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大陆岩石圈的流变学性质和矿物中的水   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
评述了近些年来岩石圈(尤其是大陆岩石圈)流变学研究中的主要进展。这些研究中最重要的一个发现是水的存在可以显著地增强岩石的变形,从而对其流变性质产生明显影响。大陆岩石圈的流变性质比大洋岩石圈要复杂得多,尤其是较深处的下地壳和岩石圈地幔之间流变性质的对比和差异成为近些年来人们争执较大的问题。大陆岩石圈的流变性质可能具有显著的不均一性,不仅体现在垂向上,也体现在横向上。根据流变学实验研究的进展和对深部壳幔捕虏体中主要构成矿物结构水含量的测定,对华北克拉通深部岩石圈的流变性质进行了定量计算。结果表明华北克拉通在重力梯度带两侧的岩石圈有着截然不同的流变特征,这种差异可能对两侧不同的岩石圈动力学过程有重要的影响。  相似文献   

对我国大陆岩石圈的持续热点研究领域——华北中-新生代大陆岩石圈巨厚减薄研究中所涉及的问题再次进行了评述,特别是将对问题认识过程与克拉通陆内造山研究相联系。综述了岩石地球化学、地球物理、构造地质等不同学科对中生代华北大陆岩石圈演化特征研究的最新进展,以及对大陆岩石圈诸多学科不同定义内涵及由此产生的讨论。在分述了国际大陆岩石圈研究背景,岩石圈转型的空间特征及时间特征,新技术方法的应用,地表构造体系转折的再认识,以及几种可能的转型机制基础上,再次建议以大陆岩石圈全面转型,即一系列大陆岩石圈地质、物理及化学参量的系统变化,来描述这一大尺度东亚地球动力学过程,并提出目前以“克拉通破坏”作为大陆岩石圈改造研究的提法应予修正。呼吁大力鼓励及进行多学科交叉综合研究,重视各学科新技术新方法的引进及应用。在相关研究中高度重视地球深部圈层相互作用,将中生代全球深部地幔事件对中国东部岩石圈地幔全面转型的影响作为今后研究重点。  相似文献   

华北地区燕山期岩石圈减薄的深部过程   总被引:71,自引:10,他引:61  
大陆动力学领域今后 10~ 15a的主要科学目标是 ,建立东亚大陆中新生代演化的动力学模型 ,为资源勘查、灾害减轻和环境保护提供新的预测与评价理论。未来 10~ 2 0a会诞生地幔分异作用与岩石圈成因的综合性理论 ,为建立这个理论 ,采用地质学、岩石学探针、地球化学、数字模拟等学科交叉 ,以岩浆构造事件序列和火成岩构造组合为主线 ,探索华北燕山期岩石圈巨量减薄的机制与过程 ,对流地幔物质和热注入陆壳诱发壳幔相互作用、大规模岩浆活动和岩浆热构造变形之间的反馈关系。以岩石圈巨量减薄的深部过程这个视角 ,为华北地区大地构造性质的巨大转换 ,即从稳定的克拉通突发地转变为造山带的“燕山运动”或“大陆活化”提供深部动力学的科学依据。  相似文献   

中国大陆岩石圈岩石学结构、类型与不均一性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据中国大陆的地质特征和现今地球物理特征,区分不同地区的岩石圈类型;依据岩石学方法、地球演化模型、地震波速与成分的关系等综合方法,建立了相应类型岩石圈的岩石学结构;根据岩石圈的动力学性质,划分出中国大陆克拉通、造山带、裂谷、边缘海洋壳和岛弧等5大岩石圈类型,首次构建出中国大陆岩石圈岩石学结构模型,展示了中国大陆岩石圈的不均一特征。  相似文献   

把克拉通、下地壳和大陆岩石圈这几个重要的地质名词放在一起做文章的标题,其实只是想强调一个事情,即陆壳形成和稳定化的结果是形成大陆岩石圈。大陆岩石圈是地球圈层的基本单元,是现代板块构造运动的核心构件和核心载体。忽视大陆岩石圈,要讨论地球上大陆与大洋、地壳与地幔、地球的深部圈层与外部圈层、内部圈层间相互作用以及物质与能量的交换等问题都无法深入。大陆岩石的最初形成可能在冥古宙早期已经开始,全球大陆的稳定化即克拉通化一般认为完成于太古宙末,并开启了元古宙的新纪元。对大陆壳的形成机制和演化过程,已经有很多讨论,但是还存在许多争议。而对大陆岩石圈人们知之不多,文献中常常在早期的小的陆壳形成,即陆核或微陆块阶段,就将其与大陆岩石圈的概念混为一谈。岩石圈的形成固然是大陆形成演化的结果,但是岩石圈的物质组成、结构和物理性质等从最初形成到成熟并成为稳定的地球独立圈层并足以承担板块构造的重任,可能经历了不止一个阶段。本文强调应对岩石圈的形成和演化给予更多的关注,并深化研究大陆地壳形成、克拉通化对大陆岩石圈形成的贡献。  相似文献   

华北克拉通晚中生代壳-幔拆离作用: 岩石流变学约束   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
大陆岩石圈的流变学结构对于岩石圈深部过程(壳/幔过程)有着深刻的影响,直接表现在岩石圈壳-幔结构与浅部构造上.本文注意到华北克拉通晚中生代岩石圈减薄期间地壳的伸展、拆离与减薄在不同地区的宏观、微观构造及地壳岩石流变学等方面的差异表现与区域变化,以及现今和晚中生代时期岩石圈厚度的不均匀性.讨论了以水为主体的地质流体的存在对于岩石圈流变性的影响.综合克拉通东部与西部地壳/地幔厚度变化特点以及下地壳和上地幔含水性特点,阐述了晚中生代时期华北克拉通岩石圈内部壳幔耦合与解耦的规律,提出了华北岩石圈壳-幔拆离作用模型以解释华北克拉通晚中生代岩石圈减薄的基本现象与深部过程.提出区域性伸展作用是岩石圈减薄的主要动力学因素,东部地区在晚中生代伸展作用过程中壳-幔具有典型的解耦性,上部地壳、下部地壳和岩石圈地幔的变形具有显著差异性.而西部区壳幔总体具有耦合性,下地壳与岩石圈地幔共同构成流变学强度很高且难以变形的岩石圈根.  相似文献   

地球深部碳循环对全球气候变化、生命探索和岩石圈演化的研究具有重要意义。中国东部岩石圈是地球深部碳循环的重要场所,其减薄与破坏与深部碳循环密切相关。中生代太平洋板块俯冲是制约中国东部岩石圈减薄与破坏的关键,对华北克拉通和华南板块的大规模金属成矿作用具有重要作用。笔者等系统阐述了Mg示踪地球深部碳循环原理,例举了镁同位素示踪中国东部深部碳循环的实例,论述了中生代俯冲的古太平洋板块所释放的碳酸盐熔体/流体与地幔相互作用,是造成中国东部地幔具有普遍的轻Mg同位素组成的重要原因。此外,指出轻镁同位素的多解性,提出多同位素联合示踪是未来研究地球深部碳循环的趋势。  相似文献   

段先哲  牛苏娟  李赛  李南  孙浩然  郭聪  肖文舟  隋清霖  冯鹏  贺海洋 《地质论评》2022,68(3):2022062029-2022062029
地球深部碳循环对全球气候变化、生命探索和岩石圈演化的研究具有重要意义。中国东部岩石圈是地球深部碳循环的重要场所,其减薄与破坏与深部碳循环密切相关。中生代太平洋板块俯冲是制约中国东部岩石圈减薄与破坏的关键,对华北克拉通和华南板块的大规模金属成矿作用具有重要作用。笔者等系统阐述了Mg示踪地球深部碳循环原理,例举了镁同位素示踪中国东部深部碳循环的实例,论述了中生代俯冲的古太平洋板块所释放的碳酸盐熔体/流体与地幔相互作用,是造成中国东部地幔具有普遍的轻Mg同位素组成的重要原因。此外,指出轻镁同位素的多解性,提出多同位素联合示踪是未来研究地球深部碳循环的趋势。  相似文献   

从华北克拉通中、西部结构的区域差异性探讨克拉通破坏   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
详细的深部结构信息是深入认识华北克拉通显生宙改造和破坏的重要依据。基于密集流动地震台阵和固定台网记录的远震P波和S波接收函数资料,获得了跨越华北克拉通东、中、西部的3条剖面的岩石圈和上地幔结构图像,揭示了克拉通不同区域深部结构特征的显著差异。与东部普遍减薄的岩石圈(60~100km)相比,中、西部表现出厚、薄岩石圈共存的强烈横向非均匀性,既在稳定的鄂尔多斯盆地之下保留着厚达200km的岩石圈,又在新生代银川—河套和陕西—山西裂陷区存在厚度<100km的薄岩石圈,差异最大的厚、薄岩石圈仅相距约200km。岩石圈厚度在东、中部边界附近的约100km横向范围内显示出20~40km的迅速增加。岩石圈厚度的快速变化与地表地形从东向西的突然改变以及南北重力梯度带的位置大致吻合,并对应于地壳结构、地幔转换带厚度和660km间断面结构的快速变化。这种从地表到上地幔底部深、浅结构的耦合变化特征表明,东西两侧区域在显生宙可能经历了不同的岩石圈构造演化和深部地幔动力学过程。克拉通东部薄的地壳、岩石圈和厚的地幔转换带以及复杂的660km间断面结构可能与中生代以来太平洋板块深俯冲及其相关过程对这一地区岩石圈的改造和破坏有关;而中、西部存在显著减薄的岩石圈这一观测结果,并结合岩石、地球化学资料表明,克拉通岩石圈改造和减薄不仅发生在东部,而且可能影响了包括中、西部在内的更广泛的区域。岩石圈薄于100km的中、西部裂陷区可能与先前存在于岩石圈中的局部构造薄弱带相联系。这些古老岩石圈薄弱带可能经历了后期构造事件的多次改造,并在新生代印度—欧亚陆陆碰撞过程中被进一步弱化、减薄,最终造成地表裂陷。另一方面,中、西部总体较厚的地壳、岩石圈以及正常偏薄的地幔转换带表明,同太平洋深俯冲对东部的作用相比,包括印度—欧亚大陆碰撞在内的多期热-构造事件对该地区的构造演化影响相对较弱,不足以大范围改造和破坏高强度的克拉通岩石圈地幔根,从而造成了该地区现今岩石圈结构的高度横向不均匀。  相似文献   

由克拉通、造山带、裂谷、边缘海洋壳和岛弧等5大岩石圈类型构成的中国大陆,由于不同类型岩石圈对应的动力学机制及其效应不同,岩石圈不同类型之间的连接带必定是不连续带,与大陆成矿作用有密切的联系。中国大陆已知的绝大多数金属矿床分布于岩石圈不连续和再活化不连续处,表明岩石圈不连续为大型矿床(矿集区)形成提供有利的运-储空间。中国大陆西北、中国东部和西南地区构造-岩浆-成矿事件序列对比表明,一个地区岩石圈的壳-幔岩石学结构、大规模成矿作用,取决于最强的、最后一次的岩浆作用,大规模成矿作用的发生起始于造山岩石圈根失稳、去根和大规模软流圈上涌时期,C型埃达克岩的出现是其标志之一。分布于中国内陆的扬子、鄂尔多斯、塔里木和准噶尔盆地等地表热流值低的“冷盆”,深部属于克拉通型岩石圈背景,在构造上往往为造山带的前陆盆地,克拉通型岩石圈构造上的稳定性决定了这些克拉通盆地不断被周围造山带吞食、掩埋、改造的格局,虽然在这些盆地内如今都已发现油气田,但在盆地外那些现今被造山带前缘逆冲体覆盖的区域,也应该是油气田产出的有利区域,即盆地外造山带花岗岩下依然是寻找油气田的重要远景区。分布于中国东部的平原区和黄海、东海及南海等陆缘海区,属于地表热流值高的“热盆”,这些盆地下对应的是裂谷型或洋壳型岩石圈,它们是在新生代时期中国东部沿海地区进入了新的构造演化阶段——大陆裂谷作用下形成的,以伴随广泛的玄武岩喷发为标志,对流地幔物质和热输入使盆地热流值升高成为“热盆”、大陆裂谷型岩石圈,乃至洋壳岩石圈(如南海中央海盆);伴随裂陷作用及伸展构造普遍发育的幔源玄武岩浆大量喷发,以及大量沉积物的快速沉积、埋藏有利于油气田的形成,其中的组分,如CO2气田中的CO2可能主要源于地幔。中国东部平原及边缘海区域是最具前景的油气田分布区之一。  相似文献   

杨文采 《地质论评》2014,60(5):945-961
本篇讨论大陆岩石圈拆沉、伸展与裂解作用过程。由于大陆岩石圈厚度大而且很不均匀,产生裂谷的机制比较复杂。大陆碰撞远程效应的触发,岩石圈拆沉,以及板块运动的不规则性和地球应力场方向转折,都可能产生岩石圈断裂和大陆裂谷。岩石圈拆沉为在重力作用下"去陆根"的作用过程,演化过程可分为大陆根拆离、地壳伸展和岩石圈地幔整体破裂三个阶段。大陆碰撞带、俯冲的大陆和大洋板块、克拉通区域岩石圈,都可能产生岩石圈拆沉。大陆岩石圈调查表明,拉张区可见地壳伸展、岩石圈拆离、软流圈上拱和热沉降;它们是大陆岩石圈伸展与裂解早期的主要表现。从初始拉张的盆岭省到成熟的张裂省,拆离后地壳伸展成复式地堑,下地壳幔源玄武岩浆侵位,断裂带贯通并切穿整个岩石圈,表明地壳伸展进入成熟阶段。中国东北松辽盆地和西欧北海盆地曾处于成熟的张裂省。岩石圈破裂为岩浆侵位提供了阻力很小的通道网。岩浆侵位作用伴随岩石圈破裂和热流体上涌,成熟的张裂省可发展成大陆裂谷。多数的大陆裂谷带并没有发展成威尔逊裂谷带和洋中脊,普通的大陆裂谷要演化为威尔逊裂谷带,必须有来自软流圈的长期和持续的热流和玄武质岩浆的供应。威尔逊裂谷带岩石圈地幔和软流圈为地震低速带,其根源可能与来自地幔底部的地幔热羽流有关。  相似文献   

The age of continental roots   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
D. G. Pearson 《Lithos》1999,48(1-4):171-194
Determination of the age of the mantle part of continental roots is essential to our understanding of the evolution and stability of continents. Dating the rocks that comprise the mantle root beneath the continents has proven difficult because of their high equilibration temperatures and open-system geochemical behaviour. Much progress has been made in the last 20 years that allows us to see how continental roots have evolved in different areas. The first indication of the antiquity of continental roots beneath cratons came from the enriched Nd and Sr isotopic signatures shown by both peridotite xenoliths and inclusions in diamonds, requiring isolation of cratonic roots from the convecting mantle for billions of years. The enriched Nd and Sr isotopic signatures result from mantle metasomatic events post-dating the depletion events that led to the formation and isolation of the peridotite from convecting mantle. These signatures document a history of melt– and fluid–rock interaction within the lithospheric mantle. In some suites of cratonic rocks, such as eclogites, Nd and Pb isotopes have been able to trace probable formation ages. The Re–Os isotope system is well suited to dating lithospheric peridotites because of the compatible nature of Os and its relative immunity to post-crystallisation disturbance compared with highly incompatible element isotope systems. Os isotopic compositions of lithospheric peridotites are overwhelmingly unradiogenic and indicate long-term evolution in low Re/Os environments, probably as melt residues. Peridotite xenoliths from kimberlites can show some disturbed Re/Os systematics but analyses of representative suites show that beneath cratons the oldest Re depletion model ages are Archean and broadly similar to major crust-forming events. Some locations, such as Premier in southern Africa, and Lashaine in Tanzania, indicate more recent addition of lithospheric material to the craton, in the Proterozoic, or later. Of the cratons studies so far (Kaapvaal, Siberia, Wyoming and Tanzania), all indicate Archean formation of their lithospheric mantle roots. Few localities studied show any clear variation of age with depth of derivation, indicating that >150 km of lithosphere may have formed relatively rapidly. In circum-cratonic areas where the crustal basement is Proterozoic in age kimberlite-derived xenoliths give Proterozoic model ages, matching the age of the overlying crust. This behaviour shows how the crust and mantle parts of continental lithospheric roots have remained coupled since formation in these areas, for billions of years, despite continental drift. Orogenic massifs show more systematic behaviour of Re–Os isotopes, where correlations between Os isotopic composition and S or Re content yield initial Os isotopic ratios that define Re depletion model ages for the massifs. Ongoing Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf–Os isotopic studies of massif peridotites and new kimberlite- and basalt-borne xenolith suites from new areas, will soon enable a global understanding of the age of continental roots and their subsequent evolution.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3-4):815-837
Thermo-tectonic age and inherited structure exert the main controls on the bulk strength of the lithosphere in intraplate settings. Mechanical decoupling within the lithosphere strongly affects the interaction between deep Earth and surface processes. Thermo-mechanical models demonstrate the particular importance of the rheological stratification of the lithosphere in the preservation of ancient cratonic blocks, in the surface expression of plume- and mantle lithosphere interactions and their impact on the “dynamic” topography in general. The same is true for the effect of large-scale lithospheric folding on intraplate basin formation and associated differential vertical motions. Initiation of continental lithosphere subduction, crucial for linking orogenic deformation to intraplate deformation, appears to be facilitated by plume–lithosphere interactions. We present a discussion of these aspects, focusing on better process- understanding of continental deformation, in the context of a number of well-documented cases of intraplate deformation.  相似文献   

The lower plate is the dominant agent in modern convergent margins characterized by active subduction,as negatively buoyant oceanic lithosphere sinks into the asthenosphere under its own weight.This is a strong plate-driving force because the slab-pull force is transmitted through the stiff sub-oceanic lithospheric mantle.As geological and geochemical data seem inconsistent with the existence of modernstyle ridges and arcs in the Archaean,a periodically-destabilized stagnant-lid crust system is proposed instead.Stagnant-lid intervals may correspond to periods of layered mantle convection where efficient cooling was restricted to the upper mantle,perturbing Earth's heat generation/loss balance,eventually triggering mantle overturns.Archaean basalts were derived from fertile mantle in overturn upwelling zones(OUZOs),which were larger and longer-lived than post-Archaean plumes.Early cratons/continents probably formed above OUZOs as large volumes of basalt and komatiite were delivered for protracted periods,allowing basal crustal cannibalism,garnetiferous crustal restite delamination,and coupled development of continental crust and sub-continental lithospheric mantle.Periodic mixing and rehomogenization during overturns retarded development of isotopically depleted MORB(mid-ocean ridge basalt)mantle.Only after the start of true subduction did sequestration of subducted slabs at the coremantle boundary lead to the development of the depleted MORB mantle source.During Archaean mantle overturns,pre-existing continents located above OUZOs would be strongly reworked;whereas OUZOdistal continents would drift in response to mantle currents.The leading edge of drifting Archaean continents would be convergent margins characterized by terrane accretion,imbrication,subcretion and anatexis of unsubductable oceanic lithosphere.As Earth cooled and the background oceanic lithosphere became denser and stiffer,there would be an increasing probability that oceanic crustal segments could founder in an organized way,producing a gradual evolution of pre-subduction convergent margins into modern-style active subduction systems around 2.5 Ga.Plate tectonics today is constituted of:(1)a continental drift system that started in the Early Archaean,driven by deep mantle currents pressing against the Archaean-age sub-continental lithospheric mantle keels that underlie Archaean cratons;(2)a subduction-driven system that started near the end of the Archaean.  相似文献   

大陆动力学是地球动力学的基本组成部分,是板块构造理论的重要拓展,是固体地球科学的核心命题之一。在系统的地质、地球物理和地球化学观测的基础上,数值模拟是探讨大陆动力学过程和机制的有效手段。本文主要基于大陆动力学数值模拟,围绕大陆形成和演化过程的四个关键科学问题进行总结和探讨。(1)大陆起源与早期地球动力学演化。现今观测到的最早的大陆地壳岩石来自冥古宙,说明地球早期就已经开始大陆地壳的形成;关于当时的构造体制,存在多种不同的模式及其过渡和转换(岩浆洋、热管、滞盖等),该问题的约束甚少,是一个地球动力学的前沿科学问题。(2)大陆岩石圈的稳定性与破坏。大陆岩石圈形成之后经历几十亿年尺度的长时间演化,有些克拉通可以保持大致的稳定性直至现今,而有的克拉通却在显生宙期间经历显著的改造和破坏,无论其稳定存在还是改造破坏,都是值得深入探讨的科学问题。(3)大陆深俯冲与极限折返。超高压岩石折返代表了地球表层物质由浅入深而又由深及浅的物质循环,系统的观测和模拟对该过程和机制已有比较清晰的理解;而近年来观测到的200~350 km的超深折返岩石又提出新的挑战,其模式和机制有待进一步探索。(4)大陆碰撞造山差异性。造山带解析是大陆动力学研究的核心内容,伴随日益精细化的地学观测,也对动力学模拟提出了新的挑战,多地体的复合造山动力学值得进一步探究;同时,青藏高原作为最重要的碰撞造山带,其一级动力学驱动力仍不明确。本文在系统探讨这些科学问题的基础上,进一步提出大陆动力学数值模拟的未来研究方向:一方面是问题导向型,针对上述仍未解决的重要科学问题,尤其是一级控制机制问题,通过创新思路和精细模拟,并与观测进行系统对比分析,最终给出答案;另一方面是技术导向型,极力发展新的数值模拟方法和技术(例如双相流乃至多相流),以适应复杂地质演化中的相变、流体、熔体、地表过程等的模拟需求,这两个研究方向的发展将共同提高大陆动力学过程和机制的认知水平,促进大陆动力学理论的发展。  相似文献   

郑建平  路凤香 《地学前缘》1996,3(4):187-194
古生代含捕虏体的金伯利岩和新生代含捕虏体的玄武岩同出于华北地台,提供了研究自古生代以来岩石圈演化的深源探针。古生代含金伯利岩的侵位表明古生代时曾存在冷厚的岩石圈;而新生代含捕虏体玄武岩的喷发,表明新生代时存在热薄的岩石圈。岩石圈减薄与“大洋化”是层圈物质交换作用在一定历史阶段中的反映。地幔流体是地幔演化产物,反之又作用于地幔演化。富含地幔流体的幔内剪切带及交代矿物层作为幔内软薄弱带,存在热、流体、化学及机械的耦合,是岩石圈减薄拆沉作用的重要界面位置。  相似文献   

Margins of old continental lithosphere are likely prone to ongoing modification processes. Therefore, constraining detailed structures beneath the margin can be essential in understanding the evolution of the continental lithosphere. The eastern margin of the Eurasian plate is a natural laboratory that allows us to study the strong effects from multiple episodes of continental collision and subduction of different oceanic plates since their formation. To reveal the detailed evolution of cratons at their margins, we describe, for the first time, the upper mantle structures beneath the southern Korean Peninsula (SKP) based strictly on teleseismic relative arrival time data from densely deployed local seismic arrays, which allows us to constrain the details of the lithospheric structures beneath the Archean-Proterozoic basement. We imaged a thick (~150 km) high-velocity anomaly mainly beneath the Proterozoic Yeongnam Massif with large velocity contrasts (dlnVp ≈ 4.0% and dlnVs ≈ 6.0%) at its boundaries, suggesting the presence of a long-lasting cratonic root in the southwestern SKP. On the other hand, low-velocity anomalies were found beneath the Proterozoic Gyeonggi Massif, Gyeongsang arc-back-arc basin, and along the eastern margin of the SKP, indicating significantly modified regions. The possible existence of a remnant cratonic root beneath the SKP and contrasting lithospheric structures across the different Precambrian massifs suggests the highly heterogeneous modification of cratonic lithosphere at the eastern Eurasian plate margin. Strong velocity reductions, which indicate a thermally elevated upper mantle potentially with partial melts, correspond to areas of Cenozoic basalts, high surface heat flow, and high topography along the eastern KP margin. We interpret this coincidence as a result of recent reactivation of a craton margin, which is controlled by intense interaction between the convective upper mantle and heterogeneous continental lithosphere.  相似文献   

This paper reports a new 1° × 1° global thermal model for the continental lithosphere (TC1). Geotherms for continental terranes of different ages (> 3.6 Ga to present) constrained by reliable data on borehole heat flow measurements (Artemieva, I.M., Mooney, W.D. 2001. Thermal structure and evolution of Precambrian lithosphere: a global study. J. Geophys. Res 106, 16387–16414.), are statistically analyzed as a function of age and are used to estimate lithospheric temperatures in continental regions with no or low-quality heat flow data (ca. 60% of the continents). These data are supplemented by cratonic geotherms based on electromagnetic and xenolith data; the latter indicate the existence of Archean cratons with two characteristic thicknesses, ca. 200 and > 250 km. A map of tectono-thermal ages of lithospheric terranes complied for the continents on a 1° × 1° grid and combined with the statistical age relationship of continental geotherms (z = 0.04  t + 93.6, where z is lithospheric thermal thickness in km and t is age in Ma) formed the basis for a new global thermal model of the continental lithosphere (TC1). The TC1 model is presented by a set of maps, which show significant thermal heterogeneity within continental upper mantle, with the strongest lateral temperature variations (as large as 800 °C) in the shallow mantle. A map of the depth to a 550 °C isotherm (Curie isotherm for magnetite) in continental upper mantle is presented as a proxy to the thickness of the magnetic crust; the same map provides a rough estimate of elastic thickness of old (> 200 Ma) continental lithosphere, in which flexural rigidity is dominated by olivine rheology of the mantle.Statistical analysis of continental geotherms reveals that thick (> 250 km) lithosphere is restricted solely to young Archean terranes (3.0–2.6 Ga), while in old Archean cratons (3.6–3.0 Ga) lithospheric roots do not extend deeper than 200–220 km. It is proposed that the former were formed by tectonic stacking and underplating during paleocollision of continental nuclei; it is likely that such exceptionally thick lithospheric roots have a limited lateral extent and are restricted to paleoterrane boundaries. This conclusion is supported by an analysis of the growth rate of the lithosphere since the Archean, which does not reveal a peak in lithospheric volume at 2.7–2.6 Ga as expected from growth curves for juvenile crust.A pronounced peak in the rate of lithospheric growth (10–18 km3/year) at 2.1–1.7 Ga (as compared to 5–8 km3/year in the Archean) well correlates with a peak in the growth of juvenile crust and with a consequent global extraction of massif-type anorthosites. It is proposed that large-scale variations in lithospheric thickness at cratonic margins and at paleoterrane boundaries controlled anorogenic magmatism. In particular, mid-Proterozoic anorogenic magmatism at the cratonic margins was caused by edge-driven convection triggered by a fast growth of the lithospheric mantle at 2.1–1.7 Ga. Belts of anorogenic magmatism within cratonic interiors can be caused by a deflection of mantle heat by a locally thickened lithosphere at paleosutures and, thus, can be surface manifestations of exceptionally thick lithospheric roots. The present volume of continental lithosphere as estimated from the new global map of lithospheric thermal thickness is 27.8 (± 7.0) × 109 km3 (excluding submerged terranes with continental crust); preserved continental crust comprises ca. 7.7 × 109 km3. About 50% of the present continental lithosphere existed by 1.8 Ga.  相似文献   

华北与扬子克拉通早期相互关系的Nd同位素地球化学制约   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对于前寒武纪、特别是中、上元古代、华北和扬子克拉通大地构造特征及其相互关系的认识是长期争议的问题之一,其核心在于两克拉通是否属于同一大陆央石圈板块,扬子克拉通及其北缘由于研究程度较低,部分地质体缺乏可靠地质年代数据,影响了研究工作的进一步深入,本文就扬子克拉通北缘汉中碑坝和西乡地区重要地质体的形成时代作了系统的Rb-Sr、Sm-Nd和部分颗粒锆石Pb同位素蒸发年龄方法的同位素年代学分析的Rb-Sr  相似文献   

中国及邻近陆域海域地球内部三维结构及动力学研究   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:24  
根据国内外最新地球物理和其它地学资料,采用多学科多手段进行综合反演,建立中国及邻区高分辨率地球三维结构模型,为地学各领域提供高精度多参数地球三维模型数据库。对中国及邻近陆域海域岩石圈软流圈结构,过渡带以下直至核幔边界的地幔速度三维分布进行研究。探讨东亚及西太平洋边缘海板块运动、地幔对流、圈层耦合及物质运移等深部动力学问题。对中国大陆及边缘海各地块的结构及相互作用,特别是有关中国东部及边缘海岩石圈拉张减薄、西部岩石圈汇聚增厚的深部动力学过程作了探讨。  相似文献   

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