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地理空间数据的尺度转换   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尺度一般是指空间范围的大小,地理空间数据的尺度转换是尺度研究的重要问题之一。针对地理信息系统(GIS)技术支持下的地理空间数据尺度转换问题,首先回顾了尺度转换的理论基础,即等级理论、分形理论、区域化随机变量理论、地理学第一定律等理论的基本内涵;然后总结了地理学不同研究领域内主要的尺度转换方法,重点分析了重采样法、变异函数法、分形分维法及小波分析法的基本原理、模型方法与典型应用案例;最后介绍了地理空间数据尺度转换效应研究的进展。基于上述总结和分析认为:构建一套无级变换的、系统的尺度转换方法,整合不同学科领域的数据与过程模型、形成数据模型同化的技术体系,这是地理空间数据尺度转换研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

网络信息空间的城市地理学研究:综述与展望   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
20世纪90年代,互联网飞速发展,不仅深刻地影响了我们的社会系统和经济结构,同时也重构了全球城市的物理和虚拟空间结构形式。近几年,在西方发达国家,网络信息空间的相关研究已经成为多学科研究的热点,有关城市网络信息空间的地理学研究也不断涌现。从技术与经济的角度入手,在已有文献资料基础上,对西方地理学界关于网络信息空间与城市发展的研究进展进行了评述。首先界定网络信息空间的概念及其相对于物理空间的各种特征,然后总结城市学者研究网络信息空间的几种理论方法,并从三个空间层次分别评述现有的实证研究成果。在此基础上,对网络信息空间的测量方法和关于城市地理学的研究内容进行了进一步展望。  相似文献   

基于《地理学报》和Annals of the Association of American Geographers学术论文的统计,对比近百年中美两国地理学的发展脉络,着重从总体特征、重点研究内容及其变化、理论—实践关系三方面对比异同,获得经验和借鉴。美国地理学经过初期发展、高速发展后,目前进入持续发展阶段;中国地理学在曲折中崛起,目前正处在高速发展时期。美国地理学中人文地理学一直居主导地位,中国则从重视自然地理开始逐渐向自然、人文、方法三足鼎立方向迈进;美国地理学家非常重视微观、中观实践,但在国家宏观决策中远没有中国地理学家发挥作用更直接。美国地理学研究水平高于中国,但这种差距正在缩小,研究方向的变化相差3~5年。世界地理研究中心有向亚太地区、向中国转移的可能,中国地理学家要勇于创建具有中国特色的地理学派。  相似文献   

中国地理学的发展战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    根据地理学的发展历程与研究对象,阐述了地理科学在社会发展中的地位与作用,介绍了现代地理学发展的主要趋势与特点,分析了中国地理学研究的主要特点、问题与差距,并对其今后发展的战略目标、重点领域、具体措施等提出了对策建议。     相似文献   

虚拟地理环境研究进展与理论框架   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述虚拟地理环境的形成、发展与研究现状,并从"虚拟现实技术"与"虚拟现实"的相互关系探讨虚拟地理环境基本概念.从基本思想、系统结构、在线参与者社会组织水平、与GIS/数字地球的关系等角度,分析虚拟地理环境的特征.从数据、模型、表现以及协同4个方面,讨论了虚拟地理环境系统建设的关键技术与研究前沿.尝试建立了一个虚拟地理环境基本理论初步研究框架,认为在地理哲学思想层次应该重点研究复杂性人地系统、地理虚/实关系论、地理/遥感信息本体论,在地理/地理信息科学层次需要重点研究地理认知与思维、地理相似原理、地理计算模拟;同时讨论虚拟地理环境与面向"人"的地理信息科学、基于虚拟地理环境地理科学方法论,以及可计算人地关系的相关理论问题.  相似文献   

新经济地理学与传统经济地理学之比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘安国  杨开忠  谢燮 《地球科学进展》2005,20(10):1059-1066
自20世纪90年代以来,藤田、克鲁格曼、维纳布斯等以迪克西特和斯蒂格利茨垄断竞争模型为基础,用不完全竞争、报酬递增和市场外部性等理念构建新的经济地理模型,掀起了一场“新经济地理学”革命。新经济地理学在理论基础、研究特点和方法等方面与传统经济地理学表现出明显不同,其理论创新受到经济学界和地理学界的普遍关注。但是,也有一些学者对它提出了同样引人注目的抨击。通过对新经济地理学与传统经济地理学进行比较,对一些重大理论假设、研究方法与特点进行简要分析,有助于廓清对新经济地理学与传统经济地理学之异同的正确认识,以期推动新经济地理学的理论研究与应用以及新经济地理学与传统经济地理学领域的学术交流。  相似文献   

关于中国地理学发展的思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
提出了地理学发展的几点思路:①加强地球表层系统现代自然过程及其驱动力的研究,促进自然地理与人文地理的高层次综合;②加快地理科学的理论创新步伐,推动地理科学走向国际研究前沿;③充分利用现代科学技术成果,促进地理科学现代化;④高度重视野外台站科学数据积累及室内分析与模拟工作,为地理科学的发展奠定基础;⑤集中力量对重点地区进行深入研究,体现地理科学研究的区域特色;⑥充分利用现有地理科学研究成果,为社会经济建设服务。  相似文献   

交通系统是人类经济社会活动的重要空间载体,在全球—区域—地方发展中不断促进各类生产生活要素与人口流动,交通—区域发展交互是人文与经济地理学研究的重要内容。在中国高速交通快速发展和“以人为本”的出行理念下,国内交通地理学在以任务带学科、多学科交叉融合、大数据挖掘与技术多元化的发展模式下,瞄准学科难点和研究瓶颈,服务国家发展需求。围绕交通—区域发展交互领域进行相关的理论与方法创新,以中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所交通地理研究团队为代表,阐明近10年来在交通地理学学科的创新发展。主要贡献在于:(1)高速化、网络化和复杂化视角下的交通地理学理论与方法创新;(2)交通系统与区域—地方互动机制;(3)交通大数据支持下的城市空间组织机理。基于学科理论与方法,研究成果在交通基础设施布局与区域发展“、一带一路”互联互通、新冠疫情防控与交通出行等方面进行了实践应用,为交通强国战略背景下交通地理学研究添砖加瓦。  相似文献   

自1901年张相文编纂我国近代最早的地理教科书——《初等地理教科书》和《中等本国地理教科书》出版以来,我国近、现代地理学已走过了百年岁月。以《地理学报》为研究对象,对其自创刊以来所有载文进行检索和分类统计。从中发现,中国地理学近百年来在曲折中前进,日益走向繁荣;领域构成从单调到丰富,专业体系日趋完善,地理学的人文化、技术化趋势非常明显;从引进、学习到与世界同步,中国地理学正在完成质的飞跃。地理工作者对祖国的热爱、对地理学的高度责任感和中国社会进步的内在要求是中国地理学不断发展的根本动力。  相似文献   

地理学研究进展与前沿领域   总被引:72,自引:6,他引:72  
现代地理学涵盖自然地理学、人文地理学和地理信息科学,其发展趋势是:相邻学科的交叉、渗透与融合,加强地理学内部的综合研究,地理过程的微观研究进一步深化,结合实践拓宽应用研究领域,实验与研究手段的现代化,理论思维模式的转变。地理学应在陆地表层过程与格局、全球环境变化及其区域响应、自然资源保障与生态环境建设、区域可持续发展及人地系统的机理与调控、地理信息科学和数字地球战略等前沿领域开拓创新,为促进地球系统科学的发展、协调人地关系等做出积极的贡献。  相似文献   

Japanese geography has been greatly influenced by American academia since the Second World War. The first wave was the quantitative revolution, which occurred at the end of the 1950s. Sophisticated analytical techniques and fine spatial models were introduced to Japanese geography and used in empirical studies, especially in the field of urban/transportation geography in the 1970s. The second wave was the new geography in the 1980s, including behavioral, radical and humanistic approaches. The third wave was the GIS revolution in the 1990s, which has been promoting a problem-solving approach focusing on policy matters. In this paper, I discuss how American geography has impacted on the development of Japanese human geography during this half century.  相似文献   

The worldwide network of container transport services is becoming increasingly diffuse. The different strategies of shipping lines, the balance of power between shipping lines and shippers and constraints related to inland transportation all have a potential impact on the development of maritime shipping networks. Moreover, strategic alliances between the port and the shipping industry, which have both been driven by strong concentration processes and vertical integration, have a profound influence on the maritime network structure and also on the grade of integration of a region in the global maritime transport network. This paper seeks to understand the evolution of maritime networks in and between two differently developed regions. The focus is on the trade route and networks between the West Coast of South America and Northern Europe. The paper analyses the network structures and the behaviour of shipping lines in different economic contexts and port systems. Current and historical developments in the two regions under study have led to their relative position within the global maritime network and illustrate the potential implications of being peripheral or central in this network. The empirical results are compared with known strategies of shipping lines. The authors aim to answer the question of how far the configuration of hinterlands determines calling patterns and if strategic alliances and vertical integration reduce footloose behaviour of shipping lines. Further, we discuss how far, under the current configuration, shipping lines influence port development, and also the reverse situation of how far port accessibility and performance influence maritime network developments. The two region approach provides insights on the constraining factors of maritime network development between two differently developed regions and the associated implications for trade development.  相似文献   

Sam Ock Park 《GeoJournal》2004,59(1):69-72
Korean modern geography emerged from the dark age of unfortunate Japanese colonial rule after liberation in 1945, and has grown rapidly since the 1960s. Modern geographical theories and methodologies were introduced to Korea by the Korean geographers who received PhD degrees in the United States and returned home to teach at universities in Korea, especially in the 1970s and early 1980s. American geography has influenced the progress of the modern geography in Korea in various ways — education systems, curricula for college students, training graduate students — and research methodologies in Korean geography during the last half-century have been directly and indirectly influenced by American geography. The influence has had, however, both positive and negative effects in the development of Korean geography. There is a tendency in recent years to reinterpret Western theories and concepts in the Korean context, considering distinctive regional and cultural characteristics.  相似文献   

沉积物重力流研究进展综述   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
关于沉积物重力流的研究已取得了长足进展,其石油地质意义已得到了足够重视,但在理解重力流的流体类型及沉积作用特点时仍有一定难度,从而出现了分类方案及术语使用非常混乱的严重现象,反过来又增加了理解的难度及认识的分歧.在总结国内外研究进展的基础上,试图理清重力流的各种分类方案、相应术语的涵义及其沉积特征,得出产生此现象的原因...  相似文献   

Specific features of development of recreation geography in the USSR are, first of all — combination of the deliberate outstripping theoretical research based on the systems approach with the traditional techniques of field investigation of actual dhenomena, and second — combination of scientific activities with active interference into practical territorial organization of recreation of different groups of population. Development of recreation geography has influenced the other branches of geography, as well as the theory of project-design and architecture. Rapid growth of a new branch of science is considered as an illustration of high integrating potentialities of modern geography, which is now based not only on the empirical studies, but on the theoretical search as well.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present three methodological frameworks for the geographic study of organizations. These are situated within three meta-theoretical perspectives in human geography: spatial science, critical realism, and post-structuralism. Each framework offers a different theorization of organizations, and each prompts different research questions that can be used to guide their geographic study. The research questions we offer are general, and are pertinent to all types of organizations. To supplement the methodological contributions of this paper, we suggest how each of these frameworks might inform empirical investigations of Appalshop, a media arts organization located in Whitesburg, Kentucky.  相似文献   

本文指出矿产开发利用规划是国土整治中的一个重要门类,提出了对规划区自然地理概况、矿产资源特征等进行调查研究的细目和要求,论述了规划内容、原则和对矿山建设进行技术经济核算的项目与方法步骤,强调规划要突出经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

沼泽沉积与环境演变研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
沼泽是水陆相互作用形成具有半水半陆过渡性质的自然生态系统。我国沼泽研究起步于20 世纪60 年代,期间有关沼泽沉积与环境的研究相对薄弱,90 年代以来虽已在泥炭沼泽孢粉解译全新世环境变化与泥炭沉积动力学方面有初步积累,但对潜育沼泽缺乏系统研究,尤其缺乏近代短时间尺度高分辨率环境变化历史记录研究,这方面与湖泊沉积及其环境演变研究相比已形成一定的差距。主要从学术文献、权威机关与科研机构两个方面对相关的国内外研究现状和进展进行总结,针对国内外研究现状和存在的问题提出了今后研究的重点:建立不同成因的沼泽沉积环境模式,从沉积学角度对沼泽定义及分类提供支撑;注重理论提升与定量化,使沼泽形成过程分析从定性描述走向定量化;注重现代化采样系统的应用与标准沉积剖面的建立;加强内陆潜育沼泽研究,注重现代过程与沉积剖面证据;扩大地理覆盖面,加强时空对比,加强沼泽区域性短尺度、高分辨率环境演化研究;深化沼泽沉积信息与流域环境变迁耦合机制研究。  相似文献   

The Qinghai Tibet Plateau (QTP) is an important ecological security barrier region and strategic resource reserve base in China. It is of great significance to explore the construction and impact of its transportation facilities. Through combing the relevant research, we found that: With the construction of macro regional policies and major transportation facilities, the relevant research has been growing rapidly since 2000, and the contribution of Chinese Academy of Sciences, transportation universities and research institutions is outstanding; The key research of QTP's transportation facilities construction includes the constraints and countermeasures of permafrost melting, sandstorm, erosion and geological disasters, the development process of modern comprehensive transportation system and its spatial characteristics, and the evolution of multi-scale regional traffic connection and accessibility; The regional impact assessment of traffic facilities mainly focuses on ecological environment and social economy. The former results are mainly negative effects such as disturbing ecosystem, cutting landscape pattern, destroying vegetation cover and disturbing the normal living habits of wild animals, while the latter ones are mainly positive effects like promoting macro regional development, changing the spatial structure of regional development, and driving the development of tourism and other related industries. In general, the positive and negative effects of multi-dimensional and multi-scale show the characteristics of differentiation and multiple feedbacks. With the implementation of the Second Comprehensive Scientific Investigation on the QTP and the construction of Third Pole National Park Group, Sichuan-Tibet Railway and Qinghai-Tibet Expressway, we should further focus on the breakthroughs in key relevant technologies, the balance of transportation system with national strategies and regional functions, the combination of travel perception and comprehensive traffic accessibility, combing the comprehensive impact mechanism from the perspective of coupling and the construction of analysis framework that is in line with regional reality, etc.  相似文献   

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