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岩石所受的三向应力状态对其弹性波传播性质有一定的影响,此认识为所做的以泥质砂岩、泥岩和硅质胶结的坚硬砂岩为试样的实验所证实。实验结果表明,泥质砂岩和泥岩的vP/vS值几乎保持不变,硬质砂岩的vP/vS曲线却在应力达破坏荷载的90%左右出现下凹现象。经热处理后的硬质砂岩这一下凹现象则更突出  相似文献   

采用国际岩石力学学会岩石断裂韧度建议测试方法(ISRM)[1]提出的V形切槽巴西圆盘试样(CCNBD),测试了一种泥质砂岩的I型断裂韧度值,给出了一套试样切割制备方案,从试验现象角度分析了该泥质砂岩的断裂力学特性,讨论了该试样类型的有效尺寸和断裂机制,并指出了该方法的特点和优劣性,得出如下结论:(1)该类岩石试样测得的I型断裂韧度值对CCNBD试样直径尺寸变化具有较大的敏感性,并且直径大于ISRM建议方法中最小有效直径(75 mm)的试样测试结果更为稳定;(2)CCNBD试样断裂机制表现为以拉张应力(间接拉伸)作用为主,兼有一定的韧带面内剪切作用的应力状态下I型裂纹扩展模式;(3)V形切槽巴西圆盘方法具有试样加工工艺简单、能承受较大临界载荷、测试的I型断裂韧度值较稳定等优点,但其没有考虑断裂过程区(FPZ)的非线性问题,建议对该方法进行非线性修正图解方案研究,以达到更准确测定岩石断裂韧度的目的。  相似文献   

川中红色砂泥岩岩石力学特性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对川中白垩系、侏罗系的泥岩、砂岩、泥质粉砂岩的抗压强度进行统计分析 ,得出红层岩石作为地基时抗压强度的范围值供设计参考 ,对泥岩、砂岩的其他力学性质进行了评价。  相似文献   

岩石在长期荷载作用下表现出典型的蠕变特性,裂隙泥岩在长期荷载作用下的力学性质不同于完整岩石。对甘肃甘谷赵家窑滑坡钻孔取芯的裂隙泥岩开展剪切蠕变试验,探讨轴向压应力、预制裂隙长度等因素对试样剪切蠕变特征的影响。试验结果表明:轴向荷载和裂隙长度对试样剪切蠕变特征有明显的影响。轴向压应力越大,试样剪切蠕变变形越不明显;裂隙越长,试样剪切蠕变变形越显著。应力较低时,如Cvisc模型等蠕变模型能够较好反映泥岩的蠕变力学特性。而在加速蠕变阶段,大多数模型却不能准确体现泥岩蠕变曲线的非线性变化。改进的西原模型克服了传统模型不能对非线性蠕变特征进行描述的缺点,且模型参数较少,能较好地适用工程软弱岩体。不同载荷作用下泥质软岩试样剪切蠕变过程中,裂隙泥岩剪切破坏带形成表现为渐进与突发相结合。泥岩的剪切蠕变力学模型可解释泥岩滑坡的多种现象,边坡潜在滑移带内泥质软岩发生的剪切蠕变则是泥岩滑坡的内在诱因。  相似文献   

李燕  杨林德  董志良  张功新 《岩土力学》2009,30(5):1231-1236
根据泥质粉砂岩和泥岩在垂直和平行于层理面的条件下进行的三轴压缩和渗流试验,得到了不同围压及岩石成层条件下泥质粉砂岩和泥岩的弹性模量,建立了基于层理面夹角和围压的软岩弹性模量控制方程。渗透张量与应力的耦合关系是各向异性渗流耦合分析的关键问题,通过引入应力主轴与渗透主轴非一致时渗透张量与应力的响应关系,建立了各向异性渗透张量与应力耦合的控制方程,并对比了试验数据与计算结果,为各向异性软岩渗流应力耦合分析模型的建立奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

压实作用与磁倾角变化的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
库车坳陷上新统库车组古地磁资料表明,泥岩组样品的平均磁倾角最小,从泥质粉砂岩、砂岩到粉砂岩其平均磁倾角依次递增,相应的古纬度值从泥岩、泥质粉砂岩到粉砂岩依次增高。为了研究这一现象,我们选取了 48个库车组样品作了一系列实验。实验结果表明,压实作用引起的体积变化与磁倾角降低呈线性关系.  相似文献   

利用自主研发的岩石松弛-扰动试验装置,测试了岩石加载、松弛、动态扰动和扰动后4个阶段的轴向应力、轴向应变和声发射响应,观察到了岩石试样在动态扰动后应变增加、应力降低的现象,砂岩试样的这种特征比花岗岩明显。初步分析认为,产生该现象的原因一方面由于松弛-扰动过程导致岩石内部出现不可逆的损伤,另一方面则是扰动去除后试样的残余变形。在初始压密和弹性阶段,砂岩试样的声发射撞击数少;在接近应变峰值阶段,撞击数骤增;在应力松弛阶段撞击数骤减;在动态扰动阶段,撞击数骤增。声发射是由于岩石损伤引起的,声发射数据反映了岩石的损伤是引起松弛试样在动态扰动后应变增加、应力降低的一个原因。另外,基于砂岩和花岗岩的准静态循环加、卸载试验,对砂岩、花岗岩在不同应变等级下的残余应变进行了定量化;砂岩的残余应变远高于花岗岩,这与砂岩试样在历经松弛-动态扰动后应变增加、应力降低较为明显的趋势相对应。同时,无论是松弛-动态扰动试验还是准静态循环加、卸载试验,岩石的残余变形都会随着卸荷初始应变的提高而增加。岩石的损伤与残余变形是密切相关的,两者的综合作用引起了动态扰动后岩石试样的应变增加、应力降低现象。  相似文献   

基于泥质粉砂岩室内双轴压缩试验,建立PFC2D颗粒流数值模型,以此来探究泥质粉砂岩破坏的细观机理。考虑组成泥质粉砂岩试样的颗粒形状,根据电镜扫描图勾选出5种典型颗粒形状,与圆形颗粒一起生成给定孔隙率的稳定数值试样。颗粒间选用平行粘结接触模型,选取弹性模量、泊松比、峰值应力分别对饱和、天然状态的泥质粉砂岩试样进行不同围压下的细观参数标定,然后进行双轴压缩试验模拟,分析试样在双轴压缩试验过程中颗粒法向接触力、切向接触力、配位数、孔隙率等细观组构参数的分布特征和演化规律。试验结果表明:双轴压缩试验的细观参数标定可不考虑抗剪强度指标黏聚力c和内摩擦角ϕ值的影响。破坏前后,试样各方向统计范围内都存在法向接触力和切向接触力。围压的存在影响试样的起始配位数、孔隙率和试样破坏后的稳定配位数和孔隙率,对配位数和孔隙率的改变速率影响很小。试样空间孔隙率的演化在一定程度上反映了试样破坏时内部结构的变迁,能更加直观地反映试样的破坏模式。   相似文献   

王宇  李建林  刘锋  王瑞红 《岩土力学》2012,33(12):3639-3644
为了解节理对泥质粉砂岩卸荷流变规律的影响,进行了同起始围压,不同应力水平下的节理泥质粉砂岩分级卸荷流变试验。首先,详细介绍了节理试样的预制方法及卸荷流变试验的过程,然后,研究了节理试样在不同应力水平作用下的轴向及侧向流变应变变化规律,得出节理倾角为0°的试样轴向及侧向流变应变随围压降低的增大趋势最陡,节理倾角为60°的试样其次,节理倾角为40°的试样最缓。同时,分析了节理对轴向及侧向流变速率变化趋势的影响,探讨了不同倾角节理试样的卸荷流变破裂机制。研究结果较为全面地掌握了节理泥质粉砂岩的卸荷流变基本规律,为进一步建立节理岩体的流变本构模型及参数辨识提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   

我队正在政棠和铜山两矿区施工。铜山矿区平均换层率为130层/百米,岩石大部为中、细粉砂岩、砾岩和泥岩。其中硅质砂岩和砾岩的可钻性达Ⅷ级,部分松散地层很难形成规则孔壁。矿区断层多,漏水、涌水现象时有发生。政棠矿区岩石多为中、细粉砂岩、角砾岩等,有些石英成分占50%以上,可钻性达Ⅶ—Ⅷ级。矿区平均换层率170层/百米。主要断层多由钙质或泥质胶结。   相似文献   

The lithological study of the core samples of the Bazhenov Formation that are exposed on the northeastern Surgut arch allowed us to distinguish three types of sections, which are ascribed to the different parts of an ancient intrabasin uplift. Moving from the arch to its peripheral parts, these types demonstrate a successive change in the prevailing sedimentation type from carbonate–clayey–siliceous via siliceous to clayey–siliceous types  相似文献   

滇黔北坳陷五峰组-龙马溪组下段页岩岩相与沉积环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滇黔北坳陷为南方海相地层的有利研究区域,发育多套海相页岩。上奥陶统五峰组与下志留统龙马溪组地层,尤其是五峰组-龙马溪组下段页岩作为优质烃源岩而备受重视。通过岩芯观察、薄片鉴定、X衍射分析及微量元素地球化学指标判识,对其进行页岩岩相划分与沉积环境分析。结果显示:滇黔北坳陷五峰组-龙马溪组下段地层共划分出六种页岩岩相:硅质页岩、黏土质页岩、钙质页岩、黏土质硅质混合页岩、黏土质钙质混合页岩、钙质硅质混合页岩,其中硅质页岩和黏土质页岩的TOC含量明显高于其余四种岩相。V/(V+Ni)、V/Cr、Ni/Co和U/Th指标指示五峰组-龙马溪组下段总体处于低能、滞留、局限条件,与深水陆棚环境匹配,Mo元素含量与四川盆地均值相当。五峰早期与龙马溪早期海侵的发生形成了以深水陆棚占主导的沉积格局,低能、滞留、局限的厌氧环境与快速海侵是有机质富集与保存的重要条件。  相似文献   

Soil creep is mostly manifested in slow-moving landslides. It is often the case for active slow-moving landslide with slip zone comprising clayey soil where creep would develop in the residual condition. If gravel is presented in clayey soil, this will have considerable impact on creep behavior of clayey soil. However, knowledge about creep behavior of the clayey soil containing gravel particles is scarce. This paper discusses creep behavior of natural clayey soil with gravel at residual state through a series of creep shear tests. Soil samples for this testing program were collected from the slip zones of two large slow-moving landslides in China. The collected soil samples consisted of clayey soil containing various amounts of gravel particles. The test results show that the soil specimens underwent two different creep patterns. An attenuating creep pattern was observed when the soil specimens were subjected to creep stress less than the residual strength, and a creep with increasing strain rate, or a nonattenuating creep pattern, with no evident secondary creep was noted when creep stress was intestinally increased to a level slightly greater than the residual strength. The creep patterns of clayey soil with gravel at the residual state observed in this study were noted to be very consistent with those of the gravel-free clayey soil reported in Bhat et al. (Int J Geomater 1(1):39–43, 2011, Nat Hazards 69(3):2161–2178, 2013) and Di Miao et al. (Eng Geol 162:53–66, 2013). This gives an indication that creep patterns of clayey soils with and without gravel at the residual state are essentially the same, or in other words, that the presence of gravel does not change the creep pattern of clayey soil. However, the test results in this study illustrate that the presence of gravel does have a notable effect on creep behavior of clayey soil. Specifically, the creep stress leading to creep failure of clayey soil and the minimum ratio of the creep stress to residual strength (RCSR) increased with gravel content, and the displacement until the tertiary creep was also larger in samples containing more gravel particles. It is postulated that creep behavior of clayey soil at the residual state in this study and its relationship with gravel content may be related to strength recovery and crushing of gravel-sized particles during creep.  相似文献   

The international interest in shale oil has recently provoked special attention to the Russian unconventional oil-source formations, including the Bazhenov Formation of West Siberia, domanik deposits in the Volga–Ural region, and the lower Maikop Group of the Cis-Caucasus. High contents of para-autochthonous soluble organic matter (bitumen) in clayey–carbonate, clayey–siliceous, carbonate–clayey–siliceous rocks with low filtration–capacity properties results in significant uncertainties in the identification of the generation potential of organic matter (OM). Examination of a large database on the OM of the Bazhenov Formation allowed us to propose an optimum complex technique for study of the source rock potential and assessment of the amount of produced hydrocarbons in the kerogen-rich sediments. The investigations include a combination of Rock Eval pyrolysis prior to and after extraction with different solvents, the comparison of bituminological and pyrolytic characteristics, and the determination of the group composition of soluble organic matter, as well as chromatography and chromato-mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

不同应力路径下某高速公路路基黏性土湿化变形试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张秀成  王义重  傅旭东 《岩土力学》2010,31(6):1791-1796
针对某高速公路黏性填土路基浸水湿化的情况,进行了大量室内试验研究。为了研究土在实际应力路径下的湿化变形规律,分别在常规三轴应力路径、常规三轴K0固结应力路径、K0固结+常规三轴压缩应力路径以及使用真三轴仪的平面应变下K0固结 + 平面应变剪切应力路径和平面应变等应力比路径下进行了黏性土的湿化试验。通过对试验数据的分析,得到了湿化附加轴向应变与湿化时应力水平的幂函数关系。通过总结研究不同应力路径下应力-应变曲线的规律,提出了不同应力路径下的应力-应变关系的公式。  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - The article presents the results of a comparative geochemical study of cherts and siliceous–clayey rocks composing the tectono-sedimentary complexes of various structural...  相似文献   

陕西山阳县黑色岩系中中村—银花钒矿床地质特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李玫  张复新 《中国地质》2009,36(5):1099-1109
秦岭黑色岩系中带的钒矿构成超大型规模,中村-银花钒矿是大型钒矿的典型代表,产于下寒武统水沟口组中段硅质板岩-泥板岩-粘土质泥板岩岩性转换过渡层位中.矿石根据岩性划分为硅板岩型、粘土质泥板岩型和硅质泥板岩型3种类型.矿层延长及厚度稳定,V2O5品位为0.70%~1.17%.研究查明,钒与粘土质、泥质板岩密切相关,钒在粘土泥板岩中相对富集.钒与铝、钾、铁存在较密切的地球化学共生关系.钒以钒酸盐、磷酸盐及吸附状态存在于高岭石、水云母中.研究认为,含钒黑色岩系是扬子大陆向华北大陆俯冲启动下,于早寒武世扬子大陆北缘斜坡出现在拉伸裂谷式沉积环境,发育滞留深水环境下的炭-泥-灰-重晶石-硅质含钒沉积建造,含钒的炭质硅板岩-炭质泥板岩层具有热水沉积产物的特征.  相似文献   

Summary The Imaichi underground power station, with a cross sectional area of 1420 m2, which is now under construction by Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc., is one of the largest underground caverns in the world. Due to the considerable depth of the over-burden of 400 m, the horseshoe-shaped section was adopted for the first time in Japan to minimize excesive stress concentration on the surrounding bedrock and keep loosened zones to a minimum.The bedrock consists of sandstone, slate, siliceous sandstone and breccia. The rock is generally hard and compact, with few fractured zones which may have an adverse influence on the excavation of the cavern.The supporting system of the cavern consists of prestressed rock anchors, rock bolts and shotcrete.Approximately 800 instruments, mainly multiple stage extensometers, were used to monitor behaviour of the surrounding rock during excavation of the cavern. With the exception of some cracks which occurred in a portion of the shotcrete when about half the height of the cavern had been excavated, excavation work was completed without any major trouble. In spite of the symmetrical shape of the cavern, the deformation behaviour of the surrounding rock during excavation was remarkedly asymmetric. The reason for this was concluded to be the peculiar deformation behaviour exhibited by Breccia during stress relief, as shown by in-situ rock tests, etc., and analysis of deformation data after completion of the excavation work.  相似文献   

以石英次生加大边、孔隙充填式的石英晶体形式赋存的硅质矿物是鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界储集层 砂岩中最为重要的自生矿物之一,平均含量达3.8%,这在众多含油气盆地中是极少见的。对于鄂尔多斯盆地上 部地层如石千峰组和石盒子组来说,同期火山物质的蚀变是形成硅质胶结物的主要原因之一;山西组与上部地 层石千峰组和石盒子组相比,具较高的硅质胶结物含量且常与高岭石相伴生,同时砂岩中的长石含量很低,这 种现象说明,长石等易溶硅酸盐组分在有机酸的溶解下释放的硅提供了形成硅质胶结物的物质来源。早成岩期 相对浅埋深条件下形成的硅质胶结物增加了岩石的机械强度和抗压强度,对砂岩储集空间的保存具有积极意义, 因而应属于保持性成岩作用,对储集层的影响是中性-正面的。  相似文献   

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