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深海底边界层动力特征直接调控深海沉积过程,属于深海科学最关键的能量和物质交换层。虽然根据有限的观测发现深海海底边界层动力特征受控于海洋多尺度运动,与深海底边界层理论结果存在较大差异,但深海底边界层多时空变化特征对深海沉积过程的影响仍缺少系统的定量研究。结合已有的理论、现场观测、水槽实验与数值模拟结果,针对以下要点进行回顾和总结:(1)深海底边界层流场的基本特征及湍流特性;(2)潮汐、内波、中尺度涡以及大尺度环流的深海底边界层动力特征及其沉积效应。可为进一步开展以深海底边界层动力观测为基础的深海沉积动力学研究提供参考。  相似文献   

海洋环境沉积物输运研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
海洋环境中沉积物的输运涉及复杂的过程和机制。20世纪后半叶发展起来的悬沙输运数学模型已经成为海洋沉积动力学的一个有力的研究工具。悬沙输运数学模型的有效运行需要正确的数值解法和模型中所含参数的确定,包括悬沙沉降速度、扩散系数、底床糙度和切应力,以及底边界上的沉降-再悬浮通量。由于复杂的水动力条件、屏蔽效应以及海底生物扰动等因素的作用,海洋环境推移质输运的经验、半经验公式具有一定的局限性。因此,充分考虑以上各种因素是正确预测海洋环境中推移质输运的关键。海洋环境沉积物输运理论的进一步发展需要着重进行各种过程和机制的研究,而这项工作依赖于高精度、高分辨率现场观测仪器的发展和更先进的颗粒态物质运动理论的建立。  相似文献   

关于现代浅海型海底热液活动的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浅海型海底热液活动一般出现于海底火山顶部或者翼部,其所处的特殊地理位置是深海热液活动和陆上热泉的过渡地形。研究浅海型海底热液活动使我们更全面了解地球内部热量的缓慢散发形式。目前浅海型热液活动研究多侧重于流体、伴生气体、沉积物等方面:对于流体研究主要通过流体元素特征探讨流体源,虽然浅海热液活动流体在海底喷出,但流体主要组分有时是海水,有时是陆上大气水—海水只是作为少部分加入其中。对于伴生气体的研究表明:热液喷出时伴生气体组分多是火山气来源,火山气的加入导致热液流体酸性增强,使热液流体较容易淅沥出围岩中的元素,因此尽管浅海型热液流体流经路程短,但是流体中依然包含了较多物质,从而在海底表面沉淀沉积物,甚至可以形成烟囱体,由此可见浅海型热液活动与火山活动紧密相关。对于沉积物的研究显示浅海热液活动产生的沉积物组分简单,也有像深海热液活动中烟囱状沉积体的形成。沉积物对周围水域中元素浓度起到积极影响,如Fe、As含量等,这是热液流体与海水相互作用的结果。 现代浅海型热液活动往往出现于近海岸处,距离人类生活较深海热液活动更加接近,所以浅海热液活动对周围环境影响的深度及广度应该成为下一步研究重点。  相似文献   

海底热液活动是海洋地质的前沿和热点研究领域之一,相比于深海热液活动较高的关注度和取得的较多的研究成 果,浅海热液活动研究一直处于“不温不火”的状态。但浅海热液系统一般靠近人类活动的区域,对人类生活具有一定的 影响,深入开展浅海热液活动的研究有助于深刻理解热液流体循环过程、热液成因机制及相关动力学过程。文章在简要介 绍国内外浅海热液活动地球化学研究的主要成果和最新进展的基础上,提出了今后对浅海热液活动的研究应主要集中于以 下几个方面:浅海热液流体及气体的来源;浅海热液系统模式及与构造环境的关系;浅海热液活动对人类的影响。  相似文献   

热带印度洋环流动力研究对认识海盆尺度物质和水体交换、区域乃至全球气候变化具有重要意义,亦服务于人类的生产生活。回顾了近年来基于中国科学院南海海洋研究所热带印度洋观测取得的环流动力方面的研究进展,探讨提出海洋波动桥梁概念,即:赤道波通过水平传播、垂向传播和东边界反射,在赤道上混合层、次表层和中深层调制着赤道流系的生成与变化;随着波动能量在东边界以沿岸开尔文波和反射罗斯贝波的形式往外赤道传输,赤道动力过程亦调节着外赤道的环流结构变化。作为能量传输的十字路口,海洋东边界是环流变化的动力支点。在其支撑下,海洋波动成为环流间重要的能量纽带,贡献于环流的动力联系,是东印度洋环流多尺度变化的重要内因。基于观测,初步探讨了大尺度气候模态等外因对热带东印度洋环流的影响。凝练的海洋波动桥梁动力学框架,为进一步研究热带印度洋的环流的特征、变化及影响提供科学启示。  相似文献   

现场试验表明,三角架观测系统稳定性良好,获取了边界层内多层位、连续的温、盐、流速、浊度同步观测数据,适用于浅海近底部沉积动力过程高分辨率观测及物质输运研究。观测结果显示:观测期间,边界层内存在向陆的余流,并呈现逐渐减小的趋势,其主要由涨、落潮流的不对称造成,大风天气和密度环流亦是影响余流强弱的重要因素;观测期间多数时刻底部切应力大于起动切应力,底质沉积物可产生明显的搬运甚至再悬浮;悬沙浓度对沉积动力的响应在涨、落潮,大、小潮阶段均有各自的特点,水动力的变化、潮流加/减速时间的长短、床面泥沙的供应量、上部水体泥沙的沉降是导致悬沙浓度变化的主要原因;底部边界层内,涨、落潮期间不对称输沙导致潮周期内悬沙净向河口湾内输运。  相似文献   

【目的】重力流是沉积物跨海岸/陆架输运的重要机理,对地貌演化具有重要影响。然而,重力流的发生具有偶然性,持续时间也很短暂。重力流的这两个固有特性,直接决定了其野外观测的困难性。近30年来,在全球海岸和陆架区域观测到重力流的研究整体上仍然较为有限。重力流野外观测的缺乏,导致对其输运过程的认识尚不完善。【方法】2018年秋季,在江苏海岸中部近岸海域放置海底三脚架,实施连续8个潮周期的野外观测。【结果】野外观测捕捉到8次高浓度浮泥层事件,发现5次重力流输运过程。【结论】重力流由上覆水体沉积物沉降或波浪再悬浮底床沉积物形成,由潮致底部切应力或波浪与潮流共同导致的底部切应力维持。近底高浓度浮泥层内的沉积物在潮流的作用下,会向上扩散,重力流从而消亡。观测结果支持经典重力流浮力—阻力模型的使用。  相似文献   

海洋科学研究15年回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王辉 《地球科学进展》2001,16(6):871-876
1 海洋科学的研究对象和主要任务海洋科学是一门认识海洋的科学。海洋科学不仅研究巨大的海洋水体部分 ,也研究 :海岸带、河口和滨海湿地———通过这里淡水连续不断地进入海洋 ;海洋与大气界面———这里发生着海气间物质和能量的交换 ;海水和沉积物界面及海底岩石圈等。由于海洋的观测难度大且花费高 ,海洋学家始终致力于大力发展快速、高效和先进的观测仪器和技术 ,并且依托海洋科学调查船、卫星和自动观测系统 (如锚系浮标等 )实施海洋观测。海洋科学主要研究海洋中的物理过程、生物过程、化学过程和地质过程及其相互作用。其分支学科…  相似文献   

浅海陆架一直是我国海上油气资源勘探的重点。对浅海陆架的分类、国内外陆架沉积的研究历史及现状进行了回顾总结,讨论了水动力条件、沉积补给机制和相对海平面变化对陆架沉积的控制作用,并据可容纳空间与沉积物补给的比率将浅海陆架划分为补给主导的陆架沉积体系和可容纳空间主导的陆架沉积体系。补给主导的陆架沉积体系以高的沉积补给速率和海退为特征,高位期陆源河流沉积物的大量卸载是陆架补给的主要模式;可容纳空间主导的陆架沉积体系以相对海平面上升和沉积物高速逸散为特征,陆源沉积物供给有限,原地沉积物受潮流、风暴等水动力的再改造,从而成为有效的陆架沉积补给源。综合应用多种技术手段,从全球海平面变化、沉积物补给和水动力条件等对沉积体系的控制作用出发进行精细的陆架沉积特征研究应是未来研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

大陆、海洋是地球两大生态系统,大陆与海洋之间物质与能量的交换是地球科学及全球变化研究的重要内容.陆源物质主要通过河流搬运输送、大气干湿沉降等方式进入海洋,陆地岩石风化和剥蚀所形成的砂、粉砂和粘土是海洋沉积物的重要来源.  相似文献   

Moored instruments were used to make observations of near bottom currents, waves, temperature, salinity, and turbidity at shallow (3.5 m and 5.5 m depth) dredged sediment disposal sites in upper Chesapeake Bay during the winters of 1990 and 1991 to investigate time-varying characteristics of resuspension processes over extended periods. Resulting time series data show the variability of two components of the suspended sediment concentration field. Background suspended sediment concentrations varied inversely with salinity and in direct relation to Susquehanna River flow. Muddy bottom sediments were also resuspended locally by both tidal currents and wind-wave forcing, resulting in short-term increases and decreases in suspended concentration, with higher peak concentrations near the bottom. In both years, episodes of wave-forced resuspension dominated tidal resuspension on an individual event basis, exceeding most tidal resuspension peaks by a factor of 3 to 5. The winds that generated the waves responsible for the observed resuspension events were not optimal for wave generation, however. Application of a simple wind-wave model showed that much greater wave-forced resuspension than that observed might be generated under the proper conditions. The consolidated sediments investigated in 1990 were less susceptible to both tidal and wave-forced resuspension than the recently deposited sediments investigated in 1991. There was also some indication that wave-forced resuspension increased erodibility of the bottom sediments on a short-term basis. Wave-forced resuspension is implicated as an important part of sediment transport processes in much of Chesapeake Bay. Its role in deeper, narrower, and more tidally energetic estuaries is not as clear, and should be investigated on a case-by-case basis.  相似文献   

The longitudinal distribution of total suspended matter and total, dissolved, and particulate manganese in a small coastal plain estuary is described. The distribution of manganese is a consequence of estuarine circulation; a within-estuary maximum is inversely correlated with river flow, and is a function of residence time in the estuary, resuspension in the upper estuary, and desorption from particles introduced from within the estuary or from the river. The turbidity maximum is similarly most pronounced during low river flows. The upper estuary (salinity <15‰), comprising a small percentage of the total estuary volume during low flow, receives material from the river and along the bottom from the lower estuary; this material is returned to the water column by resuspension and desorption from estuarine and riverine particles. The lower estuary tends to damp out these processes because of the greater volume and (residence) time available for mixing.  相似文献   

生源物质作为影响水质的重要因素,其在河流中的迁移转换一直倍受关注。水沙界面物质交换过程受众多环境和水动力因素的影响,过程极其复杂,不仅影响着河流生源要素的通量演变规律,还关系到河流水环境问题。为探究水沙界面生源物质迁移转化过程及作用机制,结合国内外研究最新进展,对泥沙颗粒与生源物质的微界面作用、水沙界面对生源物质的迁移转化作用、水流条件对泥沙吸附解吸生源物质作用机理进行总结和概述,总结阐述了河流水质模型和闸坝泵条件下的水环境调控模型,最后指出平原河流水沙运动对生源物质输运作用机理及水环境调控。针对上述已有的研究成果和存在不足,对今后研究方向提出展望。  相似文献   

近岸沉积物再悬浮期间所释放溶解有机物的荧光特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对采自厦门湾九龙江人海河口的4个沉积物样品进行了室内再悬浮模拟实验,利用荧光激发-发射矩阵光谱(EEMs)研究了再悬浮过程中从沉积物中释放出的有色溶解有机物(CDOM)的荧光特征,同时通过与相应站位沉积物间隙水和底层水的对比分析,探讨了河口近岸海域的沉积物再悬浮作用作为水体中溶解有机物来源之一的可能性.结果表明,对给定站位,CDOM相对荧光强度和溶解有机碳(DOC)含量分布变化非常一致,均为间隙水最高,再悬浮次之,底层水最低;站位之间,底层水和再悬浮水样中CDOM相对荧光强度随盐度的降低而增加,从海端向河端增加的趋势明显.EEMs分析表明,各样品中均存在类腐殖质荧光与类蛋白质荧光团,且模拟实验也表明再悬浮作用可释放类腐殖质与类蛋白质荧光物质到底层水中,表明底质再悬浮将是近岸水体中CDOM的一个重要来源.与相应的底层水相比,间隙水的荧光峰(如峰A/C)的位置发生红移.再悬浮样品中EEMs的荧光团同时表现出相应底层水和间隙水的特征,但是荧光峰(峰A和峰C)的最大激发和发射波长更接近底层水中相应荧光团,与间隙水相比,则发生谱峰位置的蓝移.近海端样品中荧光峰M明显,随着盐度的降低,底层水和再悬浮水样的γ(M/C)值逐渐降低,且海源的峰M由海端向河端逐渐消失,表明峰M属于海洋自生来源.本研究区域DOM的荧光指数在1.61~1.93之间,表明近海端样品DOM主要为生物来源,而近河端样品DOM主要为陆源输入,或者为陆源与生物活动共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

The experimental study of the hydrodynamics of the sediments and the physical analysis of the process of exchange at the water-sediment interface in a zone of swash are essential for the understanding of the sedimentary transport processes in coastal environments, in particular to control and forecast the evolution of the coastline. The objective of this study was to exploit the technique of Ultrasonic Doppler Velocimetry (UDV) to examine the evolution of the velocity field at the water-sediment interface in a zone of swash in various conditions of incidental regular waves in a wave flume. The velocities were measured in different conditions of the swash within the sediment bed, and in the fluid vein at the swash edge. These measurements show: an exponential distribution of velocities inside the sediment bed; a difference in the velocity gradient at the water-sediment interface, between the velocity in the water vein at the swash edge and the interstitial flow in the swash. The measurements obtained in the wave flume made it possible to observe an evolution of the velocity profiles according to the phases of the swash, which are characterized by a phase shift between the free flow at the swash edge and the interstitial flow during the two phases of the swash: uprush and backwash.  相似文献   

为解析波流边界层内泥沙运动,建立了基于水动力-泥沙-床面互馈过程的波流边界层1DV泥沙数学模型,可用于模拟不同床面形态下粉沙-沙的含沙量过程。床面形态模块提供床面形态类型和相应参数;给出了平底和沙波床面粗糙高度和泥沙扩散系数的确定方法;采用了适宜粉沙及沙的制约沉速、底部参考浓度和起动剪切应力等公式;引入含沙量层化效应和制约沉降反映水动力与泥沙之间的相互影响。水槽试验资料验证表明,建立的模型较好地模拟了不同床面不同波流组合条件下的含沙量剖面。在此基础上,讨论了不同床面含沙量剖面模拟方法的差异,指出床面形态是决定含沙量变化的重要因素之一,仅通过改变床面粗糙高度不足以反映漩涡沙波床面的含沙量剖面特征。该模型可为研究波流边界层内泥沙运动和物质输运提供工具。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional, time-dependent hydrodynamic and suspended sediment transport model was performed and applied to the Danshuei River estuarine system and adjacent coastal sea in northern Taiwan. The model was validated with observed time-series salinity in 2001, and with salinity and suspended sediment distributions in 2002. The predicted results quantitatively agreed with the measured data. A local turbidity maximum was found in the bottom water of the Kuan-Du station. The validated model then was conducted with no salinity gradient, no sediment supply from the sediment bed, wind stress, and different freshwater discharges from upstream boundaries to comprehend the influences on suspended sediment dynamics in the Danshuei River estuarine system. The results reveal that concentrations of the turbidity maximum simulated without salinity gradient are higher than those of the turbidity maximum simulated with salinity gradient at the Kuan-Du station. Without bottom resuspension process, the estuarine turbidity maximum zone at the Kuan-Du station vanishes. This suggests that bottom sediment resuspension is a very important sediment source to the formation of estuarine turbidity maximum. The wind stress with northeast and southwest directions may contribute to decrease the suspended sediment concentration. When the freshwater discharges increase at the upstream boundaries, the limits of salt intrusion pushes downriver toward river mouth. Suspended sediment concentrations increase at the upriver reaches in the Danshuei River to Tahan Stream, while decrease at Kuan-Du station.  相似文献   

Complex biogeochemical studies including the determination of isotopic composition of Corg in both suspended particulate matter and surface horizon (0–1 cm) of sediments (more than 260 determinations of δ13C-Corg) were carried out for five Arctic shelf seas: White, Barents, Kara, East Siberian, and Chukchi. The aim of this study is to elucidate causes that change the isotopic composition of particulate organic carbon at the water-sediment boundary. It is shown that the isotopic composition of Corg in sediments from seas with a high river runoff (White, Kara, and East Siberian) does not inherit the isotopic composition of Corg in particles precipitating from the water column, but is enriched in heavy 13C. Seas with a low river runoff (Barents and Chukchi) show insignificant difference between the value of δ13C-Corg in both suspended load and sediment because of a low content of the isotopically light allochthonous organic matter (OM) in particulates. Complex biogeochemical studies with radioisotope tracers (14CO2, 35S, and 14CH4) revealed the existence of specific microbial filter formed from heterotrophic and autotrophic organisms at the water-sediment boundary. This filter prevents the mass influx of products of OM decomposition into water column, as well as reduces the influx of a part of OM contained in the suspended particulate matter from water into sediment.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a geochemical study of suspended particulate matter and particle fluxes in the Norwegian Sea above the Bear Island slope. The concentrations of suspended particles and the main components of suspended matter were determined in the euphotic, intermediate (“clean water”), and bottom nepheloid layers. It was shown that biogenic components are predominant in the water above the nepheloid layer, whereas the suspended matter of the nepheloid layer is formed by the resuspension of the lithogenic components of bottom sediments. The chemical compositions of suspended matter and material collected in sediment traps are identical.  相似文献   

Internal Solitary Waves (ISWs) are nonlinear, large amplitude motions of the interface between two fluids with different densities in the stratified ocean. Because of their strong vertical and horizontal current velocity, and the vortex, turbulent mixing caused by breaking, they affect marine environment, seabed sediment and man-made structures in the ocean. In the paper, we systematically analyzed and summarized the ISW-induced shoaling break mechanisms, models of suspension, and seabed dynamical response. Then, we discussed the ISW-induced sediment resuspension criteria, forming bottom and intermediate nepheloid layer and the capacity to suspend sediments in the seabed, and further put forward the unsolved problems based on the conducted work and related achievements. In shallow seas with complex terrain variations, shoaling can cause ISWs to deform, break, and split. Studies on the propagation of ISWs of depression over sloping topography have shown that an adverse pressure gradient causes the rotation of the flow separation, which produces vortices, and this results in global instability of the boundary layer and ISW burst. The separation vortices increase the bottom shear stress, vertical velocity, and near-bottom Reynolds stress, which leads to sediment resuspension and transport in the flow and vortex core. Although episodic, ISW-induced resuspension is hypothesized to be important enough to shape the topography. Shoaling ISWs may erode, resuspend and transport mud-like sediments, first towards shore by boluses, and subsequently offshore through the generation of intermediate nepheloid layers. Shoaling ISWs might be an important mechanism of muddy sediment dispersal along continental shelves. Furthermore, recent hypotheses suggest that sediment mobilization and transport caused by internal waves in general, and ISWs in particular, may be at the origin of some sedimentary structures found in the sedimentary rock record and also the hummocky-cross stratification. Observed on-shelf propagating frontal ISW most likely interacts with the sand waves, sediment waves or sand dunes. ISWs contribute to their generation, as they are trailed by considerable shear-induced turbulence and high-frequency internal waves close to the buoyancy frequency. This work is of great value for further understanding the process of ISW-induced sediment resuspension, transportation, and the capacity to suspend sediments in the seabed. It helps further study of the dynamic process of marine ecological environment dynamic process by ISW and the deep sea sedimentation process.  相似文献   

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