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再论富F熔体-溶液流体体系的成矿效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过例证的方式建立并诠释了富F熔体-溶液流体体系成矿效应的工作原理,认为:①F-OH-在不同载体矿物特别是云母类矿物中的置换行为构成了全岩F含量的主要贡献,具有物源意义;②在大多数情况下,F强烈倾向于分配进入晚期硅酸盐熔体相中,并深刻制约着熔体的结构、相平衡、物理化学性质和分异路径,不过在其他一些情况下F亦将大量进入热液或富水贫硅酸盐的"过渡性"流体相中;③富F流体体系另具有强烈萃取诸如W、Sn等高场强亲氟元素的成矿效应,最终可伴生萤石或冰晶石矿床,此时F作为矿化剂亦影响着Eh值、pH值和化学硬度等体系控矿因素。这样的三重作用围绕着F的基本化学性质一脉相承地促成了富F地质体系的成矿效应及其地球化学行为的特殊性。  相似文献   

钨的地球化学性质与华南地区钨矿成因   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在地球演化早期的强还原条件下,钨表现为中等亲铁元素,因此地球中 90%的钨进入地核。在地幔和地壳的演化过程中,钨是极度不相容亲石元素,从而导致钨元素在地壳中的丰度约是地幔丰度的250倍。钨在岩浆熔体中主要以钨酸的形式迁移,在成矿热液中主要以氟、硼化合物或其络合物的形式运移。钨的矿化需要其在部分熔融、岩浆演化和晚期热液等各阶段逐渐富集。中国是世界上钨矿产资源最丰富的国家,约占世界总储量的60%以上,其中绝大多数矿床产在华南地区,与华南大规模的中生代岩浆活动具有密切的时空联系。微量元素特征(高Rb/Sr和K/Rb比值,低Nb/Ta和Zr/Hf比值)显示它们往往经历了强烈的岩浆分异,这可能与这些花岗岩通常具有高挥发分含量(如F)有关。岩浆中高的F含量对钨的富集和矿化十分重要,它可以降低熔体固相线、粘度和密度,有利于提高岩浆的结晶分异程度,因而使得高度不相容的钨元素在岩浆演化过程和后期热液阶段的富集与矿化。富挥发分岩浆的形成可能与俯冲板块后撤,软流圈物质上涌导致的多硅白云母等富F矿物的高温分解有关。研究表明,华南南岭地区侏罗纪的钨矿化花岗岩主要形成于太平洋板块的俯冲后撤,而华南南部晚白垩世钨成矿作用与新特提斯洋的俯冲后撤有关。  相似文献   

总结了钨(W)在地球不同圈层、不同相以及不同集合体之间的分配行为,并据此来探讨与花岗岩有关的热液型钨矿床的某些成因机制,并将W矿化所需的较高的浓集系数归因于这一系列不均匀分配行为的累积。同时强调了W在溶液/熔体体系,尤其是富F体系中的分配行为是理解其成矿机理的关键。热液中W主要以钨酸(根)和碱性钨酸盐离子存在,后因流经理化条件(温度、盐度、p H值)骤变而沉淀成矿。  相似文献   

由岩浆后期热液流体萃取—运移—沉淀铂族元素和金被认为是形成富铂族元素矿床的一种重要机理。最近,苏联和加拿大学者合作进行了有关的实验研究。结果表明,铂族元素和金在热液流体与硅酸盐熔体间的分配系数远远小于它们在硫化物液津与硅酸盐熔体间的分配系数。这一结果使研究者们对岩浆后期热液  相似文献   

花岗岩类的成矿专属性与氧逸度密切相关,但氧逸度只是矿床形成时的必要非充分条件之一。本文从成矿专属性和含矿性两个方面讨论氧逸度的成矿学意义,得到两点主要认识:还原性斑岩型Cu-Au多金属矿床具有高氧逸度成因,不同元素的矿化分别对应于氧逸度对演化程度、岩石类型、硫逸度、pH协变图上的不同分区,其中可能以氧逸度和岩石类型这两种因素的配合最具专属性意义;从专属性到成矿性分从岩浆到热液、从热液到矿石两个阶段完成,这期间氧逸度对元素地球化学行为的影响不容忽视,但其在矿质沉淀过程中的角色有时不宜夸大,因为有的沉淀与氧逸度关系不大。  相似文献   

本文从火山喷气、岩浆热液矿床的成矿流体性质、金属元素在蒸汽相中的溶解及在蒸汽/卤水相的分配实验等方面概述了有关金属元素气相迁移及CO2在成矿过程中作用的研究现状。火山喷气的凝结物中高浓度的Cu、Zn、Pb、As、Ag和Au,以及斑岩型矿床中低密度流体包裹体(蒸汽相)中硫化物矿物的存在,预示着上述金属是以蒸汽相搬运的。金属元素在蒸汽相中溶解实验研究表明,金属元素在蒸汽相中以[MeXm·(H2O)n]水合物的形式存在,其溶解度随着H2O逸度和HCl逸度的增大而增加;熔体—流体体系分配实验研究揭示,NaCl—H2O体系中存在蒸汽—卤水相分离,在含S条件下Au、As等元素通常以HS-离子络合物的形式优先溶于蒸汽相,Fe、Zn、Pb、Mn、Cs等元素以Cl-离子络合物的形式优先富集于卤水相;Cu在富S热液中优先进入蒸汽相,在富Cl贫S热液中通常富集于卤水相,表明Cu在岩浆热液中是以HS-和Cl-两种络合物的形式迁移的。CO2在Au、Cu等金属元素迁移和沉淀过程中可能起重要的作用,不仅促进NaCl—H2O体系相分离,并且促使HS-络合物在蒸汽相富集以及调节成矿流体的酸碱度。斑岩型Cu—Au矿床的矿化过程可概括为3个阶段:高侵位的斑岩分异出的少量岩浆流体主要形成了青磐岩化带和部分钾硅化带,矿化通常不成规模;深部岩浆房早阶段去气作用分异出的岩浆流体主要在斑岩体早期钾化基础上叠加蚀变并形成广泛的浸染状矿化和石英—硫化物细脉,在斑岩体上部形成高级泥化带并形成低温热液型Cu—Au矿化,此阶段为主矿化期;深部岩浆房晚阶段去气作用形成的岩浆流体可能主要使斑岩体和部分围岩形成绢英岩化,并伴随晚期石英—(方解石)—硫化物脉的沉淀。  相似文献   

王续文  李宇轩  安芳 《矿床地质》2023,42(6):1214-1228
铁元素是岩浆-热液成矿系统中参与成矿的重要金属元素之一,岩浆-热液矿床中富铁矿物(黄铁矿、磁铁矿、黄铜矿、磁黄铁矿、斑铜矿、毒砂、菱铁矿)的δ56Fe值变化较大(-2.07‰~+1.58‰),指示铁同位素在岩浆演化、流体出溶和热液演化过程中均存在明显的分馏,因此,在约束岩浆-热液成矿系统中成矿金属的迁移-富集-沉淀过程和示踪成矿物质来源方面具有巨大的应用潜力。通过整理和分析前人研究资料,文章总结了岩浆-热液成矿系统岩浆演化、流体出溶和热液演化过程中铁同位素地球化学行为的研究现状。岩浆演化过程中铁同位素会发生显著分馏,如部分熔融过程中,熔体相比残余固相富集重铁同位素;矿物分离结晶会引起残余熔体铁同位素组成的变化,主要受含Fe2+或Fe3+矿物结晶的影响,如磁铁矿分离结晶会导致残余熔体铁同位素组成变轻,总体反映岩浆氧化还原状态对铁同位素分馏的主要控制作用,因此,含矿岩体铁同位素组成及其变化可用于确定岩浆的氧化还原状态。流体出溶是含矿岩浆演化成为岩浆热液矿床的关键过程,出溶流体相对于母岩富集轻铁同位素,但实验研究表明出溶流体铁...  相似文献   

岩浆热液出溶和演化对斑岩成矿系统金属成矿的制约   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29  
岩浆热液过渡阶段对于与岩浆热液有关矿床的形成非常重要。以往的研究多侧重于岩浆结晶阶段和低于固相线的热液阶段过程和演化 ,但对于流体从熔体出溶到熔体最后固结过程的理解却很有限。基于流体包裹体冷热台研究、单个流体和熔体包裹体原位无损成分分析技术 ,并结合挥发份和成矿元素在共存相间分配的实验和质量平衡计算模拟 ,岩浆热液出溶和演化对金属成矿制约的研究取得了很大进展。文中从岩浆中挥发份的出溶和演化、成矿元素在岩浆热液过渡体系各相之间的分配、斑岩矿床成矿流体及与金属成矿的关系、浅成热液矿床成矿流体及与金属成矿的关系几个方面进行了阐述。研究表明 :( 1)岩浆熔体不仅含有足够的挥发性组分 ,而且出溶的挥发份能够被圈闭在流体包裹体中而成为岩浆出溶热液的实物证据。 ( 2 )挥发份和成矿元素不仅在岩浆熔体和出溶的溶液间分配 ,还将在熔体与盐水溶液、熔体与气相以及盐水溶液与气相间进行分配。Cu在岩浆蒸气中比在共存的熔体中要富集数百倍 ,而Cu ,As,Au(可能作为HS配合物 )则偏向于分配进入与液体相共存的蒸气相中。 ( 3 )成矿元素在熔体 /溶液间的分配系数受控于熔体中初始水含量与饱和水含量之比值和岩浆熔体与共存出溶水溶液的w(Cl) /w(H2 O)和w(F) /w(Cl)比值。 ( 4 )斑岩  相似文献   

第三纪富金斑岩型铜矿床主要发育于板块汇聚边缘与俯冲作用相关的火山-岩浆弧以及陆缘弧中,而大多数较古老的富金斑岩型铜矿床则主要发育于向大陆边缘增生的岛弧环境中.含矿斑岩的岩性变化范围从低钾钙碱性闪长岩、石英闪长岩和英云闪长岩到高钾钙碱性石英二长岩到碱性的二长岩及正长岩,通常侵位于地壳浅部l~2km处,与同期的火山岩密切共生,并常见热液爆破角砾岩.其围岩蚀变从早到晚依次可分为Ca-Na硅酸盐蚀变、K硅酸盐蚀变、中级泥质蚀变、绢云母化、高级泥质蚀变,而浅部的高级泥质蚀变可以与早期K硅酸盐蚀变同期形成.Cu、Au矿化主要发育在K硅酸盐蚀变带中,矿化与A型脉密切相关,贫钼而富铂族元素.控制富金斑岩型铜矿床形成的几个关键过程包括:(1)源区有大量的Cu、Au等成矿元素;(2)能使Cu、Au等成矿物质有效进入岩浆熔体的机制;(3)合成矿元素的岩浆熔体在从地幔上升到地壳高侵位而形成斑岩体的过程中没有Cu、Au等成矿物质损失;(4)在岩浆上升演化过程中,岩浆挥发份能有效的逸出,并且逸出的时间越早,对成矿越有利;(5)Cu、Au等成矿元素能有效进入岩浆挥发份;(6)在成矿斑岩体上部发育有利的相对封闭机制,阻止岩浆挥发份的逃逸;(7)含Cu、Au成矿流体的有效沉淀机制;(8)具有一个地壳上部的岩浆房,能够不断提供成矿物质和驱动热液循环的热能.要形成大型矿床一般需要多期岩浆脉动侵位与多期矿化热液蚀变事件的叠加.现多倾向认为交代的地幔楔可能是其主要物质来源.而有利于富金斑岩型铜矿床形成的岩浆有钾质钙碱性岩浆、埃达克质岩浆、碱性弧岩浆.俯冲板片脱水形成的流体或者熔融产生熔体提供了上覆地幔楔熔融的高氧逸度条件,这种高氧逸度特征是地幔源区Cu、Au成矿元素能否进入岩浆熔体的重要条件之一.最近研究表明流体的冷却可能是Cu、Au沉淀成矿最主要的因素.本文扼要介绍了富金斑岩型铜矿的矿床地质特征、矿床成因等方面的研究进展,分析了存在的主要问题并对其发展趋势作了展望.  相似文献   

高度演化花岗岩类多为富F的熔体溶液体系 ,具有鲜明的、不同于其他体系的地球化学行为。富F岩浆固相线和液相线的降低和岩浆寿命的延长 ,使残余熔体与热水热液的性状差异减小 ,模糊了岩浆与热液之间的界线。最近对于富F、B和P伟晶岩中熔融包裹体的研究获得了新的进展。在约 70 0~ 5 0 0℃的温度和 1 0 0 0× 1 0 5Pa的压力下 ,在伟晶岩石英中发现两种不同类型的熔体包裹体 ,一种是富硅酸盐、贫水的熔体包裹体 ,另一种是贫硅酸盐、富水的熔体包裹体。两种熔体在硅酸盐 (+F +B +P) 水体系的溶离线边界上同时被圈闭。这表明 ,在地壳浅部侵位的侵入体 ,当温度≥ 70 0℃时 ,水在富F、B和P的熔体中可以无限混溶 ;而一旦温度降低 ,就会分离为两种共存的熔体并伴随强烈的元素分异作用。在溶离线的富水一侧形成与正常硅酸盐熔体有很大不同的高度富挥发份的熔体 ,这种致密、高粘度、高扩散性以及高活动性的超富水 (hyper aqueousmelt)熔体 ,可以与水溶液流体相类比。这为岩浆热液过渡性流体的假说提供了新的有利的证据。此外 ,在这种具有超富水和熔体特征的过渡性流体中 ,微迹元素可能具有特殊的地球化学行为 ,如在许多晚期花岗岩包括淡色花岗岩和伟晶岩中稀土元素配分模式所显示的四分组效应等。富F熔体溶液体?  相似文献   

The topaz-albite granites of the Limu district are ultra-acidic, peraluminous, Li-F-Na-rich and Sn-Ta-Nb-mineralized. A distinct vertical zonation is developed in the granite stocks. There is an upward, systematic transition from leucocratic microcline-albite granite, through albite-microcline granite, topaz-albite granite, pegmatite stockscheider and layered pegmatite-aplite dikes, to K-feldspar-quartz veins and lepidolite-fluorite stringers in the country rocks. Snow-ball textures, homogeneous distribution of rock-forming and accessory minerals, disseminated mineralization, and melt inclusions in quartz, topaz, and albite are typical features indicative of their crystallization from the late stage Li-F-Na-rich and Sn-Ta-Nb-bearing residual granitic melts at a higher intrusion level. A comparison with rare-metal-bearing pegmatite, ongonite, topaz rhyolite and obsidian glass from other regions shows the worldwide existence of these specialized residual melts. Their emplacement and crystallization in a variety of geological environments result in the formation of a series of chemically similar rocks with different petrographic textures and mineral associations. The topaz-albite granites and associated mineralization in the Limu district provide a good example of highly evolved magmatic fractionation in the F-rich granite system and fluid/melt partitioning behavior of rare-metal elements during magmatic-hydrothermal evolution.  相似文献   

The fluid/melt partitioning experiments on fluorine were carried out in the system albite-H2O-HF atP = 100 MPa, 770°C ≤T≤800°C: and wt = 2% −6% conditions. The concentrations of fluorine in quenched glasses (melt) were determined by electron microprobe and those of fluorine in the coexisting aqueous fluid were calculated by the method of mass balance. The result shows that the fluorine was concentrated in granitic melt relative to the coexisting fluid. The partition coefficient DF(wt F F1 /wt F Mt ) ranges from 0.35 to 0.89. It increases with increasing fluorine content in the system. This means that there is not just one single value of partition coefficient for fluorine in the granitic melt-fluid system. The partitioning behavior of fluorine in this system depends critically on fluorine and proton (H+) concentrations. Our data suggest that F-rich granitic melts exist in nature and that fluorine may not be an important complexing agent of metal elements in F-bearing fluids. The project was financially supported by both the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49603048) and the State Key Laboratory of Mineral Deposit Research, Nanjing University.  相似文献   

江西凤凰岽含锡黄英岩脉特征及成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江西会昌县岩背火山盆地密坑山含黄玉花岗岩体的北侧外接触带,产有数条含锡黄英岩脉。据野外产状、岩石结构构造等表明岩脉属岩浆成因。稀土元素研究表明,凤凰岽黄英岩REE含量极低,∑REE及配分曲线与脉侧黄玉石英化蚀变岩有着明显的区别。富氟花岗岩浆结晶晚期衍生的富Si,Al,F含少量K,Na的残余熔浆沿断裂上侵因压力降低产生二次沸腾,使K,Na分离进入含水相,这是富Si,Al,F;极贫K,Na的黄英岩形成的决定因素。  相似文献   

The paper discusses the formation conditions of the Ary-Bulak ongonite massif (eastern Transbaikalia). Studies of melt and fluid inclusions have shown that, along with crystalline phases and a silicate melt, ongonitic magma contained aqueous–saline fluids of different types, fluoride melts compositionally similar to fluorite, sellaite, cryolite, chiolite, and more complex aluminum fluorides as well as silicate melts with abnormal Cs and As contents. An ongonite melt crystallized with the participation of P–Q fluids as vapor solutions, presumably NaF-containing and slightly admixed with chlorides. We studied the properties and composition of brine inclusions from Ca- and F-rich rocks on the margin of the massif. Depending on the thermophysical properties of the host rocks and ongonite melt, the duration of its crystallization has been estimated for a magma chamber of the size and shape of the Ary-Bulak massif. Magma chamber cooling has been modeled, and the density, viscosity, and Rayleigh number of the ongonite melt have been estimated from the composition of silicate glasses in melt inclusions. These data strongly suggest intense convection in the residual magma chamber lasting for centuries. We have calculated possible fluid overpressure during the crystallization and degassing of the ongonite melt in a closed magma chamber.Calcium- and fluorine-rich aphyric and porphyritic rocks on the southwestern margin of the massif might have formed by the following mechanism. Local decompression in the magma chamber quenched an oxygen-containing calcium fluoride melt accumulated at the crystallization front, and then these rocks altered during the interaction with fluids. When penetrating the marginal zone, a P–Q magmatic fluid which coexisted with the melt in the residual chamber cooled and changed its composition and properties. This caused the fluid to boil and segregate into immiscible phases: a vapor solution and a brine extremely rich in Cl, F, K, Cs, Mn, Fe, and Al. The fluoride and silicate liquids were immiscible; the silicate melts had abnormal Cs and As contents; changes in the composition and properties of the magmatic fluids caused them to boil and produce brines. All this is evidence for complex fluid–magma interaction and heterogeneous ongonitic magma during the crystallization of the Ary-Bulak rocks. These processes were favored by the low viscosity and high mobility of the F- and water-rich ongonite melt, intense melt convection in the residual chamber, and rising fluid pressure during its degassing.  相似文献   

刘道荣 《地质与勘探》2017,53(5):947-959
近年来浙西北地区在岩浆期后热液型萤石矿床勘查中取得重大突破,先后探明常山、淳安、开化、安吉等地多个大中型萤石矿床。这些矿床主要分布在燕山期(早白垩世)花岗岩类内外接触带中,成矿作用与岩浆侵入活动密切相关。通过对浙西北地区7个典型矿床进行矿床地质特征、成矿岩体及控矿构造研究,探讨岩体与萤石成矿之间的关系,将萤石矿床成因初步划分成2个亚类:与A型花岗岩有关的岩浆期后热液型萤石矿床和与I型花岗岩有关的岩浆期后热液型萤石矿床。通过对该区萤石矿床成矿物质来源、成矿温度、萤石稀土地球化学特征、成矿时代与成矿构造环境分析,较系统总结了浙西北主要萤石矿床的成因。在此基础上,结合区域F元素地球化学特征及剩余重力异常特征,提出本区萤石矿的找矿方向为高氟岩体分布区、F元素异常区及剩余重力异常负值区。  相似文献   

Summary The strongly peraluminous, P- and F-rich granitic system at Podlesí in the Krušné Hory Mountains, Czech Republic, resembles the zonation of rare element pegmatites in its magmatic evolution (biotite → protolithionite → zinnwaldite granites). All granite types contain disseminated Nb-Ta-Ti-W-Sn minerals that crystallized in the following succession: rutile + cassiterite (in biotite granite), rutile + cassiterite → ferrocolumbite (in protolithionite granite) and ferrocolumbite → ixiolite → ferberite (in zinnwaldite granite). Textural features of Nb-Ta-Ti-W minerals indicate a pre-dominantly magmatic origin with only minor post-magmatic replacement phenomena. HFSE remained in the residual melt during the fractionation of the biotite granite. An effective separation of Nb + Ta into the melt and Sn into fluid took place during subsequent fractionation of the protolithionite granite, and the tin-bearing fluid escaped into the exocontact. To the contrast, W contents are similar in both protolithionite and zinnwaldite granites. Although the system was F-rich, only limited Mn-Fe and Ta-Nb fractionation appeared. Enrichment of Mn and Ta was suppressed due to foregoing crystallization of Mn-rich apatite and relatively low Li content, respectively. The content of W in columbite increases during fractionation and enrichment in P and F in the melt. Ixiolite (up to 1 apfu W) instead of columbite crystallized from the most fluxes-enriched portions of the melt (unidirectional solidification textures, late breccia).  相似文献   

叶锡芳 《西北地质》2014,(1):208-220
对浙江萤石矿床类型、空间分布及其与大地构造关系、成矿温度、成矿时代、成矿流体等特征进行了总结,并对其形成机制进行了探讨。指出浙江萤石矿的形成可能与深部年龄为80Ma的岩体有关,成矿作用发生在太平洋板块快速扩张俯冲之后的减速松弛阶段;成矿流体为幔源流体、变质水、岩浆水及大气降水的混合流体;萤石矿的富化经历了多次溶解与沉淀的反复过程。提出了流体-地层-岩体-断裂控制的"四位一体"的成矿模式。  相似文献   

晴隆锑矿床中萤石的稀土元素特征及其指示意义   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
本文系统地研究了黔西南晴隆锑矿床中萤石的稀土元素地球化学,表明不同颜色、不同矿物组合的萤石的稀土元素含量变化较大,但具有固定的REE分配模式,以明显的负Ce异常、富MREE、分配曲线相对平缓为特征;这种配分模式主要是受其晶体化学因素的控制,而与溶液中REE络合物的稳定性关系不大。萤石的稀土元素组成与其矿物共生组合关系不大,但与其颜色关系较密切。萤石的Ce、Eu异常主要是受氧逸度的控制,流体源区的氧逸度较高,矿物沉淀场所的氧逸度相对较低,从而导致该矿中萤石呈明显的负Ce异常,或正或负的Eu异常。晴隆锑矿床形成于开放体系条件下,水/岩反应很可能是导致萤石发生沉淀的主要机制。萤石中的Ca部分来自茅口组灰岩,部分来自大厂层玄武岩;而矿化剂F可能主要来自外部。  相似文献   

We remelted and analyzed crystallized silicate melt inclusions in quartz from a porphyritic albite-zinnwaldite microgranite dike to determine the composition of highly evolved, shallowly intruded, Li- and F-rich granitic magma and to investigate the role of crystal fractionation and aqueous fluid exsolution in causing the extreme extent of magma differentiation. This dike is intimately associated with tin- and tungsten-mineralized granites of Zinnwald, Erzgebirge, Germany. Prior research on Zinnwald granite geochemistry was limited by the effects of strong and pervasive greisenization and alkali-feldspar metasomatism of the rocks. These melt inclusions, however, provide important new constraints on magmatic and mineralizing processes in Zinnwald magmas.The mildly peraluminous granitic melt inclusions are strongly depleted in CAFEMIC constituents (e.g., CaO, FeO, MgO, TiO2), highly enriched in lithophile trace elements, and highly but variably enriched in F and Cl. The melt inclusions contain up to several thousand ppm Cl and nearly 3 wt% F, on average; several inclusions contain more than 5 wt% F. The melt inclusions are geochemically similar to the corresponding whole-rock sample, except that the former contain much more F and less CaO, FeO, Zr, Nb, Sr, and Ba. The Sr and Ba abundances are very low implying the melt inclusions represent magma that was more evolved than that represented by the bulk rock. Relationships involving melt constituents reflect increasing lithophile-element and halogen abundances in residual melt with progressive magma differentiation. Modeling demonstrates that differentiation was dominated by crystal fractionation involving quartz and feldspar and significant quantities of topaz and F-rich zinnwaldite. The computed abundances of the latter phases greatly exceed their abundances in the rocks, suggesting that the residual melt was separated physically from phenocrysts during magma movement and evolution.Interactions of aqueous fluids with silicate melt were also critical to magma evolution. To better understand the role of halogen-charged, aqueous fluids in magmatic differentiation and in subsequent mineralization and metasomatism of the Zinnwald granites, Cl-partitioning experiments were conducted with a F-enriched silicate melt and aqueous fluids at 2,000 bar (200 MPa). The results of the experimentally determined partition coefficients for Cl and F, the compositions of fluid inclusions in quartz and other phenocrysts, and associated geochemical modeling point to an important role of magmatic-hydrothermal fluids in influencing magma geochemistry and evolution. The exsolution of halogen-charged fluids from the Li- and F-enriched Zinnwald granitic magma modified the Cl, alkali, and F contents of the residual melt, and may have also sequestered Li, Sn, and W from the melt. Many of these fluids contained strongly elevated F concentrations that were equivalent to or greater than their Cl abundances. The exsolution of F-, Cl-, Li-, ± W- and Sn-bearing hydrothermal fluids from Zinnwald granite magmas was important in effecting the greisenizing and alkali-feldspathizing metasomatism of the granites and the concomitant mineralization.Editorial Handling: B. Lehmann  相似文献   

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