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从海相砂页岩型铜矿时空分布、经济特征、成矿地质背景与沉积环境入手,对中国云南东川-易门铜矿带和阿富汗安纳克铜矿床(带)等进行典型矿床分析与地质特征对比,从成矿物质来源、成矿机制(流体的性质、作用和动力学,金属元素迁移、富集、沉淀和就位机制)等方面对海相砂页岩型铜矿床成因进行探讨,系统分析各种"沉积-成岩-改造"成矿模式、成矿作用与过程,对阿富汗安纳克、云南东川落雪式铜矿床等沉积岩容矿的层状铜矿床成因模型进行总结;在此基础上,进一步深入阐述了海相砂页岩型铜矿成矿与超级古大陆事件的耦合性及衍生成矿作用。通过分析,对中国东川-易门铜矿带,以及与阿富汗安纳克铜矿床毗邻的新疆西昆仑成矿省的海相砂页岩型铜矿找矿前景进行评价和预测。  相似文献   

四川省中厂铜矿位于扬子地台西南缘的康滇地轴中段,赋矿地层为中元古界下部的通安组,铜矿体赋存在通安组第二段和第三段中,铜矿体呈似层状,矿体围岩分别为白云石大理岩、石英变粒岩和含石英大理岩,地层中层间破碎带、滑动带和裂隙发育,并发生硅化、绢云母化、白云石化和褪色等热液蚀变,地层中碳质含量较高,矿床地质特征上判断,成矿经过沉积成岩期和构造-热液改造期,成矿物质为多期多来源,因此认为中厂铜矿床属于沉积-改造型铜矿床。  相似文献   

从海相砂页岩型铜矿时空分布、经济特征、成矿地质背景与沉积环境入手,对中国云南东川-易门铜矿带和阿富汗安纳克铜矿床(带)等进行典型矿床分析与地质特征对比,从成矿物质来源、成矿机制(流体的性质、作用和动力学,金属元素迁移、富集、沉淀和就位机制)等方面对海相砂页岩型铜矿床成因进行探讨,系统分析各种"沉积-成岩-改造"成矿模式、成矿作用与过程,对阿富汗安纳克、云南东川落雪式铜矿床等沉积岩容矿的层状铜矿床成因模型进行总结;在此基础上,进一步深入阐述了海相砂页岩型铜矿成矿与超级古大陆事件的耦合性及衍生成矿作用。通过分析,对中国东川-易门铜矿带,以及与阿富汗安纳克铜矿床毗邻的新疆西昆仑成矿省的海相砂页岩型铜矿找矿前景进行评价和预测。  相似文献   

砂岩型铜矿床(沉积岩容矿层状铜矿床)作为一种重要的铜矿床广泛发育于滇西兰坪盆地内。经典的砂岩型铜矿床成因模式认为该类矿床形成于伸展背景下的沉积盆地内,但兰坪盆地内的砂岩型铜矿床则产出于挤压背景下的陆-陆碰撞造山带内,其成矿与地壳缩短密切相关。通过详细构造解析揭示成矿与构造变形的时空关系是理解挤压背景下铜成矿过程的基础。本文基于12.5万区域地质调查,详细分析了白洋厂砂岩型铜矿床的区域构造、矿体与构造的空间关系。构造分析结果显示,矿区白垩系经历了中新世东西向挤压变形,形成近南北走向逆断层+近东西走向掀斜-走滑断层构造组合;地壳缩短期间,在主要逆断层前锋(下盘)形成中新世含石膏层的小型周缘前陆盆地。铜多金属矿化发生在逆断层主破碎带或上盘次级破碎带内,赋矿围岩皆为白垩系。基于构造-盆地-矿体这一空间关系,结合矿石结构、区域地质特点,我们提出成矿金属元素主要源自中新世周缘前陆盆地卤水,还原硫来自隐伏于白垩系之下的晚三叠统三合洞组中的还原性流体。始于中新世早期的地壳缩短在晚三叠世、白垩纪地层中形成破裂构造,使得中新世周缘前陆盆地中的卤水下渗、保存于晚三叠世地层中的还原性流体上升,而当两种流体在主要断裂破碎带内发生混合时,则发生硫化物沉淀成矿。  相似文献   

沉积岩型层状铜矿床(SSC型)的成因争论聚焦在成矿作用主要集中在沉积成岩期并可能叠加有后期成矿作用,还是形成于成岩后盆地闭合过程和造山作用有关。产于扬子板块西缘的东川式铜矿是中国SSC型矿床的典型代表,这些矿床赋存在晚古元古界东川群岩石中,主要呈层状矿体产出,但也存在少量脉状矿体。文章选择东川铜矿田内因民、汤丹和滥泥坪3个典型矿床的层状和脉状矿体中硫化物(黄铁矿、黄铜矿、斑铜矿和辉铜矿)开展原位硫同位素组成的对比研究。实验结果表明,这些矿床的硫化物原位硫同位素组成分布范围较广:因民矿床层状硫化物的δ34S值分布于4.7‰~22.1‰,汤丹和滥泥坪矿床层状硫化物的δ34S值为-3.3‰~3.1‰;因民矿床脉状硫化物的δ34S值分布于21.0‰~30.7‰,汤丹和滥泥坪矿床脉状硫化物的δ34S值为-19.4‰~3.5‰。层状矿体和脉状矿体的硫化物硫同位素组成明显不同,表明形成2种产状矿体的硫来源不同。层状矿体较大的硫同位素组成差异指示了海相硫酸盐不同程度的热化学还原作用,表明初始成矿流体中的硫来源于循环盆地卤水中溶解的海相蒸发岩。脉状矿体的硫同位素组成则强烈受控于矿区的赋矿围岩,因民矿床硫化物中极高的硫同位素组成表明硫的来源为地层中的海相蒸发岩,而汤丹和滥泥坪矿床中亏损34S的特征则表明硫的来源为富含生物还原硫的碳质板岩。结合野外地质关系和前人研究成果,文章认为层状矿体和脉状矿体是2期独立成矿事件的产物,层状矿体形成于成岩作用时期,脉状矿体形成于后期独立的局部构造热成矿事件,也即SSC型矿床的成矿作用主要发生在成岩期,但普遍遭受后期热液活动的叠加,并且在不同的成矿期中可能存在着多阶段的成矿作用。  相似文献   

简述了柴窝堡铜矿带西段铜沟矿区的地质特征。矿区受地层层位控制的似层状矿体和受断裂控制的矿体分别属海底喷流沉积成矿和岩浆期后成矿热液充填断裂成矿,为不同成矿期,不同成矿方式,有一定成因联系的多因复成矿床。  相似文献   

永平水泄铜矿床地质特征及其成因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李峰  黄敦义 《云南地质》1994,13(4):341-349
水泄铜矿床受构造和地层岩性控制,热液成矿标志明显。根据矿化分布、矿石结构构造、围岩蚀变、地层中微量元素特征、矿床的同位素组成及流体包裹体等的研究,论证了成矿物质主要来源于兰坪盆地内的沉积岩;成矿流体具热卤水性质;矿床在成因上与喜马拉雅早期古地热活动有关,为一种新的改造型铜矿床。  相似文献   

黑龙江省洋灰洞子铜矿床地质特征及成因探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洋灰洞子铜矿床是太平岭多金属成矿带一小型矿床,通过对矿床的矿体形态、矿石组成、结构构造、围岩蚀变、硫同位素测定及矿石爆裂温度测定的分析,成矿物质来源于含矿岩体和地层,在成岩成矿作用中,岩浆同熔和交代作用较强烈,其成矿期可分二期,成矿温度划分三阶段.认为洋灰洞子铜矿床是与中酸性侵入岩密切相关的中温热液型斑岩铜矿床.  相似文献   

新疆滴水砂岩型铜矿床位于塔里木盆地北部边缘,库车前陆坳陷盆地。铜矿体赋存于一套河湖交替相的红色含膏盐碎屑砂岩建造中。矿床有三个主要含矿层,储量〉40×104t。该砂岩铜矿床为典型的层控型矿床,经历了"沉积-成岩-改造"成矿模式。在沉积期具有生物、化学双重成矿作用,经过后期成矿物质的活化迁移后生叠加改造再富集过程。铜矿体...  相似文献   

新疆博乐喇嘛苏铜矿床地质特征和成因研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
杨军臣  崔彬 《地质论评》1998,44(1):23-30
喇嘛苏铜矿床矿区地层铜背景为含量偏低,但矿区岩浆岩含铜较高,“I”型花岗岩类,成矿阶段划分为3个阶段,石英-氧化物阶段,硫化物阶段,晚期石英-硫化物阶段,硫,铅同位素证据表明,成矿物质主要来源于矿区岩浆岩,氢氧同位素证据表明在氧化物阶段成矿热液主要为岩浆水,硫化物阶段则已是大气降水与岩浆水的混合热液,结合黄铁矿的富硫特征,进一步论证喇嘛苏铜矿床典型夕卡岩型铜矿,并探讨其厚大似层状贫铜矿体内的富铜矿  相似文献   

云南兰坪金满中生代沉积岩中的铜矿成矿作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
肖荣阁  陈卉泉 《现代地质》1994,8(4):490-496
兰坪-思茅中新生代盆地沉积岩中产出一系列热液型铜矿床(矿点),以石英、铁白云石与含铜硫化物(包括黄铜矿、斑铜矿、黝铜矿和辉铜矿)为主,呈脉状产于砂岩、页岩中,而单独的黝铜矿、方解石和重晶石脉则产于底部碳酸盐岩中.红色碎屑岩中的浅色还原层内的细脉和裂隙中也具有铜矿化。矿石构造以角砾状、脉状最为发育,矿脉多位于褶皱与走向断裂破碎带的叠加部位。金满铜矿的Sr、S、Ph同位素证据、稀土元素地球化学及液体包裹体资料表明,成矿元素主要来自沉积岩层,合矿卤水属于盆地卤水,流来自于硫酸盐的还原作用及沉积硫化物的淋滤溶解作用。含矿流体是H。O-NaCI~CO。体系卤水,成矿温度为150~300C,流体盐度为5%~20%NaCI。据含CO2包裹体的测温资料估算成矿压力大于6X10'Pa,相当于3km深的静岩压力。根据铜矿床成因研究,笔者提出了含矿热卤水储备与突发成矿作用的成矿模式。成矿前,矿化卤水象石油天然气一样,首先集中到一定的构造部位,在构造活动期突然爆炸成矿。成矿期由3个阶段组成,即爆炸充填、渗透充填与改造阶段,热液活动主要在前两个阶段。  相似文献   

There is ongoing debate with respect to the genetic models for shale‐hosted massive sulfide Pb–Zn–Ag deposits contained in the Palaeoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic intracontinental Isa Superbasin in the Western Fold Belt, Mt Isa terrane. Favourable sites of mineralisation can be predicted based on understanding the tectonic setting of the Isa Superbasin, the structural controls of mineralisation and the chemically favourable environments for ore deposition. Shale‐hosted massive sulfide Pb–Zn–Ag deposits are hosted in successions deposited during the dominant sag‐phase of the Isa Superbasin. These deposits are localised at the intersections of major basin‐scale extensional faults and are hosted in both shallow‐marine and deeper water carbonaceous shales that are characteristically anoxic and located near or at maximum flooding surfaces. All major shale‐hosted massive sulfide Pb–Zn–Ag deposits are located to the west of the Mt Isa Rift (ca 1710–1670 Ma). This spatial association is explained by an asymmetrical lithosphere extension model for the evolution of the Isa Superbasin. Elevated geothermal gradients at the location of maximum subcrustal lithospheric thinning to the west of the Mt Isa Rift may have driven the migration of basinal brines. Increased subsidence at this location produced favourable anoxic sedimentary horizons for metal precipitation during orebody formation.  相似文献   

The Black Butte copper deposits (formerly known as Sheep Creek) are a group of sediment hosted, laterally extensive Cu–(Co–Ag) deposits hosted in dolomitic shale of the mid-Proterozoic Newland Formation. Copper–cobalt mineralization occurs in zones of massive, laminated pyrite that were locally reworked and infiltrated by Cu-rich fluids during early diagenesis. Cobalt, along with substantial nickel and arsenic, mainly occurs as impurities within early, porous pyrite, or as minute grains of sulpharsenides (i.e., cobaltite, glaucodot, and/or alloclasite). Later thermal events remobilized the Co, Ni, and As to form intergrowths of siegenite (Co,Ni)3S4 and tennantite. The temperature of this later event is constrained by the mineralogical assemblage to have been relatively low, between 125 and 225 °C. Although many of the characteristics of SEDEX-type deposits are present at Black Butte (e.g., laterally extensive massive pyrite horizons, interbedded black shales, abundant barite and local phosphate horizons, and rifted continental margin setting), the lack of economic Pb and Zn mineralization in the main deposits, and the abundance of Cu with high Co, is more typical of sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits. The Neihart Formation, a hematitic quartz sandstone resting below the base of the Belt Supergroup, may have been an important source bed for Cu–Co–Ni–Ag fluids. It is speculated that these fluids, ideal for forming Cu deposits, were expelled along growth faults near the margin of the Belt Basin and deposited metals on or just below the sea floor in a setting that is typical of SEDEX deposits. This unique mineral deposit model may have applications to other districts where Cu–Co-rich sulfides are deposited in an exhalative setting.  相似文献   

The San Jorge porphyry copper deposit (SJPCD) is hosted by Carboniferous clastic sedimentary rocks and Permian intrusions located within the Permo-Triassic belt of Chile and Argentina. Its hypogene mineralization and alteration are products of superposed orthomagmatic and hydrothermal events that were strongly fault controlled. Copper related to orthomagmatic processes includes disseminated chalcopyrite in the matrix of porphyritic granodiorite and andesite, and chalcopyrite with tourmaline and quartz in breccias, both of which have accompanying potassic alteration. Soon thereafter, disseminated chalcopyrite is associated with a structurally controlled silicification of the sedimentary sequence. Finally, multiple episodes of hydrofracturing, probably driven by a deep-seated intrusion, deposited sulfide minerals in veinlets throughout the sedimentary sequence; the centers of these systems are characterized by potassic alteration. Total sulfides, which include chalcopyrite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, and pyrrhotite, and pyrite:chalcopyrite form a linear NNE trend, parallel to the main faults. Quartz–sericite is the dominant alteration and is ubiquitous. Zones of potassic alteration can be delineated even though phyllic alteration can be superposed. Much of the system evolved under reducing conditions. Despite uplift along a reverse fault during the Tertiary, and subsequent erosion, the system is preserved at high levels. Supergene processes redistributed copper in secondary oxides and sulfides. These processes were more effective where the deposit is covered by unconsolidated alluvial sediments. The unique history of the San Jorge deposit renders it an important variation of porphyry copper-style mineralization.  相似文献   

滇黔交界地区玄武岩中赋存的自然铜矿化与沥青密切相伴,玄武岩层间含碳沉积岩中的自然铜矿化发育大量碳质。本文采用有机质抽提、族组分定量及饱和烃色-质分析等方法对这两种产状的铜矿石中有机质的族组分含量和生物标志物进行了研究,并对其地质意义进行了探讨。通过研究取得如下认识:①含沥青铜矿石和含碳质铜矿石虽然产状明显不同,其有机质成因有明显差异,但其有机质族组分含量及生物标志物特征十分类似,反映它们经历了类似的地质作用;②有机质族组分及其生物标志物提供的来源信息较混乱,这可能是成矿流体循环改造导致的;③生物标志物特征表明,含沥青铜矿石及含碳质铜矿石中有机质经历了类似的较还原的高盐度环境,这可能是高盐度成矿流体及还原的成矿条件的指示;④生物标志物特征及氯仿沥青“A”低含量特征表明两类铜矿石中有机质成熟度高,这可能是成矿流体的热力对有机质改造的结果;⑤有机质生物标志物特征显示两类铜矿石中有机质生物降解作用不强,表明沥青的形成是原油受成矿热液热力影响发生热裂解的结果。  相似文献   

王利伟 《地质与勘探》2018,54(S1):1318-1326
新疆西昆仑特格里曼苏铜矿处于西昆北恰尔隆-库尔良构造分区克孜勒陶组(D2kz)中,矿体呈层状、似层状及透镜状产出,受地层控制。浅色砂岩与紫色砂岩的交互带是铜矿产出的有利部位。通过对特格里曼苏砂岩型铜矿的调查研究,认为其含铜建造原生色以紫红色为主,浅色层为特殊的沉积体。含铜建造中浅紫交互带可分为成岩期、后生期及改造期三类:成岩期主要受沉积作用及孔隙水影响,使含矿建造中上部富集成矿;后生期主要受构造作用及建造水影响,“紫化”过程中在浅紫过渡带富集成矿;改造期主要受断裂及构造热液影响,在构造交汇部位富集成矿。  相似文献   

The Rhodope Massif in southern Bulgaria and northern Greece hosts a range of Pb–Zn–Ag, Cu–Mo and Au–Ag deposits in high-grade metamorphic, continental sedimentary and igneous rocks. Following a protracted thrusting history as part of the Alpine–Himalayan collision, major late orogenic extension led to the formation of metamorphic core complexes, block faulting, sedimentary basin formation, acid to basic magmatism and hydrothermal activity within a relatively short period of time during the Early Tertiary. Large vein and carbonate replacement Pb–Zn deposits hosted by high-grade metamorphic rocks in the Central Rhodopean Dome (e.g., the Madan ore field) are spatially associated with low-angle detachment faults as well as local silicic dyke swarms and/or ignimbrites. Ore formation is essentially synchronous with post-extensional dome uplift and magmatism, which has a dominant crustal magma component according to Pb and Sr isotope data. Intermediate- and high-sulphidation Pb–Zn–Ag–Au deposits and minor porphyry Cu–Mo mineralization in the Eastern Rhodopes are predominantly hosted by veins in shoshonitic to high-K calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of closely similar age. Base-metal-poor, high-grade gold deposits of low sulphidation character occurring in continental sedimentary rocks of synextensional basins (e.g., Ada Tepe) show a close spatial and temporal relation to detachment faulting prior and during metamorphic core complex formation. Their formation predates local magmatism but may involve fluids from deep mantle magmas.The change in geochemical signatures of Palaeogene magmatic rocks, from predominantly silicic types in the Central Rhodopes to strongly fractionated shoshonitic (Bulgaria) to calc-alkaline and high-K calc-alkaline (Greece) magmas in the Eastern Rhodopes, coincides with the enrichment in Cu and Au relative to Pb and Zn of the associated ore deposits. This trend also correlates with a decrease in the radiogenic Pb and Sr isotope components of the magmatic rocks from west to east, reflecting a reduced crustal contamination of mantle magmas, which in turn correlates with a decreasing crustal thickness that can be observed today. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of the related hydrothermal systems show a concomitant increase of magmatic relative to meteoric fluids, from the Pb–Zn–Ag deposits of the Central Rhodopes to the magmatic rock-hosted polymetallic gold deposits of the Eastern Rhodopes.  相似文献   

拨茅山—牛头山铜矿床的的赋矿岩石为中生代的火成岩系。侵入岩一潜火山岩一火山岩构成完整的侵入—喷发系列。该矿床可分为火山气液—沉积铜矿床和斑岩型铜矿床两种类型。在成矿前期,陆相火山岩在湖底发生火山喷气、火山热泉以及火山热水沉积。潜火山岩的侵入,伴有长期热液循环活动,在张性断裂为主的赋矿空间生成与斑岩有关的各类型矿床。  相似文献   

《Journal of Structural Geology》2004,26(6-7):1157-1171
The mechanical feasibility of focusing both surface- and basinal-derived fluids towards sites of iron ore genesis during Proterozoic deformation in the Hamersley Province is tested here by computer simulation. Finite difference modelling of porous media flow during extensional deformation of a mountain range shows that surface fluids are drawn towards areas of failure and focus into the centre of the mountain. The addition of permeable structures such as a normal fault provides focused fluid pathways in which mechanical and geological conditions are particularly conducive to both upward and downward flow. Upward flow from the base of the fault within the model overall is favoured by low permeability basement materials and supra-hydrostatic pore pressures. Downward migration of fluids becomes more prominent as extension progresses and upward fluid flow from the base diminishes. The introduction of sedimentary layering into the models allows lateral fluid flow, such that sites of potential fluid mixing may then occur within permeable iron formation units close to the fault zone. Allowing parts of the stratigraphy to become more permeable as a function of high fluid flux simulates permeability enhancement by silica dissolution as a mechanism for iron ore genesis. The involvement of both basinal and surficial fluids in the genesis of the ore deposits is supported by the mechanical models and in addition provides an explanation for a progression from relatively reduced to oxidised conditions at the Mt Tom Price deposit (and possibly other large deposits) with time.  相似文献   

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