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李绍虎  吴冲龙 《地球科学》1997,22(4):387-390
襄汾地区下奥陶统马家沟组为一套碳酸盐岩-蒸发岩层序地层,其沉积背景及沉积过程受东部华北海控制,低位边级缘石膏最为发育,与泻湖内部盐岩层及普遍发育的碳酸盐岩一起构成了典型的碳酸盐岩-蒸发岩层序地层单元,该区马家沟组共发育7个I类层序,与鄂尔多斯盆地内部层序发育完全可以对比,层序边界位于边缘石膏楔的底部,层序边界的形成,和泻湖与外海(华北海)沟通与否或海平面下降程度有关,当海平面完全下降,泻湖与外海完  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯东部奥陶系马家沟组微相分析   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
早奥陶世马家沟期,在鄂尔多斯东部的陕北地区沉积了近千米厚的碳酸盐岩-蒸发岩地层。运用微相分析的方法,对这套地层进行了矿物岩石学、古生物学、沉积动力特征及形成环境的分析。按矿物组成、微观结构、组构和生物化石(及其碎屑)的组成等特征,把该区碳酸盐岩-蒸发岩划分为18个典型的微相类型。又根据其成因概括为6个微相系列,即与开阔海环境有关的微相系列、与滩相沉积有关的微相系列、与生物礁(丘)有关的微相系列、与隐藻席有关的微相系列、与局限-强烈蒸发条件有关的微相系列、次生晶粒结构微相系列。各系列的微相类型具有相近的成因环境特征,且微相的变化表现为相对的连续性。微相研究结果还表明,该区马家沟组的石灰岩类微相主要形成于开阔海陆棚环境和潮坪环境,部分与生物礁的发育有关;硬石膏岩、石盐岩等蒸发岩类微相主要形成于蒸发盆地与外海周期性隔绝的干化蒸发条件下;白云岩类微相有两种成因类型,即萨布哈环境的准同生白云岩化作用和埋藏成岩环境的成岩白云岩化作用。  相似文献   

塔西南坳陷古新统蒸发岩沉积条件及成因模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张华  刘成林  焦鹏程  曹养同  韩二斌 《地质学报》2015,89(11):2028-2035
基于近期野外地质调查及钻井资料整理,对塔西南地区古新统蒸发岩沉积特征、展布规律及成因模式进行了初步探讨。研究表明,塔西南古新统吐依洛克组蒸发岩以石盐岩为主,为海退过程中的产物;阿尔塔什组蒸发岩以石膏岩或者硬石膏岩为主,为缓慢海侵的产物。吐依洛克组石盐岩沉积是海退背景下、多级盆地卤水回流的结果,其受控于同时期区域性构造运动和海平面变化等多种因素。古新世早期,从卡拉库姆盆地向东至费尔干纳-阿富汗-塔吉克盆地再到塔西南地区,在空间上表现为一个自西向东水体盐度逐渐升高的湖链系统。在塔西南与最西部特提斯海之间,以石膏相为主的预备盆地的出现,是导致塔西南地区吐依洛克组蒸发岩以石盐岩为主而显著缺乏石膏岩的主要原因。这种多级次级盆地中卤水的回流作用对盐类物质向后期分异具有积极意义,指示了塔西南古新统具有较好的成钾远景。  相似文献   

赵艳军  刘成林  胡宇飞 《矿床地质》2016,35(6):1144-1156
陕北盐盆地因发育全球罕见的奥陶系马家沟组五段含盐地层受到广泛关注。文章运用X射线粉晶衍射矿物组分半定量分析、流体包裹体的均一温度、拉曼光谱、扫描电镜能谱和包裹体氢同位素分析等多种手段,对陕北米脂县境内两口钻井奥陶系马家沟组石盐岩进行了分析和测试。流体包裹体均一温度测试结果表明,石盐岩中原生单一液相包裹体、次生正方形单一液相包裹体的均一温度平均值分别为27.9℃、30.6℃,峰值均为25~30℃,次生与原生的流体包裹体的形成环境基本一致。在重结晶程度高的层段,石盐岩流体包裹体的δD值和石盐岩K+含量的变化趋势相反,结合该时期内含盐层段宏观地质特征以及钾石盐颗粒常呈圆粒状赋存在石盐晶间裂缝等微观证据,笔者认为研究区石盐岩沉积时因外来水体频繁侵入导致原生石盐岩发生溶解和重结晶,降低了形成大规模钾盐矿床的概率。  相似文献   

通过资料搜集、蒸发岩野外露头地质调查、石盐岩沉积特征分析及盐类矿物学研究,对塔里木盆地塔西南坳陷中新生代蒸发岩的分布、层位、盐类矿物组合、成因进行了初步探讨。塔西南坳陷石盐岩沉积呈透镜体状,主要沿西昆仑山前分布,常含有褐红色、灰绿色泥砾,泥砾岩性与吐依洛克组下段岩性一致,推测应为吐依洛克组沉积晚期海退期成盐,其层位应归属于吐依洛克组上段。石盐岩透镜体在横向分布上不连续,反映了当时塔西南坳陷内部可能存在多个古盐湖次级凹地,其在干旱气候条件下经浓缩蒸发成盐。蒸发岩矿物除石盐、石膏外,还见有杂卤石、钙芒硝等,其中杂卤石可能为后期富钾卤水交代原生石膏的产物,而乌泊1井石盐表面大量的次生钙芒硝可能为盐湖后期石盐析出阶段含钙地下水缓慢持续补给盐湖的产物。  相似文献   

刘德汉  郑旭明 《沉积学报》1995,13(2):93-104
本文用有机地球化学和有机岩石学方法,研究了鄂尔多斯盆地东部下奥陶统马家沟组碳酸盐-蒸发盐沉积的钻孔地球化学剖面。论述了奥陶系马家沟地层存在A.B.C3个非干早旱条件的水下蒸发盐沉积盐回,对有机质的聚集和保存都十分有利。源岩以菌藻类水生生物输入为主,并具有高盐和强还原环境。  相似文献   

从总结陆相侏罗-白垩纪地层界线的研究成果和工作方法,结合国际地层委员会“修订准则”和国际地层指南的规定,论述了建立“陆相层型”的紧迫性、理论和方法。我国陆相地层极为发育,但研究明显滞后于海相地层,主要问题是缺乏划分对比标准。目前以海相地层研究建立的层型尚不能应用于陆相地层,况且一些地质断代还未建立层型。陆相地层研究要先建立自己的标准。与海相地层比较,陆相地层在同位素测年、磁性地层划分和事件地层学研究方面具备建立层型的优势,同样可以找到分布广泛和利于大范围地层对比的化石门类。建立陆相层型的关键是找到沉积连续、化石丰富和暴露完全的剖面。陆相层型可以“单位层型”与“界线层型”建立并举,有条件的地质断代还是要重视建立“界线层型”。生物地层学研究一定要以恢复演化谱系或发生序列为基础,界线化石标志应该选在其“首现”层位。“陆相层型”的建立应强调多学科、多门类、多方法的综合研究。  相似文献   

蒸发岩与油气生成、保存的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
油气与蒸发岩共生的现象揭示蒸发岩与油气的生成、保存及成藏具有密切关系。从油气生成条件看,细菌、藻类及咸水盆地底层的岩性对油气的生成具有重要作用,此外红层中的粘土对烃类的生成起到催化的作用,碱金属可使生成的烃类发生流动;从有机质的保存条件看,蒸发岩盆地水体中具有密度分层的特点,在高密度层以下的沉积物具有强的氧化还原电位,从而使有机质保存下来。蒸发岩往往与油气共生,形成多种形式的成藏模式,我国东濮凹陷、济阳坳陷深水成因的蒸发岩实例,均已揭示了蒸发岩地区油气勘探的巨大潜力。  相似文献   

以板块构造演化为基础,利用地震、地质等资料,再现南大西洋两岸共轭型被动陆缘盆地原型盆地形成演化过程。首次依据盆地结构差异及沉积充填特征,将研究区被动陆缘盆地进一步划分为“三段”“四类”;结合对已发现大油气田的解剖,搞清了每类盆地大油气田成藏规律,并分别建立了其大油气田成藏模式。认为两岸“三段”“四类”盆地都经过了早期陆内裂谷、过渡期陆间裂谷及漂移期被动陆缘三个原型阶段。南段为下伏裂谷层系比较发育的“断陷型”盆地,上覆坳陷沉积厚度较薄,仅作为区域盖层,形成“裂谷层系构造地层型”大油气田。中段为裂谷、坳陷层系都比较发育且过渡阶段有盐的“含盐断坳型”盆地,以过渡期陆间裂谷盐岩充填为特征,其上、下的漂移期海相及裂谷期湖相页岩均可形成有效烃源岩,海相页岩及盐岩分别作为优质盖层,形成了“盐下碳酸盐岩盐上重力流扇体型”大油气田。北段为裂谷层系分布范围小、坳陷沉积范围广且厚度大的“坳陷型”盆地,受 “窄”陆棚、“陡”陆坡控制,坳陷层系重力流扇体自始至终比较发育,源于坳陷层系下部海相页岩中的油气直接充注于本身内部裙边状分布的重力流复合扇体之中,形成“漂移期重力流扇体群型”大油气田。另外,研究区还发育尼日尔、福斯杜亚马逊、佩罗塔斯三个具有独特构造沉积特征的 “三角洲型”被动陆缘盆地,其特殊性体现在三角洲层系由于沉积速率极高,从陆向海形成生长断裂带-泥岩底辟带-逆冲断裂褶皱带-平缓斜坡带四大环状构造带。除了前三角洲层系可以作为有效烃源岩之外,本身也可以形成自生自储自盖型组合,形成独特的“四大环状构造带型”大油气田,即在由陆向海生长断裂带-泥岩底辟带-逆冲断裂褶皱带-平缓斜坡带四大环状构造带上都可以形成大油气田。  相似文献   

“泥河湾层”的古地磁学初步研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
自本世纪二十年代以来,中外的地质和古生物学者曾对桑干河谷两岸出露的所谓“泥河湾层”进行过不少工作。1954年我国地质界正式提出把“泥河湾层”划归早更新世,从此“泥河湾层”就成为我国华北地区这一时期的标准地层。  相似文献   

The mid‐Permian Nippewalla Group of Kansas consists of bedded evaporites, red‐bed siliciclastics and grey siliciclastics deposited in a non‐marine environment. Lithologies and sedimentary features indicate lacustrine and aeolian deposition, subaerial exposure and palaeosol formation. Grey siliciclastic mudstones characterized by planar and convolute laminations, ostracods, peloids and plant material represent a freshwater‐brackish perennial lake facies. Bedded anhydrites containing gypsum‐crystal pseudomorphs, clastic anhydrite grains and grey mud drapes and partings suggest deposition in saline lakes. Bedded halites consist of chevron and cumulate crystals, dissolution surfaces and pipes and mudcracked microcrystalline salt crusts, which were deposited in saline pans dominated by flooding, evaporative concentration and desiccation. Chaotic halite, composed of red‐bed mudstone and siltstone with displacive halite crystals, formed in saline mudflats. Red‐bed mudstone and siltstone with little or no displacive halite, but with abundant cracking, root and plant features, suggest deposition in a dry mudflat. Red‐bed sandstone, composed of well‐sorted, well‐rounded quartz grains cemented with halite, indicate aeolian and rare shallow‐water deposition. Most deposition took place in halite‐dominated ephemeral saline lakes surrounded by saline and dry mudflats, sandflats and sand dunes. Evaporation, desiccation, flooding and wind played significant roles in this environment. The Nippewalla Group siliciclastics and evaporites represent an evolution from a perennial lacustrine system to a non‐marine, acidic saline pan system in the mid‐continent of North America. The problem of distinguishing between ancient marine and non‐marine evaporites, as well as recognizing those evaporites deposited in acid settings, with detailed field, core and petrographical study of both evaporite deposits and associated sedimentary rocks has successfully been addressed. In addition, interpretations of mid‐Permian palaeoclimate data in the form of short‐term air temperature proxies within longer‐term wet–dry trends have been made. These data provide a new palaeogeographic and palaeoclimatic model for the mid‐Permian of western Pangaea.  相似文献   

The widespread and dissected nature of the Angolan gypsiferous salt residuals offers a uniquely detailed view of the lateral and vertical relations inherent to secondary evaporite textures, which typify exhumed salt masses worldwide. Such secondary textures are sometimes misinterpreted as primary evaporite textures. Thin, metre‐scale and patchy, dome‐like gypsum accumulations are well‐exposed within strongly incised present‐day river valleys along the eastern margin of the Namibe and Benguela basins (south‐west Angola). These sections are time equivalent to the main basinward subsurface evaporites (Aptian Loeme Formation) which mostly consist of halite. The gypsum (here called the Bambata Formation) is interpreted to represent the final residual product of fractional dissolution and recrystallization of the halite mass that occurred during Late Cretaceous margin uplift and continues today. This halite underwent multiple episodes of diagenetic alteration between its deposition and its final exhumation, leading to the formation of various secondary gypsum fabrics and solution‐related karst and breccia textures that typify the current evaporite outcrop. Four different diagenetic gypsum fabrics are defined: thinly bedded alabastrine, nodular alabastrine, displacive selenite rosettes and fibrous satin‐spar gypsum. Current arid conditions are responsible for a thin weathered crust developed at the top of the outcropping gypsum, but the fabrics in the main core of the current at‐surface evaporite unit mostly formed during the telogenetic stage of uplift prior to complete subaerial exposure. Alteration occurred as various dissolving and rehydrating saline minerals encountered shallow aquifers in the active phreatic and vadose zones. Geomorphological and petrographic analyses, mostly based on the cross‐cutting relations and crystallographic patterns in the outcrop, are used to propose a sequence of formation of these different fabrics.  相似文献   

The salt assemblages precipitated during evaporation of concentrated brine collected from Gasikule Salt Lake (GSL) were studied to better understand the formation of potassium deposits in the Qaidam Basin. The study included isothermal evaporation at 25 °C in the laboratory and solar evaporation in the ponds at GSL field. Brines increased in density and became moderately acidic (pH?≈?5.30) while major ion geochemistry and precipitate mineralogy all showed broad agreement between both systems. Four salt assemblages were identified in the isothermal evaporation experiment: halite?→?halite?+?hexahydrite?→?halite?+?bischofite?+?carnallite?→?bischofite. Alternately, three salt assemblages were recognized in the solar evaporation: halite?→?halite?+?epsomite?+?carnallite?→?halite?+?carnallite?+?bischofite. The key difference in salt assemblages between the two systems is attributed to differences in relative humidity and temperature conditions. Although the GSL has deep spring inflow recharge, the high abundance of MgSO4 salts demonstrates that the salt assemblages are similar to normal seawater evaporation. Thus, different proportions of deep spring inflow and river water could form both MgSO4-deficient potassium evaporite and normal seawater potassium evaporites. Therefore, nonmarine water may form diverse potassium evaporite deposits in continental basins when the geological structure as well as hydrogeological and climatic conditions is appropriate.  相似文献   

The Khorat Plateau on the Indochina Terrane is known to have formed during the closure of the Tethys Ocean, although the origin of its potash mineral deposits is a topic of current debate. Data from a borehole on Savannakhet Basin is used in this study to re-define the evaporation processes of the study area. Geochemical analyses of halite from various borehole-derived evaporite strata have elucidated the fluid sources from which these ores formed. Measured δ11 B indicated that ore deposits formed primarily due to evaporation of seawater, although non-marine fluids affected the later stages of the evaporation process. Fluctuations in B and Br concentrations in carnallite-and sylvite-rich strata indicate the influence of fresh water. Boron concentration in carnallite unit indicated the influence of hydrothermal fluids. From the relative timings of these various fluid influxes, the evolution of these evaporates can be divided into four stages:(1) an initial marine evaporation at the beginning of the deposit's formation, where seawater(and minor fresh water) trapped on the uplifted Khorat Plateau produced sediments and salts with Br contents lower than those of normal marine-derived evaporites;(2) a transgression stage, where seawater recharged the basin;(3) a hydrothermal infiltration stage, which was coeval with the late Yanshan movement; and(4) a stage of fresh water supply, as recorded by fluctuations in B and Br contents, inferring intermittent fresh water influx into the basin. Thus, although evaporites on the Savannakhet Basin primarily formed via marine evaporation, they were also influenced to a significant degree by the addition of non–marine fresh water and hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

Marine‐connected basins with evaporites occur beneath most extensional continental margins that originated at low‐latitudes and often are of major economic significance. Cyclicity in the evaporite lithofacies reflects the degree of restriction of the basin, overprinted by sea‐level changes, and caused by structural movements in the barrier region, whether by fault‐block rotation, footwall uplift or hanging wall subsidence, in both extensional and compressional basins. The Upper Triassic evaporites of the Ramon section in southern Israel model cyclic sedimentation in such environments. The Mohilla Formation is a carbonate–evaporate–siliciclastic succession of Carnian age that fills a chain of basins extending along the Levant margin from southern Israel to Jordan and Syria. The basins developed in half‐grabens adjacent to normal faults that formed during a period of regional extension. Evaporites of this formation are well‐exposed in outcrops at Makhtesh Ramon, the southernmost of these basins. The M2 Member of the Mohilla Formation is composed of 42 sub‐metre cycles of alternating dolostone, gypsum and calcareous shales. Field and microfacies analysis showed these cycles to conform mostly to restricted shallow and marginal marine environments, spatially limited by the uplifted shoulders of the half‐graben systems. A total of 10 facies types belonging to six depositional environments have been identified. From stacking patterns and analysis of bed to bed change, cycles can be categorized into three groupings: (i) low frequency exposure to exposure cycles that developed under eustatic or climate control; (ii) high frequency deepening/shallowing‐upward cycles, characterized by gradual transitions due to short‐term sea‐level or runoff‐event oscillations possibly referable to orbital forcing; and (iii) high frequency shallowing‐upward cycles, characterized by abrupt transitions, attributable to sporadic tectonic events affecting accommodation space or barrier effectiveness. The way facies and cycling of the sedimentary environments was deciphered in the Mohilla evaporite basin can be used to unravel the genesis of many other evaporite basins with barriers of tectonic origin.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地中央古隆起东侧奥陶系是海相固体钾盐矿的重要靶区。本文在岩心、测井和地震等资料的基础上,开展了该地区马家沟组中组合(马五~5~马五~(10)亚段)的沉积微相、蒸发岩分布、蒸发岩形成机制和保存条件研究。结果表明:马家沟组中组合总体为局限台地环境,可进一步划分出潮坪、潮缘滩、外潟湖、内潟湖等沉积微相,各微相沿古隆起呈环带状展布,内潟湖是含钾蒸发岩的主要形成环境;内潟湖沉积具有明显的旋回性,马五~6、马五~8、马五~(10)时期为海退蒸发环境,以蒸发岩和白云岩为主,马五~5、马五~7、马五~9时期为海侵环境,以灰岩为主;海退期,向心浓缩作用形成了大型米脂蒸发盐盆,进一步在"深水成盐"机制下沉积了大量厚层含钾蒸发岩系;岩溶地貌与含钾蒸发岩系分布的关系表明含钾蒸发岩系主体分布于岩溶盆地内幕。印支期岩溶作用的强度和深度分析进一步显示古岩溶作用在岩溶盆地范围内基本未破坏到马家沟组中组合的含钾蒸发岩系,具备了钾盐矿的沉积和保存条件。  相似文献   

据记载,分布于上扬子区寒武系的石膏岩仅有零星资料。如今,大量蒸发岩如溶蚀角砾岩、硬石膏、石盐岩及富钾卤水等已被发现。沉积相经历了从盆地相、台地相到蒸发岩相的演化过程。在中、下寒武统中找到海退沉积序列。古构造-古地理背景是蒸发岩沉积的重要控矿条件之一。周边板块运动及塑性基底的褶皱,导致台缘隆起及台内坳陷的形成。岩相古地理图展示从碳酸盐、硫酸盐到氯化物盐类的“泪滴式”沉积相带。蒸发岩沉积于台缘隆起及礁生长进入堰塞潟湖至盐湖阶段。在稳定坳陷区沉积盆地中蒸发岩系发育;石盐岩较厚,其溴氯比值为0.2—0.4;古气候炎热、干燥;在蒸发岩体周围有沉积(封层)水及溶滤水,其含钾(K~+)量为0.10—4.76g/L;水文地球化学比值(如钾氯比值、钾盐比值及钾溴比值等)指示含钾异常;盐湖浓缩卤水达到氯化物盐类沉积阶段及相应的构造封闭程度;含盐地质标志广泛分布等等。鉴于上述,估计该区可能具备钾盐成矿条件。然而目的层埋藏太深,因此笔者建议,应在浅埋部位进行有效的成矿预测,为普查指出远景区。  相似文献   

全球性的构造运动末期一般伴着海退和干旱的气候环境,而蒸发岩沉积与大地构造条件紧密相关。中亚卡拉库姆盆地、阿富汗_塔吉克盆地、塔里木盆地自晚侏罗世至中新世以来至少发生了3次大规模海侵_海退旋回,每次海侵_海退均受特提斯构造事件控制。卡拉库姆盆地、阿富汗_塔吉克盆地为晚侏罗世—早白垩世蒸发岩沉积、塔里木盆地的莎车次级盆地为晚白垩世—古新世蒸发岩沉积,库车次级盆地为古新世—中新世蒸发岩沉积,形成特提斯构造域自西向东蒸发岩沉积时代逐渐变新的盐湖链。中亚及塔里木盐湖链在海侵_海退旋回的控制下,至少发生5次大规模的蒸发岩沉积,发育2种不同的蒸发岩沉积序列,分别对应3次海退期蒸发岩沉积序列及2次断续海侵期蒸发岩沉积序列,具体为晚侏罗世晚期(海退期)卡拉库姆盆地、阿富汗_塔吉克盆地蒸发岩沉积;早白垩世—晚白垩世早期(断续海侵期)阿富汗_塔吉克盆地蒸发岩沉积;晚白垩世晚期(海退期)莎车次级盆地蒸发岩沉积;古新世—中新世(断续海侵期)莎车次级盆地、库车次级盆地蒸发岩沉积;中新世晚期—上新世早期(海退期)库车次级盆地蒸发岩沉积。塔里木与中亚古盐湖发育受控于特提斯构造事件及海侵_海退旋回,而海侵_海退旋回又控制2种不同的蒸发岩沉积序列。蒸发岩沉积序列、古盐湖演化阶段、蒸发岩物质来源、沉积环境决定了盐类矿物沉积类型(单一化学岩型、陆缘碎屑岩_化学岩型),卡拉库姆盆地、阿富汗_塔吉克盆地盐类矿物与塔里木盆地相比,种类简单,反映了盆地化学岩与陆源碎屑_化学岩沉积的区别及后期构造运动对盐类矿物种类的主控作用。  相似文献   

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