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腕足壳体与碳酸盐岩全岩中碳、氧、锶同位素差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用碳酸盐岩中的地球化学信息反演是研究地质历史时期古环境、古气候变化的一种常用手段.上世纪八十年代前,学术界一直将碳酸盐岩全岩样品作为研究对象.近年来,腕足化石壳体引起了科学家的注意,认为相比碳酸盐岩全岩样品,腕足壳体能更为完好地保存原始的地球化学信息.研究通过对比四川龙门山泥盆纪腕足化石和碳酸盐岩全岩样品中碳、氧、锶同位素(黄思静、卢长武等人数据),发现腕足化石中氧同位素明显高于碳酸盐岩全岩;但碳、锶同位素基本一致.上述结果表明:相比腕足化石,碳酸盐岩全岩样品蕴含的地球化学信息虽有所差异,但在大多数情况下,尤其是缺乏腕足化石的时期,碳酸盐岩全岩蕴含的地球化学信息照样可以反演地质历史时期的古环境变化,尤其是碳、锶同位素.  相似文献   

湖相沉积物有机地球化学在古环境研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苗忠英  郑绵平  张震  毛立全  王晶 《矿床地质》2014,33(5):1108-1116
湖相沉积物中的有机质蕴含着丰富的地球化学信息,是古环境研究中必要的基础资料之一。文章综述了近年来湖相沉积物有机地球化学在古环境研究中的应用,结果表明:1在应用有机地球化学信息探讨古环境时,首先要根据有机质组成特征区分其来源,不同来源的有机质,其地球化学特征存在差异;2有机质碳同位素(δ13Corg)是研究古气候变化的常用指标,在区分暖湿、暖干、冷湿、冷干气候类型时需结合沉积物中总有机质丰度(TOC)、总有机氮丰度(TN)、自生碳酸盐氧同位素(δ18O)等资料;3脂肪酸不饱和度可作为恢复古环境温度的定性指标,UK37和UK37'在定量恢复古湖水表层温度中有较好的应用效果,TEX86有望应用在古湖水表层温度的重建;4生物标志化合物可较好地区分沉积物中有机质的来源、沉积水体的盐度及氧化还原性。可见,有机地球化学是研究古环境常用且有效的技术手段,多项有机地球化学参数相互验证能够更精确地重建古环境并预测其演化趋势。  相似文献   

古海洋研究中的地球化学新指标   总被引:30,自引:4,他引:30  
有机地球化学与微量元素地球化学古环境指标及其相关的同位素指标已成为追溯古全球变化与古海洋生物地球化学演化的有力工具。从古环境替代指标的示踪原理和应用的角度,综述了有孔虫碳同位素、有机地球化学整体指标、生物标志化合物、单体有机分子同位素、微量元素等在古海洋古环境研究中的应用及相关的研究动态与进展。指出古海洋研究正从以恢复古海洋的物理参数(温度、盐度、古洋流等)为主,向着揭示古水团演化、古生产力、古营养状况、碳贮库及碳循环等古生物地球化学演化过程方向纵深发展。  相似文献   

微量元素锶及其同位素的地球化学研究与应用前景   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
锶元素的浓度和同位素组成在自然界的碳酸盐、水体和生物体中有很大的变化范围,这种变率和定量的相关性可能是沉积速率、介质环境、矿物结晶体生长机制和生物聚集或选择吸收作用的函数。随着测量分析技术的提高,以及锶元素含量和同位素组成变化的地球化学理论模式的逐步完善,锶元素和同位素组成的地球化学特征成为研究水文循环、碳酸盐成岩作用机制、以及由此引出的古环境评价和现代环境的监测与示踪等方面的重要工具。主要介绍了锶元素及其同位素在以上各方面的研究进展及其应用前景。  相似文献   

利用1∶200 000地球化学数据,从整个成矿地球化学环境的角度出发,最大限度地开发、挖掘三十九种化学元素中每个元素以及元素组合所蕴含的矿化信息,为成矿远景区预测提供更加翔实的地球化学依据,是地球化学工作者的研究任务之一。MAPGIS功能强大,其地图库管理模块为多幅1∶200 000地球化学异常图的拼接提供了技术支持。这里论述了1∶200 000地球化学数据的特征和MAPGIS的地图库管理的功能,并记述了在实际工作中应用MAPGIS的地图库管理对多幅1∶200 000地球化学异常图的拼接,实现了对1∶200 000地球化学数据的另一种应用方式。  相似文献   

缺氧沉积环境是一种能够提供多种类型矿化定位的特殊沉积环境。缺氧环境判识指标包括岩石、古生物和地球化学三方面。在缺氧环境的研究中,地球化学指标如矿物、微量元素、同位素和有机地球化学指标最为重要。因受地质历史中诸多因素的影响,地球化学指标具有一定的多解性和局限性,故只有多项参数综合应用才可更为准确地进行环境分析。  相似文献   

缺氧沉积环境的地球化学标志   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
王争鸣 《甘肃地质》2003,12(2):55-58
缺氧沉积环境是一种能够提供多种类型矿化定位的特殊沉积环境。缺氧环境判识指标包括岩石、古生物和地球化学三方面。在缺氧环境的研究中,地球化学指标如矿物、微量元素、同位素和有机地球化学指标最为重要。因受地质历史中诸多因素的影响,地球化学指标具有一定的多解性和局限性,故只有多项参数综合应用才可更为准确地进行环境分析。  相似文献   

元素地球化学方法被广泛应用于沉积学研究,保存的古环境、古生态信息可通过多种指标进行释读。本文总结了主量元素、微量元素、稀土元素、同位素和有机地球化学等在沉积学研究中应用相对比较成熟的环境代用指标及其地质意义,认为这些指标在示踪形成构造环境、古气候、古生态、物源区、沉积介质条件等方面具有有效的指示作用;不同指标对剥蚀区和沉积区的古气候指示意义差别较大,需加以甄别;因表生地质环境的复杂性,古环境解释中需注意指标的局限性,应根据研究对象选择多个指标并结合其他沉积学、岩石学特征进行综合验证。  相似文献   

遥感生物地球化学找金矿方法研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
总结了金矿的生物地球化学性质、植物的生物地球化学效应特征以及其波谱和遥感影像特征,以及利用遥感图像处理提取生物地球化学效应引起的植被光谱异常信息的专题信息提取方法。研究表明,在金矿区上生长的植物对金及伴生元素有较强的吸收和聚积作用,植物明显受到生物地球化学效应的毒化作用;金及伴生元素的过量吸收,使植物叶片中的叶绿素、类胡萝卜素含量、水含量和叶面温度相应降低;植物叶片细胞结构发生变异,叶冠波谱反射率和波形等光谱特征明显变化;在遥感图像上,金矿区的植被表现出异常特征信息。这些信息可以作为在植被区寻找隐伏矿床的遥感生物地球化学找矿的标志。利用遥感生物地球化学的理论和技术方法,从遥感数据中分析金矿的植被图像特征,提取与金矿化有关的植被异常特征信息,可以优先出金矿化遥感异常区,并列举了几个应用实例。同时,指出了需加强该领域的理论和应用研究,为广大植被覆盖地区寻求一种快速有效的探矿方法。  相似文献   

简要回顾了国内外有关2.5Ma.以来古气候环境演变代用指标的理论及其应用研究成果,对磁化率、孢粉、δ^13C、粒度、地球化学及分形等气候环境代用指标作了重点评述,并对古土壤磁化率增强的物理机制和δ^13C恢复古环境的理论基础作了初步分析,以及在此基础上对今后的研究趋势进行了探讨。  相似文献   

V. Straskraba 《GeoJournal》1983,7(5):445-452
In certain circumstances, ground-water causes geotechnical problems and can be considered a nuisance rather than a blessing. The cases where ground-water creates considerable complications include construction, tunneling, mining, landslides, and land subsidence. The development of hydrogeology as a science has proved over the years to substantially reduce the severe problems and disasterous problems caused by ground-water.  相似文献   

Plots of the C-27, C-28 and C-29 sterol contents of marine plankton, higher plants, soils, and lacustrine and marine sediments form discrete areas in a triangular diagram. Because the positions of these plots of the various samples are relatable to biological sources, sterol analyses may be used to define ecological systems.  相似文献   

Nations are first of all political regions. Their significance as economic regions derives from the political regulation of economic affairs. Never have such regulations been more pervasive, complex, and economically disruptive than in the 20th century. Politicians seek to extend their power over the subjects whom they govern as well as the power of their nation over other nations. In liberal democratic nations, politicians frequently respond to appeals for protection from economic hardship, thereby courting the favor of those whom they protect. In nations with centrally planned economies, the power of politicians rests on the implementation of ideological doctrines incompatible with open national borders. Politicians of any nation, reluctant to use the military arsenal at their command for fear that an armed conflict may escalate into a nuclear holocaust, may resort to economic warfare instead. All such policies contribute to the economically disruptive nature of national boundaries.  相似文献   

Rowland P. Moss 《Geoforum》1979,10(3):223-233
The paper attempts a preliminary exploration of some of the issues raised if we choose to account geography a “science”. The inherent equivocation of the notion of “science” is first examined, and the methodological implications are emphasised, leading into a brief consideration of inductivism and deductivism; it is concluded that deductivism, despite some valid questions which hang over it, represents the more secure methodological framework, and some of the implications of this conclusion for geographical study in general are explored. The importance of deductivism in physical geography is then considered, and the special problems of human geography are also examined, notably the significance of human volition and of value judgments in social, economic and cultural geography. The methodological implications of human perception are also reviewed. Regional geography is then briefly evaluated, and the possibilities of applying techniques of systems analysis to its problems are developed, viewing these techniques as a special phase of scientific method. Some issues relating to the notion of causality are then raised, with special reference to the crucial distinctions between the notion of causality in natural science and the related concept in historical study, and, by extension, in certain aspects of geography also. The paper concludes with a brief evaluation of the quantitative movement in geography, paying particular attention to the role of mathematics in science in general and in geography in particular.  相似文献   

When a tsunami wave series approaches and interacts with a coast, the consequent passage shorewards of great volumes of water and their invasion of the land, especially within bays and up river valleys, results in the disturbance of existing sediment and the removal seawards of land debris and coastal and shallow‐water marine sediments. Tsunami action builds up sequences of peculiar sediments in shallow water; it at least assists in the formation and maintenance of submarine canyons and, through them, produces turbidity currents of a particularly powerful kind. Tsunami action may explain many puzzling sedimentary phenomena, for example, sudden and drastic changes in near‐shore bathymetry; the formation of chaotic sediments such as some paraconglomerates and edgewise conglomerates. It offers solutions to problems arising from the study of turbiditic sequences, both modern and ancient.  相似文献   

Corals are animals living in shallow seas (where they may form coral reefs) or in the deep sea. Because they fossilize well, these stones inform us in detail about the geological past; not only about the history of the Earth as a whole (rotation, tectonics, sea-level changes), but also about past local environmental conditions in the sea. Joint research of marine biology and marine geology can therefore solve many questions about our changing world, and can be used to discover what factors cause deterioration of living coral reefs.  相似文献   

水泥土复合式围护结构的位移内力计算与性状分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
将一种新型的复合式围护结构-水泥土复合式围护结构的位移分解为刚性位移和弹性挠曲,讨论了两种位以及内力的分析计算方法,并以一个工程实例为基础讨论了水泥土复合式围护结构的各种工作 状,指出各设计要素的选择需要优化,各设计要素之间还要满足协调性的要求。  相似文献   

仙岭水库土坝渗流稳定分析及除险加固措施   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
胡强  佘成学 《岩土力学》2004,25(3):503-506
根据湖南省仙岭水库的地质勘探资料,利用有限元进行计算分析,弄清了大坝的渗流情况,分析了大坝存在的渗漏和渗透变形问题,并提出了除险加固的措施,经过计算分析说明:所提出的措施是合理可靠的,所得出的结论可为同类土坝的安全鉴定、加固以及今后土坝设计、施工和管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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