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北贝加尔盆地西南端位于贝加尔盆地中部,包括Olkhon岛及其邻区,文中研究了这个区域的构造地貌格架。北贝加尔盆地西南端的构造地貌类型是由走滑构造末端的一系列雁列构造、裂谷断层及次级断层的末端复合构造控制。朝着海的方向Olkhon地区次级断层包括4个连续的末端复合构造Primorsky断层带,Buguldeika-Chernorud地堑—MaloyeMore裂谷盆地—Ushkaniy断层带,Tazheran高原—Olkhon岛鞍部和淹没的Akademichesky山脊,Olkhon断层带。这个末端构造被横向断层切为几段,其活动时间在南西最年轻,向北东逐渐加大,同时断层垂直断距从数十米增至2000余米,且断层带变得更为宽阔,也更为复杂。Pri-morsky断层带向北东从西南端简单的线性断层崖,变为断层围限的断块系统,再变为上升和沉降(盆地)块体系统,并最终汇入一个盆地之中;沿着这个方向裂谷边界断层则突然地复合于盆地构造中。这种构造地貌类型记录了断层演化的时间和空间关系,即从属于递进的沉降和加宽直至最终发育为盆地。因此其趋势是发育完好的湖盆、陆地构造直至被水淹没。陆地构造淹没趋势及没有断层围限块体的盆内构造组合可能是与犁式断层旋转相关的陆内裂谷的共同特点,并具一般裂谷的打开机制。  相似文献   

库车坳陷是南天山中段新构造运动异常强烈的地区,内部发育有四排近EW向展布的逆断裂-背斜带,由南天山山前向塔里木方向依次为:山麓逆断裂-背斜带;喀桑托开逆断裂-背斜带;秋里塔格逆断裂-背斜带和亚肯盲逆断裂-背斜带.东秋里塔格背斜属秋里塔格逆断裂-背斜带东段部分,其构造运动尤为强烈.研究表明:东秋里塔格背斜是浅部滑脱面与其南翼逆冲断层共同形成的断层传播-滑脱混生褶皱,背斜南翼的浅层逆冲断层和深层的断坡构造是重要孕震场所.东秋里塔格浅部背斜核部的背冲式断裂和北翼的膝折属于派生的次级构造,断裂的规模、错动量有限.东秋里塔格背斜南翼逆断层最新活动错断Ⅱ级阶地砾石层,其活动年代至少为全新世早期,这次错动在地表留有3~4 km长的古地震破裂形迹,说明断裂具粘滑运动特征.  相似文献   

贝加尔裂谷位于全球最大的大陆板块中心,远离任何活跃板块边界,却是地球上现今构造活动最为活跃和复杂的地区之一,其形成演化的主控因素是地球科学界广泛讨论的问题之一并一直存在争议。文章通过物理实验模拟手段,研究了裂谷区在局部拉张背景下,岩石圈形变过程。贝加尔裂谷区位于较强的西伯利亚克拉通与较弱的萨彦—贝加尔造山带结合部位。克拉通一侧下地壳强度大,壳幔机械耦合程度高,实验结果显示,当区域遭受局部拉张时,应力易在克拉通一侧聚集,最先于克拉通与造山带薄弱缝合处的靠近克拉通边缘一侧发育深大断裂。随着岩石圈不断伸展,应力向造山带一侧传递,断裂也随之向造山带一侧发生迁移,呈现雁列式排列。古老克拉通相比于年轻造山带下地壳流变性质差异,决定了贝加尔裂谷窄且深凹陷的发育特征及发育结构的不对称性。  相似文献   

对藏北长江源地区河谷地貌和新构造变形调查发现,该区具有平行式水系格局,河谷地貌以形态不同的窄谷和宽谷为特点,新近纪以来该区主要经历了早期挤压和晚期伸展构造演化过程,产生了褶皱-逆冲、走滑剪切、正断层和地堑构造3种构造变形样式。长江源区河谷地貌的形成演化明显受新构造运动的影响,新构造运动不仅控制了河谷地貌形态与水系格局,而且影响了河流阶地分布以及洪(冲)积扇的形态、结构。长江源地区主要水系至少自全新世以来是沿新构造运动产生的不同性质断裂构造溯源侵蚀发育而成。  相似文献   

查干凹陷巴音戈壁组沉积演化及有利砂体分布预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
查干凹陷作为中原油田重要的能源接替基地之一,巴音戈壁组是主要的稀油勘探层位。其中,巴一段为湖盆初始断陷期,巴二段为湖盆深陷扩展期。通过对研究区内岩心观察、测井、录井资料分析,结合湖盆内部断裂结构特征研究和古地貌示意恢复,结果表明:巴一段古地貌表现为"洼-隆"相间特征,主要发育扇三角洲、近岸水下扇和滨浅湖-半深湖相沉积;巴二段古地貌受同沉积断层影响,表现为"两洼两隆夹一槽",总体呈现"北浅南深",主要发育扇三角洲相、前缘滑塌浊积相及滨浅湖、半深湖-深湖相。区内主要发育有"板式、铲式"两种断裂结构类型,铲式断层控制的砂砾岩受次级断裂影响,砂砾岩单层厚度较大,扇三角洲前缘相发育,是深层最有利勘探区;受盆内同期活动断层影响形成的滑塌浊积扇单层薄、展布宽,是深层较有利勘探区带;板式断层控制的砂砾岩展布窄、单层及累积厚度大,快速堆积的近岸水下扇发育,储层质量最差。  相似文献   

玉东-玛东构造带位于塔里木盆地,是在中寒武统膏盐层上滑脱的大规模褶皱冲断带,内部发育多种断层相关褶皱。目前对此构造带的研究,多关注了构造带的局部以及断裂变形。本文根据断层相关褶皱理论,利用地震资料,分析了玉东-玛东构造带内构造样式上的差异性,并通过二维构造正演模拟,建立了典型构造样式的运动学模式。认为研究区内玉东、玛东、塘北3个分区,具有不同的构造样式。玉东地区主要发育和铲式逆断层相关的断弯褶皱,玛东、塘北地区则发育断层突破的滑脱褶皱,突破断层在玛东地区为铲式断裂,而在塘北地区为坪-坡-坪式断裂。根据上奥陶统变形特征及其顶面不整合面之上的地层年代,认为玉东-玛东构造带的变形始于晚奥陶世,主要断裂及其相关褶皱形成于晚奥陶世末期。玉东地区在晚奥陶世早期,形成基底-盖层的低幅褶皱,在晚奥陶世末,形成铲式断裂及断弯褶皱;玛东和塘北地区变形发生在上奥陶统沉积之后,经历了滑脱褶皱和断层突破阶段。通过对比分析认为,断层相关褶皱样式的差异,与膏盐层岩性、厚度,上奥陶统岩性、厚度及构造转换作用有关。本研究有助于完善对塔里木盆地早古生代末期构造变形及演化的认识。  相似文献   

俄罗斯贝加尔湖区伸展构造及与中国东部伸展构造对比   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在晚白垩世-始新世夷平面基础上,由于断裂作用形成了贝加尔裂谷系。断裂作用最大幅度超过10 km。在裂谷系中心部位发育的断层长度最大、最深、最早,并以准对称形式向四周扩展。贝加尔裂谷系是在地幔隆起和印度-欧亚大陆碰撞双重作用下形成。贝加尔裂谷系与中国东部新生代断陷盆地和汾渭裂谷系同时形成,并有密切的成因联系。它们的形成不仅受太平洋板块的俯冲和印度-欧亚大陆碰撞的制约和影响,而且位于中国西南部的地幔流发散中心,呈扇状向太平洋区流动,可能是它们在更深层次上的共同场源基础。  相似文献   

弱活动断裂,系指新构造迹象显著而地应力作用强度尚未达到产生破坏地震或使地形发生强烈差异的活动断裂,以破裂面两侧岩块发生微弱的位移(水平及垂直方向)为其特征。它是在边界条件十分复杂的古断裂褶皱块体的基础上,受挽近构造应力作用而使先期断裂裂隙系统受到化和改造而形成的。沿断裂带常形成断裂谷地、断层崖、断层三角面、河谷裂点及河流袭夺等一系列新构造现象。它与强烈地震构造带  相似文献   

贝加尔裂陷新构造特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贝加尔裂谷拗陷是贝加尔裂谷系中发育最早、规模最大的水下拗陷,新构造运动表现明显,升降幅度自西南向东北增大。区内及其四周断块山体及盆地多显示了自西向东翘起的特点。夷平面及冲、洪积扇发生大量拱曲和拗曲。各方向断裂力学属性组合特征,反映了NE-SW向的挤压构造应力场。   相似文献   

陕西安康—石泉北部金矿成矿地质背景浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
安康—石泉北部金成矿带位于南秦岭早古生代裂谷盆地次级单元牛山—赤岩地垒,南北两侧分别以安康断裂和麻坪河断裂为界,典型金矿床有羊坪湾、黄龙、鹿鸣等.早古生代裂谷盆地以发育黑色岩系为特征,普遍沉积碎屑岩—碳酸盐岩夹火山岩,特别是浅变质志留系砂泥质岩和印支—燕山期脆韧性剪切带控制着金矿床的形成,前者提供金矿源层,后者促使含金热液运移富集成矿.该地区是金矿成矿带有利区段.  相似文献   


The Karasu Rift (Antakya province, SE Turkey) has developed between east-dipping, NNE-striking faults of the Karasu fault zone, which define the western margin of the rift and westdipping, N-S to N20°-30°E-striking faults of Dead Sea Transform fault zone (DST) in the central part and eastern margin of the rift. The strand of the Karasu fault zone that bounds the basin from west forms a linkage zone between the DST and the East Anatolian fault zone (EAFZ). The greater vertical offset on the western margin faults relative to the eastern ones indicates asymmetrical evolution of the rift as implied by the higher escarpments and accumulation of extensive, thick alluvial fans on the western margins of the rift. The thickness of the Quaternary sedimentary fill is more than 465 m, with clastic sediments intercalated with basaltic lavas. The Quaternary alkali basaltic volcanism accompanied fluvial to lacustrine sedimentation between 1.57 ± 0.08 and 0.05 ± 0.03 Ma. The faults are left-lateral oblique-slip faults as indicated by left-stepping faulting patterns, slip-lineation data and left-laterally offset lava flows and stream channels along the Karasu fault zone. At Hacilar village, an offset lava flow, dated to 0.08 ± 0.06 Ma, indicates a rate of leftlateral oblique slip of approximately 4.1 mm?year?1. Overall, the Karasu Rift is an asymmetrical transtensional basin, which has developed between seismically active splays of the left-lateral DST and the left-lateral oblique-slip Karasu fault zone during the neotectonic period. © 2001 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS  相似文献   

Based on multiyear measurements of present-day motions in the central area of the Baikal rift system, new data on the kinematics of horizontal motions, relative horizontal deformation rates, and rotation velocities in the area of junction of the South Baikal, North Baikal, and Barguzin rift basins have been obtained. This area is an intricate structure with two transfer zones: Ol’khon–Svyatoi Nos and Ust’-Barguzin.It is shown that crustal blocks are moving southeastward, normally to the structures of transfer zones and at an acute angle to the Baikal Rift strike, which corresponds to the right-lateral strike-slip extensional faulting along the major structure. The average horizontal velocities increase from 3.0 mm yr–1 in the northern South Baikal basin to 6.5 mm yr–1 in the Barguzin basin. The elongation axes prevailing in the study region are mainly of NW–SE direction. The areas of intense deformations are confined to structures with high seismic activity in the South Baikal and, partly, Barguzin basins. This confirms the existence of a present-day zone of the Earth’s crust destruction in the Baikal rift system, which is the most likely source of strong earthquakes in the future. Two zones with rotations in opposite directions are recognized in the rotation velocity field. Clockwise rotation is typical of structures of N–NE strike (Maloe More basin, southern North Baikal basin, Barguzin Ridge rise). Counterclockwise rotation is determined for NE-striking structures (northern South Baikal basin, southern Barguzin basin). In general, the obtained data show an intricate pattern of present-day horizontal dislocations and deformations in the area of junction of NE- and N–NE-striking rift structures. This suggests left- and right-lateral strike-slip faults, respectively, within them.  相似文献   

对鄂尔多斯盆地基底断裂特征及其活动性作了总结、归纳与分析。结果表明,鄂尔多斯盆地不仅是一个四周被活动断裂或深大断裂围限的块体,其内部还存在大量规模不等的基底断裂,并具有明显的分区特征。盆地内基底断裂带可分成4组:几乎贯穿整个盆地的华池-米脂-大同北东向断裂带;盆地北部的多条东西向断裂带和中部的定边-绥德、南部的庆阳-富县-宜川等东西向断裂带;中部发育的定边-吴起、乌审旗-榆林北西向断裂带与盆地东西两侧的近南北向巨型断裂带。鄂尔多斯盆地内存在的现代构造地貌以及普遍发育的雁行状、X共轭状节理等现象,是新构造运动的直接表现;盆地内存在的深部流体活动信息、现代地球化学景观特征以及众多的小地震、微地震活动及其与基底构造的密切关系,反映了这些断裂的现代活动性。  相似文献   

G. F. Ufimtsev 《GeoJournal》1991,23(3):197-206
The Baikal rift valley, the central segment of the Baikal rift zone located in southern East Siberia, consists of two large depressions separated by an interdepressional uplift. The thickness of the Neogene-Quaternary sediments filling in the depression amounts to 5 km (Logatchev and Florensov 1978). The interdepressional uplift consists of subsiding residual steps and active tilted horsts.The NW slope of the Baikal rift is controlled by a system of faults diverging to the N. This system comprises tectonic scarps (faceted ridge spurs), an inclined piedmont surface and a summit slope. The facets indicate the position of the main dip slip faults behind which longitudinal strike slip faults are distributed. Between the branching faults, the so-called intermediate steps are situated. Their subsidence and destruction result in expansion of the rift valley. Transformation of normal faults into listric faults is manifested in the tectonic topography in the areas of the residual and intermediate steps. The large dimensions of the Baikal rift valley are evidently due to its being confined to the faults striking NE-SW.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2001,14(1-3):197-212
The Karasu Rift (Antakya province, SE Turkey) has developed between east-dipping, NNE-striking faults of the Karasu fault zone, which define the western margin of the rift and west-dipping, N–S to N20°–30°E-striking faults of Dead Sea Transform fault zone (DST) in the central part and eastern margin of the rift. The strand of the Karasu fault zone that bounds the basin from west forms a linkage zone between the DST and the East Anatolian fault zone (EAFZ). The greater vertical offset on the western margin faults relative to the eastern ones indicates asymmetrical evolution of the rift as implied by the higher escarpments and accumulation of extensive, thick alluvial fans on the western margins of the rift. The thickness of the Quaternary sedimentary fill is more than 465 m, with clastic sediments intercalated with basaltic lavas. The Quaternary alkali basaltic volcanism accompanied fluvial to lacustrine sedimentation between 1.57 ± 0.08 and 0.05 ± 0.03 Ma. The faults are left-lateral oblique-slip faults as indicated by left-stepping faulting patterns, slip-lineation data and left-laterally offset lava flows and stream channels along the Karasu fault zone. At Hacılar village, an offset lava flow, dated to 0.08 ± 0.06 Ma, indicates a rate of left-lateral oblique slip of approximately 4.1 mm·year–1. Overall, the Karasu Rift is an asymmetrical transtensional basin, which has developed between seismically active splays of the left-lateral DST and the left-lateral oblique-slip Karasu fault zone during the neotectonic period.  相似文献   

北太平洋及东亚地区在始新世左右发生了一系列重大地质事件:日本海发生开裂;日本西南和中国板块北部发生顺时针旋转(20°);NNW向运动的太平洋板块突然改变方向开始NWW向运动;郯庐断裂带由强烈断陷造成快速冷却事件;渤海湾盆地出现地幔热异常开始形成裂谷系;阿尔金断裂开始脉冲式走滑;贝加尔湖裂谷开始形成。这些重大地质事件的发生都与日本海陨击事件相关。  相似文献   

The traditional concept of the rift development of flank depressions in the Baikal rift zone is now doubted in view of some indicators for compression deformations identified by the seismogeological and geodetic methods. Besides, the paleoseismological investigations revealed seismogenic strike-slips and reverse faults in the Tunka fault zone that is a major structure-controlling element of the Tunka rift depression. However, a detailed study of the upslope-facing scarp in the Arshan paleoseismogenic structure zone has shown that its formation might be due to rift mechanism of basin formation. Age estimation has been made for the previously unknown pre-historic earthquake whose epicentral area coincides with the western flank of the Arshan paleoseismogenic structure. Judging from previously determined ages of paleoearthquakes, the mean recurrence period for faulting events on the central Tunka fault is 2780–3440 years.  相似文献   

Cenozoic continental rifting in southern East Siberia and northern Mongolia has been associated with subsidence and broadening of rift basins at the account of their mountain borders. This neotectonic trend is, however, superposed with continuous or periodic tectonic inversions in which the basin floor may uplift while marginal fault steps and saddles between basins may subside. Cenozoic geomorphic inversions are expressed in changes of river flow out of Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

松辽盆地长岭断陷构造演化及其动力学背景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过大量高精度二维地震剖面的构造解析与平衡地质剖面构造演化史定量恢复,探讨了松辽盆地长岭断陷的构造演化及其地球动力学背景。长岭断陷发育NNE、NNW、SN等多个方向的低角度铲式正断层,它们可能是在晚侏罗世一早白垩世郯庐断裂系左行走滑派生的次级破裂的基础上受断陷期强烈地壳伸展拆离作用形成的。断陷期可分为早晚两个脉冲式伸展事件,每个伸展脉冲均由一个快速伸展期和其后的缓慢伸展期组成,前者与火山活动高峰期相对应,后者则是构造转换期。早期伸展是以热穹窿式多向拉伸为标志,可能是侏罗纪岩石圈加厚后根部发生拆沉作用导致地壳弹性回调和岩浆底侵的结果。而晚期伸展则以NWW-SEE向区域伸展为标志,是对中国东部广泛的地壳伸展拆离和岩石圈减薄事件的响应,可能是伊则纳崎板块俯冲产生的弧后扩张效应。  相似文献   

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