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石湖金矿矿床特征及金的赋存机理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
河北省石湖金矿属于黄铁矿硫化物型金矿,具有多期次成矿的特点,但金的主要成矿阶段与硫化物的大量析出阶段在时间上基本一致,硫化物及成矿热液中的硫来自深熔花岗岩岩浆,从微观结构和晶体学理论上对金的赋存机理进行了讨论,该矿区金的成色较低的事实,说明了硫化物的发育程度直接影响着金的成色,推断石湖金矿是在多期次成矿的晚期才大量富集的。  相似文献   

胶东金矿金成色及其指示意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
影响金成色的因素较多,包括矿床成因类型、形成深度、变质程度、成矿时代、成矿温度和矿化阶段等,其中金矿床形成深度是最关键的因素。矿床形成深度大,成矿的物化参数变化慢,形成的金成色高;形成深度小,成矿的物化参数变化快,形成的金成色低。以胶东金矿为例,统计并定性分析了这种关系,证明胶东金矿区存在类似的规律,据此可以推广,以矿床金的成色来判断矿床的形成深度和矿体的延深情况。胶东金矿金成色较低,以550~750居多,反映了金矿成矿以中浅成为主。南张家金矿金成色最低,暗示其形成深度最浅(小于1.5km)。  相似文献   

冀东一些金矿床金矿物特征及金成色地质意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冀东青龙地区三家子、半壁山金矿床均产于古老变质岩系中,主要载金矿物为石英、黄铁矿,金的赋存状态有裂隙金、包裹体金、晶隙金。通过对比,认为Au成色与成矿时代、成矿温度、成矿深度有内在关系:成矿时代越早,Au成色越高;金矿物的形成温度与Au成色呈正相关关系;金矿床形成深度越大,自然金的成色亦越高。三家子金矿床成矿时代较晚,为中-中高温矿床,深部曾发生过多次成矿作用。半壁山金矿床成矿较早,为高中温金矿床。  相似文献   

经过对小秦岭-熊耳山地区金矿床矿石矿物标型特征的分析研究,总结出如下规律:1)黄铁矿晶形随成矿阶段而变化,成矿早期和晚期,黄铁矿常常呈立方体,成矿中期以五角十二面体及其聚晶为主;2)贵金属矿物的标型:石英脉型金矿以自然金为主,蚀变岩型金矿则以银金矿为主;在同一成因类型的矿床中,成矿早期见少量自然金,成矿中期在石英-黄铁矿阶段自然金大量出现,而多金属硫化物阶段,银金矿逐渐增多;成矿晚期,仅有少量自然金;3)金的成色:小秦岭地区以自然金为主,且成色较高,平均在844~937之间;而熊耳山地区由于出现银金矿或碲化物导致金成色相对偏低,平均813~914.形成温度高者金成色亦高,反之则低;另外,金的成色随着成矿作用早晚而变化,石英脉型金矿从早到晚,其成色有968~940~870变化,蚀变岩型则由929~942.7向876.7~899变化.总而言之,金矿物的标型反映的是其形成的物化环境、成矿条件、矿物的空间分布规律等,在进一步找矿中可以作为参考依据.  相似文献   

中国卡林型金矿床金矿物的一般特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
韦龙明 《黄金地质》1996,2(3):66-70
卡林型金矿的金矿物主要为Au-Ag系列的自然金和含银自然金,金的成色高。在构造活动强烈的秦岭地区,金矿物形态复杂多样,以显微金为主,明金可见,而在其他构造活动微弱地区金矿物多呈圆形-椭圆形,以次显微金为主,金矿物成色与成矿地质条件密切相关。  相似文献   

河北省石湖金矿属于黄铁矿硫化物型金矿,具有多期次成矿的特点.但金的主要成矿阶段与硫化物的大量析出阶段在时间上基本一致.硫化物及成矿热液中的硫来自深熔花岗质岩浆.从微观结构和晶体学理论上对金的赋存机理进行了讨论.该矿区金的成色较低的事实,说明了硫化物的发育程度直接影响着金的成色.推断石湖金矿是在多期次成矿的晚期才大量富集的.  相似文献   

成矿流体中碲逸度对自然金成色的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
富碲化物型金矿具有自然金成色高的特点,通过热力学分析,推导出碲逸度与温度和自然金中银含量的关系式,建立了fTe2-T-NAg图解,并论述了该类型金矿中高自然金成色的内在原因,即成矿溶液中高的碲逸度导致了高的自然金成色,同时也分析了溶液中碲逸度对金银矿物的共生组合的影响,以及对如何计算成矿溶液中碲逸度问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

王秀璋  程景平 《地球化学》1994,23(3):211-225
产于太古宇中的金矿床在国内外都属主要金矿类型,虽然有成矿物质都来自含镁铁-超镁铁火山岩的太古宇,但成矿环境在国内外却有重大差异。国外矿床产在地盾上,围岩变质浅,延深大,无垂直分带,金矿物成色高,矿石Au/Ag值大,放射性成因铅同位素低,成矿压力大,盐度低,成矿时代老(太古宙)。而国内矿床产在活化地台上,围岩变质深,有的有垂直分带性,金矿物成色较低,矿石Au/Ag值小,放射性成因铅同位素高,成矿压力  相似文献   

砂金水化学成矿因素探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王星  张玉峰 《黄金地质》2001,7(2):20-22
通过从砂金矿和原生金矿中自然金在粒度、形态、成色等方面特征对比,两类矿床中自然金成色的关系研究以及砂金过采区再生产意义的分析,对砂金水化学成矿因素进行了初步探讨金在表生条件下可以活化、迁移、再生富集成矿,砂金的水化学成矿作用在诸种成矿因素中占有重要地位。  相似文献   

对赤峰西部的红花沟、连花山、索虎沟金矿床的矿物共生组合和金矿物的赋存状态进行了研究,同时对金矿物和寄主硫化物进行了电子探针分析测试。结果表明,从成矿早阶段至晚阶段、从包体金至裂隙金,金矿物的Au/Ag或金成色逐渐降低。总体来讲,金成色高的金矿物,其Fe和Bi含量也高,但不同温度区段形成的金矿物,其局部规律有所不同。对红花沟金矿与银金矿共生的铋硫盐矿物-针硫铋铅矿也进行了详细分析。矿床中富含铋矿物的地方往往也富含金,可作为有意义的找矿标志。  相似文献   

不同成因类型金矿床金成色不同。随成矿热液成分、成矿深度和温度的变化,同一矿床中金的成色也出现有规律的变化。金成色的研究在成矿理论和找矿工作中都有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Prediction and search for gold deposits in the east of the Siberian Platform are problematic because the study area is overlain by a thick cover of MZ-KZ deposits. Search for gold deposits by the largest geological institutions using conventional methods have not yielded positive results, because the main attention was focused on the discovery of ancient gold-bearing conglomerates of the Witwatersrand type and on the evaluation of the gold ore potential of basic magmatism. Typomorphism of placer gold bears huge information about the genesis of native gold, both its primary endogenous origin and its exogenous transformation, which makes it possible to identify the formation type of mineralization, increases the reliability of the prediction of gold deposits, and ensures their purposeful search in the platform areas. The revealed indicative features of placer gold made it possible to substantiate the formation of the gold ore sources of Precambrian low-sulfide gold-quartz, gold-iron-quartzite, porphyry gold-copper, and gold-PGE mineralization and Mesozoic gold-silver, gold-rare-metal, and gold-sulfide-quartz mineralization in the east of the Siberian Platform. We have established that high-fineness placer gold with microinclusions of pyrite, arsenopyrite, quartz, and carbonates with recrystallized structures and lines of plastic deformation is specific to the ore sources of low-sulfide gold-quartz mineralization. A high content of Cu (up to 4%) in flaky high-fineness gold is one of indicators of porphyry gold-copper mineralization. The angular shape of gold grains, the fine fraction and high fineness of gold, its completely recrystallized and regrown internal structure, and the permanent presence of Fe, Bi, and Cu microimpurities and hematite, ilmenite, and corundum microinclusions are typical of gold-iron-quartzite mineralization. Flaky and laminated high-fineness gold particles with steady Pt, Pd, and Ni impurities and Pt-mineral phases and Au-Pt intergrowths in them testify to the ore sources of gold-PGE mineralization. Laminated and cloddy gold fractions of > 0.25-2.0 mm, the medium and low fineness of gold, its single-crystal or, sometimes, porous internal structure, the wide range of microimpurities (Pb, Zn, As, Sb, Cu, Te, etc.), and microinclusions of native Ag, adularia, Sr-barite, and calcite are indicators of gold-silver mineralization. Laminated, dendritic, and cloddy-angular gold grains, wide variation in gold fineness (307-950‰), and the presence of microinclusions of native bismuth, maldonite, arsenopyrite, and silver tellurides are indicative of gold-rare-metal mineralization. Laminated and cloddy gold grains, their size varying from dust to > 0.25 mm, their mono- and coarse-grained internal structure, wide variation in gold fineness (600-900‰), and the presence of Hg microimpurities (up to 6% and more) and microinclusions of quartz, calcite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, tellurides, selenides, and REE phosphates point to gold-sulfide-quartz mineralization. The established placer gold indicators of the particular formation types of ore sources in the east of the Siberian Platform made it possible to predict Precambrian gold deposits with low-sulfide-gold-quartz mineralization similar to the Kirkland Lake and Porcupine mines and gold deposits with Mesozoic gold-silver mineralization similar to the Cripple Creek mine. The developed criteria for determining the types of mineralization by indicative features of placer gold give an insight into the ore genesis and can be successfully applied to prediction and search for gold deposits and to evaluation of their gold resources.  相似文献   

黔东内生金矿自然金成色及其研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
余大龙 McQu.  KG 《矿物学报》1997,17(2):175-182
研究区13个金矿床/点,24个自然金样品,161个点的电子探针测试表明,区内自然金成色平均值几乎均大于900%0,属高成色;自形晶比它形晶的金银含量均匀;位于交代前峰的金成色比尾部低,包体金随主矿物的种类不同成色不同。银是金中最主要的杂质元素;铋在该区金中具有很高的富集程度,是影响成色的主要因素。本区与湖南相比,具有地层越老、成色越高、银含量越低的共同规律,而成色高低与成矿时间和温度的关系较前人总结的规律出入甚大;比值关系表明,前者变化范围很小,后者很大,碱金属含量变化对前者影响不大。  相似文献   

山东谢家沟金矿床矿石与金矿物特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新发现的谢家沟大型金矿床位于山东招远市西南部, 对其进行详细的宏观、微观矿石学基础研究, 包括矿石类型和成矿期次的划分以及金矿物的成色等, 对指导该区找矿具有重要意义.矿石类型划分为原生矿石和氧化矿石, 其中原生矿石分为黄铁绢英岩、黄铁矿-黄铜矿绢英岩、多金属硫化物绢英岩和黄铁矿-黄铜矿石英脉等4类, 它们分布于脆-韧性剪切带不同部位, 成矿作用方式有差别.成矿期次分2期5阶段.金的赋存状态主要有包体金、晶隙金和裂隙金, 金矿物成色平均值为844.19, 为中深成矿作用产物, 其中包体金成色均值为859.96, 晶隙金为843.83, 裂隙金为833.08, 反映从包体金至晶隙金再到裂隙金的成矿作用温度是逐渐降低的.   相似文献   

杜建国 《地质与资源》1992,1(4):207-213
本文依据区内金矿床地质特征、矿化与火山作用、矿物流体包裹体的研究,阐明区内金矿成矿条件:火山岩基底变质岩是金矿"原始矿源岩";中生代岩浆部分熔融了"原始矿源岩"所形成的后生矿源岩"为金矿成矿提供了物质来源;毛坦厂组形成时期的火山活动及与之有关的火山(次火山)热液使金发生活化、迁移,并在有利部位富集成矿;火山构造及与火山活动有关的断裂构造控制了矿化部位.流体包裹体和稳定同位素研究结果表明,成矿热液主要来自天水,少量来自岩浆.成矿物质是在低fO2fS2,pH≈7的弱还原条件下沉淀的.  相似文献   

李怀勇 《地质与资源》1998,7(3):221-227
东坪金矿产于水泉沟偏碱性杂岩体与太古宇桑干群变质岩之内接触带,矿石工业类型为石英脉和蚀变岩型,以前者为主.矿脉带走向为NNE,主要载金矿物为石英、黄铁矿、镜铁矿、黄铜矿和碲金矿,金成色937~990,矿化蚀变主要是钾长石化和硅化;肉红色钾长石化是东坪金矿乃至赋存于水泉沟杂岩体中所有金矿的典型特征.矿化共分5个阶段,其中第2、3两个阶段,即镜铁矿-自然金-石英阶段和多金属硫化物-自然金-石英阶段为主要成矿阶段.水泉沟杂岩体在东坪金矿成矿过程中,不仅提供了热动力,而且提供了成矿物质和矿化剂;太古宙桑干群涧沟河组提供了部分成矿物质,近E-W向尚义-崇礼-赤诚深大断裂控制了水泉沟金矿田的产出,而NNE和NW向两组裂隙则控制了东坪金矿矿体的产出.  相似文献   

The Woxi Au–Sb–W deposit in the western Hunan Province, China, is of hydrothermal vein type characterized by a rare mineral assemblage of stibnite, scheelite and native gold, of which gold fineness ranges from 998.6 to 1000. The mineralization sequence observed in the deposit is, from early to late, coarse‐grained pyrite – scheelite – stibnite – Pb–Sb–S minerals – sphalerite (+ cubanite) – fine‐grained pyrite. Native gold may have precipitated with scheelte. Microthermometric and LA–ICP–MS analyses of fluid inclusions in scheelite, quartz associated with scheelite and stibnite and barren quartz clarified that there may be at least three types of hydrothermal fluids during the vein formation in the Woxi deposit. Scheelite and native gold precipitated from the fluid of high temperature and salinity with high concentrations of metal elements, followed by stibnite precipitation. The later fluid of the highest temperature and salinity with low concentrations of the elements yielded the sphalerite mineralization. The latest fluid of low temperature and salinity with low concentrations of the elements is observed mainly in barren quartz. The remarkably high Au/Ag concentration ratios determined in the fluid inclusions in scheelite might be the reason for the extremely high gold fineness of native gold.  相似文献   

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