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湖南澧县凹陷膏盐矿床成矿地质特征及找矿方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖南省已知膏盐矿床以中新生代内陆湖相沉积矿床为主,它们的形成具有一定地质构造背景,相互间有密切的联系,在时空分布上具有一定的规律性。其中澧县凹陷膏盐矿产种类较全,储量较大。凹陷西部边坡浅滩相沉积了并经后期改造的特大型石膏硬石膏矿床,凹陷中东部即凹陷中心蒸发沉积了厚大钙芒硝、无水芒硝、石盐矿床。膏盐沉积具明显的水平和垂直分带现象。湘西北区有较多类似凹陷,具有寻找或扩大膏盐矿床规模的有利条件。  相似文献   

青藏高原气候变化的若干事实及其年际振荡的成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1961-2012年青藏高原88个气象台站逐月气温、降水以及温室气体等气候系统监测资料和CMIP5输出的未来气候变化情景数据,分析了近52年来青藏高原气候变化暖湿化的若干事实,揭示了其年际振荡与温室气体、高原加热场、高原季风、AO等气候系统因子的关系,预测了未来20~40年青藏高原可能的气候变化趋势。研究表明:近52年来青藏高原在总体保持气候变暖的趋势下自2006年以来出现了某些增暖趋于缓和的迹象,较全球变化滞后了8年左右;降水量的增加在青藏高原具有明显的普遍性和显著性,气候变湿较变暖具有一定的滞后性,降水量变化的5年短周期日趋不显著,而12年、25年较长周期逐渐明显且仍呈增多趋势。由于温室气体、气溶胶持续增加、高原夏季风趋强、ENSO事件和太阳辐射减少,青藏高原气候持续增暖但有所缓和;春季高原加热场增强、高原夏季风爆发提前且保持强劲,使得高原春、夏季和年降水量增加,而秋、冬季AO相对稳定少动,东亚大槽强度无明显变化,高原冬季风变化不甚显著,导致了高原秋、冬季降水量无明显变化。未来20~40年青藏高原仍有可能继续保持气温升高、降水增加趋势。  相似文献   

东非大陆边缘地质特征及油气勘探前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非洲大陆油气资源潜力已越来越引起人们的广泛关注.与盛产油气的西非大陆边缘相比,东非大陆边缘至今还没有显著的原油发现.通过对东非大陆边缘构造演化特征、边缘构造性质及边缘形态等地质条件的分析,以及从油气成藏(烃源岩、储集层以及成熟度等方面)有利与不利因素的角度对其油气勘探前景进行的分析,认为东非大陆边缘具备油气成藏的基本地质条件.其中烃源岩分布,古近系构造抬升、剥蚀破坏作用,构造圈闭,特别是沿岸边缘海上区,以及三角洲地区的勘探工作应是今后研究工作的重点.  相似文献   

三江平原湿地消长与区域气候变化关系研究   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
以遥感手段为主,提取近20年来多个时期三江平原湿地变化动态数据。将湿地动态数据与历年气象数据相对变化比较处理后,再作灰色关联分析,可以发现它们之间的相互关系。研究表明三江平原湿地面积减小迅速,三江平原区域气候环境变化剧烈,超过全球气候变化速度。通过灰色关联分析可以发现,湿地在维持区域"冷湿"效应中作用突出,三江平原湿地的变化与气温变化成负相关,与降水、湿度变化成正相关。湿地消长与气候要素中的降水因子的相关关系最大,与日照因子相关关系较低,与降雪因子几乎无关。  相似文献   

本文用边界元法解决非稳定系统中水质预测的计算问题,建立了三维水质预测问题的边界元法计算模型,为简化计算手续、提高计算精度,讨论了Laplace变换边界元法,推广了Laplace变换边界元法中的Schapery方法。  相似文献   

In the present paper, soil-structure interaction analysis of an infinite beam resting on extensible geosynthetic reinforced earth beds has been carried out for an applied load moving with constant velocity. The viscous damping of the soil-foundation system has been given due consideration in the analytical procedure. The infinite beam has been treated as resting on a granular fill layer overlying the naturally occurring weak soil layer. Geosynthetic layer has been provided in the granular fill layer and has been considered as extensible. This extensible nature has been incorporated with the help of no slip and the compatibility conditions at the interface between reinforcing layer and the neighboring soil. These conditions help in eliminating the two interfacial shear stress parameters and in considering the tensile modulus of geosynthetic layer in the analysis. The influence of various parameters, like magnitude and velocity of applied moving load, viscous damping, relative stiffness of granular fill and tensile modulus of geosynthetic layer, on the response of soil-foundation system has been studied. It has been observed that all these parameters affect the response significantly, however, the effect of velocity of moving load and viscous damping has been found to be more significant especially at higher velocities.  相似文献   

潍坊市国土资源局在学习实践科学发展观活动中,更新观念、理清思路,优化机制、科学运作、规范管理、强化监督,夯实了工作基础,完善了制度保障,保证了国土资源各项工作的扎实推进,促进了经济社会又好又快发展。  相似文献   

湖南早震旦世沉积建造浊流沉积及锰矿成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要从沉积建造角度讨论了各种不同构造古地理、古生物、古环境、地球化学及同位素地质,对早震旦世锰矿成矿的控制。并且把湖南早震旦世地层划分出五个沉积建造系列;恢复了湖南省早震旦世大地构造-沉积建造理想剖面,另一方面,对早震旦世地层的形成,提出了"浊流成因"的新认识,初步阐述了浊流产生的动力条件。最后提出了"多源、生物-浊流沉积成矿模式"。  相似文献   

增大液动射流式冲击器单次冲击功的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
:试验结果发现 ,当行程加大时 ,获得较高的冲锤末速度 (5 .43m/s) ,单次冲击功 34 6 .45J。当活塞运动所需瞬时流量已大大超过了水泵供水的供给量时 ,冲击器仍能稳定地工作 ,这体现了射流冲击器作为一开放的系统所特有的流量可自动补偿的优点。射流冲击器对负载的适应能力较高 ,且在大行程条件下 ,增加锤重可较大幅度地提高单次冲击功。  相似文献   

造山带异源浆混花岗岩理论与方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1:5万花岗岩填图方法在区调工作中推广以来,在造山带花岗岩调查实践中,由于造山作用及过程的复杂性,花岗岩浆的多源及多样性,使同源岩浆演化理论及方法遇到了难题。文章在新一轮1:25万造山带试点图幅,在对同源岩浆演化理论及方法的适用性进行探索的同时,提出了异源浆混理论指导造山带内部浆混花岗岩(H型花岗岩)的填图方法。并就异源浆混花岗岩鉴别标志等作了系统总结,提出了浆混组合、浆混单元、浆混体,填图的理论方法体系;给予了浆混花岗岩明确的定义。  相似文献   

近年来国家对钛的需求越来越大,从钛铁矿中选钛成为急需解决的的问题。莒县天宝钛铁矿通过重磁联合选矿方法从尾矿中选钛,有效地回收了钛资源,增加了产品品种,拉长了产业链,实现了资源的综合利用,减少了污染和土地占用,保护了环境。  相似文献   

Dereli  Türkay  Eligüzel  Nazmiye  Çetinkaya  Cihan 《Natural Hazards》2021,106(3):2025-2045
Natural Hazards - Intensity of natural disasters has substantially increased; disaster management has gained importance along with this reason. In addition, social media has become an integral part...  相似文献   

和田玉的名称、文化、玉质和矿床类型之探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
和田玉是我国的传统玉石,有悠久的历史.和田玉有丰富的玉文化内涵,开拓了玉石之路,是我国历代宫廷玉器的主要玉料,为中国玉器的辉煌做出了贡献.和田玉属于透闪石玉,其玉质有其特点.矿床属中酸性侵入岩与白云石大理岩的接触交代型,在国内外有典型意义."软玉"提出距今约一百多年历史,尚存在一定问题,建议采用透闪石玉取代"软玉".  相似文献   

Dependence of soil suction on factors such as formation of the soil, its particle size, mineralogy, pore-size distribution characteristics, water content, fabric, stress history and presence of salts has been extensively investigated by researchers. However, the influence of the microbial presence and its activity on the soil suction has not yet received researchers’ attention. With this in view, a methodology that facilitates investigation regarding the presence of ‘soil-microbial interface’, which has been termed as ‘bio-geo interface’, has been proposed in this study. Furthermore, the influence of this ‘interface’ on suction characteristics of such soils has also been investigated and the utility of the proposed methodology in addressing such issues, successfully, has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

四川天全、芦山、宝兴地区名山组地层特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
下第三系名山组广泛分布于天全-芦山复向斜内,地层出露良好。笔者(1989—1991年)在参加1:5万天全幅、灵关幅区域地质调查时,根据岩组图填图要求,又进一步展开了对名山组的研究。本文简要地介绍了新实测的地层剖面,以及重新将名山组划分为4个段和新建大溪砾岩等填图单元的情况;并阐述了将芦山组归并于名山组上部(4段)而取消该组名称的依据。综述了研究区的岩石组合特征、沉积构造,建立了地层层序。将名山组沉积环境解释为辫状河及湖泊环境。  相似文献   

泰安市国土资源局岱岳区分局为了提高监管力度,利用三维可视化、地理信息、遥感影像、场景合成等先进技术,结合大比例尺数字高程模型,合成真实的三维实景环境,与国土资源数据有机融合,实现国土信息的三维再现。构建信息系统监管平台,实现了建设用地审批、供地、利用、补充、检查全过程动态化、精细化管理。在土地行政审批管理中,提高了效率、规范了流程、落实了责任,实现了以图管地的目的。  相似文献   

范建明 《地下水》2003,25(1):19-20
大同市市区水资源的开发利用主要为地下水源,但多年来一直处于超采状态,现状年开采量已占允许开采量的150%,致使地下水可利用量逐年减少,同时过量的地下水开采又引发了一系列环境地质问题,如地下水位大幅下降、地面沉降及产生地裂隙等。本文总结归纳出了几个主要的环境地质问题,分析了这些问题与地下水超采之间的关系,在这些分析研究的基础上提出了如何解决这些问题的建议及对策。  相似文献   

赣杭带东段天姆尖地区首次识别出大面积分布的碎斑熔岩体系,它具有典型的喷溢相-侵出相一次火山岩相“三相一体”特征,在岩石化学成份上表现为富硅,碱,铁而贫镁,锰,钙,岩石结晶分异指数为77-93,稀土元素铕亏损明显,放射性成因铀铅含量高,岩石蚀变表现为面式分布,具前锋带特点,这一发现对赣杭带寻找新的富大铀矿远景区有着重要的指标意义。  相似文献   

D. Dragovich 《Geoforum》1980,11(2):147-156
An important proportion of Australian dairy production has been destined for export markets, where prices are below those received on the home market. This degree of dependence on international prices has adversely affected dairy farm incomes and thereby influenced both Government responses to the industry's problems and dairymen's decisions about levels of production and farm viability. Examination of the spatial impact on the now declining Australian dairy industry of Government-funded subsidies and of schemes for reconstruction of non-viable dairy farms, has indicated that withdrawal of farmers from the industry has not been areally uniform at the national level; but study of a major dairying region whose industry has undergone substantial decline suggests that this uneven pattern reflects industry and regional characteristics more than the deliberate or inadvertent results of Government intervention. Although Government policy has been broadly directed towards reducing the numbers of dairymen, and hence dependence on overseas prices for production surpluses, industry change has been greatest in regions where viable economic alternatives have been available for low-income dairymen.  相似文献   

The present article reports studies to develop a univariate model to forecast the summer monsoon (June–August) rainfall over India. Based on the data pertaining to the period 1871–1999, the trend and stationarity within the time series have been investigated. After revealing the randomness and non-stationarity within the time series, the autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models have been attempted and the ARIMA(0,1,1) has been identified as a suitable representative model. Consequently, an autoregressive neural network (ARNN) model has been attempted and the neural network has been trained as a multilayer perceptron with the extensive variable selection procedure. Sigmoid non-linearity has been used while training the network. Finally, a three-three-one architecture of the ARNN model has been obtained and after thorough statistical analysis the supremacy of ARNN has been established over ARIMA(0,1,1). The usefulness of ARIMA(0,1,1) has also been described.  相似文献   

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