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王思琪  郑建平  韩双  王俊烈 《地质学报》2020,94(9):2676-2686
辽南金伯利岩岩区是我国最大的原生金刚石矿产区,该区金刚石主要寄主岩石类型为斑状金伯利岩。橄榄石是金伯利岩中最重要的造岩矿物,根据其结构特征可以分为橄榄石粗晶、橄榄石斑晶以及基质中微细粒三个世代。本文将岩相学特征和前人研究成果相结合,构建辽南斑状金伯利岩岩浆起源、上升、喷发和成岩模型,探讨各世代矿物的形成过程。具体包括:深部交代地幔部分熔融,形成初始碳酸盐岩浆;初始岩浆上升过程中捕获的岩石圈地幔橄榄岩不断溶解(形成橄榄石粗晶),岩浆成分发生改变,成为金伯利岩岩浆;金伯利岩岩浆迅速上升侵位,至地表处爆破喷发,最后冷却固结形成包含粗晶及其他两个世代橄榄石的斑状金伯利岩。  相似文献   

胡一忠  杨光忠  饶红娟 《贵州地质》2016,33(4):251-256,250
原生金刚石的成矿问题,诸如成因、成矿概率低、成矿对地质背景要求高、含矿母岩类型较复杂以及火山机构含矿性差异等,可用地幔柱观点将其统一于以金刚石捕虏晶为主要成因的系统解释,即原生金刚石可形成于克拉通岩石圈地幔至核幔边界D″层范围,但由于碳循环的原因主要形成于古老克拉通岩石圈地幔,通过地幔柱或其影响导致的金伯利岩和/或钾镁煌斑岩岩浆的捕获而被携带至地表成矿,因其比重较小而偏集于岩浆房及其向上迁移岩浆体上部,随岩浆爆发侵位而主要在上部火山机构(火山口及火山颈/管道相)等富集成矿,以及呈现纷繁复杂的金伯利岩和钾镁煌斑岩地质现象,因产出大地构造位置及其迁移路径不同而致岩石矿物学等特征的些许差别。  相似文献   

山东金刚石原生矿找矿前景探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘继太 《山东地质》2002,18(3):100-104
金刚石形成于地幔深处,含金刚石的岩石只是一种运载和保存“工具”,凡是来自上地幔的岩石均有可能携带早已形成的金刚石而形成金刚石原生矿床。世界上已知金刚石原生矿除金伯利岩,钾镁煌斑岩型外,尚在橄榄岩,橄榄玄武岩,千枚岩,科马提岩,榴辉岩等岩石中发现了金刚石,可能存在金刚石原生矿新的岩石。山东位于华北地台的南东部,鲁西,鲁东基底属A型克拉通,幔源岩浆活动强烈,具备良好的金刚石原生矿成矿地质条件,已获得的大量的成矿信息和找矿线索表明,除已发现的蒙阴金伯利岩型金刚石原生矿外,应该存在着尚未发现的金刚石原生矿,找矿前景广阔,应进一步加强金刚石原生矿勘查工作。  相似文献   

向璐  郑建平 《地质学报》2020,94(9):2574-2587
本文基于中国最主要的含原生金刚石母岩(金伯利岩和钾镁煌斑岩)的喷发时代及所产出时的构造背景,结合华北和华南大陆深部岩石圈的性质及其演化过程,探讨了中国原生金刚石的有利形成和保存条件,如相对古老的、冷的、厚的岩石圈根,且金刚石有足够的地幔存留时间等。同时,通过对金刚石母岩岩浆所经历的深部地幔与浅部侵位过程等联系的综合分析,建立了一个可能的“多期叠加的蘑菇生长方式”的岩浆侵位模型,为加强深部找矿和发现隐伏岩体提供了思路,以期取得中国原生金刚石找矿突破。我们推测,晚期的基性—超基性岩浆活动也有可能会碰巧捕获了隐伏的(或夭折的)早期含金刚石的金伯利岩,或者岩浆在上升过程中恰好经过赋存金刚石的沉积地层。这样的偶然事件导致了一种非常规的现象,即“非金伯利岩”岩体也偶见金刚石。  相似文献   

贵州镇远马坪"东方一号"岩体为中国最早发现的原生金刚石矿,受当时只有金伯利岩才含金刚石矿及后来西澳阿盖尔钾镁煌斑岩型金刚石原生矿等的影响,先后定名为金伯利岩、钾镁煌斑岩、金云火山岩等。最近专题调查分析研究表明,镇远马坪地区含金刚石母岩,其岩石学矿物学和地球化学特征均更接近澳大利亚典型金伯利岩,白坟地区岩体则类似于澳大利亚典型钾镁煌斑岩,建议将镇远马坪地区"东方一号"等岩类定名为角砾凝灰质金伯利岩,白坟地区岩类定名为钾碱镁闪石-透辉石-金云母钾镁煌斑岩,镇远地区兼有金伯利岩和钾镁煌斑岩的特征,与西澳大利亚极其类似,镇远地区乃至黔东地区具有较大的金刚石原生矿找矿勘查潜力和研究意义。  相似文献   

辽宁复县地区古生代岩石圈地幔特征   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文通过对辽宁复县地区50号金伯利岩管的研究,根据金伯利岩的地球化学和其中地幔矿物及深源捕虏体特征初步推测,复县地区古生代的上地幔反映了该区自早古生代以来上地幔的各种深部事件。它的岩石圈地幔组成与南非金伯利岩发育地区不完全相同。本区是由二辉橄榄岩、纯橄岩、方辉橄榄岩、少量云母石榴长石岩以及金伯利岩的早期堆积物——各种金云母岩所组成。特别值得注意的是,与金刚石平衡共存的是含石榴石及铬铁矿的二辉橄榄岩和方辉橄榄岩,而南非地区与金刚石平衡共存的只是方辉橄榄岩,它是该区在克拉通化过程中通过岩石圈垫底作用增生于其底部的岩石类型。复县地区上地幔中部分橄揽岩仍保留有早期地幔熔体结晶时的火成结构,方辉橄揽岩为提取苦橄质玄武岩-玄武质科马提岩的难熔残余。17亿年本区转变为稳定克拉通后,11亿年(或更晚一些)有交代作用发生,使上地幔富集不相容元素,为熔融金伯利岩准备了源区条件。50号岩管的金伯利岩相当于南非Ⅰ型与Ⅱ型金伯利岩的过渡类型,表明上地幔富集程度较高。复县地区古生代岩石圈厚度至少为170km,其下部上地幔温度为1130℃左右,fo_2接近WM缓冲反应线,与西伯利亚和西非加纳金刚石结晶时的氧逸度相似。  相似文献   

本文通过对我国华北东南部中生代幔源岩浆活动的时空分布规律及其地球化学特征的系统总结来进一步厘定该地区中生代岩石圈地幔的性质和组成,并通过与华北内部如鲁中地区中生代岩石圈地幔的对比研究探讨华北东部岩石圈的时空演化规律、富集过程及其形成机理。幔源岩石的 Sr-Nd-Ph 同位素特征表明华北东部中生代岩石圈地幔存在明显的时空不均匀性,其中心部位如鲁中地区以弱富集地幔为主体;而东南部如鲁西南和胶东地区则为类似 EM2型地幔(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr_i 可高达0.7114)。华北东南部中生代岩石圈地幔随时间的演化特征也很明显。这些幔源岩石的地球化学特征和玄武岩中地幔岩捕虏体(橄榄岩和辉石岩)和捕虏晶(橄榄石和辉石)的组成和结构特征皆证明华北东南部中生代岩石圈地幔曾受到过富硅熔体的强烈改造。橄榄岩-熔体的相互反应是该区岩石圈改造和组成转变的重要方式,从而造成古生代高镁橄榄岩转变为晚中生代低镁橄榄岩和辉石岩。进入岩石圈地幔的熔体具下/中地壳物质重熔的特征,从而导致该区晚中生代岩石圈地幔的快速富集。有关华北东部中生代岩石圈减薄和改造的时限、过程和机制等问题也进行较详细的讨论。  相似文献   

华北中、新生代玄武质火山岩和基性脉岩携带的地幔橄榄岩捕虏体中橄榄石和/或橄榄石捕虏晶系统的组成填图显示华北东部中、新生代岩石圈地幔存在明显的时空分布规律和不均一性。这与通过岩石圈地幔源基性岩石的地球化学反演获得的华北中生代岩石圈地幔的时空不均一性及其块体特征完全一致。太行山和鲁皖地区新生代岩石圈地幔的差异演化主要反映古老地幔橄榄岩与熔体相互作用时熔体性质和来源的不同。同时,橄榄石 Fo 填图还揭示了郯庐断裂对华北东部中、新生代基性岩浆活动及其岩石圈地幔演化的重要制约作用。而且,华北东部中生代岩石圈减薄后尚存古老岩石圈地幔残留。因此,华北东部岩石圈减薄的整体拆沉模式很难成立。  相似文献   

金刚石及其寄主岩石是人类认识地球深部物质组成和性质、壳幔和核幔物质循环重要研究对象。本文总结了中国不同金刚石类型的分布,着重对比了博茨瓦纳和中国含金刚石金伯利岩的地质特征,取得如下认识:(1)博茨瓦纳含矿原生岩石仅为金伯利岩,而中国含矿岩石成分复杂,金伯利岩主要出露在华北克拉通,展布于郯庐、华北中央和华北北缘金伯利岩带,具有工业价值的蒙阴和瓦房店矿床分布于郯庐金伯利岩带中;钾镁煌斑岩主要出露在华南克拉通,重点分布在江南和华南北缘钾镁煌斑岩带中;(2)钙钛矿原位U-Pb年龄和Sr、Nd同位素显示,86~97 Ma奥拉帕金伯利岩群和456~470 Ma蒙阴和瓦房店金伯利岩均具有低87Sr/86Sr(0.703~0.705)和中等εNd(t)(-0.09~+5)特征,指示金伯利岩浆源自弱亏损地幔或初始地幔源区;(3)博茨瓦纳金伯利岩体绝大多数以岩筒产出,而中国以脉状为主岩筒次之;博茨瓦纳岩筒绝大部分为火山口相,中国均为根部相,岩筒地表面积普遍小于前者;(4)奥拉帕A/K1和朱瓦能金伯利岩体是世界上为数不多的主要产出榴辉岩捕虏体和E型金刚石的岩筒之一,而同位于奥拉帕岩群的莱特拉卡内、丹姆沙和卡罗韦岩体与我国郯庐带的金伯利岩体类似,均主要产出地幔橄榄岩捕虏体以及P型和E型金刚石;(5)寻找含矿金伯利岩重点注意以下几点:克拉通内部和周缘深大断裂带是重要的控岩构造;镁铝榴石、镁钛铁矿、铬透辉石、铬尖晶石和铬金红石等是寻找含金刚石金伯利岩重要的指示矿物;航磁等地球物理测量需与土壤取样找矿方法相结合才能取得更好效果;(6)郯庐金伯利岩带、江南钾镁煌斑岩带和塔里木地块是中国重要含矿岩石的找矿靶区,冲积型金刚石成矿潜力巨大。  相似文献   

岩石圈热结构和热状态的研究对于大陆裂解、变质作用及活化构造形成机制等大陆动力学问题的研究十分重要。通过地球化学、构造地质学和综合分析,以贵州省镇远地区金伯利岩-钾镁煌斑岩和黔东—湘西一带的晚元古代地层为例,研究了扬子地块东南缘早古生代岩石圈热结构与热状态。提出高放射性元素产热率的HHPRM型地幔源区,进一步讨论HHPRM型地幔源区形成与演化的大陆动力学机制。认为古富集地幔(HHPRM型地幔源区)是镇远一带的早古生代钾镁煌斑岩-金伯利岩的岩浆源区,镇远地区金伯利岩-钾镁煌斑岩岩浆源区深度(H)在208~244km,形成温度在1547~1403℃间,该温度和深度范围属软流层,具有形成金刚石矿床的地质条件。建议在贵州—湖南—广西三省交界区的金伯利岩和钾镁煌斑岩岩群中应进一步开展金刚石矿床研究与勘查工作。  相似文献   

The Archean lithospheric mantle beneath the Kaapvaal–Zimbabwe craton of Southern Africa shows ±1% variations in seismic P-wave velocity at depths within the diamond stability field (150–250 km) that correlate regionally with differences in the composition of diamonds and their syngenetic inclusions. Seismically slower mantle trends from the mantle below Swaziland to that below southeastern Botswana, roughly following the surface outcrop pattern of the Bushveld-Molopo Farms Complex. Seismically slower mantle also is evident under the southwestern side of the Zimbabwe craton below crust metamorphosed around 2 Ga. Individual eclogitic sulfide inclusions in diamonds from the Kimberley area kimberlites, Koffiefontein, Orapa, and Jwaneng have Re–Os isotopic ages that range from circa 2.9 Ga to the Proterozoic and show little correspondence with these lithospheric variations. However, silicate inclusions in diamonds and their host diamond compositions for the above kimberlites, Finsch, Jagersfontein, Roberts Victor, Premier, Venetia, and Letlhakane do show some regional relationship to the seismic velocity of the lithosphere. Mantle lithosphere with slower P-wave velocity correlates with a greater proportion of eclogitic versus peridotitic silicate inclusions in diamond, a greater incidence of younger Sm–Nd ages of silicate inclusions, a greater proportion of diamonds with lighter C isotopic composition, and a lower percentage of low-N diamonds whereas the converse is true for diamonds from higher velocity mantle. The oldest formation ages of diamonds indicate that the mantle keels which became continental nuclei were created by middle Archean (3.2–3.3 Ga) mantle depletion events with high degrees of melting and early harzburgite formation. The predominance of sulfide inclusions that are eclogitic in the 2.9 Ga age population links late Archean (2.9 Ga) subduction-accretion events involving an oceanic lithosphere component to craton stabilization. These events resulted in a widely distributed younger Archean generation of eclogitic diamonds in the lithospheric mantle. Subsequent Proterozoic tectonic and magmatic events altered the composition of the continental lithosphere and added new lherzolitic and eclogitic diamonds to the already extensive Archean diamond suite.  相似文献   

Here, we compare nitrogen aggregation characteristics and carbon isotopic compositions in diamonds from Mesoproterozoic (T1) and Jurassic (U2) kimberlites in the Attawapiskat area—the first diamond-producing area on the Superior craton. The T1 kimberlite sampled diamonds from the lithospheric mantle at 1.1 Ga, at the same time as the major Midcontinent Rift event. These diamonds have a narrow range in δ13C (mode of ?3.4 ‰), with compositions that overlap other diamond localities on the Superior craton. Some diamond destruction must have occurred during the Mesoproterozoic in response to the thermal impact of the Midcontinent Rift—the associated elevated geotherm caused a narrow diamond window (<30 km) close to the base of the lithosphere, compared to a wide diamond window of ~85 km following thermal relaxation (sampled by Jurassic kimberlites, such as U2). T1 diamonds have highly aggregated nitrogen, possibly due to the thermal effect of the rift. Diamond-favourable conditions were re-established in the lithospheric mantle after the thermal impact of the Midcontinent Rift dissipated. The poorly aggregated nature of nitrogen in U2 diamonds—compared to highly aggregated nitrogen in diamonds from T1—indicates that renewed diamond formation must have occurred only after the thermal impact of the Midcontinent Rift at 1.1 Ga had subsided and that these newly formed diamonds were subsequently sampled by Jurassic kimberlites. The overall δ13C distribution for U2 diamonds is distinct to T1 and other Superior diamonds, further suggesting that U2 diamonds are not related to the older pre-rift diamonds.  相似文献   

Integrated models of diamond formation and craton evolution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two decades of diamond research in southern Africa allow the age, average N content and carbon composition of diamonds, and the dominant paragenesis of their syngenetic silicate and sulfide inclusions to be integrated on a cratonwide scale with a model of craton formation. Individual eclogitic sulfide inclusions in diamonds from the Kimberley area kimberlites, Koffiefontein, Orapa and Jwaneng have Re–Os isotopic ages that range from circa 2.9 Ga to the mid-Proterozoic and display little correspondence with the prominent variations in the P-wave velocity (±1%) that the mantle lithosphere shows at depths within the diamond stability field (150–225 km). Silicate inclusions in diamonds and their host diamond compositions for the above kimberlites, Finsch, Jagersfontein, Roberts Victor, Premier, Venetia, and Letlhakane show a regional relationship to the seismic velocity of the lithosphere. Mantle lithosphere with slower P-wave velocity relative to the craton average correlates with a greater proportion of eclogitic vs. peridotitic silicate inclusions in diamond, a greater incidence of younger Sm–Nd ages of silicate inclusions, a greater proportion of diamonds with lighter C isotopic composition, and a lower percentage of low-N diamonds. The oldest formation ages of diamonds support a model whereby mantle that became part of the continental keel of cratonic nuclei first was created by middle Archean (3.2–3.3 Ga or older) mantle depletion events with high degrees of melting and early harzburgite formation. The predominance of eclogitic sulfide inclusions in the 2.9 Ga age population links late Archean (2.9 Ga) subduction–accretion events to craton stabilization. These events resulted in a widely distributed, late Archean generation of eclogitic diamonds in an amalgamated craton. Subsequent Proterozoic tectonic and magmatic events altered the composition of the continental lithosphere and added new lherzolitic and eclogitic diamonds to the already extensive Archean diamond suite. Similar age/paragenesis systematics are seen for the more limited data sets from the Slave and Siberian cratons.  相似文献   

P. Peltonen  K. A. Kinnunen  H. Huhma 《Lithos》2002,63(3-4):151-164
Diamondiferous Group A eclogites constitute a minor portion of the mantle-derived xenoliths in the eastern Finland kimberlites. They have been derived from the depth interval 150–230 km where they are inferred to occur as thin layers or small pods within coarse-grained garnet peridotites. The chemical and isotopic composition of minerals suggest that they represent (Proterozoic?) mantle-derived melts or cumulates rather than subducted oceanic lithosphere. During magma ascent and emplacement of the kimberlites, the eclogite xenoliths were mechanically and chemically rounded judging from the types of surface markings. In addition, those octahedral crystal faces of diamonds that were partially exposed from the rounded eclogite xenolith became covered by trigons and overlain by microlamination due to their reaction with the kimberlite magma. The diamonds bear evidence of pervasive plastic deformation which is not, however, evident in the eclogite host. This suggests that annealing at ambient lithospheric temperatures has effectively recrystallised the silicates while the diamond has retained its lattice imperfections and thus still has the potential to yield information about ancient mantle deformation. One of our samples is estimated to contain approximately 90,000 ct/ton diamond implying that some diamonds occur within very high-grade pods or thin seams in the lithospheric mantle. To our knowledge, this is one of the most diamondiferous samples described.  相似文献   

A comparison of the diamond productions from Panda (Ekati Mine) and Snap Lake with those from southern Africa shows significant differences: diamonds from the Slave typically are un-resorbed octahedrals or macles, often with opaque coats, and yellow colours are very rare. Diamonds from the Kaapvaal are dominated by resorbed, dodecahedral shapes, coats are absent and yellow colours are common. The first two features suggest exposure to oxidizing fluids/melts during mantle storage and/or transport to the Earth's surface, for the Kaapvaal diamond population.

Comparing peridotitic inclusions in diamonds from the central and southern Slave (Panda, DO27 and Snap Lake kimberlites) and the Kaapvaal indicates that the diamondiferous mantle lithosphere beneath the Slave is chemically less depleted. Most notable are the almost complete absence of garnet inclusions derived from low-Ca harzburgites and a generally lower Mg-number of Slave inclusions.

Geothermobarometric calculations suggest that Slave diamonds originally formed at very similar thermal conditions as observed beneath the Kaapvaal (geothermal gradients corresponding to 40–42 mW/m2 surface heat flow), but the diamond source regions subsequently cooled by about 100–150 °C to fall on a 37–38 mW/m2 (surface heat flow) conductive geotherm, as is evidenced from touching (re-equilibrated) inclusions in diamonds, and from xenocrysts and xenoliths. In the Kaapvaal, a similar thermal evolution has previously been recognized for diamonds from the De Beers Pool kimberlites. In part very low aggregation levels of nitrogen impurities in Slave diamonds imply that cooling occurred soon after diamond formation. This may relate elevated temperatures during diamond formation to short-lived magmatic perturbations.

Generally high Cr-contents of pyrope garnets (inside and outside of diamonds) indicate that the mantle lithosphere beneath the Slave originally formed as a residue of melt extraction at relatively low pressures (within the stability field of spinelperidotites), possibly during the extraction of oceanic crust. After emplacement of this depleted, oceanic mantle lithosphere into the Slave lithosphere during a subduction event, secondary metasomatic enrichment occurred leading to strong re-enrichment of the deeper (>140 km) lithosphere. Because of the extent of this event and the occurrence of lower mantle diamonds, this may be related to an upwelling plume, but it may equally just reflect a long term evolution with lower mantle diamonds being transported upwards in the course of “normal” mantle convection.  相似文献   

龙昭陵 《物探与化探》1999,23(3):185-190194
金刚石幔源成因论认为金刚石在岩石圈底部、软流圈顶部生成,金伯利岩或钾镁煌斑岩仅为载体将其带出成矿,重力均衡异常既反映地壳深处构造活动,又反映其活动的近期性,为此,要特别注意沅水流域年轻的含金刚石岩体的查找  相似文献   

Mantle xenoliths and xenocrysts from Guaniamo, Venezuela kimberlites record equilibration conditions corresponding to a limited range of sampling in the lithosphere (100-150 km). Within this small range, however, compositions vary considerably, but regularly, defining a strongly layered mantle sequence. Major and trace element compositions suggest the following lithologic sequence: highly depleted lherzolite from 100 to 115 km, mixed ultra-depleted harzburgite and lherzolite from 115 to 120 km, relatively fertile lherzolite from 120 to 135 km, and mixed depleted harzburgite and relatively fertile lherzolite from 135 to 150 km. Based on comparison with well-documented mantle peridotites and xenocrysts from elsewhere, we conclude that the Meso-proterozoic Cuchivero Province (host to the Guaniamo kimberlites) is underlain by depleted and ultra-depleted shallow Archean mantle that was underplated, and uplifted, by Proterozoic subduction, perhaps more than once. These Proterozoic subduction events introduced less-depleted oceanic lithosphere beneath the Archean section, which remains there and is the source of the abundant Guaniamo eclogite-suite diamonds that have ocean-floor geochemical signatures. Although diamond-indicative low-Ca Cr-pyrope garnets are abundant, they are derived primarily from the shallow depleted layer within the field of graphite stability, and the rare peridotite-suite diamonds are either metastably preserved at these shallow depths, or were derived from the small amount of depleted lithosphere sampled by these kimberlites that remains within the diamond stability field (the mixture of Archean and Proterozoic mantle in the depth range 135-150 km).  相似文献   

产于克拉通地块及其边缘褶皱带金伯利岩和钾镁煌斑岩中的原生金刚石 ,其主体上属地幔捕虏晶并具复杂的生长历史。从克拉通岩石圈存在复杂多发的壳幔相互作用和多层次的流体活动事件的角度 ,结合金刚石的精细内部结构所反映的不连续生长及微区原位傅立叶变换红外光谱研究成果 ,认为具复杂生长环带的金刚石是克拉通地块内部增生过程中的地幔流体对已形成金刚石间的相互作用的产物。这一认识有助于增进金刚石微观结构与地块内部改造事件有机联系的研究。地幔交代作用的介质成分主要为SiO2 不饱和的碳酸岩熔体或富含不相容微量元素的CHON流体。多种年龄数据所给出的 1 1~ 1 2Ga结果 ,可能反映华北地块东部的岩石圈深部存在一次明显的地幔增生改造过程。  相似文献   

The Orapa and Jwaneng kimberlites are located along the western margin of the Kalahari Craton and the prevalence of eclogitic over peridotitic diamonds in both mines has recently been linked to lower P-wave velocities in the deep mantle lithosphere (relative to the bulk of the craton) to suggest a diamond formation event prompted by mid-Proterozoic growth and modification of preexisting Archean lithosphere (Shirey et al. 2002). Here we study peridotitic diamonds from both mines, with an emphasis on the style of metasomatic source enrichment, to evaluate their relationship with this major eclogitic diamond formation event. In their major element chemistry, the peridotitic inclusions compare well with a world-wide database but reveal differences to diamond sources located in the interior of the Western Terrane of the Kaapvaal block, where the classical mines in the Kimberley region are located. The most striking difference is the relative paucity of low-Ca (<2 wt% CaO in garnet) harzburgites and a low ratio of harzburgitic to lherzolitic garnets (2:1). This suggests that lithospheric mantle accreted to the rim of the Zimbabwe and Kaapvaal blocks was overall chemically less depleted. Alternatively, this more fertile signature may be assigned to stronger metasomatic re-enrichment but the trace element signature of garnet inclusions is not in favor of strong enrichment in major elements. For both mines the majority of lherzolitic and harzburgitic garnet inclusions are characterized by moderately sinusoidal REEN patterns and low Ti, Zr and Y contents, indicative of a metasomatic agent with very high LREE/HREE and low HFSE. This is consistent with metasomatism by a CHO-fluid or, as modeled by Burgess and Harte (2003), a highly fractionated, low-volume silicate melt from the MORB-source. In both cases, changes in the major element chemistry of the affected rocks will be limited. In a few garnets from Orapa preferential MREE enrichment is observed, suggesting that the percolating fluid/melt fractionated a LREE-phyllic phase (such as crichtonite). The overall moderate degree of metasomatism reflected by the inclusion chemistry is in stark contrast to lithospheric sections for Orapa and Jwaneng based on mantle xenocrysts and xenoliths, revealing extensive mantle metasomatism (Griffin et al. 2003). This suggests that the formation of peridotitic diamonds predates the intensive modification of the subcratonic lithosphere during Proterozoic rifting and compression, implying that diamonds may survive major tectonothermal events.Editorial responsibility: J. Hoefs  相似文献   

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