况存在偏差。本文着手研究适合于高速铁路复合地基的柔性载荷试验方法,模拟高速铁路柔性加载的特性,通过数值分析对比了刚性荷载和柔性载荷作用下CFG桩复合地基的桩、土应力、位移分布情况;通过现场载荷试验对设计方案进行了验证,研究了高速铁路CFG桩复合地基的承载力特性,结果证明柔性载荷试验是可行的,能合理的模拟高速铁路CFG桩复合地基承载特性,可为柔性基础下CFG桩复合地基的设计提供基础。  相似文献   

An investigation is made to present analytical solutions provided by a Winkler model approach for the analysis of single piles and pile groups subjected to vertical and lateral loads in nonhomogeneous soils. The load transfer parameter of a single pile in nonhomogeneous soils is derived from the displacement influence factor obtained from Mindlin's solution for an elastic continuum analysis, without using the conventional form of the load transfer parameter adopting the maximum radius of the influence of the pile proposed by Randolph and Wroth. The modulus of the subgrade reaction along the pile in nonhomogeneous soils is expressed by using the displacement influence factor related to Mindlin's equation for an elastic continuum analysis to combine the elastic continuum approach with the subgrade reaction approach. The relationship between settlement and vertical load for a single pile in nonhomogeneous soils is obtained by using the recurrence equation for each layer. Using the modulus of the subgrade reaction represented by the displacement influence factor related to Mindlin's solution for the lateral load, the relationship between horizontal displacement, rotation, moment, and shear force for a single pile subjected to lateral loads in nonhomogeneous soils is available in the form of the recurrence equation. The comparison of the results calculated by the present method for single piles and pile groups in nonhomogeneous soils has shown good agreement with those obtained from the more rigorous finite element and boundary element methods. It is found that the present procedure gives a good prediction on the behavior of piles in nonhomogeneous soils. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

PCC桩加固铁路软土地基现场试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘汉龙  周密  陈育民  谢松兵  孙宏林 《岩土力学》2012,33(11):3201-3207
铁路相对于公路对承载力和沉降控制都提出了更高的要求。现浇混凝土大直径管桩(PCC桩)技术首次在南京南站联络线铁路工程中应用,为了研究PCC桩加固铁路路基的工作特性,开展了PCC桩加固铁路软土地基的现场检测与监测试验研究。现场检测包含静载试验、低应变检测和开挖检测。现场监测内容为:桩土应力、地基和路堤水平位移、表面沉降、分层沉降、土工格栅张力、孔隙水压力等。质量检测结果表明,PCC桩施工质量良好,承载力达到铁路地基设计要求。现场监测表明,地基沉降在填土结束后3个月稳定,最大水平位移为13 mm,路基沉降稳定快,水平位移小,路堤稳定性高,能满足铁路严格控制沉降和快速施工的要求。研究成果对PCC桩复合地基加固铁路地基的设计和应用提供了依据。  相似文献   

Thermo-mechanical behavior of energy piles in high plasticity clays   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Energy piles make use of constant and moderate ground temperature for efficient thermal control of buildings. However, this use introduces new engineering challenges because the changes of temperature in the foundation pile and ground induce additional deformations and forces in the foundation element and coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical phenomena in the soil. Several published full-scale tests investigated this aspect of energy piles and showed thermally induced deformation and forces in the foundation element. In parallel, significant progress has been made in the understanding of thermal properties of soils and on the effect of cyclic thermal load on ground and foundation behavior. However, the effect of temperature on the creep rate of energy piles has received practically no attention in the past. This paper reports the experimental results of an in situ tension thermo-mechanical test on an energy pile performed in a very stiff high plasticity clay. During the in situ test, the pile was subjected to thermal loading by circulating hot water in fitted pipes, simulating a thermal load in a cooling-dominated climate, at different levels of mechanical loading. The axial strain and temperature in the pile, and the load–displacement of the pile were monitored during the tension test at different locations along the center of the pile and at the pile head, respectively. The data showed that as the temperature increases, the observed creep rate of the energy pile in this high plasticity clay also increases, which will lead to additional time-dependent displacement of the foundation over the life time of the structure. It was also found that the use of geothermal piles causes practically insignificant thermally induced deformation and loads in the pile itself.  相似文献   

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