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陈国庆 《河南地质》2012,(11):32-32
近日,荣阳市国土资源局根据《煤矿测量规程》、《矿井地质规程》等有关规定,制定印发了《荣阳市矿山图纸汇交工作制度》,严格矿山图纸汇交工作,以及时掌握矿山企业采掘状况,及时发现和制止因乱采乱掘造成的安全隐患和资源浪费,规范矿山开采行为,减少矿群纠纷,促进资源的合理开发和有效利用。  相似文献   

<正>著者:国振喜,小16开本,精装,708页,定价:99元,出版单位:中国建筑工业出版社,版次:第1版,出版时间:2015-01,标准书号:ISBN 978-7-112-16551-3,征订号:25393。内容简介:本书是以国家最新颁布实施的中华人民共和国国家标准《混凝土结构工程施工规范》GB50666-2011、《混凝土结构设计规范》GB50010-2010、《建筑抗震设计规范》GB50011-2010、《建筑地基基础设计规范》GB50007-2011、《建筑结构荷载规范》GB50009-2012、《地下工程防水技术规范》GB50108-2008等;及中华人民共和国行业标准《高层建筑混凝土结构技术规程》JGJ3-2010、《钢筋焊接及验收规程》JGJ18-2012、《钢筋机械连接技术规程》JGJ107-2010、《建筑工程冬期施工规程》JGJ/T104-2011、《建筑施工安全检查标准》JGJ59-2011等;以及其他国家现行的规范、标准、  相似文献   

近日,由国土资源部起草的《农用地质量分等规程》、《农用地定级规程》、《农用地估价规程》三个国家标准正式实施。  相似文献   

赵文风  郭成修  齐斌  郑树明 《水文》2002,22(1):44-46
按照《河流泥沙颗粒分析规程》及《水文测验规范补充规定》等要求,采用标准吸管分析法,对DLY-95A型光电颗粒分析仪进行了比测试验,其结果符合规范精度要求,仪器准确性与稳定性好,具有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

我国城市建设的勘测规范、规程是从解放后开始建立的。卅多年来,随着城市建设的迅速发展,城市勘测科学技术的不断提高和生产实践经验的积累,原有的一些规范、规程已不适应现代化建设的需要。为此,国家城市建设总局召开了“城市勘察测量规范会议”,组织有关的城市勘测单位,大专院校和科研单位的代表讨论研究和落实规范、规程的修订。 这次确定制定或修订的规范、规程有:修订《城市测量  相似文献   

本刊讯 由中国地质科学勘探技术研究所提交的《地质岩心钻探规程》通过了中国地质调查局在北京科学大会堂组织的专家评审。评审委员会认为,规程编写组在广泛收集研究现有相关规范,吸收钻探技术最新实用性成果和地质勘查单位钻探管理经验的基础上,结合我国地质钻探特点和现状,编制完成了本规程。  相似文献   

1.《低压管道输水灌溉工程技术规范(井灌区部分)》 SL/T153-95 2.《基桩低应变动。力检测规程》 JGJ/T93—95 3.(预应力混凝土大直径管桩制作及沉桩质量检验评定标准》 JTJ242-89的补充规定。  相似文献   

留双艺 《浙江地质》2011,(10):62-63
该《细则》自2010年4月启动编制以来,课题组全体技术人员在认真学习部、省有关土地整理开发规范、规程、标准的基础上,结合本地资源的分布与特点,开展调查研究,总结近年来我市垦造耕地工作的经验和教训。历时一年半时间,完成了《细则》课题研究成果。  相似文献   

保护矿产资源,节约、合理利用资源,是我们的基本国策.贯彻好国策,不仅需要认真执行《矿产资源法》及其配套法规,还要有矿业技术政策来保证.建国以来,我国已制定了各类矿业规范、规程,在矿业生产中起到了很大作用.但是,在前几年“大干快上、有水快流”的片面方针指导下,这些规范、规程的贯彻执行受到影响,出现了不顾工程质量、乱采滥  相似文献   

标准名称实施日期 出版单位(或联系单位)一、工程项目建设标准《轻工业工程项目建设用地指标》(第一册)二、工程建设技术标准国家标准《球形储罐施工及验收规范》GB50094一98(代替cBJ94一86)行业标准《高层民用建筑钢结构技术规程))J GJ99一98《铁路工程物理勘探规程》TBloo13一98(代替TBJ13一85)《铁路工程地质钻探规程》TBloo14一98(代替TBJ14一85)《铁路工程地质风沙勘测规划》TBI 0053一98《铁路工程地质黄土地区勘测规划》TBloo55一98《铁路工程制图标准》TB/Tloo58一98《铁路工程制图图形符标准》TB/Tloo59一98《铁路工程…  相似文献   

Cecil Seethal 《GeoJournal》2002,57(1-2):61-73
The issue of the quality of life of rural South Africans has become a key focus of attention of the national and provincial governments in postapartheid South Africa. This focus stems from legislation that enshrines concurrent responsibility for rural development to both these spheres of government. However, post-1995 legislation including the introduction of wall-to-wall municipal authorities and the subsequent initiatives by municipalities to assume responsibility for service delivery in their areas have infused considerable complexity into the development landscape at the local level. Within this context and against the background of different perspectives and strategies for rural development, this paper examines, in a case study of the Limehill Complex within the Ndaka Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal, the specific development problems that the `deep' rural communities experience. The paper then discusses strategic interventions that the Ndaka Municipality, in conjunction with other role players and the different spheres of government, needs to consider for implementation in order to regenerate the rural economy of the Limehill Complex and assist in the alleviation of widespread poverty in the area. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

基于DBMS的MAPGIS7.0版本管理的设计与实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
万波  周顺平  陈波  方芳 《地球科学》2006,31(5):600-604
提出了一种“版本化”的地理数据库管理模式和基于DBMS (database management system) 的版本管理模型, 讨论了其设计过程和层次结构, 给出了关键算法及MAPGIS7.0中版本管理的实现技术, 解决了传统GIS软件不能并发处理长事务的难题。该版本管理工具已经在国家“863”项目---地质调查空间数据管理系统良好地运行, 能够满足多用户长期并发编辑地图的要求.   相似文献   

介绍了CD-3型岩心钻机研制情况,技术参数,主要特点及型式检验,生产试验和鉴定情况。  相似文献   

This article is an attempt at providing an insight into the development of hypoplasticity (including barodesy, which is a recent development of hypoplasticity) as a theory elaborated since 1977, when the first version was published by the first author, until present. The multiplicity of the many versions published since then is hard to overlook. This article presents a review and insight into the evolution of a theory and the struggle to formulate a satisfactory constitutive law. Among the many proposed versions, we focus on those ones that can be seen as changes of paradigm. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于ArcGIS Engine的工程勘察柱状图绘制系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柱状图的自动绘制作为工程勘察信息系统的一个重要组成部分,在GIS环境下的设计和实现是文章探讨的主题。这里将基于刚刚推出的ArcGIS 9.0全新开发环境ArcGIS Engine,先论述柱状图绘制系统中“模板”的设计以及以“模板”为基础的柱状图绘制系统的总体结构设计,再详细阐述它们的实现方法,最后总结ArcGIS Engine的一些实用技巧。  相似文献   

Roger C.K. Chan 《GeoJournal》1998,44(3):225-237
Cross-border zones have been developed rapidly in China since 1979. This was largely due to the global economic restructuring in the post-Fordist era. The enclave of Hong Kong plays an indispensable role in the process. While China adopts the Open Door Policy, factories in Hong Kong are quick to relocate to the Pearl River Delta region in order to benefit from the low production costs and other preferential policies. The paper first reviews the factors leading to the economic integration between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region of southern China. It then examines the sectoral changes and the socio-economic data of the region. Rapid urbanization and rural urbanization are reflected in the quest for infrastructural development plans and the loss of quality farmland. They also bring along environmental hazards. The paper concludes with the call for a comprehensive development strategy for the region into the next century. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

关于岩石坚固性系数的测定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩石坚固性可视为岩石抵抗破坏的一种度量。本文介绍一些测定岩石坚固性系数的方法,诸如“点载荷法”、“捣碎法”以及“规则或不规则形状试样的试验”。论文最后对捣碎法的发展和应用进行了评述。  相似文献   

造山运动和造山带是被广泛应用和影响较大的两个古老概念,一百多年来随着地球科学的快速发展和板块构造理论的问世,情况已发生很大的变化。如何修订这一概念的内涵使之适应新的认识而又保持原定义的首尾一贯性正受到普遍关注。本文回顾了上述概念产生的历史背景,分析了它们在板块构造理论框架下、特别是在现今大陆构造研究中所面临的问题,本文认为对这一古老概念应进行重新修订、增补或再定义。  相似文献   

申艳军  杨更社  唐丽云  王璇 《冰川冻土》2015,37(5):1294-1303
随着我国"一带一路"国家新战略提出,"陆上丝绸之路新经济带"建设将面临诸多寒区岩土力学与工程问题,也正成为我国岩土工程领域研究热点.国家自然科学基金作为目前国内自然学科领域最高级别研究支持项目,受到各方广泛关注,所提出的研究课题可谓代表本领域的研究主流与前沿.以"寒区岩土力学与工程"为主题,对本领域近10 a(2006-2015年)获批国家自然科学基金展开资助规模、依托单位及学科门类统计,分析本领域NSFC基金整体发展态势,并对基金研究主题进行分类、整理,对目前本领域发展现状进行了较为系统的分析.基于统计、分析结果,浅析该领域未来应重点关注的研究方向及发展趋势,本综述研究以期为本领域研究人员基金申报及研究主题选择提供参考.  相似文献   

This paper is a discourse analysis of classic US geopolitical texts which appropriate metaphors of the body to describe the state and its defense. While critical political geographers have demonstrated the role of naturalist epistemologies in classic geopolitics, I contribute to critical geopolitics literature by further examining the discursive economy of naturalism within which US geopolitical discourse is embedded. More specifically, I employ the concept of intertextuality, as theorized by Julia Kristeva and Roland Barthes in the 1960s, as a key analytical tool. In doing so, I argue that invocations of the ‘body politic’ in 20th century geopolitical texts are a version of bio-politics informed by a proliferating bio-medical discourse over a similar time period. I furthermore argue that such metaphors serve to naturalize territorialized national identities and create a spatial abstraction of a nationalized self in opposition to foreign ‘others,’ a discursive strategy used frequently to justify militaristic state policies. This paper, then, also adds to literature on militarism and the environment by further analyzing the discursive construction of the state in relation to an essentialized, abstracted nature.
Kolson SchlosserEmail:

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