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Coal-bed methane is accumulated in micro-fissures and cracks in coal seams. The coal seam is the source terrace and reservoir bed of the coal-bed methane (Qian et al., 1996). Anisotropy of coal seams is caused by the existence of fissures. Based on the theory of S wave splitting: an S wave will be divided into two S waves with nearly orthogonal polarization directions when passing through anisotropic media, i.e. the fast S wave with its direction of propagation parallel to that of the fissure and slow S wave with the direction of propagation perpendicular to that of the fissure.This paper gives the results of laboratory research and field test on the S wave splitting caused by coal-seam fissures: The results show that it is, feasible to detect fissures in coal seams by applying the converted S wave and finally gives the development zone and development direction of these fissures.  相似文献   

Opaque minerals in the Jilin meteorite inelude kamacite, taenite troilite, chromite, ilmenite, schreibersite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and graphite.Five of the above-mentioned minerals have been discussed in more detail in terms of optical and physical properties, chemical composition, coexisting relationship, and the order of crystallization. It is indicated from this study that, with the exception of a small amount of Ni-Fe cbondrules, silicate minerals are the first to erystallize followed by chromite, ilmenite at the early stage of nebula condensation, while Ni-Fe phase in the matrix is considered to be of a more later erigin. At the late stage of nebula condensation troilite resulted from the reaction of Ni-Fe metal with residual H2S vapor. As indicated by the occurrence of coarse grained Ni-Fe metal, the recrystallization of troilite and the apparent Neumann lines in kamaeite, it is expected that opaque minerals in the Jilin metevrite have undergone different degrees of thermal and impact metamorphisms.  相似文献   

Strata of different geological periods extensively outcrop in western Guang-dong Province, but most gold deposits are restricted to the Middle-Late Proterozoic Yunkai Group and the Cambrian Bacun Group,showing obvious strata-boun character-istics .Gold abundance and trace element geochemistry of the Yunkai and Bacun Groups are compared with those of the Ordovician and Silurian strta.The Yunkai Group is considered to be the source strata for gold mineralization in the region.  相似文献   

刘平 《地球化学》1979,(3):i001-i002
The Fanjingshan group, located in the Mt. Fanjing Region, Guizhou Province, is a flysch formation with a thickness of over 10000 meters. Intrusive basic rocks, varying in thickness, consist mainly of layered gabbrodiabase and diabase. Hornstone, spotted slate and ,albite-quartz-slate are commonly recognized in hanging and foot wall rocks as a result of contact metamorphism. Spilite with pillow structure, averaging about 100 meters in thickness, is also widespread. Ultramafic rocks have relatively limited occurrence, accounting for only 13 percent of the total thickness of the intrusives. Alpine ultrabasic rocks have not been found as separate mass. Ultramafic products resulted from in-situ differentiation are noticed and can be assigned to the iron series of ultrabasie rocks. The intrusive basic rocks are classified as subvolcanics that intruded at shallow depth. They are considered to share a common source, to have emplaced into the same position and to be contemporaneous with the sea floor volcanic-spilite, ,and in accordance with its characters, should be assigned to oohidite suit.  相似文献   

The effect of Rayleigh distillation by outgassing of SO2 and H2S on the isotopic composition of sulfur remaining in silicate melts is quantitatively modelled.A threshold mole fraction of sulfur in sulfide component of the melts is reckoned to be of critical importance in shifting the δ^34S of the melts mith respect to the original magmas.The partial equilibrium fractionation in a magmatic system is evaluated by assuming that a non-equilibrium flux of sulfur occurs between magmatic volatiles and the melts,while an equilibrium fractionation is approached between sulfate and sulfide within the melts.The results show that under high fo2 conditions,the sulfate/sulfide ratio in a melt entds to increase,and the δ^34S value of sulfur in a solidified rock might then be shifted in the positive direction.This may either be due to Rayleigh outgassing in case the mole fraction of sulfide is less than the threshold,or due to a unidirectional increase in δ^34S value of the sulfate with decreaing temperature,Conversely,at low fo2,the sulfate/sulfide ratio tends to decrease and the δ^34S value of total sulfur could be driven in the negative direction,either because of the Rayleigh outgassing in case the mole fraction of sulfide is greater than the threshold,or because of a unidirectional decrease inδ^34S value of the sulfide.To establish isotopic equilibrium between sulfate and sulfide,the HM,QFM or WM buffers in the magmatic system are suggested to provide the redox couple that could simultaneously reduce the sulfate and oxidize the sulfide.CaO present in the silicatte Melts is also called upon to participate in the chemical equilibrium between sulfate and sulfide,Consequently,the δ^34S value of an igneous rock could considerably deviate from that of its original magma due to the influence of oxygen fugacity and temperature at the time of magma solidification.  相似文献   

Geochemical methods can be used to optimize heavy oil reservoir management.The distribution of some biomarkers in oils is different with the degree of biodegradation.Geochemi-cal parameters can be used to predict oil viscosity and thus to preliminarily evaluate the difficult-ties involved in oil production.The results of viscosity prediction for oils from reservoir S3^2 in block Leng 43 and preliminary evaluation of oil production difficulty are consistent with the geological data.  相似文献   

One of the main aims of the coal industry is to improve conditions and increase the safety of the work. The questions of environment also need to be considered. In the complex of science-technological problems the focus is placed on how to reveal spontaneous combustion of coals and siltages. The results of spontaneous combustion of coals and siltages are bereavement of the minerals, promise for failures and accidents, and pollution of the environment. The decision of problem of the prevention is very hard, because the spontaneous combustion of coals is an unforeseeable and poorly studied process. The methods of preventing spontaneous combustion of coals must be established. In the first place, these investigations must start with the study of the structure of these coals. The aim of the present work is to determine the differences in the structure of coals with various susceptibilities to spontaneous combustion .Main methods of studying coals include ultimate and proximate analyses, petrographic analysis, analysis of ashes, X-ray (apparatus "Kristalloflex Siemens" using filtered cuprum radiation), extraction (Dionex ASE 200), gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) Finnigan MAT GCQ. Proximate, ultimate and petrographic analyses revealed the distinction in the structure of coals with various susceptibilities to self-ignition.  相似文献   

燕金寿 《地球化学》1975,(4):291-296
Some soft and mud samples have been determined for eadmiun, lead, copper,nickel and cobalt by atomic absorption speetrophotometry with a high-temperature graphite tube, after their extraction with sodium diethylthiocarbonate into methy lisolutyl ketone. The tests of the effects of acidity on extraction and interference have been also carried out and the optimum conditions have been obtained. In addition, experiments on recoveries by this procedure have been performed for the elements in ppb amount. The recovery of the metals added to soil samples is made in the same manner and the precision values are given in this paper. This method is considered as to be applicable to the determination of soil and mud samples for the above-mentioned elements, of which the concentration is higher than 1 ppb.  相似文献   

长江中下游地区内生铁铜矿床与膏盐的关系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
蔡本俊 《地球化学》1980,(2):193-199
A middle-Trlassic sequence of strata composed .of gypsumstlt beds has been reeognized in the middle-lower Yangtze Valley. The mineralization in the gypsum-salt beds is closely related to Yenshanian magmatism, During the Yenshanian, magmatic intrusion activities were very active across evaporite beds, occupying great space in gypsum-salt beds. The magmatie rocks and the alterated country rocks are characterized by alkali-eurichment and halogen-enrichment. Copper and iron ores mainly occur in the evaporite beds or overlying levels. The genesis of endogenic copper and iron ores is commonly considered to be the consequence of interaction of magma with the gypsumsalt beds, i.e. there exists a close genetic connection between evaporites, magmatism and copper-iron ores. These observed features are of great significance both in practice and theory.  相似文献   

H.C.SZE 《地质学报》1943,(Z1):68-76
正 The recent finding of plant-remains in the Hsiashan series adds an important chapter to the Carboniferous stratigraphy in the province of Kiangsi. This formation is certainly very widely distributed in the central and southern parts of the province, and has been hitherto considered to be Devonian  相似文献   

简要回顾了我国山东省诸城市吕标乡库沟村龙骨涧晚白垩世早期辛格庄组中产出的巨型山东龙的研究历史,并讨论了巨型山东龙与"巨大诸城龙"的系统分类关系。对比两者的产出状况、骨骼结构和个体发育特征,作者认为两者为同物异名。依据古生物命名法规的优先律,巨型山东龙命名在先,合法有效;"巨大诸城龙"命名较晚,是一无效名称,应予取消。还讨论了巨型山东龙的生活习性和生态环境,认为巨型山东龙属陆栖性、群居性、植食性恐龙,生活在气候温暖、雨水充沛、植被繁茂的低山或丘陵地区。此外研究了巨型山东龙赋存地层的沉积特征,认为是一套辫状河流相或冲积扇相沉积,而不是湖相沉积。恐龙化石的密集产出是非正常集群死亡于突发性灾害事件的结果,而与国际上的K/T事件无关。  相似文献   

对地质节律与地球动力系统的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对地质历史过程中出现的各种节律现象进行了分析,并就其可能的形成原因进行了初步讨论,认为地球的内部动力作用是地质节律形成的主要的动力学背景。地球内部动力系统的能量主要来源于原始增生热、短寿命放射性核素和长寿命放射性核素衰变产生的辐射能等;能量主要以热传导、热对流的方式由地球内部通过岩石圈向外耗散,并导致岩石圈的板块运动;内部能量的释放是呈指数衰减的,在此背景上叠加着非线性的、脉冲式的变化。在分析地球动力系统的主要特征基础上,笔者将地球视为一个自组织临界状态的自然系统,提出一个简单地球热动力系统模型,对地质节律现象进行模拟,并对未来地球动力系统模型要考虑的主要问题进行了简要讨论。  相似文献   

黄海晚更新世以来的硅藻组合及其沉积环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王开发  蒋辉 《沉积学报》1987,5(1):94-103
黄海更新世晚期以来的硅藻化石,自下而上可划分为五个硅藻带。在Ⅰ带的上下层位,各含一个淡水藻类化石带,显示黄海在大理冰期时,由于气候变冷,海面下降,黄海陆架三次出露成陆。亚间冰期时,气候转暖,海面回升,复为海水淹没,海域中生长着Ⅰ带的各种海生硅藻。随着全新世气候转暖,沉积物中发现Ⅱ-Ⅴ带海生硅藻带,其中Ⅲ带硅藻外洋种比例较大,含亚热带暖海种多,表明此时水温较大,海域扩大,相当于大西洋期,其他各带与全新世各期相当。  相似文献   

贵州关岭生物群海百合Traumatocrinus的再研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在前人的研究基础上,通过对大量新发掘的贵州关岭地区晚三叠世海百合化石标本的再研究,肯定了Trauma-tocrinus的有效性。根据目前的材料,认为该属只有1个有效种,即Traumatocrinus hsui;而根据化石的埋藏学特征,认为幼年体Traumatocrinus hsui营假浮游生活,成年体是否能够适应底栖生活环境尚需进一步证实。  相似文献   

记河南汝阳白垩纪一新的巨型晰脚类恐龙   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了产自河南汝阳地区晚白垩世早期莽川组一新的巨型蜥脚类恐龙--巨型汝阳龙(新属新种):Ruyangosaurus giganteus gen.et sp.nov..它具有以下特征:神经棘低,缺少椎前关节突隔板,神经弓的侧面具有大的、不规则的三角形凹,前关节横突隔板前后伸展,胫骨粗壮,达127 cm等.汝阳龙的发现显示在晚白垩世早期蜥脚类恐龙发生的分异程度要比以前想象的高得多.  相似文献   

记河南汝阳白垩纪一新的巨型蜥脚类恐龙   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述了产自河南汝阳地区晚白垩世早期莽川组一新的巨型蜥脚类恐龙——巨型汝阳龙(新属新种):Ruyangosaurus giganteus gen. et sp. nov.。它具有以下特征:神经棘低,缺少椎前关节突隔板,神经弓的侧面具有大的、不规则的三角形凹,前关节横突隔板前后伸展,胫骨粗壮,达127cm等。汝阳龙的发现显示在晚白垩世早期蜥脚类恐龙发生的分异程度要比以前想象的高得多。  相似文献   

Terrane accretion is considered to be one of the main contributors to the growth of continental crust (Stern and Scholl, 2010). Allochthonous terranes can be categorized into three general groups, including island arcs, seamounts (oceanic plateaus, submarine ridges), and continental fragments. The Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) is one of the largest and long‐lived accretionary collages on the globe, and is composed of numerous island arcs, and accretionary wedges, seamounts, and microcontinents associated with the growth and consumption of the Paleo‐Asian Ocean (Fig.1; ?engör et al., 1993; Windley et al., 2007; Xiao et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2015).  相似文献   

Benthonic foraminifera indicate that part of the Middle Miocene Brasso Formation, central Trinidad (planktonic foraminiferal Zones N11–N12), was deposited during a regression. A stratigraphic sequence of five foraminiferal assemblages reflects changes in paleodepth and dissolved oxygen concentration and indicates that the relative fall in sea level brought the seabed into contact with an oxygen minimum zone (OMZ): (1) Assemblage 1 (Uvigerina quesqueyana, Siphonina pulchra) lived in upper bathyal, moderately oxygenated water beneath the OMZ; (2) Assemblage 2 (S. pulchra, Cassidulina laevigata, lesser Globocassidulina subglobosa) lived in outer neritic, moderately oxygenated water below the OMZ; (3) Assemblage 3 (U. subperegrina) occupied the outer neritic, lower margin of the OMZ; (4) Assemblage 4 (Brizalina subaenariensis, U. subperegrina) lived at the core of the OMZ and rates the lowest on the Benthonic Foraminiferal Oxygen Index; and (5) Assemblage 5 (middle-neritic species with few Uvigerina spp. and Brizalina spp.) lived in well-oxygenated water above the OMZ. The onset of the severest oxygen depletion was abrupt and occurred shortly after the N11–N12 boundary. Previous work on the Brasso Formation has reported a similar sequence of benthonic assemblages in planktonic foraminiferal Zones N8–N10. These assemblages may be useful for local correlation of the Brasso Formation.  相似文献   

南岭是一条复杂的构造-岩浆活动带,也是我国重要的铀多金属成矿带。作者在前人丰硕研究成果的基础上,通过地层清理及断代划分,岩性、岩相古地理研究,岩石的年代学及地球化学研究,重磁资料的深层次处理和遥感深层次信息的提取,得出了如下认识:(1)三南-寻乌断裂是一条从早震旦至现代长期活动的东西向深部断裂带;(2)南岭地区地壳经历3次不同规模的南北向开合活动;(3)安远-寻乌地区为-大型热隆伸展构造;(4)初步认为该区具备形成富大铀矿的条件。  相似文献   

中国南方二叠纪层序地层时空格架及充填特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李祥辉  王成善 《沉积学报》1999,17(4):521-527
据华南二叠纪不同沉积盆地层序地层区域分布、纵向演化及其充填特征分析研究,初步建立了上扬子克拉通-右江盆地-钦防盆地、中扬子克拉通及全区的层序地层时空格架模型;提出层序充填可分为两个阶段:早二叠世碳酸盐缓坡-台地层序充填阶段,晚二叠世陆源碎屑为主与火山碎屑相混层序充填阶段;认为全区二叠纪四个Ⅰ型层序受控于构造隆升事件,晚二叠世层序TST普遍发育火山碎屑沉积,古陆边缘HST或少量SMT/LST大多由三角洲沉积体系进积叠加而成,上扬子克拉通及右江地区的生物礁以海侵和高位型为特色。  相似文献   

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