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由地震波引起的地下水位振荡和持久性变化特征被广泛探讨,然而水位对S和Love波的响应及敞口自流井井孔储积效应的校正未得到定量化研究。以理想孔隙弹性介质线性孔隙弹性理论为基础,探究了井-含水层系统孔隙压力变化与体应变和偏应变之间的数学表达式,通过对2011年3月11日日本Mw9. 0地震引起的北京昌平地震台地下水观测井实测水位变化与曲线拟合得到的计算值对比,肯定了孔隙压力的影响因素并求解岩石线弹性系数BKu。与潮汐分析方法对比,验证了由地震方法推算的岩石弹性特性代表实际的含水层特征。此外相关系数结果表明水位振荡同时受到体应力和偏应力的共同影响。  相似文献   

基于中国大陆地下流体台网井水温度数字化观测数据,本文对比分析了2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震与2004年12月26日印度尼西亚苏门答腊8.7级地震引起的水温同震响应特征。结果表明,地震能引起井水温度发生同震响应,而井水温度同震响应特征可能主要与井孔本身的水文地质条件和区域构造环境有关。同时,根据水位同震响应资料和前人的研究结果,本文对水温同震响应的机理进行了探讨,认为在地震波动力加载作用下,井-含水层系统原有状态发生改变,很多因素可以引起井水温度发生变化,例如井孔垂直方向上因对流和水动力弥散引起的温度变化、井-含水层系统水平方向上水流状态改变引起的温度变化、井孔水由于气泡脱逸引起的温度变化、井孔水与井壁及水温探头摩擦引起的温度变化等,因而,合理考虑以上因素,才能有效分析井水温度同震响应的机理。  相似文献   

地震引起的深层地下水位异常具有多样性和复杂性的特点。为了进一步探索深层地下水位动态与地震作用过程之间的联系机制,发挥深层地下水位对地震活动的指示作用,以2008年汶川Ms8.0地震和2007年苏门答腊Ms8.5地震为研究背景,对川、滇、陕、甘、渝地区井水位对两次地震的响应特征进行了比较。研究发现:地下水位远震响应形态主要以振荡型和阶变型为主,异常出现的时间较晚;地下水位近震响应形态比较复杂,以阶变型、脉冲型以及振荡型为主,异常出现的时间几乎与地震的发生同步。根据深层地下水位对地壳应力的响应机理,分析了各典型井水位对远震和近震不同响应的原因。结果表明:地下水位对远震的响应主要是由于含水层介质受到地震波应力的作用;对近震异常响应原因比较复杂,主要是含水层介质受到区域构造应力和地震波应力的共同作用的结果,震中距越小,含水层受到震源构造应力场的控制作用越大。  相似文献   

地震常引起分布于断层两盘观测井的水位同震响应动态变化特征不同。而研究断裂两盘观测井同震响应能力、水位变化特征的差异性及其控制因素,有助于揭示断裂带的渗透性演化过程、可深化地下水位对地震响应机理的认识,对于指导地震观测井网布局具有重要意义。本文尝试从北京八宝山断裂带中段(大灰厂)上下两盘井的水位同震响应次数、形态、幅度、记震能力等方面进行对比分析,通过去除趋势项,采用数字滤波求取井孔气压系数,采用Baytap-G程序求取潮汐参数,并反演出7次大地震对大灰厂区两口井所在含水层产生的体应变量,进而判别两盘震前震后渗透性的变化。结果显示,两口井同震响应特征具有明显差异,上盘井对大震的同震响应次数较多、能力较强;这不仅与断裂带起屏蔽作用有关,而且与井所处含水层渗透性呈不同规律变化密切相关。  相似文献   

我国的地震水文地质界,多年来在以地震预报为目的的井孔水位动态的观测与研究中,特别注意井孔水位的微动态特征。井孔水位的微动态,一般指井孔中地下水位的微量变化,其水位变幅常以毫米为单位。这种动态一般来说,和传统水文地质学所关心的含水层水量的增减引起的宏观动态有所不同,是和地壳中的应力状态的变化有关,只是含水层中的孔隙水压力的变化所致的。形成井孔水位的微动态的因素很多,  相似文献   

针对南通市深层含水层-第III承压含水层地下水咸化问题,在分析水动力场和水化学场变化特征基础上,结合地下水同位素特征分析成果,对其地下水咸化成因进行了研究。结果表明,长期大量开采深层地下水,造成了地下水位大幅下降,已形成了区域性的地下水位降落漏斗。深层含水层和上覆含水层之间出现了较大的水位差,致使上部咸水下移入侵到下部含水层,进而导致深层淡水水质咸化。  相似文献   

井-含水层系统水文地质参数是地下水/含水层水流模型中的关键参数,这些参数通常通过室内实验、野外试验和模型反演获取。基于新10井水位对远场地震的同震响应,通过频谱法分析了该井水震波与地震波的相关性,提出了一种利用水震波信号(主要是瑞利波引起)反演获取承压含水层水文地质参数的方法。结果表明新10井水震波与地震波在变化形态、频谱特征上均具有很好的一致性,估算得到的新10井-含水层系统的储水系数值为1.33×10~(-5)~1.64×10~(-5),渗透系数值为57~87 m/d。提出的承压井-含水层系统水文参数估算法具有很好的实用性,可为地下水管理、地震机理分析等提供一种新的技术方法。  相似文献   

地震的发生往往伴随着能量的转换和物质的运移,物质运移最直接的体现是重力异常的变化。为了对比地震前后重力异常的变化,在垂直龙门山断裂带走向上布设了2条实测重力剖面,揭示物质的运移规律及地震发生的原因。布格重力异常在汶川地区升高了15×10-5 m/s2,而周围地区布格重力异常却减小了;说明汶川地区是应力集中区,且青藏高原物质在楔入龙门山时的通道是有一定范围的。通过地震前后均衡异常和上地幔物质引起异常的变化特征也可以得到上述结论,并能证明物质运移在上地幔也有发生的观点。其结果揭示了汶川爆发地震的原因以及地下物质的运移规律,并为地震的预报工作提供了基础性依据。  相似文献   

李霞  文章  梁杏  马腾  陈晨 《地球科学》2017,42(5):743-750
含水层的水文地质参数是进行地下水资源计算、地下水污染防控等所必需的基础数据,结合数值模拟技术进行含水层参数反演很有必要.按照1:5万水文地质调查规范在江汉平原仙桃市杨林尾镇复兴水厂不同含水层位开展抽水试验,包括深层含水层单孔抽水试验以及浅层含水层中群孔(2孔)抽水试验.对于单孔抽水试验,应用第1类越流系统井流理论进行参数反演;对于群孔抽水试验,推导了特定综合井函数,并利用特定标准曲线匹配法和直线图解法求解了含水层参数.随后利用FEFLOW软件建立了相应数值模型,拟合了含水层参数.结果表明:浅层含水层的渗透系数变化范围为21.66~54.00 m/d,贮水率变化范围为1.28×10-5~8.00×10-4 m-1;深层含水层渗透系数变化范围为1.27~7.00 m/d,贮水率变化范围为3.90×10-6~5.00×10-6 m-1.对于深层承压含水层而言,越流补给量较大.采用数值模拟方法结合抽水试验数据求参,综合考虑了含水层结构,拟合效果好,所得结果更加可靠.   相似文献   

陈瑞阁  周训  赵敬波  宋超 《地质通报》2013,32(7):1099-1104
海潮波动可以引起海岸带地下水位发生波动。建立了基于有限差分法的滨海地区一维承压含水层地下水运动数值模型。将潮汐波动概化为正弦波,模拟了滨海地区地下水位随潮汐波动的变化。通过与初始水位水平的承压含水层水位变化的比较表明,受海潮影响的滨海承压含水层地下水位与海潮有相似的波动特征,但变幅减小,受海潮的影响程度与离海岸的距离有关,随着离海岸距离的增加,地下水位的变幅及潮汐效率呈负指数函数衰减,但比前者变化程度稍缓,地下水位对海潮的滞后时间随距离呈线性增加。  相似文献   

根据准噶尔盆地腹部地区二维和三维地震断裂构造样式解释、深浅层断裂生长指数和活动速率计算及声发射各主要构造运动期最大主应力值测试, 结合盆地区域构造演化与油气成藏等研究成果, 研究了盆地腹部地区断裂系统的形成演化、基本特征及其控油模式, 并转化为实验模型, 模拟了单一相(油相)连续、稳态流体运动条件下, 深、浅两套断裂输导体系中石油的运移和聚集过程.结果表明盆地腹部地区受周缘板块的相互碰撞产生的挤压和走滑构造作用及多期次构造运动的影响, 断裂发育, 纵向上明显存在深、浅层两套不同性质的断裂系统, 深层为基底卷入式压扭性逆冲断裂系统, 浅层为盖层滑脱型张扭性正断层系统, 其分别形成于海西运动中晚期和燕山运动早中期等强烈构造活动时期; 高渗透性断裂带的确是油气快速运移的优势通道, 盆地腹部地区深、浅层断层均是石油向上运移的主要输导体, 断裂带渗透率大小决定着石油运移的方向和路径.在断层带顶部存在盖层封闭的条件下, 石油在断层带中的运移呈不均匀地向上运动, 断层带中含油饱和度自上而下增加, 在向下增加的过程, 石油倾向于在区域性盖层之下储层物性好的砂层中运移, 而且是优先进入断裂上盘渗透率较大的砂层中, 随着断裂带含油饱和度的不断地增加和断裂上盘储层物性好的砂层中进油量不断增多, 进行侧向运移, 最终聚集成藏, 尔后再进入断裂下盘相应的砂层中, 进油量较少; 而物性较差的砂层中很少有石油进入.该实验结果得到了盆地腹部地区断裂两侧储层流体地球化学分析测试数据的佐证, 对深化断裂输导体系下石油运移聚集成藏的理论认识与指导该地区的油气勘探实践均具有重要意义.   相似文献   

笔者利用云南西部已有的DSS地震测深、石油反射地震资料的再解释,并通过地球物理、地球化学以及矿产等资料的综合分析,对滇西兰坪—思茅盆地内的中轴构造带的构造特征进行了深入分析。研究结果表明兰坪—思茅盆地内的中轴构造带是一条近南北走向的集断裂带、伸展构造、深部隆起为一身的大型构造带。地震测深的速度结构及反射地震剖面表明,中轴构造带在思茅盆地南部存在有深部地幔的上隆现象,该构造带内的断裂系统倾向在盆地南北有差异。研究发现该构造带与矿床、侵入碱性岩体及区域地化异常分布有密切的关系。结合地质构造分析研究,表明该构造带是一多期活动的重要构造带,具有伸展走滑的性质;中轴构造带在形成、演化过程中被近东西向的多条直线型断裂所错断,从构造形态上看与大洋中脊有相似的展布特征。该构造带对盆地的构造演化以及矿产形成具有重要控制作用。  相似文献   

The results of CMP seismic data acquisition along regional deep profiles that cross large tectonic elements in the east of the East European Platform are considered. It has been established that the Zhiguli-Pugachev Arch and the Stavropol Depression (southern part of the Melekess Basin), as well as the Volga-Kama Anteclise and Pericaspian Syneclise, conjugate along reverse-thrust faults extending to the lower crust and Moho discontinuity. The position of the southeastern reverse-thrust boundary of the South Tatar Arch has been substantially specified in plan view and illustrated by seismic sections. Based on the results obtained, it is suggested that reverse-thrust faults of different orders are widespread in petroleum provinces in the east of the East European Platform, and this suggestion should be used in geological exploration. The CMP seismic data acquisition is efficient in studying the junction zones of large tectonic elements. It also provides insights into the deep structure of the Earth’s crust and its relationship to the structure and petroleum potential of the sedimentary cover and localization of oilfields. It is expedient to reprocess and integrate earlier seismic data in order to compile tectonic (tectonodynamic) regional maps on a new methodical basis.  相似文献   

The hydrological response of the Choshuishi alluvial fan to the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake shows that the earthquake did impact the aquifer. The possible earthquake-induced changes in hydrogeological properties were investigated in this study. First, contour maps of the hydrologic anomaly, seismic factors, and vertical ground-surface displacement were compared qualitatively. Bulls eye patterns were found on the contour maps of hydraulic conductivity, coseismic groundwater-level change and vertical ground-surface displacement but did not occur with other seismic factors. The more permeable zones of the aquifer were found to coincide with the locations of greater vertical ground-surface displacement and coseismic groundwater-level change in the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake. This indicates that the change of the hydrogeologic properties of Choshuishi alluvial fan due to the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake may have mainly occurred in the highly permeable zones. Fractal, cross semivariogram and cross correlogram analyses were performed to quantitatively measure the persistency, variability and similarity, respectively, of spatial hydrologic response, seismic factors and hydraulic conductivity. The groundwater-level change, earthquake intensity, and vertical ground-surface displacement were found to show antipersistent tendencies while other factors showed the opposite. Higher correlations were found between hydraulic conductivity and groundwater-level change in aquifers 2–1 and 2–2, and between hydraulic conductivity and vertical ground-surface displacement in aquifer 3. Changes in porosities and hydraulic conductivity were evaluated in the main aquifers of the Choshuishi alluvial fan based on the data of hydrologic anomaly and the vertical ground-surface displacement. While both approaches show that the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake has impacted the Choshuishi alluvial fan by reducing its porosity and hydraulic conductivity, these changes were not significant relative to natural variation in hydraulic conductivity.This revised version was published in May 2005 with correction to the rubric.  相似文献   

徐家围子断陷构造地质特征研究新进展   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
在徐家围子断陷深层连片三维地震精细解释的基础上,结合前人的研究成果,系统的刻画了深大断裂的性质、产状和时空分布规律。从区域构造应力场着手,详细剖析了徐家围子断陷的构造地质特征,重新构建了深大断裂体系。依据剖面特征和断陷的地质结构,首次在徐家围子断陷内解释出两条深大走滑断裂带,发现深大走滑断裂控制了营城组火山岩的形成和分布。明确了徐家围子断陷"两凹夹一隆、东西分带、南北分块"构造格局的动态演化过程及其控制因素。详细剖析了断陷期地层的沉积发育过程、后期改造过程以及现今赋存特征。为庆深气田火山岩储层分布规律预测奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A new concept concerning the structure and stages of evolution of the Kas Block of the West Siberian Plate is stated in this paper. The Kas Block is traditionally considered to be a subsided western margin of the Siberian Platform. The new concept is based on the results of the interpretation of the geophysical data recently obtained along the reference and regional profiles in this territory. The geological interpretation of the deep dynamic sections obtained by reprocessing of the CDP seismic reflection records has been performed for the first time. The structural features of the Kas Block, as well as the character of its junction with the Siberian Platform and the Paleozoic framework, are discussed. The tectonic scheme of the territory and the scheme of the pre-Late Devonian surface of the Kas Block have been compiled. The Baikalian age of the basement of the Kas Block is substantiated. The Salairian allochthonous ophiolite-basalt tectonic nappe is localized for the first time within the sedimentary cover of the Kas Block. The available information allowed us to reconstruct the development of the western margin of the Siberian continent in the Riphean and Early Paleozoic before and after the Baikalian Orogeny, respectively. The informational background of the geological and geophysical interpretation involves the results of the CDP seismic reflection profiling, including the deep dynamic seismic sections and parameters of the P-wave velocities along the reference 1-SB seismic line and the regional Vostok 10, 12, 15, and 16 seismic lines; the results of the deep seismic and magnetotelluric soundings; the gravity measurements; the magnetic exploration; and the new coherent physical geological models.  相似文献   

王辉 《中国煤炭地质》2011,(10):8-13,28
依据野外地表地质观测及地震、钻探最新的深部地质资料,结合对区域控煤构造认识,运用构造解析、构造应力场及地质力学分析等研究思路与方法,讨论了研究区控煤构造特征、构造样式以及成因。研究结果表明:研究区共有三类六种控煤构造样式,即挤压构造样式(宽缓褶皱、叠加褶皱)、走滑构造样式(反"S"型褶皱、"入"字型构造)及伸展构造样式(掀斜断块、堑垒构造),其中以伸展构造样式发育为主要特征;研究区由东南向西北,构造变形强度由强变弱,先后经历了印支期南北向挤压、燕山中期北西向挤压和喜马拉雅期北东向挤压-走滑与北西-南东向伸展断陷作用;晚期形成的正断层不仅破坏了煤层的连续性,而且成为奥灰水储集和运移的主要通道,增大了底板突水的可能性,使煤炭资源开发受到影响。  相似文献   

The relative change of in-situ stress is an inevitable outcome of differential movement among the crust plates. Conversely, changes of in-situ stress can also lead to deformation and instability of crustal rock mass, trigger activity of faults, and induce earthquakes. Hence, monitoring real-time change of in-situ stress is of great significance. Piezomagnetic in-situ stress monitoring has good and longtime applications in large engineering constructions and geoscience study fields in China. In this paper, the new piezomagnetic in-situ stress monitoring system is introduced and it not only has overall improvements in measuring cell's structure and property, stressing and orienting way, but also enhances integration and intelligence of control and data transmission system, in general, which greatly promotes installing efficiency of measuring probe and quality of monitoring data. This paper also discusses the responses of new piezomagnetic system in large earthquake events of in-situ stress monitoring station at Qiaoqi of Baoxing and Wenxian of Gansu. The monitoring data reflect adjustments and changes of tectonic stress field at the southwestern segment of and the northern area near the Longmenshan fault zone, which shows that the new system has a good performance and application prospect in the geoscience field. Data of the Qiaoqi stress-monitoring station manifest that the Lushan Earthquake did not release stress of the southwestern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone adequately and there still probably exists seismic risk in this region in the future. Combined with absolute in-situ stress measurement, carrying out long-term in-situ stress monitoring in typical tectonic position of important regions is of great importance for researchers to assess and study regional crust stability.  相似文献   

李平恩  廖力  刘盼 《地球科学》2017,42(9):1623-1636
近年来,太原盆地内尽管没有强震发生,小震却异常活跃,而研究太原盆地构造应力场的分布和演化规律的工作比较少.采用有限元数值方法,综合考虑区域地质构造差异、主要活动断裂带、地形起伏和岩石圈分层结构,引入深部速度结构,建立包含太原盆地在内的山西地区三维粘弹性模型.以GPS观测值和最大主压应力方向测量值为约束条件,重建研究区现今构造背景应力场.在此基础上,依次模拟了自公元512年以来太原盆地6级以上和山西地震带7级以上历史强震序列.计算结果显示,太原盆地内的3次6级以上历史地震均落在应力场增加值大于0.01 MPa的区域,盆地近年来小震空间分布与现今应力增加值大于0.01 MPa的区域有较好的对应关系.研究表明:山西地震带内历史强震序列和长期构造加载对太原盆地内3次历史强震均有促进作用,太原盆地的地震活动性明显受区域当前应力水平的控制.   相似文献   

Strata behaviors are mainly affected by regional geodynamic background. The influence of rock mass stress and energy distribution on strata behaviors in the Tongxin mine is studied in terms of regional tectonic movement, seismic activity and tectonic stress field. The results show that the extrusion lifting movement of Kouquan fault adjacent to the Tongxin mine results in the stress concentration in the rock of the Carboniferous coal bed and accumulation of a large amount of elastic energy and forms structural background of Tongxin mine. Due to various seismic activities in the mine area, the strain energy is known to reach much higher levels, up to 0.5×108 J1/2. Since the stratigraphic structure is sensitive to the mining operation, the strain energy could cause strong strata behaviors. A special geological structure model of the Tongxin mine is established based on the geodynamic division method. The distribution of regional structure stress field is determined by the rock mass stress analysis system. Based on this model, Tongxin mine is divided into five areas with high stress, eight areas with low stress and eight areas with gradient stress. The strong strata behaviors mostly occur in high stress areas. These results could provide guidance to predict the strength of regional or mine pressure and control strata behavior in different areas.  相似文献   

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