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郑安兴  罗先启 《岩土力学》2015,36(7):1892-1898
考虑岩石闭合裂纹壁面间存在的摩擦力对裂纹尖端应力场的影响,应用最大周向应力理论得到压剪复合裂纹的断裂角。在此基础上,依据岩石裂纹尖端双向受力时的破坏特征,结合最大周向应力准则与修正的格里菲斯(Griffith)强度理论,建立了考虑摩擦效应的闭合裂纹失稳扩展的岩石压剪断裂判据。研究结果表明:断裂角受裂纹和荷载方向的夹角、裂纹壁面之间的摩擦系数、侧压力系数的影响;当压剪裂纹的断裂角是某个定值时,纯II型裂纹的断裂韧度与纯I型裂纹的断裂韧度的比值只与岩石裂纹表面的摩擦系数取值有关,而与其他岩石力学参数无关。此研究成果可为压剪应力作用下裂隙岩体的失稳破坏提供参考。  相似文献   

蔡改贫  宣律伟  张雪涛  郭晋 《岩土力学》2020,41(6):1809-1817
岩石破碎过程涉及到多个变量(应力、应变和孔隙率等)变化和裂纹的产生、拓展和聚集,是研究岩石破碎机制的重要途径。为了克服现有研究中岩石颗粒模型未考虑岩石内部特征问题,针对岩石内部颗粒非均匀分布、聚集的特点,开展了岩石轴压破碎试验和岩石岩相分析试验,并在此基础上,构建符合真实岩石内部特征的多尺度内聚颗粒模型。根据离散元的颗粒黏结模型(BPM)理论,求解了多尺度内聚颗粒模型不同粒级颗粒间黏结键的力学关系,发现与二级颗粒形成的黏结键断裂判据为 ≥ 2 GPa,三级颗粒之间形成的黏结键断裂判据为 ≥ 6 GPa,并基于该判据建立了用于模拟颗粒模型破碎的演化模型。通过模拟轴压破碎试验,破碎演化模型可以从细观角度得到颗粒模型各颗粒间黏结键承受力的实时变化和岩石破碎过程中黏结键从外而内的断裂顺序;从宏观角度得到岩石内部裂纹呈V形从上表面两端延伸并相交于岩石中部。通过与岩石轴压破碎试验结果对比发现,模拟试验得到的岩石裂纹特征与岩石轴压破碎试验结果相似,验证模型的可靠性,实现了从细观和宏观角度分析岩石破碎过程。  相似文献   

夏成志  石振明  李博  郑鸿超  刘毛毛 《地球科学》2022,47(12):4469-4483
开发一种改进损伤框架的粒子流算法,被称为核断裂的光滑粒子流法(kernel?broken smoothed particle hydrodynamics,KBSPH),用于模拟地震条件下岩质边坡的裂纹扩展和变形破坏过程.在KBSPH中,提出一种改进的损伤框架,通过引入断裂标志来改进损伤粒子的核函数,使损伤粒子的虚拟应力键直接断裂,裂纹在断裂的应力键间生成,从而模拟岩石的裂纹扩展过程.在地震边界上采用了双层边界,将动力输入边界与黏滞边界分离.首先通过薄板振动实验验证KBSPH的动力特性.其次以单裂隙岩体单轴压缩试验验证KBSPH的断裂力学特性.最后模拟地震条件下多节理岩质边坡中裂纹扩展过程和动力响应.薄板振动实验验证了KBSPH的动力特性的准确性.单裂隙岩体单轴压缩试验,证明了KBSPH可以正确模拟预制裂隙尖端的翼型裂纹.通过对比以往数值模拟方法和现场案例,表明KBSPH正确揭示了加速度放大效应以及地震条件下岩质边坡的裂纹扩展过程.KBSPH避免了传统算法的网格畸变,损伤粒子应力分量重新分配的问题,降低了编程难度,提高了运行速率,可为SPH在地震条件下岩石力学中的应用和理解岩石断裂机理提供一定的参考.   相似文献   

岩石拉伸剪切破裂是一类特殊应力状态条件下的破裂形式,属于同时受垂直于破裂面的法向拉应力和平行于破裂面的剪应力作用的复合破裂模式。在研制的DSC-800电液伺服测控岩石拉伸剪切试验仪的基础上,进行了大量花岗闪长岩和砂岩的拉伸剪切试验,开展了配套的破裂断口三维激光扫描、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、岩石物理力学性质试验、颗粒流离散元(PFC)数值模拟等相关试验,利用分形理论研究了岩石拉剪破裂面特征,研究了岩石拉剪-压剪全区破裂准则、剪切速率对岩石拉剪破裂强度的影响,采用颗粒流离散元研究了岩石拉剪破裂过程。研究结论如下:(1)岩石拉剪破裂面的宏观与微观分形维数即粗糙度随着拉应力的增加而增大;(2)岩石的微观断裂形式是拉伸破坏和剪切破坏的结合。当拉应力较小时,岩石的微观断裂形式主要表现为剪切破坏,并且随着拉应力的增加,岩石的拉伸破坏形式表现得更加明显;(3)岩石在拉伸剪切区的破裂拉应力与剪应力成线性负相关关系,在拉伸剪切应力区的岩石破裂线斜率比压缩剪切区大,岩石在拉伸剪切应力条件下比压缩剪切应力条件下容易破裂;(4)在岩石拉伸剪切条件下,剪切速率与剪切强度成非线性反相关关系,随着剪切速率的增加,岩石拉剪破裂面粗糙度增加;(5)建立了岩石拉伸剪切PFC数值试验模型,模拟了岩石拉伸剪切破裂过程中的力链演化以及剪切速率对拉剪破裂面粗糙度的影响,获得了与实验室试验一致的结果。  相似文献   

陈芳  秦昊 《岩土力学》2011,32(3):941-945
大量的细观试验研究发现,岩石破坏主要是裂纹沿着岩石晶体颗粒边界的扩展造成的(沿晶断裂),裂纹沿弯折晶界的扩展则构成了不同材料边界上翼裂纹的扩展。基于以上细观试验结果,建立奇异单元的有限元模型,通过对节点位移的数值外插法,得到了岩石材料沿晶断裂翼裂纹应力强度因子,并研究了晶粒几何特征和材料非均质性(Dundurs参数)对裂纹扩展的影响。研究表明:在均质情况下,晶粒的几何形状在接近正六边形的情况下最适合裂纹扩展。随着非均质性的增强,各主翼裂纹比和晶粒几何角度所对应的KI值都要较均质模型的结果更高,最大的KI 所对应的晶粒的内角角度也有所增加。综合所有计算结果可以看出,岩石中晶粒的非均质程度越高,越利于岩石破裂。  相似文献   

华文  董世明  徐积刚 《岩土力学》2016,37(3):753-758
岩石断裂韧度表征其抵抗裂纹起裂和扩展的能力,作为其力学性能的一个重要指标,在岩石力学理论研究与岩体工程应用中有着不可替代的作用。由于岩石结构的复杂性,其破坏形式大多呈现为复合型断裂破坏,研究复合型加载条件下岩石断裂韧度具有重要的意义。为了研究锈岩的断裂力学性能,以便其在建筑工业中得到更为广泛的应用,通过18个中心裂纹圆盘(CSTBD)试件径向受压试验,进行了复合型加载条件下锈岩断裂韧度的试验研究。测得了锈岩在纯I型,纯II型以及复合型加载时的断裂韧度,并将试验结果与基于广义最大周向应力(GMTS)准则的理论值进行了对比分析,结果表明:锈岩的纯I型断裂韧度为1.01 MPa?m0.5,而纯II型断裂韧度为1.51 MPa?m0.5,是纯I型断裂韧度的1.49倍,这与基于GMTS准则的理论值1.34非常接近,而比基于最大周向应力(MTS)准则的理论值0.87大很多。裂纹尖端附近的T应力及断裂过程区裂纹尖端的临界距离rc对岩石类材料的开裂路径以及复合型断裂韧度都有较大的影响。考虑了T应力的广义最大周向应力(GMTS)准则能很好的预测试验结果。  相似文献   

唐世斌  黄润秋  唐春安 《岩土力学》2016,37(6):1521-1529
经典断裂判据在分析岩石起裂角度及强度时,往往只选择裂尖应力场展开式中的r1/2奇异应力项,而将高阶的O(r1/2)项以及非奇异应力项(T应力)忽略,造成理论预测并不能完全吻合实际的试验结果。在充分考虑非奇异应力项对裂纹扩展影响作用的基础上,利用最大周向应力判据重新研究了岩石类材料脆性破坏的I、II及I-II复合型裂纹扩展。研究结果表明:(1)纯I型裂纹状态下,T应力为负时(压缩),裂纹的扩展是稳定的;而当T 应力为正时(拉伸),只有当 ,裂纹才沿着裂纹方向扩展(经典断裂判据所预测的方向),而其他情况下裂纹的扩展将发生偏转;(2)纯II型裂纹时,不仅沿着裂纹方向的T应力影响起裂角度及强度,垂直裂纹面上的N应力也同样具有重要的影响作用;(3)对I-II型裂纹而言,修正后的最大周向应力准则与试验结果吻合良好,且正的T应力增大开裂角,而负的T应力降低开裂角。通过控制T应力的大小,可以对裂纹扩展方向加以控制,从而使得裂纹扩展偏离最危险的方向,最大地限度阻止或延缓结构整体断裂的发生。  相似文献   

采用国际岩石力学学会岩石断裂韧度建议测试方法(ISRM)[1]提出的V形切槽巴西圆盘试样(CCNBD),测试了一种泥质砂岩的I型断裂韧度值,给出了一套试样切割制备方案,从试验现象角度分析了该泥质砂岩的断裂力学特性,讨论了该试样类型的有效尺寸和断裂机制,并指出了该方法的特点和优劣性,得出如下结论:(1)该类岩石试样测得的I型断裂韧度值对CCNBD试样直径尺寸变化具有较大的敏感性,并且直径大于ISRM建议方法中最小有效直径(75 mm)的试样测试结果更为稳定;(2)CCNBD试样断裂机制表现为以拉张应力(间接拉伸)作用为主,兼有一定的韧带面内剪切作用的应力状态下I型裂纹扩展模式;(3)V形切槽巴西圆盘方法具有试样加工工艺简单、能承受较大临界载荷、测试的I型断裂韧度值较稳定等优点,但其没有考虑断裂过程区(FPZ)的非线性问题,建议对该方法进行非线性修正图解方案研究,以达到更准确测定岩石断裂韧度的目的。  相似文献   

陈旭光  张强勇  李术才  梅宇 《岩土力学》2013,34(11):3291-3298
通过轮廓法追踪岩石裂纹扩展轨迹,将其嵌入ABAQUS扩展有限元(EFE)平台,对单轴压力下裂隙试件受压过程进行了模拟验证,裂纹起裂扩展效果良好。以此为平台,将推导得到的弧形裂纹应力强度因子嵌入其中,以最大周向拉应力准则为开裂准则,认为当其大于岩体断裂韧度时,硐室围岩体内初始裂纹将开始扩展。在此基础上,以发现分区破裂现象的圆形隧道模型试验为背景开展了分区破裂的数值模拟试验。模拟结果发现,深部巷道围岩出现了3~4层破裂分区,证实深部巷道围岩存在分区破裂现象。将数值模拟结果与模型试验完成后模型围岩破坏状态对比,发现二者破裂区分布特征基本一致。数值模拟结果表明,EFEM方法在处理复杂岩体裂纹问题方面的有效性。  相似文献   

针对硬岩应力松弛特性及岩爆研究的不足,开展了低、中、高载荷下的循环加卸载直墙拱形巷(隧)道应力松弛过程试验,得出了应力松弛规律,建立了应力松弛模型,探讨了应力松弛机制。结果表明:在低载荷下的循环加卸载直墙拱形巷(隧)道应力松弛过程均呈现出迅速衰减、逐渐衰减和稳定3个演化阶段,应力松弛规律一致,但随着循环次数的增加,应力松弛时间放缓,应力衰减损失程度在降低;低载荷下的应力松弛过程是巷(隧)道围岩拉应力和压应力同时衰减的过程,内部没有损伤产生,整体未产生破裂;在中等载荷下的循环加卸载直墙拱形巷(隧)道围岩应力松弛过程同样呈现出迅速衰减、逐渐衰减和稳定3个演化阶段,随着循环次数的增加总体上呈现应力松弛时间放缓的趋势,最终同样表现为巷(隧)道围岩拉应力和压应力同时衰减的过程;与低载荷下相比,中等载荷下的应力松弛过程变慢,内部有损伤产生,但后续循环未导致围岩破坏;在高载荷下的直墙拱形巷(隧)道围岩呈现拉应力持续增加和压应力持续减小的过程,巷(隧)道持续损伤破裂,侧帮产生层爆,最终形成V型爆坑,整体呈现两次明显爆裂破坏;采用分数阶微积分理论来描述循环加卸载情况下的应力松弛过程,建立了分数阶模型即应...  相似文献   

以XY - 4型地质钻机为例 ,对常规异步电机驱动和交流变频调速驱动时的钻机能耗进行对比分析 ,结果表明 :后者能耗明显小于前者 ,证明钻机采用交流变频调速动力系统有显著的节能效果 ,为提高钻机性能、降低钻探成本提供了一个新的技术途径。  相似文献   

An energy approach is proposed as a complement to the stress approach commonly considered for investigating soil desiccation cracking. The elastic strain energies before and after crack initiation are estimated by both numerical and analytical solutions. The energy released by cracking is then compared with the fracture energy to discuss crack initiation conditions. This leads to combined energy and stress conditions for crack initiation following Leguillon's theory. An approximate analytical solution is derived from a variational formulation of the porous elastic body equations. A cohesive zone model and finite element code are used to simulate crack propagation in an unsaturated porous body. This analysis shows that the energy criterion is reached before the stress criterion, and this can explain unstable crack propagation at the beginning. The approximate analytical solution allows predicting correctly the crack depth and opening in its initiation stage.  相似文献   

锌是一种仅次于铜和铝的重要有色金属原材料,中国是全球第二大锌资源国,第一大消费国、生产国和进口国,锌对国民经济发展有着十分重要的意义.本文分析中国锌矿资源供需格局,目的是为了掌握国内锌矿资源开发利用现状,为未来的开发利用规划提供参考.本文采用最新数据资料,在系统梳理全球锌矿资源储量、产量、生产商以及消费等供需格局的情况下,建立3大开发利用指标,通过数学模型客观分析了中国锌矿资源形势.长期而言,全球锌矿资源将仍处于供不应求的紧缺状态,中国锌矿资源形势存在生产集中度小、锌储采比低以及锌产品进口集中度高等3大特点,从而说明中国锌资源未来形势并不乐观,需加大资源保障力度.  相似文献   

应力波对裂隙的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄理兴 《岩土力学》1985,6(2):89-97
强大的应力波冲击加载,能使完整介质发生变形,形成新的裂隙,导致破坏。而介质中原有的裂隙,除能提高破碎效率,还能吸收应力波的能量,使得应力波在传播过程中衰减。因此,研究应力波与裂隙的相互作用,对于研究岩石爆破机理、应力波传播规律以及波的反演--材料的动态特性等有着十分重要的意义。本文着重论述了应力波与裂隙的相互作用和裂隙对应力波传播的衰减影响,也综述了当前国内外对此所进行的模型计算和实验技术。  相似文献   

The shock of stress waves causes deformation in intact medium, the form of new cracks and finally the failure in the material. The preexisting cracks not only help increase fracture efficiency but also absorb the energy of the stress wave to induce a decay of its propagation. Therefore the study of interaction of Stress waves with cracks will greatly contribute to the interpretation of blasting mechanism, the stress wave propagation and the dynamic behaviour of material. Our emphasis is laid on interaction of stress wave with cracks, and the influence of cracks on attenuation of the wave propagation. A view is made of the current state of model calculation and experimental technique carried out in this field.  相似文献   

崔荣国 《地质与勘探》2018,54(6):1135-1140
随着全球经济的发展,能源消费不断增长。在全球的能源消费中,可再生能源占比不断提高,2017年占比为10.4%,成为能源消费的重要组成部分。全球可再生能源的利用中,水电处于主导地位,占6成以上;其次为风能,占比超过1成;太阳能和地热发展较晚,占比均不足1成。各国可再生能源利用水平不均,挪威、加拿大和巴西等国家的可再生资源已成为本国能源消费的主要来源之一。中国同样重视可再生能源的开发利用,2017年中国能源消费中可再生能源占比为11.8%,已超过天然气成为第三大能源消费来源。总之,随着可再生能源开发利用水平的不断提高,可再生能源在全球能源消费中的比重将进一步增加,将成为化石能源的重要替代资源。  相似文献   

Two-dimensional experiments investigating sediment transport and turbulence structure in sustained turbidity currents that cross breaks in slope are presented as analogue illustrations for natural flows. The results suggest that in natural flows, turbulence generation at slope breaks may account for increased sand transport into basins and that the formation of a hydraulic jump may not be necessary to explain features such as the occurrence of submarine plunge pools and the deposition of coarser-grained beds in the bottomsets of Gilbert-type fan deltas. Experimental flows were generated on 0°, 3°, 6° and 9° slopes of equal length which terminated abruptly on a horizontal bed. Two-component velocities were measured on the slope, at the slope break and downstream of the slope break. Flows were depositional and non-uniform, visibly slowing and thickening with distance downstream. One-dimensional continuous wavelet transforms of velocity time series were used to produce time-period variance maps. Peaks in variance were tested against a background red-noise spectrum at the 95% level; a significant period banding occurs in the cross-wavelet transform at the slope break, attributed to increased formation of coherent flow structures (Kelvin–Helmholtz billows). Variance becomes distributed at progressively longer periods and the shape of the bed-normal-velocity spectral energy distribution changes with distance downstream. This is attributed to a shift towards larger turbulent structures caused by wake stretching. Mean velocity, Reynolds shear stress and turbulent kinetic energy profiles illustrate the mean distribution of turbulence through the currents. A turbulent kinetic energy transfer balance shows that flow non-uniformity arises through the transfer of mean streamwise slowing to mean bed-normal motion through the action of Reynolds normal stresses. Net turbulence production through the action of normal stresses is achieved on steeper slopes as turbulence dissipation due to mean bed-normal motion is limited. At the slope break, an imbalance between the production and dissipation of turbulence occurs because of the contrasting nature of the wall and free-shear boundaries at the bottom and top of the flows, respectively. A rapid reduction in mean streamwise velocity predominately affects the base of the flows and steeper proximal slope flows have to slow more at the break in slope. The increased turbulent kinetic energy, limited bed-normal motion and strong mixing imposed by steep proximal slopes means rapid slowing enhances turbulence production at the break in slope by focusing energy into coherent flow structures at a characteristic period. Thus, mean streamwise slowing is transferred into turbulence production at the slope break that causes increased transport of sediment and a decrease in deposit mass downstream of the slope break. The internal effects of flow non-uniformity therefore can be separated from the external influence of the slope break.  相似文献   

杨闯  王祝文  向旻  刘菁华 《世界地质》2015,34(3):825-829
为验证Choi-Williams能量分布时频分析方法的有效性,将其引入阵列声波测井信号处理之中。结果表明,它对于裂缝性地层具有较好的区分和识别能力,并且可以有效地抑制多频率成分信号的交叉性干扰,清晰地得到声波测井信号的时频分布性能及其特征。对于致密性地层来说,声波测井信号的各组分波均无明显的衰减。对于裂缝性地层来说,斯通利波能量会有较大幅度的衰减;破碎度更好,渗透性越好的裂缝对斯通利波的衰减影响更大;横波的衰减在渗透性更好的裂缝中更加明显。  相似文献   

With many inhabited islands only at about 1 m above mean sea level, the Maldives is among the nations most threatened by coastal flooding and sea level rise. However, the understanding of recent coastal flood events in the Maldives is limited and is important to understanding future flood threats. This paper assesses (1) the sea level and wave climate of the Maldives, (2) the sea level and wave conditions during recent coastal flood events, and (3) the implications for flood management and future research. The analysis uses observed still water levels (1987–2015) and hindcast wave conditions (1979–2015). Two significant flood events on 10–13 April 1987 and 15–17 May 2007 are examined in detail. This shows that coastal flooding in the Maldives occurs due to multiple interacting sources. These include long-period (up to 20 s) energetic waves generated in the Southern Ocean combined with spring tides. Wave run-up (mainly wave set-up) appears an essential mechanism for a flood, but is currently poorly quantified. However, as sea levels continue to rise the conditions that produce a flood will occur more frequently, suggesting that flooding will become common in the Maldives. This analysis is a starting point for future research and highlights the need to continue research on flood sources, pathways and receptors, and plan adaptation measures. Priorities include monitoring of waves, sea levels and flood events, and a better understanding of set-up (and other shallow water processes over reefs).  相似文献   

We propose a numerical method that couples a cohesive zone model (CZM) and a finite element‐based continuum damage mechanics (CDM) model. The CZM represents a mode II macro‐fracture, and CDM finite elements (FE) represent the damage zone of the CZM. The coupled CZM/CDM model can capture the flow of energy that takes place between the bulk material that forms the matrix and the macroscopic fracture surfaces. The CDM model, which does not account for micro‐crack interaction, is calibrated against triaxial compression tests performed on Bakken shale, so as to reproduce the stress/strain curve before the failure peak. Based on a comparison with Kachanov's micro‐mechanical model, we confirm that the critical micro‐crack density value equal to 0.3 reflects the point at which crack interaction cannot be neglected. The CZM is assigned a pure mode II cohesive law that accounts for the dependence of the shear strength and energy release rate on confining pressure. The cohesive shear strength of the CZM is calibrated by calculating the shear stress necessary to reach a CDM damage of 0.3 during a direct shear test. We find that the shear cohesive strength of the CZM depends linearly on the confining pressure. Triaxial compression tests are simulated, in which the shale sample is modeled as an FE CDM continuum that contains a predefined thin cohesive zone representing the idealized shear fracture plane. The shear energy release rate of the CZM is fitted in order to match to the post‐peak stress/strain curves obtained during experimental tests performed on Bakken shale. We find that the energy release rate depends linearly on the shear cohesive strength. We then use the calibrated shale rheology to simulate the propagation of a meter‐scale mode II fracture. Under low confining pressure, the macroscopic crack (CZM) and its damaged zone (CDM) propagate simultaneously (i.e., during the same loading increments). Under high confining pressure, the fracture propagates in slip‐friction, that is, the debonding of the cohesive zone alternates with the propagation of continuum damage. The computational method is applicable to a range of geological injection problems including hydraulic fracturing and fluid storage and should be further enhanced by the addition of mode I and mixed mode (I+II+III) propagation. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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