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PHC管桩和预制方桩受力性状试验对比分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
张忠苗  喻君  张广兴  王立忠 《岩土力学》2008,29(11):3059-3065
通过在同一场地的预应力高强混凝土管桩(PHC桩)和预制方桩中埋设钢筋应力计的静载对比试验,比较了两类桩的荷载-沉降曲线、桩身轴力分布情况、桩侧摩阻力和桩端摩阻力发挥性状的异同,研究了PHC管桩的荷载传递机制,发现其侧阻和端阻的发挥规律与预制方桩相同,但在PHC管桩和方桩侧表面积相近的条件下,在最大试验荷载作用时,两者的侧阻和端阻发挥程度不同,PHC管桩平均单位侧阻比预制方桩低8.1 %,而端阻比方桩高24 %以上。  相似文献   

王刚  赵建粮  王烁 《探矿工程》2020,47(3):59-63
论述了PHC管桩和CFG桩的特点及适用条件。根据郑州航空港经济综合实验区护航中心工程建设场地的工程地质条件,分析了单一采用PHC管桩、CFG桩复合地基及钻孔灌注桩所存在的问题。根据地质条件和建筑物荷载情况,论述了选择PHC管桩与CFG桩复合应用的可行性、合理性。介绍了PHC与CFG复合桩在护航中心工程的施工技术及优化,分析了应用效果和遇到的问题,提出了解决问题的思路,创造了良好的效益。  相似文献   

王一鸣 《安徽地质》2016,26(3):225-227
文章针对PHC管桩在合肥老黏土地区的应用,结合合肥地区老黏土的分布,分析了老黏土的岩土特性,得出了老黏土各种岩土参数的取值范围以及合肥老黏土地区PHC管桩承载及变形特征。通过现场静荷载试验,得到了合肥老黏土地区PHC管桩的桩顶沉降实测数据,为PHC管桩在老黏土地区的应用提供科学的试验与理论依据。  相似文献   

施工装备和工艺的不断创新使得非挤土嵌岩预应力高强度混凝土(prestressed high-strength concrete,简称PHC)管桩逐渐得到推广和应用。为揭示嵌入中微风化岩PHC管桩的桩端承载机制,以随钻跟管工法桩为背景,基于泥质粉砂岩地区5组桩径为500 mm的PHC管桩桩端现场静载破坏性试验,分析了不同条件下嵌岩PHC管桩的桩端承载性能及宏观破坏模式,并提出桩端承载力计算方法。试验表明:对于采用敞口桩靴的PHC管桩,未封底时,敞口桩靴削弱了PHC管桩桩端承载性能,呈现刺入岩基的破坏,极限荷载下桩端沉降为11~15 mm;混凝土封底后,显著提高了桩端承载性能,极限承载力较非封底时提升340%,封底混凝土和桩靴的桩端阻力分担比分别为78%和22%,桩端呈整体剪切破坏。基于Hoek-Brown强度准则,提出了嵌岩PHC管桩桩端承力简化计算方法,计算精度得到了试验验证,可供非挤土嵌岩PHC管桩的设计与施工参考。  相似文献   

软土地基中PHC管桩水平受荷性状的试验研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
王钰  林军  陈锦剑  王建华 《岩土力学》2005,26(Z1):39-42
桩在水平荷载作用下的受力性状是一个复杂的桩土相互作用过程。针对软土地集中预应力管桩受水平荷载的问题,结合工程实例,通过水平静载试验,实测得到了水平荷载作用下PHC(超长预应力)桩与土共同作用时的工作性状,分析了PHC桩受水平力作用时的内力、变形和临界承载力以及地基土的水平抗力比例系数。试验结果可为今后同类地区水平受荷桩的设计与研究提供参考。  相似文献   

超长PHC管桩桩顶沉降特性的动静对比分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过静载荷试验可直接测到桩顶的荷载-沉降(Q-s)曲线。由管桩内预先埋设的应变计的内力测试结果可计算出土阻力与桩-土相对位移的关系,并进一步做高应变测试和拟合分析,得出了高应变拟合的Q-s曲线。对Q-s曲线作动静结果对比分析,探讨了在深厚软土中的超长PHC管桩的桩顶沉降特性。结果表明,当荷载不大时,高应变拟合的沉降大于静载实测的沉降,但当荷载接近极限值时高应变的沉降小于静载的沉降。结果亦表明,当超长PHC管桩桩身穿过一定深度的好土层、桩端进入全风化或更好的岩层时,不管是静载试验还是高应变动力测试,都很难使土阻力得到充分发挥,此时静载实测的和高应变拟合的Q-s曲线都呈缓变型特征。  相似文献   

PHC管桩通常为挤土沉桩模式,因而沉桩过程中的挤土效应研究对设计、施工具有重要意义。通过对PHC管桩打桩前后原位地基土变化情况的测试、打桩的监测以及孔隙水压力增长与消散的监测等试验研究,分析了PHC管桩沉桩挤土效应,为工程设计及施工提供可借鉴的依据。  相似文献   

文章通过在预应力高强混凝土管桩(PHC)桩周各土层界面处埋设应变式钢筋计的静载荷试验,研究软土地基PHC管桩的单桩竖向极限承载力,分析了桩侧阻力、桩端阻力的分布规律。认为:(1)当第一层土为尚未完成自重固结的土层时,其土层范围内桩侧阻力值非常小;(2)桩身轴力自上而下传递,土层提供的桩侧阻力存在深度效应;(3)试桩表现为典型的端承摩擦桩性状,桩端阻力占荷载比重不超过5%,考虑桩顶相对位移对桩端阻力的发挥作用,引入桩顶位移修正系数后,利用规范公式计算结果与试验结果较接近。  相似文献   

施峰  郝世龙 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z2):617-622
在统计福州地区56根预应力高强混凝土(PHC)管桩单桩水平静载荷试验资料基础上,结合《建筑桩基技术规范》规范推荐的m法计算,讨论了福州地区PHC管桩的水平承载力取值问题。对不同桩型的单桩水平静载试验进行m值反算,与规范推荐的m值相比较,探讨了福州地区不同桩周土层的m值取值范围。用规范推荐的两种力学模型分别计算了某试桩的弯矩曲线,与ABAQUS有限元软件模拟得到的弯矩曲线对比,验证了规范推荐的两种模型的适用性。结果表明,本地区采用m法确定PHC管桩的单桩水平承载力是适用的;上覆填土层的物理力学性状对淤泥层中PHC管桩水平承载力影响较大,宜采取规范附录中的“桩端支撑在非岩石类土中或基岩面”的模型计算本地区PHC管桩的水平承载力。  相似文献   

通过在同一现场针对光纤光栅传感技术在预应力高强混凝土管桩(PHC桩)测试中的应用,采用桩身表面开槽和桩身内植入的两种不同埋设工艺,进行了PHC管桩的贯入对比试验,比较了两种埋设工艺的桩身应力分布情况、桩端阻力的异同,试验研究发现:两种埋设工艺桩身轴力都随贯入深度增加而减小,桩身轴力传递速度相近,都具有相近的斜率,采用桩身内植入埋设工艺小于采用桩身表面开槽埋设工艺桩端阻力测试数据,但两者的相差幅度较小。PHC管桩桩身植入的埋设工艺光纤光栅传感器存活率较高,数据可靠,可以应用在PHC管桩的应力测试中。  相似文献   

珊瑚地层是钙质砂和礁灰岩的统称。在珊瑚地层中开展预应力高强度混凝土管桩(PHC桩)的原位堆载测试,分析了桩?珊瑚地质的相互作用规律。采用光纤光栅传感技术采集加载过程中的试桩桩身应变,由计算获取桩身轴力,分析加载过程中珊瑚地层中PHC桩基础的承载特性。试验结果表明,(1)桩?土响应处于线弹性阶段;(2)桩的承载发挥状态与入土深度显著相关,且入土深度超过15倍桩径时桩端阻力发挥峰值;(3)桩的安装方式几乎不影响其在珊瑚地层中的承载性能,但贯入能量的大小则显著影响;(4)入土深度和贯入能量的大小,影响珊瑚地质的破碎程度,颗粒破碎显著影响珊瑚地质中桩的承载发挥特性。通过原位测试可知在珊瑚地质中在贯入深度在15倍桩径以内,入土深度与桩端阻力正相关,与桩侧摩阻力反相关。  相似文献   

姜振春 《岩土力学》2012,33(9):2639-2644
港口码头工程建设将向外海开敞式发展,由于工程地质条件日趋复杂,在超厚软黏土地基上建设高桩码头面临重大难题。因持力层埋深较深,预应力高强度混凝土(PHC)管桩成为设计首选的超长桩基础型式。针对某军用码头85 m设计桩长的试桩进行了试验和数值计算,分析了超长PHC管桩承载力机制与传递规律,基于传递函数法提出改进的双曲函数计算模型,并对垂直静载试桩进行计算。结果表明:桩身轴力和桩顶位移的计算值与实测值吻合较好,证明提出的双曲线模型能够反映轴向承载PHC管桩桩-土相互作用实际情况,能够为软黏土中超长PHC管桩基桩设计提供依据。  相似文献   

结合工程实例,对高强预应力混凝土管桩(PHC)在湿陷性黄土地区的应用进行了理论计算及试验研究。结果显示,在考虑土塞效应后,根据规范公式计算的单桩极限承载力值偏于保守。此外,根据单桩静载荷试验,验证了当Q-S曲线为缓变型时,采用多项式拟合法推测单桩竖向承载力标准值以及采用S-lgQ法确定单桩总极限侧阻力值的方法,与实际情况较为吻合。   相似文献   

A three-dimensional finite-element analysis was carried out using ABAQUS to evaluate the squeezing effects of a prestressed high-strength concrete (PHC) pipe pile, including land upheaval, lateral soil displacement, and soil stress field with depth-varying during pile-sinking. Field data used in the analysis were obtained from the settlement building project in Hefei City, Anhui Province, China. In coastal areas of China, PHC pipe piles are normally used for reinforcement of soft foundation. The changes of displacement with the increase of soil depth and radial distance during pile-sinking are simulated for both soft foundation and soft clay with an underlying gravel layer. The numerical simulation results show that there is little difference in land upheaval with soil depth during pile-sinking, and the obvious land upheaval occurs within 0.8 m from the center of the pile. The lateral soil displacement is evident within the area of 1.0 m from the axis of the PHC, decreases with the increase of radial distance during pile-sinking, and becomes negligible beyond 4.0 m. The existence of the gravel layer helps reduce soil squeezing substantially, and the soil squeezing effects during pile-sinking have less influence on the surrounding area of foundation with a gravel layer than that in a soft foundation soil without gravel layer.  相似文献   

Degradation model for one-way cyclic lateral load on piles in soft clay   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The analysis of laterally loaded piles in soft clay is carried out idealising the pile as beam elements and the soil by nonlinear inelastic spring elements modeled with elasto-plastic sub-elements. The nonlinear hyperbolic model for static load condition is developed based on the undrained shear strength and modulus of subgrade reaction. An iterative procedure is adopted to perform a nonlinear finite element analysis and the effect of static lateral load on deflection is studied. Based on the lateral deflection at the end of first cycle (static load), the degradation factor is assumed and the p-y curve is modified. The cyclic load analysis is carried out using the static analysis program idealising the soil by modified p-y curve, which considers the effect of number of cycles and magnitude of cyclic lateral load. The results of the proposed analytical model compare well with the published experimental results, on piles subjected to one-way cyclic loading for different magnitude of cyclic lateral load and number of cycles.  相似文献   

王军  叶强  孙奇  杨芳  胡秀青 《岩土力学》2012,33(10):3030-3036
以温州浅滩一期半岛起步区首期1#地块为工程背景,对薄壁筒桩、钻孔灌注桩、预应力管桩进行现场静载荷试验,研究结果表明:在滩涂土地区,与钻孔灌注桩、预应力管桩相比,薄壁筒桩不会产生沉渣问题、桩身质量好、挤土效应弱、节约工程造价,承载力及桩顶沉降量均满足滩涂土地基加固要求,更适宜应用于滩涂土地基处理中,且在滩涂土地区,薄壁筒桩不会产生土芯闭塞效应,土芯的存在及桩顶封盖对于提高承载力具有一定的贡献,适当增加筒桩桩长可以提高承载力。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results from a pile load testing program for a bridge construction project in Louisiana. The testing includes two 54-in. open-ended spun cast concrete cylinder piles, one 30-in. open-ended steel pile and two (30- and 16-in.) square prestressed concrete (PSC) piles driven at two locations with very similar soil conditions. Both cone penetration tests (CPTs) and soil borings/laboratory testing were used to characterize the subsurface soil conditions. All the test piles were instrumented with vibrating wire strain gauges to measure the load distribution along the length of the test piles and measure the skin friction and end-bearing capacity, separately. Dynamic load tests were performed on all test piles at different times after pile installations to quantify the amount of setup with time. Static load tests were also performed on the PSC and open-ended steel piles. Due to expected large pile capacities, the statnamic test method was used on the two open-ended cylinder piles. The pile capacities of these piles were evaluated using various CPT methods (such as Schmertmann, De Ruiter and Beringen, LCPC, Lehane et al. methods). The result showed that all the methods can estimate the skin friction with good accuracy, but not the end-bearing capacity. The normalized cumulative blow counts during pile installation showed that the blow count was always higher for the PSC piles compared to the large-diameter open-ended cylinder pile, regardless of pile size and hammer size. Setup was observed for all the piles, which was mainly attributed to increase in skin frictions. The setup parameters “A” were back-calculated for all the test piles and the values were between 0.31 and 0.41.  相似文献   

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